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Fandom Star Wars: Fate of the Force(Rebooted)

Field Marshall

Eight Thousand Club



Appearance(Image or description but image prefered):




Force Sensitive(If yes put whether they are jedi,





Weapons and Equipment:


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Name: Jace Setsuno

Nickname: The Red Knight

Appearance(Image or description but image prefered):


Species: Human

Age: 25

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Force Sensitive: Mandalorian Jedi

Rank: Captain

Position: Leader

Personality: RP Revelation

History: Jace was born on the was born of the Mandalorian Moon of Concordia. Most of the True Mandalorian Warrior Clans went there when Mandalore rejected their warrior ways. Jace's father was Alzak Setsuno was a jedi born on Mandalore and his mother was a mandalorian warrior named Velana Qui. When the Empire began to encroach upon Mandalore the warrior clans of Concordia went into hiding, the only reason they allowed Alzak to remain with them was because he was a member of the Setsuno clan and they felt Mandalorian Jedi would surely revolutionize their fighting strength. Alzak had been assigned to recover the Jedi holocrons but Jace's birth stalled that for a while until Jace was well trained both as a Mandalorian and Jedi.

When Jace was deemed good enough the two set out to recover the holocrons. They recovered six holocrons but on their mission to get the sixth holocron Alzak was cut down by a Shadowguard with Jace just barely escaping unscathed. After a period of mourning he realized his force training was still incomplete so he sought to complete it with the knowledge within the holocrons. He learned not only the missing gaps in his training but far more. He returned to Concordia a full fledged jedi, the clans feared he may attract Sith attention before they were ready so they sent him off to join the Rebellion with a promise that the Mandalorian Clans of Concordia will soon follow. In his exploits as a member of the Rebellion he became known as the Red Knight from his successes against the Empire.

Weapons and Equipment:

His white lightsaber


His father's


His beskar electrosword


His blaster



Lightsaber Combat

Blaster Markmanship


Hand to Hand Combat

Starfighter Piloting

Skilled in the force

uses standard and uncommon force techniques

Other: "The White Knights move onward"​
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Name: ARC-1313

Nickname: Kath

Appearance(Image or description but image prefered):

Species: Clone

Age: 55 (Appears to look only 22

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Force Sensitive(If yes put whether they are jedi): No

Rank: Lieutenant

Position(optional): Arc Trooper

Personality: RP Revelation

History: ARC-1313 or as he is preferred to be called Kath, a name he received after singlehandedly clearing a cave of Kath Hound during an mission on Dantooine during the clone wars. He was originally an ARC Trooper during the Clone Wars, and served in the Battles of Kamino, Rhen Var, Dantooine, and Mygeeto under General KI Ai Mundi. When order 66 was enacted he took part in the General's murder and assisted the Empire in hunting Mundi's Jedi allies on the planet. However, following the Kamino uprising and the disbandment of the Clone Army, Imperial Troops attempted to kill Kath, seeing him as a threat to the Empire as a clone himself. He escaped and worked as a bounty hunter for a short time before being contacted by the Rebel Alliance. He has donned his ARC trooper armor once more in order to save the Alliance and the galaxy as he knows it on this new mission.

Weapons and Equipment: Dual D-17S Commando Pistols

Westar M5 Blaster Repeater w/ Thermal Imploder Grenade Launcher

Attributes: Blaster Combat, Hand to Hand, Tactics, Interrogation, Demolition, minor Piloting skills

Other: "The White Knights move onward"


Ren Sato




<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.c27be87da6cf8c926e8b0651965425b7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="70837" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.c27be87da6cf8c926e8b0651965425b7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>







Force Sensitive:






Ren is a person that takes pleasure in receiving attention, good or bad, of course that's also the entire reason she began her career as a hunter. Not only that she is of the cautious type, always alert for danger, a lasting effect of Nar Shaddaa.

(That's all I'll reveal for now.)


Ren Sato was born and raised on the dirty moon known as Nar Shaddaa where crime surrounded it's inhabitants and was an integral part of everyone's life whether one chose to participate or not. The Sato family lived in one of many small apartments. The occupations of Ren's parents was, and still is a mystery to the bounty hunter...the only thing she was sure about their jobs was that it kept the mother and father out of the apartment for long lengths of time, enabling their daughter to roam the streets of Nar Shaddaa unsupervised, experiences that shaped Ren into the woman she is today. Street smarts quickly filled the mind of the wandering child...what sectors to keep away from, the types of people to avoid, how to intimidate a being, when to retreat from conflict, how certain substances affected the human system, and more. As time passed Ren found herself spending more and more time away from home and in the company of unsavory types. By then she had experienced her fair share of conflict ranging from simple mugs to all-out blasterfights and yet these events only strengthened Ren's growing mean streak. Life was good.

Life was good...but there was always improvement...and something happened that captivated a 19 year old Ren Sato. Wandering around a market square Ren had noticed a man staring right at her, he did not look anything special wearing civilian clothing yet his mouth was open while his eyes were wide with awe. Feeling uncomfortable Ren gripped the blaster in a holster hanging from her waist when she noticed the man's gaze shifting to the right and only then did she realize the man wasn't staring at her. In fact it seemed everyone in the vicinity was staring at whatever the man was as well. Following the gazes of several people she eventually landed on a...thing...casually striding through the market, and Ren herself felt her jaw drop. She had never seen anything like it. The thing was fully armored from head to toe, not only that the armor was shining with not a speck of dirt stained onto the dazzling armor. Various gadgets lined the metallic belt around the thing's waist along with a massive blaster pistol. It's helmeted gaze protected from the staring eyes and preserved a sense of mystery as it hid something underneath. Was it a human? An alien? A droid of some sort? Whatever it was it garnered the attention of many people, emotions ranging from fear to awe just by it's presence. Ren wanted that.

After acquiring the information that the figure was a bounty hunter, Ren set out exploring Nar Shaddaa, scavenging for every piece of scrap she could find and bring back to her apartment. Over time she had assembled her own suit of armor and although it was quite rustic in appearance and seemed to be assembled from mismatched pieces of metal, it was the birth of a new bounty hunter. Traveling Nar Shaddaa in search of paying jobs, Ren found herself working for many gangs who wanted significant damage done to rival gangs and the bounty hunter carried out each job with ruthless efficiency, her only weapons being her blaster pistol and armored fists. As her collection of credits increased, so did the functionality of her armor, using her credits to purchase legitimate pieces of armor and weaponry. She was beginning to look like a proper bounty hunter. A very public duel with a Sith apprentice resulted in the birth of Sithbane.

(More on that will be revealed in the RP)

Weapons and Equipment:

-Scoped blaster pistol

-Retractable blade


-Wrist mounted missiles

-Weaponized bracer



-Skilled in blaster fights

-Capable in close quarters

-Has various equipment for battle

-Nothing without armor

-Incapable of leading forces

-Sucker for credits


The White Knights move onward.​



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Name: Carillia Zen

Nickname:Cilly, Cillia

Appearance(Image or description but image prefered):


Species:Lethan Twillek



Force Sensitive: Yes and jedi sentinel

Rank: :Lieutenant

Position(optional):Former shadow now Medic

Personality:RP Revelation

History: A young recently initiated jedi knight at the time of the end of the old republic and spend a considerable in the battlefields of the clone wars. When order 66 came along, clones turned against her and her master. Her master died ind front of her eyes and she barely survived to by they skin of her teeth. She went into hiding in Nar Shadda, making ends meet working as a dancer and other odd jobs. In her time there she aided refuges and other people there, even taking down a slave smuggling ring. This drew attention of the empire and soon sent forces to capture, she escaped but was left with no where to go. She eventually found out of the Rebellion and joined up almost immediately.

Weapons and Equipment:

  • Yellow crystal Curved hilt lightsaber


  • shoto green crystal


  • Hold out blaster



  • Skilled in Niman and Makashi
  • Medical training
  • Some experience with blasters
  • Capable in light and dark side powers

Other:"The White Knights move onward"
Okay so we'll either start today or tomorrow, for you jedi until Revan shows up a like from me is enough to consider yourself accepted.
Name: Calway



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.78f1ee60c50df7924d0c8bb22d2cfcd3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="70922" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.78f1ee60c50df7924d0c8bb22d2cfcd3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



Sexuality:If any Heterosexual

Force Sensitive:No

Rank: A gun for hire, bug he prefers to be hired by the rebels.


Personality: Even though hes a droid, he has a personality but it's not lively and bright. His personality is a very series one, mainly speaking in monotone, he cares about few things. Those things are working, getting paid, and the occasional gunfight. But that doesn't mean that he doesn't have a heart. People had seen him helping out the poor and injured, he could sometimes relate to the victims of the war, he knew that everybody wanted this, even he wants this war to end soon enough. He would most of the time will do the right thing, which could be giving his money to the poor, or raid enemy cargo ships for supplies for the rebels.

History: The story of Calway Is a foggy one. He doesn't remember much, but he remembered crucial points. He remembered that he used to be a captain for the clone army back during the clone wars. After order 66, he figured that this was a pointless fight, some went rogue. He moved to one of the farthest planets that his small ship can possibly go. He can't remember what the planet was called, he just remembered some swamps, and that's about it. He couldn't remember the events that occurred over the years he lived there.

He just remembered the moments that happened before he became a android. There was a ship of storm troopers landing not too far from his camp, and that they attacked him. They shot him at least three to four times, but there was a the final blow that got him close to death. It was a stab wound from the captains knife. After the group left, Calway crawled his way into his ship, he knew that there was a old droid that was inside the ship. It hasn't been used in years, he had a crazy idea that may just work. He accessed the ships old computers and he plugged the droid into the system. The theory was that his coinchiousness will transfer into the droids body.

The next thing he remembered was an odd feeling. He instantly recognized that his body was different. The transfer was a success, his mind was now inside of the droid. He cheated death, but at the price of his memory and most of his humanity. So for past ten years afterward he started working as a hired gun, working for the rebellion, trying to show that he does have some humanity left.

Weapons and Equipment:

Shotgun like blaster <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.1afe239670cb3ec3099787d192099de7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="70923" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.1afe239670cb3ec3099787d192099de7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>golden lightsaber along with the green one in his picture<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.a1b528c33d53af24e7dd43aaeb927b0c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="70924" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.a1b528c33d53af24e7dd43aaeb927b0c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Other: "The White Knights move onward"



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Name: Sun Rhys

Nickname: N/A

Appearance(Image or description but image prefered):

Species: Human

Age: 23

Sexuality: Bisexual

Force Sensitive(If yes put whether they are jedi): Yes, she is strong in the force though she does not know she possesses it.

Rank: Corporal

Position(optional): Mechanic/Pilot

Personality: She's a very confident person, who likes the company of others and enjoys space. She is a tough fighter and is not one to give up. Though after barley escaping the Battle of Hoth she has become slightly depressed from she saw there though she does her best to hide it.

History: Sun was born above Raxus Prime to a junk trader, and lived a good amount of her life in poverty. However, she did find a love for piloting when her father was wounded and blinded. Though Junk ships grew tiresome for Sun and she soon strived to one day pilot the various star fighters in the galaxy. Raxus was very secluded so the backlash from Order 66 and the rise of the Empire didn't effect her and her family very seriously. However when the Empire took control of Raxus Prime to aid in the production of their new fleet, Sun's father was arrested and she was sent to an Imperial Boarding School at 15. There she was punished very often due to her lack of compliance with Imperial Creed, the only thing keeping her from being kicked out was her exceptional combat scores on the flight simulations. At age 18, she graduated and was being prepared to join the Imperial Navy when she heard of the destruction of Alderann. Not content with being apart of such an evil organization she dropped out and did work as an escort pilot for the Kuat Drive Yards, but she converted to the Rebellion with a coalition of fellow escort pilots. She took part in a variety of minor rebel raids, using her knowledge of Imperial Navy installations and ships to her advantage and was also one of the few pilots to escape the defense of Echo Base on Hoth. There she was shot down and had to trek through 3 miles of tundra, and dead bodies, while avoiding patrolling AT-AT's until she reached an Imperial Rally Point and stole an Imperial Shuttle. She was hand picked for this assignment in order to aid in piloting and maintaining the White Knight's ship.

Weapons and Equipment: DH-17 Blaster Pistol

Attributes: Piloting, Maintenance, Repair, Blaster Combat, Knowledge of Imperial Tactics, and Alien Language

Other:"The White Knights move onward"
[QUOTE="Robin man]Me too, and thank you for saying so @Newtype

Also could you add some attributes to your character, please. Wouldn't want anyone to think he is skill less.

Jarvis Grainer

Nickname: The lone Wanderer.


Species: human

Age: 24

Sexuality: Straight

Force Sensitive: no

Rank: none

Position(optional): Mercenary.

Personality: He can be stubborn at times, and he doesn't know when to give up on something. After many years of working as a Mercenary he knows how to make a deal (mostly about credits).

History: Jarvis was born on coursant. He has never seen his father, but he lived with his mother for most of his early life. Even though he grew up in the poorer parts of coursant he still made the best out of any sistuation. When the Order 66 happen it didn't affect his family that much... except a few days after Jarvis got something in the mail. A note that told him about his father. His father was a jedi who had been recently killed during the Order, and inside a small package was his father's light Saber (the same one in the picture). Even though his father was a Jedi Jarvis never got any force powers. Jarvis started to train himself with his own unique fighting style.

A few years pass, and Jarvis's mother dies of illness, so he sets out to become a Mercenary. He has made a name for himself over the past years, The lone wanderer due to hI'm wandering all over the galaxy I'm order to find a job. He was selected to join the White Knights to be a lowly mercenary.

Weapons and Equipment:



Attributes: His own unique fighting style that uses both a light Saber, and a blaster. Knowledge of the different planets.

Other: :"The White Knights move onward"
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There are no more force sensitive positions left, since eh doesn't have force powers he could just be a merc in possession of a saber.
Actually your character would still be on the White Mare so you have to get Sun to bring your character to where the others are.
Name: Revan Dax


Age: 26

Species: Human

Gender: Female

Build: Slim

Hair Color: Black, with a pink streak in the front

Eye Color: Blue

Skin Tone: Average

Scars: One on the top of her right breast.

Clothes: Orange rebel pilot jumpsuit, normally unziped to show cleavage, Black Combat Boots.


She normally doesn't wear the vest, and has this Emblem on the shoulder. In a blue circle.


Personality: On the outside Revan is kind, loyal, a bit slutty, and at some times has a very crude sense of humor she also has a near obsession with powered armour. On the inside she is confused about her past and wants answers more then anything else. She's also a masochist.

Sexuality: Revan is bisexual although she prefers women. Often people will think that she is homosexual due to her flirting with many women.

Sense of Humor: Revan has a bit of a dirty sense of humor often making remarks about her masochism, partial homosexuality, breast size, and her impact on men often embarrassing other party members both male, and female.



Revan's powered armour is armed with wrist rockets, and a jump jet on the back. It weighs roughly 400kg, due to the use of mandalorian iron in it's construction. The armour is powered by a micro fission battery allowing it to be worn for long periods of time without charging. Revan's suit also has a 90min air supply.


Revan's Blaster Gatling is capable of sustaining a high rate of fire. It's a large weapon that carries a battery capable of holding a charge for several thousand rounds. The Gatling is also capable of being plugged into Revan's powered armour's fission battery.

Biography: Lieutenant Junior Grade Harold Nastda was on duty his orders were to supervise the Alliance archeology team digging on Hoth. His mission was simple, but boring He had already been stationed there for a few months when the archaeologists made their find. A small Jedi ruin completely buried in ice. They worked tirelessly for almost two weeks when they finally uncovered the ruin's only chamber.

The chamber was circular, had a height of about ten feet, and had a diameter of about ten meters. In it's center was a carbonite slab, and in the slab was a woman. The team was indecisive about thawing her at first. There was nothing in the ruin to indicate who the mysterious woman was, why she was there, or how long she had been in the carbonite for. They argued about how she could be an ancient Jedi master, or a long forgotten sith lord. They also argued about how they may kill the woman if she was frozen to prevent her from dieing. In the end they came to a decision. They would thaw her.

It was early in the morning when the scientists requested that Harold Nastda, and his security detail come down to the ruin for the thawing. Before Harold let the scientists thaw the mystery woman his team set up turrets, mines, and even a small nuclear device just in case she was an ancient sith. After a few hours of preparation he gave the go ahead.

The carbonite steamed and sizzled as it melted away over a period of several minutes. Finally in place of the carbonite laid a naked woman with long black hair, and a kind motionless face. This defenseless, and slightly arousing figure caused the team to relax.

Lieutenant Junior Grade Harold Hastda slowly approached her blaster rifle raised. He cautiously put his left hand out, keeping his blaster ready in the other. He meant to check her pulse, as he gently touched her neck her vblue eyes opened with a start. He jumped back raising his rifle "Who are you?" He demanded. "I-I don't know." She replied in a confused voice. Other than some basic knowledge her memory was completely blank. Then a name came to her lips "Revan, Revan Dax." She said shivering, the cold was starting to chill her nude body. "Other than that, I can't tell you anything else. My memory's gone."

The Rebels in their kindness gave her a blanket to wrap herself in, and took her to the base's medical facilities to recover.

She spent a few days recovering from the carbonite, learning about the state of the galaxy, and some other things when she decided to join the rebels in their struggle. In the few memories she had left she remembered things like how to use, repair, and modify powered armour. As well as how to fly, use heavy weapons, and speak quite a few languages.

She spent a few months training with the Rebels and developing her unique personality. She gained a reputation among her fellows for her skills with powered armour, and piloting. As well as her "free spirited" nature with other women. After training she was sent out to smuggle weapons and gain information for the alliance. She also maintains a friendship with now Lieutenant Senior Grade Harold Nastda.

Skills: Revan is an expert in the use of powered armour. She is capable of jogging, and doing precise movements unlike most power armour users. She is also capable of performing extremely complex repairs, and modifications to most powered armour.

Revan is a skilled pilot capable of some complex maneuvers, and dog fighting a high speeds.

Revan is skilled in using heavy weaponry including rotery blasters, wrist rockets, flamers, and explosives.

Revan is a skilled strategist, and tactician. Allowing her to evaluate a situation, and create a plan accordingly.

Revan is skilled at using her body at manipulating others, this allows her to influence negotiations, and get out of trouble at times.

Positive Traits: Revan's love of powered armour allows her to learn new things about armour quickly, and even invent a few things.

Revan is physically attractive allowing her to manipulate others at times.

Revan has great stores of information in her hidden memories. This sometimes allows her to shead a new light on a situation, or turn the tide of a battle.

Revan is extremely force sensitive, allowing her to develop force skills very quickly.

Revan is very agile allowing her to jump, roll, Dodge, move, and even dance very well.

Revan is a masochist which allowing her to withstand more pain than other people, especially when it comes to electricity.

Negative Traits: Revan's love of powered armour can make her oblivious to things at times, and even get her into dangerous situations.

Revan's physical attractiveness can at times distract other party members, gain unwanted attention, and even make her the target of slavers, and other less savoury characters.

Revan swears a lot.

Revan is a bit of slut at times, causing some awkward incounters with other party members.

Revan has an innate distrust of Mandalorians for a reason most likely hidden in her lost memories.

Revan will subconsciously use the force when in states of extreme rage. When this happens she can injure other party members, enemies, and her self.

Revan will at times have visions so powerful they will physically manifest in the form of force phantoms. These phantoms can cause physical harm to others, and even Revan herself.

Revan's sensitivity in the force can interfere with other's force abilities, it also makes it hard for her to go unnoticed by other force sensitives.

Likes: Blonde females, powered armour, big guns, whips, electricity, dirty jokes, spicy food, and dancing.

Dislikes: Obnoxious men hitting on her, bitter foods, mandalorians, the rain, long speeches, and the Empire.

Home Planet: Unknown

Motivation: Recover her lost memories.

Motto: Live fun, fast, and free.

Quote: I would say something memorable, but knowing me I would forget it.

Other information: Revan is a much different person than she was before she lost her memories.

Other: If you try to make me put that password down, I'll find where you live, sneak into your room while you are asleep, douce your bed with gasoline, light a match, and then watch you burn. ;* (<= winky kiss face)

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