Attention Criminals: You are toast!
She shortly looked at his hand. Deep in her mind an alarm bell rang and she tried figuring out what it was for a second. Knowing she shouldn't go for the one night stand offer that was slowly getting evident. It would be an quick and easy way to get into his mansion and look for information. Natasha wasn't going out for that but for a frequent way to get inside and maybe even get nearer to the personal Tony Stark not that public Tony Stark which was slowly coming on its surface. "Maybe I should set up one little rule... This going for a drink thing will not end with me in your bed, tonight, Tony.." she told him looking at him gently but with a serious glisten in her eyes. "If you are out for that, maybe you should look for another girl..." she added still leaving her hand where she had placed it allowing him to touch her hand. Not being sure if this was a game to him or just a habit he got used to do. Natasha started slowly walking to the elevator with him.
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