Spellreaper Academy


Noa Rose




Noa is able to lift and move objects around with her mind, things much heavier than herself, though she isn't limited to solid objects. Through rigorous training she taught herself to manipulate the air, fire and water, which she mainly uses for neat tricks and making Avatar The Last Airbender jokes. However she can only use so much of her power at one time, if she goes overboard she gets stricken with very painful migraines. The time limit gets shorter the heavier the object she's moving is and the more powerful the migraines get. The max weight she can lift so far is 300 lbs.

By letting her mind relax she is able to focus and lift herself into the air allowing her to levitate and even fly for a while. The more positive emotion she is feeling the longer she is able to fly.


Noa was born in a small town in the French countryside, the second child and only girl to her mother and father. She lived happily with them and her older brother, who had 2 years on her. Unfortunately when she was 9 her house caught on fire effectively leaving her family homeless. Not letting it keep them down for long however and her family decided to take to the road to find the perfect place to live. They lived a nomadic lifestyle for a few years after that before finally settling in a small town overseas. A few months after her 11th birthday her latent psychic abilities started to manifest, she was away from the house when she came upon an apple tree. She was a bit too small to climb the tree but she really wanted an apple, she was so focused on one that it started moving as if it were being pulled towards her. Next thing she knew the apple fell from the tree and landed on the ground at her feet. She was shocked but at the same time excited, her powers had finally come in! Completely forgetting about the apple she ran home to tell her parents, who were equally excited. She began practicing with her brother though their abilities were vastly different, he had much more raw power, making him stronger and didn't get the migraines that she did when she overworked herself, but she had something over him as she could move certain elements. She eventually learned to levitate and slowly built up to flying, which is another thing her brother couldn't do. By the time she was 16 she was content and confident in her abilities. She knew that she didn't exactly fit in with the kids at her old school, what with her powers and everything and felt a bit lonely. So she decided to ask her parents to send her to a school where she could meet other kids with powers and abilities and not feel so weird. Her parents happily agreed and after a bit of looking around found Spellreaper Academy, which she was quickly enrolled in.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/c11f1411839058126504f798a113890575f0f8e5.jpg.c5e284b59c7ecf66104564cccb8cff69.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="48655" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/c11f1411839058126504f798a113890575f0f8e5.jpg.c5e284b59c7ecf66104564cccb8cff69.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>




Noa has a rather poor short term memory, she can and has forgotten things that were told to her only a few minutes ago. She's not the best at handling loads and loads of stress which can cause her headaches. Her eyesight is really poor and so has to wear glasses<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/il_570xN.289870501.jpg.8804662d93146284a6901cd6ac99d358.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="48656" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/il_570xN.289870501.jpg.8804662d93146284a6901cd6ac99d358.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

or prescription contacts .


Noa is probably one of the most chilled out people you could ever meet. She's been described by people as a modern day hippie of sorts and she doesn't really dispute this as she is all for peace and love among all types of people. She can be rather energetic at times, often coming off as hyperactive but not annoying so, she's just always wanting to do something. Then she just has her times when she wants to sleep the day away. She is a big social butterfly and likes to be around people and can make friends rather easily. She wants to see the good in everybody but also knows that not everyone in the world is good and she's okay with that, she believes you have to be true to yourself. She tries to be helpful in situations, but knows not to pry into business that doesn't involve her. She has quite the appetite and on occasion can be bribed for a favor with food, though she does have her limits. She has the bad habit of spacing out and daydreaming and can have a bit of a short attention span. It's really rather rare to get her angry as she likes to keep a positive spin on things and is actually a pacifist when it comes to violence. However she would do anything to protect the people closest to her and if that involves fighting someone then so be it. She also has a habit of being reckless and just jumping headfirst into something even if she has no idea how to do said thing, which has gotten her in trouble on multiple occasions.


? Reading

? Music

? Sweets {candy, baked goods etc..}

? Sewing/knitting

? Cooking

? Cute stuffed toys

? Sleeping

? Tea

? Cheesy horror movies

? Trying out new things

? Meeting new people


? Frogs

? Really sunny days

? Thunderstorms

? Rude/Loudmouth people

? Uptight people

? Being woken up early

? Doctors/dentists

? Spicy foods



  • c11f1411839058126504f798a113890575f0f8e5.jpg
    161.8 KB · Views: 46
  • il_570xN.289870501.jpg
    15.3 KB · Views: 45


Noa Rose




Noa is able to lift and move objects around with her mind, things much heavier than herself, though she isn't limited to solid objects. Through rigorous training she taught herself to manipulate the air, fire and water, which she mainly uses for neat tricks and making Avatar The Last Airbender jokes. However she can only use so much of her power at one time, if she goes overboard she gets stricken with very painful migraines. The time limit gets shorter the heavier the object she's moving is and the more powerful the migraines get. The max weight she can lift so far is 300 lbs.
By letting her mind relax she is able to focus and lift herself into the air allowing her to levitate and even fly for a while. The more positive emotion she is feeling the longer she is able to fly.


Noa was born in a small town in the French countryside, the second child and only girl to her mother and father. She lived happily with them and her older brother, who had 2 years on her. Unfortunately when she was 9 her house caught on fire effectively leaving her family homeless. Not letting it keep them down for long however and her family decided to take to the road to find the perfect place to live. They lived a nomadic lifestyle for a few years after that before finally settling in a small town overseas. A few months after her 11th birthday her latent psychic abilities started to manifest, she was away from the house when she came upon an apple tree. She was a bit too small to climb the tree but she really wanted an apple, she was so focused on one that it started moving as if it were being pulled towards her. Next thing she knew the apple fell from the tree and landed on the ground at her feet. She was shocked but at the same time excited, her powers had finally come in! Completely forgetting about the apple she ran home to tell her parents, who were equally excited. She began practicing with her brother though their abilities were vastly different, he had much more raw power, making him stronger and didn't get the migraines that she did when she overworked herself, but she had something over him as she could move certain elements. She eventually learned to levitate and slowly built up to flying, which is another thing her brother couldn't do. By the time she was 16 she was content and confident in her abilities. She knew that she didn't exactly fit in with the kids at her old school, what with her powers and everything and felt a bit lonely. So she decided to ask her parents to send her to a school where she could meet other kids with powers and abilities and not feel so weird. Her parents happily agreed and after a bit of looking around found Spellreaper Academy, which she was quickly enrolled in.


View attachment 113000




Noa has a rather poor short term memory, she can and has forgotten things that were told to her only a few minutes ago. She's not the best at handling loads and loads of stress which can cause her headaches. Her eyesight is really poor and so has to wear glassesView attachment 113001

or prescription contacts .


Noa is probably one of the most chilled out people you could ever meet. She's been described by people as a modern day hippie of sorts and she doesn't really dispute this as she is all for peace and love among all types of people. She can be rather energetic at times, often coming off as hyperactive but not annoying so, she's just always wanting to do something. Then she just has her times when she wants to sleep the day away. She is a big social butterfly and likes to be around people and can make friends rather easily. She wants to see the good in everybody but also knows that not everyone in the world is good and she's okay with that, she believes you have to be true to yourself. She tries to be helpful in situations, but knows not to pry into business that doesn't involve her. She has quite the appetite and on occasion can be bribed for a favor with food, though she does have her limits. She has the bad habit of spacing out and daydreaming and can have a bit of a short attention span. It's really rather rare to get her angry as she likes to keep a positive spin on things and is actually a pacifist when it comes to violence. However she would do anything to protect the people closest to her and if that involves fighting someone then so be it. She also has a habit of being reckless and just jumping headfirst into something even if she has no idea how to do said thing, which has gotten her in trouble on multiple occasions.


○ Reading

○ Music

○ Sweets {candy, baked goods etc..}

○ Sewing/knitting

○ Cooking

○ Cute stuffed toys

○ Sleeping

○ Tea

○ Cheesy horror movies

○ Trying out new things

○ Meeting new people


● Frogs

● Really sunny days

● Thunderstorms

● Rude/Loudmouth people

● Uptight people

● Being woken up early

● Doctors/dentists

● Spicy foods

Accepted! start whenever you would like.

Name: Ippy

Age: Her age, 15 - Her life has gone on for a few thousand billion years.

Powers: Can turn into a kitty at will, small white one.

Past: Being kept as a pet cat by the family she was born into, she hardly acts human. Curling up at night, purring when hugged and even instinctively licking her own hands, not to mention rubbing herself up against somone. As she slowly began showing human features to her parents, they regretted putting a collar on her that was fitted well enough to not come off, with enchanted seals to stick it in place. She began being treated like a human, the perks she lost and habits she could not break was enough to drive her out the house.

Appearance: With a red engraved collar, name tag saying Ippy - http://prntscr.com/6srhlm

Race: 25% Human 25% Cat 25% God 25% Demon

Weakness: Gullible enough to believe a sword is an apple, to believe the earth is made of pure gummy bears.

Personality: Adorable, Shy, Clingy, Cool headed, Innocently leads by example, knows NO shame in what she does unless she sees somone else feeling shame for it.
Name: Scar Blackblood

Age: 16

Powers: Works well with a blade, Uses physic Magic, and dark magic.

Past: Scar grew up with his sister who shared bodies with him until they were 5, they grew up all by themselves but made it by, Scar one day was picked up by a school of his genius talents and graduated at the age of 15, then got a job as a teacher at the age of 16 for Spellreaper Academy.

Appearence: Black hair, golden eyes, red sweater and black jeans , black Wolf ears and tail I'll get pic after im on phone so I don't have IT rn )

Personality: Loves to work with kids his age and teach them all he has learned, pretty carefree.

Race: 50% human, 25% wolf and 25% dragon.

Weakness: math ( he still hates math) , Broccoli.


LuttyNetto said:
Name: Ippy
Age: Her age, 15 - Her life has gone on for a few thousand billion years.

Powers: Can turn into a kitty at will, small white one.

Past: Being kept as a pet cat by the family she was born into, she hardly acts human. Curling up at night, purring when hugged and even instinctively licking her own hands, not to mention rubbing herself up against somone. As she slowly began showing human features to her parents, they regretted putting a collar on her that was fitted well enough to not come off, with enchanted seals to stick it in place. She began being treated like a human, the perks she lost and habits she could not break was enough to drive her out the house.

Appearance: With a red engraved collar, name tag saying Ippy - http://prntscr.com/6srhlm

Race: 25% Human 25% Cat 25% God 25% Demon

Weakness: Gullible enough to believe a sword is an apple, to believe the earth is made of pure gummy bears.

Personality: Adorable, Shy, Clingy, Cool headed.
Accepted! start whenever you would like.


djFluffernugget said:
Name: Scar Blackblood
Age: 16

Powers: Works well with a blade, Uses physic Magic, and dark magic.

Past: Scar grew up with his sister who shared bodies with him until they were 5, they grew up all by themselves but made it by, Scar one day was picked up by a school of his genius talents and graduated at the age of 15, then got a job as a teacher at the age of 16 for Spellreaper Academy.

Appearence: Black hair, golden eyes, red sweater and black jeans , black Wolf ears and tail I'll get pic after im on phone so I don't have IT rn )

Personality: Loves to work with kids his age and teach them all he has learned, pretty carefree.

Race: 50% human, 25% wolf and 25% dragon.

Weakness: math ( he still hates math) , Broccoli.


Accepted! start whenever you would like.

djFluffernugget said:
Name: Scar Blackblood
Age: 16

Powers: Works well with a blade, Uses physic Magic, and dark magic.

Past: Scar grew up with his sister who shared bodies with him until they were 5, they grew up all by themselves but made it by, Scar one day was picked up by a school of his genius talents and graduated at the age of 15, then got a job as a teacher at the age of 16 for Spellreaper Academy.

Appearence: Black hair, golden eyes, red sweater and black jeans , black Wolf ears and tail I'll get pic after im on phone so I don't have IT rn )

Personality: Loves to work with kids his age and teach them all he has learned, pretty carefree.

Race: 50% human, 25% wolf and 25% dragon.

Weakness: math ( he still hates math) , Broccoli.


Accepted! start whenever you would like.
Name: Dakota Mayer

Age: 17


  • Can possess objects
  • Can manipulate objects
  • Can teleport


Dakota had a very normal family. She doesn't get along well with her family as they find her problematic (she got expelled from her first school which she doesn't like to discuss). They have sent her to this school as they don't want her at home until she learns how to use her gifts properly.



Dakota has long dark hair that goes past her hips, short bangs and a full fringe, she has golden/orange eyes and pale skin. She is very short, standing at 5"1 and is of average weight.

Race: Human


Dakota has little to no control of her powers, she normally tries her best to control them but if she is angry, upset or threatened they go all over the place. Because she tries to hide her powers she suffers from severe headaches which make her past out.


Dakota likes to keep to herself as she is embarrassed of her lack of control, because of this she tends to be dismissive and irritable. But will open up to certain people.


  • Books
  • Food
  • Animals
  • Being outdoors


  • Large crowds
  • Small spaces
  • Nosey people
Nonalaka said:
Name: Dakota Mayer
Age: 17


  • Can possess objects
  • Can manipulate objects
  • Can teleport


Dakota had a very normal family. She doesn't get along well with her family as they find her problematic (she got expelled from her first school which she doesn't like to discuss). They have sent her to this school as they don't want her at home until she learns how to use her gifts properly.


Dakota has long dark hair that goes past her hips, short bangs and a full fringe, she has golden/orange eyes and pale skin. She is very short, standing at 5"1 and is of average weight.

Race: Human


Dakota has little to no control of her powers, she normally tries her best to control them but if she is angry, upset or threatened they go all over the place. Because she tries to hide her powers she suffers from severe headaches which make her past out.


Dakota likes to keep to herself as she is embarrassed of her lack of control, because of this she tends to be dismissive and irritable. But will open up to certain people.


  • Books
  • Food
  • Animals
  • Being outdoors


  • Large crowds
  • Small spaces
  • Nosey people
Accepted! start whenever you would like.



Chi Usagi




Chi can manipulate shadows. Whether it's to make it to where they carry him, surround an enemy, or possibly play tricks on people, he can controll it.

Chi's able to control people's actions against their will; regardless if it's to protect hisself or the host, for personal gain, or to harm others. He can only control someone for a certain amount

of time before he starts to receive severe headaches. Lastly, he can cause illusions for a few minutes and make people see things that aren't actually there. Most of this relies on the fact that he has Shadow Manipulation.

His hearing, smell, sight, touch, and taste are above average. He can't eat anything that hasn't been just made because of the taste sense is above. Almost everybody is uglier than usual because he can see their flaws easier than most. Even though that's true, he understands and can picture what they actually look like.

Chi has a set of sharp teeth. His nails were always made to be long-ish and sharp, able to hurt others if need be..

Chi has a different form- Which was the main reason why he's at the school. He enters this form when he's under extreme mental and physical pain or under a circumstance that he needs to turn in. When he's in this form, he's relentless and shows no mecy. Chi can't control himself while in this state. He becomes a monster mentally and almost physically. His already high senses are increased, as well as hsi damage intake, speed, and strength. You can tell that Chi enters this state of mind because his right eye turns black with a red circle where the pupil would be.

(Note: All of these that don't involve Natural Weapons and Heightened Senses are very hard for him to do. All of the others involve his body to get physically hurt or exaughsted in many ways.)


(Warning: Trigger warning kind of, gore and such.)

(Also, this is what I call a big Biography.)

Chi Usagi didn't have a pretty past. He practically born into a life of poking, proding, tests, experiments, and changes. He was made in a top secret scientific laboratory where when he was old enough to walk, they did tests. They injected serums into his body, changing the way he thought, acted, reacted, it was terrible. One day he may have been the most rude person you have ever met, then the next day he'd be the most nervous and anxiety driven person ever. He never and been the same person for long. When he was eight, they did worse expirements. Then did surgery on his mouth to give him sharper, retractable teeth. They also did surgery on his hand to make him permanently have long-ish finger nails that were sharp. They messed with his head and made it to where his senses were better. Chi started to go a bit insane from the constant 'treatments' as the called them and the scientists noticed this. They gave him therapy since they needed a sane person. What Chi didn't know, was that they were seperating his insane mind set and his sane one- and making it into a differnt part of him. He was to young to figure it out at the time. But they did continue to do a series of tests and soon enough- his monster form was born. Somehow through the expirements, one of te serums made him develope shadow manipulation. He was sure the scientists would find out soon which they did way quicker than he expected. Chi figured it out when he was in his
cell 'room'.

The first occurance of his other form was when they were training him to control people with his shadow manipulation. He was doing it on a dummy at first, making it move. He made it start to move in circles but his head started to hurt. He tried to stop controlling the dummy but it only transfered to and actual person. It hurt Chi more. He started to panic and make the shadows throw the scientist around like a ragdoll. His head hurt more and more. He head a crack of some sort and shouting. He felt the blood splatter onto him and that's when he stopped. His eyes flew open and he fell down, screaming. He had just killed someone. They immediatly started to 'teach him a lesson'.

They hit him, abused him, and as one of the males was about to hit him in the head with a whip, he turned.

His right eye filled with onyx black and a red pupil appeared in it. He clenched his fists and he bared his sharp teeth. He quickly dodged the whip and got up, not feeling any of the pain at this point. He pounced on the man who tried to hit him and clawed at him. The mand screamed as Chi dug into his chest more, tearing and tearing. The blood covered his hopsital looking attire as he did so. By the time the man died- he was obliterated. His limbs scattered across the floor, pools of blood spreading across the room as he continued to rip the limbs apart with his teeth and nails. The other scientists didn't enter. They knew that the same thing would happen to them. Chi noticed this and smiled. His teeth bared and bloodied. "Try." He said. A raspy voice that could have never belonged to a thirteen year old spoke. Chi attacked the refined bullet proof glass and banged on it, scratching at it and his eyes dialated, staring at them with his red eyes.


After his little outbreak. He turned back sometime the next night. Chi was passed out in the floor. They picked him up, washed him up, and put him in his room. They decided that enough was enough and they stopped with the expirements. They decided, after they did a surgery to reomve his other form, that his he could go with three years with no show ups of his other form, he was fit to live a normal life.

Which was exatly what happened. At age sixteen, he was set free. People looked at him oddly. He always wore a mask since he knew that if he did turn, it would hold him back some. He could take it off, but with him turning into some sort of animal, he usually can't take it off.

He decided to go to school and a special school.

He, at first, lived in a home that he was paying rent for. It was with a family. mother, father and child. Something- not going into detail what happened- happened and he turned. Lets just say, by the time her woke up. There was no way there were any survivors on the whole block. He killed 48 people that night.

He hid, making it seem like it wasn't him. All he wanted to do was live a normal life and the scientists took that dream away from him.

He went to the school anyways. It was suppose to control him and help him control himself.


Human form:


Monster Form:



Failed Experiment: To Dangerous.

Protocol: Possible Termination if notTreated



(This was a weak spot for me, I couldn't think of anything other than what's below.)

All of his poweres injure him or hurt him in some way. Mentally, phyisically, or phsycologically.

As his 'other form' he has no control. He can't do anything so it's basicaly like he has two people into one body.


When he's in his usual form, he's humble. He cares for others and for their own good- he stays away from them. Chi's quite outgoing and selfless, going out of his way to protect or help others. He's sweet can seems like he'd be an angel, not being able to do or say anything impure. Most of the time, he isn't worried about anything. Chi's perfectly fine being alone and staying away from others for their own good. If he's talking to someone- he losses the angelicness he once held and becomes fidgety, not wanting to say anything bad or do any bad actions. Since he rarely communicates with other beings he isn't the best person to talk to, sometimes he forget to talk while trying to communicate with someone.

When he's in his other form, he's relentless. He kills and hurts without any mercy. It doesn't matter what age, gender, or relationship he has with someone. If you see him starting to turn, you run. His inner demon would come out during that time and he is not there to be nice or give out cookies. He normally doesn't talk in his demonic form and normally wear mask. It seals his mouth so that he doesn't tear somebody's limbs off again. Yes,
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[QUOTE="Princess Ktyria]



Chi Usagi




Chi can manipulate shadows. Whether it's to make it to where they carry him, surround an enemy, or possibly play tricks on people, he can controll it.

Chi's able to control people's actions against their will; regardless if it's to protect hisself or the host, for personal gain, or to harm others. He can only control someone for a certain amount

of time before he starts to receive severe headaches. Lastly, he can cause illusions for a few minutes and make people see things that aren't actually there. Most of this relies on the fact that he has Shadow Manipulation.

His hearing, smell, sight, touch, and taste are above average. He can't eat anything that hasn't been just made because of the taste sense is above. Almost everybody is uglier than usual because he can see their flaws easier than most. Even though that's true, he understands and can picture what they actually look like.

Chi has a set of sharp, retractable teeth. He has flat ones, but they are only used as a natural disguise to deceive his prey. He is also equipped with black claws that he can lengthen out whenever they use his powers, but normally their short and point. His nails were always made to be long-ish and sharp.

Chi has a different form- Which was the main reason why he's at the school. He enters this form when he's under extreme mental and physical pain or under a circumstance that he needs to turn in. When he's in this form, he's relentless and shows no mecy. Chi can't control himself while in this state. He becomes a monster mentally and almost physically. His already high senses are increased, as well as hsi damage intake, speed, and strength. You can tell that Chi enters this state of mind because his right eye turns black with a red circle where the pupil would be.

(Note: All of these that don't involve Natural Weapons and Heightened Senses are very hard for him to do. All of the others involve his body to get physically hurt or exaughsted in many ways.)


(Warning: Trigger warning kind of, gore and such.)

(Also, this is what I call a big Biography.)

Chi Usagi didn't have a pretty past. He practically born into a life of poking, proding, tests, experiments, and changes. He was made in a top secret scientific laboratory where when he was old enough to walk, they did tests. They injected serums into his body, changing the way he thought, acted, reacted, it was terrible. One day he may have been the most rude person you have ever met, then the next day he'd be the most nervous and anxiety driven person ever. He never and been the same person for long. When he was eight, they did worse expirements. Then did surgery on his mouth to give him sharper, retractable teeth. They also did surgery on his hand to make him permanently have long-ish finger nails that were sharp. They messed with his head and made it to where his senses were better. Chi started to go a bit insane from the constant 'treatments' as the called them and the scientists noticed this. They gave him therapy since they needed a sane person. What Chi didn't know, was that they were seperating his insane mind set and his sane one- and making it into a differnt part of him. He was to young to figure it out at the time. But they did continue to do a series of tests and soon enough- his monster form was born. Somehow through the expirements, one of te serums made him develope shadow manipulation. He was sure the scientists would find out soon which they did way quicker than he expected. Chi figured it out when he was in his
cell 'room'.

The first occurance of his other form was when they were training him to control people with his shadow manipulation. He was doing it on a dummy at first, making it move. He made it start to move in circles but his head started to hurt. He tried to stop controlling the dummy but it only transfered to and actual person. It hurt Chi more. He started to panic and make the shadows throw the scientist around like a ragdoll. His head hurt more and more. He head a crack of some sort and shouting. He felt the blood splatter onto him and that's when he stopped. His eyes flew open and he fell down, screaming. He had just killed someone. They immediatly started to 'teach him a lesson'.

They hit him, abused him, and as one of the males was about to hit him in the head with a whip, he turned.

His right eye filled with onyx black and a red pupil appeared in it. He clenched his fists and he bared his sharp teeth. He quickly dodged the whip and got up, not feeling any of the pain at this point. He pounced on the man who tried to hit him and clawed at him. The mand screamed as Chi dug into his chest more, tearing and tearing. The blood covered his hopsital looking attire as he did so. By the time the man died- he was obliterated. His limbs scattered across the floor, pools of blood spreading across the room as he continued to rip the limbs apart with his teeth and nails. The other scientists didn't enter. They knew that the same thing would happen to them. Chi noticed this and smiled. His teeth bared and bloodied. "Try." He said. A raspy voice that could have never belonged to a thirteen year old spoke. Chi attacked the refined bullet proof glass and banged on it, scratching at it and his eyes dialated, staring at them with his red eyes.


After his little outbreak. He turned back sometime the next night. Chi was passed out in the floor. They picked him up, washed him up, and put him in his room. They decided that enough was enough and they stopped with the expirements. They decided, after they did a surgery to reomve his other form, that his he could go with three years with no show ups of his other form, he was fit to live a normal life.

Which was exatly what happened. At age sixteen, he was set free. People looked at him oddly. He always wore a mask since he knew that if he did turn, it would hold him back some. He could take it off, but with him turning into some sort of animal, he usually can't take it off.

He decided to go to school and a special school.

He, at first, lived in a home that he was paying rent for. It was with a family. mother, father and child. Something- not going into detail what happened- happened and he turned. Lets just say, by the time her woke up. There was no way there were any survivors on the whole block. He killed 48 people that night.

He hid, making it seem like it wasn't him. All he wanted to do was live a normal life and the scientists took that dream away from him.

He went to the school anyways. It was suppose to control him and help him control himself.


Human form:


Monster Form:



Failed Experiment: To Dangerous.

Protocol: No Expirements

Demi-God and Demon


(This was a weak spot for me, I couldn't think of anything other than what's below.)

All of his poweres injure him or hurt him in some way. Mentally, phyisically, or phsycologically.

As his 'other form' he has no control. He can't do anything so it's basicaly like he has two people into one body.


When he's in his usual form, he's humble. He cares for others and for their own good- he stays away from them. Chi's quite outgoing and selfless, going out of his way to protect or help others. He's sweet can seems like he'd be an angel, not being able to do or say anything impure. Most of the time, he isn't worried about anything. Chi's perfectly fine being alone and staying away from others for their own good. If he's talking to someone- he losses the angelicness he once held and becomes fidgety, not wanting to say anything bad or do any bad actions. Since he rarely communicates with other beings he isn't the best person to talk to, sometimes he forget to talk while trying to communicate with someone.

When he's in his other form, he's relentless. He kills and hurts without any mercy. It doesn't matter what age, gender, or relationship he has with someone. If you see him starting to turn, you run. His inner demon would come out during that time and he is not there to be nice or give out cookies. He normally doesn't talk in his demonic form and normally wear mask. It seals his mouth so that he doesn't tear somebody's limbs off again. Yes,

Whoo! DJ gave me permission to accept characters, so i now pronounce you, CHARACTER AND ROLEPLAY! You may now use your character.

Name: Victor Spellmage

Age: 19

Powers: Extreme Agility and Strength

Past: Victor was born in a family of wizards and witches. Although to everyones surprise, he didn't have any magical powers. Since he was the only one without any kind of powers so did that lead to him instead work on his physical powers instead, and this weakness also lead to him not having many friends. And now he's arrived at the Spellreaper Academy in hope to socialize better.


Race: Human

Weakness: No magical knowledge

Personality: Shy but not bad at conversating, is not afraid to play hero (even though he feels quite awkward about it)
minismurf said:
Name: Victor Spellmage
Age: 19

Powers: Extreme Agility and Strength

Past: Victor was born in a family of wizards and witches. Although to everyones surprise, he didn't have any magical powers. Since he was the only one without any kind of powers so did that lead to him instead work on his physical powers instead, and this weakness also lead to him not having many friends. And now he's arrived at the Spellreaper Academy in hope to socialize better.


Race: Human

Weakness: No magical knowledge

Personality: Shy but not bad at conversating, is not afraid to play hero (even though he feels quite awkward about it)
Accepted! start whenever you would like.
Name:Richard ( The Shadowdancer) Cassen

Age: 22

Powers: Shadow type magic, hints of void creation/manipulation

Past: Richard was born and raised like any human. He lived a calm life before he started to have his powers. On occasion, he was seeing something else than this world, a dark, destroyed, twisted and terrifiying place that he eventually called the Shadow realm. He lived terrified of that world for years when finnaly, in last hope of getting rid of these visions, he gouged his own eyes out... For nothing. But he realised he could see what fills empty space around him. Frightened, he ran away from populated area that rejected him because of his ability that come directly from the darkest place of this world. He thought himself carelessly how to manipulate, create and even transform his own body into shadow. But to every great power comes a consequence... The longer he uses his ability, the more he drown into darkness and madness. One day he stumbled across a place, he was told by people around that this is a school for people who wants to learn how to uses their gifts... or curse...

Appearance: Tall, muscular, generally wears dark clothes, all patched up, a lot of scars on his body, from fights he was in because of the nature of his powers. Always wear a black bandanna on his eyes to hide what he has done. Long dreadlocks midway trough his back

Race: Human

Weakness: Mostly blind, he can see what fills the void, right now it's like ghostly shapes, once in a while he has problem to seperate every shapes. If he uses his powers ( shadow ) too much in a short period of time, he drowns into madness and he needs a ''light'' as he says, to get out of there.

Personality: Strong personnality but troubled. Having seen horror of the shadow realm so often sometimes changes him into a cold heart. He is normally a kind man, help people the way he thinks is appropriate, but his methods are not always appropriate for everyone.
[QUOTE="Andrea Logan]We have many shadow controllers. I think we may have five now including Richard, if he's accepted.

I understand, but I belive I can make this one a bit unusual, well thought concept. Shadow is only a very small part of what he is.
Name: Riley Rose

Age: 16 almost 17


  • Has wings and can hide them
  • She is firey, literally. She controls fire and can make it come from her hands.
  • Is good with Animals.

Past: She'll reveal later

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/57a8c2249d049_ScreenShot2015-04-14at4.56.20PM.png.f927f035086a4e7e599ea1405126a0eb.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="49024" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/57a8c2249d049_ScreenShot2015-04-14at4.56.20PM.png.f927f035086a4e7e599ea1405126a0eb.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> she sometimes wears black or other colors depending on her mood and etc.

Race: Angel~Vampire


  • Cute boys
  • Cute animals
  • When people flirt with her.

Personality: Very sweet and loving. If she talks to you she wants to get to know you. She's got a bad attitude when it comes to her friends and family, if you hurt them or mess with them your pretty much dead. She can be cold at first but she's really not. She is very pretty but doesn't fall into traps easily.



  • Screen Shot 2015-04-14 at 4.56.20 PM.png
    Screen Shot 2015-04-14 at 4.56.20 PM.png
    66.6 KB · Views: 57
Name: Jay Woodborn

Age: 17

Powers: Light and Dark Magic

Past: ToBeRevealed


Race: Holy Fallen Angel


-Cute girls





Essentric, funny, and nice also very flirtatious and will do whatever it takes to protect the ones he loves.

Other: Has a crush on Riley Rose @JadeWuvsCookies
JadeWuvsCookies said:
Name: Riley Rose
Age: 16 almost 17


  • Has wings and can hide them
  • She is firey, literally. She controls fire and can make it come from her hands.
  • Is good with Animals.

Past: She'll reveal later

Appearance: View attachment 113595 she sometimes wears black or other colors depending on her mood and etc.

Race: Angel~Vampire


  • Cute boys
  • Cute animals
  • When people flirt with her.

Personality: Very sweet and loving. If she talks to you she wants to get to know you. She's got a bad attitude when it comes to her friends and family, if you hurt them or mess with them your pretty much dead. She can be cold at first but she's really not. She is very pretty but doesn't fall into traps easily.
Accepted! start whenever you would like. ( sorry I don't accept earlier, school ;-(\ )


LunarShines said:
Name: Jay Woodborn
Age: 17

Powers: Light and Dark Magic

Past: ToBeRevealed


Race: Holy Fallen Angel


-Cute girls





Essentric, funny, and nice also very flirtatious and will do whatever it takes to protect the ones he loves.

Other: Has a crush on Riley Rose @JadeWuvsCookies
Accepted! start whenever you would like. ( sorry about delay! ;-(\ )

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