Spellreaper Academy


Name : Sensei

Age: 117

Personality: Disciplined, Old, Cannot function without his walking staff two time his size, knows everything, must be killed at graduation to truly surpass him. Hopelessly confused.

Race: Sensei

Power: The ability to always be better than his students

Weakness: The inability to never understand the internet

(Jk, this is stupid, I know. The real one is below)

Name || Rin Chino

  • ib2h7fciw1g87r_by_kittypaw1-d5p9vu1.jpg

    Age || 24 (Ages slower than most. Each year accounts for nine human years)

    "Some people mistake years for experience. Such a naïve thing to do..."

    Sexual Orientation || Pansexual (Implies Asexual)

    "I do not have time for such elementary things."

    Race || Kitsune

    "Although my race is an untrustworthy one, I can assure you I'm not as they say."

Maxwelle said:


Name : Sensei

Age: 117

Personality: Disciplined, Old, Cannot function without his walking staff two time his size, knows everything, must be killed at graduation to truly surpass him. Hopelessly confused.

Race: Sensei

Power: The ability to always be better than his students

Weakness: The inability to never understand the internet

(Jk, this is stupid, I know. The real one is below)

Name || Rin Chino

  • ib2h7fciw1g87r_by_kittypaw1-d5p9vu1.jpg

    Age || 24 (Ages slower than most. Each year accounts for nine human years)

    "Some people mistake years for experience. Such a naïve thing to do..."

    Sexual Orientation || Pansexual (Implies Asexual)

    "I do not have time for such elementary things."

    Race || Kitsune

    "Although my race is an untrustworthy one, I can assure you I'm not as they say."

B-but I liked sense I! D:

Accepted! start whenever you would like! ( RIP sensei xD )
I would act out Sensei if you approve xD I just doubted you would so I wasn't too serious. I can see the talk among students now. "Sensei accidentally sets students pants on fire in freak science experiment." Eh,maybe not that bad. :I
Maxwelle said:
I would act out Sensei if you approve xD I just doubted you would so I wasn't too serious. I can see the talk among students now. "Sensei accidentally sets students pants on fire in freak science experiment." Eh,maybe not that bad. :I

Jonathan Abakumov

[Male|17 years old|6'2]




Jonathan has a huge amont of blood, and he can manipulate at his will, due to a curse put on him when he was young, or a possible demon inside him.





Very little is known about Jonathan's past, only those who are close to him know his damn twisted past, but, the basic things are:

He was born in times of war, and he was born from the uterus of his hanged mother. He was soonly adopted by a female soldier that saw him thrown on the ground, taking him and raising him in these times that were no were near to something a human being should experience. He grew up with her, until she got killed in action, where he was left off at the age of 13 an orphan, soon discovering his powers.


Oh, this is quite complex. Jonathan has no emotions, or at least they have not been fully uncovered. Since his childhood, he has never dared to socialize, go ahead and take a stroll walking with his parents. He has been called emo, but, he has no desires to kill himself. Very little people know what is happening in his head, and those people are all deceased. Very, very few words have been given by him, not even the muscles of his mouth are well developed, they are barely used. Heartless, that is a word that hurts him so much, yet fits him so well. Call it care-free, or being oblivious, but, he does not care about any action he does, does not fear anything, may it be him squishing the skull of someone, or being the one under the boot, he'll always keep on going until the thing in his chest stops giving a pulse.

He will never, ever, give up on something, even if he has to risk his or others lives for it. Love is something that might be non-existant for him, very few people even handle being around him. He is always so tense, unreadable, no expression, like seeing a still image. Eyes locked on a single thing, forward, never smiling, never frowning, never talking, a soul-less thing


[Human with a beast inside ]

- A demon of rage -


Every time he uses his blood it drains it from him supply, making him weaker each time.

Sugar said:

Jonathan Abakumov

[Male|17 years old|6'2]




Jonathan has a huge amont of blood, and he can manipulate at his will, due to a curse put on him when he was young, or a possible demon inside him.





Very little is known about Jonathan's past, only those who are close to him know his damn twisted past, but, the basic things are:

He was born in times of war, and he was born from the uterus of his hanged mother. He was soonly adopted by a female soldier that saw him thrown on the ground, taking him and raising him in these times that were no were near to something a human being should experience. He grew up with her, until she got killed in action, where he was left off at the age of 13 an orphan, soon discovering his powers.


Oh, this is quite complex. Jonathan has no emotions, or at least they have not been fully uncovered. Since his childhood, he has never dared to socialize, go ahead and take a stroll walking with his parents. He has been called emo, but, he has no desires to kill himself. Very little people know what is happening in his head, and those people are all deceased. Very, very few words have been given by him, not even the muscles of his mouth are well developed, they are barely used. Heartless, that is a word that hurts him so much, yet fits him so well. Call it care-free, or being oblivious, but, he does not care about any action he does, does not fear anything, may it be him squishing the skull of someone, or being the one under the boot, he'll always keep on going until the thing in his chest stops giving a pulse.

He will never, ever, give up on something, even if he has to risk his or others lives for it. Love is something that might be non-existant for him, very few people even handle being around him. He is always so tense, unreadable, no expression, like seeing a still image. Eyes locked on a single thing, forward, never smiling, never frowning, never talking, a soul-less thing


[Human with a beast inside ]

- A demon of rage -


Every time he uses his blood it drains it from him supply, making him weaker each time.

Accepted! start whenever you would like.

Name: "Saint" Dante Jacob Iscariot

Nickname: Tay

Age: 28

Powers: A rather wide array of abilities, however primarily based off of either Conjuration or Alchemy.

Past: The Saint's past before becoming a history teacher at the academy is largely shrouded in either secrecy or myth. When questioned about it, he will either state that his life's story would be so long and arduous to explain that your eyes would glaze over before he was halfway through. On occasion, he might mention he worked as a pizza deliveryman when he was a teenager. How he came to be such a powerful mage, the world may never know.

Appearance: Tay is bastion of a being, with a lean musculature and shoulders broader than not. His shadow falls two meters long upon the ground. His skin is an amber-umber blend that makes his precise ethnicity an enigma, and his hair is a mane of raven locks. His left arm appears to be constructed of living obsidian, or flint, or perhaps marble, and regardless is carved with a mosaic of hieroglyphs and pictographs that he suggests not staring at for too long. His right hand, conversely, is that of a Dead Man, pale-skinned and yellow-nailed, grafted onto his forearm partway up in a band of metal. Finally, he's almost never seen wearing his great golden greatcoat, ankle-length and leather, devoid of sleeves but most certainly not histories.

Race: Human... at least, that's what he says.

Weakness: Radiation, Unicorns, Taxes

Personality: Tay is selfless and trusting, to the point of almost being naive. He seems to see beauty and goodness in people, even at times when really, there isn't any there at all. His humor is almost always at his own expense, implying that perhaps he's quite insecure about himself. Despite all this, he can also demonstrate incredible cunning and even manipulation during serious times. People who have known him for many years are usually wary that any given mood or statement of his is just a calculated ploy to trick someone. But he's so nice. He couldn't be that devious. Right?​
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Looks 16 but actually much older.


-Ages very slowly

-Can control shadows and fire

-Can heal fast in dark but cannot heal during day/light.

-Can "grow" wings



He grew up a loner at an orphanage never meeting his parents. He didn't know about his powers until he was around nine. At times when his powers showed a little bit more, he was called a monster since he would wreck everything and often cause injuries to kids and adults. Slowly when he had some alone time(Which was often) he learned and experiment with his powers and tried to control them. After enough time passed of name calling and bulling Ashton ran away from the orphanage when he was ten. Quickly they found him but instead of keeping him there at the small terrible orphanage they sent him off where he eventually started going to school.






Another Demon

Light(because he can't heal)

Cute things(Ex. Baby animals)


Tricking people



Being Controled


Ashton is often hot-tempered and rude. He is also stubborn but can be quite protective of the ones he cares about. He can be tough to get to but once you know him, he is soft. He often ignores people but rather when he feels like it or if he likes you he'll talk to you and help you.

deadpool42 said:
Name: "Saint" Dante Jacob Iscariot
Nickname: Tay

Age: 28

Powers: A rather wide array of abilities, however primarily based off of either Conjuration or Alchemy.

Past: The Saint's past before becoming a history teacher at the academy is largely shrouded in either secrecy or myth. When questioned about it, he will either state that his life's story would be so long and arduous to explain that your eyes would glaze over before he was halfway through. On occasion, he might mention he worked as a pizza deliveryman when he was a teenager. How he came to be such a powerful mage, the world may never know.

Appearance: Tay is bastion of a being, with a lean musculature and shoulders broader than not. His shadow falls two meters long upon the ground. His skin is an amber-umber blend that makes his precise ethnicity an enigma, and his hair is a mane of raven locks. His left arm appears to be constructed of living obsidian, or flint, or perhaps marble, and regardless is carved with a mosaic of hieroglyphs and pictographs that he suggests not staring at for too long. His right hand, conversely, is that of a Dead Man, pale-skinned and yellow-nailed, grafted onto his forearm partway up in a band of metal. Finally, he's almost never seen wearing his great golden greatcoat, ankle-length and leather, devoid of sleeves but most certainly not histories.

Race: Human... at least, that's what he says.

Weakness: Radiation, Unicorns, Taxes

Personality: Tay is selfless and trusting, to the point of almost being naive. He seems to see beauty and goodness in people, even at times when really, there isn't any there at all. His humor is almost always at his own expense, implying that perhaps he's quite insecure about himself. Despite all this, he can also demonstrate incredible cunning and even manipulation during serious times. People who have known him for many years are usually wary that any given mood or statement of his is just a calculated ploy to trick someone. But he's so nice. He couldn't be that devious. Right?
Accepted! start whenever you would like.


Bluey said:




Looks 16 but actually much older.


-Ages very slowly

-Can control shadows and fire

-Can heal fast in dark but cannot heal during day/light.

-Can "grow" wings



He grew up a loner at an orphanage never meeting his parents. He didn't know about his powers until he was around nine. At times when his powers showed a little bit more, he was called a monster since he would wreck everything and often cause injuries to kids and adults. Slowly when he had some alone time(Which was often) he learned and experiment with his powers and tried to control them. After enough time passed of name calling and bulling Ashton ran away from the orphanage when he was ten. Quickly they found him but instead of keeping him there at the small terrible orphanage they sent him off where he eventually started going to school.






Another Demon

Light(because he can't heal)

Cute things(Ex. Baby animals)


Tricking people



Being Controled


Ashton is often hot-tempered and rude. He is also stubborn but can be quite protective of the ones he cares about. He can be tough to get to but once you know him, he is soft. He often ignores people but rather when he feels like it or if he likes you he'll talk to you and help you.


Accepted! start whenever you would like.
Junniper said:

View attachment 112804


Miuna Tsumai









Electricity; She's able to manipulate any variety of electricity. For example, she can

control lights and electrocute people. She also can also cause lightening to strike during thunderstorms. She can fill anything

with energy, drain energy, and can provide energy.


Miuna is shy and quiet, and doesn't like to be bothered. She mindlessly sits in class doodling, yet somehow makes great grades in school. Miuna is calm and relaxed during confusing situations and can solve puzzles quickly. She's quite blunt or isolated towards almost everybody she comes in contact to. She prefers to have only one or two close friends rather than hanging out with a lot of people she's not close to.


Flowers. She doesn't know why, but they make her happy.



She doesn't know how to swim; but that's now the main reason she doesn't like water. If she uses her powers while she is in the water or even near it, she could electrocute herself.


Miuna grew up with a loving mother and father. Really, the perfect family. She was always a cheerful and social young girl, until one day. On the way to her first day of third year elementary, she was involved in a car wreck. Both her parents passed away, putting her in the position to be adopted. Miuna happened to get lucky and was adopted by a young couple that already had a son. Ever sense she was adopted, she has been stand-offish and isolated. She hardly ever speaks and is caught day-dreaming for the majority of the day. She often sits towards the back of the classroom where a window is and stares out it while the teacher talks. Other times, she's seen doodling on the side of her paper. The teacher questions weather she is listening or not; and she says she doesn't pay attention but hears what he says anyways and remembers it for tests. She discovered her powers during eigth grade middle school, but kept her discovery to herself. She swore to herself to never tell anyone about them; but she knew it wasn't healthy and that she had to tell someone in order to learn how to use it. Eventually, she told her parents and older brother that she was enrolling in a new school; but when they asked what type it was, she said it focused on her 'talents'.

Accepted! start whenever you would like.
Name: Turais Pearlace

Age: In her years, 12 - In real time years, 750 billion

Powers: Master of illusions

Past: Ex-queen of the city of dragons, princess of another kingdom, grand-daughter of another king.

Appearance: http://prntscr.com/6jjm1z

Race: 12.5% Dolphin Heritage 37.5% Dragon Heritage 50% Human Heritage

Weakness: Kind acts and flattery, make her feel loved and she will love you.

Personality: When flattered; adorable, helpful, timid, considerate

When not-flattered; mean, inconsiderate, unkind
LuttyNetto said:
Name: Turais Pearlace
Age: In her years, 12 - In real time years, 750 billion

Powers: Master of illusions

Past: Ex-queen of the city of dragons, princess of another kingdom, grand-daughter of another king.

Appearance: http://prntscr.com/6jjm1z

Race: 12.5% Dolphin Heritage 37.5% Dragon Heritage 50% Human Heritage

Weakness: Kind acts and flattery, make her feel loved and she will love you.

Personality: When flattered; adorable, helpful, timid, considerate

When not-flattered; mean, inconsiderate, unkind
Accepted! start whenever you would like.



Mamoreru Iha



(Appears younger)


Mamoreru is basically a human shield. She can turn into a gigantic skeleton and protectes people who are in her hands.
Whenever she turns into what she is, purple smoke emerges making most dizzy (Has a range of 30 feet or so)
She's also able to remove sight and hearing for a certain amount of time (Concentration based. It exerts her physically. She can only do this once for everytime she's eaten.)
Mamoreru has abnormal healing, she can heal faster from bruises, concussions wear off faster, less chance of being dazed, etc. The healing also causes her to have stronger bones.
Mamoreru can heal people with her hands. It has to be done with extreme concentration in a long period of time but it can happen. It's slightly painful, speeding up the process of blood clotting, making the skin regrow, it comes with a price.


Mamoreru was born.. or appeared, on a door step of a mortal family that contained a newly wed mother and father. No one knows who her original parents are or where they are, but she just showed up.The first sign of her 'powers' was when she was five. Purple and magenta smoke seeped from her mouth once and awhile- usually when she was asleep. It made the people around her dizzy. When she was six, she was playing outside and she broke her arm. Her parents got her in a cast and a three days later, her arm was better. They knew at this point, something was up. They were scared but said nothing about it. When she was ten, that was when it got very, very frightening. Her once blue eyes turned red. It wasn't noticable at first, but they started to turn brown- and then red after a few days.

Only a couple of days later- her hand turn to bone. It didn't stay like that forever, just an few minutres. She was sleeping, and her mother came in to tuck her in and she saw her hand was bone. Her mother rushed her to the hospital but once they got there, it was gone. Her hand was back to normal. Her adoptive parents got to scared after that and put her into an adoption center, where she never got adopted.

She kept on going to a normal school knowing about her powers. She always covered herself up in case the skeleton happened again. But an odd thing was- ever since her skeletal ability was shown, she loved bone structure. It amazed her and she obsessed over it- and still does.

When she was 15 and starting her freshman year at a normal school, her mouth started smoking. She's normaly used to it staying in her mouth and letting it dissapate, but it made her to dizzy. There was more being produced than usual. The spoke made her fall and knock the wind out of her- and so everybody saw. Mamoreru had to leave. No one was suppose to know about her power and so she said she smoked. It was the only way people wouldn't find out. If she said she had some sort of power- they'd send her to an insane asylum. She got expended and she went for an abnormal highschool, which is why she came in the school year late.


Human Form:


Monster Form:







Although all of her strengths, while she's in skeleton form, everything is a few shades darker. She can't see very far what-so-ever. Because of her size as a skeleton, she's also slower than she would be. In her human form, if she gets hurt- although he has the abnormal healing, she still would bleed more profusely.


Mamoreru is strange to say at the very least. She rarely talks. And besides her intellect, she talks one one or two word sentences. Although she many not seem like it, she's a logical thinker. She's very intelligent and normaly never has to worry about her grades and could most likely easily beat anybody at chess (Her favorite game). She's also very creative, being able to express her creativity through her cooking skills. Besides all of her other personality traits, she's quite caring. She doesn't show most emotions but if she's close to someone, she'd care for them. If they were sad, she'd give them a hug and such. The girl, is she doesn't know you, would most likely give someone a snarky comment if what they said offended her, but besides that, she's really nice and out going at times.


Cooking and eating food alike.

Junk Food

Bone Structure

(""\',..,'/"") <---
(Her pet, Racoon)



Blunt Objects (i.e. Hammers, Maces, etc.)

(The sight of blood.)


Giving straight answers

(She despises it. It's torture to her.)


She has a pet beaver named, Racoon.

Mamoreru doesn't know the full extent of her powers.
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[QUOTE="Princess Ktyria]



Mamoreru Iha



(Appears younger)


Mamoreru is basically a human shield. She can turn into a gigantic skeleton and protectes people who are in her hands.
Whenever she turns into what she is, purple smoke emerges making most dizzy (Has a range of 30 feet or so)
She's also able to remove sight and hearing for a certain amount of time (Concentration based. It exerts her physically. She can only do this once for everytime she's eaten.)
Mamoreru has abnormal healing, she can heal faster from bruises, concussions wear off faster, less chance of being dazed, etc. The healing also causes her to have stronger bones.
Mamoreru can heal people with her hands. It has to be done with extreme concentration in a long period of time but it can happen. It's slightly painful, speeding up the process of blood clotting, making the skin regrow, it comes with a price.



Mamoreru was born.. or appeared, on a door step of a mortal family that contained a newly wed mother and father. No one knows who her original parents are or where they are, but she just showed up.The first sign of her 'powers' was when she was five. Purple and magenta smoke seeped from her mouth once and awhile- usually when she was asleep. It made the people around her dizzy. When she was six, she was playing outside and she broke her arm. Her parents got her in a cast and a three days later, her arm was better. They knew at this point, something was up. They were scared but said nothing about it. When she was ten, that was when it got very, very frightening. Her once blue eyes turned red. It wasn't noticable at first, but they started to turn brown- and then red after a few days.

Only a couple of days later- her hand turn to bone. It didn't stay like that forever, just an few minutres. She was sleeping, and her mother came in to tuck her in and she saw her hand was bone. Her mother rushed her to the hospital but once they got there, it was gone. Her hand was back to normal. Her adoptive parents got to scared after that and put her into an adoption center, where she never got adopted.

She kept on going to a normal school knowing about her powers. She always covered herself up in case the skeleton happened again. But an odd thing was- ever since her skeletal ability was shown, she loved bone structure. It amazed her and she obsessed over it- and still does.

When she was 15 and starting her freshman year at a normal school, her mouth started smoking. She's normaly used to it staying in her mouth and letting it dissapate, but it made her to dizzy. There was more being produced than usual. The spoke made her fall and knock the wind out of her- and so everybody saw. Mamoreru had to leave. No one was suppose to know about her power and so she said she smoked. It was the only way people wouldn't find out. If she said she had some sort of power- they'd send her to an insane asylum. She got expended and she went for an abnormal highschool, which is why she came in the school year late.


Human Form:


Monster Form:







Although all of her strengths, while she's in skeleton form, everything is a few shades darker. She can't see very far what-so-ever. Because of her size as a skeleton, she's also slower than she would be. In her human form, if she gets hurt- although he has the abnormal healing, she still would bleed more profusely.


Mamoreru is strange to say at the very least. She wont talk unless it has to deal with: 1. Bone Structure. 2. Food. 3. It's about her pet, Racoon. 4. Someone talks to her. Though, she may make random comments or statements about facts. Although she many not seem like it, she's a logical thinker. She's very intelligent and normaly never has to worry about her grades and could most likely easily beat anybody at chess (Her favorite game). She's also very creative, being able to express her creativity through her cooking skills. Along with her cerativity, she's an extreme day dreamer. Which is most likely the reason she can never stay on task with anything. Even though she's logical, she rarely gives anyone a straight answer, mostly some sort of smart aleck response. Besides all of her other personality traits, she's quite caring. She doesn't show most emotions but if she's close to someone, she'd care for them. If they were sad, she'd give them a hug and such. The girl, is she doesn't know you, would most likely give someone a snarky comment if what they said offended her, but besides that, she's really nice and out going at times.


She has a pet beaver named, Racoon.

Mamoreru doesn't know the full extent of her powers.

Accepted! start whenever you would like. ( this is a long bio o~o )

[QUOTE="Princess Ktyria]
Sorry~ But thank you for accepting mine!

No problem! Always a pleasure to have new people join, but uhhm, can you maybe make the pink a bit darker? Lol, it's kinda hard to read :P

[QUOTE="Princess Ktyria]Oh, of course!

thank ~ just wanted to say that so no one would complain if it was hard to read lafter on :)

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