Spirit Battle Academy [Inactive]

Felix looked up at the academy, it was large, daunting, and very, very intimidating, he swallowed hard, and just when he was about to approach further, Jaquinette nudged him forward, "Don't just glare at it, you look like a mindless drone when you do that."

Felix shrugged, having been use to the Spirit's constant badgering, he ignored her, and began to approach closer to the building, Jaquinette examined it,

"Please, I'd rather not be known as the kid whose Spirit goes, and examines buildings..."

"I'm examining its architecture style,something you wouldn't understand, but you will someday."

"I hope that day never comes..."

"Oh?" She retorted

Before he could respond she put up her hand as if to dismiss him.

He leaned up against the building, and sighed, "I'm already an outcast".
Avery's gaze was then drawn over to the boy by the school's building. She couldn't help but feel just a little bad, even if that was slightly ironic for her, seeing as she too had chosen not to speak with anyone so far.

Phenex merely cracked the broadest of grins and shoved her forward in an effort to get her to approach. "Go get 'em tiger~!"

Avery deadpanned slightly as she was shoved forward, but chose not to reply. /He's a big child/, she huffed mentally, but now that she had started walking, she kept going, and stopped near the boy by the wall of the academy building. It wasn't as if she appeared intimidating, anyway. Well, with her woollen scarf and oversized jacket, that was a tad difficult. "Hello."
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"Yeah, that would be cool. It's nice to see someone that doesn't think you are a freak because you have a dragon on your shoulder." Miki said, still smiling. She wondered what they would become in the future. He was cute, but everyone she felt that way for had run away to the darkest depths of the ocean. She hated the way they fled from her.
Felix was slightly caught off guard by the sudden introduction, "Oh! Eh, hey!" He looked at her with a rushed smile, not knowing exactly how to respond.

He thought if he just stayed away from the crowd he could've avoided one of those awkward first day conversations. It seems that was false.

"Uh...my name's Felix, so uh..yeah..."

He mumbled awkwardly as he scratched the back of his neck.
Avery simply gave a slight smile, digging her hands into the front pockets of her jacket. It was a habit of hers, being used to having cold hands, though now it seemed she'd have to adjust to that with the warmer climate. "Avery," she responded, apparently not particularly phased by his minutely awkward introduction. Phenex hung over her shoulder, grinning from ear to ear. He really wasn't the most mature of spirits at times, and didn't need to be summoned often due to the fact that he enjoyed to stick around.
Jaquinette noticed there were two others. She turned her attention away from the building, "it's a pleasure to meet you both." Jaquinette spoke as a rifting smile appeared on her face.

"Yeah, I'll second that...." Felix's tone dropped a bit, he's never met another spirit while his spirit was out and about.

"So, how do you think this academy will be? I'm just surprised there's an academy like this."
"Yeah, I thought it was a little strange too. I first assumed I was crazy when he showed up," Avery replied, a sheepish grin curving her lips as she gestured back at Phenex, who was casting a curious look in Jaquinette's direction though said nothing more. A lot of the time he liked to observe things more so than speak. Avery hadn't ever seen any other spirits before up to now either, and she too had been fascinated by the view when arriving a the academy this morning.
"Yeah, I thought I was crazy too when I first saw my sprit..."

He returned the friendly smile back, at least someone was welcoming here, maybe there are more, but he's not the type to venture out.

Jaquinette frowned at Phenex, "Why are you glaring at me?"

She asked as her tone dipped a bit, she isn't the nicest to new comers.
"HEH they thought my spirit was some kind of deamon that I 'signed a contract with' people have the wildest of imagineations when they are scared" He laughed at the mental image of that. He looked around him still thinking how large the building is "who knew a place like this even exsisted."
Evie, having finally found her room, placed her bags next to the bed she was sitting on. She looked around the room, it was a simple on really, two beds were in here, alongside two bedside tables and a couple different drawers. There was also a bathroom in here for when they needed a fresh shower or just to go to the loo. Hagale emerged from the door that lead to the bathroom, looking around the room as her summoner did. "This is a nice room, no?" She asked Evie, walking closer to her and sitting down on the bed beside her. "It is a quaint room.. I'll give it that.." Evie murmured, looking out onto the scenery outside her window.

Evie suddenly stood up, startling Hagale in the process. "Let's go out and... Mingle. Hm?" She told her spirit, heading for the door. Hagale did not reply, a sign Evie knew all to well- Hagale agreed. They proceeded outside onto the halls and out onto the yard at the front of the academy. Students littered the premises, male and female with their spirits following suite.

Evie had no clue as to who to approach. She wasn't exactly the most sociable of people at times. She just opted to sit down under one of the many trees around the campus, Hagale walking behind her. "I thought we were going to communicate with the other people around here?" Hagale asked her, placing her hand on Evie's shoulder. Huffing out a sigh, she turned to face the crowd. "Well, I think I need a little help in the friendly department.." She murmured. Hagale scanned the crowd, finding the perfect first friend her summoner could have. "You know what? Let's just wait here." She said, reluctantly sitting down beside Evie.
"I didn't. Or at the least, not until my spirit told me. It's funny how it is invisible to humans without spirits." Miki said, looking around. She had never heard of this school until two months ago. She liked it here. It was calm and peaceful.
"I don't believe studying is the same as glaring," Phenex responded simply, cocking one eyebrow in question.

Avery seemed to pay no heed to her spirit's communication with Felix's, for the moment. She was already familiar with Phenex's attitude, though it was the kind of attitude thy needed to be triggered first.

"So .. uh, what classes are you taking?" Avery asked in an effort to continue the conversation, not very fond of awkward paused or silences.
"well I'm going to take SpirtRelationship, and Spirt summoning...for obvious reasons"

Jaquinette snapped a glare at Felix, "Oh you....."

Felix chuckled a bit, having found humour in her anger.

"So how about you? Taking any fun awe-inspiring classes?" He said with a small smile
Nonna narrowed her eyes at the spirit, she didn't even so much as glance at him. She didn't like disrespect, not from someone with a higher, lower, or same status, she did not approve of being ignored and belittled. But what could she do for now? It was best just to act like she didn't exist. When Robin explained it, she nodded, but she still had a small anger stirring in her. Why is he waving at me? That's a waste of time tell him to pet my head, She could hear Dobby complain. Grinning, she grabbed Robin's hand and placed it on Dobby's head, "Pet him," she ordered, laughing to herself. She knew Dobby wasn't like a lot of other spirits, he didn't look at all like a human, and acted more like a dog than something mysterious and regal. @Kriyze
Robin was a bit confused at first, not expecting the sudden pulling of his arm. His hand met something rather soft, and he looked back to see he was apparently touching the spiri- sorry, Dobby's head. He panicked for a moment, being really uncomfortable with the situation, but when Nonna said "Pet him." He calmed down, realizing that he was supposed to do this. He swallowed his pride and petted the spirit. He smiled and quietly sung "I bought a bird, that repeats what I say but "I'm Lonely" is all that it's heard."

He flinched when he realized what he was doing. He often thought of music, but he never broke out into song like that, albeit it was quietly. He hoped no one had heard him, especially since he always delved into deeper things about himself with his music, so he tried to divert attention from himself quickly by saying "Heh, he's kinda cute actually. If it is a he, I'm not sure about the name Dobby, nor am I..." He was about to say "Nor am I sure about the gender from looking at him." But he had realized that could've been seen as an insult.

He looked at Lynn for support, but to no ones surprise she just stood there staring at him, so he looked at Nonna instead and stopped petting Dobby.

"Euuhh... What classes are you in?" He said in hopes of breaking the somewhat awkward atmosphere.

@Captain Arabella
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She tilted her head and looked upon him with a small smile. He had a nice voice. It reminded her of home, when sometimes he women, when they weren't so sad, a few would sing to Nonna, the one's with the nice voices. And it would make you wonder how they ended up there. He was so quiet though, she could barely hear him. His question brought back his attention, "Dobby does not have a sex, not really, but his gender is male," she paused, her eyes slightly widening, "Also, he says, 'of course I am cute. I am Dobby.'" Dobby could talk to people, though rarely was it audible. He only spoke with his voice when he felt at ease with everyone around him, so he wasn't going to do it around a bunch of people he's never met. Looking back up at Robin, she answered his next question, "Yes yes, I am taking Summoning for Newbies and uh Battle Training."
He sighed a sigh of relief when it seemed like she hadn't heard him, or at least she didn't give an obvious reaction to it. "Oh, so he's a guy. Good to know, I guess." He petted him on last time, and then took a seat on a nearby parkbench, shaded from the sun. He didn't really like the sun, especially when it was this warm. He looked at Nonna. She was pretty cute too, but his pride wouldn't allow him to say that aloud. He just smiled at her, and realized how calm he was. Weird. "SFN and BT huh? I guess I'll see you there at some point." He looked as his watch, and realized the hour before orientation was almost up. "Oh, orientation is about to start!" He jumped up from his seat and said "I'm gonna go then, see you around!" With a wink, before running off towards the orientation. Lynn disappeared, like she tended to do whenever he started moving fast. He was pretty sure she didn't like moving around a lot.
"Not exactly awe-inspiring," Avery replied and gave a somewhat nonchalant shrug of her shoulders. "I'm taking Spirit Relationship classes and the Battle Training classes. I think I should be all right with summoning, since Phenex won't go away," she commented, lips curving into a grin, while said spirit feigned an expression of innocence.
"I think that class is more retained to summoning them on will....like not letting them summon themselves and run around." Felix sighed, "Which I won't be the best at that either, since mine prefers to just run a mist."
"They do know how to make a guy comfortable" this was followed by another laugh of his and a deep sigh. A voice in his head probably his spirit spoke to him in a clam matter "honestly I feel bad for this girl for dealing with you" the voice managed to vanish once more but he didn't seem to worry about it at the time. Maybe this place is like some kind of magic or protective barrier of some kind he thought to himself the arrangement of ideas in his head were sometimes smart but not most times.

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"Yeah. It seems as if there is a place for everyone. For me, the gardens and the music room areas are the best." Miki said, giving a slight nod. "As you can probably already tell, I like to sing." Miki said, giving a smile. She kicked her feet on the park bench as she sat there.
"I kind of could tell but without it i wouldn't of known you where here the music lead me here" he smiled as he stood up from his seat. He started to walk away but before he left he turned and said "we will meet again" and with that he ran in the opposite direction almost waving as if to say goodbye then he turned a corner and continued running not really worried about running into someone.

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Miki smiled and waved after him. ' He was kind of cute' She thought. Two seconds later, she mentally slapped herself for thinking that. She stood from the bench, Mizui still on her shoulder. She walked towards the building to go to class. She climbed up the stairs to the second floor and entered the classroom. She found that there was and empty seat by the window and sat there.
While Andrew was running he looked over the beautiful gardens and provisionally built classrooms that worked perfectly down to the last detail he ran over hearing the sound of the leaves and branches brushing together as well as running water. He was not looking where he should of and ran into another student by mistake he blinked twice then stood up Brushing off the dirt of his pants "my bad I wasn't looking where I was going I'm really sorry"

@ anyone can respond

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After a while, Rose got bored of looking at the gardens. With Daiki trailing behind her, she wandered out of the gardens and towards the entrance of the school. She was thinking about going to find the auditorium so she could get a good seat for orientation. She sighed and stared up at the large building.

Suddenly, a short boy slammed into her. Before she could hit the ground, Daiki caught her and set her back on her feet. After the boy apologized, Rose let a small smile cross her lips and nodded. "No problem," she said, "I probably shouldn't have stopped in the middle of the walkway."

Daiki, however, thought there was a problem. He frowned and draped an arm over Rose's shoulder. "Be a little more careful next time," he said, towering over the short boy.

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