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Splicers - I Am Legion - IC Thread

Toni doesn’t waste any time looking at the two dead men. Her thoughts are locked on getting the Corporal in custody and to rip her out of her armor to make sure she is no longer a threat. But they have to find her first.

She calls out, “Cerberus! Emergency airlock two! Let’s move!” She then looks under m over at the Swarm Lord and says, “Hey, bug guy! Come with us!” She then sets out at a run for the airlock.

Garrett.Hawke Garrett.Hawke
Chaska and Woodstock follow Toni into action. Inside, he mourns the loss of the two slain Kraken crew. How might this have been avoided had the entire War-beast vessel not been put on red alert but instead had Paseo discreetly taken into custody while the explosives were searched for?

Now, here they were chasing and trying to reason with a fully-alerted cold-blooded murderer who was on her way off the ship.

"Who might die next?" the young man wonders.
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Racing through the halls, the members of Cerberus Squad turn the corner to see another pair of crew members in armor, one kneeling down on one leg with a nasty bleeding wound in his chest and a badly sliced arm, leaning against the wall. The second is standing in an odd position, hands raised up away from his body. The wounded man points with his shaky good arm behind the standing crew member and says in a weak voice, "Cloaked. Behind." He then slumps down, having expended the last of his strength with his warning.

Given that you have the warning, you know enough to try using your Echo-Location to look around and you can see that there is a second figure grappling the one standing crew member that you can see, a person using a stealth field with a hand around the neck of the visible person, using him as a human shield.

You then hear a disembodied voice saying, "Stand down! Or I'll take his head clean off! Back away and open the airlock door and no one else gets hurt."
Over private bio-comms so that Paseo cannot learn, Chaska includes Cerberus and Chief Rybeck. "ChiefRybeck. Paseo here with hostage. Two Kraken Splicer serious wounded." He pings/provides Chief Rybeck their exact location.

"Toni?" Chaska offers with a dangerous gleam in his eye and absolute confidence in his savage voice. "Paseo no can go free. You want Chaska handle dis?"

The Deliveryman sounds as if he is seriously hoping Toni will allow this. Inside WyldKat, the last surviving member of House Apollo... grins with eagerness.
Over the bio-com, Toni replies, "Get into position. I'm going to try and distract her, possibly talk her down. If it isn't working, do whatever you can to spare lives."

Stepping out into the open, she calls out, "Maria, there isn't any need for this. Let him go, and turn yourself in. Everyone in the Kraken knows what you've been accused of. Don't you wish to have your side of the story, so you are not remembered as a heartless murderer and a traitor with no remorse to her? Please, don't do this. I'm going to slowly advance and get that wounded man back out of the way. I promise to you that I will not do anything shady; Lets have no more casualties this day."

Unless she hears otherwise from Paseo about this, she will slowly move forward to the injured crewman, planning on scooping him up and pulling him back out of the corridor. "This is Corporal Cruse. We have a man down, losing a lot of blood and in need of a Saint right away."
Through your Echo-location, you can see that the figure in the stealth field pulls her human shield back against the wall and lets out a laugh. "You want to hear my side? That's a laugh. You just want to kill me, just like they warned me. I went into this with the expectation that you'd kill me if I was ever caught, so don't try to bullshit me with your honeyed words. I'd kill all of you if I ever had the chance. Not like I will ever be able to follow though with that. Yeah. I'd kill you all. So, go ahead and keep walking closer if you want me to slice his fucking head off like I did to the guards in the conference room. Now, open the Goddamned airlock or you'll get to see a nice spray of arterial blood."

Purr Purr Eonivar Eonivar

What are you guys doing during all of this?
Toni quickly steps back, doing her best to keep Maria's attention on her. "Why do you want to kill everyone? What did the crew of this ship do to you? Who warned you that we'd want to kill you? How have you been wronged to make you wish to turn on everyone that has taken you in and protected you? Talk to me and help me to understand."
Jin had peered in the open passageway to the airlock two bay but had not entered in. She spun on her heel and proceeded to airlock one. Over the private biocomm line with Chaska, Toni and the Chief she relays.

"I am on my way to airlock one, the suspect has her back to the airlock two inner door. Let's go through airlock one and come back in through airlock two and try to catch her by surprise. Is there anyway to open the airlock door without the alarms in the airlock two bay going off to alert the suspect?"
Over the bio-com the Chief says, “Good thinking Jin. I can override the alarms with my passkey. Hicks, Jacobsen and Turner; stand fast here as I go with Jin outside and over to the other escape hatch. Toni, keep Paseo distracted for as long as you can. Jin and I will be coming up from behind her in a minute or two.”

At the standoff in front of the other airlock, Maria keeps shifting around to make sure no one can get a good shot off at her while hiding behind her hostage. She says, “Oh, listen to the high and mighty Dreadguard of House Artemis, spouting more lies. I was warned to expect this from the likes of you. You’re no better than the damn Machine. Soon, you will all kneel before the might of House Shiva and will beg for your lives and weep for the lost chances you had to join us in our holy crusade!”

From what you can tell, she sounds like there is not going to be any chance to talk her down. She speaks as if she were a true fanatic.

Purr Purr what is Chaska doing during all of this?
If it isn't working, do whatever you can to spare lives."
If this was going to happen, then the Bio-comms are key, thought Chaska. The Bio-comms... perhaps a touch of psychological warfare... and pinpoint timing. Paseo had made it clear, there was no talking her down. What other option was there?

Please read this carefully.

Communication, distraction, and the shot.

The communication
- "Toni. Chaska/Woo'stock Stick-um Paseo. Adding hostage to squad network now." Using his Bio-communication skills, Chaska adds both Chief Rybeck and Paseo's hostage. "Soldier," he says with calm and cool, "when Chaska say 'three', you drop to floor, curl up into ball, roll towards us, with everything you haz. Undastand?" Chaska is hoping by using this move, Paseo's upper body will be momentarily open, especially if his following distraction works.

Through your Echo-location, you can see that the figure in the stealth field pulls her human shield back against the wall...
(ellipsis mine)

The distraction - with echo-location and motion-detection active, he asks Woodstock to distract. Chaska knows that Paseo took care of these birds. If she had any friends anywhere on the Kraken, she might imagine the birds would count as such. Woodstock suddenly zips from one corner of the room to the other, up high to keep her attention up even if only for a second. He is tweeting as loud as he can to Paseo for treats - rewards she fed the birds.

The shot - calling upon his will and resolve (using an Action Point), Chaska hoses off a huge stream of Stick-um at Paseo's face and upper body, seeking to stick her to the wall and blind her.

Chaska currently has a +12 to Strike not counting the Action Point bonus.


Chaska hovers in place mentally aiming on Paseo. Woodstock flies in loud and attempts to distract, hopefully the soldier forcefully tucks and rolls, Chaska unleashes the Stick-um full-blast. Note: If the soldier does not tuck and roll, Chaska goes for Paseo's weapon-arm or head, whichever presents the best target, gluing either to the wall she's using.
With Maria in the middle of her ranting, Toni tries to continue to draw her out by encouraging her to talk about how House Artemis has wronged her and House Shiva. Using her Public Speaking skill, she will try to get her to continue her ranting.

OOC I will also use an Action Point to try to make this happen.
Out of an effective 67%, I rolled a 31 on my attempt.
Corporal Paseo doesn't seem to notice that Toni is basically manipulating her to waste time to let Jin, Chaska, and the Chief to get into position to launch the surprise attack to try and save the hostage in Maria's hands and the wounded man bleeding on the floor next to her. Or, if she does recognize that, she doesn't seem to mind, as it lets her vent her frustrations over House Artemis and how they are the oppressors of the noble House Shiva and how they need to pay.

It seems to take forever for Jin and Chief Rybeck to move over to the outer door of the airlock, but finally the Chief is there, and uses his DNA-coded passkey to unlock the outer doors and let Jin and himself inside and prepare to get the drop on Paseo. Looking over at Jin, Rybeck says over the bio-comm, "I'll go left while you go right. We're ready." Once the Chief sends out his message of being in position, Chaska launches the plan into action by shouting out, "THREE!"

Woodstock flies in, cawing for one of his favorite treats that he is used to getting from the bird handler. With your Echo-Location, you can see the silhouette of Paseo shift slightly as she looks up. Just then, the hostage jabs his elbow into her gut as he immediately curls up tries to duck under whatever thing that Chaska is trying to pull off. Just like clockwork, Chaska's blast of Stick-um hits Paseo in her upper body, goo-ing up her face and causing her to stumble back and bump up against the wall. Chaska knows that the Stick-um is not gooey enough to incapacitate her for long term and that she'll be able to pull herself free in short order, but it does give Jin and Chief Rybeck that much needed moment to jump into the hall right behind Paseo.

Just as they leap in from behind, Axel dives forward to grab the wounded man and pull him back and away to try and keep the bleeding man from getting hurt anymore and get him some medical attention.

OOC Eonivar Eonivar I don't want to assume what you are doing, so can you detail for me just what your action is? Are you grabbing her arm and trying to pin her down, or something else entirely?

Psychie Psychie What is Toni doing?

Purr Purr your surprise action was firing off the Stick-um goo into the face of Maria. It is not horribly sticky, but it was enough of a distraction to let the hostage escape her grip.
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Toni also charges forward, but not to attack. Instead, she grabs the man that was being used as the human shield in a tight grip and leaps back away from Paseo to get him to safety. She sincerely hopes that everyone can take her alive and not kill her. Dead men reveal very few details on what and why they acted the way that they do.
Jin's Host Armor lunges forward to grab Paseo's arm and take her down to the floor, attempting to put her in a lock so she cannot move.
Under the combined assault of Jin and Chief Rybeck, the two slam Corporal Paseo to the floor, and with the combined weight of the armor on her back and the sticky on her front, she's not going anywhere. The Chief plants his knee in her lower back, and using his four-armed suit, he levers her arms into a nasty joint lock that leads to a colorful spray of curse words from Paseo as she struggles in vain to free herself. Showing off the tremendous strength of his armor, Chief Rybeck begins to rip the suit off of Paseo's back piece by piece until he manages to pull her out of her armor.

As this is going on, the Kraken's remaining Saint comes on scene and begins to work on the bleeding crewman, moving fast to end the heavy flow of blood and save the man's life. The other man that had Maria's claws at his throat is shaken but unharmed. He looks up at Toni and says, "Oh, sweet mother, I thought I was a goner there with all of you aiming guns at me and that psycho bitch with her blade at my neck." He then looks over at Chaska and says, "Thank you. You guys saved me, and now I owe you big time. Anytime you need a favor from me that I can provide, just let me know and I'm your man."

With Maria out of her armor, she is now struggling against the iron grip of the Chief as she stands there, naked and screaming obscenities at you all, swearing that one day she will get her revenge and kill all of you. Rybeck hands her over to one of the security guards, saying, "Put this woman in shackles and haul her out of here. The sooner we get her in the hands of the intel weenies the better. Perhaps they can get some useable information on the Shivans with a solid interrogation. No torture, though. We are a civilized society, after all."

Over the course of the next several hours, the crew of the Kraken slowly calms down from the unexpected excitement. The ship is searched from top to bottom for sabotage or explosives, and when none are found, the All Clear is sounded. With that finally done, the members of Cerberus Squad are called into one of the conference rooms for an extensive debriefing, going over each and every detail from multiple directions so that the officers of the ship are fully aware of what you saw and did. Once the quasi-interrogation is over, you all feel as if you've been pulled through a knothole sideways as you are finally released to go get some food and rest. As you are heading out, Chief Rybeck tells you, "You are all off duty for the next twenty-four hours. There is a lot going on here, and it will take some time to be able to figure out the next course of action. In the meantime, enjoy the break; you've earned it. I do plan on making sure you are all properly rewarded for your hard work."
He then looks over at Chaska and says, "Thank you. You guys saved me, and now I owe you big time. Anytime you need a favor from me that I can provide, just let me know and I'm your man."
Chaska nods at the compliment and offer, but simply says, "Help next good human who needs," he waves his hand. "Debt gone. We even. Undastand?" Chaska gives a smile inside WyldKat.

To his squad, Chaska smiles even more broadly as he looks from Woodstock to everyone in his squad. "Goo' work, Cerberus! We... do much good today. I proud we together." He generously fishes out some tasty treats for Woodstock and feeds him with great affection. Still, the young Deliveryman looks fatigued. The constant adventure that has been all of his recent waking history is finally taking its toll.

"Get the food? Then sleepy-time?" Chaska's stormy-gray eyes look to Toni.
Toni feels emotionally drained after the events of the past several hours, not to mention physically tired. She gives the Chief a worn out, "Thank you, sir." She then heads out of the conference room, hoping that the leadership of House Artemis will take their report seriously and not just brush it off. Once out in the hall and a short distance away from the conference room, Toni pulls Jin, Chaska, and Axel into a hug. She says, "I want each of you to know that I am extremely proud of all of you, even you, Woodstock. We all did a damn good job and what we did out there in the field and on the ship, well, that couldn't have been done without trust in one another. This has been an experience where we can all hold our heads high for the accomplishments we've managed to pull off. Well done."

She releases the group and steps back, turning to answer Chaska's question. "Yes, food and a good night's sleep is absolutely on my to-do list. After that, we'll just have to see what comes next. Lets get cleaned up and go get some dinner. I feel like I could eat a horse."
Jin had gone through her debriefing without incident, telling the truth for all that had occurred. The fear had returned upon her recollection of the woman possessed by the Machine. The possessed woman with the wires sticking out of her head stared back in Jin's mind, haunting her thoughts. Jin did not want to leave her host armor and sleep, fearing the nightmares that will undoubtedly come.

Jin had stepped out into the waiting area, and had stood off to the side away from everyone, the olive colored mouthless host suit looking away into space. When Toni came out, Jin had walked up to her commanding officer expecting orders instead Toni had reached out and embraced them in a hug. Jin took the hug a bit awkwardly, not really sure how to react to this, other than to slightly nod and turn to head to the host armor bay so she may leave her suit.
During the post-action debriefing, Chaska provides every possible detail that he can to the intelligence officers.

If or when Chief Rybeck is present, Chaska dutifully provides the cauterized head with the wires, the codes, maps, and all other data he acquired. He also takes the time to walk Chief Rybeck through the code as if he were a child, just as he requested. Chaska leaves no detail out but describes everything in wicked detail, if perhaps to make up for his accent and limited use of language.

Disclosing and analyzing information is something that Chaska enjoys naturally, and so he is not as nearly emotionally worn out as perhaps someone else in his boots might be after all said and done. Chaska seems to enjoy the shop talk and the time spent with people who deal with intelligence. He finds the opportunity fascinating.

Once out in the hall and a short distance away from the conference room, Toni pulls Jin, Chaska, and Axel into a hug.
Chaska's hug for all is strong, affectionate, and very very true.

Lets get cleaned up and go get some dinner. I feel like I could eat a horse."
Despite his natural gifts and hard-earned skills Chaska realizes he still has a lot of learning to do as he honestly believes Toni wishes to enjoy a feast of equine nature.

"Ah, ah," he stammers. "Toni. No eat horse. Chaska find betta food for you? Horse are... nice people. Like cats." Then he adds with a touch of uncertainty, "No eat cats either. Is bad for you... and very bad for cat."

"Ah, ah," he stammers. "Toni. No eat horse. Chaska find betta food for you? Horse are... nice people. Like cats." Then he adds with a touch of uncertainty, "No eat cats either. Is bad for you... and very bad for cat."
She looks confused for a moment, then bursts into laughter, a solid belly laugh. "Ah, no, Chaska. That is just an expression, and it is only meant to indicate that I am very hungry and want to eat a lot, not that I actually want to or plan on actually eating a horse. I will keep in mind that horses are good people, just like cats."
Over the course of the next few hours, not only are you delighted to have a sizable amount of decent food, but you also spend some time debunking some of the wild rumors that are flying around the Kraken, each one is crazier than the rest.
"is it true that your squad took on the Warlord of House Deluvane and won?"
"Did the Chief really rip the armor right off of the traitor with his bare hands?"
"I heart that you shot Cpl Paseo in the head and she survived it. Is that right?"
"Well, I heard that the reason for that is because Paseo is really a robot!"
"Are you planning on accepting the new upgrade to the Dreadguard Host Armor suits?"

There are many more questions besides the ones listed here, but you get the idea. Over and over, the same questions from different people asked of different members of Cerberus Squad. As you struggle to eat and answer questions at the same time, your mental restrictions on answering with too much detail is put at ease as someone produces a bottle of home made hooch and offers it up to. This comes to a sudden stop when Sgt. Dana Clark walks up and firmly suggests that the members of the team have gone through a lot and if there is so much free time, perhaps she can find some extra work to do for all of the idle hands asking questions. This clears the crowd around the squad quickly, giving your team some much-needed peace in the process of getting some food. Sgt Clark leans in and whispers, "If the crowds don't stay thinned out, just give a shout out to one of the NCOs of the ship and we'll give you some rest." She offers up a smile and sits down at the next table over and idly munches on her dinner, all the while she is keeping an eye on your table.

For those that wish to say up and do some more recreating, there are no lack of groups on the Kraken looking for a chance to rub elbows with your team and schmooze you for information, and on the flipside of that coin there are several very comfy bunks to stretch out on and grab some sleep. Come morning, those that stumble out of bed and report in for morning calisthenics are given a stern glare and told, "You are off duty for the next fifteen hours. Go relax and don't worry about PT. That's an order."

Once the downtime has come to an end, the various Splicers on the ship are called to a general meeting in the only chamber big enough to fit everyone; the hangar bay. The four of you are instructed to be there in your best uniforms and be ready for inspection and a ceremony. Even in the large room, it is still a tight fit. Suddenly, the command is called out to go to attention as the Chief and a few other members of the command crew come walking in. Chief Rybeck steps to the front of the room and says in his loud voice, "At ease. The events of the past few days have been a real whirlwind, and the response given to that chaos by the Splicers of the Kraken have once more proven to be one of the best bunch of men and women in House Artemis, bar none." He grins as the aforementioned soldiers let out a enthusiastic "HOORAH!!" Rybeck waits a moment to let order return before continuing.

"Yes, all of you have acted in the very best traditions that have defined House Artemis for years. But there are a few that have distinguished themselves by going above and beyond in the line of fire, and they need to be recognized! Attention! Cerberus Squad! Front and center!"

At this point, the Chief steps out with Corporal Styles on his heels. The two men stop in front of Axel, and Rybeck announces, "Private First Class Jodi Axel, step forward! For actions above and beyond in the field and in the direct line of fire, you are now officially being promoted to the rank of Corporal, with all the rights and privileges that comes with that rank. In addition, your Host Armor will be provided with additional bio-modifications at the hands of the Engineers of the Kraken! Congratulations, Corporal!" He hold out his hand and Cpl. Styles hands him a box that the Chief opens to show off the new rank tabs and then pins the new ones on. "In addition to your new rank, you came to the aid of a wounded crewmember despite serious risk to you. For your selfless act of heroism, you are also awarded the First Order of Merit! Well done, Corporal! Well done!" Axel puffs his chest up as the medal is pinned on his chest and the Chief shakes his hand, then he steps back in line.

"Private Jin Li! Front and center!"

The big man looks down at the much smaller woman in front of him with a pleased smile on his face. "Not only have you shown true grit and resilience in the line of duty, you have also become the youngest member of the Kraken crew to ever successfully pass your Medical Doctor's exam . . . on the first attempt! Congratulations, Corporal Li!" Once more the Chief holds out his hand and Cpl Styles places your new rank and medical insignias in the Chief's hand and he pins them onto your uniform. "In addition, you are not going to be walking out of here without receiving the First Order of Merit!" Another medal is presented and pinned to your chest. As you shake his beefy hand, he says, "Well done, Doctor Li!"

"Private Kokoro Chaska and Woodstock! Front and center!"

"For your quick thinking that directly saved the lives of two members of the Kraken's crew, I am pleased to grant you and Woodstock the First Order or Merit along with the rank of Corporal! Step forward!" The Chief then proceeds to pin your new rank and award medal on your chest, offering up a pleased expression as he say, "You've made me proud, son. If you hadn't taken the Deliveryman role, you would have done excellent as a Dreadguard. Well done."

"Corporal Toni Cruse! Front and center!"
"From the very beginning when I first met you and your squad, I could tell that you were walking a path of a higher calling, and the events of your last assignment have proven me right. Not only have you delivered Saint Karen to the needy people of Haven, you had the presence of mind to bring evidence of the insidious plots of the Machine to try and infiltrate this ship and our Great House. Then, during the time of crisis when the saboteur held members of the crew at risk, your team not only found a way to disarm the threat to the ship and the two members of our crew that were in direct peril. For your actions in thinking of the lives of others before your own, you are hereby being promoted to Sergeant and are being awarded the First Order of Merit! Step forward!"

"In addition to this, you have been selected to have your Host Armor undergo the upgrade to the position of Dreadnaught. The Gene Pool has already begun the necessary bio-modifications to your armor, and for the rest of Cerberus Squad, the Engineers are waiting to see what upgrades you would like to have provided to your suits of Host Armor, a bonus that you have all earned. Know that we are all extremely proud of your accomplishments, and I am intently looking forward to seeing what good you will do in our future in the War Against the Machine! Outstanding, Cerberus Squad! Now, back in ranks."

With the ceremony complete, the Chief gives Corporal Styles a nod, and the younger man bellows out, "Company, dismissed!"
During her downtime Jin ate with her Squadron, and glared at anyone who would deem to ask her questions, requesting that she not be asked and left alone, and if they persisted, particularly about the possessed by the machine rumor, she would then threaten them with a "demonstration of her hand to hand abilities" followed by a menacing flex of her very impressive physique (Jin has a PS and PE of 37...).

After dinner Jin would go work out, the physical training helped her clear her head. She then would go and read her latest lessons and courses, currently in Psychology, and then she would fall asleep and sleep for about ten hours or so due to her sleep cycle disrupted by her suits metabolism.

Upon reporting to the ceremony in her dress greens, Jin saluted sharply upon being called up. She silently received her awards, the rank and award of merit did not bother her...but receiving her Doctorate of Medicine struck her heavily. She worked hard to maintain her composure, but a tear rolled down her cheek upon receiving it.

Jin thought to herself, 'I did it mother...I became a doctor like you!'

After being dismissed, Jin stood there, unbelieving of her accomplishment, wiping the tears off her face.

For her suit upgrades, Jin opted to increase the damage on her heat cannon with the Mega upgrade (50 BIO-e), and have two pouches added to her Host Armor to carry medical supplies and tools, as well as other odds and ends. (8 BIO-e)

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