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Fandom Star Wars: Fate of the Force(Rebooted)

Name: Unknown. He has not yet shared it.

Nickname: Reaper

Appearance(Image or description but image prefered): Cloaked armor that seems to match the environment around it. As he's never seemed to take the armor off, nobody knows his appearance beyond it.

Species: Unknown, but his mannerisms suggests Human.

Age: Unknown. Estimated to be about 20.

Sexuality: Bisexual

Force Sensitive: No

Rank: N/A

Position(optional): Mercenary working on a contract with the White Knights.

Personality: Curt, silent, effective. He is of the opinion that you don’t need flair to get the job done. Still, he is rather gentle to those few he lets in.

History: There’s a legend that used to circulate amongst the adults of Coruscant. The legend of a man who wasn’t, a bringer of death. You would never know who he was, or what he wanted, until you were either dead or he was right in front of you… But at the same time, none knew anything about him. People knew Boba Fett by name. He was famous. Recognizable. Stupid.

The Reaper had no face, no legend, no reputation. But if you spoke to the children on the streets, they would speak of a masked man who would bring them food and ask for nothing in return. If you spoke to the poor and wounded, they would speak of a man who tended to them when they could not give anything back. And if you spoke to the corrupt, to the evil… Well, you would soon find that they could speak no more. It is they who fear the Reaper.

As they well should.

Weapons and Equipment: “His Hood” - Mark X Customized Power Armor – Capable of projecting the environment onto itself seamlessly after a few moments of stillness for analyzation. It is made of rare Mandalorian alloys, making it one of the few armors capable of withstanding lightsabers. Due to a filtration/recycling system, the armor is capable of sustaining the user without outside influence almost indefinitely.

“His Scythe”: A sniper rifle of unknown origin, the weapon uses custom-made, explosive, monoatomic bullets, allowing it to pierce any defense by slicing through the very atoms of what it hits. However, the weapon needs 30 seconds to cool down between each shot, and a stable base because of its immense recoil.

“His Blades”: Twin blaster pistols, modified to use explosive monomolecular rounds.

“His Angels”: A swarm of nanomachines, this is his trump card. Using neuro-transmitters, he can control the swarm, using thousands of focused lasers to swarm and overwhelm an enemy or using them to administer medical aid to him. However, he can only use a small portion of the self-replicating machines outside of HQ.

Attributes: Insane marksmanship and stealth.

Really good at exfiltration (see: getting away from danger)

Other: “The White Knights Move Forward”
Name: Conrad Orgarst

Nickname: None

Appearance<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/57a8c49a9823b_SomeDude.jpg.742b60eebef30d14001a8e38b8fab81a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="75177" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/57a8c49a9823b_SomeDude.jpg.742b60eebef30d14001a8e38b8fab81a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Species: Human

Age: 37

Sexuality: Straight

Force Sensitive: Nope

Rank: None

Position: Former imperial captain, now mercenary

Personality: Conrad above all is principled, and holds dear the idea of a united galaxy where an overarching government would take care of its citizens. He is also prone to arguing with comrades on issues he sees as important. He is still somewhat sympathetic to the Empire, and while he wishes things could be better under them, he understands why the rebels have in fact rebelled. Having seen so much death already, he's always held the life of others in high regard, and often will try and negotiate with the enemy before any bloodshed.

History: Conrad was born on Courlag, the son of a former Republic general and his mistress. Due to his fathers connections, at age 18 Conrad was enrolled in the imperial officers academy on the planets surface, and graduated as one of the top in his class at age 21. Due to his rank, and familial prestige, Conrad was offered a senior position on the acclamator class star destroyer "Courlags Wrath", where he would hunt down pirates until age 24. From there he was promoted to the imperial star destroyer "Eridau Pride", which was currently under command of one captain Wallis Haarjj. The "Pride" was in fact on a long term military campaign to secure rebelling outer rim territories from seceding. Conrad served loyalty for several years, but found his resolve failing when he saw repeated flagrant abuses of power and unnecessary civilian deaths at the hands of his superiors. His limits came over Kashyyk, where the "Pride"'s gunnery crew in fact targeted a fleeing civilian ship for sport. A week later, Conrad deserted, commandeering a Lambada class shuttle and fleeing, before crash landing on Mygeeto and beginning work as a mercenary and smuggler.

Weapons and Equipment: Thermal detonators, modified E-11 blaster rifle.

Attributes: Marksman, Piloting and Speech (His a persuasive devil)




  • Some Dude.jpg
    Some Dude.jpg
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Hei Nei











Force Sensitive:





Hired Gun


Sassy. Credulous. Picky. Loves blasters. Flirty. Loves her sister.


She was born 9 years before her sister Illial Nei. Her parents worked for the Rebellion and they were great at their job. The one problem was that when she was 15, her parents died in war. Illial was cocky. Very cocky. She doesn't listen to Han Solo. So she had an idea to run from home and get money their own way. Hei, being the sister that looks up to the older sibling agreed with the idea and ran off. They did a bunch of jobs with a bunch of people and together they were a cool group. Lillian being the brains (more like mission control) and Hei being the brawns.

Weapons and Equipment:

The gun she is holding on her appearance is the first one. A grenade is the second. A holocommunicator is third.




She is naturally good with a blaster. I don't even know why.

She is incredibly sneaky and she is able to get out of sticky situation using the power of sneakiness

She is tough. Anger her and she'll beat you up.

Even if she is small. She is intimidating and she can scare tough people.

She isn't too bright. You can trick her right now if you'd like.

Her charisma is at an all-time high. She is easily persuasive and easily able to make you fall for her traps using the power of charisma and flirtation. Great for undercover missions.

Other: The White Knights Move Onward
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TrueBananaz said:
Hei Nei











Force Sensitive:





Hired Gun


Sassy. Credulous. Picky. Loves blasters. Flirty. Loves her sister.


She was born 9 years before her sister Illial Nei. Her parents worked for the republic and they were great at their job. The one problem was that when she was 15, her parents died in war. Illial was cocky. Very cocky. She doesn't listen to Han Solo. So she had an idea to run from home and get money their own way. Hei, being the sister that looks up to the older sibling agreed with the idea and ran off. They did a bunch of jobs with a bunch of people and together they were a cool group. Lillian being the brains (more like mission control) and Hei being the brawns.

Weapons and Equipment:



She is naturally good with a blaster. I don't even know why.

She is incredibly sneaky and she is able to get out of sticky situation using the power of sneakiness

She is tough. Anger her and she'll beat you up.

Even if she is small. She is intimidating and she can scare tough people.

She isn't too bright. You can trick her right now if you'd like.

Other: Cause this is thriller!
Way too young to be from the clone wars era.
[QUOTE="Revan The Courier]Way too young to be from the clone wars era.

They have to be from the Clone Wars Era?
[QUOTE="Revan The Courier]You stated she was in the CS.
Also something else is wrong.

Okay, I changed her parents from working for the Republic to working for the Rebellion. Now what was the other mistake?
TrueBananaz said:
Okay, I changed her parents from working for the Republic to working for the Rebellion. Now what was the other mistake?
If you payed attention to the rules you would know...
[QUOTE="Revan The Courier]? What cha talk'n bout Willis? I'm talking about the password.

I know but it also says you have to be a White Knight and technically my character isn't a White Knight, she just works for them. Anyways, is this good?
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[QUOTE="Revan The Courier]Nah that's fine. And what do you mean you know -.-

I meant that as in I put the password in.
TrueBananaz said:
I know but it also says you have to be a White Knight and technically my character isn't a White Knight, she just works for them. Anyways, is this good?
You know everyone on the team has something about them that makes them a hard to find piece of the team Cilia is a jedi, Calway is a part person part droid, Kath is a clone trooper, Revan is a power armor user, Sun is an untrained force sensisitive, it takes more then being good with a blaster to be apart of this team considering we already have two good marksman.

Also if Lillian is on the team too then you'll have to create a sheet for Lillian too and Jace is the one who normally comes up with the missions.

Name: TK-318001

Nickname: "Orbit


Appearance(Image or description but image prefered):


Species: Human Clone

Age: 26 (Physical Age:52)

Sexuality: Straight

Force Sensitive(If yes put whether they are jedi: No


Rank: Sergeant


Personality and Skills

Personality: Orbit is like every clone. Disciplined, Stern, And would gladly give his life for his brothers and comrades. And has remained this way for since he was born into service.


-Bravery, Orbit will never cower from a fight

-Relentless, he will not stop unless he lay dead or critically wounded

-Paranoid, ever since he has left the Empire, Orbit has always felt

on edge

-A Lost one, Orbit is looking for what seems an unattainable goal, love.


History: Orbit began where every other clone began, on Kamino. He was of the final Kamino branch pressed into service, so when he had finished training Orbit only fought in the clone wars for 2 months before becoming an Imperial Stormtrooper. Throughout his Stormtrooper career he has fought in many battles for the betterment of the Empire. Including but not limited to: The Hutt revoloution on Nal Hutta, The Battle of Geonosis, and The Conflict on Terminus.

But after 17 years something began to change inside him. So far he had been content in his life, having his command of a squad which seemed to need to replace members every so often. Fighting against Rebel forces up to their intermittent defeat. But Orbit now wanted more to life, something outside the military. No, he could not forget his ways, but he wanted something else as well. And the Empire would not let him have it. For Orbit had the desire for love and family. And the aspect of retiring to watch his children grow up. Orbit soon figured out that the Empire once no longer needed of their clones, intent on replacing them with cheaper recruits, 'disposed' of them.

That is when he deserted the Empire in a search of a better life.


E-11 Blaster


2x Thermal Detonators



Standard Stormtrooper Armor





Other: Not apart of the white knights

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AdmiralKerkov said:

Name: TK-318001

Nickname: "Orbit

Appearance(Image or description but image prefered):


Species: Human Clone

Age: 26 (Physical Age:52)

Sexuality: Straight

Force Sensitive(If yes put whether they are jedi: No

Rank: Sergeant

Position(optional): Stormtrooper

Personality: Orbit is like every clone. Disciplined, Stern, And would gladly give his life for his brothers and comrades. And has remained this way for since he was born into service.

History: Orbit began where every other clone began, on Kamino. He was of the final Kamino branch pressed into service, so when he had finished training Orbit only fought in the clone wars for 2 months before becoming an Imperial Stormtrooper. Throughout his Stormtrooper career he has fought in many battles for the betterment of the Empire. Including but not limited to: The Hutt revoloution on Nal Hutta, The Battle of Geonosis, and The Conflict on Terminus.

But after 17 years something began to change inside him. So far he had been content in his life, having his command of a squad which seemed to need to replace members every so often. Fighting against Rebel forces up to their intermittent defeat. But Orbit now wanted more to life, something outside the military. No, he could not forget his ways, but he wanted something else as well. And the Empire would not let him have it. For Orbit had the desire for love and family. And the aspect of retiring to watch his children grow up. Orbit soon figured out that the Empire once no longer needed of their clones, intent on replacing them with cheaper recruits, 'disposed' of them.

That is when he deserted in a search of a better life.

Weapons and Equipment:

E-11 Blaster


Standard Stormtrooper Armor

2x Thermal Detonators


-Bravery, Orbit will never cower from a fight

-Relentless, he will not stop unless he lay dead or critically wounded

-Paranoid, ever since he has left the Empire, Orbit has always felt

on edge

-A Lost one, Orbit is looking for what seems an unattainable goal, love.

Other: Not apart of the white knights

Please fix the formatting, its actually really difficult to read.

Jahvazu Nightmare











Force Sensitive:





Bounty Hunter


She is an open book. Lives by her own rules, yet tries to do what is right. If she has to, she will abadon all her clients if it wrong. Although she has a clean reputation, the Sith drag it through the dirt, which leaves much love to be desired. She is a pain in the butt to control however, and will get things done.


All that she knows is that by the age of five, she was living with her aunt when her parents died in a sand storm on Tattooine. Growing up with a cripple elderly woman was slow for the girl, and by the time the bossy aunt pass away, she knew almost every trick of the bounty hunter trade. She spent time with every evil, bent crook she knew of, anything to free her of the place that tied her down. Leaving by the age of twelve the planet she had known as home behind, she grew into a famous, well sought out, light side bounty hunter.

Weapons and Equipment:



Ability to use a sniper rifle

and lose combat.



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[QUOTE="Nightmares Angel]


Jahvazu Nightmare











Force Sensitive:





Bounty Hunter


She is an open book. Lives by her own rules, yet tries to do what is right. If she has to, she will abadon all her clients if it wrong. Although she has a clean reputation, the Sith drag it through the dirt, which leaves much love to be desired. She is a pain in the butt to control however, and will get things done.


All that she knows is that by the age of five, she was living with her aunt when her parents died in a sand storm on Tattooine. Growing up with a cripple elderly woman was slow for the girl, and by the time the bossy aunt pass away, she knew almost every trick of the bounty hunter trade. She spent time with every evil, bent crook she knew of, anything to free her of the place that tied her down. Leaving by the age of twelve the planet she had known as home behind, she grew into a famous, well sought out, light side bounty hunter.

Weapons and Equipment:



Ability to use a sniper rifle

and lose combat.




Formatting fix needed

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