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Fandom Star Wars: Demesne [Closed]

It was Adlai’s mother who answered, materializing above the datapad, “Adlai? Is something wrong?” She answered, worry creasing her face. It was rather late.

The woman hovering was clearly into her 60s. Her hair was still dark, though Adlai knew she dyed it to keep it that way. The lines on her face were evident, to some degree, and she was no longer the waif she had been, although still such a small thing, it was now much softer than in his youth.

These were the small things that always pained Adlai to recognize. The small hints that she was getting older. Of course, he said none of that, that such a thing was wrong, only smiled…and let it fall, “Nothing…terrible,” he sighed, and pushed his fingers through his hair, “I wanted to let you know that Eira and I broke up.”

There was a beat of silence, and then a heavy sigh from the woman on the other side. Adlai knew there were plenty of things she’d like to say, among them, that this was obvious, that she’d warned him, but she wouldn’t say that, “Oh Addie,” was what followed that sigh, “I’m sorry, dear. How are you doing?”

“I’m okay. We talked it out, it was amicable, it’s just…going to be strange going forward.”

“Hold on, I’m going to get your father.” She said, and after a moment, she returned to the screen with Adlai’s father. Tall, still regal, with completely gray hair – and a long, ugly scar, that cut from his left hair, over his lips, and to his chin.

He hadn’t been spared in the war, either. “Adlai?”

“Hi,” he greeted, knowing mom hadn’t already told him, he repeated, “Eira and I broke up.”

“’Bout time.” The man huffed.

“Doron!” He was nudged by Eitana.

“What? Oh fine, she was a nice girl, but completely wrong for Adlai, I don’t care how nice, and he was in that relationship years too long.”

“Thanks, dad.” Adlai rolled his eyes.


“You know more than most, and the phrase is quite accurate, actually,” Eira offered. Whether or not Mitth’raw’nuruodo would ever come to realize it, was another matter. The best practitioners were usually blind, or practiced it blindfolded. She wouldn't be convincing Mitth'raw'nuruodo to try with a blindfold anytime soon.

The meditation and the rate at which one learned to control their breath and their heartrate, gave them a greater sense of the environment around them – because they were controlling all of their own functions. They learned to separate what was outside of themselves. “The heart of it is control of breathing, and through that, control of heart-rate, but that takes time, and working through the exercises helps one to gain the control they need. Once you have that, though…you can see without seeing. You pick up on everything outside of yourself much easier."

And could respond appropriately.

“I’m sure you have a lot of breathing practices down from your other styles, so I’ll show you choreography of a moveset, and you’ll follow it – breathing once. I’ll help you get it down before you try all of it in one go. All right?” Perhaps that would be advanced for an outright beginner, but Mitth’raw’nuruodo had a greater background in combat than most.

And if it was advanced – then she could take it down from there.


“Yeah…,” Eli agreed with that. He didn’t want to run into any serpents, especially since they were common enough to be included in the first aid kit. They’d overprepared – but Eli considered that a good thing, all the same. If they had to stay longer, they would have been ready for it, but they didn’t.

Proserpina came to them.

Eli followed onto the ship, and let Proserpina be taken out of sight to be contained by those on the ship. He considered going to stand guard, but decided against it. Staying in the entrance space after the ramp went up, was good enough. If she tried anything, it would echo in this kind of ship.

“I’m not sure she has anything more to offer,” Eli said, “She wanted us gone,” and had told them of Niima and Jakku, but expressed ignorance about any details. “She was trying to get that from us,” not from Mitth’raw’nuruodo.

So, he shook his head, “I’m not sure what she’ll try to do, but I don’t think it’s a plea deal.” She had something in mind, that was clear, but he couldn’t fathom what it was.
Although much smaller in size, Skye could see the resemblance between Adlai and his mother. She smiled at their exchange, the mothering nature clear on her face. And his father…

Her smile faltered at the sight of the scar. There was little doubt where, or rather when, he got it, but like his mother, Skye could clearly see the resemblance between Adlai and his parents.

And apparently he wasn't as shy to share his thoughts about the break-up as his wife. Skye almost chuckled, but she stopped herself with a hand over her mouth.

It was obvious how they all cared for one another, despite Adlai’s father’s I-told-you-so attitude.


Thrawn felt some satisfaction in knowing that he knew more than most, in some thinly veiled attempt to impress Eira. Control his breathing...Thrawn could do that. Meditation was key to many other forms of martial arts, but see without seeing…

He almost wanted to compare that to what he knew of the Force. Isn’t that what they did? Use the Force to see around them and outside of themselves into the environment around them?

But Thrawn knew very little outside of the Chiss children who possessed the sight.

He nodded. It seemed easy enough for him, though Thrawn knew everything seemed easy until it was actually practiced. “All right,” he agreed. “I’m ready.”


The additional officers went into another part of the ship with Proserpina, and Ortell and Tobias returned to the cockpit, where Ortell prepared them for departure for the facility to drop the officers off.

Cora stayed in the entrance space, with Eli, as everyone else went to their respective places. Proserpina had something planned, that much was clear, a sentiment echoed by Eli, but there’s nothing she could do while in custody, right?

Still, something felt wrong.

But what could they do, merely based off of a feeling?

“I guess we’ll just have to keep a close eye on her,” she offered. Should they warn Mitth’raw’nuruodo of their suspicions? Or would someone like him already have thought of five different ways Proserpina could surprise them? Or of what she could ask?
Though Adlai could see Skye’s reactions out of the corner of his eye, he didn’t address them, or look directly at her. He remained focused on the holos before him. “So will you be taking a leave soon?” Eitana asked.

Not surprising.

“I am going to try,” Adlai answered, “in the next week or two. There are some things I need to tie up here before I do that,” and it would give Skye some time, too. As well as Shay, to prepare for his leave to Serenno for a bit, and to suggest anything he do while there, if there was anything to do.

His work never really ended, even if he wasn’t actively influencing the Senate. “Good. It’s been too long,” she said, “and I know that even if this had to come to an end, it must hurt a little. It’ll be good to come home. See your friends.”

“Find someone decent.”

Another nudge from Eitana, and Doron seemed to wince. “To find yourself again, Addie. We’ll prepare.”

Though Adlai could argue he didn’t have the time off yet, he didn’t, just nodded. “Thank you. I’ll work on getting the time,” he promised, “It’s been a long day. I had to meet with Eira’s manager.”

He could see his father muttering under his breath, but it was too quiet to be picked up on.

“So I think I’d like to get to sleep sooner than later.”

“Understandable,” his mother agreed, “Call us in the morning.”

“I will.” He promised. “Good night, mom, dad.”

“Good night,” they echoed, before the call would conclude.


Eira knew that the choreography would be a good way for her to see what Mitth’raw’nuruodo would need further training in, first. It would show how well he adapted to the form with his body, how he moved in it, and how he breathed – or didn’t – through it. That could give her an idea of where to begin the lessons.

Lessons she had learned as a Jedi. Lessons she had practiced with her master; they had not shared a lightsaber style in common, but they had both chosen this style when it came to other styles of fighting, which had always made her wonder.

Of course, for her master, being constantly aware and vigilant of all that was around him and his environment, was what he needed to be an effectively brutal knight.

For Eira, it was how she avoided unnecessary destruction.

Eira put some distance between herself and Mitth’raw’nuruodo. “Hold still.” Although if he moved, she could follow it, certainly – that wasn’t the point.

The point was to show him what she meant, as she shut her eyes, and dove into one of the more advanced choreographies after an exhale, releasing the air she had within.

It was a nearly pure zama-shiwo stylization, open palms, graceful moves, and fast, but dance bled into it, with the movement onto her tiptoes, and the way she held her weight. With the fact that she moved in a style that would have benefited from scarves, although she had learned to use such flowy things to disorient and confuse opponents, just as well as she had learned to use them to mesmerize in dance. Everything flowed like water, as if it would move around an obstacle without issue, and continue.

There was only one breath that she took, as she’d told Mitth’raw’nuruodo that he would only get one, in the midst of the sequence, and its release was not huffed out, nor was its intake a gasp.

Controlled. There was even something of a melody to the steps, to the strikes as they cut through the air. The addition of a scarf would have finished it. It was all a dance to her, all music, with a pattern to be followed.

Just as the final move, an open-palm thrust that ended barely a centimeter from Mitth’raw’nuruodo’s throat. Even with her eyes closed, through spins, she never lost her sense of location, or where he was, either. Nor how dangerously close she could have come to striking him.

She opened her eyes, drew her hand back, and stepped back, “I won’t ask you to close your eyes, or try to get that close, I promise.” Eira said, breathing resuming some regulatory fashion. Slow. Gradual. No strain, no huffing, no gasping, despite the haste of her actions.


Eli nodded, “I don’t think she will do anything until we’re at the Chimaera,” Eli indicated. He had a feeling that Proserpina wanted to meet the Grand Admiral, and that somehow her plans involved the Grand Admiral.

Was she familiar with Nightswan? Perhaps that was where she gathered some of her confidence, although Eli was fairly certain that most of the events with Nightswan were not well known. Thrawn had made sure of that. Eli was lucky to know much of anything beyond what the Empire itself knew.

No one was ever going to know that Thrawn had offered to ‘save’ Nightswan, in a way.

Eli still had his questions and concerns about that event, and why Thrawn had wanted to do such a thing. What it meant for his view about the Empire, for one. Yet, he had not broached that topic. So much happened in so short a period of time after it, that Eli forgot, really.

Perhaps he’d ask, after Proserpina.

Somewhere, somewhen, it was safe to ask such questions. To know what Thrawn was trying to do. He knew Thrawn was always trying to do what was best, but he wondered who’s best was at stake with Nightswan…the Empire? The Chiss?

Were they different, in Thrawn’s mind?

Eli was more or less right, too.

The situation back to base remained calm, and Eli was intending this to be just a quick drop of the officers from the base, but as they landed and lowered the ramp, the Major from before stepped on, rather than off, and addressed the officers that were coming back from where Proserpina was left. “Go back and retrieve the prisoner.”

Eli looked immediately confused.

And then angry. “Excuse me, this is our prisoner that we’re escorting back to the Chimaera.”

The officer looked at him with a bit of sympathy. “I apologize, Commander Vanto, but I have orders from Governor Tarkin.”
The desire for Adlai to take a leave and return to his parents within the next week or so wasn’t a surprising one to Skye. They had discussed it earlier. She wanted him to see his family; they obviously made him happy, and he was so far from them.

A soft smile returned to her face as he finished up their conversation.

“Well, they seem nice,” she commented after Adlai ended the call. She stood up from her chair and crossed the room over to the couch. “But to find someone decent? Where are you going to find someone decent?” She asked, a small smirk crossing her features as she took a seat next to him.

Would she be decent in their eyes? It wasn’t something Skye worried herself over, but rather it served as a small question in her mind. If they didn’t like her, they may pester Adlai about her as they apparently had done about Eira.


First instinct to be told ‘hold still’ was to do the opposite. To prepare himself to dodge and move out of the way of an incoming attack, like he had been trained to do.

But Thrawn trusted Eira to not injure him, or at least not seriously injure him. So, he braced himself, urging his muscles to not instinctively reflex should she move close in his direction.

He carefully watched her, watched how her chest rose and fell with her single breath, and watched how she gracefully moved with expertise and many years of training. The near weightlessness of how she moved was evident that this was something she had been familiar with.

Thrawn could see her having practiced the style for many years. Her gracefulness was mesmerizing, and he couldn’t tear his gaze away from her, even if he hadn’t been watching her already to pick up on the moves.

The single breath was as if she was meditating, and her moves as if she was dancing.

Thrawn had been so enamored with the way Eira moved, he hardly recognized when she started before him with an open-palm right before his throat. If he had been an enemy, he would’ve been rendered incapacitated. And, now that she was closer, he understood it had all been done with eyes closed.

Even more impressive.

“Good,” he breathed out, after a second of remaining impressed with the technique. “I think I will need my eyesight to learn the moves.” A slight jest, but not far from the truth either. After he mastered the basic moves, he may try his hand at attempting the same blind. “Show me how I start.”


They had hoped that Proserpina wouldn’t do anything until they were at the Chimaera, but it seemed fate had other plans.

Or, rather, the Empire had other plans for their prisoner.

“How does Governor Tarkin already know about our prisoner?” Cora blurted out, fully intending on the rhetorical question to remain in her head. But she had become just as angry as Eli.

A look of irritation flickered over the officer’s look of sympathy for a split second. “We’re just following orders.”

Cora watched as the officers brought their prisoner back out and down the ramp, out of their sight and out of their ship. “Had Admiral Thrawn even been alerted to her capture?” she asked Eli. Surely he hadn’t? And if he had, would he have told Governor Tarkin?

No, Cora couldn’t see any reason for the governor to have been alerted so soon. Or maybe the governor was alerted to every damn thing that happened in the Empire, including the arrest of every criminal. Then again, Proserpina wasn’t some small-time criminal.
Adlai could only nod at Skye’s assessment, “Most of the time,” his parents were fairly nice people. Decent. Though his father used to have something of a reputation for being a Firestarter. There was a reason his sons ended up as revolutionaries of sorts, he supposed. His mother was the more peaceful one.

“I think they want me to look on Serenno,” he said at Skye’s obviously rhetorical question. Since he had already found someone decent, he didn’t need to be looking. “It’s a good thing I’m bringing someone to Serenno to look at.”

To see how she would like it, as well.

How she might mix with his family, and his culture. His world. No matter how many places he traveled to, Serenno was still his home. It was where he’d want to have his children, and the place he hoped they, too, would call home. “Don’t worry, I’ll let you know what they think.”

Eira had known.

Of course it didn’t matter much to Eira, given their particular situation.


Mitth’raw’nuruodo was impressed. Eira was able to admit to herself that she had hoped for that, even as another part of her mind told her she shouldn’t. Yet, with the cover story in mind, she had found she wanted to show him she was capable. More than she let most see. And at least with this particular style, it would make sense. It was not a brutal style, and plenty of its techniques played well into other practices that were more meditative.

She gave a nod at his request, knowing she would need to go through it all much slower, and help him with it, before he even got to the point of attempting it with a single breath.

“This is the initial stance,” Eira said, stepping away and into profile of the Grand Admiral. Her head faced the direction of her left arm, which was held out in front, palm down, while the right just crossed over her chest, both slightly bent at the elbow.

There was a slight twist of the torso, allowing her right leg to be forward, and her left back – on tiptoes, something she recognized a moment later, “Tiptoes aren’t necessary, it’s just…something I’ve adapted to.” Too much time in heels, and too much time in dance, really. “It helps me to stay light on my feet, which is something of a requirement,” although she anticipated he knew that.

“Everything has to be held lightly. Strength isn’t the important part, it’s precision.” Some got hung up on strength, “And it’s a flow – a constant movement.” As he’d learn in moving to the next, the twist of the body already lending itself to the twist of that foot, the propelling movement forward, and the strike of the right hand that came forward with it.

Everything flowed into the next, rather than paused.


That was a very good question, although Eli Vanto doubted they would get any answers. If it came from Governor Tarkin, that meant it all but came from the Emperor himself. No one was going to ask questions about it, let alone provide answers.

And the Major didn’t.

Although Eli saw that, at least, Proserpina looked panicked, hearing the name Tarkin tossed around as she was led out. She didn’t seem to be attempting to struggle, but this was, evidently, not her plan.

‘Good.’ Eli felt some bitter satisfaction at that.

“No, I hadn’t sent a message ahead,” unless Ortell or Tobias did, which he doubted, Thrawn was not informed.

The information was in this small group.

How could he trust that this was actually orders from Governor Tarkin? “You do understand that we are going to follow up with Governor Tarkin, correct, Major? If you are lying—”

“Do you honestly think I am stupid enough to invoke the wrath of Governor Tarkin by using his name flippantly?” The Major interrupted.

‘No. No I actually don’t.’ She didn’t seem stupid enough to do that.

“How does he know?”

“He doesn’t. Exactly.” The Major moved a hand to her forehead. “I’m afraid whatever it is, I don’t have clearance to speak of it.” Tarkin had been aware of Thrawn investigating Proserpina. He was aware of where Proserpina was.

He had told them not to interfere, but if there was a successful capture, then he wanted the prisoner.

No questions asked.
Skye reached one hand down and interlaced her fingers with his. There was that chance that his parents wouldn’t like her, just as they obviously didn’t care for Eira, but she wouldn’t let that linger on her mind.

How someone thought of her was the least of her concerns, even if they were of great importance to Adlai.

“What exactly would they consider ‘someone decent’ for you?” She was curious to learn what his parents would think would be best for their son. She drew her legs underneath her sitting form, and her other hand gently rested on his lower arm.


Thrawn mimicked the movements Eira showed him, his arms following hers, torso shifting with her torso, legs moving as hers did. Even as she instructed that tiptoes weren’t necessary, he tested out what felt more natural for him, and for Thrawn, that was remaining on the balls of his feet, allowing for quick maneuvering if needed.

Light on the feet is advantageous when facing a larger foe, which, in Thrawn’s case, he often was. As such, he learned to train in both physical strength and agility, never relying on either too much to get him through battle.

“So, trusting your body to movement as it needs to?” Thrawn had asked, as he continued through the flow of the motions. Not quite as graceful as Eira, but he wasn’t fumbling over his two feet.

And yet, to him, the movements didn’t feel like they normally would. Like other martial arts. “How does one attack like this?” He wanted to see her in action again, observe and follow her precise movements.


Cora certainly hoped that Eli didn’t mean her when he said that they would follow up with Governor Tarkin. The skeletal man still terrified her, and she would rather not be the one to question him over such delicate procedures.

Even if their prisoner being taken still infuriated her.

Ortell and Tobias had heard the commotion and came over to find out what was going on. Before either could say anything, Cora asked them, though not accusingly, “Did you two tell anyone about what happened?”

They looked at each other then back at Cora, both shaking their heads. “No,” Ortell spoke, “I figured that Commander Vanto would be the one to alert Admiral Thrawn about Proserpina’s capture.”

“No, it seems that Governor Tarkin somehow knows and is taking over things from here.” Cora frowned, crossing her arms over her chest. There was nothing they could do now about it.
Adlai moved his other hand over Skye’s as she asked him about what his parents would consider decent. “They aren’t that picky,” he reassured her, “they want someone who fits with my wants, most of all,” they wanted someone who would keep Adlai happy, and who he, in turn, would make happy, as well. “Someone of similar interests and life goals, so that it isn’t a struggle or a constant compromise.”

Compromise was necessary, in any relationship.

But for everything?

No one was truly happy with that. There was only so much give and take someone ought to do. It was better to find someone who wanted most of the same things.

Ideally, they would have me with a woman of Serenno who understands our world, and likely another of the noble class, but they’re not going to have issues if I find another – even if they’re not a celebrity.” Obviously Eira would be an exception to most rules, for most crowds.

“Eira and I had made it clear from the start we had different wants,” his gaze shifted down a moment, before back up. “This was always planned.” A reminder. Eira was never meant to seem decent. Never meant to be permanent.


Mitth’raw’nuruodo could follow the slower movements well enough, though Eira was aware he did not have the same grace. That was expected. Even as a martial artist himself, these were still foreign gestures to him.

Teaching your body,” Eira said, “There’s a reason this style has a lot of choreography, even if it isn’t quite useful in combat situations on its own, the choreography teaches you how to move, so you can respond fluidly in combat. Your muscles retain the memory,” as hers did, though she also continued the practice.

“It is a defensive style,” as he may have guessed, “and paired with k’tjari, effective for striking pressure points, and getting you into pressure points of your opponent. Without k’tjari, it’s still quite useful. Normally I’d do this choreography with scarves – surprisingly effective weapons.”

Despite talking, Eira still was not breathing as much as Mitth’raw’nuruodo. She was moving slower, and allowing herself to breathe more to compensate for that, but no more than necessary.

“But moving in ways that your opponent does not expect is key to it. Staying close, not giving ground, and moving around your opponent until there is an opening – that is how it works.”


Eli let out a gruff sigh as Ortell and Tobias denied everything, and Cora explained the situation. He thought of calling the Grand Admiral then and there, but decided this was something to handle in person. It was also likely Thrawn would follow-up with Tarkin himself.

“Thank you, Major. I know you’re just doing your job,” at least, Eli hoped she was. He didn’t get the sense that she wasn’t. “We’ll return to Coruscant.”

The Major nodded. She didn’t apologize, nor clarify anything further. “Safe trip, Commander Vanto,” was all she offered, before she turned and walked off to follow the others.

Eli glared at the ground so as not to glare at her back.

He took a breath.

“Bantha-shit,” he muttered under his breath, far from pleased with how this had turned out, and how they lost Proserpina. Not that Thrawn could really say anything to this, or chastise them for their actions, but he still felt as if they’d failed.
Skye knew they shared some similar wants and goals, but she didn’t actually know much more than that. That would be something they could slowly learn over time, when they had a quiet moment to relax.

Like now.

“Well, we can take care of one of those ideal wants. You can tell me more about Serenno, and more about your family.” She knew very little of Serenno. She knew that it was the planet Count Dooku called him, but then he was revealed as a traitor to the Jedi Order, and Skye forever associated Serenno with him.

It was petty, but it was also in the past. They had all lost that war.

She shifted, and rested her head on his shoulder. “And it’ll be made clear that Eira and I are very different, have different desires.” And their relationship was unplanned, spontaneous, and she was happy.


Thrawn could see Eira performing the same moves with scarves billowing in her grasp. It suited her; a graceful prop for a graceful dancer. He was light on his feet himself, but somehow Eira still made him feel like a bumbling oaf.

He knew of muscles retaining memory. It was similar to how he learned other fighting styles. It was all applied choreography and memory and reflexes.

And while his other styles were defensive per se, they did incorporate defensive moves, but Thrawn was more of the offensive attacker. He had strength, and he utilized it to weaken his opponent.

He continued to follow her movements, staying close to Eira. “So, essentially, you are moving to tire your opponent, then attack when the opportunity presents itself?” Like a wild animal stalking its prey.

“To be on the defensive until they expose their own weakness?”


Cora bit her lip as Eli muttered a curse under his breath. He wasn’t pleased. She wasn't pleased. None of them were, and it was understandable why. All that work, all that preparation, and for what?

For their prisoner to be immediately taken from them, before they even had the chance to alert the Grand Admiral they had her.

Tobias and Ortell took their cue to return to the cockpit, and the ship vibrated underneath their feet as it took to the skies once again, this time heading home.

Cora wanted to say something to Eli, to help make him feel better, but somehow she figured anything she said wouldn’t help, and even had the chance to irritate him.

But she still wanted to say something. “We’ll explain everything to Admiral Thrawn. Maybe he has an explanation for this.” It wasn’t much, but she hoped it would give some hope to Eli.
Adlai knew it would be immediately clear that Skye was different. For one, her more open affection. He and Eira had moments, of course. Scripted, or slightly off script, but never over certain lines. Nothing…spontaneous. Nothing that was genuine when it came to displays of affection.

Eira was warm, but still reserved. Jedi teachings.

Which Skye didn’t seem to suffer from, terribly – if her use of the Force was any indication of that. “Well, what more do you want to know?” Adlai asked as she leaned her head onto his shoulder. He lifted his arm up, and wrapped it around her shoulders – before an idea occurred to him.

“One moment,” he hated separating, but he let his arm leave her just as he had wrapped it around her, and leaned forward to turn his datapad back on – and tuned it to a station that played music from Serenno, or popular on Serenno.

May as well have background music, right? “This station plays music from my home,” he said, to clarify why he’d moved, “It’s a bit brassy,” they liked their wind instruments, “but I enjoy it.” He grew up with it, after all.


“Ideally, it will not last long enough that the opponent is actually tired out,” Eira answered Mitth’raw’nuruodo’s assumption. Opponents tended to open themselves much quicker than that, in frustration, or in underestimation of their opponent. Eira rarely had a long fight, even if she did have the endurance have it.

It came with this practice, as well as her preferred methods.

She was efficient, even if this particular choreography was a bit grandiose with movements, that would have been aided by scarves. Scarves that would tangle around weapons and arms, around legs, and do plenty of the work for her.

“If it is necessary, one would stay on the defensive until their opponent is tired and sloppy for it,” Eira agreed, “You see why I’m not great at opening a fight?” He had caught her arm, and she hadn’t quite been able to free it – even if she had been able to flip him. “I don’t want to.”

She’d done enough of that.

The choreography would soon come to a close, though Eira wouldn’t make the strike at the Grand Admiral again – just to the open air.


‘Of course we will.’ Eli didn’t snap a response to Cora as she stated the obvious. They wouldn’t have a chance not to explain it to Mitth’raw’nuruodo, after all.

“I don’t think he will.”

If he had an explanation, he wouldn’t have sent them in the first place. Eli suspected he would go to Tarkin shortly after being told of what happened, and learn just why it happened – if Tarkin felt like divulging.

He didn’t have to.

Tarkin was one of the few people who didn’t have to explain anything, to anyone, except the Emperor himself. “I just don’t understand it. Why would Tarkin want to involve himself in the first place? He’s busy with Lothal. I don’t think this has nay ties to Lothal.” He crossed his arms over his chest. “You don’t know of any connections between Cartao and Lothal, do you?”

He wouldn’t expect her to know anything about Proserpina and Lothal.
Skye frowned when Adlai moved away, but the frown wiped away when she saw what he was leaning for. “Well, what is there to know about Serenno?” She didn’t know what there was to know about the planet. Maybe start out with culture? As he got the right idea with music.

Her nose scrunched at the music, but it wasn’t displeasure. Skye was trying to absorb the music, to determine if it was something she liked. She didn’t listen to music that often, but not because she didn’t like it.

Sometimes, it was just easier for her to think with silence.

“Are there any important holidays or occasions you celebrate?” was the first question she could think of to ask.


Thrawn merely nodded to her correction. It made more sense than his conclusion. An opponent continually striking would allow a weak point to open at some point, or foolishly attack in a way that left them vulnerable if frustrated, or they underestimate their opponent.

One could easily underestimate Eira, if they didn’t know what she was capable of, but he knew quite well.

“Yes, I agree, I can hardly see you wishing to start fights at a local cantina.” A small joke, and Thrawn allowed the corners of his lips to twist upwards in a small hint of a smile.

The choreography finished, and Thrawn mimicked what Eira showed him, making a strike in the open air. “Do you mind if I see this style in action?” he questioned as he relaxed his limbs. “I try and attack, and you respond with this style.”

If he got a true glimpse of it better in fighting, he could get a better gauge on how to use it and how to retaliate against it.


The tension Eli felt was clear to Cora. She just knew he wanted to yell or curse some more, or a mixture of both until he was exhausted. And then do it again.

And she wanted to as well, but she forced herself to remain calm. She had to.

Cora shook her head. “No, as far as I know, there’s nothing at all linking the two planets.” Except for Tarkin. That was the only thing, but why he was concerning himself with Cartao was the question.

Proserpina’s words replayed in her mind. She expected them. She expected Imperials. She maintained her composure when thinking she would be speaking with Thrawn, and yet panic set on her face when told she was seeing Tarkin instead.

Something didn’t quite add up, but Cora couldn’t quite figure out what.

Sigh, she motioned with her head for Eli to follow her. “Come with me to the kitchen”
Holidays and occasions, that was something that he could focus on, “Ignoring the Imperial imposed holidays,” Adlai said with an eye-roll as he relaxed back, wrapping his arm around Skye’s shoulders. He’d try not to move again. “We do have a few.”

“We do have Liberation Day,” Adlai said, “though it usually turns into a week-long event that commemorates the day Serenno liberated itself from the old Sith Empire without the help of the Jedi.” The family Serenno had done it – and the planet then named in their honor. And then the last Serenno ended up being a Sith.

How strange things were. “I remember it from earlier years. It’s not celebrated with such…vigor any longer, but there used to be lots of street-plays that would go on – flashmobs, with makeshift red lightsabers, and stories of how the Force was dealt with, and the warbeasts overcome. Lots of animals that week, too.”

No warbeasts, though.

“Ah…I guess I should…mention,” he realized, “the people of Serenno…the culture…no one likes the Force.” It didn’t matter what side one fell on, Jedi or Sith, “It’s something that I’ve overcome, but my family is still…anxious about it.” If he’d been born Force sensitive, he would have been dropped without a second look.

Like Dooku was.


Eira resumed a neutral stance as the choreography ended, and wasn’t terribly surprised that Mitth’raw’nuruodo wanted to see the style itself in action. “So long as you don’t tackle me again.” Eira stated, deciding that wouldn’t be good for either of them.

Mostly herself.

It was perhaps a weak point in her style, although she’d managed to at least adjust things a bit. She may have been able to do more if she hadn’t suddenly become both aware and distracted at the same time.

She let her stance shift in preparation; one leg sliding behind the other, even if she had little intention of being pushed back when Mitth’raw’nuruodo would open the next part of the spar. There was no way to strike back, if she was moving back too much.

No way to get the openings she wanted.


Of course there wasn’t a link. Eli couldn’t say he expected it. He didn’t know of any link between Proserpina and Lothal’s rebels, either. It annoyed him, that he didn’t understand any of this, at all.

And he wasn’t sure why he had to go to the kitchen. “Fine.” But he would follow Cora there, and at least when he got there, begin to go about the almost-automatic process of making himself a cup of caf.

He didn’t know what to expect from the Grand Admiral. “This doesn’t make any sense.” He was dwelling on it. He knew he was. That Tarkin was even aware of this was weird enough, but then to get involved? “Thrawn’s going to be angry.”

Which was…not a pretty sight.

Not that Eli expected him to take it out on them, but just seeing it was never something Eli enjoyed.
Skye snuggled into Adlai’s side as he leaned back and wrapped an arm back around her shoulders, and rested a hand on his thigh. She held a similar thought as Adlai did, concerning the irony of the last Serenno being a Sith, despite their biggest celebration was to commemorate freedom from the Sith Empire.

But she didn’t want to try and sully the mood in any way.

And yet, Adlai mentioned the perception of the Force on his planet. Skye heard some stories before, surrounding Count Dooku’s arrival to the Jedi temple when he was very young, but it seemed to be a planet thing. “It won’t be an issue. After all, you and Eira are the first ones in fourteen years to know about me, who I am.”

Meeting Eira had made her realize how lonely she had been, and how great it felt to not only meet someone like her, but to actually talk about what she once was. Still is. To hide it from a few more people? Skye could do that.

Her head shifted, and she looked up at Adlai. “I’m glad it was something that you were able to get over, though.” Or else what she did earlier would’ve been awkward.


Thrawn easily nodded to Eira’s request. It was one he could agree to, as he remembered how he felt after he tackled her. How he felt kneeling between her legs like that. “I will fight the urge.”

It was best for both of them if he didn’t do something like that again.

He made note of the way she prepared herself for his first attack. The shifting of her feet. Thrawn wouldn’t attack like he would a normal opponent though. He would take it just a little easier, simply to see how this fighting style worked in action.

Thrawn lunged, one hand striking out to make contact with her stomach, if Eira didn’t dodge. If successful, he would sweep out one foot in an attempt to trip her, while trying to avoid going down with her.


As Eli started the motions to begin making himself a cup of caf, Cora gently, but firmly, placed her hands over his. “You don’t need caf. You need tea.” The last thing Eli needed was more caffeine when he was angry.

She started through the motions of making them both a cup of tea, free from carbonation. “No, this doesn’t make sense,” she mused. “Proserpina was hired by Niima, who offered way more credits than her own empire is even worth.”

Or, if it wasn’t quite that, it was damn close.

“So how did Niima get that much? Or rather, what does a Hutt have against the queen of Alderaan?” She poured hot water into their respective cups with the tea bags sitting in them. “I know this wasn’t what you were talking about, but I feel like it’s somehow connected. That’s ridiculous though, right?”
The connection was warm. Comfortable. Even with the mention of his planet’s history with the Force, he didn’t feel terrible, as the music played on in the background and Skye snuggled up besides him, hand falling onto his thigh.

He was quite content. “But one day,” Adlai said, “when the war is one, if you don’t want to be in hiding, then I want you to come out. And I want you to be aware,” although likely he would try to introduce his parents to that in a more private way.

But one day, she, Eira, and all the others, deserved to be out of hiding.

“I’m glad to be over it, as well,” the war had taught him a fair share of lessons, “We do have other holidays,” thankfully, “Most of us celebrate the two solstices – in the summer with many outdoor activities, and races,” all kinds of races, “and in the winter, with family, and gift-giving,” more or less.

“Some of us still celebrate the Day of Separation but it’s…frowned upon. It’s been turning into a holiday for droids – the Maker’s Day,” a small twist to the truth, given the impact droids had on the war.


Eira’s breathing already slowed. Deep and steady. The blood would go where it needed. Oxygenated, as it needed. She focused on Mitth’raw’nuruodo. He lunged, this time with no intent to knock her down.

She didn’t back away from his strike, but dropped a hand and let the edge of it press into his wrist, to knock it off-balance, as she let herself slide in the opposite direction, noticing the twist of his body to attempt to trip her up.

She’d be out of range of his foot by then, off to his left side, without losing space – but she wouldn’t take any opening to strike at him, for it wasn’t there.


Not to mention, he still ought to learn a bit about how the style worked in its circling fashion. The more turning and movement her attacker had to do, the more likely there would be an opening, too, from an angle they weren’t prepared to defend against.


Eli did want caf.

Okay, that was a lie, he just wanted something to do, and he was more than a little annoyed to have that taken from him, even with good intentions. He kept in mind the intentions even as he huffed, and folded his arms over his chest when he was allowed to take his hands back.

“Well, it isn’t as if Queen Breha is a fan of the Hutts, and she’s among those who’s pressed for more action in the Outer Rim worlds like Jakku, but so have others.” And Bail was the actual Senator, the one who had authority off-world.

It didn’t make sense. “And we don’t know how rich Niima is. We don’t even know who Niima is.” Maybe she had that kind of wealth. Eli’s gut told him she didn’t – that if she did, it was funded from another source, “Or maybe the Hutts in general want Breha and Niima was just charged with being the face of the operation.”

The Hutts, all together, might have that kind of wealth.

It still begged the question of why.
Skye sighed. “Will that day ever come though? That the war will be over?” And if it did, would she still be alive? If, or when, the Empire ever learned of her existence, of her being a Jedi, she knew the likelihood that she would live was slim to none.

And she risked Adlai’s life if that were to happen.

But if the war did end, and the Empire was destroyed, she would like to finally come out of hiding and be able to be herself in the sun again. In the skies.

She needed a change in subject. “But tell me more about these solstice celebrations.” They sounded fun, a time for true merriment. “Especially about these races. What kind of races?” Her need for that adrenaline rush wanted to see if they raced anything she could drive, even if it was just something in good fun.


Eira moved out of his way without a sweat, and without any trouble or hesitation. Very impressive. He could tell her breath had slowed and steady, as she had described would happen earlier.

Thrawn twisted his body, spinning once and jutting his elbow out to catch her in the throat. He then sought to catch her off guard with a quick thrust by his other hand into her chest, in an attempt to knock the breath out of her.

Breathing her key to mastering the style, and if he knocked that out of balance, he may be able to gain the upper-hand in the battle.

Thrawn had already surmised that they were going in a circle, but as this was a demonstration, he didn’t move out of the movement. He attacked in the form, and waited for her reaction.


Cora heard the huff, and with one brow raised, she handed him his cup of tea, without any added sugar or cream, if he wanted any. She would let him do that on his own.

She, on the other hand, moved back to the counter and reached for the small jar of sugar. “Exactly, so have others. Others with similar amounts of political power.” Which, in Breha’s case, may had been more of a figurehead, but her husband, the viceroy, was a senator with a loyal following. Why not target him?

Unless they wanted to get to him through her?

The entire situation was headache-inducing.

“It still doesn’t make sense. Even if the entire Hutt clan were in on this, that amount of credits? It seems more likely that there’s another actor in this we don’t know about yet.” Cora scooped one spoonful of sugar into her tea and stirred it, before taking a sip.

She just wanted a nap.
‘We have to hope.’ Adlai didn’t say that, for Skye shifted the subject to the Solstices. He smiled fondly at the mention of races. That would be the summer solstice, of course, and he tilted his gaze upwards, grasping in his mind the multicolored banners that flew all over Serenno’s streets.

“There’s all sorts, but the most popular races are the Flier races, the Sunsail races, and Hydrobike races,” Adlai noted. Those weren’t all, there were foot races, and races with other vehicles, just as well. “There’s also quite a few eating contests,” he chuckled, “I competed in one when I was a teenager, before the war – it was one of those where you eat lots of spicy peppers until you have to tap out.”

He and his brother had entered it mostly to compete with each other. “I had to tap out after the fifth one,” which wasn’t even close to victory. “They’ll let anyone enter any of the races, too – they even have tiers, so kids can compete and have fun.” Well, kids obviously wouldn’t be involved in some of the vehicle ones, but otherwise.


Mitth’raw’nuruodo turned with her, and threw an elbow. Eira’s left leg slid, and she was under the blow – and then under the one aimed originally for her chest.

Her arms went to the ground for a moment, and she reacted to her new position to attempt to sweep the Grand Admiral’s legs out from under him. It was more an act to keep him busy, as she expected he wouldn’t actually be stricken. She just needed to get back up, and assumed this would buy her the time to do so.

Depending on his own reaction, she may follow-up with a strike. She wasn’t rising straight from her own position, but more to the right – and if his body was turned too much away, she would attempt to strike near his shoulder joint if it was left open.

If not, it’d be easy to fall back into the pattern of evading and swiping his blows away.


Eli took the cup of tea, still managing a, “Thank you,” as it was handed to him, before he did opt to add sugar, and cream. He didn’t usually add cream to tea, but again, he was just looking for activity, even as Cora spoke.

“I wouldn’t be surprised if someone else was involved higher than Niima and the Hutts.” Could it be tied to Tarkin? Was he covering a trail? That didn’t make much sense to Eli, but he couldn’t fathom another reason.

It would make sense of the entire question of why Tarkin was involved, and where the money came from, if Tarkin himself or the Empire were backing it. But then why? True, it was well-known that Tarkin didn’t much care for the Organas – but he didn’t care much for anyone involved in the Senate. Or anyone, in general.

Why go out of his way? He had to have easier methods and avenues available to him, right?

He wouldn’t vocalize that thought. “I just don’t know who else the Queen could have against her, that would be so dead-set on seeing her kidnapped, they’d use multiple covers.”
A soft smile appeared as Skye saw how Adlai reminisced about the Solstices celebrations, and the smile turned into a laugh at his story of the eating contest. “Only five peppers? That’s so cute,” she teased.

She knew she would’ve tapped out before five.

“But Flier and Sunsail races?” Naturally, those had piqued her interest. She hadn’t raced in so long, and if these races allowed anyone to compete, she would have to see about entering one. Sans the Force helping her, of course.

She moved her arms to wrap around him. “Now those sound like fun. We will definitely need to make a trip to your home during one of these celebrations. They sound like a great time. And I want to see you try and eat those peppers.”


Thrawn anticipated her response. He quickly dodged out of the way of her sweep, backing up a step and to the side. A low noise of impressment sounded in his throat, but he didn’t say anything at the moment.

That would distract them both.

His time spent dodging the sweep allowed for Eira to get back up. She moved to strike near his shoulder joint, which he blocked and moved to strike his palm into her sternum. Depending on how she moved, he would follow-up with another strike, this time to her side.

Even though he knew he should strive to end the match as soon as possible, Thrawn was enraptured by Eira’s continued movements to just...flow around him.


Higher than Niima and the Hutts? Only a handful of people in the galaxy would have a higher pull than they, and most of them were in the Empire.

Like Grand Moff Tarkin.

But he wouldn’t do anything like that to Queen Breha, would he? Wouldn’t to even entertain the thought be treason?

Cora shook her head and took a sip.

“I’m just left with more questions than answers.” And she doubted Proserpina knew more than they did at the moment. She was just the middleman. Maybe they would have to talk to the Hutts.

Or maybe Thrawn could give a better deduction. He knew the Governor well.

“Only someone who wants to remain hidden would use multiple covers. Someone with a lot to lose if the investigation was traced back to them.”
Adlai would hardly intrude on Skye getting comfortable around him. He adjusted his arm around her shoulders as she adjusted herself. He was half-tempted to just pull her into his lap, but he didn’t. Not yet, anyways, chuckling a bit at the friendly tease.

“I might get to seven next time,” he had no idea. He enjoyed spicy food, but he had a limit. That went way beyond his limit, and not being allowed milk or rice? No, he hadn’t enjoyed that. “I’m sure I’d enjoy watching you in any of the races much more than that,” he allowed.

He could imagine Skye being good in them, given she was hired on his pilot. Given she might have some experience with them, or she might get some experience beforehand. “We’ll have to make a plan for it. We’re near the winter solstice now, so a few months away,” they would be able to be open with their relationship, then.

Enjoy it, as a couple.


A block, and a step.

Eira knew that Mitth’raw’nuruodo could be a more effective fighter against an opponent like her. He had proven it already with the tackle, using his strength and size to his advantage. Paired with the fact he actually had skill, he was a foe to be reckoned with – but he seemed to be enjoying testing what was possible, and the little hums were satisfying enough for Eira to also find herself dragging it out a bit.

Not much – no, she still knew she’d draw more by landing a blow, or succeeding in some fashion.

They did continue a bit more, and though Mitth’raw’nuruodo found his way through her guard a couple of times, Eira did land a few blows herself, but didn’t quite get to the point of disabling him in combat. She never quite got to a blow to his throat or anything that tripped him up.

But she also didn’t break far from the circle.

Even she had limits, though – and eventually, her stamina did start to wane, her ability to keep her breathing in check with it, and she had to step back as she held her hands up, “I think that’s it for me, Mitth’raw’nuruodo.”


Eli couldn’t argue that. He had much more questions, as well, “Maybe it ties to something Grand Moff Tarkin is looking into. He’d be one to investigate larger scale things,” but how would he know? They only just found out about Niima and how much was offered. Then again, maybe he had ties to Cartao before being pulled away to Lothal.

Eli doubted he knew even 90% of what Grand Moff Tarkin actually did, besides harass Krennic.

“The Grand Admiral will know what to do,” he sighed, then considered, “Or…at least be of rank to approach it,” they weren’t. And Eli doubted Thrawn would know entirely what to do, when it came to Grand Moff Tarkin.

He was lucky the Governor liked him. He might be more generous with him, for that reason. At least, he wouldn’t be surprised by a tactless approach. “I wish I could have prevented her from doing this. But I don’t see why she’d lie about the Governor, either.” The Major knew the kind of trouble that would get her in to.
Skye chuckled, “And if you don’t, I will remind you that you said that.” She readjusted herself once more, this time stretching her legs out and placing them over Adlai’s lap.

The thought of being able to show off her piloting and racing skills in front of Adlai though was way more appealing. She had no doubt that she would attempt some foolish maneuver just to impress him, as if she was some foolish teenager.

“And I will enjoy showing you how I can really fly when I’m not worried about scaring my passenger or making them sick,” she teased. “It sounds like it could be a fun trip, though.” Going to his homeworld, far away from Coruscant, and for just a few days, pretending the war didn’t exist.

Actually be able to live for a few days.


Eira continued to prove herself as they continued. Thrawn almost wanted things to continue just so he could watch her, so they could continue their little dance on the mats.

But it had to come to an end eventually. He gained a few strikes in, and so did she, and as Eira tossed in the towel, Thrawn found himself needing a break, as he panted a little harder than normal.

He nodded, straightened back up. “That was a good session.” The light sheen of sweat perspired on the edges of his temple. There was a small shelf off to one side, and Thrawn walked over to it and picked up a towel, lightly dabbing at the sweat.

“I would love to do this again, if you are willing.” Maybe next time he would have to ask her to bring her scarves, so he could see how they could be advantageous against weapons, as she had mentioned.


Cora leaned against the counter, humming her agreement. “The Grand Admiral can actually question Grand Moff Tarkin without consequence.” Or, rather, too much consequence. She couldn’t imagine Tarkin reassigning or demoting Thrawn over something as a question.

But if she were to ask? Then she could kiss her career goodbye.

“Maybe the Major is just as clueless as we are. And none of us can exactly ignore an order from Governor Tarkin, can we?” She shrugged, taking another sip. “All we can do now is tell Admiral Thrawn exactly what happened, and hope he can provide us answers.”

A little voice in her head told Cora that he won’t have many answers either. She won’t tell Eli that.

Instead, she smiled and reached one hand out to gently squeeze his shoulder. “You did an amazing job out there though, and you did everything you were supposed to.”
“I wouldn’t expect anything less,” Adlai noted as Skye promised to tease him about his failure with the peppers. As she stretched her leg across his lap, he lowered one hand to rest atop her thigh.

He would make sure to plan a trip in the summer. Of course, for all the senators and counts of Serenno, winter and summer times were desirable to go back. He might be fighting with a few others for the privilege, although he’d see. He hadn’t requested to go back in the summer for a while.

He usually preferred the winter.

He might be able to swing – he’d just have to see, “I’ll look forward to watching you, safe from the ground,” he said, thumb idly brushing over her thigh, “how did you develop such a fascination with flying and piloting things?”

It was clear she enjoyed it. It wasn’t just a necessity to learn on the run.


‘I wonder how many can claim to have made you break out in a sweat.’ It was light, but Eira was pleased with herself. Perhaps he had held back – but he had still gotten a workout, all the same. And, apparently, enjoyed himself.

“I think I could be persuaded,” Eira answered, a slightly teasing note in her tone. It wouldn’t take much persuasion at all. She had enjoyed this, and set her own bar high so that she could enjoy it. Sure, that could be problematic later, but…for now, it didn’t seem to be.

She could hear Shay yelling at her in the back of her mind.

Eira went to pick up her things, considering a towel, but opting against it. She never sweated much from exercise – mostly just extreme heat. She knew she’d be showering off when she got home. “Thank you,” she said, once she’d gathered her things, “This was…helpful.”


Eli nodded, “I’m pretty sure the Major is mostly as clueless,” he didn’t think that she was as clueless, but she likely had no idea why Tarkin wanted Proserpina. What Tarkin did, was up to his discretion. A Major couldn’t question that, and a Major would know much better not to question it.

Just take her orders, and run with it.

“I don’t blame her,” he added, “It’s just…frustrating.” He’d felt like they were going to get to bring Proserpina back, get further answers about this situation, and carry on from there. He wanted to get justice for Breha, to show her that the Empire was still on her side, no matter her qualms with it. To show her that she was wrong for some of her views on the Empire.

He sighed at the compliment, but smiled, “Thanks,” he said, “You did well out there, too.” So did Ortell and Tobias, “I was never worried.”
At his light comment, that he would happily watch from the ground, Skye chuckled. Her chuckle faded, but a soft smile was still present when he asked about her fascination.

“For as long as I could remember, I always enjoyed such things. I was always looking to the skies, always doing whatever I could to be in the air - it’s also why I asked you about those mountains on Serenno.” The feeling of being able to just be above everything, in with the clouds.

She had always been teased it was because of her short stature.

“It was the reason for my nickname back in the Academy.” Her soft smile fell. “A good friend used to tease me about being a sky gazer, which evolved into his using the name Skye for me.”

Everyone who knew about her nickname was long gone, though, and after so many years, she wanted to use it again.


Thrawn nodded with a smile. “Good. I know there’s more in you.” Way more, but he didn’t add that. He would have to be patient if he wanted to see more.

“I’m glad I could be of help to you.” He walked over to the few things he had brought along, mainly just a jacket to throw over his form so he wouldn’t be seen on Coruscant with his bare arms.

It was quite obvious though he looked like he was coming back from a workout.

“Are you doing anything else this evening, Eira?” Aside from going home and showering. She had just broken up with her boyfriend. Would she seek out more distractions? Or would she try and get some rest?

Thrawn was severely out of his league right now.


“I know it’s frustrating. I’m just as frustrated as you are.” Cora just did her best to hold in her emotions, as she had been raised to do in certain public situations.

With his declaration that he was never worried, Cora chuckled. “You sure about that? I distinctly remember someone saying I had worried them when I almost slipped on that rock.” A light smile accompanied the tease, and she brought her hand down back by her side.

“But, thank you.” Her stomach fluttered at the compliment, and she focused her attention on sipping her tea so she could try and ignore it.

“We made a great team out there, didn’t we?” She quickly realized the words could’ve been taken a different way, even if the other way was one she wouldn’t have minded. “All of us, quick to help each other out.” Smooth, Cora.
It seemed Skye was always looking up – which thus created nicknames. And the current name she used. He could guess it was a Jedi that had given her the nickname, by the way her smile faltered. He was curious about her real name. Curious about even the nickname, and who gave it to her.

Since he wasn’t holding her hand, he squeezed her shoulder. “It’s a fitting name for now, I think,” forever, if that was her choice. “I’ll be sure you see the mountains,” he added. He didn’t mind them in the least, though admittedly he wasn’t much of a mountain climber.

He’d take the easy way up to the tops.

“Who was this friend of yours?” He knew she may not tell him much, and he would accept what she told him without complaint.


It was a shame that Mitth’raw’nuruodo had to cover up again, but Eira wouldn’t vocalize that complaint. Hardly fitting, given her situation. She had a nice distraction, and would rest well from it. That was the important part.

Eira shook her head, “If you hadn’t mentioned this before, my entire plan would have been to return home, and try to rest, or work on new music,” whichever was more possible, given her situation. “That or put on some terrible holofilm.”

She meant that in the most loving way possible. Terrible holofilms were a guilty pleasure, an easy distraction, because she was so quickly spotting and counting everything wrong, that she couldn’t think of anything else.

And usually laughing at the travesties.


Eli rolled his eyes a bit, “Okay, yeah – but never worried about your performance. That could have happened to anyone,” they were slick rocks. Even a well-trained gymnast might have a hard time, especially on a first crossing. And she had succeeded, anyways.

His smile remained as Cora mentioned that they were a good team. All of them. Eli would agree, of course, and he was glad that Mitth’raw’nuruodo had given him these people to work with. Ortell and Tobias were fresh, but skilled, and quite willing to learn and work on new things.

Cora was just as competent, and her background in the Survey Corps certainly didn’t hurt.

He also just enjoyed her presence, but he couldn’t say that. Especially not given his reaction that morning. Stars, that had been embarrassing. “Yeah, we did. I hope we’ll get to be on the same team again for any future tasks.” If there were to be any after this event, for their duration on Coruscant.

That was up in the air.
Skye sighed. When was the last time she had talked about him? She hadn’t even mentioned him to Eira.

“His name was Kai. We grew up together, and pretty much did everything together, including our lessons.” They grew close, and one was rarely seen without the other. “We were both seventeen when we realized that the feelings we had for one another grew beyond what was acceptable, and so we hid it from everyone but ourselves.”

Even as she talked about him for the first time in years, the recollection was still painful, but nowhere near as it once had been. She missed him, but there were others she missed as well. They were all gone, and she learned to move on with her life.

She tightened her arms around Adlai, and pressed her face into his shirt. “I don’t think I can talk about him anymore right now. Maybe in the future.”


Thrawn smiled. “Well, I am glad I was able to spare you from some terrible holofilm for just a little bit.” He was pleased that she had actually agreed to meet up with him instead of wallowing in self-pity, but Eira didn’t seem like that type of woman to him anyways.

And he realized, with slight discomfort, that was one reason why he liked her. I can already hear Tarkin chastising me and my decisions.

“But I guess I should now allow you to return to your evening.” His tone left it open for her to suggest that they do something else, but he knew that likelihood was low.

She was still a public figure, who had just broken up with a long term boyfriend. If anyone caught them together, they both would be put through shit.


The smile on Cora’s face remained. Another compliment, and she could feel warmth starting to spread to her face. “Oh, well, thank you.” She averted her gaze to a seemingly fascinating spot on the counter, but the smile was still there.

“I also hope we will be on the same team again in the future.” Eli was a natural leader, even if it wasn’t something he had initially wanted to do before Thrawn got a hold on him.

And, just like Eli, she also enjoyed his presence and still hoped what Karyn had told her had been true.

“Maybe another evening on Coruscant is in order?” she suggested, somewhat hopeful he would agree. And hopeful he would get the hint that she hoped it would just be the two of them.
Kai had been a Jedi, as Adlai expected. What path he went on was unclear, but from the sounds of it, it was likely knight. He was also Skye’s first love…a love extinguished by the end of the Clone Wars, no doubt. He could understand why she wouldn’t want to speak of it. He knew he was unusual in wanting to speak of the dead, so he wouldn’t press Skye for more.

As she buried her face in his shirt, he moved the arm that was around her shoulders and lowered it to her back. “Come here,” it was a gentle press, to bring her onto his lap, so he could hold her. He had unintentionally brought up a bad memory for her – the least he could do was comfort her.

“I’ll look forward to hearing about your first love when you can talk about him,” he said, so that she knew he wouldn’t be upset or annoyed with the conversation. “Let’s talk about the winter solstice. That’s coming up soon, along with many other holidays.”

Life Day, which Eira preferred to celebrate. Then there was the Empire’s holiday, which Adlai preferred to forget. “It’s not as exciting, it’s a lot more staying in,” he said, “but there are still competitions. Building houses out of food is one competition. We…actually seem to have food-related competitions in both holidays, now that I think of it.” He didn’t know if it was helping or hurting to redirect like that, but he was hoping it was helping.


Eira heard the opening. That ‘continuing on with her evening’ could involve Mitth’raw’nuruodo. She knew it couldn’t, even if it may have been what she wanted. Not now. The press would have a field day with that, and if Adlai had to stay quiet with his relationship with Skye, then she couldn’t go immediately pursuing something, either.

“Yes,” she agreed, “but we can make this a weekly event, if you’d like,” it was easier for her to keep something like that going if she actually planned it. Scheduled it. Weekly seemed fair enough, they both had lives that required much from them.

Even if she might have personally preferred every other day.

Shay would flay her alive for such a thing, and she wanted to add ‘not that we can’t do other things in-between’, but didn’t.


Cora was blushing.

She had the same hopes of being on the same team again in the future, which was encouraging. So was her flush, and the following query. “Yeah!” Eli was quick to answer, and he realized that, and quickly tried to temper it, “I’m sure we’ll have some downtime after this, and there’s always something to do on Coruscant.”

He bit his tongue on the thought of saying ‘and Karyn might have ideas’. Was it rude to be excluding Karyn? Was she thinking of including Karyn? He decided he would let her bring that up, if it became something they wanted to consider. When they got to planning the outing.

He didn’t want to exclude Karyn from all outings, but…maybe a few.
Skye easily allowed herself to be pulled into his lap. The gesture was greatly appreciated, and she easily adjusted her arms when she had settled in his lap. “I hadn’t talked about him in fourteen years,” she whispered.

But he offered a change in subject, which she readily accepted. Skye relaxed, and her head rested on Adlai’s chest as she listened to him talking about the upcoming holidays.

Pleasant times for celebration and family.

There was a soft chuckle. “I won’t complain about all the food-related activities.” Skye always loved food, and loved eating it. In her teenage years, she could practically inhale a buffet. “Tell me more about the one with building houses out of food. Do you get to eat these houses afterwards?”


Thrawn folded the towel over his arm. He smiled at the offer Eira presented, and he nodded his agreement. “That sounds ideal.” Then they would have a scheduled meet-up every week. A guarantee to see one another.

“Although my schedule changes from week-to-week, I’m sure we can still manage to meet up at least once.” He would make time if he had to.

If he had to push some responsibilities temporarily to Faro or Vanto. They may complain, but they could handle an evening.

“But I shouldn’t keep you any longer.” Even if he didn’t want to leave. He had to. They would have to part ways. “I hope the rest of your evening is, indeed, pleasant, Eira.”


Eli’s emphatic answer was encouraging to Cora. He wanted to hang out somewhere as well, and she inwardly debated if she should try and hint further to Eli what she truly wanted.

Thinking what Eli had been thinking, Cora decided to voice her thoughts. “Exactly, there’s so much to do on Coruscant. Maybe, sometime, it could even just be the two of us?” She was about to take another sip of her tea, to occupy her racing mind, before she realized that there was no tea left.


Her eyes completely avoided his gaze out of the small fear of rejection or ridicule, for whatever reason, and she started cleaning her used mug in the small sink. “That is, if you want.”
Fourteen years was a long time to be silent about someone. Adlai knew Eira, at least, had found ways to talk about the people she knew, even if she couldn’t say they were Jedi. There was someone who had been a podracer, there were her many ‘teachers’, and a host of others. He didn’t have the names for all of them, but he knew they were Jedi.

Still, he allowed the shift.

She embraced it readily enough. Food brought people together, more often than not, “You can,” he said, “they’re usually made with sweets, and icing to hold it all together. I usually just picked the candy off and then trashed the house a few days later.” He confessed.

He never did eat an entire house. Or desired to. “I know that some of my friends have a tradition of saving the house they made all the way to the summer solstice, and blowing them up with fireworks.” It wasn’t a popular tradition, he didn’t know others who did it, but some of his friends did.

He’d considered participating, before life got hectic.


Eira nodded, “I understand that,” they would be flexible, and figure out when they could meet each week. She wouldn’t hope for a consistent day. It was always possible that as things got closer to production for her play, practice and preparation would go later into the day for her. At least right now, many of her evenings weren’t terribly full.

“Thank you,” she added to his dismissal, “I hope your evening is at least not too hectic now,” oh how she knew how things could go up in smoke when someone left command for a bit.

In either case, she would head out the door, and make her way to the exit of the gym, to go home. She would consider telling Shay about things tomorrow. It could wait until she’d cleared her head, and found a way to phrase it so Shay didn’t immediately want to murder her.

She probably still would – she wasn’t going to be happy about this.

But at least they’d also have Skye to discuss, and redirect conversation towards.


Just the two of them.

Eli could practically hear Faro yelling at him to take the chance. This was a hint, right? A huge hint. If he wasn’t misreading it. How could he misread her wanting to spend time, just the two of them, though?

Unless she didn’t like Faro and just wanted to exclude her – but Eli didn’t think it was that.

“Yeah,” he agreed, stopping himself from adding ‘we don’t always have to work around three people’s schedules’. That would not have been good, that would have been stupid, and he at least knew that much.

So he steeled himself to continue, “As much as I like hanging out with Karyn, and some of the others, I would like to get to know you better on our own.” Should he be more forward? “I’ve actually been considering asking you on a date,” the words were almost too rushed, but he managed to keep them even, “but I’ll understand if you want to just meet as friends!”

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