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Fandom Star Wars: The Ebony Sky


Name: Suhriishk

Age: 344

Gender: Male

Race: Wookiee

Bio: Suhriishk loved to fight. Even as a child growing up it was obvious, as he would pick fights constantly with his friends, and anybody else that he saw in his way. This also meant that he felt as if he deserved to go where he wanted to when he wanted to. Growing more into an adult, Suhriishk kept many of these same values, albeit with some more wisdom behind them. When he reached the age of 78 his aggressiveness paid off, as a large scale attack from Herglic Pirates was commenced on his village. As the attack started, Suhriishk launched straight toward the attackers. Ignoring his friends and allies urging him to wait and plan an attack he jumped straight at the enemy with only one Ryyk blade at his side. When he left the battle two hours later, he had collected a fair amount of blood and had taken a blaster from them as his own. This battle caused the pirates to back off, however they demanded one thing if they were to leave, Suhriishk as a slave. In what was called one of the worst betrayals that Wookiee kind would ever commit, Suhriishk was sold as a slave to the Herglic Pirates. They took him to the city of Mos Espa where he was kept as a slave for 266 years, trading off from one family to the next. Finally he approached the year 344, a young bounty hunter that went by the name of Red Wolf. Red Wolf overheard his slavers saying how he was going to be put in a fight to the death with another slave, and decided to free both of the slaves from their masters. Even though the other slave ran away, Suhriishk felt indebted to this man and his act of kindness. Suhriishk swore a life debt to Red Wolf and all of his kinsmen, and thus that leads us to now.

Personality: Suhriishk obviously has a very large bloodlust, and when he gets angry it's important to stay out of his way. However Suhriishk actually has a very large thirst for adventure, and is excited for the places that he might be able to see with Red Wolf. Suhriishk doesn't always think through his attacks, and will more than often decide that the best plan of attack is to just attack. Due to his years upon years of being a slave, Suhriishk has forgotten the meanings of sarcasm, as they were particular favorites of some of his more violent slave owners.


  • Fighting, "It feels as if it's in my blood. However the opposite couldn't be more true."
  • Silence, "Those few moments when I was given silence, and a break from the labor was a gift."
  • Adventure, "For so many years I've been stuck on a sandy rock, I want to see more of what the galaxy has to offer."
  • Red Wolf, "He was one of the first nice beings I had met in over 150 years. So many other bounty hunters would just pass me over, but he was the first in a long time to help me and make me feel like an equal."


  • Slavery, "Nobody should be allowed to have too much control over another. I personally know the experience."
  • Sarcasm, "It was usually followed with the crack of a whip."
  • Cowards, "They run away from any possibly risky situation. Even when their friends are in danger."
  • Kashyyyk, "That whole system reminds me of those memories of being given up for my differences. Some of them living there are not too bad, however the system in general gives me a bad vibe."

Equipment: E-11 Blaster Rifle, Ryyk blade, x3 C-22 Fragmentation on his back, few armor(he feels it constricts him)

Other: Suhriishk knows Huttese, Jawaese, Tusken, and Durese from his experiences with the languages as a slave.


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