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Active [Southern Fae See] Shady Shrooms


Roleplay Artist
Hello! This rp is set in the Isekai hell universe. Check out our hosted project page if you think you might be interested in joining!

RP Goal:

Succeed in Faazi Merchant Guild Mission to help strike a trade agreement in the Shade of the Fae See.

Shael: Successfully Guide and Protect Euthalia and company on their mission.

Nikita: ??? (Feel free to lmk ooc if have one or some in mind)


Location: Southern Faazi Merchant Guild Trading Outpost, Fae See

Temperature: Cool

Time: Morning

Mentions: Elvario Elvario Karcen Karcen

Euthalia and company had been instructed by The Great Shaamil to congregate at one of the Faazi Merchant Guild’s southern trading outposts because it was on the way toward their final destination The Shade.

Euthalia, Keone, Islwyn, and Nikita would find themselves traveling south for the operation. It was at the outpost which they would meet their guide for them to head into the Shade which Shaamil said would be waiting for them; it had all been written down on a scroll and given to Euthalia before they departed. Success would mean getting paid once again, and opening up more opportunity in the Faazi Merchant guild through an increase of standing.

The journey to the south, thankfully, had gone relatively well. Nobody had tried attacking them and while Nikita got the occasional looks of judgment and or curiosity as to what such a primitive in many eyes of Fae See natives was doing alongside a Diplomat of Euthalia’s caliber, nobody acted out in a way which hindered their process.

Along the way, some of the tall green and purple lizardmen sort which Euthalia, Keone, and Islwyn from last time also accompanied them, carrying scimitars at their sides, and wearing turbans, as an additional form of escort to ensure their safety for the duration of the trip.

This brought them to the current on a forest path, in the distance, a classic marker of the Faazi Merchant Guild outpost could be seen in the form of a sizable tent with a sign denoting their guild. There were other tents there, and a make shift wall which had been erected around the perimeter with presumably more mercenary sorts hanging around to keep the outpost safe and commerce flowing through. With the way it was designed it was pretty apparent the outpost was fairly mobile and could be relocated pretty quickly if need be with the tent set up.

Islwyn who had been keeping close to Euthalia and looking over at her every now and again, smiled a bit.

Islwyn Meadhra
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“{My, Shaamil was certainly in a better mood earlier wasn’t he? The agreement looked more generous than last time, like, he even had the foresight to provide us with some more muscle! I’m sure it thanks to your matchmaking that his spirits have been lifted Euthalia, though, I do hope that his ‘dear Tama’ is still happy with him after all this time together.}”

She’d then look to Nikita, “And how are you holding up? We’re almost there from the looks of things..”

Keone Nagendra


Keone had also been slithering along near Euthalia and Nikita,

“Tch, Euthalia went through all that trouble, he better be treating her right, if he wasn’t It’d be pretty hard for me to stop myself from giving him a piece of my mind, and while I’d also like to think the pay is better just cause Euthalia here made his life better and he’s thanking her, from what I heard of the Shade it’s not exactly a walk in the park, so the point is, the more difficult task is probably means more pay.”

Keone would then look to one of the nearest lizardmen with her eye, a bit curiously, as he looked back like he was about to speak.

He then responded in beastial with a gruff voice,

“<Both of you have fair points, it’s difficult to know sometimes what our..great greatest employer is thinking But I wouldn't mind it too much, valuables are valuables are they not? Coin or gems, I care not.>”

Faazi Merchant Guild Southern Trading Outpost

Shael Xyvern

Just outside of the tent, there was a hooded pale figure who looked like she was waiting for someone, the other lizardmen mercenaries who were around the tent seemed to pay her no mind.

She was holding a scroll which actually looked similar to the one which Euthalia had been holding, and which bared the seal of the Faazi Merchant Guild on the bottom to show that it as in fact formally endorsed by The Great Shaamil himself.

Occasionally the sound of an animal could be heard moving through the woods, the soft whispers of those much smaller and the wind blowing..moving through the trees it was all a bit..idyllic in some ways.

While she waited and looked at the nearby traveling path out front suddenly she’d see who she had been tasked with guiding through the shade and protecting.

Shael promptly approached the group when they got much closer to the tent before giving a bit of a formal bow in the general direction toward Euthalia.

“Greetings, you must be the diplomat who I was sent here by the Faazi Merchant Guild to guide in The Shade, I’m Shael Xyvern, and it’s an honor to work with a diplomat of the Fae See.”

She’d say with a soft smile, in common noticing the diverse group with Euthalia, not sure if they were able to Speak Sylvan or not.

From one adventure to another going further from home than nikita had ever been, well at least in terms of from where she had called home. It was kind of exciting, though the more she wandered with her new friends the more Nikita almost felt aimless. She had never really had time to think about what she wanted to do beyond what work could be done on her home. Now it felt like she had options to chose from and didn't know what to do with it. For now she was good learning things from Euthalia before she decided to really do something with her life if she ever did figure out something to do with it. There was nothing to guard and she knew she wasn't exactly strong so what could she do? wandering around looking for something do didn't seem to be a smart move and no one seemed to be telling her to go away yet.

Half of what Islwyn and keone said Nikita couldn't even understand the other half seemed to reference something that had happened before she had joined, which was well easy that was most of everyone's lives. " i am fine it is drier than i thought it could be" Nikita said nodding her head as well she had always lived either in a tropical area or an island so dryness was not exactly common let alone a truly arid area.

When they came to a lizard person he spoke in a language Nikita couldn't understand she really needed to learn other languages that was a goal a good goal to be able to talk to everyone. Getting to the tent there was a woman, maybe another human though she was pale, not pale like normal people but like book pages or pictures of snow. The woman's hair was also white as white as her skin in fact the only color not white on the woman were her crimson eyes. There were also her clothes but they did little to add to her monochrome nature. The woman at least spoke a language Nikita could understand. though her name sounded a bit odd for a human name, though who was Nikita to judge that?

Nikita did wonder if she should say anything as the woman seemed to just be talking to Euthalia and the others were staying silent. Nikita didn't really know manners so she decided to just do like Islwyn and Keone and wait for Euthalia to speak then maybe introduce herself. This let nikita wonder if she could get some power to understand all languages.
Euthalia Apricot


Heavily self-edited AI generated stuff.
Languages: Common | {Sylvan} | <Beastial>
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Pet Human Karcen Karcen

Being back in her home nation felt good. The trip to Kuridan had left her with mixed feelings. It'd be odd to go outside her nation without Calliope. At the very least she hoped it'd pay off in the end. Another odd thing was the fact that Nikita was tagging along. “If anyone looks at you funny, tell them you're with me or with Iswlyn.” She'd instruct her, as that would drastically reduce the chances of a Fae squashing Nikita like an insect. Then again, she told herself it'd be no bother either way and wondered why she'd care to begin with.

Now, however, she was on another mission for the Faazi Merchant Guild. She wondered if Shaamil was still going strong with Tamarack, but that was no longer any of her business. The eyes that Nikita was getting made her wonder. “Perhaps we should dress you up more.” She debated. Stuffing the Human in some flowery clothing might make her stand out less. “Make you look more like you could be a Fae from a distance.” Then again, that'd probably be for a later date.

She'd nod at what Islwyn was saying. “{If the contract is anything to judge by, I can imagine he's still doing great with Tamarack. Either that, or it went horrible, he's come to blame us and he's luring us all into death and suffering.}” She'd reply. The latter was only partially a joke. “{I'm not looking forwards to entering dark woods again.}” She'd add the real reason she was sort-off reluctant on this whole deal. She had some personal trauma and fears to conquer in that regard.

“Keone's also right. He did seem like he might be a bit stingy for all non-Tamarack... or perhaps even for Tamarack-related business. If he's willing to be generous, it'd be good to assume it's for good reason. Which means we might need to earn it.” She'd sigh. Another reason not to be the most eager to go into those dark woods. Then again, she wasn't going to be alone this time around. “Then again, it should be good experience, good coin and good reputation when we do.” She was still convinced this would be worth it in the end.

She side-eyed the lizard-man. “<Coins are worth little if you're alive enough to spent them or need them all on your healing bills. Though I guess we've got great guards to avoid such trouble.>” She'd reply, mostly just wanting to show off her Beastial, which she'd gotten rather good at after all that time with Calliope.

The woman greeting them surprised her. Lune Elves were truly white as snow, weren't they? It was a tad scary, in a way. If a Sylvari or Dryad gained as little light as to become so pale, it'd be a death sentence. To that extend, it felt like she was looking at someone on the verge of starving to death. Then again, she was a practised diplomat, so she knew how to push such thoughts aside. “Thank you, miss Xyvern. I'm Euthalia Apricot, it's a pleasure to be working with you. These are my aides, Islwyn Meadhra and Keone Nagendra.” She'd introduce the two, only to realise the Human was also still there. “This is Nikita, we found her during a mission in Kuridan and she sort-off just tagged along.” That wasn't the greatest explanation, but it was pretty much exactly what had happened.

Nikita waved as she was introduced as having tagged along. That was true though kind of not true Euthalia hadn't told her to go away or anything and was even talking about buying her new clothes. that was something she hadn't gotten since her parents were killed. She had long taken to fashioning what remained of her old clothes into new clothes that covered less and less skin each time. Really despite what Euthalia said she acted very nice by Nikita's standards and islwyn and keone were nice too. Honestly it was something like trainers grouping up or given they were all with Euthalia a trainer and their pokemon. She still couldn't get it through to the others what the bond between pokemon and trainer had been outside of the battles.

" HI " Nikita said to go along with her wave thinking the formalities were done and she could now just talk. " she's like a trainer " nikita said referencing Euthalia and using only terms the group would understand if barely by accident. Though if Euthiala was the trainer when she would be the pokemon, well she had fought so it made sense.
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Location: Southern Faazi Merchant Guild Trading Outpost, Fae See

Temperature: Cool

Time: Morning

Mentions: Karcen Karcen Elvario Elvario

Islwyn Meadhra
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“Drier? Is that right? glad to hear that you’re otherwise fine then, traveling can come with its own set of challenges. I imagine possibly different ones for a human even, so please feel free to speak up to us if one arises."

“Oh a makeover? Well that certainly sounds like it could be fun~”
Islwyn added in somewhat cheerily when Euthalia brought up the possibility of getting Nikita more clothing.

“I bet there are all sorts of cute things we could dress her up in that’d add some more protection and keep her warmer too.”

“{Well I certainly hope it’s the former as long as they’re both happy as even I know that’ll only benefit the type of work he’s willing to give you if we do this again.}”

“{And don’t you worry, we’re all here for you Euthalia, I know last time was rough, but we’ll get through it together.}”
She’d further add encouragingly knowing full well that dark places where Euthalia had to essentially take supplements to eat to live wasn’t ideal, not to mention any of the possible dangers that came from such a dark environment compared to other areas of the See.

Islwyn nodded at the follow up “{Risk and reward as..some say.}” She paused like she was going to conjure a specific name or group but it didn’t come to her if she had one it looked like.

Keone Nagendra

Keone seemed pleased with how Euthalia received her words.

“Glad someone gets what I’m saying, just making the point that it doesn’t get anyone anywhere good to take things that seem too good to be true and just roll with it, not like I need to remind you of that but still, he’s sending us into an area where he deemed we needed a guide and protection. That alone should tell us we should be more cautious than usual.” Keone further reasoned.

“And if we’re lucky hopefully whoever we’re making deals with will be a bit less eccentric than the greatest.” She’d roll her eye a bit at the thought.
The lizardman snickered after what Euthalia said.

“<Hah, so you do, me and my brothers are hardened by years in the desert, and we are favored by the strong and wise Szaq'thian (Zahk-thee-an) in battle, so worry not, you will be safe with us by your side.>”

Keone raised a brow after he mentioned Szq'thian, but didn't say anything on the matter.

Shael Xyvern

Shael gave a soft smile, and gave Keone and Islwyn respective polite bows, “Salutations to you both as well then, I’ll do my best to ensure you’re able to aid Euthalia in safety then.”

Islwyn looked at Shael and returned a smile.

“I’m sure your services will allow this to go more smoothly.”

Keone looked Shael over more guarded, but also gave a nod of acknowledgement.

Shael then set her eyes on Nikita and while she was a bit surprised to see a human coming along on a diplomatic mission who was apparently sort of just tagging along, Thankfully Shael wasn’t really the most judgemental sort, once she had gotten out and about adventuring in Ryke it had become clear the world was much more than what racial tree designation someone had. Her truth was that not all humans were inherently problematic or nor were they inherently inferior based on what they were for that matter. Even so her mission wasn’t to preach tolerance or congratulations, instead she’d nod.

Giving a bit of a wave to Nikita when she said hi, “A..trainer? While I don’t mean to pry if you find this line of discussion frivolous to the task at hand, but is she studying under you then?” She’d look to Euthalia curiously.

“Regardless, I’ll try my best to make sure you get there safely as well Nikita, looks like I’ll be working with some professionals on the protection front too.” She’d say looking at the lizardmen, getting some grins out of some of them.

Shael made her way over and picked up a satchel of some supplies which she had resting nearby and slung it over her shoulder.

“Well then if you’re ready Miss Apricot, I take it we’re all ready to get a move on then?”

If the group was agreeable Shael gestured for them to follow as they traveled along the path, which went beyond the encampment, the area around the encampment having a deal less of tall vegetation, every now and again small bright bits floating around, presumably some form of tiny life.

Along the way moving down the path Shael spoke up,

“So it would appear…based on the brief I received we’ll be heading to Mycothra, have any of you been there before by any chance? I’m assuming if you had Shaamil probably wouldn’t have felt there was much need for me but it’s a..interesting place. We’ll get to a point in the Shade where we’ll need to descend because Mycothra is actually below ground level, just so we’re all on the same page, but I did bring some supplies provided by Shaamil to make it all a bit more manageable and safer.”

She’d gesture to her satchel.

The lizardmen were busy looking around at the surroundings, two in the back of the group and two toward the front, casually listening to Shael, but not really responding to her.

“Anyway, as a diplomat you must have been to interesting places yourself before, presuming you’re okay with it, if there was anything you’d like to share about some of those experiences I’d be charmed.” Shael said, pretty clearly trying to be sociable.

Ever since she had reunited with Kalina and knew she was okay, she had become more like her older more social self compared to how withdrawn and serious she had been prior and to those that knew her, it had shown.
Over time the forest began to get thicker around them gradually, the occasional forest rustling occurring, as the sound of the wind from time to time blowing against the trees continued as well.

There was a patch of yellow flowers flanking either side of this section of path.

The forest becoming more dense was a good sign as it meant they were getting closer. However as the group continued down the now more naturalistic, flowered looking forest trail, strangely a few soft semi feminine voices could be heard around them speaking in Sylvan and perhaps even some giggling occuring.

This immediately caused Shael to freeze up, keeping her hand near her Eclipse bow.

The Lizardmen also started to survey the area more aggressively, keeping their hands near their scimitars as well.

“{Oh look at that one upright and so bulbous!}

{and those ugly scaly ones}”

“{Another who looks like they haven’t gotten any sun! all sense of elegance lost.}”

“{Even the most presentable one has uprooted herself, and she wants to walk around with a h u m a n}”
The latter word was spelled out.

“{Imagine walking around with a human! I would die from embarrassment!}”

“{I can’t imagine they’ll make it very far with what’s in the woods ahead.}”
words of agreement could be heard as well as more giggling.

The voices sounded somewhat similar and it was hard to hear what direction they were coming from sort of like they were on all directions.

“{Show yourselves.}” Shael spoke bluntly and seriously, however there was no response. Even if the commentary was mundane she didn’t like the words talking about them not getting very far it could be a veiled threat.

“{Not very bright that one is, is she? but when are upright walkers? Must be the lack of sun.}” More giggling could be heard.

Keone also looked around like she was at the ready to engage if need be.

In the distance there appeared to also be a group of what sort of looked like small fireflies approaching.
Euthalia Apricot


Heavily self-edited AI generated stuff.
Languages: Common | {Sylvan} | <Beastial>
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Pet Human Karcen Karcen

She couldn't help sigh upon hearing herself being referenced as 'trainer' like that. Oddly enough, Shael seemed to assume something surprisingly light-hearted. “Trainer seems to be her word for anyone who's like a leader figure.” She'd quickly explain to Shael, before it'd be more badly mistaken and they would think Euthalia had become a slave trainer.

Another sighed follow upon Islwy's suggestions. “{She's already behaving like a pet enough, without you playing dress-up with her.}” She really didn't want to encourage the Human to settle in as their pet more... or did she? Either way, that sounded too much trouble. “Just something that'd make her stand out less would already be enough.”

She'd nod at the others being there, when going into the dark. That was a nice thing. She knew Islwyn wasn't the greatest when alone in the dark either, though that was normally just at night. She wondered what that'd be like when it was dark enough for day and night to be nearly undistinguishable. “{Risks and rewards... yeah.}” She too, wasn't sure who said that, but it sounded somewhat familiar.

“If it's too good to be true, it's probably not true. That's what we've all learned at some point. Either way, let's just be ready to face the worst whilst hoping for the best.” That seemed like the healthiest mindset going into this.

“<Zahk-thee-an?>” She'd ask, wondering about that name. It was unknown to her. “<Either way, glad to have you.>” Making friends with the folk supposed to guard your life was always a smart plan.

“Affirmative.” She'd reply, when asked if they were ready. Now wasn't a good time to linger and get cold feet. She shook her head when asked if she'd been to this 'Mycothra' before. “I haven't. As you might imagine, my species isn't at its... most ideal, in sunless environments.” That was the most tactful way to put it.

“Underground...” Just when she thought it wouldn't get worse. That meant that there would be even less light and that finding a good rooting spot might be difficult as well. It was basically like starting up a form of extreme dieting at this rate. That said, she had grown considerably stronger and she wasn't alone this time around. She wasn't entirely confident, but well, it should work out. Hopefully.

It was a tad surprising when she was asked where she'd been before. “I've been to the Draumur Silva for a while. A rather odd place on the border with Kuridan. Perhaps we'll return there one day to figure out what was wrong with it, as it was a rather intriguing, though perhaps slightly terrifying alternate reality realm. Our first mission for the Faazi guild was in Wmgroth, a surprisingly... non-traditional place. Though not in an unpleasant manner. My first trip out of the nation was to a Ryke village called Faeremeadow, near the border. Where I was sent to have some possible ingredients investigated for potential potion usage.”

The thought upon her meeting with Calliope there was bittersweet. It'd been amazing meeting her, yet that only made it more painful to be apart, with little to no chances of getting back together. She decided go rapid-fire the next few locations. “I grew up on the capital, though I was born in one of our grove's. I've also lived in Refara's Sound for a bit, which is rather gorgeous, though the salt in the air is unpleasant. I've been in a village in Kuridan called Rose Field for a bit...”

She didn't want to think about it for to long, but luckily, something else came to mind. “Have you ever heard of the idol Ophánia "Du Couer Pur"? I've been working as her manager, from time to time. We visited a residence she was trying to make into some sort off café, once.” That was one of her more cheerful stories.

On a more serious note. “I've been in an area near this as well, at least, I think it was. Have you heard of the Lodeli Woods before? I must admit, my time there wasn't the greatest, as I was highly underprepared for how dark it'd be. This time, however, I'm both stronger and better prepared.” Although this time they'd also have it worse, going underground of all places. That bit worried her.

That reminded her, there was one final place of interest. “The last journey was to a drider village, called Yale in Kuridan, where we found her.” She'd state pointing at Nikita. “Anyhow, if any of those capture your interest, we can talk about them more, later.” She'd state, having just given a summary of some of the more interesting places she'd ventured.

She'd chuckle a bit upon hearing the voices. “{Now, now, Humans can be rather awful, but I figured I'd see if I could try tame this one. We can all be a little experimental sometimes, can't we?}” She'd reply to the voices in a language that might suit them. Also using some social skills (To Lead and Inspire!) to appeal to them a bit more.

To Lead and Inspire! – Connect E (The See), Insight E, Leadership E, Persuasion E – character uses the love for their nation and their connection to it to inspire those around them to aid their cause. - Grade E – 1 Post Cooldown

Oddly enough, they seemed to share the same sentiment in that Shael's lack of sun seemed disturbing to them. Even though they were a lot more vocal about it. “{I take it the woods ahead are trouble?}” She'd ask them, wondering if they'd tell her a tad more.
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Nikita didn't know what a makeover was but Islywn seemed to want to give her on so Nikita assumed it was good. The others kept switching to languages that Nikita didn't know and she kind of wondered why there were even multiple languages she didn't think her home had multiple languages. It was very weird that a world where even people from other worlds just knew the language that they had bothered with different ones. Euthalia seemed to be a bit confused Nikita not quite getting what it would seem like to others if they understood what a trainer was or well what calling someone your trainer would seem like. The pale woman wouldn't know what a trainer was and given Euthalia seemed confused to Nikita she would decide to explain.

" Trainers go around and catch and train pokemon." Then she remembered people here didn't have those " Umm things they train things to compete to be the best" She explained not realizing she could make things worse with an even more confusing explanation than it being a teaching thing.

Euthalia would then start talking about a lot of things her past adventures and she seemed to have been on a lot, maybe she was actually stronger than she seemed. Nikita had started to see Euthalia as a trainer in the group the brains while the others were the brawns, but maybe she had just gotten unlucky with having her root tongues torn by the mole things. Then after Ethalia mentioned Vale other voices from nowhere started to talk in the language everyone but here had seemingly been using. " What is everyone saying? " Nikita asked well everyone but her gaze was directed at Euthalia the leader and one she seemed to default to as expecting to to teach her despite honestly it was islwyn that did most of the teaching.
Location: Southern Faazi Merchant Guild Trading Outpost, Fae See

Temperature: Cool

Time: Morning

Mentions: Elvario Elvario Karcen Karcen

Shael Xyvern

“Oh, I see, that’s most curious.” Shael wondered if that’s the term that all people from wherever Nikita was from used.


“Trainer doesn’t usually have such a nice connotation from my experience.” She’d grumble a bit, her arms crossed as she slithered along.

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“Awhh, but Euthalia we could make some fun out of it, like, get some good food and drink, have her try on different things…that’d.be..like totally great!” She’d smile as she expressed the idea before her face shifted to a more neutral one,

“{But, I suuuupose if I have to settle on one cute outfit that doesn’t stand out too much, that’s better then no cute outfit at all.}” She settled on.

It was certainly true on the latter part, Islwyn smiled some when Euthalia repeated back the wisdom she had heard, Euthalia knowing Islwyn well probably knew full well she was putting on a bit more of a brave face than she might otherwise about going into the dark place, to be supportive of Euthalia.

“I mean we’re in it this far already, and I’m not about to start being a quitter now, so yeah, let’s take whatever Shaamil got coming to us on this quest and show the whole guild why you’re a Diplomat of the Fae See.” Keone added sounding surprisingly more encouraging after what Euthalia said.

THe lizard man who had been speaking chuckled some when Euthalia sounded the name out.

“<Szaq'thian, I guess you haven’t been to the West then have you? Szaq'thian is the great protector of those who live in the sands, It is believed that his scales were so tough that no ordinary blade or arrow could pierce them, and that he was so strong that he parted theway for the river unarmed by himself. Not only that but that he acquired much wealth in his time on our plain of living, and did so many great things that he ascended to a divine status after his death.>”

“<We pray and follow him so that we may live up to his name and he will bestow his blessings upon us.>”

Keone didn’t say a word but she did roll her eye a bit as the lizard went on, looking over at him every now and again, it didn’t look like she was all too convinced of whoever this figure who apparently now had a religion was.

“<Your words are taken kindly, even if you are not of scales and sand, I will put in a good word for you to Szaq’thian.>” The lizardman replied to Euthalia.

“{Ah right, Shaamil I believe actually included some additional supplies in here for you should you need it, given your..would dietary needs be appropriate terminology?}” Shael inquired. With the understanding that Euthalia technically ‘ate’ sunlight in a way.

“Cold.” Keone chimed in simply, not sounding the most thrilled at hearing they’d be going underground.

As the group moved along, Shael listened politely, as did Islwyn and Keone, the Lizardmen vigilant and not saying much for the time being.

“Draumur Silva..I went to a rather strange place myself not all that long ago…sort of like a pocket dimension with a lake, and spoke to a most curious lady in the lake..but I suppose those sorts of things just sort of tend to happen in our nation from time to time, no?”

Shael stated regarding the mystery that the magical aspects of the Fae See could bring.

Nontraditional sounded like it could be possibly good as far as Shael was concerned with how rigid and uppity some people could be , maybe she’d need to check out that Wmgroth.

“Ah yes, Ryke! I’ve spent quite a bit of time there, doing adventurer guild work actually, splendid place really in my opinion.” Indeed Shael appreciated the diversity and the opportunities which Ryke presented.

She’d nod when Euthalia mentioned where she had grown up and lived in the past. “I will say the Republic is not a place which I have been too yet, would you recommend going there?” She’d inquire.

“Ophánia "Du Couer Pur"...”

Islwyn parroted softly and warmly with a smile shortly after the name came up.

“Is that right? I do believe I’ve heard of her name in passing before, I was unaware you had that distinction in your repertoire as well, most impressive.” Shael responded, Given how the idol had been quite active in the Fae See and earning pretty lofty titles, it wasn’t unreasonable that Shael had at least heard of her from time to time as points of discussion when she returned to the Fae See.

“Oh the Lodeli woods, yes actually, I have heard of those, sorry to hear the experience wasn’t the best, glad to hear that you’ve prepared yourself a bit more as well for these dark areas.”

“A human alone in Kuridan huh? Interesting, and thank you I appreciate the offer. ”
She’d say the latter part pertaining to Euthalia’s invitation to talk later about places of interest.

Shael titled her head a bit and looked toward her when Nikita said a trainer was someone who went around, and ‘caught and trained’ ‘pokemon’ not really having any idea what she was talking about.

“You mean like..those people who raise monsters and animals and train them to work like a team?” Shael asked somewhat confused.

“And what’s…this ‘poke-mon?’” She’d ask further more.

As either Keone or Islwyn looked like they might have something to say on the matter of what a ‘pokemon’ was, it wasn’t long after this point that the flowers had started talking.


“{You can say that again!}” One exclaimed at her mention humans can be awful, followed by more mass giggling after.

“{You think it’s worth trying to tame one! That’s a tall ask!}”

“{Sounds like a silly goal if you ask me!}”
Another one chimed in

Another flower spoke up,

“{I guess in the same way a quickling can tame flies!}” Sounding slightly more agreeable.

Keone still had a bit of a scowl going from the comment that one of the flowers presumably made about her.

“{Yes Yes! There is trouble, we saw a group of Hollowkin who looked upset earlier! There were lots of them!}”

“{Why exactly we have not seen but you better be careful, we think you are heading to the Shade if you are going that way and that’s where it looked like the Hollowkin were headed!}”

Shael looked more relaxed when she realized it was just the flowers who had been speaking, but she had a bit of a semi annoyed frown with what the flowers had been saying prior to the information they were giving.

“{Again? Really..these flowers seem to rarely have anything nice to say.}” That had been her experience the two times she’d spoken to these things.

However she looked a bit more concerned when she heard about the Hollowkin.

Islwyn and Euthalia in particular besides Shael would probably understand (Presuming Elvario agrees) that the Hollowkin are small spirits who tend to hang out in sizable groups on and around specific plants depending on their preferences, and the fact that they are upset suggests there’s a possible greater disturbance ahead.

“{Well..thanks for the information, We’ll have to be on the look out, perhaps you can use those smooth speaking skills to settle them down if there’s a need for it.}”

Shael then looked to Nikita and the lizard men assuming Nikita might not speak the fae language. "There are these plant spirits which are on the [smaller] side of things and some look probably about as pale as me, known as Hollowkin, and apparently a large group was upset and headed the way we're heading..if you hear them rattling their heads and they're getting near you, you should stand back, the sound they produce sort of sounds like the wind blowing through the trees.."

There would be some time to ask some more questions of the flowers or discuss plans moving ahead if so desired.
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Euthalia Apricot


Heavily self-edited AI generated stuff.
Languages: Common | {Sylvan} | <Beastial>
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Pet Human Karcen Karcen

Her pet Human clearly needed more training. Her still going on and on about pokemon wouldn't cut it. “{She seems to be from another world or something, as she keeps going on and on about these pokemon and trainers and competing. I don't get it either.}” She'd explain to Shael. “{I've been trying to get her to stop it, but she seems to be very stuck on these words and on explaining them.}”

As for what everyone was saying, she'd just 'smile' at the Human. “Don't worry, it's nothing you should be concerned with.” She'd reply. “Perhaps one day you'll learn our language. For now, just enjoy the scenery.” She'd note, not wanting to deal with it. “Keone's right though. Trainer can be misunderstood as something bad. Like I said, it doesn't work like that here.”

She sighed at Islwyn's words. “I'm not stopping you, but I'm not joining you either. You'll also have to pay up or charm folk for discounts as I don't want to splurge on such things.” She'd add, giving Islwyn at least some room to have her fun, but making it clear she herself wasn't all that hyped for dressing up their pet Human.

A smile formed at Keone's encouragement. “Thanks. Let's do just that.” She realised that, in a way, she might be redeeming herself. Getting to go into a dark forest again, yet this time with the means and spirit to conquer it.

“<I have not.>” She'd confirm not having been to the West. There was one thing that confused her. “<If he's specifically the protector if those in the sands, would he even extend his blessings into the forests we're heading into?>” That sounded odd. “<No offence, but calling upon the divine protector of our nation, the Spirit King, might be more logical.>” She legit didn't understand their reasoning. “<Although I do understand the appeal of praying to someone that elevated himself into godhood.>”

“{He did?}” She asked, surprised Shaamil would have preparations like that. “{I guess he's rather serious about this.}” At least that meant it wasn't just a way to make her go through torturous conditions, in that case. “{Appropriate enough, yes. It'd be better than 'feeding habits' at least.}” She'd add, regarding the terminology.

Regarding the Daumer Silva, she nodded. “Indeed.” Magic pocket dimensions were to be expected in the See. “I... Hmm. Ryke isn't the worst, though I definitely prefer our own nation, where the magic and nature feel more aligned with its citizens.” As for Kuridan, she'd nod. “I would, it's more natural than Ryke and its citizens are more comprehensible. Primitive to a degree and unwise in the ways of magic, perhaps, but in an understandable and likeable manner.” She'd voice her thoughts on that nation.

As for the plants, those were surprisingly easy to deal with. Perhaps a kinship. “{A tall ask indeed, but someone's got to try at least once, no?}” She'd reply. “{Can't we all be silly from time to time?}” She'd add. Pandering a tad bit to the flowers normally brought out the information, she'd learned.

As it did now. “{Hollowkin? That is concerning.}” She'd click her tongue. “{Thank you kindly for the warning.}” She'd smile at the flowers. “{May your roots find fertile soil and your leaves be graced with sunlight.}” She gave them a traditional Sylvan greeting.

Turning to Shael, she shook her head. “{They were nice enough to warn us about dangers ahead. Their methods of doing so might be insulting to some, but I would not recommend paying heed to it. It's simply their way of interacting with those so vastly different than them.}” As someone stuck between 'plan' and 'animal' in a sense, she could fully understand how such vastly different ways of being might clash.

“Islwyn's the real smooth-talker here.” She'd refer to her companion's [Social Metagaming]. “Though I can also see what I can do. As another plant-based lifeform, I shall see what I can do.”

She looked a the lizard-folk. “<When we encounter the Hollowkin, would you please give me and Islwyn a chance to resolve things peacefully and stay back for a bit? You might scare them into becoming aggressive otherwise.>” She asked of them. “And Nikita, please don't start talking about pokemon and trainers to them.” She'd add, fearing the Human might just go on about all that all over again.

" Pretty much " nikita said nodding Shael it seemed got it though not what pokemon were, but no one did and no one got what trainers were. Well at least Shael got it mostly better than the others who seemed always default to this slave thing. Nikita didn't really get why everything had to default to slavery. Euthalia pretty much had her own team right now and no one was a slave, though maybe that was a bad way to look at it. Still they were all with euthalia who at least to Nikita was guiding them thus making her in that way the groups trainer.

Nikita shrugged as Ethalia reminded her trainers were not a thing and it could be misunderstood. it was just hard to adjust to how a new world worked and how the people did things. People just didn't get it like she didn't get this world. " If they do i don't mind " She replied if people thought she was Euthalia's slave what was the harm in that? it wasn't like she was going to actually treat her like one and well if slaves were like pokemon here then Nikita had already fought for her once. " We already had our first battle so it might be true enough if that's how it works here" She continued being rather casual about it.

Then everyone started babbling again in another language leaving nikita to most look around figuring out the flowers were talking. Though how they talked she didn't know they looked like flowers not like plant people like Euthalia did. They didn't have anything a plant shouldn't so it was really confusing how they managed to make sounds at least all pokemon had some form of mouth to make a noise. Well not all but they were exceptions. Shael explained the plants were ghost types or there were ghost types in the plants that were talking so she guessed it made sense

" Ghost types are spooky so okay ... though they might not say anything i can understand so i wouldn't know if they wanted to know more " Nikita chuckled having realized the latter only as she spoke as right now she couldn't really understand anything anyone said unless they spoke the common language. Well it would make not talking about pokemon easier. For not being a trainer Euthalia did act like one.
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Location: Southern Faazi Merchant Guild Trading Outpost, Fae See

Temperature: Cool

Time: Morning

Mentions: Elvario Elvario Karcen Karcen

Shael Xyvern

“{Is that right? I see, well that would certainly give these strange unfamiliar terms some additional context, I wonder why she wishes to keep speaking on them, but unfortunately your traveling companion is correct that trainer doesn’t always have the best connotation.. So I can certainly see your concern for it being brought up at inopportune times.}”

Since Euthalia had told her in sylvan she figured she’d respond in such.



“Pfft, You can say that again.”

Keone added in after Euthalia spoke on the matter.

“That’s a relief.” Shael responded when Nikita clarified that her thoughts had been correct that it was more like those people she knew who trained domesticated animals or even lesser monsters.

Screenshot 2023-03-05 at 4.34.35 PM.png

Islwyn, “Awh, really? You don’t want to join even if it’s with lil ol’ me?” Islwyn gave Euthalia a somewhat exaggerated innocent pleading face, before looking to Keone with the same, to which Keone rolled her eye,

“What are you looking at me for?” Keone scoffed.

“You too Keone?” Islwyn pouted a bit after that point.

However eventually she giggled some, “That much I know I can do.” She responded referencing the charming folk bit.

“I’m sure you’ll both come around eventually.” She’d then say with a bit of a playful smirk.

“Yeah yeah..”

Keone’s expression then shifted into a bit of a smile at Euthalia’s acknowledgement, giving a nod of acknowledgement to her response.

The lizardman looked back at Euthalia.

“<Szaq'thian is with me and my brothers always whether we travel in the sands or not, I have put my full faith in him.>” He sounded pretty serious in his religious conviction to Euthalia.

“<offense is not taken, but It is unlikely I will be praying to others who are called divine.>” He did not elaborate further on why that was the case but one might assume that whatever he was practicing may not allow him to partake in prayer or worship for the Spirit King.

“<I’m glad you agree that it’s an inspiring tale even so.>”

Shael nodded when Euthalia mentioned Shaamil having preparations.

“{Indeed it seems he is, he seemed to have a good opinion of you and your abilities when he spoke of you to me, which may also be why.}”

Shael smiled a bit softly and nodded at the terminology response from Euthalia.

“Unwise in magic? I wasn’t aware there was nearly as much magic to be unwise with among the beast people to be honest.”

Which statistically was true at least, there were far fewer magic users in beast majority nations and the vast majority of those who were needed catalysts to do much of anything.

Shael could understand why Euthalia would like the Fae See better, she imagined most Fae from the Fae See would, as Shael assumed Euthalia probably wouldn’t care for Ryke in the same ways that she did, knowing full well that racial diversity and tolerance wasn’t exactly seen as a benefit for many Fae.


“{It’s not hard being silly when you have a human looking like that with you!}” More giggling could be heard.

“{I guess if someone’s going to do it a Sylvari isn’t the worst choice for the task}” Another flower spoke up.

By the time that Euthalia was thanking the flowers, Islwyn also chimed in giving a bit of a curtsey gesture, “{Yes, thank you kindly for your help, it will not be forgotten.}

“{Right, Thank you.}” Shael also added simply enough.

“{Maybe they aren’t as strange as we thought.}”

“{You’re welcome!}”

Keone still wasn’t looking the most thrilled at whatever she had heard one of them say from the looks of things, abstaining from saying much of anything to them.

Shael let out a bit of a soft sigh, when Euthalia responded to her that way.

“{I suppose you’re right, I should be thankful that they helped us at all, I just think this realm as a whole would be an awful lot more peaceful if more people could just learn to be kinder to one another in general despite differences.}”

Islwyn smiled when Euthalia praised her social gaming ability, “Awh, thanks Euthalia~”
She took the praise well.

“{Is that right? Very well then, I hope should it come to it we can have a peaceful resolution then, thank you.}”

The lizardfolk who had been most talkative so far, who looked a tad more ornate than the other ones with an amber gem in his turban nodded

“<Very well, I’ll instruct them to let you fae handle it then, we’re here to fight if we need too after all not help with the talks.>”

He looked to the other lizard guys and the other three gave nods of acknowledgement.

“Ghost..type..spooky? I’ve never heard of someone raising ghosts..but I suppose it’s possible.” Shael replied reflectively at Nikita’s words.

Keone tilted her head curiously and gave a look when Nikita said 'ghost type'.

“I..Think Euthalia is quite right there..Nikata, for simplicity’s sake it might be good if you don’t start telling the Hollowkin about..those things they’re already in an heightened upset state if we are to believe what our..friends of the field told us.”

“Right, don't worry about a thing dear, we’ll handle the talking if we encounter the Hollowkin.” Islwyn gave Nikita a bit of a wink and smile.
At that point the group was able to move onward, and as they did after some time the light which made it’s way through the trees became less and less, Keone slithered along close to Euthalia and Nikita looking vigilant, while Islwyn moved casually along side Euthalia also looking around every now and again.

The four lizard guards sort of had a pillar box formation flanking both sides of the traveling group in pairs.

When it started to get really dense, Shael eventually pulled out some pale glowing crystals affixed to wooden rods, and handed them out like torches to those who didn’t have darkvision like her.

“These should help light the way..”

Meanwhile Shael took the front and guided as the woods became denser, the paths less apparent to someone who hadn’t been to the shade before.

“As..I imagine most of you could tell we’ve pretty well crossed over into the border of the Shade now..”

“{So…this is the Shade..it’s pretty.. peaceful.}” Islwyn spoke seemingly trying her best to just be polite given the more difficult terrain and her feelings on darkness, getting even closer to Euthalia at this point.

“<Cold.>” Keone said plainly again, not sounding the most enthused.

The Lizard guy with the more ornate turban looked to her and nodded, “<Stay here long enough and it’ll start to feel like night on the sands…>” Which was to say the least pretty chilly sometimes.

Despite the landscape darker, and vegetation thicker, Euthalia probably recognized some plants which much preferred very little sunlight along the way on the forest floor.

The occasional small yellowy or orange glowing speck could be seen flying around, and sometimes the group began to pass pretty sizable glowing mushrooms as they went deeper and deeper, some glowing interesting fluorescent almost neon like hues, blues, oranges, and greens, and as these mushrooms became more frequent, sometimes seen growing more horizontally on the very tall trees in more of plate forms.

Shael eventually turned to the others and smiled, “Believe it or not this is a good sign, it means we’re getting much closer to Mycothra.”

However..it wasn’t all that long before, suddenly the ground beneath them started to shake somewhat violently..animals could be heard shifting in the plantation due to the shaking, birds squawking and flying away.

Islwyn let out a yelp before regaining her composure, the Lizardmen stumbled slightly before getting their footing and then reached for their scimitars, Euthalia would also feel herself having somewhat of a hard time staying upright properly with the shaking, meanwhile Shael looked alarmed and shifted her weight into a combat stance, drawing her bow out.

Eventually the shaking stopped..and Shael was just still and listened, the group on high alert..after a prolonged silence Shael let out a small sigh of relief,

until suddenly, a group of at least 30 or so hollowkin began to make their way quickling down from the trees, and from under some of the large floor level plants, glowing slightly in the dark, their ‘faces’ having one to-three dark holes which sort of almost looked eyes and or mouth like at times, otherwise smooth, some of them had what sort of looked like ethereal flower pedals around their heads, others tree leaves, and a few even looked more mushroom like with the tops of their heads, they were semi-transparent as well, with [small] smooth bodies, and stubby limbs.

Some looked pale like shael, other’s greenish hues, and other colors which matched plants, some more colorful than others, and they were currently heading toward the group, and what they had in common was that their heads were all shaking violently like they were upset in some capacity, making a rattling sound which sounded like wind blowing through the trees, but all together it was more like what one might think a gale wind sounded like going through the forest.

“Oh dear, Nikita Stay close to us.” Shael instinctually said, looking at the group.
Euthalia Apricot


Heavily self-edited AI generated stuff.
Languages: Common | {Sylvan} | <Beastial>
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Pet Human Karcen Karcen

She sighed when Nikita said it didn't matter if people thought she was her slave. “I do.” She'd reply, as it'd just get annoying. “Well... I guess we did.” It seemed this girl was truly dedicated to the whole 'pokémon' perspective. Perhaps she should turn it around? “So, does that mean you'd mind me trying to 'train' you either?” Honestly, at this point, she might as well see if she could somehow turn a '' Human' of all things, into a handy assistant.

“Don't worry, these aren't scary.” She'd tell the kid. “They just need a more specific approach, to so say. Just let us do the talking and it'll be fine.” She wasn't sure why she cared to reassure Nikita, but so she did.

She'd nod at Shael. “{Who knows, perhaps I can slowly train her to call it teacher or something instead.}” The irony was there, but with how stubborn Nikita seemed to be, she had few other options.

“<I see.>” She'd simply reply to the lizard-folk, not sure how much of their deity's blessing would carry them in the Spirit King's domain. Yet she decided it wasn't important enough to question, or spark a religious debate over.

It was surprising to learn Shaamil still thought of her as useful/worthy, but that was probably a good thing. “{That is good to know, thank you.}” She'd reply.

“I believe it's the beasts in the West Empire that have some surprisingly advanced magic, be it the seals or their Edicts.” She'd reply. “Though, yes, I do not think Kuridan itself is all that focused on it.”

“{Fair enough.}” She'd reply to the plants, regarding her Human companion. “{Then again, there's many worse options among them, no?}” As for 'Sylvari' not being the worst, she'd just nod. “{Thanks again.}” She'd already given them the traditional greeting, so she'd abstain from just repeating herself.

As for Shael. “{I'm pretty sure the whole world would be more peaceful that way. It'd probably also help to finally focus everyone on getting rid of monsters.}” She'd add, regarding the one universally hated plague.

It didn't take long before they'd enter a 'food-shortage' area, with little to no light around. “{It surely honours its name.}” She'd say, with how much shade there was. Between herself needing Sunlight to 'eat', Islwyn not having the greatest time in the dark and Keone wanting sunlight for warmth, it seemed like her whole group was going to be annoyed in this place. Yet, well, the mission called them here...

“<Night on the sands? Does it cool down a lot?>” She'd ask the lizard, before chuckling and looking at Keone. “<Guess you're lucky we brought Nikita, no?>” She'd say, recalling the snake had already coiled the Human for warmth once before.

“Right.” She'd nod, regarding getting closer to Mycothra. Mushrooms were a tad scary, as some could be parasitic on her species. Even with healing, wards and medicine against it, the idea of having mushroom spore get onto her and start growing on her was definitely iffy at best. She'd best keep distance where possible.

“{Spirit King Guide Us.}” She'd spoke silently, seeing just how agitated and plentiful these Hollowkin were, before taking a deep breath and stepping forwards, keeping her hands up in a disarming manner. “{Peace be with you, friends. Please, would you not tell us what has irked you, so that we might help resolve it?}” She'd keep her words simple, hoping to do enough (using To Lead and Inspire!).

To Lead and Inspire! – Connect E (The See), Insight E, Leadership E, Persuasion E – character uses the love for their nation and their connection to it to inspire those around them to aid their cause. - Grade E – 1 Post Cooldown

" No not really you already do that " Nikita said as well in a way Euthalia was training her more or less though it was mostly about the world. She kept bringing up terms form her world because well that was all she knew. it was hard to really put it all in words and explain why she used them. " It would be really hard to be in this world without help" She continued as to her that was what it would mean to train to help her grow. It was a complex thing she didn't know the right words to use, but so far the tamers Shael had mentioned were close enough.

As they went deeper into the cave Nikita had to agree with Keone that it was cold, though she had a little bit of an easier time, not being half snake Well she assumed that was what Keone had said as she got cold easy and seemed to be acting like it was so Nikita had a new word. Nikita had gone into caves before and that was where some really annoying pokemon lived, for once she really was happy there were no pokemon. Still things had to live in caves, or did they? Nikita didn't know much about how life in caves worked in this world, things could run off magic here. nikita by now had figured out magic wasn't some advanced technology but something else that she really couldn't explain. her words again were lacking as was her understanding of the world.

The darkness of the cave was alleviated by strange glowing mushrooms and Nikita really just wondered if she could eat them. Mushrooms could be good to eat but they could be really bad like with parasect. The the world started to shake and Nikita didn't have a shovel to hold and swing wildly at whatever might come close. She also wondered if she should go in front, if Euthalia wanted to be a trainer then Nikita should do the fighting and let Euthalia direct her. It was a bit overly one to one to a pokemon, but well Nikita had no battle experience, well she had beat up a mole. Shael however, said she shoudl stay close and while Nikita was torn on what to do, Euthalia going forward and talking assured her that she should just stay close to the others and let Euthalia do whatever she was doing. Still Nikita was being rather vigilant wanting to be ready if she needed to jump in to help Euthalia if the ghost type things weren't going to be friendly.

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