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Fandom STAR WARS: FALLEN ORDER [Interest Check]

oh btw Booperboy Booperboy I'm not currently looking to take part, just a fyi :P

p.s, I appreciate the thought though <3
Can I join?
Posting speed and length?
Can I make up a species for my character? I have a spaceship pilot I’ve been wanting to use but she’s of a made up species (because humans are too mainstream)
Unicorgi Unicorgi
About a paragraph; at least once a day
I suppose. There are plenty of other species to choose from if you want though (Zabrak, Twi'lek, Quarren, Gran, Gungan, etc.)
ok last question (sorry!) how good does my character pic have to be? i have a couple doodles of my character that i want to use.
hope you dont mind me creating a character~
when i say creating, i mean posting a nearly complete character that never got to do a thing anyways :) [the rp died before it started]
she is togruta
I'm going to make a young unskilled very high potential padawan.

But I'm a bit busy so maybe tonight, or tommorow.
So long as we haven't altered anything up until this point, then the droid attack on kashyyk did happen, and the wookiee's beat em back.
Yeah. But then the Empire would come on in and enslave the wookie people...……......unless something to say about, we do.

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