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Realistic or Modern Special Elite Black Ops Shooter Guy: Inaccurate Military Action Quest 2: Electric Boogaloo: This Time It's Personal: The Revenge: Freedom Reloaded

[3] "Is that a new FAMAS model?"

You observe as he loads a magazine into his weird bullpup. "Is that a new FAMAS model?" You ask him.

He turns. "No, sir," he says. "It's a HS Produkt VHS-K2 with 1.5 optical sight. Croatian-made," he pulls back on the charging handle.

You nod. "Never seen one before."

"Don't blame you, sir," he says. "They're not really used outside Croatia."

He stows away his gun and reaches into the locket and pulls out a fuckhuge Taurus Raging Bull revolver. There were several engravings in the sides of the barrel, showing several skulls. There were also a couple of notches on his pistol that numbered one and nineteen more.

You stare at his revolver as he loads in several bullets. It makes your Desert Eagle look inadequate. You pull it out and compare it to his. Tray notices, holding his gun up to yours. The size difference is noticeable, yours being smaller. He smirks. "Not bad, but mine's bigger."

Grunting, you put away your gun. If only you had a second one, then the math would add up...

Tray spins his Raging Bull on a finger, then puts it away. "So, this mission," he says. "All we gotta do is rescue a bunch of VIPs and destroy the relay. Sounds easy."

"It's a usual mission," you reply. "But if this has got Fick Nury all worked up it's gotta be important."

Tray nods. "Yeah, I got that," he says. "I'm sure we'll get it done. If it's as easy as you say, nothing will go wrong, will it?"

You smile and say:

[1] "Of course. If we do everything right, that is."
[2] "Come on, don't you remember what I said earlier?"
[3] "Yeah, well, I can't predict the future, can I?"
[4] "You're absolutely right. What could go wrong?"
[4] "You're absolutely right. What could go wrong?"
[4] "You're absolutely right. What could go wrong?"

You smile at him and say, "You're absolutely right. What could go wrong?"

Tray grins. "Yes, what could go wrong?" He replies, giving that evil smile. "I'm sure nothing will. Yes, nothing will."

He gives a ridiculously evil laugh.

Once everyone is done gearing up your squad makes their way over to the secret airport runway. A pair of X-22 Stealth Ospreys are sitting on the runway. They're basically just V-22 Ospreys but stealth and with contra-rotating propellers for speed. They look exactly like the Ospreys in that one shitty Resident Evil movie, in fact.

You get inside with your squad, while the other team gets into the second one. DeShawn sits next to you. As the ramp closes and the propellers spin up, you check your gear. Everything you need in is there. You glance around, noting that everyone else is doing the same thing. Radley, the team's sniper, is munching on a Snickers that has its logo prominently facing the camera for that sweet cash money.

DeShawn suddenly pats your shoulder, and you turn to him. "Hey, man, I think you should keep an eye on Tray," he glances at said non-suspicious operative, who at the moment is idly twirling a knife in his hand. "I'm telling you, something's wrong, I can feel it."

You shake your head and tell him:

[1] "Will you just quit it already? He's on this squad, and he's one of my men."
[2] "Nothing's wrong with him, okay? So just quit it."
[3] "Again with this? Just stop it, that's an order."
[4] "Please, it's not like he's going to shoot you in the back or anything."
[4] "Please, it's not like he's going to shoot you in the back or something."

this is max fate tempting of course i'll pick this

also yes i am a fast reader, we all are if im correct
[4] "Please, it's not like he's going to shoot you in the back or anything."

You roll your eyes and jokingly punch DeShawn in the shoulder. "Please, it's not like he's going to shoot you in the back or anything."

He frowns at you, but then sighs. "You know what? I guess you're you're right. Maybe I spent too much time in the hood, know what I'm saying?"

The Osprey takes off, and soon, you're cruising at 30,000 feet. The journey will take a few hours, leaving with with some time to do nothing. The rest of your squad has been left to their own devices. Some are sleeping, some are reading, and some are just idly checking their magazines. DeShawn is listening to some ghetto hip hop song on his Sony Walkman NW-A105.

You spy Tray sharpening his knife by the corner. His face is half-hidden in shadow. You decide to make your way over to get to know more about your newest squadmate. Seeing you, he grins and puts away his knife. "Can I do something for you, sir?"

You take a seat next to him. "So, you're our expert, huh?"

Tray nods. "I spent a couple months embedded with the Taliban," he says. "And also the Nemesis Brotherhood."

You do a double take. The Nemesis Brotherhood was the evil terrorist organisation you fought years ago, a global network of tyranny. They had worked behind the scenes and were planning to nuke America with chemical weapons and radiation, but you put a stop to it. It's how you became inducted into the United States military Army Marines Navy SEAL Delta Force Recon Green Berets SWAT Black Ops in the first place.

"The Nemesis Brotherhood?" You ask.

"Indeed," says Tray, flipping his knife. "Now, Nury's gotten so spooked not just because of this whole Taliban thing, but also because we've gotten some intel that there might be a resurgence of the Brotherhood."

"But I took down Xander Diablos years ago!" You say. Xander was the leader of the Brotherhood, and one evil motherfucker. "The Brotherhood should have collapsed."

"Well, looks like it didn't," says Tray. "We've detected Brotherhood activity all over the world. Looks like they're planning something big."

You look at him and say:

[1] "Something big? What could it be?"
[2] "They shouldn't be back. Xander's death splintered the Brotherhood."
[3] "We have to stop them before they try to nuke America again."
[4] "Well, even if they're back, it won't matter. I've stopped them before, and I can stop them again."
[2] "They shouldn't be back. Xander's death splintered the Brotherhood."
[2] "They shouldn't be back. Xander's death splintered the Brotherhood."

You frown at Tray, your hand absentmindedly drifting to your chest, to the place Xander shot you years ago. "They shouldn't be back. Xander's death splintered the Brotherhood."

Tray shrugs. "Yeah, well," he looks you in the eye. "What if Xander isn't so dead after all?"

"That's impossible," you say. "I killed him myself."

"Did you see his body?"

"Well, I, uh..." You trail off. Tray was right. When you pushed him into the flames of the exploding facility you never saw his body. But it never really occurred to you that he might have survived. You were sure that no one could have survived that. You shake your head. "He couldn't have survived, could he?"

"We aren't sure yet," says Tray. "But I can bet you he did."

The rest of the journey passes uneventfully. Soon, the Ospreys are cruising over the mountains of Afghanistan. It's early in the morning and pitch-black, the only light coming from the full moon and scattered villages. Your destination is up ahead.

"ETA: Five mikes," the pilot announces.

You nod and turn to your team. "Alright, guys, listen up," you begin, getting everyone's attention. Pressing a button, a hologram of the village is projected into the air. "We've got several ways into the village. We'll be taking one insertion point. B-Team will take the other. Our way in is..."

[1] "...dropping in at the bottom of the mountain and making our way up."
[2] "...from the top, and we make our way down the mountain into the village."
[3] "...through the trees. We'll move quietly through the forest and get out the same way."
[4] "...by the drainage system that leads to the river. It runs underneath the village, so we can strike where they least expect."
[4] "...by the drainage system that leads to the river. It runs underneath the village, so we can strike where they least expect."
[4] "...by the drainage system that leads to the river. It runs underneath the village, so we can strike where they least expect."

I expect them to see big floating turds.
[4] "...by the drainage system that leads to the river. It runs underneath the village, so we can strike where they least expect."
[4] "...by the drainage system that leads to the river. It runs underneath the village, so we can strike where they least expect."

"...by the drainage system that leads to the river. It runs underneath the village, so we can strike where they least expect," you tell your team. To illustrate your point, the pipeline is highlighted, and a glowing line connects it to the inside of the village itself. "B-Team will move from the trees. They'll keep the Taliban occupied while we search for the VIPs. Got that?"

"Yes, sir!" Your team says at once.

"ETA: One mike," says your pilot.

You nod, doing one last check of your gear. Everyone else does the same. DeShawn turns to you. "Good luck, man," he says, cocking his SAW.

You smile at him. "It's all I'll ever need."

Outside, you feel the Osprey lurch as it arrives at its destination, and then hovers in the air. The ramp lowers as the light turns red. You can see the rushing river below, and the Osprey is hovering by the shore. "Go now!" Says the pilot.

"Go, go, go!" You cry out, your team rushing by and fast-roping out. You are the last one, grabbing it and roping to the ground in seconds. The Osprey flies off once everyone is out.

The moonlight illuminates your surroundings, but it's still dark as fuck. "Night vision on, guys," you say, engaging your night vision, the device making that weird whining sound as it switches on. Everything goes green, but you can see clearly. "Let's move out."

You trek a short distance until you spot the drainage pipeline jutting out of the rocks. It's large enough to fit a person. Standing at the edge of the river is a local.

"Spotted one," you tell your team.

"Looks like he's unarmed," says Radley, looking through the scope of his sniper rifle. "Probably a civilian. Fisherman, probably."

"Okay, we'll have to go around him. Don't think he sees us. Tray?" You call your newest transfer, but he's gone. "Tray, where the hell are you?"

You look around, and you spot him sneaking up on the man. He takes out his knife, and then with one swift motion, slits his throat. The man's eyes go wide as he chokes on his own blood. Tray casually pushes his corpse into the river. He wipes the blood off his knife as you catch up with him. "Target down."

"Man, what the hell is wrong with you?" DeShawn demands. "That was a civvie!"

"He was going to alert the whole village," Tray replies calmly. He cocks his head towards a flare gun on the ground. "I saved you guys a lotta trouble."

You tell him:

[1] "Nice one. Mission could've gone wrong just like that."
[2] "Could've just knocked him out, you know."
[3] "Guess you're right. He could've done just that."
[4] "Quick thinking, but we're not here to kill civilians."
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[4] "Quick thinking, but we're not here to kill civilians."

You look Tray in the eye and say, "Quick thinking, but we're not here to kill civilians."

Tray doesn't really seem worried. "So we aren't," he says, turning to the village. The silhouette of the relay and radio tower is visible in the moonlight. "Besides, this whole place is crawling with Taliban. The civilians who live here have all been drafted, and those who resisted were killed a long time ago."

"They can still be saved," argues DeShawn. "They didn't have a choice. They're all slaves."

You put a hand on his shoulder. "Let's just get this over with."

You proceed to the pipe, climbing inside. A steady stream of shit water flows down the middle. It smells really, really bad, too.

"Whoo, smells like shit in here," DeShawn comments. As you proceed, a massive turd floats by. Maybe going by the sewer wasn't the best idea.

No, you tell yourself, it was. It was the best way to infiltrate the village without alerting the guards.

Eventually, you make it to the top. There's a ladder that leads to a manhole, and you climb it and then push the cover aside. You poke your head through the opening. There's nobody around, except for a Taliban with an AK-47 slung around him taking a smoke, while pissing on a wall at the same time.

"One there," you say. "Armed."

You ready to quietly take him out.

How do you do the deed?

[1] Suppressed assault rifle headshot
[2] Throw a knife at him
[3] Creep up to him and slit his throat
[4] Grapple-pull him to you and snap his neck

[4] Grapple-pull him to you and snap his neck
[4] Grapple-pull him to you and snap his neck

You put away your HK416. "I got this," you say, and raise your arm. The wrist-mounted grapple activates, deploying a small barbed hook. With a squeeze of your fist the hook is fired out, attached to a hyper-tensile cable. The launch is silent, and the terrorist is still blissfully unaware as he continues to paint the wall with his wee.

Then the cable wraps around his neck, and the man lets out a choked gasp. You pull back, and the cable retracts. The unfortunate man is pulled towards you, his piss spraying through the air. Once he is in reach you grab his head and neck, and with one swift motion, snap it. The man goes limp instantly.

"Tango down," you say, dropping the man's body into the drain, whereupon he joins the steady stream of shit floating towards the river.

You climb out of the drain and to the surface, scanning the area for targets. The rest of your squad follows. You turn to them. "Listen up, guys. We need to head to the comms and plant the jammer. It'll block their signal, so when B-Team starts their attack the Taliban won't be able to call for help."

Your squad nods in understanding. "And the VIPs?" DeShawn asks.

"While the Taliban's distracted we'll look for them," you reply. "Remember where all the safehouses are. Let's move!"

You take point, leading your team through the village. After a short distance you spot the relay towards the edge of the cliff. The radio tower is right in the middle of the village. Jamming one will break the other, cutting both off. The relay's more further away but easier to access. The radio tower's nearer but more heavily-guarded.

You turn to your squad. "Alright, guys. The comms are up ahead," you point to the pair.

Which do you take out first?

[1] Relay station
[2] Radio tower

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