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Splicers - I Am Legion - IC Thread

Jin had silently saluted the Chief and left behind everyone else, she pauses in the hallway with the others listening. Her stomach rumbled...she needed to gain some calories. She had finished her energy bars. She was becoming impatient but she waited.

"We drink to the lost not necessarily for the deceased but to bring closure to our memory of them, to assuage our grief. It is a ritual of sorts. Many here in the service drink as their ritual of grief, others sort out their grief in other ways, pleasure, violence, time alone...there are a variety of ways to deal with loss. I am studying psychology at the moment. Me, I just want to eat something at this point, such is the life of an operator of a parasitic host armor who is presently outside their armor. I need some calories. Maybe a little drink later. I am going to the mess."
Toni nods. “Jin summed it up pretty well. At this point in our lives, I’m sure we have all lost someone special to us, either a family member, teammate, friend or mentor.” She looks down for a moment, remembering the people in her own life that are gone. The memory is both painful and welcome, because as long as she is here, the loved ones that are passed are not really gone.

She tries to brighten the mood a bit by giving a smile and saying, “Food sounds good right now. Jin, do you mind some company? We can go get something and talk. I’d like to know more about each of you and share any details you may want to know about me. Anyone interested?”
Axel says, “Sure. Any chance I can get to have something that’s not field rations and I’m all for it. And I like the idea of getting to know you guys better, especially with us depending on each other to stay alive out in the field. Let’s go.”
Over the course of the next two months, your days start out with some intense training time with Chief Rybeck, trading blows with the big man on the sparring mat, followed by breakfast and a short break, then back to more training. As you start out, you are on the receiving end of the bruising more than you can dish it out. The Chief is a very skillful fighter, and it takes time before you are able to start putting some marks on the Chief of your own. In the training, Chief Rybeck doesn't hold back, sometimes sparring one-on-one, other times letting you team up against him. He also spends some time acting as the referee in training matches between the various team members of Cerberus Squad, and he takes the chance to learn from each of his students some moves from both Toni and her Jeet Kune Do and Chaska's sword art, saying that you are never too old to learn new ways to bring the hurt to your foes.

You also start to notice that the personal training time with the Chief earns you all some good amount of credibility with the other members of the Kraken's crew, moving you up from the low position of greenies that know nothing to being members of the crew with some street cred on the large War Mount. You are no longer looked upon as the newbs to be given the scut work of the ship, but are now viewed as valued and full members of the Kraken's crew.

It is just after a resupply and crew exchange run that the members of Cerberus Squad are once more called into the Chief's ready room. The Chief is there, along with a tall robed figure that you all recognize as one of the Saints of the ship, Karen Martell. The humans of the Resistance rely on Engineers to produce the organic technology that enables them to battle the Machine. Engineers are humans who have willingly bonded with a massive, tentacled alien creature that is hidden inside the depths of a large pool of murky water. This symbiotic organism is known as a Gene-Pool. Such a creature does not grow overnight, it requires a long time to develop and needs the correct medium in which to grow. That "medium" is the Saint. A brave soul who sacrifices his or her own humanity to eventually grow into a monstrous and inhuman Gene-Pool. The first stage is to become a Saint, a tentacled doctor of sorts. The volunteer enters the Gene-Pool, where the seeds grow and the first steps of transfiguration take place. First, the person must have his stomach and internal organs removed and the juvenile Gene-Pool creature is inserted into the body cavity. Once the organism bonds with the volunteer (it takes only 15 seconds), the symbiote takes over the functions of the character's organs and a new Saint is born.

The process turns the human into a Mega-Damage being. At a quick glance, the Saint looks relatively normal, even beautiful, with a sleek muscular body, attractive facial features and long, golden hair. It' s the six large tentacles protruding from the character's upper body or hanging from the abdomen that gives him away as being less than human. Each tentacle is between 3 and 4 feet long and can be made to hang against the body so they are not noticed under long, bulky coats or robes. Many Saints wear flowing, floor length robes or a long coat to conceal their tentacles and appear normal, but everyone in the Human Resistance knows such garments are the trademark of the Saint and what lies underneath.

The six tentacles of the Saint are completely prehensile and surprisingly agile and adept at delicate work. They can even be used to operate devices and perform surgery. In fact, the Saint is a healer and doctor who can use the tentacles to merge with the flesh of his patients to heal them. The tentacles can also diagnose illness, internal injury and the effects of poisons and cure all types of illness by touch. Creation and healing is the very nature of the Gene-Pools, so the tentacles cannot be used to attack or destroy, and the tentacles (the external portion of the alien, symbiotic organism inside) will not obey the human host if the intention is to use them to hurt or kill. This is why the Gene-Pool symbiote will only bond with a good or Unprincipled character and why the host body always becomes a healer and student of medicine.

Carl Rybeck looks at the four of you and says, "We have just received news that one of the allies of House Artemis has suffered a grievous loss at the claws of the Machine, and the Warlord has tasked us here on the Kraken to come to their aid. House Deluvane had one of their Gene-Pools destroyed in one of their underground settlements and have suffered mass casualties. As a result, we are sending Karen to go to the settlement to not only act as a healer to their wounded, but also to replace the lost Gene-Pool. This is a sacrifice that Karen has volunteered for, but in order for her to be able to get there, she is going to need an escort. I have picked the four of you to be the escort for Karen to get to the settlement. This mission is critical, not only for the many wounded that are suffering, but to replace the damaged Gene-Pool that is critical for the survival of House Deluvane's efforts to defend themselves against the Machine. I stress to you that Saint Karen must get to the settlement or many lives will be lost."

"You will be taking the same tunnel system inland to bypass the beach fortifications that the toasters have set up. While I dislike using the tunnel entrance too often in order to keep the passage secret, this is a special situation and I feel that there is no other choice that can get Karen to the settlement as fast as possible. Just like your mission to plant the Squealers and Trailblazers, you are going to be going inland several hundred miles, and with the recent success that the Machine has had, there is an increased robot presence in the area looking for survivors of the last assault. By whatever means you see fit, you have to get past the robot gauntlet to get Saint Karen to your destination. We have detailed maps to get you there and back, again with rendezvous times and locations to get you back on the Kraken. Your suits of Host Armor have all been upgraded, so getting to your destination should be easier than your last run, but you will be allowed access to extra supplies and weapons to make sure you can deliver Karen to House Deluvane."

"I'm sure you have questions."
Chaska doesn't think to raise his hand; frankly, he wasn't raised with that habit. His tone is serious when he asks him while facing her, "ChiefRybeck. Escort is Saint; Cerberus is grunts. Who in charge of mission? Us or her?"

The Deliveryman isn't used to delivering this kind of cargo; the kind that might try and pull rank on him.
The Chief looks at each of you and says, “I want to be absolutely clear on this. For this mission, Corporal Cruse is in charge.”

Karen nods, saying, “I understand.” She looks to the group and adds, “I must confess that I have not been in the field in years, so I hardly have any real experience with dealing with the threats of the outside world. I am not going to try to pull rank on anyone here, especially since I am going to have to rely on you so so very much just to survive out there. I am sorry to be such a burden, but the people need me and I must answer the call.”
Toni does her best to control her facial expression at the revelation that this Saint hasn’t been in the field for so long that she’s probably forgotten what to do when the bullets start to fly. And we have to make sure that she makes it to the destination in one piece. Terrific.

She asks, “Sir, are we going to be allowed to requisition aid in the form of some Sidekick Rifles? Having the extra oomph against the Machine couldn’t hurt.”

Then she looks to Karen and says, “Ma’am, just so long as you listen to what we tell you without hesitation, we’ll get you there. I just don’t want to lose you in our first combat. Or any combat, for that matter.”
The Chief thinks for a moment, considering Toni's request. He then nods. "Yes, I can spare four, one for each of you that want one. The good news about the Sidekicks is that whatever upgrades your suits of Host Armor have in the form of camouflage, bio force fields or stealth fields are shared when the Sidekick is attached to the Host Armor. If they are operating independently, they no longer have the protection provided by the armor they are attached to. Just make sure you bring them back. Am I clear?"
If you wish to have a Sidekick Rifle, they receive all the physical structured upgrades that their corresponding Host Armor receive (e.g. Acid Blood, Increased M.D.C., Horned Defense, Regeneration, etc.), but they are limited with their senses as they are only equipped with a Bio-Comm, Advanced Eyes and Antennae (all other types of Sensors must be purchased and added to the Side Kick). For armors and War Mounts that have Stealth field abilities; once the Side Kick disengages from the Armor/War Mount, it is no longer hidden by the Stealth Field nor can it receive this Bio-Enhancement. Side Kick Rifles can only be upgraded with Omni, Mega and Super upgrades. You get a pool of 50 Bio-E to add enhanced senses or other upgrades.

Then, Karen offers up a smile to Toni. "Don't worry too much, Corporal. I know the important rules of warfare: Duck when the shooting starts and to listen to those with more experience than I. I cannot help you against adversaries in a fight, but any harm you come to, I can heal faster than what your own armor can regenerate."

Axel asks, "Um, sir? How about one of those new Thud Guns? Can I get one of those in addition to the Sidekick Rifle?"

Rybeck nods again. "Yes. That is fine. What about you, Jin? And you, Chaska? Are you interested in any additional gear? We need to have you move out as soon as possible."

Purr Purr Eonivar Eonivar Psychie Psychie
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Jin spent most of the two months training mainly learning acrobatics and about biological vital points. She relished any opportunities to fight and train in any way with the others. And when Jin fought, she did not hold back until told to stop. Jin was not a small woman, and she was bigger, stronger, and more enduring then many on the Kraken. She never bragged though, and had no problem taking a few hits and dealing with pain. And if things may have gone too far in training, she was quick to offer her field medic skills to help. When she was not training or fighting she was reading and learning. Despite it all, she was still very quiet, stoic, and private person.

She did raise a hairless eyebrow upon entering the briefing room at the presence of the Saint and took her usual spot leaning against the back wall with her arms crossed across her chest, the always present green cap flipped backwards on her hairless head.

The Saints were one of the few higher ranking beings Jin did respect. Jin seemed to stand up a little more at Karen's presence and brought her hands down to her sides. Jin had no problem with this mission. The Saints even helped those down on the lower levels where she as from. It was a Saint that even recommended she try and join the service.

At the offer of gear Jin spoke up after the others. "SIr, I do not want a Sidekick, BUT could you give me one of those new shield crackers?"
At the offer of gear Jin spoke up after the others. "SIr, I do not want a Sidekick, BUT could you give me one of those new shield crackers?"
Rybeck says, "Not a problem either way on the Sidekick, and getting you a shield cracker is also doable. They are very new, so some more field use out of them would be welcome."

He then stands up and places his large hands on the table. "Alright then. I'll put in the orders for your gear, and while I'm doing that, you can get your Host Armor ready. I want you to be in the water and on your way to the intake pipe within two hours. Everything you need will be ready by then. Any other questions for me before I go?"

Purr Purr Psychie Psychie Eonivar Eonivar
With no other questions, Chief Rybeck says, "Pull supplies for at least a two week period and ready your armor. I'll have the armory prepare your Sidekicks and pull your Shield Cracker and meet you at the airlock within the next hour. I wish you all success and a safe and uneventful trip." He then heads out the door, leaving you with the Saint.

Karen lets out a small sigh. "I hate the fact that you are being put in danger to help me get to my destination, but I thank you. With the increased presence of the hunter/killers out there, I would never be able to get there on my own. I sincerely hope that there is no call for my special talents and that you will have a very dull trip to get me to the settlement. Please excuse me, but I have a few things that I need to prepare before we go. I will meet you at the airlock." With that, she rises and heads for the door herself.

Time passes, and once you get your Host Armor on and get to the airlock with your supplies, you are met by Chief Rybeck and Corporal Styles leading three Sidekicks and toting Jin's Shield Cracker. Styles says, "Give me a moment to bond your Sidekicks to you, then you can get on your way once Saint Martell is ready." The Corporal takes a few minutes getting your Sidekicks bonded to your suits and your bio-comms. "You can let the rifle operate in autonomous mode, or you can take more direct control of them, whichever way you prefer to have them work for you. Just remember that your range is limited to six miles, after that the Sidekick shuts down and waits for you to get back in range before they reactivate. Make sure that they connect with your Armor at least every few days or else the rifle will stop working, and that would suck." He continues to work under the watchful eye of the Chief, and Corporal Styles continues with, "Just like your last deployment, you'll be launched into the water about ten miles out in deep water. You'll use the water jets to get you to the intake pipe a little faster than you can normally swim, then you can make your way either above ground or in the tunnel network to the settlement. Once the Saint is safe, you can make your way back here. In your supply packs we have maps and rendezvous times and locations to get you recovered back onto the Kraken."

In a quiet voice that doesn't carry far, Chief Rybeck says, "Don't forget, your objective is to get the Saint to the settlement safe and unharmed. By her nature, she is not as vulnerable to injury as a normal human, but she is far from as durable as your armor. Protect her. The lives of many depend on her intervention, and it is up to you to get her there."

He stops talking as Saint Karen comes walking up. She is wearing lightweight armor that has openings for the mass of tentacles that ring her waist, and a large waterproof backpack that is full of her supplies. Dangling from one hand is a Face Wrap, and she takes a second to put it on firmly in place, then gives a nod. "I am set to go whenever Cerberus Squad is ready."

Axel hefts the Sidekick up on his back to try and get used to the added weight and his new center of gravity, then he says, "I'm set, too. Lets do this." A quick look at Axel's Sidekick shows you that it is the model that is the Bore-type, launching grubs that eat their way into the body of their target for the next minute or so. Adding to his arsenal is his new Thud Gun, and the older man seems ready to take on the Machine all by himself. Not that he would; he's not stupid after all.

As you enter the airlock and the water starts to rise up around you, Karen looks at Toni and says, "Just to let you know, I am sorry to say that while I'm fine going into the water, I cannot stand flying or standing at the edge of a high place. It fills me with such dread that I cannot do it. It is one phobia that has haunted me for decades, being up high or standing at a ledge. I'll do my best to keep from holding everyone back, but please don't take me up off of the ground."

Eonivar Eonivar Purr Purr Psychie Psychie
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Toni doesn't waste any time in heading to the locker room to suit up in her Host Armor. It doesn't take her long to slide into the upgraded armor, and she looks down at the heavier suit, marveling at the work put into it to make it harder to damage. She then makes her way through the ship to meet everyone at the airlock with the waterproof backpack loaded up with food and other supplies for the trip.

When the Chief and Corporal Styles show up with the Sidekicks, she waits patiently for the living weapon to be bonded to her suit, trying to get used to the added weight of the weapon sitting on her back. Toni listens to Styles as he describes the needed care for the insect-like rifle, nodding as he talks. "Understood, Corporal. I'll make sure to bring this Sidekick back in one piece." With a mental order, she engages her new stealth field, making sure that the Sidekick is covered by the cloak before dropping it to be visible again. She then listens to their method of getting to the inlet that they used before. "Thank you, Corporal. We'll get in without any issues, just like we did on the test run for the Squealers. We'll get Saint Martell to the settlement as soon as possible."

Then as they are getting into the airlock, the Saint drops her bombshell about her phobia. "I cannot promise that we won't take to the sky under any circumstances, but I'll do my best to avoid that possibility at all costs." If it really comes to it, I'll haul your ass over my shoulder and take off, despite your complaints. Whatever it takes to get you to the settlement and away from the Machine.

As the airlock starts to flood, she kicks on her bio-comm. "Alright Cerberus. We are soldiers and we have our job to do. We're going to go out there, and we're going to deliver our VIP, and if we run into the Machine, we're going to do some damage and get every one of us out alive. Am I clear? We're going to go out there and we're going to succeed because we're Cerberus Squad. Our training will get us through this as we work together to get the job done. Lets get out there and do this." She turns to face the Saint, asking, "Ma'am? Does that armor you have on have stealth capability?"
Then as they are getting into the airlock, the Saint drops her bombshell about her phobia. "I cannot promise that we won't take to the sky under any circumstances, but I'll do my best to avoid that possibility at all costs." If it really comes to it, I'll haul your ass over my shoulder and take off, despite your complaints. Whatever it takes to get you to the settlement and away from the Machine.
Karen seems to sense the line of thought that Toni has, but with the Face Wrap on her face, you can barely see the faintly scared expression on her face. The other woman swallows hard to hide her fear as the water floods in around you all.
She turns to face the Saint, asking, "Ma'am? Does that armor you have on have stealth capability?"
She replies, "No, this suit only has the basic camouflage ability to help keep me hidden and not the full stealth cloaking field to it. There wasn't enough time to add the stealth field to this." She looks up at you and says, "I understand that this may make your mission harder, but I promise to listen to your warnings to duck and cover whenever you say. I do happen to have a strong urge to live, after all."
Jin was relieved to be back in "her skin", in her host armor again, and there to stay for awhile. The downtime days required her to suit up in her armor every 24 hours or so so her armor would not starve. And then they would go through the process of living outside the Host Armor again. It was a very difficult routine in between training. She was happy she did not have to worry about sleeping for the next four days or eating at all during the mission. She had rebalanced her gear to handle the shield cracker rifle with her existing weapons.

Jin stood there in the airlock standing beside the Saint when Corporal Cruse turned and asked about the stealth capability.

She replies, "No, this suit only has the basic camouflage ability to help keep me hidden and not the full stealth cloaking field to it. There wasn't enough time to add the stealth field to this." She looks up at you and says, "I understand that this may make your mission harder, but I promise to listen to your warnings to duck and cover whenever you say. I do happen to have a strong urge to live, after all."

Jin spoke up. "It will be ok, Saint Karen. We will keep you safe. Cerebus squad..."

She paused briefly finding herself addressing her squad properly by name for the first time instead of saying Echelon squad like she has been doing the last two months..

"is good at identifying threats before they can surprise us. Camouflage is good, it will be fine, it will do. You are in good hands with us."

Jin pointed to each of the gathered squadron.

"Nothing can evade the notice of Chaska and Woodstock, they move as silent and invisible as the wind...the good Corporal here never leads us astray...and Axel will always be there when we need to blow something up...and I will be here with you if you need me...thank you for telling us, it is very brave of you to admit your fears to us, and it shows great strength."
With the airlock filled with water, the outer door opens to release you into the ocean. Using the disposable water jets, you shoot along in the water to get to the shoreline where the hidden pipe that you used to get access to the inner portion of the beach. Just like before, Chaska and Woodstock slip through the tunnel first to do some recon ahead of the rest of the team. Spending several minutes looking about, using the various modes of vision and your echo-location ability to ensure that the room is safe for the Saint to enter. From what you can see, the chamber is the same as when you last past through here. Signaling to the others to move up, everyone slowly advances forward into the room and everyone sees in the dim light of your bio-lamps. There is no change that you can see in the room from the last time you had passed through here all those months ago, indicating that it is most likely that there has been no one besides you in here in months. A good sign.

As you travel, Axel takes his job of sticking with the Saint seriously, and he doesn't leave her side by more than a few steps unless ordered to by Toni.

It is several hours into your trip, moving through the tunnels carefully, when you come to a large chamber that is home to a bloodbath. Three people in the remains of ruined Host Armor lie here along with a half dozen Gorehounds, ripped apart by something with large talons. The chamber shows signs that a pitched battle was waged here, with multiple weapon strikes along the walls. Axel silently kneels down next to one of the bodies and says, "Do you guys see this? The armor looks like its been burned by acid before it was torn apart, just in the way that the Abominations fight. And it looks like they were a part of House Janus. They are a long hike from their home turf, so it isn't likely that they were here by accident." He looks up at Toni and says, "We may have a bit of a problem. If word has gotten out about the attack on House Deluvane and our effort to bring them a Saint, both House Janus and House Shiva would literally kill to get their hands on her."

Purr Purr Eonivar Eonivar Psychie Psychie
Toni looks from Axel over to Saint Karen and says in a confident voice, “Well, we’ll just have to make sure that doesn’t happen. We now suspect that the Shivans and House Janus are out here looking for us, so there is no surprise to us about that. I now have the ability to spot cloaked targets, so between myself and Charla we shouldn’t have any trouble detecting any Abominations hiding out in our path. Chaska, move out quietly and quickly and keep a close watch for any surprises. We still have our mission to accomplish. Let’s go.”
While they move through Jin works through getting used to having additional vision options with their new advanced sight flipping between regular vision and their new vision modes. She does so while looking over this site of past violence, thinking to herself 'Good thing I made an effort to study organic vital points...'

Hearing Axel mention the possibility of fighting other organic host suits. "Maybe we should try and listen for other bio-comms in the area like we did before?"

Jin prepares to move as Toni ordered, engaging her stealth field again.
Axel hefts his rifle and says, "The problem is that we don't know if the attackers are even in range of our comms anymore. But an occasional check of the bio-comm frequencies couldn't hurt. We might just get lucky and find something." He spends a few moments in a quick scan, then shakes his head. "Either I wasn't able to isolate a signal, or they are just too far away. I'll try again in a bit."

Setting out once more, the five of you are making good progress on course to the underground settlement that was attacked by the robotic forces.

Everyone, please give me a Perception roll.
Purr Purr Eonivar Eonivar Psychie Psychie
Perception roll for Jin +6 = 1d20+6 = 12+6 = 18
As you travel, there is little of interest in the underground passage, right up to the point that Jin hears the sound of something splashing through a puddle behind you. It is hard to tell how far back from you it is with the echo in the tunnel and how faint it is, but you are certain that there is something behind you that’s on your trail.

At this point, no one else seems to hear the noise.

Eonivar Eonivar
Jin's Stealth fielded form stops in her tracks, turns slowly while over the bio-comms she reports:

"Halt, Audio Contact behind us, indefinite range..."

She slowly turns and prepares to fight lowering her Bio-energy rifle towards their flank. She reaches out with her motion sensors and shifts through the new modes in her advanced vision...Infrared, Ultraviolet, Thermo...

"Chaska check for echos I suspect they are using a stealth field..."
Toni takes a knee when Jin calls out that she has heard something, taking care to not ignore their front just in case this is a pincer ambush and she flickers through her enhanced vision modes including her echo location as she looks both to their front and rear.

“Anyone have eyes on any targets?”

OOC trying another Perception roll. Total of 18
When everyone freezes and starts to scan the area, both with the various visual modes and the echo location to search for cloaked targets, Jin can hear two to three multi-legged targets approaching from the rear, and Toni's forethought in looking to the front identifies a pair of humanoid targets rapidly advancing from the front. Axel lets out a few choice curse words and pushes Karen up against the wall and says in a firm tone, "Stay up against the wall and don't move. If they are coming to capture you, they'll want you alive, but a tray round might still kill you. We'll keep you safe." He raises up his Thud Gun and positions himself in front of her, intending to use himself as a human shield to protect her if he has to.

Where does everyone do?

Psychie Psychie Purr Purr Eonivar Eonivar
Toni says, "We have two targets approaching from the front and three to the rear. Axel, Jin and Chaska, cover the rear, and I'll cover front. Axel, aim your Sidekick forward and have it support me. Remember, keeping Saint Karen safe is our priority. We do whatever it takes to do that. Everyone, get ready. They apparently know we're here, so I'm going to give them a chance to stop before we open fire."

Using her armor's voice amplification, she lets out a shout, "Halt and identify yourselves or we will open fire! You will not get another warning!"

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