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Fandom Star Wars: The Grey Wars

@Veirrianna Valentine yes, I was actually hoping for less force focused characters, which makes your character very unique atm, and probably my favorite out of the rp from an originality standpoint. I'm going to PM you, I kind of want to collab an intro with you. (you've posted twice while I was writing up this post lolol) if you want to make two characters that is fine, BUT I'd prefer it if you had a force character for the next to not be force (considering the nature of your character, you can have either)

Also @Guydaguy I'm going to PM you some edits for your character before you get your final CS up, so you don't have to go back and make them. It relates to your background.

Also, I forgot @AntiMatter was applying for an apprentice position. His CS needs improvement, but the position might be his, and we should be fine.
I'm afraid I'll need to drop out, sorry. Exams coming up and I don't think I'm ready for an RP like this. I'll leave the apprentice to someone who can use it better.
@Veirrianna Valentine, the Chistori only have an average height of 6'2" which leads me to wonder if you're submitting a character of 9.5 feet just to one up me. Whether or not that was the intention, you're kinda stealing my thunder here.
Squee said:
@Veirrianna Valentine, the Chistori only have an average height of 6'2" which leads me to wonder if you're submitting a character of 9.5 feet just to one up me. Whether or not that was the intention, you're kinda stealing my thunder here.
Sitheil's height was actually a nod towards the formerly canonical understanding that the force could alter beings on a physical scale, such as the Rancors raised by the Dathomirian Nightsisters during the reign of the New Republic(Which were much larger than the norm) and the like. We all know the darkside can corrupt how people look, giving them a ghostly or frightful appearance, but it often times went further than that provided you read enough of the Legends Expanded Universe. That Said I can drop him a few inches if you'd like and put them on a closer scale.
One of Torr's main appeal to me as a character is his unique size. If his size isn't going to be unique, I may as well be playing a human. I have an apprentice character who I was equally tempted to submit—I had a hard time choosing between the two and ended up going with Korr because Aku said there were two master positions open and only one apprentice. If Sitheil had been on the table at that point, I would have submitted my apprentice.
The irony is that Sitheil is an apprentice here. Besides, having two large characters isn't necessarily a bad thing, and as I said, if you want me to put him at a closer height to Korr Ran, I will. I mean 8'8"-8'10" isn't a big deal, and the mainstay behind his height was that it would make for an interesting dynamic to have a Light Side Chistori who literally looks entirely built and expected to be a fearsome darkside warrior. I felt it was an interesting disparity.

I did the same thing but on an inverse with Mia, my mercenary Farghul.
I can appreciate your perspective on that potential dynamic, but it would not be as fun for me. So I'll try to be a little clearer... If another character in the 8-foot range or higher is accepted, I will respectfully withdraw Korr and consider my apprentice. If there are no apprentice spots left, I will think of something else.

I'm not trying to say you can't submit Sitheil as is. If you really want to play him as tall as Korr or taller, you can. I'm just saying that Korr will no longer be my first choice of character at that point. So it's up to you, I'd be happy to play someone else.
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Squee said:
I can appreciate your perspective on that potential dynamic, but it would not be as fun for me. So I'll try to be a little clearer... If another character in the 8-foot range is accepted, I will respectfully withdraw Korr and consider my apprentice. If there are no apprentice spots left, I will think of something else.
But there's no reason to respond in such an extreme way. Regardless, if this is how you insist on responding, then I will discontinue my attempts to reason with you on a rational standing, and instead call Aku into this.


It seems there is a dispute on character heights. I'd like to sort this out without issue, and have attempted to compromise, but it seems that I am gaining no headway.

You can get Squee's perspective from him.

From my perspective, however, I simply made a character with an appearance being intentionally contradictory to his being as a whole. The idea behind the height is that it offers an internal conflict to Sitheil in that while he wishes to walk the Jedi path of peace, he has to fight against not only his Chistori Predatorial instincts but also that his entire being appears deadly and dangerous, far from what one would expect of a Jedi. It was never an attempt to one up anyone, but was built entirely of characterisation similar to how Mia's dark side stunted height is a play on her characterisation as well.

Anyway, I feel this matter is best sorted by you, as it is your roleplay.
Val, there is nothing irrational or extreme about my opinion. I have my reasons for preferring one character over another, and that's all there is to it. It just so happens that one of the reasons I would prefer one or another is in your hands right now, and I'm respectfully giving you your preference for your character.
Look. Squee your character is accepted as is. If another character is a threatens to the uniqueness of your character it is probably best to submit another character. But at the end of the day it is up to you, as i said he is already accepted and I like him. He is unique for other reasons.
Thank you, Aku, I appreciate your support for Korr, and I'm sorry you got pulled into this. I like him too and I wouldn't be giving him up so easily if it weren't for the fact that my other character is awfully tempting too. I was already thinking of asking if I could submit both once the game was underway, and I will continue to consider that option as well.

Val, what you're doing is coming up with a predetermined dynamic/relationship for our characters before the RP has even started with the expectation that I should agree with you that it would be a fun idea. I respectfully remind you that 'fun' is a matter of opinion and that everyone gets enjoyment out of RP in different ways. Moreover, even if I agreed that having another character of Korr's height is as fun as Korr remaining unique in his height, there's no way to predict how our characters will get along or which side of any given conflict they will end up on.

I guess we just have different approaches for character creation, and there's nothing wrong with that. :)
You can submit both characters. You aren't limited in how many you have as long we you can handle it.
Yeah, that's why I wanted to wait and see what the posting rate will be like.
Do detailed RPs tend to be fast-paced on this site? I suppose I could start with two and drop one if it doesn't work out.
Depends on the group. I've only role played with @Veirrianna Valentine before so I can't call it. You're better asking @Sunbather who may know the trends of detailed role plays on average better.
Squee said:
Thank you, Aku, I appreciate your support for Korr, and I'm sorry you got pulled into this. I like him too and I wouldn't be giving him up so easily if it weren't for the fact that my other character is awfully tempting too. I was already thinking of asking if I could submit both once the game was underway, and I will continue to consider that option as well.
Val, what you're doing is coming up with a predetermined dynamic/relationship for our characters before the RP has even started with the expectation that I should agree with you that it would be a fun idea. I respectfully remind you that 'fun' is a matter of opinion and that everyone gets enjoyment out of RP in different ways. Moreover, even if I agreed that having another character of Korr's height is as fun as Korr remaining unique in his height, there's no way to predict how our characters will get along or which side of any given conflict they will end up on.

I guess we just have different approaches for character creation, and there's nothing wrong with that. :)
I coming up with a predetermined idea of how NPCs will view Sitheil, not our characters. Furthermore both of our characters are Light side intuitive, as well as having similar attitudes. Finally relegating only a certain height frame to one character is unfair and silly, especially given the number of races out there. What if someone played a Kaminoan or a Besalisk?

Regardless it's been handled, so I'm going to leave the topic alone and move on.
Val, players can play whoever they want. I've already said multiple times that you can have your choice and that I will work around whatever you decide. Not sure what else you want from me.

@AkuTheWolfOkami, do you have a specific posting rate you'd prefer? I only work part time, but on the days I do work I frequently have no energy left to post. This is also my only real RP commitment atm, so I'm thinking that it shouldn't be a problem.

Unrelated question: does the @[name] feature alert the person that you're talking to/about them?
My preference is when it's your turn to post and you have time. If itll be a whole inform us.
AkuTheWolfOkami said:
My preference is when it's your turn to post and you have time. If itll be a whole inform us.
Did you mean a whole week? If so, that's no problem at all.
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Veirrianna Valentine] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/29957-squee/ said:
Yup =P
Good to know. I can't tell the difference because I'm getting alerts for every new post in this thread anyway.
Sometimes the alerts don't always work, and sometimes people just try to get one specific persons attention, and that's where tagging comes in.
[QUOTE="Veirrianna Valentine]Sometimes the alerts don't always work, and sometimes people just try to get one specific persons attention, and that's where tagging comes in.

Also good to know. Thanks!

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