St.Mary's Reform School for Teenagers [Inactive]

Evan shot an apologetic look at her as he went sprinted ahead, to make sure he got to class first. One thing was certain, girl had guts. Strengthened by the notion of having a friend, someone who had already shown to be willing to make sacrifices for his sake, he slipped into the line and entered the classroom last.

Ms. Woodrow was their history teacher, and she was the most vile and wretched thing since high heels. The old pincer was rotten to the core, along with her views of history. “Sit down,” she screeched. She always screeched. The sound of her voice was more toe-curling than nails over a blackboard, and considering how much she talked, the next hour was untainted torture to his ears.

For once, he didn’t mind sitting still and listening to her. He still felt the rush that had coarsed through his veins upon that brief touch.

“What are you smiling at Mr. Mills? You look far too happy in the back, I want you to sit in front of my desk. Now.”

Quick to obey, Evan grabbed his stuff and sat down at the designated spot. He’d retaliate against the old cow one day, not just for her demeanor, but for her insistence to pick on certain students, one at a time.
With her arms folded over her chest in a casual manor, Elena watched Evan run down the hall to a bunch of other students. Truth be told Elena was nervous, she could hear the teacher's unpleasant voice echoing through the building. Unpleasant enough to make her cringe and cover her ears. It, however was all worth it for Evan. He didn't need to get in trouble with another wicked teacher at this place. After a minute, Elena pattered along the hallway in her black converse, skidding to a stop when she reached the doorway and slowly stepped in, taking a seat at the desk beside Evan yet again and smiling at him to say everything was fine. The teacher towered over her, looking down at Elena an expression of hatred and disgust at the very sight of the girl. Elena gripped her pencil tightly in her small hand. shutting her eyes and convincing herself it was all ok because Evan had avoided too much trouble for now.
“Lesterway!” Woodrow screeched. Her eyes threatened to pop out of her skull and slam against her glasses. One wrinkled hand, with long nails, grabbed onto Elena’s arm and squeezed. For a lady her age, though she could hardly be called a lady, she surely knew how to bolt onto someone’s arm.

The old cow scanned Elena to see if she was doing something wrong. When it turned out that she wasn’t, she told her to stop it and hit her over the head with her free hand.

“In case it has escaped you Miss Lesterway, in our school, on this sacred ground, we will not tolerate impertinence!”

She aimed to strike the helpless girl once more, but Evan kicked his chair back and stood up. “Stop it!”

“What?! You dare!”

Evan instantly regretted his action. The full weight of history, in the shape of a fat book, landed on his left ear, leaving a resounding ring in his head.

“You two disgust me. Now be quiet or I’ll have you both thrown into the dungeons.”
Softly, a whimper fell from Elena mouth at her harsh actions. Elena had not expected that, but she took it fairly well in her opinion. She stroked her aching head, keeping her eyes lowered and lips shut tight so as not to let hateful comments escape. Though there were literally too many to name. Even if Elena was brave, she was still small and her frame to some looked breakable to the touch. A smack to her looked worse than to someone else. Much worse. The dungeons? Elena thought dungeons in a school? Her parents must have not had the slightest clue of what went on here.
It wasn't until bedtime that they had a moment to speak to each other again. There were always lines at the showers, so they had agreed to use to few precious minutes to go back to the attic so they could talk.

"Here, sit still," Evan said. The candle was barely enough to spot the slight bruise on her head, but he could find it with his finger, sliding through her hair. He'd obtained an ice compress from the janitor by saying that Ms. Woodrow had requested it. As she suffered chronic headaches, probably from hearing herself all the time, the janitor had given it to him.

"I am sorry for that," he said. "I should've gone second. I am more used to it. You're lucky it isn't bleeding but it'll probably still hurt tomorrow."
"No, no. It's not that bad." Elena winced, rather relaxed by the candlelight in the peaceful room. "I guess I'll have to get used to it to." A meek smile painted her lips, which fell open at the icy contact to her head. She fluttered her eyes closed, still speaking though she was throughly exhausted from the day. "Where is your dorm?" The voice that echoed through the room that was nearly empty except for the two sounded soft and sweet. When she opened her eyes they were a deep sleepy blue, only slightly opened. "I want to see you first thing tomorrow." Elena admitted, looking down at her lap.
Evan smiled as he dabbed her injury with the compress. "I don't think we should see each other too much, Not in the classrooms or corridors," he added quickly. "If anyone sees us hanging around each other too often, they'll seperate us, that's what they always do. They have several establishments like this across the country, I've heard."

The connection he felt between him and her was exactly what stopped him from making any fruther moves that night. He handed her the compress, blew out the candle and made it to the bathroom in the nick of time. Even though the water of the shower was lukewarm at best, and even though everyone was only allowed to shower for a few minutes if they were lucky, the water did wash his troubles away. Ever since he'd met Elena a new hope had rekindled inside of him.

After he'd dried himself and slipped into his Pyjamas he obediently went to bed and shut his eyes. For once, he couldn't wait for the morning to arrive.

DeWitt was in particularly foul mood that morning. So foul he'd sent half the class to detention before the bell rang. Luckily he and Elena had escaped that predicament. Following his own advice, he'd sat down far away from her. Now that lunch time had arrived, they could finally talk again. But first, they would have to snatch some food somewhere. You could only skip lunch for so many days before your belly started to complain.
When what seemed like for what seemed like to soon, Elena was in her dorm room, she couldn't help but smile to herself at nothing in particular. Wait, that wasn't true. The reason she had smiled was more than likely Evan. With a heavy sigh of exhaustion and relief, Elena pulled her uniform over her head, followed by the under shirt and kicking off her black leggings she wore under it. The chill air rushed to greet her newly exposed skin which contrasted the navy blue pushup bra that clung to her curvaceous figure paired with matching underwear. Too tired to put on pi's, Elena fell into her rather uncomfortable bed. But surprisingly enough, Elena didn't care, she drifted to sleep, her lips ajar and chestnut brown hair fanned out over the duvet, quite the peaceful sight. When morning came Elena didn't seem to be quite so bothered by her English teacher as she had before, and in fact that day she seemed a bit daydreamy. At lunch, Elena walked out of the classroom with Evan, turning to look at him expectantly. "Where to?"
Keeping his voice low, Evan brought his mouth close to her ear and whispered, "the kitchen. Aren't you hungry?" Not waiting for her to reply he lead the way through the maze of corridors and stairways. Their route wouldn't have been so complicated if they were allowed to walk about freely, but since they weren't they had to really on hidden routes. "Through here," he motioned for Elena to follow him into a small, dark hall. "The door at the end will take us outside, and from outside you can slip into the cellar. I've kept myself from starving more than once that way," he said with a smile. "And it's better than gruel," he added.
A shiver traveled down Elena's spine as fast as a freight train as his mouth just barely brushed her ear which was mostly concealed by hair. "What kind of food do you have in mind?" She inquired, pushing the somewhat thrilling sensation from her body and watched for his every intriguing move with eyes the color of bleached blue jeans. Oh how Elena wished she could wear her own torn gold o'l jeans, she hated the uniforms more than broccoli on Monday nights. A pretty bad combination to Elena so that meant something big.
"Well there's pie, fizzy drinks, cookies, waffles, or a bunch of groceries if you're not into snacking." As soon as they stepped outside, he motioned for Elena to stick close to the wall of the grey, dull building. He could scarcely imagine what would become of them if they were to be caught. St. Mary's looked a whole lot less depressing on the outside, but not enough so to not look miserable in the rain that was beginning to fall down. Not very keen on getting soaked, Evan quickened his pace. They hurried over the grass courtyard until they reached a small staircase that led into the cellar. "It's down here. They never lock it."

Smiling like a child showing his best drawing to his mother, he reached for the doorhandle and pushed. It didn't give. "What th-?"

A shadow loomed over them from behind...
With a twirl on her heel, Elena squinted her eyes shut, backing up to stand beside Evan as if he was a shield of some sort. Elena was brave at times, but after she received that beating yesterday she wasn't about to stand anywhere near a teacher without him if she could help it. Her small fists were clenched, toes tense in her sneakers as a knot grew inside her of pure fear. What were they going to do to her? Or worse to Evan? She gulped, her stomach tensing up more yet. At this rate they weren't gaining anywhere till 12th grade. Two whole years! She shouted in her head.
"I am sorry, I didn't mean to scare you!"

Evan had whirled around just as fast as Elena. He held one arm outstretched in front of her, as if to shield her. It wasn't the janitor or any of the teachers. It was fat Tom. The boy, living up to his name, had such poor grades that he'd been picked to help out in the kitchen. Evan hadn't talked to the puffy kid more than once, even though they were the same age. "I am just shit lucky it's you," Evan replied as he lowered his defenses.

Tom flashed an uncertain smile at the two of them. He was carrying a big, steaming pot of gruel and Evan realized why it had always smelled so watery. The rain kept falling into the big pan, and he even thought he saw a drop of Tom's sweat accompany the salty rain for extra flavouring.

"I don't think you're supposed to be here," Tom said.

"I know. We just needed a little something from the cellar."

"So it's you?"


"I noticed stuff went missing these past few weeks, I thought it was mice or something."

The skies rumbled and lit up like fireworks. "You'd better get inside," Tom said, nudging his head towards the door.

"It's lo-" Before Evan could even finish his sentence, Tom had tossed him the keys. "Can you help me carry this inside?" he asked of Elena.
"Uhmm." There was a pause before Elena extended her hands to take the bowl from the bloated boy. Her hands seemed shaky and hesitant as she awaited him to place the item in them. Gross. Elena thought, looking away so as not to disturb herself any further than she already had. For a farm girl to find something 'gross', meant it really, was gross. Coming from her that meant something, she'd helped out on her uncle's catfish farm and her mom's muddy cotton field, not to mention milking a cow more times than she could count. Evan, even though it was soon was already becoming her friend. Perhaps even something more, just maybe. If the feelings she got when she was around him or made physical contact, there was some serious chemistry happening.
Evan unlocked the door to the cellar and stepped inside. Tom and Elena followed suit, carrying the large pot out of the rain and into the cool air of the cellar. Having been there more than once, Evan managed to find the light switch and turned it on. For a school that had to feed just under a thousand students every day, the cellar was abnormally large. Stranger still was how many fruits, meats and other ingredients were stored there that he'd never found in any of his meals. He suspected the teachers had their own private little supper with all the premium ingredients.

"I wouldn't take any of that," Tom warned as Evan reached out for a chunk of cheese. Evan let his hand hover above the golden-yellow substance and frowned. "Why not?"

"They keep a list of all the premium goods. If you take that, they'll know someone's been down here."

Evan sighed and glanced at Elena. "So we'll have to settle with waffles?"

Tom, obviously flustered by having to deal with two thieves, nodded and pointed towards the darkest corner of the cellar. "Anything in that corner isn't in the books. Just don't take too much."

"Thanks Tom."

The puffy boy lumbered further down the cellar with the pot and then went up the stairs and into the kitchen. It was just the two of them now. "Listen," Evan touched her arm lightly, "I've been thinking about escape ever since I got here, but I can't do it by myself. It's very dangerous, but if we stack up, I think we can make an attempt this week." He paused for a moment, then cocked his head to look at the side of her head. "How's the injury coming along?"
Her hand automatically reached to stroke the bruise, wincing a bit when her fingers made contact. "It's healed a little, should be done with it soon, I hope." But really that wasn't what Elena was interested in, what she really wanted to talk about was an escape plan. What would happen if they escaped? Would they go separate ways? If they were caught.. "What do you have in mind to break out of here?" She shifted a little closer to him, rubbing her arm with a light hand to busy herself. "What if we got caught? I'm sure we'd end up like that other kid you told me about yesterday." The memory shot through her mind, rather like a flashback in some silly movie, but more realistic. The dim light, spine chills, new..friend jitters, the works.
Evan's eyes darkened. He rested a hand on her shoulder and gently pushed her down, then sat down opposite to her. "It's not going to be easy," he said darkly. "If were caught, they'll seperate us at least and whoever of us stays here will be at the mercy of the headmaster. I heard he likes flogging people. I am not sure though, there've been less people coming out of his office than there have been people going in."

He flashed a weak smile at her. "But let's not worry about that. If we prepare ourselves properly, we won't get caught. It's more a matter of what we'll do once we've escaped." A cloud settled over his eyes and he leaned forward, taking her hands and putting them between his. "Listen, if we run away, it means we'll be running away forever. We can't come back to our families, or they'll send us here again. Authorities will go looking for us. If they find us, we'll be brought home and-" he swallowed down a gulp and gently retracted his hands. "-and we won't likely ever see each other again. That's what scares me the most." He bit his lower lip and cocked his head a bit, as if he'd noticed something odd about her. "I am glad you're here," he whispered.
Hiding back the grin that so badly wanted to light up Elena's face was hard. Too hard. His hands were warm and soft in such a comforting way. Somehow, she wanted this moment to last for an eternity. "Alright," It was also, however, very hard to leave her family. But someday, when Elena was older, she'd come back..just maybe. The thoughts on her mind at the moment were really more about how Evan felt, and what he was thinking right then. "Then we'll just have to not get caught." Elena returned the smile, squeezing his hands gently for a split second, maybe even less.
"Ya," he nodded. A brief smile curled his lips when she gave him a squeeze. "You see, getting out is not the problem, altough we'll have to scale a fence a few hundred feet or so away. It's preparing ourselves that will take the most effort. We'll need food, bags, cups, matches, candles, anything we can get our hands on. And then there's Schopenhauer, I don't want to leave him here..."

He stared her straight in the eye as if he wanted to verify for one last time that he could trust her. "I say we slowly move all our supplies to the attic, we can't steal everyday or they'll notice, we're going to have to take it slow. If we're lucky we can leave just before winter kicks in, so that's four months from now."

The way she looked at him made his heart melt. A true friend, someone who listened, someone who cared, someone he could share his plans with. He vaguely wondered if they were ever going to disagree, she struck him as somewhat timid and agreeable. Captivated by her sweet smile, he made the most rash move of his life. Swinging his arms around her back he hugged her and whispered into her ear, "we can do this. Together."
"Together." She confirmed, her body loosening in his hold. Though it was not visible, goosebumps spread over Elena's arms, she could feel them. The tickle of his whisper filling her senses, as if everything bad didn't seem quite so awful anymore. It was in fact the kind of thing you'd want to never end, to just ask God to let it never stop..just go on and on. Even if four months was quite the wait, they would eventually break out of this place. But..where to after that? A hotel? Her thoughts seemed to stop, if her mind was a place it would be like a western ghost town with tumbleweeds blowing about, just moments after the terribly dreaded image came in. The streets? With Evan, like usual, maybe things wouldn't be quite so unbearable. The streets really were better than this school.
He savored in the moment. His chest against hers, his mouth close to her ear and hers close to his. The shiver that crawled down her spine seemed to transfer to his own body, as if they were both discharging some invisible, tingling force. "I like you," he whispered as he stroked her back with his hand. "And I don't want to lose you. We must not be seen together from here on out," he said, then pulled himself free, stood up and offered her his hand to pull her up.
As was what Elena expected, the moment ended. But the memory would stick to the back of her mind like super glue. She gripped his outreached hand, tight, pulling herself up with ease and partially relying on his support, like she relied on him for..well almost everything since she'd gotten here. "Do you think the teachers are getting suspicious?" Her face still looked to be glowing with delightful shivers from Elena just stared at him admiringly, almost lovingly with milky blue eyes flecked with every shade of gold and navy, her mouth slightly open in awe as she took in his face..something she'd never want to be without. Warm tingles shot through her head to her toes, concentrating in her fingers and stomach. A sensation she had only experienced when she'd realized a day had gone perfectly. It was just like that, looking at her friend now.
Evan cocked his head, a healthy rose color tainting his cheeks. The vivid sparkle in her eyes captured better than he could express the mutual understanding they had. Ungraspable like air, yet very real, as if their souls had connected even more. He allowed his eyes to linger on her heart-shaped face, her flawless features, the vein pulsing steadily in her neck, the scent of pineapples about her. Struggling to tear his eyes from her picture perfect body he replied, "not yet, I think. But we should be cautious. The Headmaster in particular has quite a temper, when he tells you to break a leg, he means it." A bubble of laughter escaped his mouth, the first in many months.

He grasped her hand, gave her a small squeeze and gently pulled her along into the cellar. "I think we should get some lunch," he smiled.
Elena gleamed, grasping his hand with similar force, or at least attempt to, as he did hers..what with her not possessing quite the strength. Agility and speed were more her suit. "Waffles is better than school lunch" In fact, anything was better than that awful..substance. Elena swept her dark hair from her face, following his every step as if she were a baby dear to its father or mother, completely reliant. That was what she often did with people she showed deep trust for, the discovered her weaknesses, flaws, everything. But for some reason she seemed to almost attach herself to Evan like a sticky note. He was her guide and only friend in this horrible place called St.Mary's.
After their better-than-nothing lunching, consisting mostly of small snacks, they moved back to their classes. Apparently they were giving off a positive vibe as their classes turned increasingly sour. DeWitt seemed particularly hell bent on removing happiness. Though Evan got boxed on the ears and Elena smacked with a ruler on her hands, Evan counted himself lucky for not ending up in solitary confinement.

But the worst of their day was still to come. He'd just finished showering when he bumped into Elena again. Little did he know that the Headmaster was watching them...

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