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Futuristic Splicers - I Am Legion - OOC Thread

Oh! Alright! Then I'll shoot some rockets baby! Ok I'll respond real quick then (assuming it is my turn of course!) 5d6 per missile I believe you said?
Also, just to let you know, there is a future upgrade you can buy to increase the damage of your rockets from 5d6 to 8d6 each for just a few Bio-E points for each one.
Oh! Alright! Then I'll shoot some rockets baby! Ok I'll respond real quick then (assuming it is my turn of course!) 5d6 per missile I believe you said?
Yes. You are up. You post your description of your action, let me know how many missiles you are firing, then roll a d20 to hit. If you roll a natural 1-4, something goes wrong and you miss automatically. As long as your dice number is 5 or higher, you will hit your target, doing 30d6 damage.
You can roll, or I can do it for you on my dice. Purr Purr hates this dice roller, and has asked that I use my own dice for his rolls, and I am willing to do the same for you. Which would you prefer?
You can do a lot of damage with those rockets, but keep in mind that in a prolonged battle against several foes, you can burn through your supply quickly.
Roll for me please! Digital dice can either be kind or the worst! Never in-between!
Ok, go ahead and give me an IC post of your character launching your rockets and let me know how many you wish to fire and I'll take care of the dice.
Oh shoot! I forgot, he's launching off 6 rockets! I feel bad my posts are super short!
You are doing fine. Once the robot is destroyed and you guys have evaded the additional threat of the robot aircraft by either hiding long enough for them to fly off or go underground in the nearby tunnel, you will have plenty of time to role play getting to know everyone.
You are welcome. I would be a bad instructor if I didn't help out whenever I can.
I'm looking forward to the game taking off. I have several adventures planned to challenge you guys.
Eonivar Eonivar and One of Hearts One of Hearts

I forgot to tell you, Echelon Squad was deployed out of a giant seagoing organic ship/creature called the Kraken, under the command of Chief Carl Rybeck. He deployed you out about three weeks ago. You have no idea of this Cerberus Squad, but once you have time to talk, you might realize that you know the three members of the squad from before on the Kraken. Roll a d100 (or ask me to roll for you) to check.

Purr Purr Psychie Psychie Mirgris Mirgris

You also have a chance to know the three surviving members of Echelon Squad. Same die roll goes for you; please roll percentile to see if you remember the others from your time on the ship.
So... all this time I wasn't alerts for this game until Sherwood Sherwood pinged me. Thanks, Bud! =)

One of Hearts One of Hearts
That's reassuring, thank you!
If I haven't said it already, I'm glad you're here with this us One! You seem like good people. =)

A word on making mistakes - we all make them (you ought to see the doozies I get myself into!). So, please, if you have any self-made expectations about not messing up, consider throwing them the wind? =) Each of *will* goof up again and that goes for all of us - it's no big deal (I think goofing is cool if I can learn something valuable from it). I won't hold your goofs against you - because we all make them. =)

I think Roleplaying is both an art and a skill - and I've learned probably just as much from my failures as my accomplishments. Or put another way, were it not for my messing up, I'd only be half my current level! Ha ha! =)

Honor and fun,
Purr =)
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Purr Purr Psychie Psychie Mirgris Mirgris

You also have a chance to know the three surviving members of Echelon Squad. Same die roll goes for you; please roll percentile to see if you remember the others from your time on the ship.

Sherwood, you know me - polyhedrons if you please! Woo! =)
Star Trek Yes GIF
Eonivar Eonivar and Mirgris Mirgris

The two of you both remember meeting the people on the other squad before onboard the Kraken. Echelon Squad was deployed about a month before Cerberus was sent out.

Purr Purr , your quiet, reclusive behavior makes it harder for you to make friends, so you do not know the members of the other team.

Psychie Psychie , you are also in the same boat as Chaska in the fact that you don't remember the other squad as anything other than a passing face in the hall that you would give a brief nod to as you went on your way.

Holding on a roll from One of Hearts One of Hearts unless you wish to have me roll for you. Just let me know.
your quiet, reclusive behavior makes it harder for you to make friends, so you do not know the members of the other team.
That makes perfect sense for Chaska. He's the guy that watches everyone unobtrusively. If he did know about them, it would probably be because he had overheard something that got his attention. And if he hadn't heard such a thing, why would he be interested? (I'm in a hyper-headed mood here; don't mind me.). =)

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