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Finished [Southern Fae See] Shady Shrooms Part 2


Roleplay Artist
Hello! this rp is a continuation of Finished - [Southern Fae See] Shady Shrooms Part 1

RP Goals:

Succeed in Faazi Merchant Guild Mission to help strike a trade agreement in the Shade of the Fae See.
Desired Outcome: Obtain an See of Chearon Diplomacy Asset'

Shael: Successfully Guide and Protect Euthalia and company on their mission.

Nikita: Assist Euthalia

Location: Mycothra, The Shade, Fae See

Temperature: Cool

Time: Morning

Mentions: Elvario Elvario Karcen Karcen

Shael Xyvern

Shael nodded in agreement at Euthalia’s assessment of what could make things shake.

Sporfynn thankfully just nodded and seemed unbothered by what Nikita had to add.

Sporfynn was also agreeable to what Euthalia had to say, not having more to say on the matter after wishing her good luck and inviting them in, instead giving a nod and another wave when she thanked him.

The guards let out some chuckles at hearing what Nikita had to say.

“Yes I am sure you protect her very well human, you are so large and strong.” The left guard said.

The guard on the right looked a bit more puzzled when she said that they should let people of all kinds see their home because it was ‘cool’.

“{Well of course, Architecture in Mycothra is the best, who wouldn’t want to live in one of these?}” the left guard responded with a nod, sounding surprisingly more agreeable to what Nikita had to say.

At what Euthalia had to say, the right guard spoke up again, “{Oh you didn’t say you were one of those experimental types, those types of projects sounds pretty optimistic if you ask me, but I guess like you said if she’s a pet and has been in the wild maybe it’s more doable.}”

The left guard then spoke up, “{...Perhaps you make a point about beasts, at the very least they are better than human.}”

Keone rolled her good eye again at hearing this development from the guard, keeping her arms crossed while staying near Euthalia and Nikita.

However she side eyed Euthalia and smiled some when she heard her mention that she thought that she was useful.

Islwyn smiled not long after, before her expression was a tad more serious as Euthalia explained why she didn’t appreciate being stopped and questioned by the guards.

“{She’s right you know, while I understand your perspectives, I think it’s like, fair to say you both are here to keep whose in that office safe right? He already knew we were coming, so maybe next time you could..take into consideration that it isn’t unusual for a diplomat of all people to have a diverse group traveling with them.}”

“{Now then, I don’t think you’ll want us telling him about how poorly we were received as we're here for business prospects now that you know who we are and why we're here for certain right?}”
She’d further add,

This actually made the two guards change their stance, looking a bit more concerned when Islwyn mentioned that.

“{No..of course..please Miss Apricot come right in, our apologies, we meant nothing by it, we just wanted to make sure everything was proper..}” The right guard spoke.

The left guard nodded, “{Yes Proper..like we were saying it’s just so uncommon for foreigners to visit Mycothra..we really meant no offense.}” They’d quickly add.

The lizard man turban leader then spoke up, “{Quite right, beasts are much better than humans..}” Leaving it at that much rather than getting more specific it seemed.

Regardless the mushroom guards parted and the door to the tree opened up finally, allowing the group to pass.

On the interior was what looked like a lobby with a front desk, some simple chairs made up of what appeared to be mushroom matter lined the walls, as well as some scrolls placed on a small table, perhaps for browsing while waiting. There were some smaller colorful bioluminescent mushrooms for decoration for good measure, hanging from the ceiling.

At the front of the desk was yet another mushroom looking person.

Desk Shroom

“{Oh salutations, you must be the ones with the Faazi Merchant Guild who came to see Myco Mossveil, He’s been expecting you, please head up stairs, he heard from Shaamil that he was to expect your arrival around this time.}”

Shael looked a bit curious at this statement, did that mean that Shaamil had somehow been in contact at long distance, more quickly than she had initially thought, or was he just eerily good at predicting timing and was great at that like everything else according to him?

“{Thank you..sir we’ll do that then.}” She’d look to Euthalia and look to the door to the right which presumably lead to the stair case, she’d go ahead and open it for the rest of the group and gesture for them to go ahead of her.

The door revealed a winding staircase that went up the tower, further illuminate by more of the same types of mushrooms in the lobby area, leading up to a platform with yet another door, presumably going to his office. The group would need to become more like a line to get up the stairs, the lizards taking the front and back to continue their protection, while Shael stayed near the back.

After journeying up the stairs, Keone slithering along doing her best, Islwn gracefully going up them, Shael with focus following, and the lizardfolk not having much trouble given how athletic they were given how many stairs there were, eventually they reached the platform.

“So..how do you want to go about this?...”

Shael would ask softly before they entered, figuring that Euthalia might have a social strategy she’d want to use, or had an idea of who should do what to make this as successful as possible before actually talking to the guy.

There was a period of time to plan before entering which could be capitalized on for the group it was safe to say.
Character Goal: Improve See of Chearon Diplomacy Asset F => E, if obtained in grading for part 1, otherwise obtain it now.

Euthalia Apricot


Heavily self-edited AI generated stuff.
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Nikita Karcen Karcen

Oddly enough, the guard bullying Nikita replied in common, whilst the guard agreeing with her replied in Sylvan. So Euthalia sighed, quickly translating. “He agrees as said their architecture is the best.”

She'd turn to the right guard herself. “{I'm normally not, but this pet project came running to me. So I figured I might as well attempt to take it on, no?}” That was true enough, all things considered. She'd nod at the left guard. “{Indeed.}” Was all she figured she'd reply with.

It seemed like Islwyn was already putting on the pressure, which was neat. It meant Euthalia wouldn't have to play the 'Karen' in this exchange. “{Very well, you're forgiven.}” She'd state upon their apologies. Though after entering, she'd flash Islwyn a smile and whisper “{nice one}” to her.

By now the fungal folk were no longer surprising her all that much. It didn't make it any more comfortable for her, but at least she suppressed it better. “{Nice meeting you. Very well.}” It seemed this one was particularly efficient, especially compared to the guards just now. Seeing how she was let in and sent upwards in one go.

She felt bad for Keone. Stairs weren't ideal for her, spiral ones being even worse. Yet the snake managed. Euthalia herself just had to bend down on the occasion due to how tall she was. As for how she wanted to go about this... “Introduce ourselves first. Ask him about the mission. Then let him do most of the talking first. See if there's any in there that we can relate to the Hollow-kin. Ask critical questions once he's said his say.”

She looked at the others. “Nikita, perhaps it's best you mostly stay silent.” The Human probably wasn't going to be of much use in a diplomatic encounter like this. The same would go for Keone, but she knew that already. Just like how she assumed Islwyn knew to be on stand-by. She didn't want to speak for Shael. So that'd already cover everyone. “With how little we know about our assignment or about how the Hollow-kin tie into it, I'd say that's about the best we can do to prepare.”

Nikita nodded as the one mushroom person said she was big and strong as she was one of those things. Nikita in truth held far more strength than her thin small build would lead one to think. The fact this was a insult seemed to go right over her head, sge also just kind of ignored it and decided it was a complement. The other agreed with her it seemed or so Eithalia said and Nikita trusted Euthalia to be honest with her. Still why only one was speaking common she didn't know.

As they went in everyone spoke in the language that she only knew how to say her name in. She was just following along and trying not to get in the as well this was serious and she didn't really know of the mushroom people beyond could speak common. Still Nikita wanted to do something to help. She couldn't do much so what did pokemon that weren't good at fighting do? They helped their trainers in other ways.

" Okay I can't really understand any of it." Nikita agreed it would be different if she could sge would likely just talk without understanding turns and such. " If you get nervous ir annoyed you can pet or hold me to calm down " Nikita offered trying to help in her way.
Location: Mycothra, The Shade, Fae See

Temperature: Cool

Time: Morning

Mentions: Elvario Elvario Karcen Karcen

The right guard had shrugged before giving Euthalia a neutral nod.


Islwyn gave Euthalia a knowing smile back and then winked discretely without saying a word having heard her say nice one softly already.

The desk mushroom gave Euthalia a respectful nod of acknowledgement when she said nice meeting them.

While Keone wasn’t thrilled to be going up the stairs as it was apparent it was harder for her snakey form to navigate, she did manage, even if the expression on her face was somewhat annoyed on the way up.

In comparison Shael and Islwyn were doing much better, even the lizardfolk going up rather effortlessly, their enhanced athleticism no doubt helpful.

When everyone reached the platform,

Shael Xyvern

Shael listened carefully to what Euthalia’s strategy was going to be moving forward.

Islwyn and Keone also appeared to be focused on Euthalia’s words.

“That’s sweet of you Nikita.” Shael said with a small smile to Nikita,

“I’m certain there are those of us here who appreciate your offer, however I do think that listening to Euthalia will be ideal, we do not know how this Myco Mossevali will take to humans unfortunately.”

Islwyn nodded, “Understood, I’ll support only if it seems right.” She said with a smile.

Keone also added, “I think I’ll just ssstay quiet too given his employee’s attitudes..”

Upon the door opening a Mushroom person stood there who looked as mushroomy as any other, however the way they walked and carried themselves suggested some age.

Myco Mossevali

“{Greetings Diplomat Euthalia Apricot, please please, come in, feel free to bring your friends, we have much to discuss.}” He spoke.

Upon entering, The elder's office had occupied a domed chamber within the cap of a towering mushroom, its walls faintly glowing with bioluminescent streaks that had illuminated the space in a soft, golden hue. The air had been rich with the earthy scent of moss and mycelium, enhanced by the faint sweet aroma of spore incense that had wafted from a carved stone censer.

A massive desk, fashioned from a single polished mushroom stalk, had dominated the room, its surface cluttered with parchment, quills, and glass jars of vibrant spores. Shelves carved into the curving walls had held ancient tomes bound in leather and spore-dusted scrolls, interspersed with jars of preserved fungi and glowing crystals. A cluster of soft, mushroom-cushion seating had surrounded a low, spindly table set with steaming cups of herbal brew. Overhead, delicate threads of mycelium had hung like a natural chandelier, sparkling faintly with captured light. The atmosphere had hummed with a quiet energy, as though the room itself had been alive, pulsing gently with the rhythm of the fungal network that had sustained it.

“{I know who you are, but who is this entourage? Shaamil told me there would be Lizardfolk and an Elf as well as a snake and hoofed one so please feel free to introduce yourselves..but..who is this? I will dare say I don’t thinks she understands this refined tongue..}” he’d gesture to Nikita.

“{We are blades for hire.}” The lizardfolk leader spoke.

“{Keone Nagendra.}” Keone spoke plainly.

Islwyn gave a bit of a curtsey,

“{Islwyn Meadhra, it’s an honor to meet you Elder Mossevali, I’m certain with your experience and mind this will be a most productive and mutually beneficial conversation~}” She’d flash him a warm smile.

Tapping into

  • Charm – Seduction D, Control Environment F – Character attempts to charm others. - Grade D – 2 Post Cooldown
The control environment making the space a bit more pleasant around Islwyn, that of a fresh mossy note, which she thought he might appreciate.

“{My, I didn’t know you were already buying some of our local perfumes..I certainly approve.}” The village elder sounded like he was interested in more than just talking with Islwyn with the tone he used. It seemed to take his attention from Nikita well enough at first at least.

“{And as you heard prior, I am Shael Xyvern, Guide. Thank you for inviting me in, I am humbled.}” Shael gave the village elder a respectful bow
Euthalia Apricot


Heavily self-edited AI generated stuff.
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Nikita Karcen Karcen

“Right...” She spoke to Nikita, confused about the random and not all that appealing offer. It wasn't like they'd already bathed together or something in this timeline. Touching Humans was definitely not appealing to her. Even if they were otherwise more bearable than most.

With what little strategy they had to discussed having been discussed, she headed in. She'd allow the elder to speak first, after which she'd take a bow. “{It's an honour, mister Mossevali.}” She'd state, as it seemed introductions weren't in order. He already knew who she was and her companions had introduced themselves.

She'd allow her eyes to wander across the room for a moment. It it wasn't for the moss and fungi, she might've actually liked it. Right now, however, she'd rather stick near the centre. It seemed the elder did ask after Nikita. “{She's a pet project I picked up along the way. I'm trying to train her in our ways.}” She'd explain her presence.

It seemed Islwyn helped start them off on the right tone. That was good. Even so, she didn't want too waste too much time. They had a lot to discuss, after all. Yet before they could, she wanted to know what they were even here for, lest her plans with Hollowkin would interfere with her current mission. “{I must admit, however, sir, that mister Shaamil has not informed me of what our mission here would entail.}” Hopefully that'd prompt him to tell them what they were even here for.

Well Euthalia didn't say no, so Nikita took that as a yes if she felt the need she would. That was about as much as Nikita could ask for as well right now she kind of just stood there listening to others talk in a language she couldn't understand.

" i'll be good sheal say nothing i have been begin good " Nikita insisted to Sheal as well she hadn't been demanding anyone talk in common around her she had just kind of listened.

She would prove this as she was pretty sure, or well she was completely sure the boss mushroom had been talking about her being here and she didn't say anything despite being sure. She just stayed quiet again this might be only because she couldn't understand what the mushroom man was saying. If she could understand she would have the urge to respond to answer any question or comment he had said. She did wish she understood more she would have to learn more latter. She in a way wanted to help to say something to help Euthalia that was why she had offered to try to reduce the plant woman's stress in the only way she knew how. she wouldn't mind it if it helped. That would only be if the mushroom man made her stressed and so far things seemed good.
Location: Mycothra, The Shade, Fae See

Temperature: Cool

Time: Morning

Mentions: Elvario Elvario Karcen Karcen
Myco Mossevali

The elder shroom nodded when Euthalia said it was an honor, the lizard guards stayed to the side of the room respectfully while the group spoke.

“{A pet project…}” The elder thought before he looked to Nikita and spoke in a common, “So what is it like being a pet to a fae, Human?” Chuckling a bit to himself sounding entertained before continuing,

“{Right then, I hope that you get what you want out of this project then.}”

“{Oh he hasn’t? That’s curious, I thought he would have by now, it’s no matter a diplomat is a diplomat, and if he thinks you’re good enough for this job then I have faith you’ll be able to handle it too..}”

Shael Xyvern

Shael listened diligently to what the elder had to say next, before she whispered to Nikita,

“They’re about to talk about why we’re here.”

Before she refocused politely.

Keone and Islwyn also focused on what Mr. Mossevali had to say.

“{Very well then I’ll start from the beginning. Mr Shaamil and myself are business partners as you might imagine, he provides me valuables from around the realm which I find most desirable and beneficial for the village. Meanwhile we have all sorts of unique and valuable life which only grows in this part of the Shade of the Fae See which has value to him and his guild. One of these goods we trade in particular to Shaamil are called Crystalis Caps…they very often fetch the best goods in return to him, however there is one caveat to this good, and that is that it must be obtained via mining.}”

Myco paused briefly before continuing.

“{Normally this mining operation is no problem, I have my workers work in the mines, and I collect my 40% Tax from what they produce, and it’s worked this way for years..however unfortunately recently some of the miners have started to band together and have started demanding more rights from me, and I can’t very well just outsource some constructs to do the job, there’d be public outrage of a kind that I can only imagine..so because the production has slowed down, it has interrupted and slowed down Shaamil’s acquisition as well as my own profits..so for an interim solution I rented out some gnome tinkerers from Widerisa’s contraption to help make extraction easier of these mushrooms, but I know very well I won’t be able to offset the cost forever..frankly what I need you to do is go see the miners and show them how silly their thinking is and that our current arrangement is fair, to get them back working again, so that we can put all of this nonsense behind us, Shaamil and myself would be quite pleased if you could negotiate with these workers on our behalf because it seems like I’m always accused of Despotism if I send anyone..and they haven’t been very receptive to some who Shaamil have sent..so then, I take it you’ll be able to help us?}”

With the pause, Shael translated a summarized version for Nikita which was much shorter.

If there was an insult is the mushroom man's words Nikita didn't pick it up as she was more often the one that claimed the title of pet. It did seem to make things easier as everyone seemed confused about her till euthalia explained. So it shouldn't be to surprising to her it was no insult. She even tried to act like one, though euthalia was still a bit cold when it came to physical contact.

" It's fun " she said perhaps going aginst bring quiet, but he had asked her and it would be rude to not answer.

The complexities of work and pay and contracts were not things she knew of. She honestly hadn't really seen much in terms of payment here and back home she had been alone and most books hadn't been about money. To her the situation seemed easy after all wasn't it better to have some of the money than none of it? She also wasn't sure why he got any when he wasn't doing anything but sitting around. If he was working a complex part of the job she didn't know it but it seemed he was taking a lot for doing little. Still her thoughts were mostly just give the workers what they want and just keep working over trying to fight with others. They would keep on making money.
Euthalia Apricot


Heavily self-edited AI generated stuff.
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Nikita Karcen Karcen

“{Yeah, a pet for a pet project.}” She'd reply, hoping to break some ice with a pun. At the very least, she was convinced Nikita wouldn't deny such a claim, which was going to make this a whole lot easier. “{So far, it seems promising.}” She'd reply on the topic of getting what she'd want out of it.

Resisting the urge to facepalm upon learning that Shaamil hadn't even told the Mossevali to inform her, she simply nodded. “{He seemed to have full confidence for me to handle the matter, even without being informed of it ahead of time.}” That was the best way to explain 'he sent us in utterly unprepared' that she could come up with.

A slight sigh escaped her lips. The caps were obtained via mining. Likely the source of the shaking the Hollowkin would've complained about. Of course they were related. Luckily enough, she immediately learned that it was gnome tinkerers that were the bulk of the issue, rather than the usual process. “{I would suggest you stop these gnome Tinkerers immediately. Their way of working has upset the Hollowkin greatly and when we were on our way here, they were about to attack us. It wouldn't be long before their agitation becomes strong enough for them to make the area around here unsafe. Regardless of whether you'd leave them to it and take the damages or if you sent out costly expeditions to deal with them, it would likely cost more and cause a whole lot more unrest and distress than seizing these disturbing mining operations would. In particular, they were agitating by the 'ground shaking' that is caused by the methods employed by these tinkerers.}” She'd speak firmly and without doubt, using [Convince] to relay the message.

Convince – Persuasion E, Leadership E, Insight E – Character used their persuasion to make a convincing argument. - Grade E – 1 Post Cooldown

That should have her promise to the Hollowkin fulfilled. The next bit was going to be a bit more confrontational. “{With all due respect, it sounds like this issue has reached its boiling point long ago and hiring this interim solution likely only worsened sentiments. Simply telling them to get back to it likely will be impossible for even the best of diplomats. Are there any concessions you can make to them? Whether it would be working conditions, working hours, tax decreases or others? Just so that I can promise a bit of room for negotiations. Without such a sign of good-will, I'm afraid even I would be doomed to fail from the get-go.}”
Location: Mycothra, The Shade, Fae See

Temperature: Cool

Time: Morning

Mentions: Karcen Karcen Elvario Elvario

Myco Mossevali

“Oh it’s fun you say? Imagine that a human finding such an existence fun..most curious.” He’d chuckle once more in response, in common.

Myco nodded when Euthalia reaffirmed a pet for a pet project. “{very well then.}” he also reaffirm when she said she was getting what she wanted out of it so far.

“{That does sound like Shaamil now that you mention it, I suppose he must believe you’re more than capable of handling yourself..I know that he wouldn’t trust just anyone with this task..probably a good sign then.}” Myco determined.

He listened to what Euthalia had to say next and tapped a ‘strand’ of his body against the desk while she spoke, looking up thoughtfully letting out a small inquisitive sound like he was in thought.

“{...It doesn't entirely surprise me the Hollowkin are disturbed, but I do wish they’d just migrate elsewhere, it’d save me a lot of stem-ache..}” He’d grumble a bit before continuing,

“{While your point is taken that it might be more expensive to try to rid the area of them..part of me wants to continue my operations anyway…to send a message..but even I must admit you’re right that it would hardly foster positive sentiment among the surface dwellers here..and..perhaps some of the working class living here..}”

Mossevali moved like he was in thought, before continuing, “{In my opinion they’re lucky that they get to live in my territory at all, it’s a most suitable place to live for all of them, and I don’t quite feel like I’m getting the respect in which I deserve…as their elder.}” He’d grumble.

“{Concessions feel like they’re winning..and I don’t like that very much..}” He’d further grumble.

“{..I suppose I could lower the tax by 10%..maybe increase their midday break from half an hour to an hour a day..}” He’d speak back to her.

“{You may have better ideas once you hear them out, but I think you’ll come to agree with me their demands are utterly unacceptable and ridiculous.}” he spoke confidently.

“{But I will say I’m not entirely sure how well the tinkerers are going to take being told they’re out of work..they were expecting a much longer commission period, so if you could help me placate them that would be much appreciated too as it would be helping clean up this..mess}” He’d add.


Islwyn piped up once more, “{With all respect elder Mossevali, I think that you’ll see workers who feel cared for will be more productive in the long term, even if they aren’t working as many hours as before, with that said, I would implore that even if Euthalia cannot get exactly what you want for what you said you are willing to part with just now, please allow her to negotiate to a point they’ll agree too, of course it’d be Ideal if they simply agree, but based on what you described it might be a bit more difficult…}”

He looked to Islwyn in thought, a troubled ‘look’ falling upon his face, “{I..suppose it’s no use then, fighting all the way, very well I’ll try to be open minded to more..generous terms if it means solving this whole ordeal.}”

Meanwhile Keone stayed relatively quiet, every now and again shifting her tail in place, keeping her arms folded for the time being, but listening respectfully enough, even if her eye did wander around the space.

Shael Xyvern

Shael on the other hand continued to quietly translate for Nikita, mostly out of kindness at this point as she really didn’t need too but she only thought it was fair that the human was at least in the loop at what was going on here, thankfully the Elder didn’t seem to particularly take notice or care much of her doing this.

She didn't feel particularly a comfortable piping up on matters like these, it wasn’t her area of expertise but she knew whatever recommendation she made would probably be seen as far too generous in the eyes of the elder, as it was Shael’s opinion that workers should be treated generously as long as it was still profitable enough to do so, even if she did have an opinion that some of the ideas that had crossed the elder’s mind were rather horrid, between the idea of continuing mining with machines that were so disruptive, or worse yet getting lots of constructs to come in to continue mining, much like that Widersia place she had been in when she faced off against those constructs that had gone rogue.
Euthalia Apricot


Heavily self-edited AI generated stuff.
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Nikita Karcen Karcen

“{You're correct in that it wouldn't foster positive sentiment. Besides, if the Hollowkin were to suddenly migrate, they'd likely cause disturbances in their new area. Once the people learn that you chased them out of yours through your Tinkerer's 'modern' technology use, you might suffer reputation damage or even claims for reimbursement.}” She'd remind of the fact that this 'solution' wasn't as easy. “{In a worst case, you might even anger the Cardinal in charge of the affected areas. For it would be rather bad if it was shown that you do not care for your fellow Fae, as our tenets would ask of us.}”

Honestly, the more Mossevali spoke, the more she almost doubted if he was a real Fae. Using currency was already rare, but focussing so much on profit? It'd make a bit more sense for an exception like Shaamil, whom interacted with various other nations, but for this Mossevali it seemed even more odd. It's why the next words were even more shocking. “{I would highly recommend for you to try suppress such sentiments. To demand such respect simply for doing our common duties in caring for other Fae might be taking in the wrong manner by our Cardinals.}”

She shook her head. “{It's not about winning or loosing. It is about coming together.}” She'd nod at what he did say he could promise. “{I shall keep that in mind.}” A 10% tax break and an extra half our break didn't seem much, but it was a start and a sign of goodwill, at the very least.

A frown formed on the mention of the Tinkerers. “{Truthfully, I am surprised the Cardinals have not yet reprimanded you for bringing them here to begin with. If we warn them of the conservative nature of our highest ranking leadership and of the fact that their inventions have disturbed the balance, they should know that they are threading on thin ice.}” She wasn't going to tone down the harsh truth of Mossevali's actions.

Thankfully, Islwyn got to pry loose even more concession. “{Thank you, that should allow for us to resolve this before any problems might escalate.}” She'd nod.

Through-out, she'd have used [Convince] to put some power to her words. Especially to her warnings.

Convince – Persuasion E, Leadership E, Insight E – Character used their persuasion to make a convincing argument. - Grade E – 1 Post Cooldown

Nikita didn't really fully understand the issues, she didn't know why tinkers were bad or why higher ups might not like them. It was a goo thing sheal was translating otherwise Nikita would be beyond lost and being lost was good enough for her. She did wonder if she could help or rather how she could. There were questions she had, but she was unsure if she should ask them. She might talk if things seemed open and Euthalia didn't seem nervous at all so she was just kind of sitting there. Keone seemed to be used to this how often was she just quiet and there? Nikita really needed to learn the languages everyone spoke so she could actually be part of the conversation.

All this talk of money reminded Nikita of how she had read trainers often gave each other money after fights namely the loser giving the winner some cash. She didn't really get why they did this and no one really knew why it started, but it was tradition now and not any kind of law. Things in the books had made the wider world seem like a very nice and calm place, but if it was why would her parents have made that thing? Well Nikita had no clue she was no longer there, and money seemed to not be a thing with fae if sheal's summary was right.

" Well at least here if you make a mess the rock itself doesn't come to drive you off " Nikita said not really having anything to add but feeling that would lighten the mood. She was exaggerating a little bit, but pokemon could literally be part of the earth and if you did to much they would go against you to retake your work. People had to live with that and thus live in a nicer way with nature.
Location: Mycothra, The Shade, Fae See

Temperature: Cool

Time: Morning

Mentions: Elvario Elvario Karcen Karcen

Myco Mossevali

The village elder looked like he was in thought once again

“{Things just get more complex don’t they..}” He’d grumble at Euthalia mentioning they'd cause problems in the new area if they migrated.

“{I hardly need anyone else in The Shade getting snippy with me, I want to keep trade going..and going well.}”

“{The last thing I need is a Cardinal being sent here as an arbiter because people are feeling upset because of unfortunate side effects which are preventable..as you say.}”

He tilted his ‘head’ when she told him to repress his sentiments, “{Yes, I Know what they say…I don’t plan on it.}” He said back regarding her advice, it seemed he at least knew that.

But..there was that odd question which had been raised in Euthalia’s mind, why did it seem like the villager elder was so focused on profit acquisition in such an isolated part of the Fae See which didn’t tend to do much business outside unless it needed too?

Shael Xyvern

It certainly wasn’t why she had come there to find out, but, it appeared that Shael’s expression shifted to a more curious one after hearing the elder express this, she’d shake her head subtly back and forth. “{Most..curious..}” She’d murmur softly. She was equally surprised.

Keone had a bit of a scowl form on her face after hearing this development, it looked like she was a bit skeptical of what was being said by the Elder.

"{Very well, you make your point.}” He’d nod, also nodding again when Euthalia said she’d keep it in mind.

“{Well they didn’t very well tell me their machine was going to cause these problems. They’re Widersians, you know how those people can be, even if they call themselves Fae…they’re very different then us who stayed here.}" He’d assert.

“{ You’ll have plenty an opportunity to warn them then, they won’t be hard to find they shouldn’t be far off from where the workers are striking.}”

It looked like Euthalia’s convince ability was putting in some work, letting the Elder be a bit more agreeable and considerate of what she had to say.

If Islwyn was also feeling similarly to the others about the oddity she was doing a good job of hiding it.

Of course during this process Shael continued to quietly translate for Nikita largely out of kindness and politeness rather than necessity.

“{Now then, Euthalia Apricot, do you think you have enough information to complete this task? Your guide, Shael should be able to show you to the mines where you’ll encounter who you shall talk too..}” Mossevali eventually stated, asking Euthalia.

Shael nodded in confirmation, she had been around this part of the shade before and evidently had seen them at one point or another.

The elder then looked to Nikita at hearing her joke, a veil of silence falling upon him before he replied, "While I see your effort..I..think that sentence is debatable in our land actually." He wasn't wrong with the golems, elementals and other things that could go after you if you made a mess.
Euthalia Apricot


Heavily self-edited AI generated stuff.
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Nikita Karcen Karcen

She'd have warned Nikita about some earth-spirits potentially doing just that, but someone else had beaten her to it.

Meanwhile, she nodded upon hearing Mossevali. Most of it didn't warrant much further responses, after all, as he was mostly in agreement. Insight-wise, it did seem that there was more to his money-earning desires. Yet she doubted he'd straight up admit to it, so perhaps she should try to find another to inquire about it further at a later point in time.

“{That they are.}” She agreed when it came to Widersians. She'd nod at learning the Widersians and striking workers would be close near one another. That didn't sound great for peacefully talking things out, but alas.

She'd nod. “{Thank you, I believe I am well-prepared to start my task.}” She'd reply, tactically not promising that she had enough information to finish it.

She'd leave the office, then the building. Only when they were a bit away did she ask the others. “Why do you think he's so out for money? For an isolationist, it seems a bit odd. Do you think some outsiders have influenced him? Or that he's in some debt...” She looked at Shael in particular. “You know far more about this place than I do. Do you think any of that is possible?”

Then she'd look at Nikita again. She sighed, before reaching out her hand and giving the girl a pet on the head. “You did well.” Giving a compliment where compliments were due was probably going to be needed to reinforce good behaviour, like Nikita not interrupting or disturbing the talks. Even if it meant touching a Human for it, she could always just wash her hands later.

Nikita smiled happy to get praise from Euthalia as she should bet though she did wish she could be more useful when it came to things. She couldn't really understand the complexities of the job and was unaware of the world so she really didn't have to many ways to help. She wanted to destress Euthalia if she felt stressed, but well she never seemed that stressed. Though at least they were back to talking in the language she could understand. Then they used words she didn't know and Nikita was lost again. She did want to help more but how maybe she should as.

" Can i help more?" Nikita asked not sure how she could or with Euthalia wanted her to do anything but stay quiet.
Location: Mycothra, The Shade, Fae See

Temperature: Cool

Time: Morning

Mentions: Elvario Elvario Karcen Karcen

Languages: "Common" {Sylvan}" "%Analog%"

Myco Mossevali

“{Very well then.}” He’d give Euthalia a nod of confirmation at her saying she was ready to start the task.

Islwyn gave the elder a bow before leaving with Euthalia.

“{Thank you for entrusting Euthalia for this task.}”


Keone, gave a bow a bit reluctantly, but still did such before they left.

Shael Xyvern

Shael also gave a bow. “{Understood I’ll do what I can to be of assistance.}”

The lizardmen mercenaries followed not long after.

The group was then successfully able to exit the area, back into the cavernous space where the mushroom buildings and bridges sprawled out into the village.

When they were out of hearing range, Euthalia asked the other’s a very valid question.

Islwyn looked like she was in thought for a moment before replying,

“Like..yeah..I don’t think it’s normal for a fae like him who isn’t in the merchant business like Shaamil to care about this type of thing.”

Keone nodded, “Anecdotal or not he’s giving me bad vibes, I’ll be glad when our work for him is over.” She spoke truthfully.

Shael paused, “..It’s possible that he’s working with outsiders, while it’s true that we have everything we need in the shade practically to live and prosper, some have greater goals..of course it’s always possible he is just indebted to someone in which case this wouldn’t be a bad way about going about it.”

“So I will say while those kinds of individuals are rarer around these parts compared to say..a nation that isn’t ours..but even less common in much more isolated areas like the Shade of the Fae See It isn’t impossible..unfortunately I wouldn’t really be sure about motive specifically in his case..it’s not like he doesn't already hold a higher than average position of authority.”

She'd pause before continuing,

“As long as he isn’t doing it for anything bad and we put a stop to the environmental disruption, and get Shaamil and him working again, I think it’ll be alright whatever it is.”

Shael then gave a soft smile to Nikita. “You’ve certainly been supportive, there may very well be other ways you can help, but for the time being I’d suggest to continue listening to Euthalia to those ends, she’s the expert.”

“Anyway, I can take you all toward the mines where he said the protestors should be camped out..and where the Widersian tinkerer miners shouldn't be far off either.

Shael gestured for the group to follow her heading toward one of the sizable bridges made of natural strands, more shroom fae looking over at them some gesturing in such a way suggesting that they were surprised to see so many non shrooms in one area moving through Mycothra with it being such an uncommon occurrence.

Sizable and colorful Bioluminescent mushrooms spread along the bridge to provide light, as well as along the ‘street’s acting like street lights in a space which would be quite dark otherwise naturally.

On the way to the mines however, there was a reptilian individual wearing robes which looked more befitting of a place like the Kingdom, they wore a sash, and had what appeared to be a ornate book at their side, attached via a satchel.

Next to them was a Shark person who was also wearing armor one might find in a place more like the kingdom, and behind the pair was a group of mixed beast people, all wearing armor which looked more like it belonged in the kingdom.

Suddenly the turban wearing lizardman stopped who had been helping to escort Euthalia stopped and looked to the group, as the other group did as well and they looked to each other.

The Reptilan suddenly called out in beastial,

“<Brothers of Szaq'thian what are you doing here?! Don’t tell me he’s hiring you lot too! I hardly feel like sharing and there’s enough of us as there is!>”

Screenshot 2025-01-19 at 9.22.49 PM.png

“<He’s right! This job is for us, The Order of Icewalkers! Not you lot! You already get all that work from Faazi Merchant Guild, you better not be moving in on my turf! Particularly you Xarran!>" The orange shark looking guy exclaimed sounding annoyed, pointing his melee over at the turban wearing lizard.

Xarran responded, “For your information Rafael and Orfyn, I’m not here to interfere with your business, nor are the Brothers of Szaq’thian, we are here on other business, now then if you’d let us be, it would be most appreciated..” The tone was a bit bitter back.

“<Hah! like I’d wanna hang out with you sand weirdo losers anyway! Let Shaamil know that when he wants real mercenaries who aren’t gonna get him killed where to find us!>”

Shael looked between the two groups and let out a soft sigh, before translating to NIkita again softly,

“They’re from different mercenary groups and apparently they know one another..I’m not really sure what the background is other than they might be rivals.”
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Euthalia Apricot


Heavily self-edited AI generated stuff.
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Nikita Karcen Karcen

She'd give the elder a polite bow, before leaving as well.

Upon hearing Nikita's question, she'd contemplate. “Try to listen to the language and see how much you can understand. The sooner you start learning Sylvan, the better.” That'd probably be the minimal requirement for her to help more. “Other than that, try to ask Islwyn or Keone about anything you don't understand. The sooner you learn more about our culture, the better. The moment you know more about what's going on, I'm sure you could help out like Islwyn does.”

It seemed Euthalia wasn't the only one thinking something weird was going with this profit-heavy Fae. “Let's hope it'll be that easy.” She replied to Shael, not being as optimistic about the chances of there being 'not much to it' altogether. Then again, their mission wasn't to find out. It was first and foremost to resolve the current conflict.

“Oh, by the way, before I forgot. I still haven't learned what method of 'eating' Shaamil had prepared for me and I'm honestly starting to grow a bit weary about it.” She admitted. There didn't seem a lot of soil to root in in these rock-covered caverns and there was no way there was going to be enough light to photosynthesise well either. If she didn't want to starve, she'd have to figure out an alternative or get out of here whilst she still had the strength to do so.

After hopefully learning about tonight's dinner, they would continue... Into the next set of trouble. Having various mercenary groups at the ready, especially non-Fae ones, was definitely not a good sign. It meant they might be expecting for things to get violent.

“<If I might ask.>” She'd pause. “<Whom did hire you and what were your latest instructions?>” She'd try to ask it so casually that Rafael or Orfyn might slip up and answer her without thinking (Convince E).

Convince – Persuasion E, Leadership E, Insight E – Character used their persuasion to make a convincing argument. - Grade E – 1 Post Cooldown

Nikita would bow like the others abd follow them out. She only knew what was going on thanks to shael translating things. She did wonder how to do more given most of what they did was talking.

Once they were out of the office thankfully everyone started speaking in a lamguage she actully knew so no more having to wait to be told what was said. She did perhaps have a little bit of I sight to why the mushroom man was acting so different.

" Even in peace people desire, in my world a man once had power and wealth and wanted more. He wanted others pokemon , others money, others things, but even that wasn't enough so he made the strongest pokemon " Nikita explained more or less explaining things how her parents had explained it to her.

Nikita had not fully explained things though by now what she had said might be enough to start putting things together. Though if that meant anything here who knew. Still sge would follow the others abd nod at what Euthalia said even if she kind of felt she should do something that wasn't what islwyn was doing.

Then at the mine there were two fighting groups one she could actully understand the other she couldn't. The not speaking common must be chossing not to given they clearly understood things. Nikita doubted she woykd be helpful but did try to do as Euthalia told her and tried to figure the words out..
Location: Mycothra, The Shade, Fae See

Temperature: Cool

Time: Morning

Mentions: Elvario Elvario Karcen Karcen

Islwyn gave a smile toward Nikita’s way, “That’s right, don’t worry, Euthalia’s right me and Keone are here to help you out~”

“Before you know it I’m sure you’ll be able to put in some work to help Euthalia out.”
She’d say warmly.


Keone nodded, “Yeah if you got a problem or don’t understand something don’t feel bad about asking us.” Less openly warm but she did look over and also sounded supportive enough even with the more neutral tone.


Shael nodded and let out a soft sigh, part of her knowing that Euthalia had a point but that wouldn’t stop her from hoping for something better as an end result. Regardless she had to focus on the mission at hand.

She then heard what Nikita had to say, “Huh?...the lust for wealth,power, and prestige....It may be more universal than I’d like to think..”

However there was a question which came up which Shael actually had an answer for. She’d pull out what appeared to be some kind of glowing rock,

“This is a pretty sizable Sol rock that he said to bring for you, it generates light like the sun does, probably not as nicely as taking it in directly but it sounded like it would help you not starve.”

She also pulled out what looked like a mundane gardening watering pot.

“This is an enchanted watering tool which has a pocket dimension which is accessed when it’s tipped connecting it to a much larger water source, he said you should be able to drink from this.”

She then pulled out what looked like a pot for a plant with dirt in it.

“This is a similar concept to the watering tool, it accesses a pocket dimension of dirt which you might be able to put enough of somewhere to root…I know it isn’t as nice as being out in the woods, but I think he tried his best..if this doesn’t end up being sufficient we can ask the elder if he can assist with your needs.”

Shael added, not afraid of doing so.


The more bookish looking Rafael looked to Euthalia at her question, “<If you don’t mind Fae, we’re going to the town hall for a book club meeting! Because unlike what I’m sure you believe us beasts know how to read perfectly well too!>”

Rafael said, sounding almost indignant.

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Orfyn then chuckled loudly, “<Yeah it’s called a book club cause of all the clubbing we’re gonna be doing..>”

Rafael looked to Orfyn with slanted eyes, “<Oh shut up you big oaf! You were supposed to play along we already discussed this!>”

Rafael then turned to Euthalia, “<Well I suppose not ALL beasts, Orfyn here is slow in the mind you see..always has been I’m afraid he was dropped on the head as a child and left out in the snow too long.>”

Orfyn’s expression looked a lot less jovial before suddenly he walked right up over to Rafael and put a hand on his neck raising him above the ground.

“<The fuck did you just say about me twig? Say that again.>” The sharkman gave off at least a D grade [Intimidation]

“<We’ll see who's the smart guy when your head is disconnected from your body>” He’d snarl, squeezing harder.

He’d then look to Euthalia while Rafael was still being choked gasping for air with his hands at his neck,

“<We’re going to meet up with the bossman here at his tower for a..meeting, I’d suggest you stay out, it won’t matter for you, you aren’t from around here. So I suggest you heed my warning, unless you want there to be problems. >” He’d say plainly, before eventually dropping the reptile man to the ground, who was holding his neck and still gasping.

While this transpirated, Keone took a more combat ready stance, Shael’s hand went near to her eclipse bow in response.

“And what do you think gives you the right to threaten a diplomat of the Fae See? You’re here in our land, not back where you came from.” Shael spoke up with a serious look on her face, and an equally cold tone.

“<Hah this bitch thinks she can scare me! Orfyn! I’ll do what I damn well please.>” He’d scoff, letting out another chuckle, this time a lot less jovial.

While Euthalia didn’t get a complete answer there were clues to be parsed through from what was leaked.

Meanwhile the five lizard men mercenaries , also had their hands near their weapons, to which Orfyn took notice of and let out a hearty laugh.

“<I invite you to try me brothers of Brothers of Szaq'thian! I have no problem spilling all of your blood!>” He’d taunt.

The other Kingdom beast mercenaries looked at each other, some of them looking a bit uncomfortable, others looking like they were ready to escalate if it was necessary.

A serious expression took hold on Xarran's face like he was considering whether or not to act out back, looking to Euthalia then Orfyn.
Euthalia Apricot


Heavily self-edited AI generated stuff.
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Nikita Karcen Karcen

“Sounds like what some people trying to tame, breed and train monsters in the West are doing here...” She'd reply to Nikita. “Although such feelings do tend to be less common among us Fae and far more common among Humans and Beasts.” She'd add for good measure.

She'd look at the rock, followed by a watering can and a... flower pot. “Right...” She looked at Islwyn and Keone, half-expecting them to laugh. She sighed. “It'll work, I guess, but I've definitely got even more reasons to wish to wrap this up quickly.” There was something oddly humiliating about 'eating' from a flower pot and watering can. Like being a baby that got fed from a bottle wearing a bib.

Perhaps it was that annoyance that got her less patient with the beasts speaking back to her. “<I'm so proud of you.>” She'd reply with a straight face. Luckily enough, it seemed she wasn't the one in need of picking a fight. His own ally started doing so.

She looked at the Shark, as she wasn't the most Intimidated (character grade D and not aimed directly at her). “<This nation is my home, thus I am from around any location in it. In turn, I would gladly advice for all of you not to become the ones making a mess in my home. The laws and people here will not be in your favour if you don't tread carefully.>” She'd throw back some [Convince] of her own.

Convince – Persuasion E, Leadership E, Insight E – Character used their persuasion to make a convincing argument. - Grade E – 1 Post Cooldown

She sighed. “<Let us not waste time or blood. Be about your ways, we'll be about ours.> She'd gesture for the others to leave. Hopefully they'd be clever enough to do so.

" I guess " Nikita shrugged " I hope they don't another mewtwo. " She continued that was what her parents had made and what had almost killed them. She didn't know that what happened to that monster, but whatever had it hadn't come for them so it must not have cared.

There wasn't much nikita could say to the mercenaries as well they might speak common but no one took her seriously which was mostly fine. Nikita was learning from the others so if they took her way of thinking seriously who knew what would happen as she didn't know the complexities of the world. The situation with Euthalia needing to root and eat was rather funny with the flower pot that she could use or that shael seemed to suggest she use. Nikita didn't know why exactly Euthalia who looked to her to be human enough to just eat food needed to root. Pokemon that looked far less human like, that were pretty much mobile plants could eat food so why couldn't Euthalia? Well that was a question for another time for now it seemed that Euthalia was dealing with the dispute, though Nikita did look around for something to use as a weapon if things got bad.
Location: Mycothra, The Shade, Fae See

Temperature: Cool

Time: Morning

Mentions: Elvario Elvario Karcen Karcen

Shael Xyvern

Shael tilted her head a bit confused at the mewtwo comment from Nikita. “Mew..two?..was there a mew one?” She asked this not even knowing what mewtwo was to begin with, something that had been created? Another construct maybe?

Shael let out a soft sigh after Euthalia clearly wasn’t pleased, but it wasn’t because she was judging Euthalia, she had to admit it wasn’t the most ideal.

“I’m sure shaamil means well and hopefully it should get you through this work..but perhaps when we’re finished here we can all go out and you can get something more appetizing and deserving of a Diplomat of the Fae See.” Shael suggested.


Keone didn’t look particularly impressed with the “rations”.

Islwyn on the other hand let out a bit of a soft giggle, “My, after we set Shaamil on the path to romance, you would have thought he might have gotten a bigger pot at least.”


The atmosphere between the groups had grown much more tense. The mercenaries presumably from the Kingdom outnumbered the mercenaries which Euthalia had been provided for protection, meanwhile Orfyn was looking far from pleased. It wasn’t difficult for Euthalia to discern that he was acting this way in part because of a bruised ego.

Whether or not he actually had the martial prowess to back up his words of spilling all of the mercenary’s blood was anyone’s guess but for the sake of their mission it’d be better not to find out.

Thankfully Euthalia was working on de-escalating with her Convince ability.

While this was going on, Shael kept her stern expression, her hand still near her bow to draw it if necessary.

Islwyn watched what was unfolding, her usually cheerier and more sociable demeanor dampened by the tenseness a more serious semi-concerned look on her face, looking to Euthalia and then Orfyn, as if she was worried the shark might try to lash out at Euthalia next, It was at that point that Islwyn a bit discretely, moved closer to Euthalia, as if to be in positon to also defend her if it was necessary.

Rafael didn’t really have time to come up with a snarky quip back to Euthalia’s response to his reading skills due to the whole choking thing, and for now he was just focusing on breathing properly again.

Keone looked like she was holding her tongue at saying something less than savory, glaring at the group.

While Nikita looked around for a possible weapon just in case she'd spot an sizable bulky branch suitable to wield as a Make Shift Club E on the ground.

“<Orfyn you’re gonna lose all of us this job if you don’t chill out, we aren’t getting paid to harm any of these people..making a public scene here…>” One of the beasts spoke up not all that far away from him.

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Orfyn looked back to the beast and then back to Euthaia and then to the brothers, before he snarled, looking annoyed.

“Whatever! I don’t need to waste my time on these twigs! I have work to do! We’ll be going to that ‘book club’ now..” Orfyn growled looking to Euthalia, before gesturing for the rest of the group to follow and thankfully albeit reluctantly the rest of the beasts followed and went the way they were going toward where Euthalia and company had come from, including the one who had been choked out who was considerably more delayed than the rest.

When the group got a good distance away Shael looked to Euthalia,

“And just what exactly do you think that was all about?” sounding more concerned now.

“It’s bad news that’s what it is.” Keone stated matter of fact.

A rolled up piece of parchment had been left behind where Rafael had been choked out which was a very different tanish hue compared to the ground.

Xarran looked back to Euthalia, “Sorry about them, we weren’t told ahead of time there would be others employed here..”

Shael nodded, “He’s right Shaamil didn’t include in my briefing that I should be wary of warriors for hire here either, I will say one thing, it’s highly unusual for those kinds to be here in the shade it isn’t usually looked very favorably upon..for..well I think reasons which we were self evident this time around.”

“Do you want to go..and ask some questions about this.. or should we complete our quests first?”

She’d look at Euthalia while she spoke.

“The mines are just..” She’d point over in the distance some across a couple more fungus bridges until there was an area in the stone which had a sign written in Sylvan above it using some kind of glow in the dark bioluminescent substance which said very matter of fact “{Mycothra Mines}”

“I mean..we can’t just jump to conclusions can we?” Islwyn proposed.

“Mercenary work doesn’t inherently mean criminal work and with how reclusive the adventurer guild is around here, is it not unreasonable someone would hire help that way instead if they have a problem that needs to be resolved?”

“Even if that Orfyn was like, a total complete brute..my point still stands.”
She added.


Be Ready
The distraction has been set, The moon should not be getting in the way of your special assignment. You and your compatriots are to report to me, others will be waiting for you.
You will strike decisively when the right night comes. I just have some more objects of interest to gather and give you before you undertake your assignment.
Should you be successful, not only will you make history, but as we discussed the rewards will be more than agreeable.

You Know Who
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Euthalia Apricot


Heavily self-edited AI generated stuff.
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Nikita Karcen Karcen

“Mew two?” She looked at Nikita. Some odd second-in-line cat-name sounded weird for what was apparently a dangerous all-destroying monster. She'd look at Shael, who'd concluded the same at exactly the same time. Fae minds think alike, it seemed.

Despite the situation, she did have to chuckle at Shael mentioning she 'could go all-out'. “I really don't think what going all-out might mean for a species like mine.” With that short respite out, she did sigh again. “You're right, though, he did seem to have tried to think of everything. His own way. It'll have to do.”

Just as she was being 'forgiving', Islwyn had to make her grumble again. “Don't make me start rationing your booze again.” She grumbled back, not serious, but definitely not happy either.

It seemed like there was at least one voice of reason among the group of mercenaries, as thankfully, the group eventually backed won after he'd called things out. However, she would gesture for the one that'd gotten chocked out. Hoping to have him lag behind even more. If he would, she'd ask him. “Have you considered changing employers? It seems your current one might be more dangerous than what he'd have you fight. If you tell us what's going on and why you were hired, I'm sure we can put you in our employ instead.” She'd offer.

Should she not be able to keep him from talking, she'd instead just reply with the conversation going as normal. “In a worst case scenario, they are here to fight the Hollow-kin or to threaten the normal workers into picking up work again. Either would be bad.” She clicked her tongue. “If you weren't informed... Do you think the Elder hired them on his own accord? Assuming the Elder is earning money for... less savoury reasons, there might be someone behind him that's getting him to use more unsavoury methods to get this fixed than Shaamil is?” That was a dangerous, yet reasonable possibility.

She sighed. “We'll have to be on guard. For your information, I'm not entirely defenceless. Should a fight break out, I should be able to tangle them with vines for a moment. That'd hopefully give you a time and chance to get the upper-hand. I hope it won't be needed though.”

As for what Islwyn said, she sighed. “You're not wrong, but with these types of mercenaries? Hired behind Shaamil's back? It's not looking good, I fear.”

She hadn't noticed the parchment. Perhaps her Emotional Support Human would find it instead.

It again seemed that things were being solved with words no battles this time, which was good Nikita had not been a fan of her first fight. She was despite everything not a Pokémon and thus didn't have their innate fighting spirit. Nikita did wonder just how things would go and why these mins needed so many armed people, the village hadn't needed this many? Well they had an issue with soil not with monsters, but this was a problem with workers in a safe place. Nikita assumed it was normal given no one else seemed bugged by how many fighters that weren't mushroom people were around here. The others didn't get what a Mewtwo was, but she doubted they understood what a Mew was. She would really need to explain that to them for them to get what her parents had made.

Nikita did notice one thing the others missed a piece of paper from one of the warriors, she had thought about telling them they had dropped it before they left, but had just stayed silent. As they moved Nikita would pick up the paper and while she didn't expect to be able to read it sue was surprised she could. The letter was vague and filled with lots of things only the two parties would know so she guessed that was normal though what could it be? Nikita did get one thing there was danger as few times did someone strike and it not be dangerous.

Still Nikita wasn't explain what she had said " Mew is or was a legendary pokemon, one of a kind and the very first created by arceus " Nikita said the first mention of the pokemon world's god figure " The man wanted the strongest so he used the first my parents helped him " She continued feeling she had to give context to why she knew this. then she switched gears in and instant and moved to Euthalia holding up the paper " Read this someone is planning something with the treecko person " Nikita said as she tried to get the paper as high as she could and if Euthalia was any shorter she would have it in her face. Then realizing no one would know what a treecko was she added " The green one "
Location: Mycothra, The Shade, Fae See

Temperature: Cool

Time: Morning

Mentions: Karcen Karcen Elvario Elvario

Iswlyn and Keone looked equally puzzled by Nikita mentioning whatever a “mewtwo” was. Islwyn tilting her head a bit, and Keone giving a bit of a confused side eye.

Shael Xyvern

“I’m pleased to hear that you can see he was trying to be charitable in his own way then..”

Shael also listened to Nikita and seemed intrigued by what she said, not entirely sure hwat ot make about it all other than apparently Nikita’s parents were artisans of sorts.

“So..it’s a machine..or some kind of creature creation?”


Islwyn looked a bit alarmed at hearing Euthalia say she might start rationing her drinks.

“Oh come on Euthalia, you couldn’t imagine rationing little old me could you?” She blinked her eyes innocently, before pouting a bit.

“What I meant to say was of course you deserve only the best~” She’d switch to a smile after.


Rafael, the one who got choked out looked over at Euthalia and flinched when she approached, putting his hands up, before calming down some when she just started speaking, left panting a bit.

They looked like they were in thought at Euthalia’s words, eventually standing up before becoming a bit agitated at seeing Nikita pick up the letter and telling her to read it.

“Hey! That belongs to me, give it back this instant!” He’d call out moving over toward Nikita, before Shael stepped in between the two of them, still brandishing her bow.

“I’d back off if I were you.” Shael said cooly, looking at him with a look like things were going to get ugly if he tried hurting Nikita or anyone else.

The brother lizard mercenaries looked equally as seriously, flanking Euthalia and company, like they’d intervene if necessary too to keep Nikita safe.

“Ngh…Fine! But..I better be getting better pay then what I would have gotten..you’re lucky I hate that brute Orfyn!”

“I…we…we were gonna get paid by Luicen Wexler…he’s..a..business person from Widersia whose been dealing with Myco Mossevali recently is what my understanding was..you’ll see in the letter that..damn..it’s not as bad as it sounds I swear.”
Rafael managed to get out.

“We were just instructed to rough..some people up is all. You know, scare them..so they’d..leave the mines.” He’d turn his head away, before looking back.

“I swear we weren’t gonna kill anyone honest though! Orfyn was just being the violent idiot that he always is..but it wasn’t part of plan..what he implied that is..’

“Now if I’m throwing this work away, you better be serious about your word! I may not look like it but I’m actually quite skilled at the art of fire breathing..so if things get more ugly, as long as I’m compensated like you said, I’ll stick around.”
He said finally.

Shael let out a soft sigh, looking at the letter which Nikita had raised attention too, not taking it but simply looking, wanting to let Euthalia get a good look first.

“Well this complicates things doesn’t it..would you have any idea if this Luicen person has anything to do with the drilling people?”

“I’m..not entirely sure.” Rafael responded.

“You better be telling the truth” Keone said coldly, looking over at Rafael a bit of a glare in her eyes with her arms folded.

“Even I know that cooperating with us will be better optics for you.” She’d firmly add.

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