I am going to try to leave those details up to the Captain. As a Conn officer his quarters should be near the Bridge. Doctor would have quarters near Sick Bay, etc. At least those are the default assignments. Captain can change that as well.
The Promethean crew has quarters in their ship. This is mainly because of their kids, whom they don’t want wandering around the Athena. The four year old has entered the human octopus stage already - wanting to grab anything she can get her fingers around. The two year has a serious case of the zoomies.
The parents have no shift. They can be found on any shift.
The Promethean crew has quarters in their ship. This is mainly because of their kids, whom they don’t want wandering around the Athena. The four year old has entered the human octopus stage already - wanting to grab anything she can get her fingers around. The two year has a serious case of the zoomies.
The parents have no shift. They can be found on any shift.