St.Mary's Reform School for Teenagers [Inactive]

Elena gulped, bumping Evan's still moist body. It was a sight she didn't mind, his dirty blonde hair almost brown from the water. "Hi." She smiled, trying not too sound too overjoyed. Play it cool. "I was just on my way to shower." If it wasn't obvious enough, she had a brown leather bag with pj's, bra, underwear, whatnot. It was slung over her shoulder as if done in a hurry, but she took the time to wait a minute to talk to Evan.
Evan hadn't expected to see her there. His wet hair was sticking out in all sorts of directions and a few drops of water still trickled down his chest. "Hi," he replied in a hushed voice. "Ya, sure...shower, right." Even with the strict regime and Evan's controlled demeanor, he too was the victim of his hormones at times. He glanced briefly at her leather bag, wondering what size she was wearing. "I should be off but," he smiled at her, "I guess I could wait a minute or two. You're the last one it seems." He checked the corridor left and right, there was no one in sight. Ever since their brief hug in the cellar, two weeks ago, he'd grown more and more fond of Elena. He hadn't seen her often, for either one of them would suffer some sort of punishment. He'd even been detained in the chapel for two days before they let him into classes again. Yet the thought that he was plotting his escape kept him on his things. Now that he looked at her, he was certain of it. He loved her.

"I mean, I can go if you don't want me to stay but, we haven't talked in a while and there's something I wanted to tell you. Later, if that's okay." He let his hand slide through his hair in an attempt to get it down.
Elena nodded, her face lighting up with anticipation of his words. What was it about? She couldn't help but let the excitement run through her body to her fingertips. "Sure, I wouldn't mind if you waited outside. I'll just be a minute." Quickly, when Elena was alone in the shower room, she pulled her shirt over her head, followed by unhooking her bra strap and placing it on the bench on the side of the wall by the sink. Then..everything else and into the shower. It wasn't as warm as she'd expected, but it wasn't unbearable at all. She washed her hair, used a strawberry scented shower gel she'd brought in her bag and dried off with a clean white towel, seconds later drying her hair and wrapping it round her small frame. Once it was tied securely round her body, Elena grabbed a brush, running it through her hair a couple of times to find at the most two knots which she quickly removed. Her hair was somewhat dry then when she came tiptoeing along the cold tile floors, still in her towel to Evan. "What's up?" She asked, her cheeks a subtle rose from the fact she hadn't had much time to get dressed yet.
Having spent all the time pondering on how he would break this to her, and mustering up his courage, he hadn't quite completed getting into his pyjamas yet. He had his pyjama pants on, but his shirt was hanging uselessly from one arm. Resting his head on his hands, he waited for her to come out of the shower. When she did, he shivered visibly. Having laid eyes upon her more often than he dared to admit, he could vouch that she looked even more beautiful with a wet look. "Well," he blushed as he got up and stood opposite to her, close enough to count her wimpers if he wanted to. Idly, he grabbed her hands and examined them as if he would draw courage from the sight.

"I love you."

It was out before he knew it, and a million possible outcomes flashed through his mind. The most minute movement in her face made him fear that she would retreat her hands and turn his back on him, or tell him she only thought of him as a friend. Too flustered to think of anything useful to say, he waited for her reply.
Now her eyes were shut. Elena just threw her arms around his shoulders, holding him to her still moist fragrant body. It was weird saying it, she never thought this would be the place she really did fall in love, but it was. There wasn't a slight doubt in her mind about it. His body was toned, and soft, Elena couldn't help but lose herself in it.. she felt as if she would melt in his grasp. The words she thought she would never say to..well anyone at a place like this came out so easily. A pleasant sound like honey being dripped directly from the comb. It sounded right, like she'd waited and dreamed about it happening. "I love you too." Her delicate fingers were gently caressing his skin, her warm breath which smelled of ice breaker mints on his skin as she rested her chin on his freshly showered shoulder. So this is what it was really like. Just recently it he had been a boy who'd helped her when she'd forgotten her uniform for the very first day of this awful school. Now..
Stunned, Evan allowed her to fling her arms around him. His heartbeat went into full gallop, and he could feel hers beat against his chest at a much similar speed. The scent of her shampoo reminded him off all things good, he could even count a few light freckles on her bare shoulders. Her words were hardly necessary as her hands slid up and down his skin. His mind zoned out, and he could only repay her favors by letting his own hands caress her neck. She was warm to touch, her skin still radiating what little heat the water had carried, but he imagined his confession contributed to her warmth as well.

He pulled her in a close embrace, then retreated. For what seemed like an eternity, their eyes collided and he almost lost himself in the whirlpool that were her eyes. Then, he pressed his lips against hers. Wave after wave of electricity shot through him, his legs felt weak underneath him. There was a taste to her lips that he couldn't quite place, peach perhaps. Her rosy lips were delicate against his own and when he pulled back, he could only smile at her like he'd never smiled before.
Heat. Heat was the word. Heat rushed through her entire body, as if she was paralyzed in pleasure. Right then, Elena really thought she'd melt. When it all ended, the aftershock coursed through her like a tidal wave after and earthquake. A grin creased her lips as she watched the similar expression he wore on his own face. Such a handsome face, she could stare at for hours. Watching him made her heart skip for what felt like something about three beats. "Wow." The memory of that amazing moment they shared still lingered like the bittersweet after taste of a popsicle. "Wait a minute." She quickly crashed her lips to his sinking the softness into his own before pulling back and hurrying back to the shower room. Hurriedly, Elena pulled off the towel, taking the new black lace pushup bra that was in her bag, a b cup it looked to be. She hooked it around her chest, pulling the straps over her shoulders followed by pink underwear and grey shorts. Elena rushed back to him, placing her palms on his shoulders and pulling him into another embrace. "I'm so glad you told me." She mumbled into the hug.
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