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There seems to be quite a lot of conflict these days :v

Sorry for my lack of posts recently... my sister is moving to France and Im helping her store all her things. I might get another post up by tomorrow if things go well. Gohan510 Gohan510
There seems to be quite a lot of conflict these days :v

Sorry for my lack of posts recently... my sister is moving to France and Im helping her store all her things. I might get another post up by tomorrow if things go well. Gohan510 Gohan510
You know i dont mind waiting on you partner <3
So, huh, it looks like I missed some things over here on this end. Before I go start working on some new Trinity and Maximilien Von Hahnenhorn's stuff, can't we all agree that player agency and having all of our characters mattering and bringing their own skills/traits/personalities to the table are good things?
Speaking of player agency, I might swap characters for one that's more convenient to the flow of the game depending on how things go. Namely, one that doesn't hate the shit out of most of the party and shouldn't be leaving/trying to kill the GMPC soon. And maybe we can not friendly fire this one.
Speaking of player agency, I might swap characters for one that's more convenient to the flow of the game depending on how things go. Namely, one that doesn't hate the shit out of most of the party and shouldn't be leaving/trying to kill the GMPC soon. And maybe we can not friendly fire this one.
*Pulls out checklist*
1: Waifu?
2: Cool magical powers?
3: Hilarious traits?
Not making any promises but probably: looking for waifu, master of kung fu (the coolest powerset), he's fat.
You know how you get with waifus? That's my sperg level but with anything martial. I will rarely post friday and saturday nights because that's usually when there's combat sports events on.
I don't quite want to put work on a post before letting Amaya Himura get her post up first as she has quite a bit to react to. Sorry for keeping anyone waiting on me.

KnightOfNight KnightOfNight
Will the wizard of wizards be taking all her homunculi with her to Grigori's fortress? Just want to know as I may have Septimus ask the one that introduced its master something if she left with Trinity before he could ask her directly.

(definitely doesn't have to do with asking if there's a copy of the scroll used for the introduction so he can try to memorize her name)
I don't quite want to put work on a post before letting Amaya Himura get her post up first as she has quite a bit to react to. Sorry for keeping anyone waiting on me.

Ah I worked on my post finally, and I'm sorry if I kept you waiting. I hope Sept can get that scroll answer from the Homunculi Leader!
RatKing RatKing
They will be following the kidnapped Wizard Of Wizards, they exist to serve her and can't allow themselves to be delayed. You could always ask questions while they're following her though.

Amaya Himura Amaya Himura
Is Rinzler coming onto Zharkov?
RatKing RatKing
They will be following the kidnapped Wizard Of Wizards, they exist to serve her and can't allow themselves to be delayed. You could always ask questions while they're following her though.

Amaya Himura Amaya Himura
Is Rinzler coming onto Zharkov?

I mean, the CS says:
She doesn't feel much for romance. Yes, she's read all the fairy tales and heard all ballads, but never felt much for anyone outside of friendliness [...] Her duty comes before her own feelings, but that doesn't stop her from making people feel like they belong

Rinzler's not stopping her. She's not one to dictate how others should and shouldn't feel, but the Knight of Zero knows that she personally can't love. And I meant for Rinzler to make a little joke to test the waters, but Zharkov can take it for what she believes.
And as for Chiho, Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia , the Princess is free to feel however she wants. The Knight of Zero isn't one to stop that. She's going to stop no human, demon, beastfolk, witch, or dragon from caring for others. Hell, she wants others to care for more people, even if she's the "ice queen."

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