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Realistic or Modern St. Andrews


Ash raised his eyebrows as Lloyd shot down the stairs. It was just him and Flora now. She seemed perfectly fine. He ruffled his hair and then awkwardly pointed to the door, signalling that he was going to leave now. He widened his eyes as he walked away from the fire escape and back into the Common Room. He was confused as to why Lloyd didn't want his advice, but what could he do? Besides, his advice was probably about as good as a walls. After all, he was the one who needed advice not five minutes before. As he entered the Common Room, he saw Infinity, looking hysterical, hyperventilating. He bit the inside of his cheek. Why was she so upset? He hoped it wasn't her fault. Seeing her like this made him even more confused. What if he broke her heart? Then she really would be crying. He rubbed his eyes and then spoke. "So, I'm hungry." He began, "Is anyone else coming with me?" He scratched his head and looked at Infinity, smiling encouragingly.


Flora gasped as Lloyd pushed her away. She brushed her hair back and stood there, a smile on her face as Lloyd skipped down the steps. Gavin spoke, and she listened but was still watching Lloyd run away. "Sure." She agreed. She had some strong stuff, having been to Amsterdam. She giggled and then looked at Ash. He walked away before she could open her mouth, and in a way she was happy, then she could be alone.
Natalie was going to surely drift of to sleep, despite the chatter of people in the Common Room. She had opened her eyes at Ashton asked if anyone wanted to eat with him. " I'm good." Natalie had said mumbling under her breath. She had rubbed her eyes and checked her phone when it had made a sound indicating she had got a text. "Please don't be my father, place don't be my father." Natalie had said repeating the sentence under breath really hoping it wasn't her father. She was still pretty confused and a little mad that her father all of sudden wants her to visit him. Natalie sighed and rubbed her temples getting a headache from all this thinking.

She had turned on her phone to see she had got a text from one of her friends back at her old school. Her eyes had widen slightly before she had quickly gotten up from the couch and rushed outside of the Common Room, before she had stopped and noticed Flora still out in the hallway.

Hey Flora." Natalie had said slightly waving at her friend. Despite what had just happened in the hallway a second ago she still would talk to Flora. Besides she was Natalie's friend somewhat.


"Hey Nat." She crept over to where the other girl was standing. She moved in rather uncomfortably close and looked over Natalie's shoulder. "What'cha doing?" She bit her lip. Flo knew Natalie had some problems with her Father, but she wanted to know the details. "Is it your Papa?" She giggled slightly. Flo pulled down the sleeved of her sweater over her hands and cross her arms. The weather was warm and sunny, but Flo felt particularly exposed as there was a cool breeze blowing through her.
Infinity heard Ashton's voice and it's warm honey like texture drew her out if her hysteria and her breaths calmed down slowly until she rose and made her way over to Ashton. "I'm starving but I hope they don't just have cereal today," she said nervously. Her heart pounded in her chest and she gulped nervously before smiling up at Ashton and placing her palm into his she squeezed his hand and then released the force so their hands were hanging limply, limply but together. Infinity quickly drew her hand away and looked up at Ashton, biting her lip "I'm sorry if I was to intimate I'm so sorry Ashton, I don't know what got into me," she apoligised

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Luna listened quietly and carefully to Connors choice of wording. The sound of his voice truly calmed her and allowed her train of thought to move even more freely. Blinking her irises, she opened her eyelids to catch sight of his thumb sliding across her cheek, taking her tear along with it.

With a small sigh, she giggled, taking her hands and entertaining them in his own. "You did...?" While she began contemplating his wording and her next move, she was interrupted in her train of thought by having her face lifted up to face him once again. "Connor-"

Luna was interrupted by Connors warm, soft lips connecting with her own. Instantly, her irises began to glisten with surprise, just as her cheeks shifted color. Once his lips retracted from her own, she couldn't help but want more of him. Sadly enough, it was roo soon.

Shaking her head, she shifted her gaze downward, and began to fumble with her hands nervously. She was completely and utterly embarrassed, but felt pure warmth and butterflies developing inside her stomach. "N-No... Don't apologize....I...liked it."
Lloyd turned and faced Gavin just outside his room and said "What the fuck do you think is up?" He unlocked the door and went inside, stopping momentarily next to the cupboard. He raised his foot, and then quickly brought it down towards the cupboard, but then stopped himself just before he kicked it's door in. "No, no." He muttered, and then turned to face Gavin again. "Sorry, Gav. I shouldn't sass like that. I was the one who asked you to come, after all." He resignedly sat down on his bed and placed his head in his hands. "Gavin... Can you just... Explain what you just saw happen out there?" Lloyd lingered on every word as if he was unsure of what to say.

He had been a little too shocked to understand exactly what had happened out there, and he needed some to tell it back to him. His head felt a little like a jumbled up mess, and he was unsure of how to react to anything.

Natalie had leaned back slightly uncomfortable by how close Flo was leaning. "What'cha doing?" Flora had asked as Natalie was slowly leaning away from her. "Nothing really, just about to head back to my dorm room or something." She had said her words slowly trailing off. "Is it your Papa?" Flora had asked yet another question before giggling. "Actually no its not. Its one of my old friends." Natalie had said slightly smiling at her friend in front of her. " Wonder what's gotten into Flora lately, I knew she was weird but not this weird. It doesn't matter anyways." Natalie had thought internally sighing.


Jovelyn Lynette Belrose

Jovelyn raised her disappointed brow at Roxie. She wasn't a hundred percent on board with Roxie's definition of fun, but who was she to judge. Jovelyn had seriously debated on telling Roxie how it was rude to meddle into people's business and ruin their fake proclamations of love, but she knew it would be no use. If she knew something about Roxie, it was that when she set her mind on something nothing would get in her way. In a way Jovelyn like that about her. Roxie was the strong rock that wouldn't budge and Jovelyn was the plastic bag floating in the wind. They both balanced each other.

Jovelyn sighed and resumed eating. "Well at least you're going and not staying locked up in the dorm. Even if you're going to...cause trouble...You know I really don't think you should...I mean it's not that it's bad it's just...Well not everyone understands that...just be careful okay?"


Infinity answered shortly after Natalie had declined his offer. She squeezed his hand, making his face turn a faded pink. She then went on to apologise, though he had no idea what she was talking about. "Not at all, I thought it was me who had been a little disrespectful of you." He felt her hand linger on his, and he didn't know what to do. Should he draw away? "Anyway, lets go and get some of that delicious cereal. He smiled, sweetly, hoping that Gavin and Lloyd would soon arrive at the Cafeteria after them, for moral support.

As they entered the cafeteria, Ash noticed Liam, one of the few bearded men on campus. He nodded a slight hello to him, before taking a seat on one of the empty tables, thought there were many to choose from. If anyone wanted food in the Summer, they would most likely go out and buy it, considering the cafeteria food was completely lousy whilst it was Summer break. The lunch staff was made up of two ladies, who were less than happy to be serving three meals a day to kids all Summer.

"Should we, perhaps, invite him to sit with us?" He looked at Liam, wondering if it was polite or not to simply ignore him or if it would be annoying to strike up conversation. Not many people knew much about Liam, as far as Ash was aware, he was one of the more introverted people of the school. Come to think of it, Ash didn't think he'd even had a conversation with him.

Infinity smiled in that way that people do when they laugh with their eyes but still smile to compliment the gesture. She followed him to the cafeteria her eyes trained up and ahead. She nestled herself next to Ashton before whipping her eys to face the man in question she didn't really want to be with others that she didn't know as she was trying to figure out things with Ashton but it was the polite thing to do so she nodded and sung her legs over the metal cafeteria bench before going towards Liam she tapped him on the shoulder "Mr.Liam would you like to Sint with us we haven't meet you amd we would love to familiarise ourselves with you, oh I'm terribly sorry how rude I'm Infinity and that is Ashton," she said pointing over to their table
Gavin just gave Lloyd a smile, shaking his head at his apology. "It's alright, man. What Flora did was pretty insane." He entered Lloyd's dorm room, closing the door behind him. He took a seat on the desk chair backwards, facing Lloyd. Gavin felt bad for having laughed earlier at the way Flora had greeted Lloyd. It looked like it was eating him up pretty badly, especially since Natalie saw.

"Well, Flora saw us, came over, slapped you across the face, yelled at you while crying, and then pulled you into a rather sloppy kiss..." Gavin said, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly. "I'm sorry that happened and it sucks that Nat saw. You shouldn't take it so hard, maybe Nat doesn't think too much about it." Oh, who am I kidding? They were going to go on a date. "I think Flo was pretty damn high and that's why she did that. You know Flo, always doing crazy things." Gavin rocked a bit on the desk chair, hoping that Lloyd wouldn't take what Gavin said to heart. The last thing Gavin needed was to sport a rather bright shiner.

Then Gavin said, "Do you want me to talk to Nat? I mean, I'd be happy to."

@Prizzy Kriyze
His white bowl of colorful cereals was getting emptier and emptier as Liam was devouring the defenseless cereals without any mercy nor guilt. With one hand occupied with his weapon, the all-mighty spoon, the other hand lingered on top of the filled pages of his sketchbook, with drawings of people he saw in the cafeteria and those who stayed long enough for Liam to capture their souls within his pages. He almost stopped at her drawing, but a so unfamiliar feeling invaded Liam, coming from his shoulder. He turned his green eyes over his shoulder to meet a pair of similar eyes.

"What?" he said, low and confused. "Mister? Me? A mister?". He turned around, looking at who he thought was Ashton. "Do I look that old?" he asked. "No matter. I'll sit. Not like I have anything better to do."

Closing his sketchbook, throwing his spoon in his bowl of cereals, he quietly got up and grabbed both his bowl of cereals and his sketchbook, alongside with his drawing instrument. Then, he walked towards the table where Ashton sat and joined him by first putting his bowl of cereals down and his sketchbook close to it. Once he laid his bottom on his seat, he out-stretched his hand towards Ashton.

"Name's Liam. But I believe you already knew that."
"Haha aw don't worry I'll be fine! Trust me I've done worse. Plus I don't see the point of going to parties just to make out. I thought parties were for dancing and stuff. Plus everyone seems to want to bring a date. And is just me or is everyone seemed to be crushing on someone?" Then she just realized what Jovelyn said. "Wait your not going? You should if your a afraid of creeps I'll help you out. Or are you crushing on someone?"


Jovelyn Lynette Belrose

Jovelyn began choking on her breakfast at Roxie's question. She coughed for a while with a napkin over her mouth to spare everyone from the nasty event. Once her throat was clear Jovelyn laughed. "You my friend are very silly in deed. Me crushing on someone. You would have known by now." Jovelyn grabbed a glass of water to wash down the nasty feeling of choking. She took those few sips of water to think about what Roxie had said.

Sure me having a crush on someone has crossed my mind, but I don't want a small fling. No when I fall for someone I want it to be just like the books. There he'll be sitting at a table across chatting up with his friends and then by a sheer coincidence we'll both look up at the same time and lock eyes. 'Who is he? Where did he come from? How come I've never seen him before.' He'll stand up and walk my way, nervous but determined to know my name. He'll sit down and introduce himself. 'Hi I don't think we've met before. I'm--'

Jovelyn blinked a few times pushing the daydream aside. It was stupid, things like that only happened in books. Sure she had had a crush in her time being at St. Andrews, but it was dumb since he never seemed to return the feeling. "It's true what you said though...everyone seems to be in mating season...trying to find their other half." Jovelyn placed her spoon down and wiped her mouth with the tip of her napkin. Then a thought popped into her head. She looked over at Roxie with questioning eyes and a curious smile, "What about you Ms. 'I Hate the World' are you crushing on anyone?"

Lloyd slowly raised his head from his palms as Gavin retraced what had happened just a little earlier. He looked at Gavin just as he said "maybe Nat doesn't think too much about it." and just kind of stopped. He blinked a couple of times looking at Gavin, and then got up from the bed and casually strolled into the bathroom. He raised a finger and held it out through the doorway to the toilet as to say "One second." and then threw up in the toilet. He took a couple of steps back out of the doorway again, and then sat down on the bed as if nothing had happened again. "Alright, so getting really drunk doesn't even do that to me." He said, and pointed at the bathroom.

He sighed, and then continued "What kind of a guy do you think I am, Gavin? I mean, I've been juggling girls for ages, but truth be told I'm not exactly one of those guys who's drowning his sadness in fake relationships, you know? I've got feelings." He looked out the window for a bit, then looked back at Gavin. "Sorry, you just seemed like the best person to tell this to. I've been thinking about it for a while, and what just happened is a perfect example of what I mean. I've been thinking of Natalie for a while. Honestly it was a little awkward to ask her out, because I was scared of being rejected for once. Same thing with Flora, actually. I used to really like her, despite being so weird. I thought she didn't want to get anywhere with me though, so I had to abandon that ship before it sank and I got too sad. Then I kissed a girl, and it turned out she actually had feelings for me too. It was tough back then, but it's worse now. Two of the only girls I've actually cared a little about ever, and one of them is in an overcomplicated relationship with me, while the other one probably hates me now."

Lloyd stopped his rant and frowned. "Yeah, Gavin. I would love it if you could talk to her. Maybe there's still some small chance." He lowered his head into his hands again, and sighed loudly.

He doesn't look too good... Gavin observed the taller boy, who just stared at him for a moment. His face kind of had a green tinge, and though he tried to go all casual about it to the bathroom, Gavin knew he was going to be ill. And he was right since Lloyd started to retch in the bathroom. Gavin wasn't sickened by this; he was used to having friends who'd be sick with a hangover. Gavin would be the one to hold a friend's hair back and rub their back while they got everything out of their system.

"Alright, so getting really drunk doesn't even do that to me." Gavin nodded in agreement, understanding what his friend was going through. Even if one has a high alcohol tolerance, love, for lack of a better word, can make on completely sick. Gavin listened to what Lloyd had to say without interrupting him. He understood what Lloyd was going through, having gone through the same thing at his old school, but behind closed doors and not as messy.

"It's not a problem at all, I'm always here to listen. We all make mistakes, Lloyd, and what's in the past should stay in the past so don't beat yourself up too much. Everything will work out," Gavin said as he got up from his seat on the desk chair and walked over to Lloyd, clapping him on the shoulder. "You just relax, champ. Mama Gavvy has all this under control!" He shook his shoulder before letting go and walked over to the door.

"I'll probably have a talk with Flo while I'm at it so don't you worry, but there might be a point where you should apologize to Flo." He shrugged. "Ya know? To clear the air a bit. Smell ya later!" With that Gavin opened the door and left the room, closing the door behind him before going off to find Natalie.

@Prizzy Kriyze
Lloyd didn't move or react as Gavin talked, all the way until he said "Mama Gavvy has all this under control!", where he couldn't help but chuckle lowly. He looked after Gavin as he left the room, and then whispered lowly to himself "Gavin isn't exactly like all the other boys, is he?" He'd always felt like Gav stuck out a little, but he'd never really questioned it or wondered how that was, but he did indeed act a lot differently from most of the testosterone dripping men that ran about in the school. He always kept cool and -for a lack of a better word- sophisticated.

He laid back in the bed and looked at the ceiling, and then kicked into the nothingness above him violently. The entire situation angered him on a deep level. He didn't like the effects caring for someone had on him, and it was worse when he only could like one of them. "And I should say sorry to her. Damn it!" He kicked into the air again, and then just laid back, mentally and physically exhausted.
Roxie blinked and tried to stifle his laugh. But she couldn't hold it in. "Hahaha! Me crushing please I don't go for that romance stuff." Roxie's face went serous for a min. She looked over to the side some what talking to Jovelyn but at the same time talking to herself. "Plus I'm pretty sure there's not a guy who would want to go out with me......" Then she realized what she just said. She looked aback at Jovelyn and said. "Haha I mean.......um.....you know I'm done eating so I'm just going to go.......somewhere." She got up and left not letting Jovelyn reply.

Connor Genin

At hearing that she liked his abrupt kiss, Connor smiled nervously. He couldn't help but feel slightly guilty. Connor then made a mental note not to do anything romantic as such tonight with Luna. They are probably going to fast in this potential relationship.

"Um, I better go now." Connor said, breaking away from the hug. He smirked and whispered in her ear. "See you tonight..." Connor smiled sweetly and then walked off in the direction of his dorm room.

At finally escaping from the trap of hallways and rooms of the school, he had a chance too think about Luna and what they were going to do. There wasn't really much too do here at the school, and he didn't really know the town around it; Never mind if your allowed to explore it.

Soon, he found his dorm room. He opened the door and smiled as he saw Lloyd there, seeming quite stressed.
"Lloyd? You alright, dude?" Connor asked, walking over to his own bed and sitting on the edge facing Lloyd.

Before he knew it, Infinity was on her feet, heading towards Liam. Ash was a little surprised, thinking that she wouldn't be too keen to invite the boy over. Then Liam got up. Liam seemed to be smaller than Ash, but he was much more intimidating. He seemed more muscled and beefed up. And as he strolled towards the table, Ash couldn't help but fear just a little bit for his life. He stopped at the table, placing down his seemingly soggy bowl of cereal along with his sketchbook. Seconds after, he held out a hand to Ash, along with speaking the words, "Name's Liam. But I believe you already knew that." Ash gulped. He sounded angry with the fact that Ash already knew his name, as if it was some big secret. Perhaps it was. Ash was never a very loud guy himself, but Liam seemed like he was on another level. Perhaps he wanted to keep the intrigue and mystery alive, maybe he didn't want anyone to know his name. "Ash." He smiled slightly, accepting the hand and shaking it lightly before drawing it back and clasping bot of his hands together atop the table.


@Allina Auburn
Liam watched Ashton react to his actions. It was strange, he acted strange, as if he was scared of Liam. Clearly, Liam couldn't be so intimidating nor scary to anyone. Right? How could he? He wasn't a violent man, he was rather peaceful. Except for the occasional bursts of anger he gets when he is extremely stressed out, but even so, he never tended to hit anyone, even when his rage was high. He couldn't understand other person's motives of being afraid. Or maybe Liam never put himself in other person's shoes, for that matter.

He watched Ashton closely, as he put both of his hands on the table. Liam raised his eyebrow to that. And he formed a small curved line on the edge of his lips, while letting out a deep breath. Clearing out his throat, Liam tossed aside his sketchbook, but grabbed his bowl of cereals and carefully positioned it in front of him, the smell of cereals invading his nostrils. Afterwards, he positioned his hands on the table, exactly like Ashton did, the bowl of cereals in-between his chest and his now laid-downed hands. He looked Ashton in the eye.

"You look like you've seen a monster. Or worse." he said, letting out a short laugh. "I hope this won't turn out to be an interrogation, us, sitting like this, with our hands on top of the table," he stopped from his words to point out with his index finger his bowl of cereals and continued to talk, "excluding my bowl, but. This looks like were talking business rather than getting to know each other. So, relax mate, 'tis but a friendly chat, aye? Aye, miss Infinity?"


@Allina Auburn
Luna fumbled with her hands, contemplating what to do or say next. She knew he liked her and all, but perhaps they should slow it down? And on top of that, what were they even going to do tonight? Shrugging her shoulders, she shifted her attention up to Connor.

When he made his parting announcement, she only nodded her head and took a step back. While he whispered in her ear, she shifted her gaze sideways, hiding her excitement.

Watching him walk off for a few seconds, she turned back in the direction of which she came from. Most likely nobody else was in the library, so it would be a good place for her to relax and do one of the things she liked to do. Reading.
Lloyd laid with his arms above his head and his legs on the floor on the bed when Connor came into the room. "Lloyd? You alright, dude?" "Nope, but that's a-ok." He said as he sat up in the bed and looked over at Connor. "Don't worry about me, it's nothing I haven't done before." He said and folded his hands. He sighed, and then continued "What about yourself? How'd it happen with Luna, by the way? I totally expected you to have the hots for someone, but Luna was a bit out of the blue."

Lloyd smirked at Connor and tried to take his mind off of the earlier matter. Gavin was smart and liked, there was a pretty good chance he'd be able to explain the situation to Natalie. Even if he couldn't, then that was that. Nobody else would be able to, anyway. "But you know, if you really want to help a brother you should A. Find me something heavy to smoke by tomorrow, B. Force me to go eat something. I'm starving."

Perhaps Nat's still in the common room... Gavin thought as he stopped by Natalie's dorm room, obviously not in there. He stood in Nat's room for a moment, thinking, Ugh, why do the girls get better rooms than us!? I'm going to go on strike for better living quarters for the guys! Maybe it was the decorations on the walls or the brightly colored quilts on their beds, but if Gavin had a choice of which side he would rather live in, it would definitely be the girls.

Leaving Natalie's room after telling himself he needed to find her and complete the mission before it's too late, Gavin quickly headed in the direction of the common room. He had no idea what he would say to Natalie in the case of Lloyd, but he'd come up with something. He just hoped that something didn't make things any worse between Lloyd and Natalie.

You totes got this, Harp. Gavin thought as he spotted Natalie chatting away with Flora out in the hall. It seemed that Flora was making Natalie a bit uncomfortable. I'm here to save you Lady Natalie! Gavin then strode up to the two girls, greeting them, "Ladies," before wrapping an arm around Natalie's shoulders, "Sorry, Flo, I gotta steal Nat here for a second. You should make brownies!" He then quickly led Natalie to the closest exit that was outside before dropping his arm from around her.

Gavin walked over to the railing and leaned against it, looking at his surroundings for a bit. It was a such a nice summer's day outside; he'd have to have a lie down somewhere outside later, thinking it would be a shame to let this good weather go to waste. He thought about asking Natalie how she was, trying to ease into conversation, but he knew she wouldn't like that. And so he cut straight to the chase, looking back to her, "We need to talk about Lloyd."

Eyelids slowly opened to the brightness of day. Sean would have basked in the glorious sunshine coating his dorm, but it was then, as he laid in his bed in a dirty black tank top that a shot of fear shot through him, from his head to the very tips 0f his toes. "Overslept,'' he mumbled, eyes widened as he lurched out of bed.

After a five minute shower, running his fingers through his damp hair, and a spray of musky cologne he was good to go. Hopefully people wouldn't have completely started the day without him. He pulled on his grey t shirt over his toned torso, and left the room, cracked caseless black iPhone 5s in hand, and room key in his pocket.

Sean was strongly considering heading to the common room, but he wanted to grab something to eat first. The reminders of his parents telling him breakfast was absolutely essential rung imitatingly in his head, sending a message to his legs on just where to go. That would be the Caf.

After a short walk, he reached the room of energy consumption, and grabbed what could now be called brunch. But since Sean disliked combining meals like that, it would be his breakfast, which consisted of bacon, toast, orange juice, and a granola bar.
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