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Fandom Star Wars: The Ebony Sky


Senior Member
Hey everyone, thanks for checking out the RP. Please don't post anything until I do, we'll start as soon as we have enough people.

Character Sheet:

(Appearance, No Anime)











Spaces Open:


1. Sorasonic (Mandalorian)

2. Raikou Kaminari (Zac Krynn)

3. Rookie (Hoss Kadaren)

4. Savagai (Juth Vos)

5. Kingmalikai (Suhriishk)


6. ThatGuyWithSouvlaki (Ysanne Turnell)

7. Visas (Lyn Torr)

8. soul of steel (Yus'Runan)

9. Reznor (Trojan)

10. Rathasola (Serena Orik)

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Name: Yus'Runan

Age: 30 years old

Gender: Female

Race: Zabrak

Bio: Originally a Mercenary for the scum of the outer rim, she joined the resistance because her old life was getting boring. It was always petty killing. Nothing that gave her the rush from when she first started as a poor, naïve 16 year old girl, completely by accident when she shot another hunters target that happened to be making a pass at her.

Personality: likes the thrill of the hunt. Very combative, and will pick fights if she's not kept busy. Has a caring soul if she decides 'hey. You're not a collosal idiot. I'll protect your hiney.'. Is logical and strategic, able to size up any situation with relative ease. But if she goes berserk, allies /and/ enemies should stay far away. Tends to be a loner, ergo teamwork is a struggle.

Likes: strong drinks, ladies, her peace and quiet.

Dislikes: idiots, womp rats, cantina bands, Hutts.

Equipment: 2 blasters, a mandalorian helmet, standard set of armor (faded yellow and blue), and a padawan braid from a loooong time ago that she wears as a good luck charm.

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/Trandoshan_Bounty_Hunter.png.ce1847a04c7aed722aaaddfc7a4dc123.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="142552" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/Trandoshan_Bounty_Hunter.png.ce1847a04c7aed722aaaddfc7a4dc123.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Hoss Kadaren

Age: 31

Gender: Male

Race: Trandoshan

Bio: Hoss is similar to many Trandoshans in the way he grew up, a kind of tribal life style learning how he could raise his jagannath points, when he turned 14 he left his home to become a bounty hunter taking small jobs at first and raising his points with the scorekeeper. He joined up with a few ships before the Ebony Sky and never found himself with enough work, often having to start fights (not that he didn't enjoy it) just to have something to do. He hopes that he can appease the scorekeeper with his time on the Ebony Sky

Personality: Tends to keep to himself, stubborn, usually tries to start fights, and tends to be ruthless on the battlefield

Likes: Fighting, hunting, people who can handle their alcohol, and overkill

Dislikes: Weaklings, idleness, and politicians

Equipment: ACP Array/Scatter Gun, two blaster pistols, a vibro-sword, and his personalized hunting armor




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Name: Ysanne Turnell

Age: 26



Bio: Born into one of the few nomadic Matukai groups to survive the force sensitive purges of the empire. She was the only non-force sensitive one in her family and though a capable martial artist she never felt accepted as part of the group. In addition she always had an adventurous spirit and a need to explore and so left the group when the opportunity came, becoming a stowaway at a passing merchant ship, telling no one. She travelled from ship to ship for while stealing what she needed until she was discovered in a ship of an old smuggler. The smuggler took a liking to her and took her under his wing passing on what he knew and when he finally past gave her his ship and smuggler business. She became a capable smuggler doing odd jobs for criminals and occasionally the Rebellion.

Personality: Laid-back, snarky, flirty and humorous who comes of as hedonistic and uncaring of other people or causes unless for her own amusement. Though she doesn't admit it, she is deeply caring and loyal to those she considers friends and family. Also will jump to help someone in need though pretend to do so reluctantly or for a larger plan to profit her.

Likes: Flying, drinking, ship repair, clever and cheeky way around trouble, banter.

Dislikes:Someone else piloting, mindless fighting and killing, authority, dullness, hutts

Equipment: DL-44 heavy blaster pistol, vibrorapier, dart thrower with sleep, explosive and electric darts, dagger, a few grenades.

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(Wow, a friend tells me about this site and one of the first things I see is Star Wars, awesome!)



Lyn Torr








A female Twi'lek, Lyn Torr hailed from Ryloth, the homeworld of her species. While technically illegal, she was sold into slavery at a young age to a Hutt crime lord in order for her father to have his debts forgiven. The Hutt brought her to Nar Shaddaa where she was forced to serve as a dancer in his palace for several years, before winning her own freedom in a high stakes game of pazzak. Free, but without any certainty of what to do next, she fell into the only work available in a place aptly known as the Smuggler's Moon. She started running spice and weapons for the Black Sun Syndicate, earning quite a reputation as a skilled smuggler and pilot.


Lyn is cocksure and egotistical, making her quick to rise to a challenge but slow to accept help from others. She generally has a rather nihilistic world view, looking out for number one and figuring that everyone else will do the same.


Sabacc, Pazzak, any gambling really, fast ships, a good fight, money.


Idealists, droids, authority.


2 SSK-7 heavy blaster pistols, jacket with armorweave underlay, Mandalorian power shield forearm shield.


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Name: Vucassert'roja'Nakesh, referred to as Trojan.

Age: 29

Gender: Female

Race: Chiss

Bio: Trojan was born to a family of Vuccaserts native in her tongue for "dealers" on the planet of Nar Shaddaa in Hutta Space. Her father belonged to House Nakesh back on her homeworld, the house that specialized in dealings and merchandising, looking to expand on the credits he owned he travelled to Nar Shaddaa where he could profit selling speeders to hutts and tourists. Thieves proved to be tenacious and persistent as day in and day out they stole the speeders from Trojans Fathers market. So many of her fathers speeders had been stolen that he would have to resort to stealing and begging everyday from unsuspecting victims. This lifestyle intrigued Trojan as her fathers rather remarkable thieving skills influenced her to follow suit, picking the pockets of tourists for extra credit. Though fate bites back in the form of karma her father would eventually reap what he sowed when he attempted to steal an artifact from a high ranking official in the Hutt Cartel where he paid dearly, as a bounty hunter was hired to execute her father. Her mother struggling to care for Trojan for years in alleyways, holding no remarkable skills of her own left Trojan orphaned on the streets of Nar Shaddaa to return to her homeworld. Trojan needed to find her own line of work or she was a goner, she took up the same line of work as the man who murdered his father, working for a hutt in the underground who was known for making insane black market deals. She brandished her skills over time by starting small, killing small fry and the like until she became skilled enough to fight close quarters and take on some of the more dangerous assailants. Trojan became known in the underground after killing an important political hutta figure in a brothel, she became wanted and needed desperately a way out of Nar Shaddaa. Disguised as a Twi'lek she escaped her homeplanet and bounced from planet to planet working for underground crime bosses as a bounty hunter.

Personality: Trojan can be seen as calculating and a cunning fighter. She has been known to use underhanded maneuvers such as seducing targets late at night before making them reach their ultimate demise with a swift death. In the underground people recognize her for being very insidious, coming up with insane plans to get her next kill. Trojan is always looking to build upon a fortune by competing in illegal speeder races, treasure hunts, and selling stolen speeders. Though work has been seeming very repetitive and she is looking to do something new with her life.

Likes: Light weaponry that can fire with precision, State of art technology, Underground cantinas.

Dislikes: Clunky equipment ( Too heavy or too loud ), Retro technology past its prime, Heavy weaponry with high rates of fire.

Equipment: F11D Blaster Rifle, Dual Blaster Pistols, Multiple Thermal Detonators, Double Bladed Vibrosword.
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(Appearance, No Anime)


Name: Zac Krynn

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Bio: He was born as the son of a Mandalorian bounty hunter on the Mandalorian moon Concordia. Growing up his father would teach him about Mandalorian history and the Mandalorian ways. Naturally he developed a deep interest in Mandalorian culture. So as he grew older he became collector of all things Mandalorian. He collected weapons, armor, and other such objects. While his father was away on jobs he spent his time fixing and refurbishing these items. His father combat trained him in between jobs but his father inevitably grew old and passed away. Zac took his place as a renowned bounty hunter doning his father's beskar armor. He decked it out with the former junk he collected including a cape and several emblems.

Personality: Zac is the curious collector type, always likes to look and touch things he probably shouldn't. He is very fond of Mandalorian culture and pretty much anything Mandalorian. He feels obligated to live up his Mandalorian warrior heritage and become a renown warrior feared throughout the galaxy by his enemies. He also likes to be a ladies man and a comedian, which wil. surely be the death of him one of these days.

Likes: Anything Mandalorian, Attractive Women, Collectibles

Dislikes: Things he can't touch, Durasteel, Actual Junk

Equipment: Beskar Armor, Beskar Sword, Mandalorian Crushgaunts, Wrist Mounted Grappling hook, Wrist Mounted Flamethrower, Jetpack, and blaster cannon

Other: Will collect things he deems of worth. He seeks to bring Mandalore back to glory by fully restoring its warrior ways but do so with Mandalore he must become a true mandalorian himself.
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Adding one more female slot to the RP. It's optional, but if we do get another player then the male to female ratio will be even.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpeg.b1d0cd1f92c0841a7bbbb892464eb0e9.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="142918" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpeg.b1d0cd1f92c0841a7bbbb892464eb0e9.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Name: "Serena Orik, name of the greatest force-user that isn't Jedi or Sith. I think I am..."

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Bio: "Well...I grew up on sone lawless planet. Once I learnt I could...uh...use that Force thing, I abused it. Used it to have fun. Still do. I left my home, and started exploring the Galaxy. Wasn't fond of Jedi or Sith, but I chose to learn from their relics. Mostly Sith relics. That was exciting. I became more powerful, and started to have more fun. And here we are."

Personality: Sadistic, cruel, and cold-hearted. Loves to have fun, meaning anything like from romance to war, crazy stunts to ambushing heavily armed forces. Prideful, but doesn't think much of insults or curses.

Likes: "Using the Force? Fun. Fighting? Fun. Wars? Very fun. Should I go on?"

Dislikes: Being in one place too long bores her. As does long conversations. Hates to lose.

Equipment: Her only belongings are a blaster and a lightsaber she scavenged and repaired.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpeg.02596102f4205cbbe5b9466e333b998f.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="142920" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpeg.02596102f4205cbbe5b9466e333b998f.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpeg.e54c1bf198eb24b63b82944b10f9f570.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="142921" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpeg.e54c1bf198eb24b63b82944b10f9f570.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Juth Vos

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Race: Zabrak

Bio: Juth was born on the "Veneage", the ship of his parents and the parents of Ysanne Turnell. Juth grew up at the ship and as soon as he discovered to be force sensitive he was sent to Korvass II. He always had a good bond with Ysanne, but after he left the ship he never heard from her again. At Korvass II, Juth trained in the academy of the Matukai, which was heavily protected. Juth trained each day hard and meditated all the time he wasn't training, to stay away from the Dark Side. He became a very skilled warrior. At the age of twenty, Juth crafted his own Polearm and bought on the planet of Coruscant his own ship. Since then he is traveling around the Galaxy in his own, trying to find a boyfriend to start a family.

Overall Personality: Juth is a very caring person, he is also very active and always happy

Personality Pros: Active, Cheerful, Caring, Always wanting to offer help, Happy

Personality Cons: Naive, Always happy, sometimes to active that it becomes irritating, can a be a little bit of a stalker, easily bullied

Likes: The Force, muscles, working out

Dislikes:First Order, Dark Side

Quirks: smacks a little bit while eating fast,

Habits: He rubs his hands when nervous, plays with his hair, He is naked when he is alone

Weaknesses: He is easily aggressive, unsure about himself and feels alone


Equipment: Matukai Polearm,

Ship: D-5 Mantis Patrol "Justice"
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Name: Connor Fensur

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Bio: Coming form a lineage of important Galactic figures, Connor had a lot to live up to as he grew up. His grandfather, Vreas, was an infamous bounty hunter who killed for both sides during the Clone Wars. His skill in tracking and eliminating targets earned him the nickname of 'Wolf' early in his career, something that he became quite proud of during his years as a mercenary. He wore a suit of Mandalorian armor that was painted in a grey and black color scheme, which he passed down to Connor's father, Gaert. Gaert followed in his father's footsteps and became a bounty hunter during the Galactic Civil War, however unlike his father, he quickly sided with the Rebel Alliance and fought for them throughout the Galaxy-wide conflict. He adopted Vreas's armor, but repainted it in shades of white and grey to differentiate himself as a warrior. With the armor came the nickname, however Gaert eventually became distinguished enough to earn the name 'White Wolf' as a way to distinguish him from his father.

Connor was born later in his father's life, with a brother who preceded him by a little over two years. From the very beginning, Gaert knew that one of his sons would continue the family profession, and so he trained both of his sons in all of the skills that a bounty hunter needed. However, unlike the other men in his family, Connor took a more intellectual side to things. He preferred thinking and planning to using brute force and intuition, and challenged himself with games of strategy rather than games of force. His father and grandfather were cunning, sure, but they relied more on their skill to succeed rather than their intelligence. Years of training prepared him well for the life that he was destined to live, and yet Connor never really cared for his Mandalorian heritage. His brother went out on his own when Connor was still a teenager, and so Gaert focused even harder on training his son to become a bounty hunter.

Soon after Connor turned 19, his father disappeared without any warning. His ship, equipment, and all of his personal belongings were left behind, including his armor. While initially distraught over his father's disappearance, Connor quickly became set on finding the location of his father. He inherited all of Gaert's belongings, and donned the family armor to become the next 'Wolf' in his family. While still keeping white as the suit's main color, he added red details all over the body and helmet. Colors were important to Mandalorian armor, each one holding a different meaning. Red was used to honor one's parent, and so out of respect for his lineage, Connor became the bounty hunter known as 'Red Wolf'.

Personality: Like his father, Connor is a determined and morally upright person. He always does his best at whatever task he performs and does his absolute best to put other's needs above his own, even if the results are detrimental to himself. His intellect is his greatest gift in achieving his goals, with a mind for both strategy and science that surpasses his own age. He's wise beyond his years and mature for his age, however he can be a bit headstrong at times, which can often lead to him being a bit standoffish. He's very organized and hates being messy, whether it's when he's on a mission or cleaning his ship.


  • Technology
  • Engineering
  • Discovery
  • Hologames


  • Disorganization
  • Thoughtless Plans
  • Avoiding Problems
  • Disorganization
  • Ignoring the Truth

Equipment: As a Mandalorian, Connor wears their signature armor whenever he's on mission. The suit is made of full Mandalorian armor, making it blaster and lightsaber resistant. A wrist mounted vibroblade is located on his right bracer, along with a flamethrower and grappling hook on his left. He carries various types of grenades, and wields a pair of Glie-44 pistols and a EL-16 in most combat situations.

Other: Owns an astromech droid that helps him with ship repairs named RU-0K.

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