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Realistic or Modern St. Andrews

Lloyd Fredricks

Lloyd faked another frown and went "So everything up until now's been a lie?", and then faked a little sobbing. He instantly bounced back however, and even offered Gav a wave and smile, saying "Mornin', Gav!" before turning his attention back to Ash. "Okay, so first of all. This party? Sounds uh-mazing, and I'm gonna get in on that business. Hearing about that I'm already hyped, cuz I've got this 'stash' I've wanted to bring out for quite some time..." He added a bit of a devilish grin to that last part, and nudged ash with his elbow. "You get what I'm saying?" He smirked with his entire face now, and then shook his head. "So yeah, if nobody else was going to, I've got the bottles to make sure the party will be awesome."

He sent a glance towards Natalie and stepped just a little closer to Ash while lowering his voice. "And come on man, don't infringe on my game like that. Besides..." He got even closer now, standing as if he was discussing really secretive stuff. "Are you blind, man?" He did a barely noticeable nod towards Allina. "Allina's been giving you all sorts of looks 'round lately." He winked at him and then gave a rough boyish pat on the shoulder. "And you're not my real mother, you can't tell me what to do. Ashman is Ashman, whether Ashman recognizes it or not." He took a step back, then gave him a smile. "Ashman." He nodded. Then he took a quick jump over the backrest of the couch and nearly landed in Natalie's lap.

"Sooo anyway Nattie, if I remember rightly you said you wanted to hang out, or are you just haunting my dreams?" He said and gave her an exceedingly obvious wink.

Gavin Harper

"Luna, you can have a bit more enthusiasm. We all know you're just as excited as the rest of us for summer vay-kay!" Gavin teased, smiling at the giggling girl. He then turned his attention to Ash.

"Oh, Ash, how you slay me!" Gavin laughed at Ash's comment about him being the best at giving motherly advice. "Oh, Lloyd, dear, please tell me your woes! I would sure love to hear them!" Gavin just loved to press buttons, and one of his favorite people to do just that was Lloyd.

"Oh, there's going to be a party!? I'm all ears!" If there was one thing that Gavin loved, it sure was parties. He just loved festivities and music and all of that. So much that he was practically bouncing in his seat.

@The Dark Princess
Natalie had been deep in thought thinking about why her father would be constantly checking up on her now. It was quite weird to her. She sighed rubbing her temples clearly confused by her father's mixed signals. Thea's voice had interrupted Natalie's thinking as she looked up. " Yeah, he's sending me mixed signal's. Isn't that just dandy." She had said responding to Thea before sighing.

Natalie's eyes had widened as Lloyd had almost fell into her lap. " What the hell Lloyd?! Your ass could of crushed my legs, cause almost crushing Natalie's legs is something to be proud." She had said to Lloyd before rolling her eyes at his comment. " I never said anything about hanging out with you, your mind just wants me." Natalie had said smirking in satisfaction.

@Akeira @Prizzy Kriyze
Lloyd Fredricks

Lloyd faked another hurt expression. "Oh, but Lloyd would never want to crush your legs! They're so nice!" He responded to her, and gave her another devilish smile before getting into a more comfortable position than the one he'd landed in. He looked back at Gavin across the room and held a hand over his heart. "Oh, but Gavin, my woes are far too terrible to bear! I don't want to burden you with them!" He followed the sentence up with a laugh, and then added "Yeah, Gavvy. I trust you've got my back." and raised two fingers to give him the peace sign. Lloyd liked Gavin. He was just such a happy and peppy guy, not to mention nice. There wasn't a lot of people he would say this about, but if Gavin got into a fight, no matter how many people were going at him Lloyd would back him up. That's a promise.

He turned his attention back to Natalie and returned her smirk. "My mind just wants you? That's an underestimation. I want you girl." He said, and winked at her again. "So how about it? You, me, that party tomorrow. I'm sure you wouldn't mind hanging out with the guy who's bringing all the bottles of heavy stuff." He said confidently. Lloyd was pretty shameless, and now that he'd put his eyes on Natalie he didn't feel like giving up.



Gavin Harper

Gavin chuckled at Lloyd's nickname for him, Gavvy, and remembered how he befriended Lloyd. The first day he met him, Gavin had picked the lint off of Lloyd's shirt in history class last year. And Lloyd being 6'6" and 225 lbs., Gavin thought he would have knocked him out. It didn't turn out that way, fortunately, and oddly a friendship was born. If he pulled something like that to one of the jocks at his old school, he would have gotten a beaten, that was a given. Gavin was happy to have another friend here that would have his back if Gavin ever needed it.

"But I shall! I shall carry all your burdens as if they were my own!" Gavin cried from across the room, spreading out his arms. He had been eyeing Lloyd and Natalie with a bit of mischief in his eyes before strolling over to the two.

"Just like how I shall take them before it crushes this poor, fair maiden!" Gavin had grabbed Lloyd's forearms and tried to pull him up, yelling heave!, but to no avail. Gavin wasn't that particularly strong in the upper body. "Geez, you're heavy, champ." He let go, stumbling a step or two back.

"Well, I tried, Lady Natalie, I tried. Can you ever forgive me?" Gavin shrugged, flashing her a wide smile.​

@Prizzy Kriyze

Luna Alexander

Luna blinked, a slight jumpy essence fulfilling her form while she was suddenly spoken to by Gavin.

Of course, Gavin was correct as he always was when it came to her accord.

With a small sigh, Luna shifted her gaze to the growingly red Connor. Tilting her head, she seemed curious as to why he would be in such a state.

With a small giggle upon his behalf, she stood to her own two feet, a chipper mood boiling about her aura. "So. Who wants to be my date to the party?" With a childish and playful manner and intention, she scanned the others in the room, awaiting a response.

Even if the response was to be harsh in any way at all, she would still be one to simply laugh it off eventually. But with a cheesy grin, she kept her gaze fixated on all others.
Infinity smiled a true small smile at Ashtons dismissive answer and returned to her book a first edition of Anne of green gables with an inscription from her mother on the front jacket. When Gavin entered the room she popped her head up and closed the book listening to his remarks about summer breaks she joined in with Ashton her French accent switching to a thick American accent and joking about "Yep we're going to get stoned and blackout," her sweet voice was amusing as she tried to speak like a gangster but it didn't work at all. She then saw a cast of characters enter the room She had to stifle a giggle as Jocelyn entered the room still in her pyjamas Infinity shuddered if it had been her she would have turned beetroot red in unfathomable horror.

The room started to swell with people making Infinity take short sharp breaths as she became crowded she thought she was suffocating in bodies and voices so she tried the tip her doctor had said focus on someone so she turned her head and saw Ashtons she closed her eyes and blocked out all other voices as she took deep breaths and eventually resurfaced and when she opened her eyes she smiled since the fear was at least for now gone. Infinity approached Ashton about the party with caution "Um what people are going to be there," she questioned biting her lip as she heard the dating words echoed round the room "And do we have to bring a date,"
"Looks like someone has been stalking my legs quite a lot." She had said smirking at Lloyd. "Your a leg stalker." She had said with arms crossed.

Then Natalie rolled her eyes at Lloyd's third comment. "An underestimation huh isn't, that just dandy." She said rolling her eyes once more. She had then faked a surprised reaction and tone as Lloyd had asked her to the party. "Is the oh Mr. Tall Lloyd asking me Natalie to a party." Natalie had said with a surprised tone with her hand on her chest slightly leaning away before chuckling. " Maybe." She said smirking back at Lloyd.

After answering his question Gavin had came over and tried to save me from Lloyd. "Its alright Gavin. I think I got this." She had said standing up and patting a hand on Gavin's shoulder before leaving the room to go use the bathroom.

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Roxie smile dropped when she saw he wasn't irritate. "Sure is hard to get you annoyed." She always try to poke around at him but it normally never work. They had become pretty close friends. There was something she liked about him. She want sure what it was though. He patted the seat next him and she sat down. He then asked if she was going to the party. "Hell yeah I'm going I'm thinking about causing a little chaos." She said with a grin. She was about to say something else but she noticed him staring. She turned around to see who was he looking at. Oh Luna he's got a thing for her. She looked back at Conner and said, "You might want to stop starting at her your face is bright red." Then she laughed. "Aw cute you got a little crush." She said it low enough so the others wouldn't hear her.

Ash stood bewildered. He didn't enjoy parties because of the alcohol, he enjoyed it because of the games-the truths that were told and the dares that were performed. He knew that Lloyd would take the drinking too far, but who was Ash to stop him? This wasn't his party. "Do whatever you like spud. And, hey-You came in on my game and-" He looked at Infinity. He gulped. She was beautiful, but he had never seen her in that kind of way. Sure, she liked art and was amazing with oil paints, but he had just never thought about it. He had never thought about any relationship, really. Maybe this Summer would change things.

Just as he was daydream, he was interrupted by the girl herself, Infinity.
"Do we have to bring a date?" She asked. Ash gulped once more. He didn't like where this was going, yet he did. Was this her dropping a hint? Did she want him to ask her? "Sure!" He smiled. "Looks like everyone else is, right?" He grinned, trying to hide his nervousness. He smiled sweetly at her, and then turned around, ran a hand through his hair and walked towards the door. "I am going for a smoke." This was a sort of code. An SOS, if you will, amongst the guys. Ashton rarely lit a cigarette, and if he did, it was a sort of break in emergency situation. If he was 'going for a smoke', he needed some man to man advice.

@Allina Auburn

@Prizzy Kriyze
Charlie Mellet

Charlie didn't realise how long he had been in the library for. He quickly got up as soon as he realised the time, packing his book - which he had finally got up to get - in the small bag he had brought with him. Instead of walking to his dorm, Charlie decided to go to the common room. Stupidly, he didn't realise how full the room would be.

When he got to the common room, he contemplated turning back, before someone saw him. The boy really didn't want any attention right now, so he decided to walk in, quickly sitting in the corner away from other people.
Connor Genin

At hearing Roxie's comment, he couldn't help but blush even more. By now, Connor probably looked like a bright red tomato. Realising that his cheeks were probably quite red, he turned his focus too Roxie, hiding Luna's view from him. Connor covered his cheeks with his desperately quivering hands. This was an emotion that was completely new too him, and he wasn't entirely sure how to embrace it.
"Y-Yeah...I g-guess, I do..." He admitted, biting his lower lip at Roxie.

He then heard Luna's announcement. It startled Connor for a moment, unsure if she was serious of just joking. What if someone else had an eye on Luna? He might be too late! Quickly, as soon as his brain responded to what she had said, Connor turned to Roxie and whispered for Davis.
"Okay, Be honest now, Rox...Should I go up to her and ask her out?" Connor asked, his hands already shaking heavily.

'Ugh...What the hell!' Connor thought. 'You only live once, right?'

In one quick movement, He had jumped up from his seat and slowly walked over to where Luna was. She had probably saw him blushing earlier, and he even was now. He quickly tilted his head, winking at Ash to signal that he was also doing what he had always hoped he would do as most of the guys knew who he liked. Connor started:

"H-Hi Luna..." He stuttered, biting his lip nervously. "I-I was...was w-wondering..." Connor couldn't get it out. "You're beautiful...I-I mean..." His eyes widened, completely shocked as to why his brain would say that. "Um...Luna, would you like to give me the honour of going to the party with me...?" Connor smiled, sheepishly. "I mean, just as friends...right? Or...if you want..." He stopped in his tracks, not even sure if he should metntion actually going on a date...
Gavin smiled and nodded at Natalie as she patted him on the shoulder and walked around him, watching her as she went. Everyone was talking about dates and he wondered if he should ask one of the girls, but decided against it, finding it more fun to be a single man and just mingling with just about everyone.

Bouncing on the balls of his heels, his eyes wandered over to his roommate Ash. A slight frown made way onto his lips as he saw that Ash was acting kind of nervous around Infinity. This could only be that Ash had a liking toward her, for she was such a pretty girl. This kind of made Gavin a bit jealous for lack of a better word for he had a small attraction toward his roommate, though nothing could be carried out romantically from their friendship.

When Ash announced that he was going out for a smoke, Gavin knew it was code that he needed to talk to the guys. It was bro-code afterall. Gavin saw Charlie almost enter the common room before leaving. He was going to flag the boy down, inviting to come join him and Ash, even if it was a serious talk about girls, and Gavin was sure Charlie wouldn't be comfortable talking about that. He felt that Charlie needed to make more friends, feeling that the boy had none. However, he disappeared before he could have the chance. Gavin followed Ash, saying, "I don't smoke, but I'll come with!"

Roxie saw his face turn even redder. She wanted to laugh a little it was cute he was acting like a school boy. He asked her if he should ask her out. She was about to tell him to go do it but he stood up to go do it anyway. She watch to see what would happen. But the big dummy was so nervous that he stuttered. "Oh no he's one of those." She crossed her arms watching to see if she would say yes. Then a thought came to her mind about the party. She was never treaty invited. Perfect that means I get to crash it. She thought to herself.

Lloyd Fredricks

"Heh, I guess that's not a title I'd reject." Lloyd casually responded to Natalie. Leg stalker? Heh. I mean, in a way, yeah, but he'd been getting awfully little action 'round lately. And now that he was sitting there talking to her already, Lloyd kind of felt like that was a good thing. She shared some of his interests, and could even backtalk him. He wouldn't mind being in a relationship with her. He really wouldn't. He patiently waited, and even laughed a little internally at her jokes, as Natalia made fun of him, and then smiled widely as she agreed to going with him. "Sounds good, beauty. I'll talk-" He was cut off when Gavin started pulling on him. "Aaaargh, whatcha doin' Gavin?!" He said and laughed loudly. Gavin wasn't the strong type exactly, and Lloyd wasn't light, so he pretty much knew where this was going to lead to, but he still thought it was amusing.

He looked over his shoulder at Natalie and chuckled. "Ya hear the girl? She's got this." He said as Gavin let go of him, and Natalie walked off. He followed her with his eyes. Man, she's hot too. Maybe I should actually go for this... He thought, and then looked where Gavin had ran off to. He just caught him following Ashton out the door. Wait a second, was Ashton smoking? Lloyd sprung out of his seat and ran after them. He caught up just outside the door and added to Gavin's comment. "Yeah, me too. Haven't got my morning cigarette yet." He sent a glance over his shoulder at Connor, in case he had heard him and was going to sell him out, but he seemed to have his own problems. Luna, huh? Lloyd thought, and internally wished the guy good luck.



Ash stood outside the common room fire exit. There were many fire exits, but this one, he must admit, was the prettiest. It over looked the garden and he could see all the way into the forest. Slowly, Ash pulled out the pack of cigarettes that he had ni his pocket at every moment-again, in case of emergency. He heard Gavin behind him and was happy that he was the one going to give the advice. He took of his small book of matches and struck one, lighting the end of the cigarette. Breathing in a mouthful, he pondered what he would do. Should he ask Infinity out? He knew her, but not well enough, and he felt as if he should get to know someone better before doing anything too drastic. But this was school, he was young, free. It didn't have to be serious. No, Ash wasn't like that. He wanted to commit; to settle for at least a year or too. Forgetting that he was holding in the bitter smoke, he coughed and it escaped from his mouth.


Flo stepped out of the car and looked up at the giant school building that was Saint Andrews. It had been almost half a year since she had arrived, and having taken a sort-of-failed gap year, she was back for the Summer. She had been to Amsterdam and Johannesburg, but upon realising that she hated speaking to people who didn't understand her, she decided to go back home. She had no idea where her Mother was, and, this was the only place she could stay. Shrugging her back pack on, she made her way into the building.

The common room was the first stop. She knew there would be a gathering of people in there. Perhaps, even some of her friends. She didn't remember them by name, but her memory would be rebooted soon enough. Flo could be very forgetful. The corridors of the school were quiet now, no doubt they were bustling earlier, as kids went home for the Summer. But now, all Flo saw was the odd person, here and there, walking out with a bag.

Finally, she got to the common room. She stood at the door, bracing herself for what could be a room full of people who had totally forgotten about her. She put a bright smile on her face and pushed open the door.
"Hey guys!" She giggled as she saw the faces of Lloyd and Natalie, Luna and Connor. The others she couldn't quite remember, but no doubt they would reappear in no time. "Remember me?"

Jovelyn Lynette Belrose

Jovelyn stood awkwardly for a moment trying to figure out what to say when her roommate Roxie offered her the perfect escape. "Oh yes I must go change! Long day today...hehe...bye." Without looking back Jovelyn rushed to her room slipping as she turned the corners of the halls. Once inside Jovelyn slammed the door behind her and collapsed to the floor in embarrassment. "Out of all the days I choose to go out in pajamas...out of all those possible days I could have chose...I choose today. The day where everyone just decided to be at the common room." Jovelyn sat still for a moment with her knees tucked into her chest and her face buried in her hands. She was imagining all the possible scenarios that would have happened if she had been dressed properly.

After a moment, Jovelyn's daydream was interrupted by the chiming of her phone. She stood up from the floor and walked over to the side table where she had left her phone charging. She looked at the screen. "1 new email." Jovelyn flicked the notification which caused the email to open. The email was an invitation to a party happening soon. Jovelyn's face gleamed with excitement. "Oh boy! Oh boy! A party!" She dropped her phone in bed and jumped into the shower.

When she was done Jovelyn punt of a pair of skinny jeans and a white floral tank top. She fixed her hair in a half ponytail and put on just a smudge of eyeliner. She grabbed her shoes and ran out the dorm towards the common room hoping everyone was still there. She put on her shoes while she was running and made with to the common room a bit breathless. "Hey guys....party...tomorrow...yay!" Jovelyn took a moment to steady herself and catch her breath.​
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Gavin leaned against the wall on the other side of fire escape exit. His gaze went from Ash to the look at the garden, noticing that Ash had a liking for pretty and calming things. Like the color on the walls of their room, for example, though Gavin would rather have splashes of some more eccentric colors to add a bit more pizzazz.

"Lloyd should be here any minute," commented Gavin, knowing fully well that Lloyd would not pass up an opportunity for a smoke. Smoking never held much appeal to Gavin, he'd rather much have a drink. Plus, how could he bust a move if he was out of breath and wheezing everywhere? It would be such a killer to this boy's character if he couldn't do half the things he did with that horrible habit. "And there he is!" Gavin announced when Lloyd burst through the door.

"Ini is on your mind, huh, Ashy-boy?" Gavin teased as he looked over to Ash with a lopsided smile on his lips, though on the inside, he was trying to fight of the pangs of envy.
Luna's gaze hit the approaching, nervous Connor. With both a puzzled but curious look, she tilted her head to the side while listening to him ramble on.

Eventually, words such as calling her beautiful escaped his lips. "B-Beautiful?" This was somewhat of a foreign word to Luna, as she had never been addressed as such.

Obviously, it seemed as though from that very statement she grew nervous as well. Her own pale cheeks began to create a dimly lit and faint shade of pink within their center, while her twinkling oceanic blue gaze traced over him.

While he question her attendance with him to the party addressed to be held tomorrow, she gasped. "Like....a..date?" Connor, out of all people, her?

With a slow nod of her head, Luna allowed a small smile to play out with her lips. She enjoyed Connors company, and did have slowly developing feelings for him. With a small giggle, she clasped her hands together behind her back, parting her lips to speak.

"Of course! Its a...date?" She fluttered her lashes in a both playful and teasing manner, awaiting his response upon her ideal. Hoepfuly they were on the same page. Besides, he was pretty cute.
Connor Genin

At hearing Luna repeat the word 'Beautiful', he bit his lip even more harder. Connor ran his hand through his hair, nodding slightly. It sort of shocked him as to why she would be surprised at this adjective; Surely she would already know that it is, of course, true...

'No, This was a very bad reaction..' Connor thought, starting to be panicked. He shrugged casually, but inside his heart was screaming for him to say "Yes!" Connor's mouth felt like it was just tugging against his skin, not letting him use his vocal chords.

Hold on a second! Did she just nod? Was that a yes? Connor's excitement was probably seen from the whole Common Room. A small sweet smile was delivered to Luna back, resisting the urge to hug her and express how much this means to him. Does that mean that she likes him just as much as he likes her?!

So...it is a date? Or is it a date-date? Luna seemed to be talking in riddles to Connor, but he didn't want to give her time to change her mind. He smiled even more, letting his dimples appear on his face.
"Thanks, Luna! I-I guess I'll see you tomorrow, b-but we can hang out tonight If you want...?" He asked, not really caring what the answer will be.

Suddenly, a familiar voice surrounded the room. Connor turned around and saw that it was his old, good friend Flora. He waved slightly, but turned to Luna as it was a more important at the time. Connor bit his lip, raising his eyebrow to slightly amuse Luna; but he did want a serious answer...

"I dunno what to do, Gav." He sighed and took in another breath of the smoke, releasing it almost immediately this time. "Do I ask her? I mean, I don't want to hurt her feelings, but, then again, she is pretty, and nice." His vocabulary was seemingly lacking in such hard times, as he would usually use better adjectives. He made a frustrated noise. Now Lloyd was here, he was most likely going to be told to buck up, and not to be such a pussy. Ash made another disgruntled groan and leaned forward even more, putting his face in his hands and rubbing his eyes. "Lloyd? Fin-what should I do?" He was hoping that Lloyd would snap him out of it, tell him to get a grip. But it was hard to get a grip, when he didn't know where he should grab.

"Right." Ash stood up and took in another mouthful of smoke before releasing it once more. "I need advice guys, and-" He saw that Gavin looked a little strange, as if he was faking a smile. Not wanting to pry, he shook off the feeling that something might be wrong with him and carried on, "And, and, well, you know what? I'm just gunna ask her, who could it hurt? It's just a party, right?" He nodded to himself, but looked for reassurance from his friends.


"And it's good to see you too, guys." She snorted. She wasn't bothered that no one seemed to notice her. She could make new friends, right? Wrong. Summer was hardly the time to be making friends, though she imagined the cheer leading squad would accept her with open arms if she provided them with a little of her herbs. Flo walked over to the nearest, empty couch and fell back into it. It was sunken in, but comfortable. She threw off her back pack and put it next to her, rummaging through for something. Aha! There it was. She pulled out a colourful looking pipe with the words Amsterdam scrawled on the side. Giggling to herself, she put the pipe in her pocket and rummaged through her bag some more, before pulling out a tiny bag filled with a green substance. Again, snickering to herself, she shoved it in her pocket.
Roxie waved at Jovelyn and patted the seat next telling her to sit next to her. Then she looked back at the whole seen. Looked like the girl said yes and Conner was seemed to be over thinking the whole thing. "Jeez that boy." She looked at Jovelyn and said, "So why were you in your pjs?"

@NessieAlways @FlipperDaPenguin
Luna's gaze trailed over to see Flora. GAH! It was one of her very best friends! Giddy with excitement she waved into Flora's direction, before shifting her gaze anxiously back to Connor.

Watching his precious little dimples carve into his cheeks caused her train of thought to stray, and her cheeks began to shift in color.

Blinking her irises to block her nervousness and happiness, she giggled politely, while rocking back and forth on her heels.

She hoped he was just as excited as she herself was, and truly knew she was going to have fun tomorrow night. Once he responded, she blushed, turning her head downwards while parting her lips to speak.

"So....tomorrow -"
She then stopped mid-sentence, her eyebrow of which sat above her right eye rose as he offered his company to her tonight as well.

With pure excitement, Luna nodded her head again, slightly jumping to hug him. She stopped once she was a few inches away from him, and simply clasped her hands together behind her back with a nervous laugh.

"Tonight. I'll meet you." She then leaned forward, gently placing her thinned lips upon his dimpled cheek for a few seconds, before retracting her face from his.

She then stood there for a few moments and blushed, before walking over to welcome Flora and see how she had been doing.
Gavin nodded, listening to Ash's dilemma. Ash wanted to ask Infinity out, but didn't want to hurt her feelings. It seemed like he had a thing for her and Gavin could see it. His sinking heart skipped a beat when Ash had stopped talking mid-sentence, looking at Gavin a little strangely, like he knew Gavin was acting a bit strangely himself. Act normal, Harp. He's going to catch on about this little stupid crush of mine and then he would want a new roommate. No, I have not been secretly staring at you shirtless when you leave the bathroom after taking a shower! ... Oh, who am I kidding?

Gavin shook his head, making it like he was trying to rid his hair that was getting into his face, instead of the argument he was having with himself inside of his head. Though he did wonder how Ash kept so fit. He gave a chuckle, averting his attention back to his friend.

"You could..." Gavin nodded before a real grin spread across his face. "Orrrrr, us guys can not have dates and just go by ourselves. It'd save us the rejection. Huh, huh? What do ya say? Just us group of bachelors and ready to flirt and dance with whatever girl we desire without being tied down to one?" He suggested, though he knew his suggestion was going to be shot down and Gavin was going to be the only one without a date. Or I could have Charlie tag along with me. The kid needs to make some friends.
Natalie walked out of the Common Room and to the bathroom. As she was walking she had noticed that most of the boys were outside, she shrugged her shoulders and continued her journey to the bathroom. While walking to the bathroom she had passed through a bunch people leaving to go home, so as she made it to the bathroom she was slightly panting. "Why the hell do people have to travel in long groups." Natalie had wondered slightly panting and leaning against a wall before leaning off of it and going into a bathroom stall.

After doing her "business" in the bathroom stall she had quickly flushed the toilet with her shoe and left the stall. Natalie walked to the sink and began to wash her hands. After she finished washing her hands her phone had began to start ringing indicating someone was calling her. She grumbled under her breath and quickly got a piece of paper towel and dried her hands quickly so the call wouldn't drop from her not answering. After drying her hands Natalie threw the paper towel out and answered the phone leaving the bathroom, though instead of going back to the Common Room and answering she had went outside instead.

After going outside Natalie finally answered the phone. "
Hello?" "Natalie." A voice had said through the phone. Natalie's eyes had widen as she had realized it was her father. "Erm. . . H-hey Dad." She had said starting to walk outside of the campus. "What do you mean your staying at St. Andrew for the summer." Her father had questioned. "Just what I mean.t I'm staying here for the summer. What is it to you anyways." Natalie had said rolling her eyes to why her father wanted her to come home anyways. "Why of all summer, I have to come visit you. Well you know what I'm not I rather stay here." She had said through the phone not letting her father respond to any of her question's before hanging up the phone.

Natalie sighed and ran her fingers through her hair before turning off her phone and decided to sit outside for a bit before going back to the Common Room. She had quickly found a tree and sat under the shade. She sighed and closed her eyes enjoying how it felt outside despite the constant talking from people leaving though she had gotten use to that by now.

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