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Fandom Star Wars - Galaxy Oppressed (Characters) - Closed

@Vultz Thanks! Hey, I wanted to ask you, would it make sense for Fera and Ako to have known eachother? Even if he did complete his training?

(For some odd reason, I get the feeling she'd try to lure him to the dark side....)

It could lead to some interesting situations, I don't see why not
@Vultz Well, I hope my character is accepted then! A Jedi and a Sith walk into a bar....I wonder what the punchline will be.
@Vultz Still, would you consider my guy a Jedi anymore? Sure, he left the order, but he hasn't (yet) fell into the dark side, and he received full training as a Jedi Knight.
@Vultz Still, would you consider my guy a Jedi anymore? Sure, he left the order, but he hasn't (yet) fell into the dark side, and he received full training as a Jedi Knight.

He would most likely be considered a Grey jedi, given that he recieved training specific to the jedi order, but did not necessarily agree with their ideals. Grey Jedi/Dark Jedis are considered to be the point of equilibrium within the force spectrum, meaning they have the possibility of being able to use both light and dark side force powers.


Âkohdos Zusor Qiqhail












Once a Padewan for the Jedi order, Ako fought on the front-lines along with his Master Zhass Uss, a Mandalorian Jedi, during the Clone Wars. Though their people were traditionally enemies, and the two constantly butted heads, Ako learned much from his master, and the two were inseparable.. They fought on the front-lines of several important battles, including the siege of Mandalore, stating that if anyone would defeat the Mandalorians, it would the Echani. Ako made a name for himself as a capable force-user, respected leader, and a fierce warrior. 


Not long after, Ako was made a Jedi Knight, and he served the Order and the Republic faithfully, until the year of the rise of the Galactic Empire. His Master was killed during the Siege of Saleucami, causing Ako to began to become disillusioned with the Order, searching for answers as to why things like this happened to good people, and found nothing. Within a month of his masters death, Ako made the decision to leave the order and travel the galaxy. If the Universe would fight against peace, he would fight back with all his strength to grant it.


This action of vengeful grief turned into his saving grace, as it spared him from Order 66. Again feeling grief over what had happened, believing he could have somehow prevented it, Ako vowed to do all in his power to destroy the Empire. Though a well meaning individual, Ako's path is one of anger, grief, and vengeance. He unknowingly teeters on the balance of light and dark, between returning to his path as a Jedi and falling into the path of anger as a Sith.



A caring individual towards his friends, and those he cares about, but known as a devastating force of nature to his enemies. He's come to believe that the only way to stop problems from happening, is to erase them at their source. Over the years, his control over his anger has begun to wane, thus making him stronger in the force.....at the cost of pulling him closer to the dark side. Due to this, he is prone to acting before thinking.



Jedi Order (Formerly)


Ako's Lightsaber



  • Tougher Bones due to Echani Physiology
  • Unarmed Training
  • Linguist


Senator Christi Mow








Senator Christi Mow was born on Malthor to a wealthy family involved with Politics. When Christi was younger she had got the best Education her planet had to offer specializing in Law and Galactic Politics. Her brother was senator  at the time of The Clone Wars and near the end of the Conflict her brother resigned leaving an empty space. She was Voted in almost immediately and soon set off to Corsucant. When Order 66 was activated she was in her office. She looked over at the Jedi Temple which was on Flames. She was going to leave for Malthor when she was called to an Emergency Senate meeting. This was when Palpatine rose on his podium to the Chamber and Announced the Galactic Empire and How the jedi were Traitors of the Republic which she did not believe. After the meeting she was leaving with her guards to Malthor when they found a youngling who looked scared. Her Guards advised for the Clones to be called but she ignored them and decided to Smuggle the Youngling back to Malthor to pass him onto Jedi Master Aqivon who was based on her planet. 

She Decided to join the Rebellion when The Empire tightened their grip on Malthor by increasing Stormtroopers.


Christi's Personality is very calm and Diplomatic but will fight for what she believes in. She knows how to get what she wants after years in the senate. You can do very little to anger her but if you do anger her you will feel her wrath. 


Rebellion, Formerly Republic


-Diplomat Skills

-Good with Blaster Pistols 


Weapon Personal Ship Personal Guard

Senator Christi Mow








Senator Christi Mow was born on Malthor to a wealthy family involved with Politics. When Christi was younger she had got the best Education her planet had to offer specializing in Law and Galactic Politics. Her brother was senator  at the time of The Clone Wars and near the end of the Conflict her brother resigned leaving an empty space. She was Voted in almost immediately and soon set off to Corsucant. When Order 66 was activated she was in her office. She looked over at the Jedi Temple which was on Flames. She was going to leave for Malthor when she was called to an Emergency Senate meeting. This was when Palpatine rose on his podium to the Chamber and Announced the Galactic Empire and How the jedi were Traitors of the Republic which she did not believe. After the meeting she was leaving with her guards to Malthor when they found a youngling who looked scared. Her Guards advised for the Clones to be called but she ignored them and decided to Smuggle the Youngling back to Malthor to pass him onto Jedi Master Aqivon who was based on her planet. 

She Decided to join the Rebellion when The Empire tightened their grip on Malthor by increasing Stormtroopers.


Christi's Personality is very calm and Diplomatic but will fight for what she believes in. She knows how to get what she wants after years in the senate. You can do very little to anger her but if you do anger her you will feel her wrath. 


Rebellion, Formerly Republic


-Diplomat Skills

-Good with Blaster Pistols 


Weapon Personal Ship Personal Guard

Character skeleton

Name: Jat Fragor No designation.

Age: 23

Species: Mandalorian (humanoid)

Appearance: Jat is a hardened man, A young and fairly good looking individual. He has longish dark maroon/ red straight hair that looks like it hasn't been washed in months. He has non monochromatic eyes as a result of a droid accident as a child. One of his eyes in stained white permanently around the pupil. He stands at about 6,2 and has a fairly slender yet able to stand his ground build but would not consider strength his greatest asset. He has a large scar from a bounty hunters stolen jedi lightsaber diagonally across his chest. He tends to wear the ancient mandalorian style of armor that closely resembles that of jango fett from the olden days but rather more rusted hence giving it an oxidised red colour. The armour compliments his m 415 Bantha Shrieker pistol nicknamed "debt sealer" he tends to carry on his hip as a weapon as well as a machete like sword made of hardened droid steel from the clone wars and a plasma energy bow that he is able to wield very well due to a loose connection to the force. He also has the standard mandalorian armour jetpack.

Background: Jat is a mandalorian that grew up in an empire controlled mandalore. His parents were not aligned with the rebels but agreed with the rebels ideals rather than the empire. The empire decided to make a display for those that believe in the rebels over the empire on mandalore and hired a former rebel turned bounty hunter named Sta Kittag to execute him and his parents publicly. However after the traumatisation of watching his parents deaths he escaped with just a scar over his chest that left him unable to fight back or do anything extremely physicals for years as he was taken in by his uncles friend Orik Glaska until recent times where he now resides circling the outer rim or anywhere with a paying job for his bounty hunteresque lifestyle. Orik taught him the small knowledge of force he knows.

Personality: Jat can come off as an intense and blunt character. However deep down he has a lot of emotional issues and is very unstable. He tries to suppress these feelings of hatred that give him headaches wit forms of synthetic drugs and alcohol and this does not help his stablility. In a combat standpoint he is a force of aggression and often overagression to the point of intimidation however physically against some opponents this would not work as many potentates would tower over him. In a casual setting Jat would not stand out unless h spoke in his raspy yet warm voice.

Organisations: What organisations is your character affiliated with: Jat has known to associate and do possible runs for the hutts and other outer rim organisations and is far lesser known for sometimes supplying information and subtle support to rebels he may come across in his time. Jat has taken contracts out for intimidation and to squeeze information out of some low ranking empire officials due to his natural hatred and need for revenge towards the empire. He is also known to associate in small anti empire terrorism groups on coruscant and his homeworld of mandalore. He spent a year in prison for the destruction of a military archive at the mandalorian empire military school.

Skills: Jat is a force of intimidation that knows interrogation techniques, He is also a skilled close quarters one on one fighter with above average bow and marksman skills. He relies on speed over strength and could be easily immobilized with a few heavy blows. He prefers an uneven and unfair way of fighting and is skilled in deception and social interaction respectively.

Other: Jat has a strong mind but could be overpowered phsycially by any stronger being or forcewielder. He prefers to be stealthy in his violence and is considering a path of a hitman as a way of discovering who killed his parents and caused him trauma.

Hows this if I can join?
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Character skeleton

Name: Jat Fragor No designation.

Age: 23

Species: Mandalorian (humanoid)

Appearance: Jat is a hardened man, A young and fairly good looking individual. He has longish dark maroon/ red straight hair that looks like it hasn't been washed in months. He has non monochromatic eyes as a result of a droid accident as a child. One of his eyes in stained white permanently around the pupil. He stands at about 6,2 and has a fairly slender yet able to stand his ground build but would not consider strength his greatest asset. He has a large scar from a bounty hunters stolen jedi lightsaber diagonally across his chest. He tends to wear the ancient mandalorian style of armor that closely resembles that of jango fett from the olden days but rather more rusted hence giving it an oxidised red colour. The armour compliments his m 415 Bantha Shrieker pistol nicknamed "debt sealer" he tends to carry on his hip as a weapon as well as a machete like sword made of hardened droid steel from the clone wars and a plasma energy bow that he is able to wield very well due to a loose connection to the force. He also has the standard mandalorian armour jetpack.

Background: Jat is a mandalorian that grew up in an empire controlled mandalore. His parents were not aligned with the rebels but agreed with the rebels ideals rather than the empire. The empire decided to make a display for those that believe in the rebels over the empire on mandalore and hired a former rebel turned bounty hunter named Sta Kittag to execute him and his parents publicly. However after the traumatisation of watching his parents deaths he escaped with just a scar over his chest that left him unable to fight back or do anything extremely physicals for years as he was taken in by his uncles friend Orik Glaska until recent times where he now resides circling the outer rim or anywhere with a paying job for his bounty hunteresque lifestyle. Orik taught him the small knowledge of force he knows.

Personality: Jat can come off as an intense and blunt character. However deep down he has a lot of emotional issues and is very unstable. He tries to suppress these feelings of hatred that give him headaches wit forms of synthetic drugs and alcohol and this does not help his stablility. In a combat standpoint he is a force of aggression and often overagression to the point of intimidation however physically against some opponents this would not work as many potentates would tower over him. In a casual setting Jat would not stand out unless h spoke in his raspy yet warm voice.

Organisations: What organisations is your character affiliated with: Jat has known to associate and do possible runs for the hutts and other outer rim organisations and is far lesser known for sometimes supplying information and subtle support to rebels he may come across in his time. Jat has taken contracts out for intimidation and to squeeze information out of some low ranking empire officials due to his natural hatred and need for revenge towards the empire. He is also known to associate in small anti empire terrorism groups on coruscant and his homeworld of mandalore. He spent a year in prison for the destruction of a military archive at the mandalorian empire military school.

Skills: Jat is a force of intimidation that knows interrogation techniques, He is also a skilled close quarters one on one fighter with above average bow and marksman skills. He relies on speed over strength and could be easily immobilized with a few heavy blows. He prefers an uneven and unfair way of fighting and is skilled in deception and social interaction respectively.

Other: Jat has a strong mind but could be overpowered phsycially by any stronger being or forcewielder. He prefers to be stealthy in his violence and is considering a path of a hitman as a way of discovering who killed his parents and caused him trauma.

Hows this if I can join?


Yaro Azarus

(Sith Warrior Lanister Xhast)








Yaro was born to live the life of a Jedi. Born with as the One out of a hundred to have the Psychometric Talent to read history by whatever object he touches, He was taken into the Jedi order at a young age (as all were) and was only two years away from his trials. Had nothing happened, within those two years, he would've been eligible for Knight-hood. Sadly, when the Empire rose to power, that dream died. He was forced to fight for his life inside the temple, one of the few Jedi that managed to escape. He attempted to take a group of younglings away from the fighting, and had succeeded in getting them on a shuttle. His plan was to get himself and the younglings away, so he could pass on the Jedi teachings to them as his master had.

This, however, was not to be.

Yaro was discovered, and he had tried to hold off the Now-Imperial forces that had discovered him and the younglings. He signaled for the pilot to take off, hoping that at least the children would live. However, when the shuttle began taking off, Imperial forces sent rockets towards the shuttle, destroying it. There were no survivors. This sent Yaro into shock, as he saw innocent children killed before his very eyes. To think that the government he fought so hard for would so viciously murder children...Yaro Azarus died that day, but not to Imperial Blaster fire.

Overcome with grief and anger, Yaro lashed out at the troopers there, viciously murdering them. By the time his rampage was done, He realized he had not only murdered the clone troopers, but Innocent bystanders. However, upon discovering this, Yaro felt....Liberated. He didn't care that he just murdered people. These people killed innocent children, They didn't deserve to live! None of them did! 

Seeking to grasp meaning with these newfound powers, Yaro searched for any information on them, and traced them back to the Ancient Sith World of Malachor. He had learned there was a temple there, and believed it would have the answers to the questions he had. He spent eight years on that planet, being twisted and corrupted by the dark-side, but in his eyes, he grew stronger. Forging two new light-sabers in the shadow of that planet, he came to the conclusion that, if the Jedi order failed, then the Sith was the only way forward.

Using three discovered Sith Holocrons, which he keeps on his person at all time, He trained those eight years, preparing himself for his own war against the Empire that robbed him of everything. Once finished, He dubbed himself a Sith Warrior, and vowed to destroy the Empire....and everyone in it. He is now searching for any other surviving Jedi, hoping to reinforce his strength.


Once a very compassionate individual, always seeking knowledge and understanding. His curiosity was endearing, and he soaked in whatever his mentors could teach him. However, since his fall to the dark side, he is blood-thirsty, violent, reckless, and destructive. However, on rare occasions, his old personality can surface.




Two Black Light-Sabers

Sith Armor


  • a psychometric talent to read the history of objects that they touch
  • Proficient Force User
  • Dual Blade Combat Specialist
  • Excellent Strategist


All is burned and scattered
My trust has been betrayed
The price of all that mattered
Is one that cannot be paid.

I have buried all of the dead
But they have not gone in vain
For all that I’ve suffered
I will bring them endless pain.

My heart has grown cold
And my soul has become numb
I will have my vengeance
Now see what I’ve become.


Yaro Azarus

(Sith Warrior Lanister Xhast)








Yaro was born to live the life of a Jedi. Born with as the One out of a hundred to have the Psychometric Talent to read history by whatever object he touches, He was taken into the Jedi order at a young age (as all were) and was only two years away from his trials. Had nothing happened, within those two years, he would've been eligible for Knight-hood. Sadly, when the Empire rose to power, that dream died. He was forced to fight for his life inside the temple, one of the few Jedi that managed to escape. He attempted to take a group of younglings away from the fighting, and had succeeded in getting them on a shuttle. His plan was to get himself and the younglings away, so he could pass on the Jedi teachings to them as his master had.

This, however, was not to be.

Yaro was discovered, and he had tried to hold off the Now-Imperial forces that had discovered him and the younglings. He signaled for the pilot to take off, hoping that at least the children would live. However, when the shuttle began taking off, Imperial forces sent rockets towards the shuttle, destroying it. There were no survivors. This sent Yaro into shock, as he saw innocent children killed before his very eyes. To think that the government he fought so hard for would so viciously murder children...Yaro Azarus died that day, but not to Imperial Blaster fire.

Overcome with grief and anger, Yaro lashed out at the troopers there, viciously murdering them. By the time his rampage was done, He realized he had not only murdered the clone troopers, but Innocent bystanders. However, upon discovering this, Yaro felt....Liberated. He didn't care that he just murdered people. These people killed innocent children, They didn't deserve to live! None of them did! 

Seeking to grasp meaning with these newfound powers, Yaro searched for any information on them, and traced them back to the Ancient Sith World of Malachor. He had learned there was a temple there, and believed it would have the answers to the questions he had. He spent eight years on that planet, being twisted and corrupted by the dark-side, but in his eyes, he grew stronger. Forging two new light-sabers in the shadow of that planet, he came to the conclusion that, if the Jedi order failed, then the Sith was the only way forward.

Using three discovered Sith Holocrons, which he keeps on his person at all time, He trained those eight years, preparing himself for his own war against the Empire that robbed him of everything. Once finished, He dubbed himself a Sith Warrior, and vowed to destroy the Empire....and everyone in it. He is now searching for any other surviving Jedi, hoping to reinforce his strength.


Once a very compassionate individual, always seeking knowledge and understanding. His curiosity was endearing, and he soaked in whatever his mentors could teach him. However, since his fall to the dark side, he is blood-thirsty, violent, reckless, and destructive. However, on rare occasions, his old personality can surface.




Two Black Light-Sabers

Sith Armor


  • a psychometric talent to read the history of objects that they touch
  • Proficient Force User
  • Dual Blade Combat Specialist
  • Excellent Strategist


All is burned and scattered
My trust has been betrayed
The price of all that mattered
Is one that cannot be paid.

I have buried all of the dead
But they have not gone in vain
For all that I’ve suffered
I will bring them endless pain.

My heart has grown cold
And my soul has become numb
I will have my vengeance
Now see what I’ve become.


Yaro Azarus

(Sith Warrior Lanister Xhast)








Yaro was born to live the life of a Jedi. Born with as the One out of a hundred to have the Psychometric Talent to read history by whatever object he touches, He was taken into the Jedi order at a young age (as all were) and was only two years away from his trials. Had nothing happened, within those two years, he would've been eligible for Knight-hood. Sadly, when the Empire rose to power, that dream died. He was forced to fight for his life inside the temple, one of the few Jedi that managed to escape. He attempted to take a group of younglings away from the fighting, and had succeeded in getting them on a shuttle. His plan was to get himself and the younglings away, so he could pass on the Jedi teachings to them as his master had.

This, however, was not to be.

Yaro was discovered, and he had tried to hold off the Now-Imperial forces that had discovered him and the younglings. He signaled for the pilot to take off, hoping that at least the children would live. However, when the shuttle began taking off, Imperial forces sent rockets towards the shuttle, destroying it. There were no survivors. This sent Yaro into shock, as he saw innocent children killed before his very eyes. To think that the government he fought so hard for would so viciously murder children...Yaro Azarus died that day, but not to Imperial Blaster fire.

Overcome with grief and anger, Yaro lashed out at the troopers there, viciously murdering them. By the time his rampage was done, He realized he had not only murdered the clone troopers, but Innocent bystanders. However, upon discovering this, Yaro felt....Liberated. He didn't care that he just murdered people. These people killed innocent children, They didn't deserve to live! None of them did! 

Seeking to grasp meaning with these newfound powers, Yaro searched for any information on them, and traced them back to the Ancient Sith World of Malachor. He had learned there was a temple there, and believed it would have the answers to the questions he had. He spent eight years on that planet, being twisted and corrupted by the dark-side, but in his eyes, he grew stronger. Forging two new light-sabers in the shadow of that planet, he came to the conclusion that, if the Jedi order failed, then the Sith was the only way forward.

Using three discovered Sith Holocrons, which he keeps on his person at all time, He trained those eight years, preparing himself for his own war against the Empire that robbed him of everything. Once finished, He dubbed himself a Sith Warrior, and vowed to destroy the Empire....and everyone in it. He is now searching for any other surviving Jedi, hoping to reinforce his strength.


Once a very compassionate individual, always seeking knowledge and understanding. His curiosity was endearing, and he soaked in whatever his mentors could teach him. However, since his fall to the dark side, he is blood-thirsty, violent, reckless, and destructive. However, on rare occasions, his old personality can surface.




Two Black Light-Sabers

Sith Armor


  • a psychometric talent to read the history of objects that they touch
  • Proficient Force User
  • Dual Blade Combat Specialist
  • Excellent Strategist


All is burned and scattered
My trust has been betrayed
The price of all that mattered
Is one that cannot be paid.

I have buried all of the dead
But they have not gone in vain
For all that I’ve suffered
I will bring them endless pain.

My heart has grown cold
And my soul has become numb
I will have my vengeance
Now see what I’ve become.

Accepted just make sure it's very clear which character your posting as.
Name: Tann'Nillim

Age: 53

Species: Twi'lek




Tann'Nilim was brought to the Jedi temple after she was found on Ryloth. Being trained from a young age, learning a lot about the Force and lightsaber combat in an Initiate clan under the supervision of Jedi Master Yoda. She was a Jedi Master during the Clone Wars, serving as a General. She spend most of the time at the front lines as commander and partly as a field medic. She was known by the clones as a general who took her soldier's safety as an high priority. Unlike some of her fellow Jedi, she treated them like equals. This was one of factors that helped her surviving Order 66. Though devastated by the betrayal, Tann'Nillim went into exile alone on Tatooine. Living most of the time in seclusion, but sometimes making deals with local population for supplies in exchange for help. At her new home, she spend most of her time meditating and training. This kept on for years. While she did hear of rumors of rebellion, she refused to find them.


Tann'Nillim is a strict person, and even in exile she follows the Jedi Code. A serious woman when on duty, but shows a more softer side off-duty to friends. When it was about the men under her command, she never left anyone behind when retreating or advancing. While she did disagree with several actions by the Jedi and questioned the general treatment of the Clone Army. She never disobeyed an order if it was for the good of the Republic and her men.

The betrayal of her own men left her mental scars behind, feeling she failed her men, the Republic and the Jedi Order. This was the biggest factor of her self-exile, wanting to have as little involvement in the Galaxy from that point as she can.

Organisations: Neutral (current), Jedi Order (in exile), GAR (former, branded as a traitor)


Tann'Nillim is a skilled lightsaber combatant, being more skilled in Form III Soresu, Form VI Niman and Jar'kaii.

As a Force user she was skilled in telekinesis, curato salva, tutaminis, augmentation, Force sense, Force cloak and Force stun.

Tann'Nillim has some experience with blaster weapons, but prefers not to use them.

She also has experience in piloting and commanding ground forces as well as first aid.


Tann'Nallim poses two lightsaber hilts she made herself.

View attachment 175493
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Name: Tann'Nillim

Age: 53

Species: Twi'lek



Tann'Nilim was brought to the Jedi temple after she was found on Ryloth. Being trained from a young age, learning a lot about the Force and lightsaber combat in an Initiate clan under the supervision of Jedi Master Yoda. She was a Jedi Master during the Clone Wars, serving as a General. She spend most of the time at the front lines as commander and partly as a field medic. She was known by the clones as a general who took her soldier's safety as an high priority. Unlike some of her fellow Jedi, she treated them like equals. This was one of factors that helped her surviving Order 66. Though devastated by the betrayal, Tann'Nillim went into exile alone on Tatooine. Living most of the time in seclusion, but sometimes making deals with local population for supplies in exchange for help. At her new home, she spend most of her time meditating and training. This kept on for years. While she did hear of rumors of rebellion, she refused to find them.


Tann'Nillim is a strict person, and even in exile she follows the Jedi Code. A serious woman when on duty, but shows a more softer side off-duty to friends. When it was about the men under her command, she never left anyone behind when retreating or advancing. While she did disagree with several actions by the Jedi and questioned the general treatment of the Clone Army. She never disobeyed an order if it was for the good of the Republic and her men.

The betrayal of her own men left her mental scars behind, feeling she failed her men, the Republic and the Jedi Order. This was the biggest factor of her self-exile, wanting to have as little involvement in the Galaxy from that point as she can.

Organisations: Neutral (current), Jedi Order (in exile), GAR (former, branded as a traitor)


Tann'Nillim is a skilled lightsaber combatant, being more skilled in Form III Soresu, Form VI Niman and Jar'kaii.

As a Force user she was skilled in telekinesis, curato salva, tutaminis, augmentation, Force sense, Force cloak and Force stun.

Tann'Nillim has some experience with blaster weapons, but prefers not to use them.

She also has experience in piloting and commanding ground forces as well as first aid.


Tann'Nallim poses two lightsaber hilts she made herself.

View attachment 175493

Name: Kamad 

Age: 18

Species: Dathomirian Zabrak



Jedi Robes;



A brief summary of Kamad would be his time spent on the planet of Dathomir where he lived for five years after his birth, before being kidnapped and sold into slavery. It wasn't until a Jedi came across this young force sensitive on the planet of Geonosis that Kamad was freed and begun his training as a Jedi Padawan. However this too would be short lived as the Jedi died not long after and left the Dathomirian with holocrons to further his training as a Jedi. This however coupled with his past has led him to a boiling anger and long standing hate masked by his ability to show compassion and kindness as he was not completely controlled by his hate and anger that be caged within. Despite many outbursts of anger often on slavers looking to claim another child for their profit in his presence.... Kamad is a decent man with potential for either the light or the dark side of the force. He is kind and compassionate but also struggles with anger and hate, he's intelligent and strong, respectful and honorable in his ways and belief, skillful for his age but far has he yet to go in his maturing and growth as a Jedi or Sith. Despite his intelligence and current level of ability he's likely to follow a worthy masters guidance and show great loyalty to as the Padawan or apprentice of the powerful figure who has gained Kamad's respect. 

Kamad is the lost and guidance seeking Zabrak. Wanting nothing more then find his path and achieve his potential as a force sensitive and lightsaber combatant. Believing that once he found his master and his fitting form to master in the way of the lightsaber that he could become the ultimate body and weapon, seeing little else to drive him and nothing more grand to achieve. 

A Jedi master or Sith Lord? 

Personality: A caged anger waiting to break loose resides within him, Though intelligent he struggles to take a more confident stance... Instead electing to follow the guidance of his master if he has one. Due to his cut short experience as a Padawan to a rogue Jedi master outside of the council during the clone wars and post order 66. Kamad has yet to find his suitable lightsaber form and though strong in the force with great potential as a lightsaber combatant, he remains a work in progress as many Padawan and apprentices are in their youth. 

Furthermore Kamad has a sense of honor and kindness to him despite his internal struggles with anger and hate. He despises slavers and often unleashes his anger and hate towards them easily in such encounters. 

Kamad is a respectful, honor bound and intelligent Dathomirian Zabrak with a kindness and yet anger/hate filled young man. He also has a confidence in battle yet doesn't use such confidence to his benefit as he doesn't know his path. A lost Padawan seeking to grow and become more.... Even if allowing his loyalty and guidance following ways to be used in another's favor. 

Overall a complicated young Jedi/Sith

Organisations: Alone (For now), Seeks a master to further his training as a Jedi/Sith. (could be turned to either side rather easily if approached by a figure he deems worthy or are of great ability and power. Both are signs of his respect) 

Skills: Lightsaber Combat ( Though yet to find his suitable form and style. He has fastly growing skill) Force powers (Though still fine tuning his power and knowledge of the force, he does have some skillful use in the force while he grows in power) Good observational skills and tactical ability. 

Lightsaber Form: WIP


Red if Sith or Purple if Jedi (Rp Outcome)



Kamad is a former enslaved child taken from his home world of Dathomir at young age, freed by his brief Jedi master before the latter died a few years later and his training came from a holocron. Since he has resorted thievery and sneaking aboard ships to survive in his younger years before coming into adulthood and chose another path to survive and make a living. 

Physically Kamad is a well built and strong man with a athletic build. 
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Name: Kamad 

Age: 18

Species: Dathomirian Zabrak


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Jedi Robes;

View attachment 193707


A brief summary of Kamad would be his time spent on the planet of Dathomir where he lived for five years after his birth, before being kidnapped and sold into slavery. It wasn't until a Jedi came across this young force sensitive on the planet of Geonosis that Kamad was freed and begun his training as a Jedi Padawan. However this too would be short lived as the Jedi died not long after and left the Dathomirian with holocrons to further his training as a Jedi. This however coupled with his past has led him to a boiling anger and long standing hate masked by his ability to show compassion and kindness as he was not completely controlled by his hate and anger that be caged within. Despite many outbursts of anger often on slavers looking to claim another child for their profit in his presence.... Kamad is a decent man with potential for either the light or the dark side of the force. He is kind and compassionate but also struggles with anger and hate, he's intelligent and strong, respectful and honorable in his ways and belief, skillful for his age but far has he yet to go in his maturing and growth as a Jedi or Sith. Despite his intelligence and current level of ability he's likely to follow a worthy masters guidance and show great loyalty to as the Padawan or apprentice of the powerful figure who has gained Kamad's respect. 

Kamad is the lost and guidance seeking Zabrak. Wanting nothing more then find his path and achieve his potential as a force sensitive and lightsaber combatant. Believing that once he found his master and his fitting form to master in the way of the lightsaber that he could become the ultimate body and weapon, seeing little else to drive him and nothing more grand to achieve. 

A Jedi master or Sith Lord? 

Personality: A caged anger waiting to break loose resides within him, Though intelligent he struggles to take a more confident stance... Instead electing to follow the guidance of his master if he has one. Due to his cut short experience as a Padawan to a rogue Jedi master outside of the council during the clone wars and post order 66. Kamad has yet to find his suitable lightsaber form and though strong in the force with great potential as a lightsaber combatant, he remains a work in progress as many Padawan and apprentices are in their youth. 

Furthermore Kamad has a sense of honor and kindness to him despite his internal struggles with anger and hate. He despises slavers and often unleashes his anger and hate towards them easily in such encounters. 

Kamad is a respectful, honor bound and intelligent Dathomirian Zabrak with a kindness and yet anger/hate filled young man. He also has a confidence in battle yet doesn't use such confidence to his benefit as he doesn't know his path. A lost Padawan seeking to grow and become more.... Even if allowing his loyalty and guidance following ways to be used in another's favor. 

Overall a complicated young Jedi/Sith

Organisations: Alone (For now), Seeks a master to further his training as a Jedi/Sith. (could be turned to either side rather easily if approached by a figure he deems worthy or are of great ability and power. Both are signs of his respect) 

Skills: Lightsaber Combat ( Though yet to find his suitable form and style. He has fastly growing skill) Force powers (Though still fine tuning his power and knowledge of the force, he does have some skillful use in the force while he grows in power) Good observational skills and tactical ability. 

Lightsaber Form: WIP


Red if Sith or Purple if Jedi (Rp Outcome)

View attachment 193783


Kamad is a former enslaved child taken from his home world of Dathomir at young age, freed by his brief Jedi master before the latter died a few years later and his training came from a holocron. Since he has resorted thievery and sneaking aboard ships to survive in his younger years before coming into adulthood and chose another path to survive and make a living. 

Physically Kamad is a well built and strong man with a athletic build. 

Accepted but only because I want to let you have a go at trying out this type of character. But to other people this RP is closed for the moment If it opens again the title will change.

Lynix Dawnmoon






Transexual. (Born Male)






Very Militarised, Strategic, Flirtatious at Times suitable, Serious mostly. 


Galactic Empire. (91st Scout Regiment)


Lynix has skills of a standard Stormtrooper, which include First Aid and Aim Close Range, Although with advanced skills of Recon, Sniping and Fast-Thinking for she is apart of the 91st Scouting Regiment. 





EE3 Blaster

Sorry for the lack of information for I mainly use RPNation on Phone. I normally type 4 Lines-1 Paragraph when Roleplaying depending on the situation.

Lynix Dawnmoon






Transexual. (Born Male)





Very Militarised, Strategic, Flirtatious at Times suitable, Serious mostly. 


Galactic Empire. (91st Scout Regiment)


Lynix has skills of a standard Stormtrooper, which include First Aid and Aim Close Range, Although with advanced skills of Recon, Sniping and Fast-Thinking for she is apart of the 91st Scouting Regiment. 





EE3 Blaster

Sorry for the lack of information for I mainly use RPNation on Phone. I normally type 4 Lines-1 Paragraph when Roleplaying depending on the situation.

Sorry Rp is closed at the moment, I'll let you know if it reopens though

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