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Realistic or Modern St. Andrews

Connor Genin

Suddenly feeling a soft warmth feeling melt into his cheek, He stopped and relaxed for a while. Connor couldn't help but let out a slight and small whimper from his mouth. He widened his eyes, looking down at Luna concerned. Hopefully that meant that she was interested in him too, but it felt too soon for Connor. As much as he enjoyed her little kiss, it felt as if he had pushed he into it and that it was probably fake.

After he had the time to process what had just happened, Connor realised that Luna had walked off. Still standing there in shock, he had the chance to replay what had just happened. Shaking his head, Connor turned around and accidentally walked into the side of the sofa.
"I-I'm going to go for a smoke." Connor announced, walking off in love struck state.

"Hey boys!" He smiled wildly as he met with Ash, Lloyd and Gavin. "I'm going on a date with Luna tonight, and I need some help getting ready..." Connor asked, almost ashamedly. "I just want to look nice for her..." He muttered under his breath. "So can you help?" Connor bit his lip.

Realising that this conversation was tense before he came here, he took out his pack ls cigarettes and smirked at the men.
"Look here, boys..." Connor lit the chosen cigarette from the box and took one big puff. He kept all of the smoke in his move for a moment longer than he should. In one swift action, Connor faced the edge of the balcony blowed some of it out. The smoke was then created into 3 small rings, and with the rest of the smoke Connor then made a small ring that would go through all of it. "Ugh..." He coughed slightly, not really liking the smoke that was still in his mouth. Connor tilted his head at Ash, Lloyd and Gavin, smiling a slightly.
Lloyd Fredricks

Lloyd arrived at the fire escape just a little bit after them, and quickly said "It's been twenty seconds or so, what could've happened in that time?" His tone was sarcastic like usual, but there was a hint of worry in it. These guys were his buds, after all. He did care about them. He listened as he revealed his problem, and Lloyd smirked. "Go with her, dude. Even if it doesn't work out, I'm sure you'll learn something about yourself, and it's bound to be awesome for a while. Besides, she's a hottie, it's totally worth bragging rights." He smiled at Ash, then held out his hand. "And give me the cigarette. You don't smoke, and you shouldn't start. Leave it to us who've already ruined our lungs."

He looked over his shoulder as Connor came out. "Heeey, Connor." He glanced at Gavin and Ash, just to make sure they weren't bothered by Connor's sudden arrival. He didn't think it was likely, but maybe Ash didn't want many to know just yet. "You're going out with Luna? Geez bro, it's just the first day of summer and everyone's already getting themselves girls. Good work." He sat on the railing of the fire escape and looked at the group. "And sure, I'll help you out. You can borrow some of my stuff, if you think you'll fit in it." He said with a smirk. He leaned back on the railing and lifted his legs slightly to counter-weight, making sure he didn't fall off the railing. He sent a glance out to the campus, and noticed Natalie under a tree not too far away. "Oh yeah, speaking of girls..." He raised a hand and pointed towards her briefly. "Guess who I managed to get to go with me tomorrow? I think I'll enjoy that party. A lot."

Finally, he leaned forward and looked at Gavin. "Oh yeah, Gavin my man. You've got the charms of maybe even myself, and the looks of an amazingly cute bunny-rabbit. How come you don't have a date yet?"


"Well, well, well, seems like you three lads need advice with the ladies, and what not better person than I for all of you to have flocked around!" Gavin turned to Connor, who was blowing smoke rings over the balcony. "Advice numero uno: do not impress the lady on your date tonight with your smoke parlor tricks. I don't think she'll want to go back to her room smelling like smoke, unless she's a smoker, of course."

Gavin turned his attention to Lloyd, who compared his looks to that of a bunny and asked why he didn't have a date yet, and scrunched up his nose up all cutesy-like before responding. "You know they can't handle all this!" Gavin motioned to his body with a wink and a laugh.

"In all seriousness, you know all the girlies are taken. Ash has Ini, you have the lovely lady Nat, Connor has Luna, and all the rest goes to Sean since they're all swayed by his bad boyish charm." He then shrugged, a bright smile still on his face. "Anyway, I'd rather just go to parties with a group of friends. Can't be the life of the party when you're tied down by a date. No one puts baby in the corner!" It was true, Gavin was nearly friends with everyone and so he couldn't just pick one person to go with, it was absurd, as well as no one has caught his eye really, aside from Ash. Gavin wondered from time to time how his friends would react to his pansexuality, but Gavin decided to play off as completely straight. Even if he was a bit affectionate with his male companions, but he was always like that with all of his friends.

He then walked over to Ash, knowing that he would want his roommate's honest opinion whether or not he should ask Infinity out. "Just ask her, it wouldn't hurt, and from the looks of it, she's seems pretty into you," he said reassuringly while he clapped Ash on the shoulders with a smile. "You got this and now go get her tiger!"

Gavin let go of his shoulders and then turned to the rest of the guys, "Now I shall take my leave before I find myself needing an iron lung." He coughed and wheezed dramatically, falling to the floor before quickly getting up with a laugh and heading back inside to the common room.

Jovelyn Lynette Belros

Jovelyn smiled when she saw Flora had arrived almost as the same time she came back. Jovelyn wasn't really acquainted with the girl, but she was friends with her friends and that meant she was one of them. Jovelyn bend down slightly in a curtsy, "Good morning Flora." Jovelyn straightened up and took a seat next to Roxie who was already questioning her on her earlier choice of attire. "I sort of sneaked into the library last night. I had a nightmare and just needed a relaxing atmosphere. I was suppose to go back to the dorm, but I ended up sleeping on the couch." Jovelyn had been blushing as she told the story.

Oh well what happened happened and I can't go back in time now...unless there's a time machine somewhere in this school. If I can find it I can travel through time and make sure I go back to my dorm or even better I can make sure I don't go to sleep at all so I wont have a nightmare. This is fantastic! I can find that time-

Jovelyn's thought was interrupted as Gavin walked back into the room. Silly what was I thinking of course there's no time machine here. Someone must have found it by now. Jovelyn shook the silly thought from her head and looked back at Roxie. "But yeah that's why I was in my pajamas earlier."

"Oh ok." Then she started whispering to her. Roxie had actually liked to read but Jovelyn was the only one that knew. "So um fine any good books that maybe I can read?" She then glanced back at Conner and Luna. No way the girl kissed I'm on the cheek. Well guess he can handle it from there. She thought to herself then she looked back at Jocelyn waiting for a answer.
Infinity didn't know if she had come on to strong with Ashton and again started to become flustered and hot headed so the Girl now red in the face slipped past the mongrel of a crowd into one of the communal bathrooms she splashed her face wth cold water and then dryer it off taking some time to take deep hollowing breaths that flooded her lungs with waves of oxygen. Infinity then exited the putrid smelling bathroom making a lifelong decision never to use it again.

Infinity approached the Commons and approached the crowd of girls the whole time she had been at the scho she had not really socialised only really getting to know Luna and other art geeks who she spent time with during tutorial and after school. She sort of just stood at the side of the group close to the comfort of Luna and as far away as possible to the boisterous Roxie

Ash considered Gavin's idea, but he was pretty sure Gavin knew that Ash wasn't the type of guy to 'flirt with whoever he wanted to'. Gavin was acting weird, and Ash didn't like it. He planned to confront him, later on, in the room.

Lloyd agreed with him, which made him happy. "Thanks Lloydy, and oh-Connor, you don't want to borrow his things, trust me. But yeah, come to mine and Gavin's room at half seven." He laughed. Then Lloyd pointed to Natalie and announced that he was taking her to the party. "Sure, we'll all have fun, right?" He handed the cigarette to Lloyd and then made his way back into the Common room. But, as he opened the door, he noticed Flora. He locked eyes with her, and tried to pull the door back as quickly as he could. He gulped, and turned to back around to the guys. "Flora is back." He gulped. She had been away for months, and before she had left, she had briefly dated Lloyd. There had been a big fight, as far as Ash could see, and Lloyd had kissed another girl, unaware that he was actually dating Flora. Flora got all dramatic, and left for a long time on a gap year. Ash guessed that she was back now, and most likely on her way out here.


As Flora put her backpack on, she noticed the face of Ash, peeking from around the door of the fire exit. He stared for a moment, then backed away suspiciously. Immediately, Flo got to her feet. She bounded towards the fire exit and yanked open the door, to be greeted by the faces of boys she had suddenly remembered, Gavin and Connor and Ash. But there was one she could never forget. "Lloyd." She stepped forward. "You complete and utter asshole." She stepped forward once more until she was close enough to slap Lloyd, which is what she did. Good and hard, right on the cheek. "Why didn't you call me? Had you just forgotten that we were together?" She made a squealing noise. Before she started pacing in front of him. "God damn it, Lloyd! You have to be such an ass, don't you?" She moaned. Then she stopped pacing and looked up at Lloyd. "Please forgive me." She began to sob, and then completely out of the blue, she reached up and kissed Lloyd, an awkward kiss, her hands squeezing both of his cheeks.


Ash's eyes widened as he watched Flora smooch-and smooch was a fitting word-Lloyd, awkwardly. He stifled a laugh, but it was difficult, and he had to physical restrain himself as he put a hand over his mouth. Flora had always been a little crazy, bu this, this was different.
Luna's blue gaze shifted to meet and scan the figure of Infinity standing right beside her. Usually, this would only take place whenever one of them were feeling down and about.

With a slight gesture and grab of Infinity's hand, she carefully led her away from the group of girls before them. This would always be an action for Luna to take when comforting her friend with whatever issue she was having.

Luna led Infinity over to the corner, of which she was originally settled in alone by herself until Connor approached her. With remembrance of those moments she blinked, forcing the urge to blush in to the back of her mind, while ushering Infinity to sit down beside her.

"Alright. What is it?" Luna tilted her head to the side, a concerned expression written clearly upon her face. Twinned glistening irises staring anxiously upon Infinity's facade.
The only sounds that Natalie had heard was the constant chatter from people outside the campus and the birds chirping constantly along with cars driving past. She sighed and decided to go back inside the Common Room. " Cause getting bird poop on me would just be amazing." She had muttered under her breath before walking inside St. Andrews. As she had entered she noted that not many people were outside in the halls. She shrugged her shoulders as in "that works for me" kind of way before making her way to the common room.

As she turned the corner she had noticed that all the guys, well most of them stood out the door. But what surprised Natalie most was that Flora was back and kissing Lloyd. "Should of known." Natalie mumbled her breath before running a hand through her hair and began walking to the Common Room. " What a sight to see." She had said smirking and crossing her arms before passing the group and walking back into the Common Room. As she entered she had felt somewhat tired. "Must be my laziness catching up with me." She had thought to herself before walking back to her empty couch and lay down taking up most of it. Natalie sighed and closed her eyes.
Gavin knew that later he and Ash were going to have a talk, and that made Gavin act a bit funny. Ash could never know of Gavin's little attraction toward his roommate, for that would end quite badly. He didn't want to make things awkward or potentially lost a friendship over something that could never be. However, Gavin just couldn't control the way he acted. The more days he spent with Ash, the more the attraction grew, bit by bit. It kind of made Gavin wish that one of his parents would have taken him back home for the summer.

Gavin's eyes widened a bit when Ash turned to them, quietly telling them that Flora was back. Gavin looked around Ash to see if it was true and it was. He could recognize the wild mess of long waves anywhere. "And she's coming this way..." Gavin added, scratching the back of his neck. He remembered the drama between Flora and Lloyd and it was quite a mess.

"Hey, Flora!" Gavin waved at her, laughing a bit nervously. However the girl had completely ignored him and was soon crying her eyes out after she slapped him, which was followed by yelling at him, and then pulled him into a kiss. Gavin watched all this with big eyes, his mouth shaped in an 'o' then starting to laugh along with Ash. He was not expecting that to happen. If anything, he thought she would have socked him right in the jaw right after that slap and yell at him some more.
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Infinity's small frame was led to a small wicker chair stained with coffee and whoever knew what else. Infinity smiled a small smile like someone who was hurt but failing some sort of joy. She coyly started to speak "Luna it's nothing just I'm scared the Ashton thinks I'm a crazed lovesick fool, did I come on to strong or...," Infinity started to hyperventilate wringing her already dry hands out as her head beat throbbing echoing through her head with passion

Jovelyn Lynette Belrose

Jovelyn's eyes widened in excitement. "Oh I just read the most fascinating tale about forbidden love. It had humor, mystery, drama. It was perfect. One of the best books I've ever read!" Jovelyn noticed her voice getting louder and louder as she described the book to her roommate. She couldn't quite understand what is was about Roxie not wanting anyone to know she read. It really wasn't a big deal. Jovelyn was sure everyone picked up a book even if it was occasionally.

"I'm rereading it, but if you want you could borrow it after I'm done. Unless you're not into romance novels, then I could lend you another Stephen King book...Hey whatever happened to my copy of The Shining?" Jovelyn had lent Roxie the book months ago and she never got it back. Jovelyn didn't want to ask for it back just in case Roxie was still reading it, bit she was extremely curious about where it had ended up.

Lloyd Fredricks

Lloyd accepted the cigarette and promptly started smoking it himself. He raised an eyebrow at Ash, and simply spat out "What? Ain't gonna let it go to waste." He then looked over at Gavin and point at him with his thumb and index finger extended, "Yeah, alright man. Have a good one." He then took a deep inhale of the cigarette, and leaned back on the railing, hooking himself onto it with his feet so he didn't fall backwards. "Look at this, Connor..." He said with smoke seeping out of his mouth, before he exhaled a series of smoke rings in varying sizes. When he'd finally emptied the smoke from his lungs he took a deep inhale of air, but didn't cough.

He chuckled at Ashton's statement, and once again said with a faked hurt voice "Whaaat Ashton? What's wrong with my clothes?" but then looked over at Connor and added "Well, actually he's right. I probably don't have anything that would fit you, nor do I want to lend any of it out. I don't have to many changes of clothes, I'm afraid." He went back to smoking the cigarette, and then nodded to Ash as he was about to leave. "Yeah, we'll have fun. See ya." He turned around and exhaled over the railing to not bother anyone else who happened not to smoke, and then turned back around again just in time to hear Ash.

"Flora's back? I thought she bailed." He said calmly. He looked over at Gav, who'd stopped in the door, and heard that she was coming over. Suddenly, his facial expression wasn't exactly as neutral anymore. Shiiit. He thought. I mean, she was pretty mad at me last time I saw her, but it's been six months. Surely she'll have gotten past it by now, right? When she bursted through the door and said his name, he simply nodded back at her and smiled as he usually did. "Hey there, Flora." Her following words were way less friendly, and though he should've been able to see it coming, he was caught completely by surprise at the slap. The cigarette left his mouth and went flying over the railing, almost along with him. In his struggle not to fall of the edge he pushed himself back into the fire escape again, and landed half-sitting on the ground leaning against the railing.

He pulled himself back up and leaned with his arms on the railing and looked at her. "We were tog-??" His words were cut off by her mouth, and he awkwardly paused as the world seemed to stop. What the actual fuck. He thought, but didn't stop her. Instead, he simply looked at her in surprise as she continued to kiss him. His eyes wandered past her and onto the faces of his friends. Yeah, real fucking hilarious. He thought, but then noticed someone entirely different. Natalie! A few muffled "Mmmfhgm!" came out of him before he managed to get his hand just above Flora's chest and pushed her away from himself. He dashed after Natalie, but stopped at the door. There's no way. It's too late. He thought as he leaned against the door. He looked over his shoulder at Flora, and didn't even know what to say. "Y.. You..." He sighed loudly, then pointed at Gav. "Gavin." Was all he said, before he walked with heavy steps back towards his dorm room.



"No the first one is fine." Roxie wasn't always the way she is now actually she use to be really shy and read a lot she was actually considered a nerd when she was in middle school . "Oh by the way about those other books you let me they are under my bed get them whenever you want." Then she thought about something and spoke in a serous tone. "One more thing don't touch my private box that's under there ok just get the books." That box had personal things in there that she really didn't want people to see. "Got it?"

Luna's irises studied Infinity wholeheartedly. She knew what her previous friend was experiencing. She then shifted her attention to the doorway, before glancing back over towards Infinity.

"Mind telling me what exactly happened? I don't believe you went overboard or were to pushy..." Her words began to trail off as her thoughts continued on freely without her say so. Blinking her irises, she shifted her gaze downward upon her feet.

"If anything...I pushed Connor...What if-" Luna shook her head, before standing up from her seat and excusing herself from Infinity. " Infinity. Give me a few minutes. I should be back to help you by then."

With that, Luna bowed her upper body, before hurrying off out the door, past all the miraculously growing suspense and alarming issues, making her way with haste to be alone. To be where she could think most and recollect her composure.
"Me?" Gavin pointed to himself right after Lloyd had pointed at him and said his name. He watched him leave with heavy steps and wondered if that was his cue to follow him. He probably just wants to talk. When it came to his friends, Gavin would always lend an ear to listen to them. Gavin thought he didn't give the best of advice, it was him that his friends had come to for such words of wisdom, though he did tell them to take his words with a grain of salt.

"Well, it was nice seeing you again, Flo, m'dear. There's a party coming up and we hope you can make. You need to bring your special homemade brownies there." Gavin said while flashing her a smile. "It wouldn't be a party without them." If there was one thing that Gavin missed about Flo's absence, it was the absence of her brownies. The herbal brownies that made everything in the world a-o-kay, and it would definitely mellow the upcoming party out. He knew there were some people who would be in need of said special brownies.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I have a dear comrade to comfort," Gavin excused himself and left Ash and Connor alone with Flo. Gavin quickly walked out of the common room, catching up to a sulky Lloyd. "What's up?"

Jovelyn Lynette Belrose

Jovelyn chucked and nudged Roxie's shoulder. "Come on it's like you don't know me at all. I would never touch your personal stuff. Jovelyn had always been curious of what was in that box. She wondered what could it possibly contain that would make Roxie so protective over a box. Jovelyn shrugged the thought away knowing that if she continued to think about it her curiosity would get the best of her. Jovelyn smiled and stood up. "Better go get something to eat before I get cranky. If anyone cares to join me I'll be in the cafeteria. Hopefully they have something more than frozen waffles." Jovelyn gave a little bow before exiting the common room.

Jovelyn arrived at the cafeteria. There were several people eating but no one she was familiar with. Jovelyn grabbed a yogurt and a banana. She wasn't really hungry, but she knew that not having food in her system was unhealthy. Jovelyn took her yogurt and banana to a nearby table and began to eat.​
"Food huh?.......that's not a bad idea." She stood and said, "Hold up wait for me!" She ran in the cafeteria to see Jovnlyn already setting down at a table eating. Roxie went to see what they had. "Oh nice bacon." She grab a handful of bacon and two pieces toast and sat down with Jovelyn. "Hey did you get an invite to the party?"

Connor Genin

At the option to borrow Ash's clothes, Connor smiled and nodded his head.
"Yeah, That would be a lot better!" He laughed, teasing Lloyd slightly. "And I'll be there." He added. Connor just realised that it was actually fun to be in this group, but unfortunately he would never feel like he was in it. He would always be like an outsider, and they all new it.

When Flora came storming in with the lucky warning from Ash and Gav, Connor couldn't help but laugh. The drama between Lloyd and her was all basically a big mix-up. But this seemed serious.
"Hey Flor-" Connor was cut off by the sudden slap across Lloyd's face. Immediately, he covered his face with his mouth in shock. Connor muttered under his breath as a joke. "Well that escalated quickly..." Then Lloyd ran of for Natalie, but it seemed like a fail.

Lloyd then ran off, which followed by Gav. Connor turned to Ash and smirked slightly.
"Well that was fast." This was turning into a awkward conversation, by he whispered. "And dude, It's kind of obvious. But don't worry, Your secrets safe with me." He winked. "And to be honest..." Connor peeked his head around the door to the Common Room. "Our soon-to-be dates ar-" He was cut off by Luna coming out of the room, seeming to be in a state of distraught. He then signalled to Ash that he must go, and ran to catch up with her.

"Luna!" Connor shouted. "Wait up!" But it was too late, she had already entered the bathroom. He slowly knocked on the door, "Luna, Is something wrong?" Suddenly, a thought struck him. "It's not me, is it?" He whispered, realising that it probably was.

Jovelyn Lynette Belrose

Jovelyn was halfway done with her yogurt when Roxie made her way to the table. Jovelyn smirked at the girl's pile of bacon and reached over for a piece.

"Oh yummy! Thank you for being so considerate!"

Jovelyn laughed and took a bite of the greasy goodness.

"Mmm this is so good...Oh and yeah I got the invite and I am so looking forward to it! Were you planning on going?"

Jovelyn knew Roxie wasn't much of a people crowd and Jovelyn had to drag her around to most of the events in school. Sure she understood the fact that most of them were just lame people getting drunk and throwing themselves on each other, but she still loved being part of the crowd even if she wasn't really in the crowd. That was Jovelyn part of the crowd, but not in it. She hung out with the people around her and got invited to the same parties they did, but she was never able to make a strong connection. Most of the time Jovelyn just shrugged it off although there were times when Jovelyn wished to be closer to some of them.

Jovelyn dismissed the thought from her head and took another bite of the bacon and waited for Roxie to answer.
Roxie watched Jovelyn start taken bacon from her plate. She was prob the only person she would let do that. Cause normally she'd be annoyed. "Yep but I wasn't invited." She said grinning. "So I'm going to crash it! Haha plus some other friends of mine weren't invited either. So we decided we would go anyway and um cause a little chaos. Plus I love ruining peoples make out sessions at parties. It's fun." She smiled knowing she was prob going to get lecture about bulling people.

Luna's gaze hit the door of which she entered, a familiar voice emitting from the opposite side. Wiping her face, she took in a deep breath, and parted her lips to speak. "I'm fine..Connor."

She hadn't the guts or even the spark of confidence at the moment to be a brave girl like she usually was. Sparking a moment of silence, she shook her head, realizing she had a reputation to uphold. She was the one to comfort others, not have them comfort her.

With these thoughts in mind, she exited the bathroom carefully, making sure not to bump Connors head with the door on her way out. When meeting his worried gaze, her irises glistened with regret, before she quickly shifted her gaze elsewhere.

"Thank you for worrying. Its not you , I promise." She then smiled a both broken but bright smile , before straightening her posture once again. She did need to return to Infinity, before she had a breakdown about her own encounter.

With a small sigh, Luna shifted her gaze back to Connor, a confused state being written upon her face. She wanted to ask him, but wasn't sure how to go about. Deciding she should apologize, she bowed her upper body, and parted her lips to speak in a whisper. "I'm sorry Connor."
Connor Genin

It worried him that Luna hesitated at his name. It was obvious that he was the problem, but he would never want to push her into telling her if she didn't want too.
"Are you sure?" Connor said, tracing his hand around the edges of the door.

When she finally opened the door, He bit his lip and looked closely at her concerned. Even if she said it wasn't about him, it did definitely have to do about how he asked her out. She was fine before, but now she was sad and maybe with a hint of regret.

"Please...I've had a lot of people in my life that kept important things away from me, and I don't want you to be one of them." Connor said, his eyes revealing his emotions about his past and his current situation. "And why are you apologising? You haven't done anything wrong..."

Connor moved slightly closer to her, looking down at her sadly.
"You know, if you didn't want to go out with me...You could have just said no." He said, remembering the emotion of regret that was in her eyes.

"I tried to not fall in love with you, but let's be honest..." Connor smiled, gently moving his hand up to her chin and moving it up so that Luna was looking him in the eye. "It's sort of hard too with that face." He smirked, but stopped and put his hands back where they were originally.

"S-So...Please tell me what's wrong."
Luna blinked her irises, staring blankly upon him. For a few moments she was silent, until he started assuming she didn't like him. Which only made her angry, but all in the same happy upon the fact he cared about her feelings in any way at all.

"N-No! Its not that!" She shook her head furiously, instantly directing herself closer to him. She didn't want him to think in such a negative manner. She liked him, a lot. He was sweet , caring , and truly truly amazing in her eyes. With a small whimper, Luna placed her forehead against his chest in a state of silence while he continued on.

When she heard his statement, just as he lifted her head for his gaze to meet his own, her cheeks painted themselves with a darkened shade of pink. She was blushing, hard. Blinking her irises, she fumbled with her hands, struggling to gather her sentences together to escape her lips. But she couldn't. Not after what he just said.

"Love?" She couldn't help but allow a single tear to trail down her cheek. It had been a few years since she heard that word from anyone of relation or regards to her. With a small smile, she relaxed herself, carefully resting her head back upon his chest.

"I thought I pushed you , when I kissed you is all." She shrugged her shoulders, knowing she was allowing her clumsy state as well as childish mindset toe scape without any warning. Even so, she didn't quite care. It was Connor, he understood her when nobody else did, which made her all the more comfortable to speak to him.
Connor Genin

Hearing her say that she was also interested in Connor made him smiled even more. For the first time in a while, he had been able to talk freely with Luna without blushing or stuttering for a while now. That was why he was surprised by the kiss. Yet It still surprised him when she placed her delicate head against his chest. He smiled down at her, placing his arms gently around her body.

It sort of shocked Connor when Luna seemed to be surprised by his confession about his love for her. Wasn't it quite obvious? Or maybe she had just not gotten used too it. He looked down at her face and realised that a tear had fallen onto her cheek. Connor's eyes immediately showed concern and wiped the tear away with his thumb. It was sort of cute when she cried, but he didn't want for that to happen ever again.

"Oh..." Connor paused at Luna's eventual remark. He bit his lip. "Well, It was a shock at first. I mean, I had just asked you out." He quickly added. "But that doesn't mean I didn't like it!" Connor smiled, but then turned to a more serious state. "I mean...If you want..." He paused, again gently taking Luna's chin and bringing it up so he could so her face.

In one action, Connor leaned his face down and kissed her full on the lips. It lasted for about 5 seconds as it didn't really seem too short or long. He then moved away from her lips, his face still close in front of hers. By now, Connor had blushed slightly. Time to think about it, that was his first kiss. He bit his lip, not sure if she was okay of what she had just done.

"S-Sorry..." He quickly said, feeling even more nervous and embarrassed than he already was.

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