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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Multiple Settings Salem Reawakened - Character Sheets

Obviously you can add whatever you like that suits your coding, but please try to include:

Name -
Pronouns -
Sexuality -
Age - (20-30)
Appearance - (Realistic face claims please. If you need help let me know).
Strengths/weaknesses -
Personality -
History -
Role -

Roles Available: (First come first serve. WIP won't hold a role.)
  1. The Historian – A scholar who came to Salem to research the original witch trials and is fascinated by the tome’s connection to the past. (Taken dowagers dowagers )
  2. The Skeptic – Someone who doesn’t believe in magic but is forced to confront the truth as the supernatural events unfold.
  3. The Witch – A practicing modern witch who recognizes the tome’s energy but struggles to control it.
  4. The Psychic – An empath or medium whose abilities have been amplified by the tome, making them a target for those who seek its power. (Taken by SavannahSmiles SavannahSmiles )
  5. The Protector – A tough, no-nonsense individual who takes it upon themselves to keep the group safe at all costs.
  6. The Seeker – Someone drawn to the tome out of sheer curiosity, desperate to uncover its secrets no matter the cost. (Taken by Daylight Fantasy Daylight Fantasy )
  7. The Cynic – A former believer in magic who now wants nothing to do with it but is forced back into the world they abandoned. (Taken travelbypages travelbypages )
  8. The Investigator – A journalist or detective trying to piece together the strange happenings in Salem, unknowingly getting in too deep.
  9. The Betrayer – A member of the group who has been secretly working with an outside force to obtain the tome’s power for themselves.
  10. The Lost One – Someone who has a hidden past tied to the tome, and whose fate may have already been written in its pages.
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* Eloise Summers

  • req.

    #The Cynic

    * n.name(s)
    Eloise, Elo
    * d.o.b.
    February 8th, 2004 (21)
    * p.o.b.
    Salem, Mass
    * occupation
    * extra





    * height
    * weight
    115 lbs
    * build
    * hair colour
    * eye colour





♡coded by uxie♡

·⠀·⠀· ▸ roy harker.
basics & visage
full name:
Roy Lee Harker.
There's little in the way for nicknames when your full name is a total of four syllables. Most people, namely his students, default to his last name, both out of respect and the fact that he "doesn't seem like a Roy" (a so called old man's name, according to his fourth graders).
Twenty-two. June 1st.
Social studies education and History double major/Student teacher in Salem.

"i do what i do because it is the right thing to do. i am a warrior, and it is the way of the warrior to fight superior odds."

Strawberry blonde, perpetual bedhead. His hair is as beautiful as it is difficult. What was once well-maintained, tight curls from adolescence have waned into a bird nest of pieces: some curly, some wavy, some plain straight, sticking up in all directions. He carries a baseball cap on his at all times, emergency measures for when his hair looks downright awful. People should really be thanking him for not shaving his head yet, which he threatens, often.
Blue, mostly. Save for a sliver of brown in his left eye, sectoral heterochromia.
Mike Faist as Art Donaldson in The Challengers.
persona & attributes
Roy Harker moves through life like it’s one long joke, told at his own expense. Sarcasm isn’t so much a habit for him as it is a reflex, his shield against a world that never quite gives him a break. He’s sharp, no doubt—witty in the way only those with too much time to think and too little time to care can be. His humor is quick and biting, a scathing balm for whatever he’d rather not feel or face.

Impulsivity guides him like a poorly tuned compass. He’ll leap before thinking, not because he doesn’t know better, but because a part of him thrills at the recklessness. In fact, he often knows exactly what he should do—he’s plenty smart, sharper than he lets on—but where’s the fun in caution? After all, it’s easier to backpedal with a snide remark than face the uncomfortable weight of reality. He’s the friend who’ll push a button just to see what it does, his curiosity stronger than his sense of self-preservation, his nosiness boundless. Secrets light him up like sparklers in the dark, though he’d be the first to deny his own.

He’s the kind of guy who cracks a joke in the dead silence of a disaster, not because he’s brave, but because it’s all he has to throw against the chaos. Quick on his feet, his mind whirs like clockwork, spinning sharp, sardonic quips faster than he can catch his breath, but beneath all that is a roiling mass of nerves he’d never admit to. Bravery is for heroes—Roy knows his role isn’t to dive in headfirst; it’s to stay just close enough to the edge to watch someone else fall.

Somehow, he manages to insult you without missing a beat, mostly because he doesn't notice he's crossed a line—or doesn't care enough to apologize. Empathy isn’t his strong suit; neither is honesty. His words, sharp as they are, are just as often evasive. deception comes easily, a shield held up in case anyone tries to look too close. Sure, he’s a bit of a coward, but he’d never own up to it—he’d rather charm and dodge his way around anything that calls for courage. It’s safer to laugh, to let sarcasm veil what he’s too afraid to feel.

Beneath his mask of wisecracks and bravado lies the heart of a geek—a true nerd in every hidden corner, though he’d brush it off with a shrug if you called him on it. Pop culture references spill out as easily as his cynicism; he’s got an encyclopedic knowledge of the worlds he escapes into. In those stories, he’s not the scared, sarcastic kid on the sidelines but something braver, stronger.

He’s flawed and painfully human, a bundle of contradictions tied up in a smirk and a quick jab. Somehow, his imperfections and cowardice make him all the more compelling. He’s just trying to figure it all out, one sarcastic remark at a time.

trait specifics:

⎯⎯ 45% ╲ Roy's honesty is a fragile, shifting thing, teetering between self-preservation and a shaky sense of loyalty. Honesty, he figures, is a luxury for people with simpler lives, for those who don’t rely on sarcasm as armor or dodge difficult questions like he does. Bouncing between parents who always had their own secrets and friends who communicated more through biting jokes than heart-to-hearts, he learned early that some truths are better left unsaid. For him, the line between honesty and self-defense blurs easily. He can be blunt when it suits him, especially if he’s frustrated, but when it comes to his own vulnerabilities, he’s more likely to deflect than to admit what he’s feeling. Though he may give you his opinion without much sugar-coating, he’s not one to reveal his true intentions or fears, preferring to keep those safely hidden behind a well-placed joke.

⎯⎯ 45% ╲ Roy's charity doesn’t always come naturally—it’s not that he’s heartless, just that he rarely stops to think outside his own world. Growing up fending for himself emotionally, he learned to prioritize self-preservation over selflessness. He’s quick to tease, slower to offer comfort, and while he’s not actively mean-spirited, he sometimes misses the signs when someone else needs support. In moments when he does notice someone struggling, he’ll make a half-hearted joke or brush it off, awkwardly uncomfortable with genuine empathy. Still, if he cares about you—really cares—he’ll show it in small, unexpected ways, like sticking around when you need it most or lending a hand without calling attention to it. But those moments are rare, hidden under layers of cynicism and self-interest that he’s reluctant to shed.

⎯⎯ 90% ╲ Roy's humor is razor-sharp, a lifeline he clings to and one of his few reliable traits. He’s the friend who can break the tension with a single, well-timed quip, using his quick wit and sarcasm to lighten even the heaviest moments. Humor is second nature to him, a reflex honed from years of sidestepping uncomfortable truths and ignoring pain. He’s got a knack for finding the irony in just about anything, especially when things go wrong, and his friends count on him to keep spirits up—if not for support, then at least for entertainment. But his humor isn’t always harmless; sometimes, he hits below the belt, his jokes landing more like stings than laughs. It’s his way of keeping others at arm’s length, poking fun before anyone gets close enough to see what he’s hiding.

⎯⎯ 40% ╲ For Roy, bravery is a wild card, hinging almost entirely on his impulsivity rather than any innate courage. In moments of adrenaline-fueled impulse, he’ll dive headfirst into danger without a second thought, acting before his fears have time to catch up. It’s less bravery, more recklessness—if he thinks too long, his nerves get the better of him, and he’ll back down. He’s no hero by nature, and when the initial rush fades, he’s quick to regret whatever bold act he’s thrown himself into. If a friend is in trouble or a challenge appears on the fly, his impulsive streak might push him to act bravely, but left to his own calculations, he’s far more likely to hang back, reluctant to take real risks unless his pride or friends are on the line.

⎯⎯ 35% ╲ Romance, for Roy, is more of a mystery than a practiced skill. He’s not exactly one for grand gestures or heartfelt declarations—his version of affection is a sarcastic comment or a playful jab, something subtle enough that he can shrug off if it doesn’t land. Growing up watching relationships that seemed to fall apart before they began, he never quite bought into the idea of romance as anything but fleeting. For him, anything too earnest feels uncomfortable, even embarrassing, so he keeps it at arm’s length with humor and casualness. If he cares about someone, he’ll show it in small, almost unnoticeable ways—a rare compliment buried in sarcasm, a spontaneous adventure he pretends is just for fun. To him, romance is something abstract, best left for people with more courage than he cares to muster.

⎯⎯ 95% ╲ Roy's curiosity is insatiable, a force that drives him to poke, prod, and pry even when he knows better. He’s the kind of person who can’t leave a door unopened or a mystery unsolved, his mind constantly buzzing with a need to know why. This relentless curiosity can be as much a curse as a gift; it pushes him into places he shouldn’t be, both literally and figuratively, leading him to pry into people’s lives or dig up secrets that others would rather keep hidden. He’s fascinated by things that are a little dark or forbidden, and if he senses something’s off, he won’t rest until he figures it out, even if it’s none of his business. More than once, his nosiness has landed him in trouble, but to him, the thrill of discovery is worth the risk.

likes & hobbies:

⎯⎯ carrots, grapefruit juice box, the smell of gasoline, 80's music, cats, the moon/stars, the taste of cigarettes and strawberries, discovering new things, white chocolate foods, action movies, alone time, solving things, fantasy novels, achieving his goals, spider-man & x-men comics, staying inside while it's raining, video games, rabbits, comic books, autumn, nature, pepsi, sour candy, adventure, film cameras & photo cameras, doodling, puzzles, validation, playing the guitar, action movies, soccer ( to a certain extent ).

dislikes & fears:

⎯⎯ early mornings, broccoli, slow walkers, the texture of soggy cereal, lectures about his “potential”, waiting in long lines, awkward silences in conversations, that sticky feeling on humid summer days, glitter, being compared to his dad, homework, the sound of nails on a chalkboard, teachers who play favorites, admitting when he’s wrong, feeling like he’s stuck or stagnant, being asked to “be serious for once”.

quick thinking, knowledgable about the history and stigma surrounding salem, MA, critical thinker, debater, strong moral compass, self-reliant, articulate
dead social life, reserved, abrasive, not at all a team player, avoidant, argumentative, self-destructive tendencies (due to recklessness)
what led him to salem?:
You ever hear "curiosity killed the cat"? Yeah, something like that. On impulse, Roy would lie (call it a nature of habit), would push the excuse that he's here for strictly work only. The five different dusty, leather bond books shoved in his backpack? Just some light reading. Most people stop there. But if you pried further, the truth is, Salem is an enigma to Roy. With its rich history and a record of resident reports of strange sightings, something about it was calling to him. When Point Pleasant was not longer scratching the itch for him (not to mention the low blow of a bad breakup), he transferred to a school in Salem to finish the final semester of his bachelor's. Where there is weirdness, Roy follows.

does he believe in the supernatural?:
“No chance,” he’d laugh, tell you that the supernatural is strictly scientific phenomena. The human brain tricks your eyes into seeing what it wants, but it’s that alone that intrigues him- mass hysteria, the Dancing Plage of 1518, the Salem Witch Trials, all of it is just fascinating to him. Events that are seemingly unexplained, he loves it. Nerds out about it, spitting random fun facts and infodumping whether the situation calls for it or not. He himself has never experienced the paranormal, but he has his doubts. He’s not a full force skeptic, but a man who knows too much truth about the time, the history, and the factors leading up to the event to lean on the excuse of ghosts.


★ Esme Rossi (formerly Harker) ▬▬▬▬ Let it be known that Roy and his mother are two feathers in the same flock, two peas in the same pod, two pickles in the same jar. She is all kind eyes and warm smiles, home-cooked meals and aged wrinkles. Roy's mother is the type to worry about somebody’s ears when their music is too loud or tuck a blanket over them if they forget to. She's a woman built on wariness, and Roy lets slip white lies to keep her nerves steady. She’s the one who told him to pursue school and encourages him to live life to the fullest. Roy is a mama’s boy, in and out. He makes a point to call her at least once a week.

★ Lee Harker ▬▬▬▬ despite being his father's son, Roy wants nothing to do with the man that once haunted every moment of his homelife. His father wasn't abusive, no, not in the traditional sense. He was a man made of his upbringing, raised by a single father (who Roy is named after), and in some ways, Roy pities him. For as insistent as he was to have dual custody of Roy after the divorce, he spends more time in his garage than with his son. Even now, as an adult, his father still talks to him like he still sees that little boy. He's as good as dead to Roy.

"i don't try to intimidate anybody before a fight. that's nonsense. i intimidate people by hitting them."

lRoy Harker grew up tangled in the fraying edges of a blue-collar family, with a dad who worked doubles and a mom who seemed to live on caffeine and nerves. Their fights were always too loud, their apologies never quite sincere enough to hold for long. When the divorce finally hit, it was almost a relief—a release from the simmering tension that had hung in their home for as long as he could remember. But if anything, life only got messier. His parents split custody, which meant he’d be lugging his life from one house to another every other week, a constant game of forgetting and relearning the rhythms of two households. That weekly shuffle stripped away any sense of stability, and so he quickly learned to be adaptable. Unbothered, he’d say. but he never quite believed himself.

The only real constant, if you could call it that, was his friend group—if you could call them that, too. He’d fallen in with them around sophomore year, a ragtag mix of “normal” kids who looked respectable from a distance but were just as lost as he was, only they wore it differently. He might’ve been at the bottom of the social food chain, pegged as a geek from day one, but these friends gave him a semblance of belonging in the school’s chaotic hierarchy. They teased him mercilessly for his comics and horror movies, but they never left him out, either. They laughed with him at his quick comebacks, even if the humor was sometimes biting and a little mean. Truthfully, their group had a strange pull—comforting but complicated, supportive but secretly toxic. No one ever really talked about their insecurities, not directly, anyway. They hid behind barbed jokes and sarcastic jabs, everyone assuming the others could handle it. Roy was no exception; he mastered the art of deflection, using humor as armor against anything too real. If someone asked how he was doing, he’d fire back with some snarky quip, anything to avoid the actual answer.

His high school years went by in a blur of missed assignments and late-night gaming sessions, punctuated by the occasional adventure with his friends that teetered on the edge of recklessness. Once, during junior year, he and his friends managed to sneak into an abandoned factory on a dare, the place half-collapsed and haunted by rumors of old, ghostly whispers. Roy, of course, laughed it off, swearing he wasn’t afraid, leading the pack with all the bravado he could muster. But the truth was, his heart was pounding, and every echo in the empty halls had his pulse racing. That night, he realized something about himself—that he was far more afraid of his own vulnerability than of any dark or ghost story.

His family life was no better balm. His dad, a mechanic with rough hands and a rougher disposition, often called Roy “soft” for his interest in books and shows. His mom tried, in her scattered way, to keep up, but she was always a little too overwhelmed. In those early years, he’d tried to win their attention, to prove he could be “normal” by their standards, but he quickly learned that who he was—this overly curious, geeky kid with a sarcastic mouth—wasn’t something they’d ever fully understand. So he started hiding parts of himself. Not openly lying, but omitting things here and there, blending into whatever scene he was in, becoming whoever he needed to be just to get through.

Now, at twenty-two, he’s still carrying that pattern. The snarky, quick-witted act is more than just a habit—it’s a shield. He’s impulsive, restless, still afraid of silence because he knows what it holds, the echo of all the things he doesn’t want to confront. He doesn’t know exactly who he is, but he knows who he doesn’t want to be, and that’s a start. sarcasm is his safety net, curiosity his compass, and recklessness his way of feeling something, anything, beyond the tangled mess of family expectations and his own quiet fears.

Somewhere deep down, he wants more. But he’s also terrified to reach for it, to be left empty-handed, just like he was every other weekend as a kid, carrying his life in a duffel bag, searching for a home he’s never quite found.

⎯⎯ Roy is quite squeamish, he can't stand even the smallest paper cut, it makes him nauseous at best and full-on vomit fest at worst.
⎯⎯ Unsurprisingly, Roy is quite dramatic when it comes to body language to prove a point.
⎯⎯ He struggles with expressing how he really feels. He has no problem making light of a situation, but when it comes to genuine emotions—like fear, sadness, or even affection—he clams up or tries to laugh it off.
⎯⎯ Roy can get really hyper-focused on specific things that fascinate him.
⎯⎯ Roy's love language is acts of service & he smells like cigarettes and oranges.

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Margret Desmond


Maggie, Maisie







face claim

reiiswrld on insta





standing next to you


♡coded by uxie♡


code by opaline
The Psychic
full name —
Clara Beaumont
nickname —
age —
20 years old
date of birth —
February 27th, 2005 | Pisces
gender —
Female / She/Her Pronouns
sexuality —
place of birth —
Salem, Massachusetts
occupation —
role —
The Psychic


height —
4'11" | 150 cm
weight —
110 lbs | 50 kg

hair —
Long curls that tumble towards her waist, blonde in color like the dappled sunlight in summer. Most days Clara will let her curls tumble loose around her shoulders or she will pull small sections away from her face and secure them with a bow at the back of her head, with some loose pieces framing her heart-shaped face.

eye color —
Azure in color like the bluest ocean, Clara's eyes are framed by thick, dark lashes. They are generally bright with joy but will turn a stormy blue whenever she is upset.

distinguishing features —
Her blue eyes are her most noticeable feature, set in a heart-shaped face with rounds cheeks and a delicate nose.

physique —
Lithe and slender, Clara seems small for a girl her age and is often mistaken for being younger than she actually is.

body mods / scars—
Both earlobes are pierced and she has a tattoo of a sunflower that wraps around her right wrist. She has a twisting scar along her left shoulder, a permanent reminder of everything that she has lost; it tends to ache when the weather turns cold or if she uses her left arm too much.

faceclaim —
Mckenna Grace


likes —
Sweets: She has a big sweet tooth and can absolutely be bribed with dessert. | Coffee: Sometimes she can't sleep due to nightmares and at times will run solely off of caffeine. | Autumn: She loves seeing the leaves turn pretty colors in the fall; she has a scrapbook with pressed leaves that she has collected.

dislikes —
Bright lights: Sudden bright lights can bring back memories of the accident. | Large Crowds: The press of bodies all around her makes her feel claustrophobic. | The Cold: While her favorite season might be autumn, she doesn’t like the cold that accompanies it, it makes her shoulder stiff and feel achy.

hobbies —
Cooking/Baking: Her father isn’t the best in the kitchen and after he nearly started a fire, Clara had since taken over all of the cooking and baking. | Crocheting: She saw one video about making a crocheted stuffed animal and she was hooked. She will typically crochet things for her friends such as hats, scarfs, gloves, and cute animals. | Gardening: Flowers haven't felt the same since her brothers death but she continues to plant them to honor him.

quirks —
Twirls her hair when she is nervous | Her nose scrunches up when she is confused about something | Hums softly to herself whenever she is concentrating on something | Tends to force a smile when she is upset or angry, she pretends that everything is fine

fears —
Ever since the car accident that took her twin brother away from her, she gets extremely anxious whenever she is forced to ride in any type of vehicle. If she is able to walk to her destination, she will regardless of the weather.

strengths —
Quick on her feet | Walks around silently, like a cat
weaknesses —
Prone to headaches | Her left arm becomes stiff in cold weather and aches the more she uses it

Clara has an instinctive need to take care of those around her. She is very in tune with her emotions and the emotions of those around her. She is always willing to lend a sympathetic ear or shoulder to cry on if anyone is in need of one. All of the hobbies that she enjoys takes a certain amount of patience and as such, Clara prefers to take her time whenever she is completing a task. She is rather soft-spoken and rarely does she ever raise her voice. Whether it’s making someone a gift or full-filling an act of service for someone she cares about, Clara has boundless love to give to those around her.

With an intense focus on taking care of others, Clara oftentimes forgets to take care of her own needs. With how soft-spoken she is and with a constant worry of being a bother, Clara has trouble making big decisions, especially those that would affect the people around her. Clara is overly critical of her own skills and there are times when she will practice doing something over and over again until she feels it is good enough, even to the detriment of her own health. She can be a bit too trusting at times and there are moments when that trust is taken advantage of. Sometimes in her desire to keep the peace, Clara can become too focused on trying to fix any issue that she comes across, even if it isn't so easy to fix.


Clara Beaumont came quietly into the world, so quietly the doctors had been afraid something was wrong. Her twin brother came after her, screaming loud enough for the both of them. But with the birth of two lives, one was taken, leaving behind a father to raise two children by himself. As he stared down at the two little faces of his children, he vowed he would protect them with his life.

From the moment they were born, Clara and Michael were inseparable; their father would always find them holding hands in their crib and Michael would cry loud enough to wake the dead if he slept in a separate bed than his sister. Despite being the youngest, Michael was the one to forge ahead into unknown territory, to pave the way for his sister. His were the first steps taken but Clara refused to be left behind for long and soon the two were toddling all around the small apartment they lived in.

Their father worked multiple jobs to give his children the best life that he could and the twins were watched by a neighbor until they were old enough to do it themselves. Michael was the type to always find trouble and Clara wouldn't be far behind to save him from said trouble. It became common-place to see them together at school, to the point where their peers would find it odd to find one twin without the other far behind.

The twins would often sit on the balcony of their apartment and dream of what their lives were going to be when they grew up. Michael encouraged Clara's love for gardening. But this would be the last time Clara looked up at the stars with hope shining in her eyes and dreams whispered under her breath.

They were seventeen when the accident happened. An older friend was driving them back from a late night football game when blinding lights filled her vision and the horrible sound of screeching metal was the last thing she heard. When she woke up in the hospital, it was to the news that a drunk driver had run a red light and that she was the only survivor. Her memory is hazy after that, Clara simply going through the motions of life as her mind processed the loss of the other half of her soul.

Even though the pain of the accident has faded, the scars remain and at times Clara feels like a shell of the person that she used to be. She would give anything to bring her brother back, but once something is taken there is no way to bring it back.


extras —
Allergic to peanuts | Believer

relationships —

Michael - Twin Brother — Her other half; loosing him fills her with a never-ending ache that nothing can heal. At times she'll catch her mouth forming his name, wanting to tell him about something she's seen on social media and it hits her all over again that she will never be able to call his name again.

Charles - Father — They have been distant ever since the death of her brother; Clara felt like she was living with a ghost. She still calls him to check up on him but the conversations are silted, awkward and last no longer than a couple of minutes.

Olivia - Mother — She passed away during child-birth, leaving her husband to raise the twins she left behind.
faceclaim :

nam joo-hyuk

bonus pic:
mentions :

interactions :
the investigator
;; joey park

Name: Joey Park
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Age: 27
- Height: 6'2"
- Weight: 172 lbs.
- Ethnicity: South Korean-American
- Hard-Working
- Creative
- Independent
- Ambitious
- Intelligent
- Thorough
- Good Listener
- Focused
- Workaholic
- Perfectionistic
- Exploitive
- Can be deceitful to meet his own agenda
- Avoidant of close relationships
- Superstitious
Personality: Joey is generally a private person and doesn't reveal much of his personality until you get closer to him. He's polite, hard-working, and goal oriented, focused mainly on himself and his own direction in life. He's easily likable, but only because he makes himself easily digestible. Most people would describe him as easy to talk to, confident, a good listener, personable, and a good man overall, if not a little reserved. He prefers to be the one asking questions and doesn't like talking about himself much. His life is made mainly up by his career and his sole focus. He avoids many close relationships outside of work and has very few long-term bonds with anyone. He tends to get close and overly involved with the people he's working with to cover certain stories, but once his job is done, it's easy for him to move on without a second thought. He doesn't view himself as a bad person, but he can lie and deceive others in order to get the information he needs from them. He prefers solitude, despite how much time he spends with other people due to his career. He would say that he's too focused on his job to have a serious relationship, but who knows, that might just be a front. Although he is generally a very logic and fact-based person, he is deeply superstitious, a trait he picked up from his mother.
History: Joey was born and raised in New York City to two South Korean parents (his mother a first-generation immigrant herself, and his father having moved to the states in adolescence). He is an only child and was raised middle-class. His parents worked hard to make sure he never suffered, strongly encouraging him to be better than them. His life was pretty average - good grades, a few close friends and girlfriends, a place on his high school swim team - nothing much out of the ordinary. He excelled easily in school and went to New York University to study criminal justice with the goal of eventually going to Columbia University to pursue law school. He ended up double majoring, getting both a Bachelor's Degree in criminal justice as well as journalism. He did his fellowship at the Jayne Miller Investigate Journalism at Hearst Television and immediately fell in love with the practice. Growing up, he'd focused much of his time on other talents outside of creativity, but he found that he flourished in the field. He loved the freedom he had when investigating cases, how much room there was for growth and creativity, how much there was to explore. Much to his parents disappointment, upon graduating, he accepted a job with The Boston Globe as a member of their "Spotlight Team" and moved to Massachusetts to pursue a career in investigative journalism. He told them that he still planned to go to law school eventually, and although it's been years and they still bring it up every chance they can, he doesn't think he will. He loves journalism and he's good at what he does. Although it pains him to disappoint his parents, he works hard and is highly successful in his field. He likes taking on challenging cases or ones that nobody else wants and proving that he can turn it into a success story.
Role: The Investigator

coded by reveriee.

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