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Splicers - I Am Legion - IC Thread

Seeing the group of mechanical soldiers taking aim Bellamy leaps out of the way, attempting to evade the onslaught of bullets.
Automatic Dodge total:13 + 2 = 15
+2 for Automatic Dodge
Toni looks over at the Swarm Lord and says, “Good job, there! Just watch your back and let me take the hits!”

Looking back at robots 3-5, she takes aim at the center bot and tries to engulf all three in the blast area of a dual burst from her Velocity Cannons. “Eat this!”

She then sends a command to her Spore Sidekick to hit the same three bots as she’s aiming at to hopefully ensure that they are all toasted, and has her Laser Sidekick take aim at robot 6.

Holy Cow! I obliterated them! 480 MDC damage!

Kinda pointless to roll for the Spore Sidekick, but I already declared the attack.

Laser Sidekick to hit: 19
Damage: 48 MD
MDC by Location:
Arms (2): 197 M.D.C.
Hands (2): 107 M.D.C.
Legs (2): 202 M.D.C.
Feet (2): 147 M.D.C.
Head: 137 M.D.C.
Main Body: 630 M.D.C. // 550
Elbow Bone Blades: 115 M.D.C.
Harbinger Cannon: 187 M.D.C.
Munitions Reservoir: 487 M.D.C.
Sentinel Eels: 217 M.D.C. each
Sentinel Shell: 307 M.D.C.

Sidekick Rifle - Super Light Cell Cluster: 132 M.D.C., 2 Attacks, 8d10 Damage, 1,000 ft range - Mega Upgrade
Sidekick Rifle - Spore Discharger: 132 M.D.C., 2 Attacks, 4d8 Damage, 40 ft Radius, 1.200 ft range - Omni Upgrade

Action Points: 8 / 7

Combat Bonuses On Foot / In Armor

Number of Attacks: 6 / 9
Strike: +9 / +10 (+5 in melee) (+3 ranged)
Parry: +12 / +15 (+4 in melee)
Dodge: +12 / +3 Automatic Dodge
Roll with Punch: +2 / +10
Initiative: +2 / +9
Perception: +7 / +7
Damage in HtH: +1
Critical Strike on a Natural 18-20
[Critical on a 17-20 with Mantis Blade from Opti-Upgrade]
[Critical on a 17-20 with Velocity Cannon from Opti-Upgrade]

Mantis Blade: 12D6 M.D. [15d6 with PS] for a Blade Strike; 4d4x10+10 for a Dual Strike
Energy Expulsion Vent: 2D8 +bonus M.D. equal to the P.E. attribute (2d8+28)
Organic Rockets: 5d10 M.D. to a 10 foot radius
--Rocket Payload: 15 /
Central Maw: 3d8 M.D.
Velocity Cannon: 2D8x10+40 M.D. for a short burst of 10 rounds from one cannon or 4D6x10+40 M.D. per simultaneous bursts from both cannons firing a total of 20 rounds.
--Ammo in Cannons: 120 / 80
--Ammo in Munitions Reservoir: 600 /
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Toni’s enhanced heavy weapon roars, and as the smoke clears, there is nothing left of the three robots except for small bits of scrap metal scattered across the floor. The Spore Discharger Sidekick’s attack was not even need.

Your Laser Light Cell Sidekick at least manages to do some good damage to robot six, but it is still standing.

Bellamy is not nearly as bulky and clumsy in his Host Armor as Toni is, and as a result is able to leap and twist out of the way of the incoming fire at him.

Eonivar Eonivar is up

Initiative Order
21 - Toni [2]
—Laser Sidekick [2]
—Spore Sidekick [2]
18 - Jin [1] <====
17 - Chaska [1]
—Laser Sidekick [1]
—Stick-um Sidekick [1]
15 - robot 6 [1] serious damage
15 - robots 7-10 [1]
12 - robots 11-15 [1] serious damage
10 - Axel [1]
—Grub Sidekick [1]
8 - robots 16-20 [1]
7 - Bellamy [2]
5 - robots 21-25 [1]
3 - Archos [1]
Jin, now in stealth moves slowly and carefully among the chaos , making sure her profile is not discovered or notices ...she moves about ten yards and aims her heat cannon at the one robot that the others had damaged, robot 6 and fires a heavy blast

Using 2 Attacks with Vital Points + 3 Aimed Shot

Attack Roll Heavy Blast Heat Cannon 1D20+10+3 = ROLL OF A 1
Damage Roll Heavy Blast Heat Cannon = 2D8x10+20 Damage = MISS
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Jin's clumsiness causes her to stumble just as she fires the heat cannon, causing a backfire to flash up, causing you to take 50 MD to your main body.

Purr Purr is up

Initiative Order
21 - Toni [2]
—Laser Sidekick [2]
—Spore Sidekick [2]
18 - Jin [3]
17 - Chaska [1] <====
—Laser Sidekick [1] <====
—Stick-um Sidekick [1] <====
15 - robot 6 [1] serious damage
15 - robots 7-10 [1]
12 - robots 11-15 [1] serious damage
10 - Axel [1]
—Grub Sidekick [1]
8 - robots 16-20 [1]
7 - Bellamy [2]
5 - robots 21-25 [1]
3 - Archos [1]
"Boom Boom Satellites Back on my Feet (live)"

Chaska cannot help but smile.

With foes and uncertainty and real danger all around and about him, Chaska cannot help but wonder if this thrill he is feeling is typical of experienced Splicers or just a thing normally experienced by hot-heads like long-gone Lance, his Pretty Bird, and those half-crazed Outriders that bore that intrepid Cerberus warrior.

The ever-moving Deliveryman attempts to deliver destruction to the robot he had just damaged and its nearest fellow by using his Bio-Energy Blades to slice and stab at each. All the while, he is attempting to dodge and weave with the group yet not with the group - daring them to fire lest they blast apart their own. All of their guns seemed to be trying to train on him - on him! And what could be better? Barrels aimed at ending his life were not trained on Toni or any other of his comrades-in-arms! This is the very spirit of Apollo Zanbato - to serve others over oneself even to the point of sacrifice!

Yes indeed...

...Chaska cannot help but smile!

Using Paired Weapons, one sword against the damaged Steel Trooper 6 and the nearest among 7-10.
His sword modifier is at its highest - currently +19 to hit.
His damage is 3d12+35 per successful Strike.
Robot six gets skewered by Chaska's energy blade and falls to the side, and at the same time robot 7 gets sliced by your sword and takes minor damage.
Robot seven is hit by the Stick-Um from your chemical thrower Sidekick, so it is now gummed up and an even easier target for Chaska to chop up.
Robot 16 is shot at by the Super Light Cell Sidekick, but it only does minimal damage.

In return, the four bots in that group are continuing to fire on Chaska. All four will hit unless you dodge. Purr Purr

Robots 11-15 fire their weapons at Bellamy, and they will hit unless you dodge. Apparently, they are not happy at having the swarm of locusts eating them up. celestialbody celestialbody

Axel takes a hand grenade and lobs it at robots 16-20, doing light damage to them, while his grub Sidekick also hits robot 16, adding to the damage done to it.

Robots 16-20 fire at Axel, but the man is able to evade their attacks.

celestialbody celestialbody is up with Bellamy, and you have a defense to roll.

Initiative Order
21 - Toni [2]
—Laser Sidekick [2]
—Spore Sidekick [2]
18 - Jin [3]
17 - Chaska [2]
—Laser Sidekick [2]
—Stick-um Sidekick [2]
15 - robot 7 [2] light damage, sticky
15 - robots 8-10 [2]
12 - robots 11-15 [2] serious damage on all
10 - Axel [2]
—Grub Sidekick [2]
8 - robots 16 [2] moderate damage
8 - robots 17-20 [1] light damage
7 - Bellamy [2] <====
5 - robots 21-25 [1]
3 - Archos [1]
Bellamy will attempt to dodge the next group aiming to attack him!
Automatic Dodge total: 7 + 11 = 18

+9 for Dodge
+2 for Automatic Dodge
Purr Purr Of the robots attacking you, one manages to get lucky with a Critical Strike on you. It is a Light Rail Gun, and it inflicts 56 points of Mega Damage to your armor.

celestialbody celestialbody One robot manages to connect with you, and your armor takes 20 MD. It is your turn to act.
As Chaska's beloved WyldKat is hit by the Steel Trooper's rail gun, Chaska feels a touch surprised and a bit pleased - these were worthy opponents after all. Only with worthy opponents can a warrior grow.
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With a swift dodge, Bellamy narrowly avoids the barrage of incoming fire, just one shot connecting and momentarily shaking his balance. Quick to recover, he raises his Rifle, eyes locking onto one of the pretty damaged Robots (Robot 16). Taking a steadying breath, he squeezes the trigger, sending a single shot straight toward his target.
To Hit with Thud Gun: 18 + 4 = 22
Thud Gun Damage: 28 M.D.
Locusts to Hit: 1 (uh oh?)
Locusts Damage: Miss (I'm pretty sure?)
(7 more rounds with Locusts)
+3 to strike from Light W.P.
+1 to strike from Thud Guns
Mega-Damage: 6D8 M.D. per blast, plus there is a 01-45% likelihood of the impact knocking an opponent as large as 15 feet (4.6 m) tall off of his feet and onto his back. If knocked off his feet, the victim loses initiative and two melee attacks.
Rate of Fire: Each blast counts as one melee attack.
Pretty sure I have to roll to hit and damage with locusts every time?
A swarm of 40 Locusts inflict 8D8 M.D. per melee round for 1D6 melees. (50% longer bc of Regurgitation and 50% more damage bc of Acidic Regurgitation)
Locusts get a +5 to strike
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Bellamy's shot lances out and hits the offending robot, knocking it off its feet and making it lose two attacks as it struggles to get back to its feet.

Robots 21-25 target Toni with their laser assault rifles. They will hit unless you dodge.

Archos adds his own Casting Rifle burst onto robot 16, causing even more damage to the robot. It is smoking from several blast holes, and is barely standing

Psychie Psychie is up, and has a defense to roll.

Initiative Order
21 - Toni [2] <====
—Laser Sidekick [2]
—Spore Sidekick [2]
18 - Jin [3]
17 - Chaska [2]
—Laser Sidekick [2]
—Stick-um Sidekick [2]
15 - robot 7 [2] light damage, sticky
15 - robots 8-10 [2]
12 - robots 11-15 [2] serious damage on all
10 - Axel [2]
—Grub Sidekick [2]
8 - robots 16 [4] critical damage
8 - robots 17-20 [1] light damage
7 - Bellamy [3]
5 - robots 21-25 [2]
3 - Archos [2]
Seeing that group 16-20 of the Steel Troopers are in such close proximity, she shifts her position a bit to level her cannon at them, laying down a tremendous barrage with a dual burst from the Velocity Cannons. At the same time, she keeps moving to make herself a harder target to hit.

OOC and I have been frowned upon by the dice gods :(
MDC by Location:
Arms (2): 197 M.D.C.
Hands (2): 107 M.D.C.
Legs (2): 202 M.D.C.
Feet (2): 147 M.D.C.
Head: 137 M.D.C
Main Body: 630 M.D.C. // 510
Elbow Bone Blades: 115 M.D.C.
Harbinger Cannon: 187 M.D.C.
Munitions Reservoir: 487 M.D.C.
Sentinel Eels: 217 M.D.C. each
Sentinel Shell: 307 M.D.C.

Sidekick Rifle - Super Light Cell Cluster: 132 M.D.C., 2 Attacks, 8d10 Damage, 1,000 ft range - Mega Upgrade
Sidekick Rifle - Spore Discharger: 132 M.D.C., 2 Attacks, 4d8 Damage, 40 ft Radius, 1.200 ft range - Omni Upgrade

Action Points: 8 / 7

Combat Bonuses On Foot / In Armor

Number of Attacks: 6 / 9
Strike: +9 / +10 (+5 in melee) (+3 ranged)
Parry: +12 / +15 (+4 in melee)
Dodge: +12 / +3 Automatic Dodge
Roll with Punch: +2 / +10
Initiative: +2 / +9
Perception: +7 / +7
Damage in HtH: +1
Critical Strike on a Natural 18-20
[Critical on a 17-20 with Mantis Blade from Opti-Upgrade]
[Critical on a 17-20 with Velocity Cannon from Opti-Upgrade]

Mantis Blade: 12D6 M.D. [15d6 with PS] for a Blade Strike; 4d4x10+10 for a Dual Strike
Energy Expulsion Vent: 2D8 +bonus M.D. equal to the P.E. attribute (2d8+28)
Organic Rockets: 5d10 M.D. to a 10 foot radius
--Rocket Payload: 15 /
Central Maw: 3d8 M.D.
Velocity Cannon: 2D8x10+40 M.D. for a short burst of 10 rounds from one cannon or 4D6x10+40 M.D. per simultaneous bursts from both cannons firing a total of 20 rounds.
--Ammo in Cannons: 120 / 60
--Ammo in Munitions Reservoir: 600 /
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Toni aims her weapon and just as she squeezes the trigger, she gets knocked to the ground where you land on your back, and the Velocity Cannons fire straight up, blowing a massive hole in the ceiling and showering you with the rubble of the shattered concrete. Between the falling rock and the combined laser fire from the Steel Troopers, Toni's armor takes 80 MD - 40 after your damage reductions are accounted for and you lose an action as you get back to your feet.

Eonivar Eonivar is up

Initiative Order
21 - Toni [4]
—Laser Sidekick [2]
—Spore Sidekick [2]
18 - Jin [3] <====
17 - Chaska [2]
—Laser Sidekick [2]
—Stick-um Sidekick [2]
15 - robot 7 [2] light damage, sticky
15 - robots 8-10 [2]
12 - robots 11-15 [2] serious damage on all
10 - Axel [2]
—Grub Sidekick [2]
8 - robots 16 [4] critical damage
8 - robots 17-20 [1] light damage
7 - Bellamy [3]
5 - robots 21-25 [2]
3 - Archos [2]
Jin's blurred translucent human form standing up after falling a taking a blast from her own heat cannon, aims her heat cannon again at the most damaged of the robots she could see and fires...over the bio-comms she speaks up

"We are getting overwhelmed here, let's head down into the tunnels and see if we can funnel them at a choke point or collapse the ceiling on them?"

Jin fires a heavy blast her heat cannon to finish off robot 16...

Attack Roll = 1D20+8 = 9+8 = 17 to hit
Damage = 2D8x10+20 = 7 x10 +20 = 70+20 = 90 MDC Damage!
Robot 16's damaged armor cannot hold up under the intense barrage from everyone, and with the latest shot it explodes in a heap.

Purr Purr is up with Chaska

Initiative Order
21 - Toni [4]
—Laser Sidekick [2]
—Spore Sidekick [2]
18 - Jin [4]
17 - Chaska [2] <====
—Laser Sidekick [2]
—Stick-um Sidekick [2]
15 - robot 7 [2] light damage, sticky
15 - robots 8-10 [2]
12 - robots 11-15 [2] serious damage on all
10 - Axel [2]
—Grub Sidekick [2]
8 - robots 17-20 [1] light damage
7 - Bellamy [3]
5 - robots 21-25 [2]
3 - Archos [2]
"We are getting overwhelmed here, let's head down into the tunnels and see if we can funnel them at a choke point or collapse the ceiling on them?"
Chaska acknowledges nigh-invisible Jin's message with a "Mmm!" He leaves the decision to their leader.

Seeing that Steel Trooper #7 is all gunked up, Chaska attempts to strike Steel Trooper #8 with both of the WyldKat's Bio-energy Blades.

Using Paired Weapons, both swords against a single target in Group 2, Steel Troopers 6-10.
His sword modifier is at its highest - currently +19 to hit.
His damage is 3d12+35 x 2 if his strike is successful.
Chaska manages to connect with his energy blades on robot 8, the blades biting deep into it. It’s damaged but still operating.

Robots 7-10 open up on Chaska, but with his stealth field up and his high dodge bonus, none connect.

Robots 11-15 are trying to swat bugs and they manage to squish a few, but there are so many locusts that a free losses don’t matter much to the damage the robots are taking.

Axel takes aim with his Casting Rifle and fires a burst at robot 7, scoring a solid hit.

As robots 17-20 advance and fire on Axel, the robots all suddenly say in a woman’s voice, “There is no need for all of this. Stop fighting. It only makes it harder than it has to be. All will be one with me soon.”

celestialbody celestialbody is up with Bellamy

Initiative Order
21 - Toni [4]
—Laser Sidekick [2]
—Spore Sidekick [2]
18 - Jin [4]
17 - Chaska [3]
—Laser Sidekick [2]
—Stick-um Sidekick [2]
15 - robot 7 [4] moderate damage, sticky
15 - robots 8 [3] moderate damage
15 - robots 9-10 [3]
12 - robots 11-15 [3] serious damage on all
10 - Axel [3]
—Grub Sidekick [2]
8 - robots 17-20 [3] light damage
7 - Bellamy [3] <====
5 - robots 21-25 [2]
3 - Archos [2]
Noting the group of their enemies untouched Bellamy sends an order to the remaining swarm of locusts attached to his hive, directing them to emerge.

The remaining swarm of locusts began to stir in response and with a horrifying hum, they detached from the hive, a churning mass of wings and sharp mandibles. The air was filled with the sound of their collective buzz as they prepared to speed toward the group of robots, motivated by the potential meal.

(However many a group of 10 locusts can attack in the group 21-25)

Locusts Strike roll: 18 + 5 = 23
Locusts Damage: 18 M.D.
How many rounds of damage: 9 rounds (6 x 1.5 = 9)
A swarm of 20 Locusts do 5D8 M.D. per melee round for 1D6 melees (50% longer bc of Regurgitation and 50% more damage bc of Acidic Regurgitation)
Not adding in Acidic Regurgitation increase on damage bc the group of locusts only amounts to 10!
With the order given to attack, the last bunch of locusts spread their wings and with an angry buzz, they swarm around the robots and begin to eat away at their armor.

As the group is taking damage, they turn their guns on Bellamy, firing bursts of high speed radio gun rounds at him. Four of the five will hit unless you dodge.
celestialbody celestialbody

Archos fires his Casting Rifle at robot seven, and the burst punches into its armor causing heavy damage but the robot is still up.

He manages to add, “If we are to pull back, there is an entrance to the underground tunnels to our five o’clock, distance fifty meters! Watch for my tripwires around the opening!”

Psychie Psychie is up

Initiative Order
21 - Toni [4] <====
—Laser Sidekick [2]
—Spore Sidekick [2]
18 - Jin [4]
17 - Chaska [3]
—Laser Sidekick [2]
—Stick-um Sidekick [2]
15 - robot 7 [4] severe damage, sticky
15 - robots 8 [3] moderate damage
15 - robots 9-10 [3]
12 - robots 11-15 [3] serious damage on all
10 - Axel [3]
—Grub Sidekick [2]
8 - robots 17-20 [3] light damage
7 - Bellamy [4]
5 - robots 21-25 [3] light damage
3 - Archos [3]
Eager to avoid getting hit by the multiple blasts coming his way Bellamy tries to move out of the way of the incoming fire, attempting to avoid taking on as much damage as he can.
Automatic Dodge total: 17 + 11 = 28

+9 for Dodge
+2 for Automatic Dodge
Toni doesn’t bother nodding, but instead says, “Everyone, fall back! I’ll be right behind you! Move it!”

With that said, she directs her heavy weapon on robots 17-20, hoping to catch them all in the effect of the exploding shells from her cannon.

To hit: 24
Damage: 230 MD
MDC by Location:
Arms (2): 197 M.D.C.
Hands (2): 107 M.D.C.
Legs (2): 202 M.D.C.
Feet (2): 147 M.D.C.
Head: 137 M.D.C
Main Body: 630 M.D.C. // 510
Elbow Bone Blades: 115 M.D.C.
Harbinger Cannon: 187 M.D.C.
Munitions Reservoir: 487 M.D.C.
Sentinel Eels: 217 M.D.C. each
Sentinel Shell: 307 M.D.C.

Sidekick Rifle - Super Light Cell Cluster: 132 M.D.C., 2 Attacks, 8d10 Damage, 1,000 ft range - Mega Upgrade
Sidekick Rifle - Spore Discharger: 132 M.D.C., 2 Attacks, 4d8 Damage, 40 ft Radius, 1.200 ft range - Omni Upgrade

Action Points: 8 / 7

Combat Bonuses On Foot / In Armor

Number of Attacks: 6 / 9
Strike: +9 / +10 (+5 in melee) (+3 ranged)
Parry: +12 / +15 (+4 in melee)
Dodge: +12 / +3 Automatic Dodge
Roll with Punch: +2 / +10
Initiative: +2 / +9
Perception: +7 / +7
Damage in HtH: +1
Critical Strike on a Natural 18-20
[Critical on a 17-20 with Mantis Blade from Opti-Upgrade]
[Critical on a 17-20 with Velocity Cannon from Opti-Upgrade]

Mantis Blade: 12D6 M.D. [15d6 with PS] for a Blade Strike; 4d4x10+10 for a Dual Strike
Energy Expulsion Vent: 2D8 +bonus M.D. equal to the P.E. attribute (2d8+28)
Organic Rockets: 5d10 M.D. to a 10 foot radius
--Rocket Payload: 15 /
Central Maw: 3d8 M.D.
Velocity Cannon: 2D8x10+40 M.D. for a short burst of 10 rounds from one cannon or 4D6x10+40 M.D. per simultaneous bursts from both cannons firing a total of 20 rounds.
--Ammo in Cannons: 120 / 40
--Ammo in Munitions Reservoir: 600 /
Bellamy is able to evade the hostile fire aimed at him, keeping himself safe.

Toni’s heavy weapon fire slams into the damaged robots and wipes them all out in one fell swoop. When this happens, that woman’s voice can be heard from the remaining Steel Soldiers. It says, “Oh, you are quite magnificent! I can only imagine your zeal as one of my Legionaries! Come now, Toni. Stop this senseless fighting and join me. All of you will finally find true peace once you are one with me. We can unite the world, together.”

Eonivar Eonivar is up with Jin

Initiative Order
21 - Toni [5]
—Laser Sidekick [2]
—Spore Sidekick [2]
18 - Jin [4] <====
17 - Chaska [3]
—Laser Sidekick [2]
—Stick-um Sidekick [2]
15 - robot 7 [4] severe damage, sticky
15 - robots 8 [3] moderate damage
15 - robots 9-10 [3]
12 - robots 11-15 [3] serious damage on all
10 - Axel [3]
—Grub Sidekick [2]
7 - Bellamy [4]
5 - robots 21-25 [3] light damage
3 - Archos [3]

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