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Fandom Star Wars: Spark of Rebellion


The Magnificent Manbeard
My idea for this is to take many of the plots and stories from Star Wars: The Old Republic and spin them into an AU version of the conflict between the Galactic Empire and the growing Rebel Alliance in Star Wars: Rebels and Rogue One. In this AU adaption, characters from different eras exist at the same time, such as Satele Shan and Yoda both sitting on the Jedi Council during the Clone Wars.

The RP starts similar to how the Rebels animated series did -- fourteen years after the rise of the Empire and five years before the Battle of Yavin. However, in this version of events, Darth Vader discovered the existence of Luke and Leia early on, kidnapped them, and has been training and brainwashing them to one day serve as Imperial Inquisitors, along with a handful of other Force-sensitive younglings. This group of younglings is being referred to as the "Starkillers."

Your characters can be Force-users, smugglers, bounty hunters, or whatever. Regardless, our story starts on the Outer Rim world of Udorrea in the Bardagan System. It's capital, Udor City, is a sprawling metropolis split into multiple districts and serves as the headquarters for the Czerka Syndicate, which is granted autonomous status so long as they honor their contracts and maintain trade deals with the Empire for weapons and supplies through their Czerka Arms branch.

Because Imperial troops steer clear of the Bardagan System to honor this agreement, it has become a hotbed for scum and villainy. The leaders of the Syndicate and the wealthy families in the system are guarded by the Czerka Security Services, but the lower classes are left to fend for themselves. The central sectors of Udor City are kept clean and pristine with frequent guard patrols, but the outlying areas -- especially the West Side Slums -- are filthy and ripe with deadly gangs and spice addicts.

This is where my character starts. He is a young orphan born on the streets of the West Side Slums and taken in by the elderly Satele Shan, the former Jedi Master who has been in exile, hiding among the filth. She conceals her true name and deliberately scarred her face to keep her identity secret. In the Slums, she is known simply as Doctor Shae, and runs a clinic for those injured in the never-ending gang wars. She has been secretly training my character as a Force-user in the basement below the clinic, and he refers to her often as Granny Shae.

As for your characters, you can be other Force-users that are trained by Granny Shae if you like, or use some other origin for how you ended up in Udor City. Regardless, here is the overall starting plot: Satele has been secretly operating a network of informants for years, gathering intel on the Empire, it's operations, and any influential individuals that might sympathize with a rebellion effort. Anytime they need to speak in person, an informant visits the clinic as a patient and they conduct meetings in the back room.

Events take a drastic turn when one of the aforementioned informants is detained by the Syndicate and discloses sensitive information under torture. The Syndicate knows if the Empire learns that the spark of rebellion has been growing under their watch, Imperial troops will descend upon their system. Thus, they elect to keep it secret and try to stamp out the rebels themselves. Luckily, the informant then manages to issue a warning over Satele's secure network channel just as the Czerka Security officers surround the clinic.

If your character is part of Satele's group of confidants in Udor City, we flee into the sewers and meet up at an old abandoned water treatment plant. Czerka troops descend into the sewers as well, while the Syndicate puts the Slums in lockdown. Some of the other informants that heard the warning have mobilized to rescue us, but they can't come close until the lockdown is lifted. Satele once more calls upon her incredible Force powers to cut a path through the Czerka officers to the shield generator keeping their rescue out of the Slums.

Once the generator is destroyed, help arrives and our characters flee the city on a ship. However, instead of leaving Udorrea, we hide in the caves in the northern mountains, which are largely uninhabited since the spice mines there dried up decades ago. More informants arrive and we begin building a rebel base in the old mine tunnels, while piloting a series of missions to destabilize Czerka's supply of weapons to the Empire.

Eventually, the Empire learns of problems within the system and they send Inquisitor Malgus to investigate, who happens to be Satele's former Padawan. From here the chain of events speed up and we find ourselves in a massive battle on Udorrea before the rebels forces flee and jump to Hyperspace. We connect with other rebel cells and discover an ancient starmap showing the old homeworld of the Jedi Order, Tython.

From here we undergo a huge array of missions over several years leading up to the Battle of Yavin. Then several more years of battles and missions until we arrive at the Battle of Endor. Except in this version, after the death of Palpatine, Vader, and Luke, Leia becomes the Sith Empress and changes her name to Sadowa, in honor of Naga Sadow, who she learned of from a Sith holocron. She spent years studying Sadow's secrets of Sith Alchemy and Sith Sorcery, and had become Palpatine's favorite Acolyte.

From here, we expand into limitless story potential :D.
Star Wars is one of the best fandoms to make good roleplays out of; needless to say, this one looks just as interesting.
Hey as long as we don't have too many, Pure Jedi.

Also do we want to inject everyone's favorite apprentice into this? Galen Marek?
Also, just to put this out there. The emperor would probably of replaced Vader or would seek to replace Vader with Luke or Leia if the Empire has captured them. (Hint hint, maybe Vader could switch sides at some point.)
Yeah, we don't really need Galen Marek, and thus far Luke is too young to replace Vader. The ideas for characters so far are fine though :D. And I agree, we don't want too many pure Jedi. My character will start out seeking to rebuild the Jedi Order, but after Malgus finally kills Satele, who my character has grown to love like a grandmother, he gives into his rage and tries to kill Malgus. He goes through a period of darkness before he comes to embrace neutrality between the Light and Dark Sides of the Force. At this point he dawns dual white-bladed lightsabers and founds the Order of the Grey Sentinels.
I want my character to start out training in the Matukai like way under granny Satele then go on to become a Mandalorian knight then finally to become a Mandalorian Knight.
I'm feeling like reviving an old character of mine, an amnesiac ancient sith Lord . who'll spend the RP discovering her past and fighting against her dark side.
A force sensitive ill certainly do. But can't say he's going to really have a side, my idea is basically to create a quirky, Gungan Jedi or some race we don't see as much among the force sensitives. It would be nice to have a set mentor to help with upbringing and tutelage and stuff, so I might take advantage of your Satele option unless another would like to collaborate on such a deal.
The orginal character was supposed to actually be Revan. She would need a serious rewirk though I wrote the character a year or two back.
Killerclown, your con-artist could be someone who thinks the Empire is bad for business so he joins the rebellion. Yang, we could find a way to make it work, but how ancient were you thinking? Is she like thousands of years old or something? Perhaps she became frozen in carbonite for ages and when she is finally released, she has brain fog and it takes her months before memories start to gradually return. Another idea is to say she is a modern clone of an ancient sith queen made from residual DNA in her tomb. Perhaps she finds one of her original holocrons and begins to unlock genetic memories.

If you want to make her less ancient, you could adapt a female Revan for this setting. Perhaps she was a Jedi Knight during the Clone Wars, but was seduced to the Dark Side by Dooku and Sidious. During the early years of the Empire, she aided Vader in the Great Jedi Purge, but eventually her lust for power led her to confront him for the role of Palpatine's top apprentice during a mission to Taris. Vader defeated her utterly, scrambled her mind with a Force Storm, and sent her body plummeting deep into the sewers to her apparent death. She was rescued by underground medics, but remained in a coma for months. When she came to, she had no memory of her previous life. Then perhaps memories start to trickle back in or something. Just some ideas to consider :D.

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