• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Spinning Out - Character Sheets


Six Thousand Club

I'm not picky about what ya'll add to your character sheets, just be sure to add if they're an athlete or not.
As for age range for the characters, 16+ should be fine.
There is a limit of 5 characters per person, if you would like more you can talk to me or Qwerty!

    • name
      Michael Charles Harding.

      Mike, Mikey, Mimi (though he hates that one)


      Cisgender male.

      He's laissez-faire towards romantic and physical relationships, not a big fan of labels.

      date of birth
      May 8th.

      place of birth
      Reno, NV.

      Snowboarder, part-time student.

    Michael Harding

    code by low fidelity.

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  • Lani

    Leilani "Lani" Fairchild




    • 01.



      Leilani Fairchild




















      Brown, long and typically styled in waves or curls




      Ear piercings


      Greta Onieogou

    ♡coded by uxie♡

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  • Ice Queen
    • expectations
      fucks given
      You are shaking fists and trembling teeth.
      I know, you did not mean to be cruel, that does not mean you were kind.
      Dakota H. Howl
      Kota. Howl.
      21 Years old
      January 11th
      Cis Woman (She/Her)
      Bisexual (sooo sooo closeted)
      Local asshole and drunk with a tragic past and too many hobbies.
      Smooth, Freckled but Flawless skin, expressive but sharp green-grey eyes, shimmering brown hair hanging past her shoulders in messy waves.

      She has a face that could make anyone jealous. Her figure is skinny with small curves, lithe with muscles that ripple with purpose.

      Her delicate fingers don't waver or shake, and her body is held tall, shoulders tall and confident, putting her at a respectable 5'9.

      There is a large tattoo on her back of a moth, and a few others scattered around her body.

      Her face is usually in a scowl or a cocky little grin, but when she smiles for real, her face splits in two brightening the world with the biggest smile a person could have.

      When she laughs, she devolves into fits of a sound that chimes like a bell, sounding almost mocking at times.

      Eyes focused on her, women, men, whatever they were, she had an eye-catching nature in the way that you can't look away from a storm, a spark of electricity in her gaze, an unnatural intensity.

      She's gotten used to the looks, but she'd be happier if strangers could stop walking up to her and chatting her up, thanks.

      She gives off an air of confidence and assurance that she's in charge of any situation around her.

      Though she couldn't really care less. Usually hanging out in a corner playing with her hair.
      Dakota started out as a very sweet, kind girl but as she aged things changed, and so she changed, too.

      She isn't very sweet or kind anymore. Rather, she could be described as mean by the majority of people. She doesn't like to be bothered by things she considers unimportant or useless and will take out any frustration she has on others.

      She's snarky, dismissive, and critical. Well... On the outside. In reality, she hasn't changed much from her youth. Despite Dakota's abrasive exterior, there are moments when her true nature surfaces, revealing glimpses of who she is underneath the walls. A miserably sad girl.

      She can't stand the idea of losing another connection or finding that someone she cares about is using her. She continues to yearn for an emotional connection despite all this. Once her loyalty is earned and she grudgingly accepts others' presence in her life, she gets very attached. In fact, she cares deeply about others and how they see her, she'll spend hours getting ready if it means no one will criticize her.

      When shown affection, she doesn't know what to do and gets so flustered that she defaults to her rude, apathetic ways.

      In most of the moments that she's honest about herself, she's either smoking a cigarette under the moon or blackout drunk. She seems to always be a drunk in the summer, no matter the time of day.

      Even when she's cutting back in the winter to focus on snowboarding, it's common to see her at a bar at night or stumbling around town crying or yelling. Her habits a blemish on her family's already dubious reputation despite the fact that she had moved out at 18 into the sleaziest part of town.

      In general, she hates being told what to do, runs entirely on spite, and will do incredibly petty and childish things when slighted. She holds grudges much too long and has too many problems to list.
    code by Nano

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  • Wolf Thackery

    #Former Hockey Champ

    #François Arnaud

    ♡coded by uxie♡




full name

Danae Lucretia Karolidis








Ithica, Greece





  • hair

    Brown, usually tied up in bun or ponytail. Only lets her hair down when she is dressing up.




    5ft 5in

    body mods.

    Prosthetic right leg


    Camille Dugay Comencini

♡coded by uxie♡

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  • * Melissa Vaughn

    • req.


      * n.name(s)
      Melissa, Mel, Lissy (as sage calls her)
      * d.o.b.
      August 23rd, 2002 (21)
      * p.o.b.
      Hawkley, Idaho
      * occupation
      Server, Skater





      * height
      * weight
      125 lbs
      * build
      thin, slightly toned
      * hair colour
      * eye colour





    ♡coded by uxie♡

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Braxton Allen Jensen
Fc: Luke Grimes




Rancher & Licensed Back Yard Mechanic


Zander Elliot Jensen



Have you ever watched any of the old westerns on tv? Ever see the lone cowboy in the back of the saloon sipping whiskey with his head down? That very well sums up Braxton into a nut shell, a quiet pretty laid back type of guy. Braxton seems to enjoy the presence of his horses more than other humans. Once you get past the awkward stage of things Braxton can be quite the character, often a joker and he enjoys pestering those he loves. If Braxton doesn't like you he isn't shy of telling you and he doesn't try to hide the fact that he doesn't fancy you either. While not looking for confrontation, Braxton isn't a stranger to it.

(I wasn't going to do this bit but I think it might be good for this character)

35 years ago Braxton's family bought a large plot of land and created their ranch, the family owns only horses and cattle. The family supplies alot of meat to the local grocery stores. The family have also built a reputation for their ranch by having a small christmas tree lot. Braxton was a year old when they arrived and it was him, his parents and then his fathers parents. Both of Braxtons grandparents have since passed on however not without starting the towns Skijoring competition.

The town has always been very into winter sports. Braxtons Grandmother had been one of the best Skijoring competitors back in their home land. She had brought it up to the mayor and in turn the family was allowed to demonstrate it the first year and then the following years after, more and more people wanted to try it. And ever since then they have always held a skijoring competition in the town. They close off one of the main streets and make the course the length of the street, the competitor who completes the course and hits all the jumps with the fastest time, wins.

Braxton has since grown, all the while still helping out around the ranch and he even went to school to become a licensed mechanic. Braxton was able to purchase a small plot of land from his parents to build his home just five minutes down the road so he is still very much involved with the ranch.


None as of yet​
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  • Schroeder

    ★ full name
    Bentley Schroeder
    ★ age
    ★ pronouns
    ★ personality
    Smart would not be something to describe Bentley, he's ignorant and maybe a little spoiled. He never worried about not getting anything new and if he wanted something, all he had to do was ask until he started living with his dad where the sun didn't come up for nothing no more. Bentley was always a very loud child and he was not one to overlook.
    Bentley soon fell with the wrong crowds as in his nature it is to just go along, he'd never say no to anything and that's what made him ''fun''. He'd do keg stands and jump off a balcony into a pool just because it would be ''funny''. Bentley loved the attention it gave him and he started craving it sooner or later, recklesness came natural to him so it didn't seem like it was a big deal.
    He was always athletic but definitely not super star material, he often doesn't pay attention or stares at the cheerleaders, resulting in many blue eyes himself. Bentley definitely loved hanging out with the popular crowd but wouldn't turn his face to others as long as they were interesting to him in some way or another. He was pretty selfish if it came to relationships and maybe he had some commitment issues, resulting in him getting ''bored'' of someone he could've been talking to for months. He doesn't go out of the way of confrontation and is quite harsh when it comes to it, Bentley has some addictive tendencies and does pills probably more than a regular person but he mostly doesn't tell his friends when he does it by himself. Bentley often gets into fights when he drinks and looks a lot like his father in that way, he's also a lot more honest. Do with that what you like.

    ★ history
    Bentley was named after a car, a very expensive one at that. He had a little sister named Audrey and they mostly hated each other's guts and nothing much had changed. His mother was crazy about anything that had to do with money and that would show after his dad had divorced her to live with his secretary when he was only seven years old. Bentley's mom gave his dad a harsh court case and got back most of her precious money but poor Bentley was up for grabs. He moved back and forth between his parents in the beginning but at some point just moved in with his dad, who clearly was still frustrated at his mother. He had loose hands and an alcoholic problem and Bentley soon was hanging out with his friends more than with his mother, who impulsively decided to learn how to be a monk in Thailand. She was all over the place and clearly was struggling with a whole lot more than just parenthood. Bentley didn't quite voluntarily moved in with his dad but it would have to do. Bentley spend his days in a house that was most people's dream but to Bentley the stuff really wasn't going to fix his relationship with his father who spend most of his days hiding his drinking and being a ''good'' neighbor while he pushed his son to do better at school and keep drugs out of the house. That's exactly what Bentley tried to do but he had to dissapoint his father in both. Bentley spends his majority at school, hanging out with friends and smoking in the bleachers. Him and his dad still argue a whole lot but ever since he got a new girlfriend, he seemed to have ''changed'' and at that he now had to deal with his second mistress after the first one tried to sue him for a black eye.

    coded by reveriee.

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  • adrian carter brown
    hockey player
    full name
    adrian carter
    glassblower PT
    October 7th
    Hawkley, Idaho
    Adrian walks through life with confidence and at times cocky demeanor, as he remains a pillar of support for his friends, while also displaying a deep sense of care towards his younger siblings. Often perceived as a bit arrogant, he is fiercely loyal to his circle, usually lending an ear during their tough moments. While his bits of advice might carry a touch of superiority it's rooted in genuine concern.

    Beyond his friend circle, Adrian's caring nature truly shines when it comes to his younger siblings. Despite his confident exterior, he takes over a protective role, guiding them with a mix of wisdom and playful banter. He effortlessly balances his confident persona with a genuine, caring attitude towards those closest to him, providing a solid support system not only for his friends but also for his beloved younger siblings.

    Adrian was the oldest out of the four kids that Bennet and Felicity Brown had, and for this, he was usually the one in charge since he was young as his parents spent most of their time working to provide for their family.

    Bennet was the owner of a mechanic shop while Felicity worked as a nurse in the local hospital even if they weren't able to live in luxury they always tried their best to give their kids the best life they could afford.

    Since he was young Adrian, spent most of his time looking after his siblings, he didn't really mind, after all, he knew his parents were busy working and he wanted to ease their worries somehow. While growing up Adrian managed to get good grades and got interested in sports.

    That's when Adrian discovered hockey as he realized how thrilling the sport was and while it wasn't an easy decision for his parents to just enroll him just like that, they still supported his son's dreams despite how difficult it could have been at the beginning. But with an unyielding determination to excel, he dedicated himself to the sport, spending hours perfecting his skills on the ice. His dream suddenly became a goal: to become a professional hockey player.

    In pursuit of this dream. He balanced his academic commitments and the responsibilities of being the oldest brother with vigorous hockey training. However, recognizing the financial strain his aspirations placed on the family, Adrian found a solution. Determined to make less his parents' burden, he started a part-time job as a glass blower. Especially knowing how rich people were always buying this kind of stuff regularly to decorate their houses and with that Adrian saw an opportunity to help financially.
    hozier - work song

    coded by Stardust Galaxy
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Zander Elliot Jensen
Fc: Young Chris Hemsworth




Rancher & Welding Apprentice


Braxton Allen Jensen



Out Spoken, Quick witted and bold are just a few short ways to describe this young man. Zander is much more laid back and "fun" compared to his older brother Braxton. Zander rarely ever gets involved in any confrontations, in fact he normally would try to de-escalate the situation instead of just jumping right into the fire with guns blazing, talking and attempting to solve the problem is his preferred approach, unlike his brother who doesn't enjoy talking. Zander is fun and has a very contagious laugh about him. Focus and driven are also two great qualities that this young man possesses, he works full time on the ranch with his family but then he is also a part time welding apprentice.

Zander has a true passion for snowboarding though, he and his brother have been a main attraction every year for the Skijoring event held at the lodge. While Zander can hit the big jumps and manage some pretty cool tricks, he prefers the speed of things. Skiing was never something he could get into but snowboarding? that takes up pretty much all of his spare time.


While Zander was born here and raised here he knew alot of his families history and was proud of who he was and where they had came from. Zander grew up the same way Braxton was and was raised in the same mannerism. Be a gentlemen, hold the door and say your thank you's. Upon graduating highschool Zander got very involved with the christmas tree farm on the ranch but also helped with the livestock. Welding came into the picture after a year or so and Zander has taken quite the liking to it. Zander had been sponsored alittle bit for his Snowboarding but he never wanted it to be his career, he didn't want to lose his love and enjoyment for the sport.


None as of yet​
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  • Movement


    alexi vasilevsky




    alexi vasilevsky






    cis male




    olympic silver medalist figure skater



    Alexi is a man of
    . Everyone who knows Alexi knows that he's an endlessly
    hard worker
    , forever doing something to better himself. When he isn't in the gym, he's in the gym. When he's physically tired, he's studying moves and ways to improve. When all that is done, he takes great pride in painting and learning new languages. He's workhorse that is
    full of energy
    . Naturally a bit
    , Alexi verges on being
    when it comes to socializing. He doesn't dislike people, he just prefers his own company and sees things like socializing and partying as a bit of a waste of time. People are temporary but his career, his life, that's what really matters. This makes him come across as a bit
    but he really is quite a nice guy if you can convince him to talk with you.



    Alexi is the oldest of the two Vasilevsky siblings. Raised by two champion athlete parents, a skier and a biathalonist, it was no surprise to anyone when Alexi took to the ice like a fish to water. Originally wanting to train to be a professional skier like his father, everything changed the second Alexi stepped foot onto the ice. From that day forward, Alexi was dedicated to the sport. Alexi began to homeschool, taught by a private teacher in Moscow between his long sessions on the ice. His collection of metals quickly grew until shortly after high school, Alexi won silver in the men's solo figure skating in the Beijing Olympics.

    Winning silver didn't stop Alexi. He immediately began training for the next round, determined to win gold. He put in more hours, slept less, worked more even despite the warnings from his coaches. Alexi didn't listen, one of his biggest regrets, and during training one day, he fell after a jump and cracked his skull open on the ice. Alexi spent weeks in the hospital, one of which was in a medically induced coma to stop his brain from swelling, before moving on to months of rehab to recover from the brain injury. Alexi wanted to return to the ice, to get back to doing what he loved most, but each time he tried to put on his skates, he simply couldn't. Heartbroken and completely defeated in the face of his injury, Alexi's little sister Ana mad the proposition to move somewhere to regain his confidence, somewhere quiet and relaxing. This brought them to the Sun Valley Resort where both of the Vasilevsky siblings now work and train. Alexi has recently started to skate again and is slowly gathering more confidence in hsi abilities.



    ♡coded by uxie♡

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  • no one is coming to save you, get up.

    full name

    isabella aleja edison










    foster kid, snowboarder, and drug dealer all in one.


    jan 19th, 2007



    five feet and eight inches


    her hair is naturally brown, but she has recently dyed it black. it's about to her mid-back but she likes to trim it at times as it does grow fast and she doesn't like it long. Isa depending on her mood, will have it up in a ponytail or down straight.


    greenish, changes colors with mood.


    Isa is thick, with abs as she runs and works out from time to time to keep in shape. She also takes martial arts, and different fighting classes so in case she does get attack by a customer, she is prepared.

    dist. features


    body modifications

    She has a nose piercing and an eyebrow one as well. She has gauges as well.


    Marshmello ft. Demi Lovato



    and suddenly life isn't about living, it's about surviving

    Isabella likes to say she's a badass but in reality, she's a giant teddy bear whose closet just has the colors of black and various dark colors. She is protective over her friends and considers them her family. Because of her family life, she doesn't trust easily and only tells the few people she knows and trusts about her home life which has gotten better. She is a kind and sweet girl once you break down her walls, it's not her fault that they are built so high, her life has taught her that life is hard, and people aren't always good. She is independent and doesn't like to accept the help of others, she thinks that makes her a charity case. She hates feeling like that

    : quiet - distrustful - troublemaker - sarcastic

    : brave + intelligent + dependable + protective


    her chosen family + chocolate milk + milk in general + pineapples + music


    bullies - people - strawberries - school



    the start

    Isabella was born as Isabella Edison, an orphan, abandoned at the hospital when she was born. She was put into the system and bounced back and forth from foster homes. Either she was kicked out because they didn't have room for her or she was kicked out because of her behavior. Even when she behaved in her foster homes, never wanted her around, and sometimes even abused her. She hated to go to school so she just ran and explored the town. If she didn't want you to know where she went, you wouldn't.

    Some foster homes were good and some weren't. Some didn't care if she ate or not, so at the age of 12, she decided to work as a drug dealer/runner. It was a way she knew to feed herself.

    the end

    At the age of 13, before she found something to believe in. She was taken into correctional jail for teens skipping schools and selling. She stayed there for a good year and a half. The good was overshadowed by the bad so much that Isabella gave up. Until she met Veronica Rose. Her last foster home was not good, not good at all and she was broken physically and mentally. She was 14 and still had no place or nobody to turn to. Nobody wanted her either since she was known around town as a huge troublemaker. They were scared to take in someone like her. Then Veronica appeared and took her in. She was a strong single woman, she never asked about Isa's past or where she went when she wasn't at school. She gave her space to heal and trust her. Which was all that she wanted. She learned to trust the woman and felt like calling her mom. She was her hero but she had long given up on adoption.

    A year and a half went past and she was still a foster kid, and not a Rose. Veronica had been sneaking talks around her and social workers showing up. Isabella figured that Veronica had enough and was ready to let her go. She had been in and out of the correctional jail for teens since Veronica had gotten her and she might have been too much trouble. She had enough of foster homes for a while and wasn't about to go to a group home. So she ran. She ran far away, not caring where she was going as long as it was far away from there, she was only 16 years old. It was 2 months of living on the streets until someone found her. It was Veronica. She dragged her back to her home. While in the car, they didn't talk, just a few mutters from Veronica.

    She was muttering about how she has been looking for her everywhere, and that she had been freaking worried. She had never known someone who chased after her and was stunned. Isabella made the mistake of saying your home and not hers and ended up getting shouted at by Veronica. Screaming how she was planning to ask her if she wanted to be a part of the family and that everything was ready. She cried right then and there. They got home, and Isa was hugged by Veronica once they both got out of the car so tightly that she felt like the woman thought that she would disappear if she let go but she did let go.

    For the next two years, Isabella lived as a Rose. She was a total troublemaker, most of the time driving her adoptive mother crazy. She would get told off by her mother but still have a loving home at the end of the day. Still, there was this little voice inside of her, telling her that she didn't want her, or she just took pity on her. She always had this deep fear that Veronica or Ma, who started to call her would send her back to the foster system the second, she became too much for her. Her worst situation came to life when her mother told her that she had been offered a job as the chief of a hospital in a different state. She couldn't tell her mother that they couldn't go because she knew that this was the woman's dream. So she told her to go. Only, even after telling her to go, her mother didn't even try to fight her to leave. Even when she told her that she would stay in this town, her mother let her go without even a second thought.

    This brought the truth to light. Her mother had gotten tired of her. Of her troublemaking ways, of her not trusting her, of her just being Isa. Even after leaving town, her mother barely spoke with her, and when she did, she sounded uncaring. Not like the woman, that raised her for the past couple of years. That chased after her. It was like the woman had given up on her daughter. Given up on Isa. Isa deciding that enough was enough, went back to her troublemaking ways full stop. She stopped trying to be the person that she was trying to be and started being herself. She went back to being called Isabella Edison.

    And this leads us to today, she lives in a group home since she went back into foster care and does whatever she can to survive. Surviving is all she cares about now.

    best friend

    name here

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vestibulum dui eget diam sodales lobortis. Nulla fermentum purus fringilla hendrerit tincidunt. Quisque ullamcorper fringilla augue, a laoreet ligula vehicula vel. Vestibulum laoreet tristique sem, vel malesuada nunc congue quis. Nulla aliquet massa a felis viverra iaculis. Praesent ac tortor quis diam efficitur consequat non id eros. Nullam malesuada quis nisl vitae consequat.

    best friend

    name here

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vestibulum dui eget diam sodales lobortis. Nulla fermentum purus fringilla hendrerit tincidunt. Quisque ullamcorper fringilla augue, a laoreet ligula vehicula vel. Vestibulum laoreet tristique sem, vel malesuada nunc congue quis. Nulla aliquet massa a felis viverra iaculis. Praesent ac tortor quis diam efficitur consequat non id eros. Nullam malesuada quis nisl vitae consequat.

    best friend

    name here

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vestibulum dui eget diam sodales lobortis. Nulla fermentum purus fringilla hendrerit tincidunt. Quisque ullamcorper fringilla augue, a laoreet ligula vehicula vel. Vestibulum laoreet tristique sem, vel malesuada nunc congue quis. Nulla aliquet massa a felis viverra iaculis. Praesent ac tortor quis diam efficitur consequat non id eros. Nullam malesuada quis nisl vitae consequat.

    crushing on anyone?


    dream job

    mechanic/profession snowboarder




    ♡coded by uxie♡

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the hierophant

no buses
Arctic Monkeys

NAME: Caleb Jude Folke
NICKNAMES: Jude (no one calls him this, anymore, however)
D.O.B: January 3rd
AGE: 20 years old
GENDER: cis-male

FACE: Pale green eyes hidden behind wire rimmed glasses, tremendous eye bags, shaggy brown hair that falls over his forehead
BODY: Thin, 5'10
MANNERISMS: Always carries a very obvious aura of feeling out of place, shuffling his feet, picking at his cuticles
CLOTHES: Upon arriving in Idaho, California born and raised Caleb was not prepared for the drastic climate change. Within a week of living in Hawkley, Caleb had bought a closet full of thrifted worn in sweaters, as well as thick beanies and scarfs
FACECLAIM: Cillian Murphy

BASICS: If you were to ask Caleb to talk about himself, he would say that there's nothing interesting to say. He would run through a laundry list of activities he does: studying part time as an online university student majoring in sports medicine, becoming a new employee at a local Hawkley coffee shop, and interning with the Olympics medical center. However, there are much more than surface-level facts to explain him. Caleb is a very private person, which might come across as standoffish. Though, when he can find the ability to trust that person, he's the sweetest boy imaginable. He is also very quiet, finding that the way he best expresses that he enjoys a person's company is through small acts of service, hidden, and not admitted to.


- Deals with deliberating anxiety on a daily bases, but only recently has started medication for it
- Bad at telling the truth, if that truth is one that is difficult for him to get out
- Notices little things about people, and keeps them in mind
- Content to sit in silence with close friends, he's quiet even when not shy any longer

habits and hobbies

- God's worst driver
- Loves reading, but exclusively reads sci-fi
- Clean and tidy to a fault
- Tea over coffee (not by choice- had to cut back on caffeine)
- Smokes cigarettes and that's his greatest shame (hides this fact)
- Midnight walks (terrible sleep schedule)

HISTORY: (TW: Drug and alcohol mentions)
When he was in early high school, Caleb temporarily stopped attending classes and was eventually withdrawn due to excessive absences. Consequently, he transitioned to an online educational program. The reason behind this was overwhelming anxiety that was never dealt with, leaving Caleb with no idea of how to take care of himself. Subsequently, Caleb fell in with a group of peers who were also not academically inclined, leading him to develop unhealthy habits involving alcohol and drugs. The culmination of this came from late junior year, following an overdose, and the strengthening of a relationship between Caleb and his parents, who, previously, were not close to their only child. This prompted Caleb to refocus his efforts, complete his education, and distance himself from his former friends. He dedicated himself to excelling at online university while consciously avoiding alcohol, recognizing his susceptibility to dependency and fear of falling into old habits. He made himself so busy he wouldn't have time to think about how much he fucked up. Despite his excitement for an Olympic internship, which aligns with his aspirations, Caleb is more scared than he's ever been. This is the first time that he will be constantly surrounded by so many people since he was fourteen years old. He did not leave California on a good note, either, reluctantly telling his parents about the move just days before he left.


Caleb Jude Folke.

designed by bad ending. & coded by xayah.ღ

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