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Active [Southern Fae See, Mycothra] Shady Shrooms Part 3


Roleplay Artist
This RP is a continuation of Shady Shrooms Part 1 and Part 2, this part will cover Euthalia speaking to the miners from completely different places.

In your opening post please mention any roleplay goal and link your character sheet.


Location: Mycothra, The Shade, Fae See

Temperature: Cool

Time: Morning

Mentions: Karcen Karcen Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy

As the group descended down into the tunnels of the mines, with Shael Xyvern at the front, Euhtalia and company would take note of the some of the other biolumiscent mushrooms which glowed oranges and greenish blue hues scattered in places along the ceiling and walls, and sometimes the edges of the tunnel floor.

There were study rock support beams which had been moved into place perhaps with a earth or rock magic of sorts to give the tunnels ther structural integrity.

Thankfully besides the glowing shrooms there were also lanterns placed here and there along the path to illuminate the darkness.

The lizard mercenaries continued to maintain their protective formation around the group during the traveling.


Islwyn looked admittedly much more uneasy than she usually did, a semi nervous expression on her face as she stayed much closer to Euthalia, likely on account of the enclosed and dim space.


Keone slithered along the path carefully looking around and about cautiously.

“Watch your steps." she’d speak firmly as they moved along, likely feeling the occasional rock under her lower half which was a potential tripping hazard.

As the group walked down further and further,


Eventually Rafael spoke up sounding tenser than usual,

“Geez..you weren’t kidding were you Lune elf..this is far down.”

Shael Xyvern

RP Goals:
Assist Euthalia.
Raise [Shade of the Fae See Guide F] To [Shade of the Fae See Guide E]

Shael looked over to Rafael and nodded,”While I know the way isn’t the most favorable the sooner we get through here, and complete the assigned task, the sooner you all can leave this place..” She reasoned

At least not all of the less than favorable conditions lasted for much longer as eventually the tunnel lead into a much larger open space where more lights had been set up and it was evident there were mining tools and materials stored on makeshift shelves and what appeared to be work stations set up in a central area, spread throughout the central chasm outward were more tunnels, some which appeared to have minecart looking tracks on them, supported with similar stone based support beams.

What was a bit more curious however was that there appeared to be a makeshift barricade that had been set up in the central chasm with wood and stone walls, in a square pen like area, and within the walled off area there appeared to be tents set up as well as a couple short yellow capped mushroom people standing on top of the barricade walls, wielding pickaxes looking outward,

One pointing a tendril out excitedly at seeing the group approaching.

Mushroom Miner #1
Screenshot 2025-03-07 at 10.01.39 PM.png

“{Who goes there?! Have you come to intimidate us?! Don’t think we aren’t afraid to fight for our rights!}”

The one on the wall who hadn’t pointed called out.

“We don’t mean any harm. We just want to talk.” Shael called back putting keeping her arms and hands out in front of her as if to show she wasn’t currently armed.

She figured she’d set Euthalia up positively.

Unknown to the group, there was another very peculiar development which would take place in the very same mines in Mycothra shortly.
Axie Lotl
Equipped Titles:
Human, Good Samaritan
Character Sheet
Point Booster: Attentive Student (F)

Goals: Figure out where he is, get answers and a sense of 'goals', Favourability/Respect Titles to better his position in the world

Ah, it was an average day when your quaint rest in bed is strangely interrupted by the sight of a bright, golden light above you. Well not really, but it made a much more interesting day than the usual routines nonetheless. Axie would've initially taken it up as another silly attempt by the world's demons to trick and coerce him into being fooled by a fake God, but said demons wouldn't have had the capability to transport him as such. No, this felt like something different entirely. An unprecedented divine act, one that his studies didn't foretell him about.

The transportation, while his feeble mortal shell couldn't comprehend it, he knew what was happening was some truly greater power, one he knew and understood well. Though as he was silenced for his trip, his excited mind couldn't help but overflow with ideas. He was a man of- well, he honestly wasn't convinced he could be considered anything of a man, more like a big boy. He was a big boi of God. The God, the one and only, the father of Christ, who was the be-all saviour. He'd done his work where he could, and changed his life for the better of his beliefs, but this was on a different scale. He was being... divinely called upon? Summoned? He was being utilised for a greater purpose? Axie knew that all had a purpose, yet he did sometimes wander the Earth unsure of what his truly was. Sure he had a purpose helping here and there, but he couldn't discern whether it was self-conscious thoughts or a greater aspiration that believed he wasn't living his potential.

Now, as he found his transportation reaching its' location, he couldn't help but wonder what magical or fascinating place or thing he might find at his destination. Maybe it'd provide some answers to the many questions he'd wondered through his lifetime, or being called up to heaven early. Either way, he was truly intrigued to find out-




The sounds had echoed in his surroundings.

He couldn't tell where he'd end up, but he felt the aggressive sensation of bouncing off rough walls and surfaces as he tumbled upon and hit rocky surfaces all the way down from where he'd appeared. It'd take a moment before he found himself slamming into the hard, stone floor, thank the lord that it broke his fall. Grumbling quietly to himself, he barely glanced around at the... a little less than appealing surroundings. Okay, might not be heaven, but he wouldn't remove it as a consideration until further evidence. After all, maybe it could be one of the other heavens. There was a lot of stone and stuff, maybe this was the heaven where the moon was. Then again he wasn't suffocating or exploding as if he was in outer space... that and he still felt like normal mortal him, doubting that his mere mortal self could survive in... well, at least some of the heavens. Probably most of them at least. It's not like he had visited them, and his interest was mostly THE heaven, not the other 'planes of hierarchy' in... height, or whatever. Unless it was important to keep it in mind right now, but it'd first be better to figure out where he was.

Sitting up, Axie looked at his own equipment. That was new.
"Huh, isn't this all a bit fancy for me. People'd think I'm trying to take being one of God's strongest warriors literally. Don't think I'm cut out for that kinda thing, although I quite like the look of it... " he hummed softly, noticing the shield that laid beside him. A large, black shield with the same golden cross that adorned his chestplate, pulling it close. That he was gifted a suit of armour was a nice touch, one he was thankful for. Though, since he had a shield, he eyed around for a paired weapon to not spot anything at all. Would've made sense to him to receive a sword and shield, but God and his faith was his strongest weapon. That, and why would he need a weapon anyway? The shield was God being his saviour, clearly, to protect him in any time of need.

Standing up with shield in hand, Axie got a good look of his surroundings. Yep, the walls were made out of wall, the floor was made out of floor. Helpful. Though he'd notice lights, mining equipment, must've been some sort of mine... but why would he be here?

Then, he'd finally notice the, quite surprising amount of people he somehow didn't notice.
"Oh uh... hi... I don't know if I'm supposed to be here but I was kind of dropped in from God, if that sounds believable... " he'd answer sheepishly, having no idea what he'd just interrupted and dropped into. Though squinting and getting a good look, certain things weren't adding up.

This group of girls... did that one have horns?

Was that one all green? She looked like the pretty plant clothes she wore and adorned on her head were growing right out of her.

There was also another lady, completely pale white, and one that was very clearly half-snake. This was  not Earth, nor would it be any domain of God. What sort of strange realm of reality had he been dropped into? Then his face would grow red with embarrassment, glancing away as he saw something even stranger.

"You're almost naked- my dear gosh ma'am, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to look or see anything, please forgive me, I greatly apologise, I would never mean to do something so rude to a fair lady such as yourself" he'd immediately answer at the initial sight of Nikita, politely bowing as he averted his gaze from the other human. That being said, he eyed the others a little.

"Um. Hello, I'm Axie, Axie Lotl... you wouldn't happen to know where I've apparently ended up, would you? I really don't want to cause any trouble or anything, I'll help repay a little if I made any difficulty or anything, but I'd like to just ask some things and then maybe be on my way?" he'd ask, a little hesitantly, his beliefs didn't trust or want to cooperate with such unnatural things, but with the majority of those in his surroundings being of such... he might be forced to in order to find anything out.

"I came from-" he'd glance around above, though there was no sign where he'd been teleported in from.
"Uh, somewhere, from Earth... " then he'd remember. Divine purpose, he must've had a reason to be here.

"Oh, uh, where are my manners? I've never been suddenly divinely teleported before, but I maybe think it means that... wherever this world or place I must be, I must have some greater thing to do. Is there anything that perhaps needs some assistance? I don't mind helping people in need where I can, it's what my Lord and Saviour would appreciate" he smiled, hoping that just genuine kindness would get him somewhere with these... weird, colourful, some of them animal people

  • Talk it Out - Fe Grade - 0 Turn Cooldown: Try to be nice and talk out whatever it is that needs to be peace-talked, using social cues and reading the room - Empathy (F) + Etiquette (F) + Energized (F)

Nikita had more or less gone back to her normal self after their conversation on what the mushroom man needed and how to go about it. She still felt she was right in what she had done and how she had done it, even if others might not agree. She did hope he would listen to what she had said about what he was doing. He did need to work through things like Nikita had, well not like her but she had mostly dealt with her stuff being alone had given her time to think once she was set up. A decade alone on an island would one day give you time to think no matter what and she had done plenty of that. Still they were going deeper and deeper into the earth to where the only like was the large glowing fungus that now seemed to grow wildly instead of ordered like above. Though the light wasn't exactly the best and Nikita had issues seeing things that Keone seemed to easily pick out and so stumbled a few times. As they got deeper Nikita did wonder if they would go so deep they would find Lava that would be really cool, though she doubted the mushroom men had the tolerance to deal with such heat. Few could deal with things like that, but her world had technology for that and plenty of pokemon were found living even inside the lava itself.

Before they would hit lava they would come to a barricade and luckily the miners were speaking common so Nikita could understand the miner was telling them to go away. They were with the boss but well the news was likely not what they expected. Still Nikita would let Euthalia do the talking here she knew how to talk nicely to the mushroom people and be taken seriously. Nikita felt that this would be nice and easy though she was still ready to fight if need be. She felt she was stronger than when she first arrived given she had been eating better, and while she had grown some she was still small and lacked the maturity she should have.

Then something strange happened, there was a bouncing clanking sound as if someone was falling down the walls of the mine, despite everyone in their group being here and the mushroom miners likely not wearing anything that would clank like the sounds. The thing that arrived in this rather tense situation was a person? maybe it was a construct ? Nikita remembered Viole who had looked very human but had weirded her out despite being nice. This person could be something like them, or could be very human looking as what was a human doing down here alone? Nikita had yet to actually meet any other humans since coming to this world, or well since her parents died. Euthalia had not painted a good picture of them to Nikita and nikita trusted her that the humans of this world were not good people. Well the humans of the eastern kingdom that had been the one Euthalia had most talked about and the mushroom man had disliked them asl well.

When the human looked to Nikita her grew red, which was odd why would he get red just from looking at her? Not really having been socialized to humans Nikita didn't fully get their body language and what would cause such embarrassment. In truth her world seemed rather liberated when it came to clothing or lack therefore of in public. Nikita had in a way taken this attitude to an extreme out of need, but had grown so used to it she had forgotten it was not normal. Still the boy seemed to be human a human from another world just like her though no one in her would would talk like him. Still she could do something while the others did the important work she was a human and he was a human after all.

" i'll talk to him you guys should do the important stuff " Nikita said giving herself the job of human human handler.

Nikita walked toward the man a little confused by his armor as she hadn't seen anyone really wear armor since she same here, well there there the lizard people, but they didn't wear armor like this. She had had no notion that he might be uncomfortable with the barely dressed girl getting closer to him, but she had to. He needed to know a few things like being human he was not welcome here.

" i am nikita you are human right?" She asked " Well you are the first human i have seen but i think you are sorry if you aren't " She continued not wanting to offend him if he wasn't but she was pretty sure he was human. " This is a mine in the fae see humans aren't really welcome here so you should be careful with your words. " Nikita informed him knowing she had and likely would get in trouble for some things she said not watching her words around others. She had been very rude with the mushroom man and he would have been allowed to just kill her according to others if he wanted. Still this was her first time talking to another human ever , well in 10 years, and she likely was not aware that a title she had recently got [Pet Human] might just color the image this new human had of her. " Euthalia will take care of things and we can try to get you well set up or something, though i'm not sure how big the Fae See is so um you might not be safe traveling alone for awhile, i'm safe because i'm Euthalia's pet but i decided that so you don't need to worry and no one likes slavery so we won't enslave you " She was trying to calm the new human down though how good of a job she was doing was likely not very good. Then an idea struck her " Do you know about pokemon no one here knows about them and i keep trying to explain pokemon to them? " she asked wondering if a human from another world would know of pokemon, even if he likely wasn't from hers.
Euthalia OOC Information:
Narrative Goal: Deal with the miners. | Survive claustrophobic and dark conditions.
Active Point Boosters: N/A
Title/Asset Goals: Increase [See of Chearon Diplomacy Asset]
Wanted/Criminal Titles: N/A
Special Skills: N/A | Working towards a See Diplomacy Complex Asset.
Notable Titles: Sylvari, Faazi Merchant Guild Associate E, See of Chearon Diplomat F, Sun-starved, Advocate, Reborn, Goodwill Ambassador, Peace Keeper
Notable Skills: Companion Keone Nagendra, Companion Islwyn Meadhra, Area Knowledge B
Using Downtime?: Yes (see sheet for most up-to-date asset by the time of grading).
Character Sheet: Euthalia Apricot

Euthalia Apricot


Heavily self-edited AI generated stuff.
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Nikita Karcen Karcen | Axolotl Femboy Femboy

Being stuck in underground areas wasn't good for her mood in the slightest. These narrow tunnels only made it worse. She had to try push away the feeling that the walls were closing in on her and that the dark was going to swallow her whole.

“Then let's keep going.” She'd add to Shael. Euthalia was hungry for some fresh sunlight. Going to the dark place in the See, only to go underground and then to go deeper underground. “I might be further from any fresh light than any Sylvari has ever gotten at this point.” She realised aloud.

She sighed at seeing a place walled-up. “Oh dear...” That was a lot more annoying looking and well-prepared than she'd bargained for. The Mushroom calling out didn't really help either. Unlike Shael, Euthalia deemed it best to reply in their native tongue for now, as that's also what they'd addressed them with. “{Indeed, we come in peace. We acknowledge your desire to fight for your rights, but let us do so in debate, not in violence.}” She'd hope to set the scene with that one and some (Convince).

Convince – Persuasion E, Leadership E, Insight E – Character used their persuasion to make a convincing argument. - Grade E – 1 Post Cooldown

The talk was cut short by some odd Human. Already being highly on guard, she was about to [Tangle] him on instinct, yet she managed to hold back. That said, his words certainly made things worse. He sounded like a delusional madman. “You randomly show up in front of us and start rambling all that nonsense and expect us to believe you?” She'd scoff. She looked at Rafael. “Was he with your group? One of the saboteurs?” That made the most sense. One of the Shark's lackeys not having been caught by the guards and trying to still sabotage the miners here.

A slight hesitation. “{Should we avoid taking any risks and take him out?}” She'd ask Shael. “{We've got no clue what he's capable off or what he might've already been doing around here. Yet I doubt he'd be around a place like this without some nefarious goals.}”

That reminded her, there was another group he could likely be part of. “Wait. You're with those Widersian miners, are you not?” They had both Humans and Fae in that country, so it was plausible. “In that case, you can relay that the contract has been terminated as per immediately due to unacceptable behaviour by the contract holder, Lucien Wexler. You're required to seize all activity and leave.”

“No.” She'd call out to Nikita. “He's far too suspicious for you to handle alone.” Even though Nikita was a Human as well, she'd been raised in the wilds and uncorrupted. Whether it was to avoid Nikita getting hurt or getting corrupted, Euthalia wasn't eager on having her interact with other Humans too much. Especially not one as suspicious as this one.

It seemed that didn't work, as Nikita walked off regardless. So much for training her to be a good pet Human. Perhaps she should just kill the man and be done with it? Yet that'd mean a fight with the Widersian miners would be inevitable. She clicked her tongue. “{Let's see if we can figure out who he really is and what he knows.}” That might be a safer first step.
Location: Mycothra, The Shade, Fae See

Temperature: Cool

Time: Morning

Mentions: Femboy Femboy Elvario Elvario Karcen Karcen

Shael Xyvern

“On the bright side, perhaps you’ll be one of the most well traveled and knowledgeable Slyvari on different places then, skills and knowledge certainly applicable to your career.”

Shael added aloud to Euthalia at a point.

The [Small] yellowy Mushroom miner looked back from atop the barrier wall, and over to Euthalia and company.

The second mushroom miner who was also on the smaller side and yellow looked over and spoke aloud.

Mushroom Miner #2
Screenshot 2025-03-07 at 10-1.01.39 PM.png

“So you are working for that Myco Mossevali then! He didn’t listen to us and now that we’re causing ‘problems’ in his precious workflow he’s willing to settle? That right?!”

This one called out in common.

Thankfully it seemed that Euthalia’s ability had at least helped the Mushrooms be more agreeable to talking with her on more peaceful terms.

“Well whatever, I don't care as long as we get some real tangible change! That shows that he wants to respect us like we as Fae are called to respect and help one another! So what kind of empty promises is he touting now?”

Unfortunately for the prospects of the talk, something very distracting transpired not long after, catching the immediate attention of Shael, Islwyn, and Keone as well as Xarran and Rafael and all of the mercenary lizardmen who tuned to look at the new comer who seemed to appear out of nowhere.

The lizardmen drew their scimitars, Rafael pulled out a silvery tome with blueish text, and got into a ready for casting for conflict stance.

Iswlyn and Keone immediately looked more guarded now, flanking Euthalia, Keone in particular looking like she was revved up to rumble if necessary.

Shael took out her Lunen Eclipse bow and looked at Axie Lotl with great skepticism.

Shael listened to what he had to say, and was confused when she heard the word ‘earth’ and other unfamiliar terms, however her face stayed focused on her target, keeping a serious mask on.


“He don’t look like a guild member to me that I recognize.” The lizard man confirmed to Euthalia.

Shael then looked back to Euthalia with her asking that, it was true there’d be no legal repercussions for killing him then and there.

She paused in thought, pondering the idea, but it wasn’t an appealing one, Shael did not prefer bloodshed where she could avoid it, and without knowing if this young man was truly a threat or not, Shael had worked along side many human adventurers who she saw as decent folk so her willingness to just snuff them out was probably considerably less compared to Euthalia.

The back and forth with Nikita and Eutalia bought her some time to think some more before she nodded,

“{We should be at the ready to act with deadly force if necessary but let’s try to learn what we can about why he’s here, I know it might seem like an unnecessary consideration, but even a human, I’d rather not take a life without knowing the full story and if they actually mean harm.}”

Shael replied in Sylvan.


Keone looked to Nikita, “hey be careful! You should really listen to Euthalia he might be dangerous!” Keone exclaimed looking a bit worried now, but seeing that Nikita was unlikely to listen her face became more serious again as

“Come on, Euthalia’s right, other fae who aren’t like Mossevali rarely come to Mycothra to begin with nevermind humans, you just suddenly showing up here is extremely suspicious.”

“And you better not even consider laying a finger on Nikita..or things are gonna get real ugly real fast.”
she’d warn, giving a very well placed death glare with her eye.


Islwyn looked somewhat concerned too.

“Nikita…don’t get hurt.” she’d say softly, before she too had a more serious expression.

“If you’re a miner for Widersia or a member of Rafael’s guild you’d be a lot better off spilling it now human, what you decide to tell us now or not tell us may completely change the outcome of you situation.” She’d speak with caution to Axie Lotl.

This whole development did not do well for the mushroom miner’s mood, as suddenly the two yellow mushroom miners jumped down behind the wall and another two jumped up and moved what looked like a sizable wooden dome, before placing it on top of their makeshift structure.

Voices could then be heard coming from the protest base encampment. “{What’s a human like that doing here?!}”

“{They must be a foreign mercenary sent to take us out!}

“{Oh spirit king..I hope he’s not a mercenary I hope he’s just a worker for the Widerisans..}”

“{ And what kind of miner wears armor?! Tch! And don’t you dare be a coward!}”

“{Well I’m not going down without a fight, they’ll have to tear me out of here!}”


The workers were now considerably riled up, even if some were concerned, but it was apparent that this new comer was not particularly comforting to them.

Shael let out a soft sigh, feeling a bit tense before she looked to Axie Lotl

“Well Axie Lotl, you’re in the mines of Mycothra, an underground settlement in the Fae See, I think even you realize that’s it’s incredibly unusual for us to meet your kind around here, never mind one who claims to be from a place called “earth’”."

Shael stated as to gauge his reaction to see if this was new information for him or not.

“You also claim that whoever your lord is calls you to help people, well in that case we could use your help right now, I need you to be completely honest with us by giving us some vital information.
If you truly are not from this world, what’s the last thing you remember before arriving here? What is your occupation? And finally what are your intentions now that you are here?”

Shael was trying to learn just about any information that would be helpful to discern what this guy’s deal really was and if he was telling the truth, and wasn’t a threat; if that was the case she might be willing to help guide him out once she was done with Euthalia and her’s business.
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Elvario Elvario Karcen Karcen
Axie Lotl

Equipped Titles:
Human, Good Samaritan
Character Sheet
Point Booster: Attentive Student (F)

Even though it hadn't been his intent to suddenly drop in what felt like an actively ongoing scenario, Axie glanced around and could easily tell there was a lot of hostility towards his arrival. Okay, maybe a clue that he either wasn't supposed to be here or that he just wasn't wanted wherever he was. Panicking and hesitating as he put up his hand to show he held no threat, he'd quickly answer back.

"Waitwaitwaitwait, there's no need to get violent, I swear!" Axie answered, he didn't know whether or not his first mere seconds of wherever he had ended up were going to include him being attacked by a bunch of strangers cosplaying as animals or weird anime characters, finding himself first approached by Nikita which felt like it was done with a complete lack of personal space whatsoever. Averting his glance to the side, he took a small step away from the girl as she began suddenly speaking.

"Uh... the... fae sea? We're in the ocean?" Axie awkwardly asked, a lot of what he was hearing was quite frankly blowing past him rather rapidly. Though, the constant weird specification of 'humans' was really starting to make him think this wasn't a dominantly-human reality. Then again, for as far as he was concerned, all these other people present quite frankly looked human enough.

"So, why does everyone kind of look like huma-" he was going to softly question, but then again, humans had been designed in God's image. Even in other realities, whatever beings lived, they were going to try to model themselves after their own ideals of perfection. Couldn't exactly blame them for... admiration or jealousy or whatever it was that made them want to be human-looking.
"Nevermind I figured it out, don't worry" he sheepishly answered, though Nikita's words weren't exactly getting any easier to comprehend nor encouraging him to keep quiet with questions that formed in her mind.

The other human had mentioned about being a pet, before trying to tell him that it wasn't slavery.
"Uhuh, that's not totally concerning... " he mumbled. With everything else going on, he was honestly about to pass on the pet thing for he could consider a reason or two for it, but the weird specific clarification that it wasn't slavery felt way too specific.
"How sure are you that you decided on that?.." he'd ask, though then for some reason she started going on about Pokémon. Yes, and he was the weird, unbelievable one in the room.
"First, yes I do, I'd imagine most people who don't live under a rock would've heard about Pokémon, secondly I'm not sure what that has to do with anything considering I'm not exactly seeing any of them here, and thirdly, I really like Noivern" Axie answered, it would've been strangely interesting to be dropped in such a world but it didn't look like the case. That being said, it made no sense why Nikita would be so interested in such fictional beings... maybe it was the pet thing. Did they have some weird fascination with wanting to be a Pokémon, or maybe had been convinced-slash-brainwashed that they were one? That didn't sound like it made a lot of sense.

But keeping a step away from the extremely underdressed pet human, his attention focused on the significant danger that came from everyone else in the room. The Plant Lady had begun speaking that  he was the crazy one, and not the Pocket Monster enthusiast in front of her.
"First, I think what I said makes more sense than Pokémon. Second and more importantly, you're all ready to kill me at a moment's notice, I think I feel a little rational right now" Axie reasoned, clearly this world was not a work of God... or at least, one he cherished deeply. Or maybe he did, it was hard to tell, and not really his call to judge. Maybe this world had its' own bible or something. It had to be, God made literally everything. Maybe somewhere else in the known universe. It only made the question of why he was sent here even more puzzling.

"Okay, maybe we can just... put all the feelings of wanting to kill... on the ideas board, instead of putting it out on the table, y'know? Just, ease for a moment. We're all reasonable and intelligent hu-" oh wait, they weren't humans. Right.
"Well, we're all reasonable and intelligent" he'd correct, it was gonna be weird having to get used to the idea these people... weren't people. They looked just like it. But quite frankly, he was very hesitant about making a wrong move right now.

Though, he couldn't understand a word of what else was being said. They could clearly speak English from what it sounded like, though what other language they changed to was way beyond him. But one thing was audible, he kept being asked about being a miner or a guild member.
"I'm not sure what part of me gave the idea I was a miner, but I am very much not either of those things" he responded, hearing for them warning Nikita. He took a step back, putting his hands (with clutched shield in one hand) in the air as he made reasonable space.

"Wasn't gonna do a thing, wouldn't ever hurt a human, your friends are completely right Nikita, don't approach and talk to strangers, especially not ones that fall from the ceiling into private locations" he uttered, not wanting to get on the bad side of all these not-human people... then again, it was probably too late for that, so damage control was the best he could do as Axie tried to play nice with their wishes. That, and Nikita was on a very thin line of crossing into naked territory, he didn't exactly want to even put his gaze on her for the time being, let alone touch them without permission. That was probably a slap to the face anytime soon.

Kind of just awkwardly listening to what Shael had to say, there were still things that didn't make sense to being considered weird.
"You never heard a single person say Earth? Not even earth, as in dirt or soil?.. This really must be the ocean" he'd question, for them to have never heard of such a common thing really put a strange perspective on the place he was in. As for the mushroom people, still couldn't understand a word, so he'd just have to forget it for now.

"Basicallyyyyy, buuuut there's a lot of inbetween stuff-" Axie hummed over the matter of helping people, applying those rules to a world not as filled with humans kind of felt like it changed a lot. Shael began asking him for a lot of information, unsure how it'd fix the mess but already having the answer ready.

"Okay, I was in my room, on planet Earth, resting on my bed, when this sudden golden light appeared, and transported me through an incomprehendable rift realm or something, and then I fell from up there" Axie simply answered, pointing up from where he had fell from.
"I work around, charities, supporting local businesses with failing profits, soup kitchens and food banks, I worked delivery for different people, ongoing job and hobby for animal rehab centres and public gardens, I also took work for private animal care and tending to people's personal garden things, church work, aaaaand fishing and cooking in general. And that's pretty much it. As for what I'm gonna do now, I have absolutely no idea, my schedule didn't plan for being teleported into some unknown mine potentially lightyears away from home, but I'll just know when I know" Axie answered, speaking rather quickly as to not hold up as much time with his explanation.

"Anything I missed? No foul intent here, not a single bit, nada, not a thing" he'd chime rather talkatively, still making sure to remain stepped away from Nikita as to not provoke the wrath of the local... angy people.

  • Talk it Out - Fe Grade - 0 Turn Cooldown: Try to be nice and talk out whatever it is that needs to be peace-talked, using social cues and reading the room - Empathy (F) + Etiquette (F) + Energized (F)
Euthalia Apricot


Heavily self-edited AI generated stuff.
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Nikita Karcen Karcen | Axolotl Femboy Femboy

Euthalia grimaced at Shael's bright side. “I could use some 'bright sides' by now, but you're not wrong.”

The miners somehow switched to Common again. Fine. That seemed to be what they're going with then. “Not exactly. We're working for Shaamil, from the Faazi Merchant Company.” She'd correct them, as they had a bit more neutrality on the matter. “Whilst it's true that we are working with Myco Mossevali, we're not working for him. As a result, I'd like to hear you out on equal footing as his.” She'd offer.

She sighed upon hearing the mushrooms so sceptical. “I can assure you, there is room for real change. However, I would ask that we discuss it more calmly and peacefully.” Talking to mushrooms that were up in arms on barricades was definitely not ideal. She hoped to (literally and figuratively) talk them down from it with [Convince].

Convince – Persuasion E, Leadership E, Insight E – Character used their persuasion to make a convincing argument. - Grade E – 1 Post Cooldown

Sadly enough, it seemed nobody recognised the weird Axolotl that'd rolled in. She sighed when Shael went all pacifist. It felt like too much of a risk to her. “{It'll be your responsibility.}” She'd just reply to Shael. Not really agreeing, but not wanting wanting to fight or argue over this.

To make her even more annoyed, the mushroom miners seemed to be brought on edge by him. So much for trying to talk them out into the open to have a more calm debate. Unless.... She glared at Axolotl. Finishing him off would really make things all the easier. Sadly enough, Shael began explaining things to him already. “{He's not with us. If he makes one wrong move, I'll personally take care of him.}” She promised herself as well as the mushroom miners.

There were many things Axolotl said that just made her more annoyed at him. To the point she was actively trying to tune him out. A lot of what he said made no sense, but to her surprise, he did claim to know the 'Pokémon' that Nikita had spoken of. Wait... was this someone from Nikita's own world? That'd complicate things further. She sighed.

“Your presence is disturbing the negotiations.” She'd tell him. Whom could she ask to have him get the fuck out? Rafael would be least missed, but if Axolotl really was with the enemy, it'd be too dangerous to sent him out with Rafael. Xarran wasn't as easily missed. “Shael, do you think you can guide him out of here?” It was the only remaining option, as she didn't want to risk sending Keone or Iswlyn along with him. Let alone Nikita. Besides, the sooner that pest was out of her sight, the better. Ideally he'd also be gone before he'd start having a negative influence on Nikita. As much as her pet Human was being decently well, she feared any interactions with Humans like this would taint her beyond fixing.

Nikita heard the worries of the others, but if this person was dangerous then he wouldn't be acting so odd. That was her reasoning at least so she wasn't worried, heck he wouldn't even meet her eyes or look at her and seemed more scared of her than anything. Also Axie had a shield but no weapon, so she assumed if he needed the shield he would need a sword, but lacking a sword he must not be a fighter. Axie was of course rather odd, but it just made Nikita sure he was telling the truth. She was excited when he said he knew about Pokémon though the way he spoke about them was odd, was his world without Pokémon? If it was how did he know about them? There were at least 3 worlds so who knew how many there were and how many things leaked through worlds.

" The See isn't an ocean its mostly been forest from what i have seen it was like my island but without any Pokémon " Nikita said her tone excited as she decided to suddenly hug Axie as she had no real sense of danger from him and maybe the others would calm down if she did also he kept moving away so she needed to grab him to keep him from wandering off. " You are like me you came from another world, though i came from a Pokémon world" Nikita fully bridged what everyone was saying this guy was another traveler from another world.

Thought why he would question if she had decided to be a pet was curious with how the others acted towards him why would he think they would act any different towards her? She had honestly not been very welcome at first though Islwyn had always been nice. " I did decide on it it is much easier to explain why i am around Euthalia and Keone, and Islwyn and Sheal. " though she had already decided on the pet thing before meeting sheal more or less. " It is pretty fun i get to learn lots and eat plenty of food and sleep with keone lots " The last part likely not a benefit to anyone but her.

" You are the firs human i have seen in 10 years " She said tightening her hug and showing despite her small build she was far stronger than she seemed. The others were not as excited and Nikita got it humans here on this world weren't very good, but Axie wasn't from this world. So he shouldn't be as bad as other humans at least that was what Nikita thought, though everyone seemed to want to get rid of him and Nikita well she wanted to talk to another human but he seemed very different. She also didn't want to be mean namely in the just sending him off. While nikita might be willing to learn how be be good she doubted Axie would be the same. She also didn't want Euthalia to have another human.

Nikita still was hugging axie but turned to Euthalia " We can't just let him loose he might get killed or might cause other humans to show up " Nikita said not wanting him to get killed for not knowing anything " Maybe we can keep him around and take him to a border with a human country then let him go " She suggested treating Axie like an animal in some ways. Still it was the best way to let him live.
Location: Mycothra, The Shade, Fae See

Temperature: Cool

Time: Morning

Mentions: Femboy Femboy Elvario Elvario Karcen Karcen

The visible mushroom miners did seem to listen carefully to Euthalia before the otherworldly interruption the pair nodding every now and again when she said she was working for Shaamil and WITH Myco Mossevali rather than for him, which seemed to calm down their aggressiveness a bit more.

“{I hope what she says is true.}” A voice came from within the fortifications, after her room for real change comment.

But the calm didn’t last all so long with Axolotl.

Shael Xyvern

Shael nodded to Euthalia, “{Of course, I’ll take responsibility if it goes wrong, that’s the risk of showing kindness to the unknown frequently.}”


A voice from the barricade exclaimed.

“{I’d come out there and take care of him myself If I knew more about e’m!}” Another voice came from the barricade encampment at Euthalia’s affirmation of him not being with them.

Shael tried her best to understand what the new comer was saying. Some of it made a lot more sense than other parts of it.

Just as Shael was thinking about trying to explain more of what the situation was with the new comer, Nikita seemed to be interested in doing just that.

She explained that it wasn’t an ocean, but also brought up the confusing pokemon concept once again, Shael hoped that wouldn’t cause any misunderstandings or more confusion for the young man..that and the whole pet human thing but not slavery disclaimer..might give him the wrong idea, Shael would need to clear that up too..but more surprisingly it looked like he actually knew what a pokemon was..causing Shael to draw a similar thought to Euthalia.

It appeared that Islwyn and Keone also had the thought come to mind.


“Wait..are you from Nikita’s world? You know what a pokemon is? She’s tried explaining them to us and even I must say, it’s been a difficult word to define.”

Keone’s harsh expression softened a bit at seeing Nikita hug the man, and talk about how he was the only human she’d seen in quite some time. However the caution was not gone from her stance, his words saying he meant no harm only doing so much, actions would speak louder than words.

Keone was however a bit surprised to hear him give Nikita the same warning, perhaps there was a chance he was telling the truth.

Shael looked to Euthalia before giving her a nod of confirmation, “{Yes I can show him where to go where it’ll be less interruptive for your work.}”

Shael felt kind of bad for Nikita now who was clearly already worried about the guy, but it wouldn’t be terribly reasonable to expect Euthalia and company to guide this guy out of the country..Shael however she already did plenty of work out of the Fae See and she did have a [Guide] title..

“Nikita, I emphasis with your point, if this man is truly who he says he is and his story is accurate, then there is grounds to feel sympathy for him, however we cannot expect Euthalia and her companions and friends to make a detour just to help a stranger cross the border, I however..do work, So I may be able to help guide him so he doesn’t get hurt.”

“The point still stands that he is not going to be positively conducive where Euthalia is attempting to be diplomatic, whether he means no harm or not, he brings too much attention by the very fact he’s a human and here with us.”

She then looked to the human of the hour,

“ And to answer your question, No I’ve not heard someone say they are from “earth’ let alone another planet.” Shael spoke.

“Furthermore I do not want you to get the false impression that our citizens have some sort of irrational bloodlust or hatred toward humans, the reasoning is simple, you appeared in part of the See of Chearon, which barely sees any humans, even less than usual, which makes many people more suspicious of them, fair or not, it’s how it simply is.” she’d clarify.

“There is much more I can tell you, and questions which I can answer, but I must ask that you please, come with me, I can assure you if your intentions are as you say and you mean no harm and do not wish to do our nation or those who inhabit it any harm, then I do not intend on hurting you Axie Lotl, nor would I mind speaking on your behalf to ensure your safety. I can bring you out of the mines to a settlement, and make sure you’re able to stay out of trouble for the time being.”


Rafael kept his focus on Axie Lotl. “She speaks the truth, I am an outsider in this land too..you get used to it if you stay here long enough..where I am from there are many more humans and people like me alike..”

Surprisingly Rafael seemed to be making some sort of effort to help Axie chill despite his circumstances.
Euthalia Apricot


Heavily self-edited AI generated stuff.
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Nikita Karcen Karcen | Axolotl Femboy Femboy

Euthalia looked in disgust upon seeing the Humans hug. Perhaps she should give up on trying to train Nikita? It was pretty obvious, in hindsight, that a Human would clutch itself to the first other Human it'd find. Training Nikita to be more like a Fae clearly did go against her natural instincts to be around other Humans and to inevitably be ruined by them.

When Nikita turned as much and started arguing for the stranger's sake, that pretty much convinced her. “You should go with him, in that case. Shael can guide you out of our nation soon enough. It seems you're going to be better off with other Humans after all.” That was all she said, before turning her back on them. She'd rather try not to get further distracted from her important tasks by silly Human antics and she definitely[ wasn't the slightest bit jealous. The thought alone would be utterly foolish.

Raising an eyebrow, she heard Shael claim the most citizens had an irrational bloodlust. “After what the East Empire did to us? I'd say most hold a rational bloodlust and hatred towards them.” At the very least Euthalia was honest. “Whilst a lot of others might see his life as little more than an insect. Ready to be squashed when getting annoying.” Upon hearing Shael say she'd just guide him out Euthalia frowned. “Without knowing who he is for sure, or what sabotage he might've caused here, you're putting this place at a lot of risk by letting him go.” She seriously considered it. Killing off the threat right here and now. Ensuring that whatever he'd done, seen or prepared here would be in vein.

In the end she sighed. “I guess we can't exactly rid ourselves of the Widersians that way and they'd have probably had chances to see, do and prepare just as much. I guess we're already taking that risk with them, so adding him to the list wouldn't be too much worse.” That was the only reasoning by which she was willing to spare him.

Turning back to the Mushroom Miners, she'd speak up. “{As you heard, they're planning to escort him out. Would be willing to speak more calmly with me after?}”

Nikita frowned could Euthalia really abandon her that easily just because she was around another human? There was no way Eutahlia was that mean she didn't like human but she wouldn't just leave Nikita with some strange guy. Nikita was being nice to him he was the first human and first person who understood pokemon that she had met. She was even trying to just get him somewhere safely but not keep him around. Euthalia was being so mean and it didn't make sense. Nikita would hug Euthalia and show her more affection but Euthalia had issues even touching her so how could she hug her? Nikita knew he was from another world not her world clearly, but he knew the name of a pokemon when she had mentioned them and was so confused looking. It was clear to nikita he was just some unlucky person that got sent here like her and was confused. She had proof that he couldn't be a spy as there was no way that he could be prepared for her question.

Nikita let go of Axie as well euthalia was more important. " Why are you being so mean Euthalia you are always really nice ?" Nikita asked her own confused and sadness showing in her tone she was emotionally still young and acted like any child might when someone they thought was nice was suddenly mean " Is it because i am being nice to him?" She asked pointing at Axie " he can't be a spy he named a pokemon no one in this world could send someone that know them here right now" She pointed out anyone that could know to send the one person from another world that knew what a pokemon was would have magic or whatever to just know what is going on here. " You were nice when you found me so i was being nice because we found him " Nikita sniffled and started to cry.

Nikit a did the only thing someone with the experience of a kid could think to do when it seemed their parents were extra mad at them. She started to cry and rushed Euthalia. Nikita started hugging the much much taller plant woman. Well she was hugging her leg. " IM SORRY IM SORRY DON'T LEAVE ME ' She begged she pleaded " I DON'T WANT TO BE ALONE AGAIN " She cried out she had not even realized she was scared of being alone. She had been for years and if asked normally she would have said she was okay she could survive alone. " I'LL BE GOOD I'LL DO NAYTHING PLEASE DON'T GO " She begged.

This all likely was not a great look to anyone. having Nikita crying and begging likely wouldn't make Euthalia seem exactly empathetic. Who after all would be callous enough to ignore a child's pleading in front of everyone to just go talk business. Though anyone that might try to remove Nikita's crying form from Euthalia's side would find her using up tot he full strength of her [super strength D] to stay attached to Euthalia. This was not a good look for anyone all because of Axie and Nikita just wanting them to take him somewhere safe before they left him. Nikita of course didn't stop begging or sobbing like any child might she just kind of became incoherent in her dismay that those that were pretty much her family were going to easily leave her namely Euthalia, but if euthalia left everyone left. The idea that axie would even exist if she was taken away from euthalia didn't cross her mind. Axie was nothing but another human the first in forever but he was a stranger who just shared a few things in common Nikita didn't really care to stay with him. She wanted to stay with euthalia and the others.
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Karcen Karcen Elvario Elvario
Axie Lotl

Equipped Titles:
Human, Good Samaritan
Character Sheet
Point Booster: Attentive Student (F)
God-Given Assignment: Help Euthalia and Nikita's... eeeh, 'relationship'.

With the plant mentioning that his presence was a problem, Axie shrugged. Maybe it just wasn't his fault they found a problem with him. Whatever was going on in this world clearly wasn't right. Either way, he kept his attention on Nikita for a bit considering that was the reason he currently danced a thin line between life and death.

Though before he could build any more thoughts, the human girl would suddenly break that distance between them and embrace him. A bit silenced by the matter, he gave a small glance towards the others unsure if this meant instant death time, but couldn't help but move his arms gently around Nikita to return the hug back. Even if he was told not to lay a finger... that, and he was being hugged a lot tighter in return.
"Uh, thank you?.." he murmured softly to the appreciation from the strange girl, it wasn't exactly imagined as something that might come his way but a nice gesture nonetheless since nobody else apparently wanted him around.

"Mhm, not dying is probably preferred, although... I'm not exactly sure how fast I should be rushing off. I must've dropped here specifically for a reason... " Axie answered softly, since there was a lot of talk about helping escort him elsewhere or out of the country. Safety wise, made a lot of sense. Goal wise, made the mystery bigger. He took a moment to let his line of sight trail around the area. There truly had to be something so blatantly obvious that God had shoved in front of him to tell him what he had to do. At least he was mentally praying for it, things didn't make a lot of sense.

Though, one thing about humans that started sounding like it was making a lot of sense...

As much as he wanted to put it behind him, this was probably a world where the presence of Christ didn't exist. Earth was founded on a pretty largely Christian belief before the modern era. If the ways of the Lord weren't commonly followed back then...

Humans might've been extremely terrible in this world, they had no initial direction. Oh gosh, the corrupt industry, the selfish and manipulative acts, sabotage, killing, debauchery, thieving, it would've come so much sooner and with less reason for humanity to leash itself.

"I don't think we're from the same world, but probably more correlating ones. I understand what she's talking about at the least" he answered to Isylwyn, shaking his head at the given offers.
"It is alright, I don't need your free acts when you truly don't require giving them. When my business is done, I'm sure God'll... perhaps, remove me from this world as my purpose is complete, or point me where to go next. If I'm here, then I likely have something to help, and I solemnly promise that I will assist you as much as I can, as a gifted... paladin? From the cosmos. I suppose you could consider my appearance a divine gift that some otherwordly God had decided you deserve... " Axie saw the situation, although it wasn't exactly the best way he would want to put it. It was a way that better fit the situation at least, to try and state a reason for his presence before things started detracting into being worse.

To the matter of figuring out his purpose, he looked around. In a mine. Mushroom people. Totally-not-slavery. Animal people. Plant. Shield in hand. What did it all mean? Then, a rather interesting thing. The plant suggested the idea of Nikita going with him, followed by Nikita's rather apparent upset, started forming a pretty clear picture.

Hm, Planty didn't like people, but kept a human, who liked her a lot.

The mines were a representation of a deep point, a rock bottom, a deep-rooted problem...

Roots. Plant person, a deeply internal rooted problem between...

Mushroom people? They were the problem they were dealing with. Problematic mushrooms... those existed, right? Parasitic fungus? A deeply internal rooted problem grown and ingrained in the core of... Euthalia? Euthalia was the most hostile-sounding here to him, at least towards him. Plus, there was a lot of weird plant and biology connection going on here. Clearly, there was something between Euthalia and Nikita.

Animal people, beastkin... Nikita was a pet, wasn't she? Like, animals. What was that supposed to mean? Though Nikita's desperation was like a whining puppy. Hm, dogs. Man's best friend. HuMans. Everyone... looked human, every living being here was noticeably humanoid in some resemblance.

Clearly, it was a deep-rooted problem that lied in internal confliction of Euthalia... who was struggling with... companionship and understanding of Nikita who... was aware of what life they wanted to accept, but Euthalia's distaste for humans saw it as blatantly shallow on their understanding of the situation.

And clearly, Nikita's desire and excitement to see another human, must be a sign for her clear longing of family or place. Which she's trying to do here, but obviously, there's a big roadblock - hence the big barricade - that's stopping them from truly hitting that balanced connection! Hence the owner-pet thing.

Ah, lightly slapping his forehead, it was clearly so obvious. How did he not immediately notice?

He clearly was here to fix Euthalia and Nikita's... questionably strange dynamic, into helping the two better understand and appreciate eachother. Gasping softly with a small smile, despite the weird display, he nodded.

"Wait, I'm pretty sure that my reason for being here is all clear to me, and I feel like I should make sure that it's dealt with before I go anywhere... if you'd be kind enough to allow me to stay company for just a little bit. It won't be a difficulty" he'd answer to the others, though looked to the Plant Lady clearly disrespecting their favourite human. With a small gasp, he'd put his hands to his lips.

"Planty, that's a bit thoughtless of you. I mean, sure, but humans don't exactly have a whole lot of great benefits. Pollution, crime, murder, dirty minds, scamming, stealing, corrupt business practice, selfishness, economy problems, bad governments, honestly we could be here all day talking about bad things humans do, it's why I stand for... not doing a single one of those things. I'm not here to relocate your pet human. Just look at her, is your planty-kind just heartless monsters that would so willingly throw out a poor and innocent human unaffected by the corruptions of modern society at the first sight? Even if she loves you dearly? Maybe you should take some... Heart to Heart classes, with Nikita. I just so happen to understand such a subject very well. Perhaps after your mine deal, you and Nikita should have some assistance on... " he tried to look for how to put it.

"How to better raise a good pet human... " gosh it was quite hard to say. Though he soon shrugged and scoffed, putting on a blatant smug smirk to challenge what seemed like one stubborn weed.

"Besides, if you hate humans so much, wouldn't being able to raise and have such a pristine and fine pet human lady at your ownership be a dream? Humans would elevate Nikita on a pedestal in their own minds if crafted to such an art of a finely raised human free of such bad influence, you'd truly have a piece of prime luxury as your very own every day, and it'd technically be a ticket to mentally leashing those lesser admiring humans just wishing they could be as lucky as Nikita, or to be anywhere near your greatness~. Oh, but what am I saying, clearly, you're not interested".

After the matter, assuming he could even find a way to help with the whole mining thing, he would. But considering it didn't feel like they'd want to talk or anything with him, there wasn't much point in trying.

  • Talk it Out - Fe Grade - 0 Turn Cooldown: Try to be nice and talk out whatever it is that needs to be peace-talked, using social cues and reading the room - Empathy (F) + Etiquette (F) + Energized (F)​
Location: Mycothra, The Shade, Fae See

Temperature: Cool

Time: Morning

Mentions: Femboy Femboy Karcen Karcen Elvario Elvario

Shael Xyvern

Shael didn’t have much to say on the NIkita issue as it seemed that Axie Lotl had decided to be bold.


“Awh, Euthalia we aren’t going to give her up that easy are we? She’s still learning.” She looked to Euhtalia with some pleading eyes.


Keone looked to Euthalia and then to Nikita,

“To be honest it doesn’t sound like you to just give up on a project after a little set back Euthalia, Why not show everyone that you’re able to make a human passingly palatable? It’d be a testament to you skills if anything else.” Keone spoke matter of factly, though truthfully she was a bit worried about Nikita.

What Shael did have to say was though was in response to Euthalia’s interpretation of what she said.

“Actually I was simply telling him not to assume that everyone here wants him dead. There are plenty of reasons to feel resentment at what humans have done and have continued to do, and I was not trying to claim that they were irrational thoughts, but we’re not all the same, as you can see, many could care less and see him with an indifference as you say as well for example.”

She’d assert, herself probably very well being an example of one of the rarer ones who didn’t care if he was human or not particularly. , while she wasn’t going to die on a hill for just any human, she’d met ones who were genuinely kind and giving in her time outside of the Fae See, and no matter how many bad things they had done as a group, that wasn’t going to discredit the good ones she had met in Shael’s mind.

Just like it’d be foolish to claim all Fae were noble and good she’d think to herself.

[Naive] or not she meant what she said.

“{If it turned out he didn’t do anything, I’d have to live with the fact that I snuffed out an innocent life, human or not.}” She’d respond.

“{Yes! I do not know how I can trust him! He does not belong in these mines!}"

A mushroom miner called back to Euthalia.

“{There better not be any more surprises!}”

“{I still would have taken him on!}"
Another one called out.

“{Believe me, if it becomes deemed necessary, I’d act without hesitation.}” Shael further clarified to Euthalia and company.

Unfortunately it seemed Nikita did not take what Euthalia said well.

Only causing both Islwyn and Keone to have saddened looks on their faces, when Nikita started literally crying, both turning to Euthalia as it was her decision ultimately.

“She does raise a point. It'd be a bit strange to just happen to send someone else who knows what a pokemon is, when I’ve yet to meet a single other person mention them besides Nikita in all of my time spent around this realm.” Shael added.

Shael found herself feeling bad for Nikita, “Everything will be fine Nikita, if Euthalia no longer wants your accompaniment I’m happy to take you along with Axie Lotl.” She’d add.

“Dropped for a reason here or not Axie Lotl, I cannot in good conscience allow you to go off into our land alone without assistance. Once I’ve finished my work here you may leave Mycothra; you’ll be a lot safer if you waited in Mycothra until we were done here anyway, the tunnels leading out of it aren’t necessarily clear and It’d be much more preferable for you to have my presence before you leave as someone who's lived in the Shade of the Fae See for many years. I can also tell you now you’ll want to avoid an interrogation without having someone to vouch for you.”

Axie Lotl seemed to be a deal more aware of the flawed nature of humans which was interesting to say the least, she wondered if Euthalia might be a bit more impressed after hearing him list all the things, as she knew very well many humans weren’t even at that point of self awareness.

It seemed Axie Lotl was interested in trying to play mediator with them.

“If your desire to help is true, I appreciate that, but the difficult thing is Axie Lotl, is that many are currently unnerved by you, you would need to show that you truly mean no harm, it would likely involve disarming yourself at a minimum and staying where you can be seen a distance away..but I do believe the easier path forward is to follow me as Euthalia has said, for your information, she is a professional in mediating these types of situations including civil working rights dispute issues..”

She’d add, unaware of just what Axie Lotl was deeming his goal.
Euthalia Apricot


Heavily self-edited AI generated stuff.
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Nikita Karcen Karcen | Axolotl Femboy Femboy

“Mean?” She asked, confused. Was this mean? Pointing out that her pet Human project seemed more suitable to go with another Human it immediately clinged too. How was something so reasonable being mean? If your pets wanted to return to their natural habitats, you'd be more mean to keep them instead of letting them go.

“It's because you seem instantly comfortable around other Humans and reminded me you might be better off with your own species.” She'd reply, without hesitation, when Nikita started asking 'why' in a panic. Then she started to cry... That was confusing.

Euthalia's first instinct was the try kick off the Human now clinging to her leg. Yet she couldn't bring herself to act on it. For now, she'd just put a hand on the Humans head as she debated her options. It was rather odd to see the Human panic so much about being separated. Was Euthalia wrong in that the Human had started to instantly lean more towards her own kind?

Then again, Euthalia wasn't able to think about it for long as she'd be brutally murdered by a D grade ability going undefended realise the sap-stream in her leg was starting to cut off. “Alright, calm down.” She'd hush the Human, hoping for her leg not to start withering away from that pressure.

“No.” She'd reply to Axie when he asked to stay. When he called her 'planty' she'd try kill him with her glare alone. “The only reason I'm not killing you is due to respecting Shael's decision. Yet that has its limits. Shut up and leave whilst you can.” That was all she had to say to him. It was already far more than a bug zooming around your head as if begging to be squashed was worth being told. He was right in one thing, she clearly wasn't interested.

Her companions were quick to chime in. “You don't think she'd be better off with her own kind? You saw how quick and eager she was to run towards the first one of them she saw.” She'd ask Islwyn. Then looking to Keone. “Perhaps, but I guess I ended up caring enough to wonder if it wouldn't be better for her to be with her own kind.”

She sighed at Shael. “And I'm warning him he'd be less likely to die if he does assume that everyone wants him dead.” She gave him another glare. “As he might already die by my vines, at this point, if he doesn't shut up and leave immediately.”

Shael made no sense. “{It's just a Human though.}” She didn't recall Shael being some sort of activist. Perhaps Euthalia was wrong about that. “{Just get him out of here. I'll respect your wishes, as you've been an amazing guide, but I'm running of patience. If needed, you can consider yourself absolved from your duties until he's out of here.}”

When Nikita felt Euthalia pet her and seem to reconsider abandoning her She slowly relaxed her grip on Euthalia's leg. Nikita hadn't even realized how much strength she was using and thus not knowing how she had cut off the spa flow, but as Nikita's panic slowly died down she would not let go but stop using super strength. It was easy for even Nikita to forget how strong she was given in her old world she had just been normal and hand never needed to use the strength outside of that one fight. Nikita still didn't let go of Euthalia she was still clinging to the plant woman as if letting her go would make the taller woman vanish. She didn't want to let go as she felt if she did then Euthalia might reconsider again a seed of fear was planted in Nikita as she didn't see things with Axie the same as Euthalia. The plant woman seemed to think she would be better off with a stranger just because they were the same race, they weren't even from the same world. She had been happy to see another human, and to have someone know pokemon, but that was where anything they shared ended.

" Better off why you are my family why would i be better off away?" Nikita asked revealing how attached she had become and how she viewed the others. They were her family their race didn't matter she loved them. She didn't want to ever be away from them. In some ways her clinging was more than just not wanting to leave family, it was her trying to hold onto something she had had lost and didn't want to lose again but once again had no power to stop from being taken away.

This was all because of Axie and Nikita understood at last in her own way the chaos humans could cause. Her world had not been perfect and had plenty of bad things like team nova, but it was a far nicer world than where Axie came from it seemed. Whatever chaos lurked in his world seemed to cling to him as him just being here had cause such a big issues to emerge. Still Nikita did wonder if Shael would be fine around him. She didn't feel like Axie was that dangerous, but that he caused things without meaning to. That she had been the one to hug him and that in some respects she caused this was lost on her as like most kids she would blame someone else for what she might have caused.

" euthalia maybe we shouldn't let him go off with just Shael " Nikita said her voice not quite out of panic but it was clear she was calming down she wasn't scared of losing him she might not be as extreme as Euthalia but she had a negative view of other humans thanks to her " even if he is a nice humans he might accidently cause chaos and Shael might get hurt without you around you can talk any issues out " She said not calling Axie good but nice an important little detail. She of course spoke in the tone of a child who believed their parent could do anything and was the greatest. " It would protect the most Fae to keep him well watched " she continued though even she knew that was temporary "[b] At least until he can be taken to a human land and let go [/b]" Nikita was on the same page as the others wanting to get rid of him, but not wanting to leave Shael alone with axie or to simply let axie go. " Please?" Nikita begged not having any skill to convince others she was just begging for what she felt was the best solution for everyone, not to protect a fellow human but to protect everyone from said human.
Karcen Karcen TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Elvario Elvario
Axie Lotl

Equipped Titles:
Human, Good Samaritan
Character Sheet
Point Booster: Attentive Student (F)

From the looks of it, even the others in the plant-person's company thought it quite harsh that they were so easily willing to give away Nikita to the first human they saw. Clearly, their interest in having a pet human couldn't have been too keen in the slightest if they were that willing to do so. The others must've been those who actually possessed a heart for others, while Euthalia was some sort of arrogant plant that appeared like they didn't want to be there or among anyone they found themselves with.

With Shael's suggestion, he hummed for a moment as he looked over his person.
"Well, I'm... already disarmed. For the most part" he muttered, seeing as he didn't have anything akin to a weapon outside of his bare hands and the shield. Though, that felt more like a tool for self-defense rather than some sort of... mindless self-lead attack on a group of people.
"As long as you understand that my plan and purpose isn't looking to be thrown into some wilderness or neighbouring country just because it's 'human land', I'll listen and follow" Axie nodded, although he wasn't entirely convinced of any evidence that Shael was being completely truthful about it. It would feel a little strange for one of them to have such a different view on him, especially with offering to go out of her way for his escorting to a safe location. Although, ending up entering a world in one place and immediately being offered to be taken to another else entirely wasn't exactly a good method for answers considering he'd just got a foundation of where he was right now.

Though, the plant seemed not to care for his offer. A shame.
"Alright Planty, my apologies, I only supposed you'd want help with training your Pet Human. I didn't know that you had such a dislike for Nikita's presence" he uttered with a soft shake of his head. If it felt clear that Planty didn't like her Pet Human, he honestly couldn't tell what part of her had won over Nikita in the first place. Unless she was just really trying to get Euthalia to open up from being such a thorny rose, it did seem like Planty was happy with just being a stick in the mud rather than anything else. That and he saw no personal problems with nicknames like Planty. It was just harmless fun. What was he gonna do, get brutally murdered for it?

Then again, he didn't have much else to do whilst waiting around, he'd have to wait for the rest of the group's diplomatic affairs. Although Euthalia clearly wanted nothing to do with him the moment he existed, Axie wasn't going to give up that easy on his god-given task of making this good pet and their owner have an unbreakable bond. He'd just need to do it from a different direction, someone who had already proven willing to listen to him that likely wasn't going to be busy with fae affairs.

"Hey, Nikita, I'm sure it's just the tension of the situation right now. I'm sure you're not getting abandoned, that'll never happen, Planty and the rest of your friends adore you. But maybe you can come keep me company whilst they handle important things. I'm not gonna flood you with 'human details', but I think I know some cool stuff you'd love to hear about. I think Planty and all your friends'll be really impressed if you learn it well" he asked with a smile, a discussion amongst 'simple humans' while the beast and fae handled whatever was a good time.

If he couldn't get through to Euthalia, then maybe he'd have to help Nikita learn some new tricks in order to manipulate the heart of her owner to show how great of a pet they were, and acts of love and obedience that really tied together that connection. A quite simple spell, quite unbreakable, humans were always beguiled by such silly acts of cuteness from animals. All he'd need to do is get a cute human who needed to win over the heart of a stubborn owner, and he just so happened to have one right here.​
Location: Mycothra, The Shade, Fae See

Temperature: Cool

Time: Morning

Mentions: Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy Karcen Karcen
Shael Xyvern

Shael was a bit relieved to see that Euthalia was being somewhat receptive to Nikita even after all was said and done, putting a hand on her and telling her to calm down, though Shael did hope that Nikita would let go of her leg sooner or later, knowing that probably wasn’t great for plants just as it wasn’t a person.

However even Shael was of agreement that Axie Lotl staying there really wasn’t going to be great for Euthalia getting her work done, he was too unnerving for the fae isolationists who she needed to negotiate with as seen with how they hunkered down against the unknown.

It seemed Euthalia made her stance very clear that if he didn’t she’d go through with killing him if he continued to delay business, something which Shael had seen many times before from other Fae, so she couldn’t really blame anyone here knowing what she knew.


Islwyn looked to Euthalia and it was like she was in thought.

‘I..Understand what you’re saying Euthalia and perhaps she would be fine without us, but she clearly really cares about you and as she said he was the first human she has seen in years, if i was lost in a land of humans for years and never saw one of my own even I might feel like embracing them myself....if she’d prefer to stay with us, then I don’t see the harm in it, I think she can be trained to possibly even be helpful.” Islwyn gave her opinion on the matter.

“And I also understand that it’s kinda a big deal to take someone else on but now It’s only more obvious to me just how much she wants to please you, Euthalia..she considers us family.” Islwyn spoke.


Keone looked like she was in thought, “You’re a kind person Euthalia..” she’d comment thoughtfully.

Shael eventually nodded at what Euthalia had to say, “I understand you are not incorrect that it is safer to operate under that assumption.”

Shael looked back to Euthalia and didn’t reply when she said he was just a human, it was hard for her to articulate what she’d experienced working with them first hand in her adventuring parties, and learning about them, that there was more to humans than might appear at a surface level. She doubted that Euthalai would necessarily buy what she was saying or might even consider Shael too far gone herself, perhaps corrupted by human’s influences, so she would not press the matter any further,

Instead she give Euthalia a bow, “{Thank you for your generosity Diplomat of the Fae see., I truly appreciate it.}”

Though Shael was a bit puzzled when Nikita seemed to question whether she herself was strong enough to handle watching over Axie Lotl safely.

What Axie Lotl didn’t know was that in IH shields were considered strength based weapons.

Shael nodded at hearing what Axie Lotl had to say.

“I cannot force you to leave this nation it is not illegal for you to be in it, however I feel we have fairly forewarned you of what it means to travel here as a human.”

Shael listened to what he had to say next. She then looked to Euthalia.

“Since Nikita seems to be concerned, I’m fine with her coming along and watching her too if you’d prefer it.”
she’d say to Euthalia.

“{Rafael can come along too for extra support if that’s preferable, I believe there’s enough support here for the time being with the brothers now that it seems things are deescalating slowly but surely. And I do not believe the Widersian workers should be dangerous either. }“

Rafael looked to Euthalia,

“Up to you boss lady.” Apparently it seemed that Rafael understood at least some Sylvan.

Xarran looked over, “I can assure you she’s correct, you’re more than protected in our hands.” he said and the four other mercenaries who were with him looked to be in agreement.

One of the voices of the miners spoke up again,

“{So what are you willing to give us on behalf of Mossevali then? I’m waiting!}” the voice called to Euthalia presumably.
Regardless of what happened next, Shael gestured for Axie Lotl to come along and follow her back through the tunnels (and anyone else who would be permitted)

Presuming he was agreeable and follow Axie would also see some of the strange large glowing bioluminescent shrooms which littered the top of the sizable tunnels and glowed purples, oranges, blues, and reds.

She’d then eventually speak up to Axie ,

“I understand if you’re skeptical of what I have to say as you have every right to in a strange place which hasn't been the most friendly upon your arrival, but I did want to say that I appreciate the kindness which you are showing. I also wish to say at the forefront It is true that I’ve lived a good deal of my years outside of the shade where you are now, in the nation of Ryke, working at the Ryken Adventurers guild so I myself have worked with a great diversity of people and have seen first hand how simple labels do not define us as beings. I’ve had to put my very life in the hands of others, non Fae included, and trust them that they would do what was right is what I’m trying to say, so there is no trick from me, is all I mean to say..

So that you know that I’m telling the truth, you are more than welcome to appraise me when it’s convenient and you have the means too.”
Euthalia Apricot


Heavily self-edited AI generated stuff.
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Nikita Karcen Karcen | Axolotl Femboy Femboy

Euthalia grew more confused. “Family?” Didn't Nikita herself introduce her as 'their pet' and not a member of their family? “I guess some people might consider pets their family...” She contemplated, then sighed. “Fine, you've been good so far. Just don't do stuff like that again.” She'd cave in. It was tough to let Nikita go... Mostly due to the latter still being glued to her leg. Yet also due to Euthalia being convinced by the others.

Still, Nikita's obsession with the other Human didn't stop. Now she tried to convince them to go together? “If you're concerned about him causing chaos, it would be rather easy to kill him on the spot. Seeing as to how Shael wished against it, it'll be her own risk to guide him out. I'm not going to delay or interrupt my work any more for the sake of a random shady pest.” She was getting more and more fed up with Axie. Especially as the others kept making stuff far more troublesome than it had to be.

For a short moment, she was ready to really kill Axie, then she decided it wasn't worth it. “{Take him away, before it'd be his corpse you'd have to drag out.}” She told Shael. The only thing holding her back from just ending him was her respect for Shael at this point.

That left her to decide where to keep Nikita. “It's up to her.” Euthalia decided. If Nikita would still follow along Shael and Axie, at least Euthalia would know the Human did in fact want to follow her own kind. Perhaps she'd even just abstain from returning altogether before long. Or Nikita would refuse and stay here. Either way, Euthalia wanted to stop spending her time on it. She wasn't in a nice enough area to waste time.

“{If you're convinced they are unrelated, which seems increasingly likely.}” She'd reply to Shael's idea of bringing along Rafael. Euthalia wasn't entirely convinced just yet, although it had become rather unlikely. Worth the risk, perhaps. “You can go with her.” She'd say to Rafael himself.

On the matter of her own protection, she did trust Xarran and his group well enough. She sighed when a miner called out. “{How about you either open up the gates or sent a representative to come out so we can talk a bit more normally, face to face? The Human will leave before long and I can ask the Beasts to stand back a bit, if it makes you more comfortable.}” Screaming up to a barricade wasn't an ideal way to negotiate.

Nikita didn't really know what to call the relationship between her and the others, but family was the best word in her mind. Yes she called herself Euthalia's pet, but well the plant woman was almost like a parent to Nikita. She was the one who gave the group stability and who had the authority over them. Still even Nikita knew Euthalia wouldn't accept even Nikita calling her mom. Pet was just the best way to put things it seemed she was a part of the group, the family and yet some what apart from it. Nikita wouldn't let go of Euthalia and in truth even she was starting to sour on Axie as while he was nice it seemed like he had almost screwed everything up. She had almost lost Euthalia, though there was still uncertainty in her mind an anxiety that made Nikita not want to let go of Euthalia. There was no way she was going with Axie even with his tempting offer to teach her how to make Euthalia like her more. The issue was Euthalia hated him so how could he teach her such things.

Nikita was just going to give up on taking axie to the boarder and ditch him there, it seemed her point wasn't getting through. Nikita didn't really want to see Euthalia kill, she didn't want to see her be cruel to a human that in a way could have been her. If Axie had actually done something wrong then she wouldn't mind so much and his words were getting him close to having done something wrong in Nikita's books. he kept calling Euthalia planty for one, she was a plant type but to just call her planty was mean.

" I'm not going i'm staying" Nikita said with an accompanying tightening of her arms around the legs of Euthalia though luckily with no where near the strength she had just displayed. She had more control over herself now and perhaps had shown she could actually be dangerous if pushed to it, though like any pet that was only when her owner was in danger or something hated was going on. She was completely rejecting Axie and his supposed lessons she didn't think Euthalia would see it as Nikita trying to impress her, she had to stay. Euthalia, Euthalia couldn't be trusted to stay if Nikita left. Euthalia had been so close to tossing her away so Nikita had to stay close as close she could. Nikita couldn't trust that if she let go of Euthalia, if she lost fight of the plant woman she would ever see her again.

Nikita didn't understand what Euthalia was saying tot he miners she was getting some of it but not much. She would stay there clinging to Euthalia in a way keeping in constant contact with her. Nikita didn't know that Euthalia might need to remove Nikita from her leg and of course Nikita wouldn't want to let go. She would want to stay clinging. Much like a dog with extreme attachments to an owner or better put as separation anxiety. What they did with Axie, Nikita didn't care anymore though she didn't like leaving shael with him. Shael might just be a guide, but Nikita was oddly attached to the elf as well and worried about her. Though perhaps they would still take axie to the boarder and release him after this. That or they might kill him, no matter what if Euthalia said it now Nikita was going to agree to it, she wanted to do anything to make Euthalia happy to make her not so easily cast her off.
Axie Lotl

Equipped Titles:
Human, Good Samaritan
Character Sheet
Point Booster: Attentive Student (F)

It felt like his efforts weren't going to get anywhere, seeing as his arrival only had stirred discord amongst the first group of strangers he had met. That being said, at least Shael was one of them who was willing to be a cooperative soul, and seemingly the only answer he was going to get. Quite disappointed by such a place he had ended up so abruptly, it did feel like he wasn't going to be able to assist with anything under such conditions.
"I'll come with you then, since it feels like I'm not going to be able to get anything accomplished here" Axie softly answered, deciding to go along with Shael back through the tunnels.

That being said, he gave a look around their surroundings as they went, he'd have no idea why he was dropped here if it was the reaction he'd get. Hearing what Shael had to say, he hummed sotly in pondering to her words for a moment before answering.
"I get it, I'm used to being one who's more outcast or shunned. It's just that having it happen many times over doesn't exactly make it easier each time. I'd have maybe hoped this was finally an answer on what I was meant for, but for all I may know, it's just simply another mess of answers that I'm encouraged to figure out. It's nice that you'd be willing to think kind things of me, but I rather instead question my place in the world if where I am is... well, not as great as to what I'm understanding. A world without a God sounds like one without direction or purpose... do people not possess purpose in this world? That they create their own competition against eachother to fill their own void? Because that... kinda sucks" Axie considered, sounding a little bummed that this of all places was where he had ended up. A world where races that might as well all have been the same that didn't understand the concept of just living in peace together? It didn't make much sense.

That being said, he asked Shael.
"So... you're just gonna plan to take me somewhere else, for no reason?.. " he asked, not exactly sure of where he was being escorted to. If this world sucked as much as he'd figured out so far, the trust of strangers or strange locations wasn't exactly sitting well.​
Location: Mycothra, The Shade, Fae See

Temperature: Cool

Time: Morning

Mentions: Karcen Karcen Femboy Femboy Elvario Elvario

Shael Xyvern

Shael did recognize that Euthalia was being quite cooperative thus far even if she really didn’t need to give Axie that much and could have killed him then and there multiple times over and it would have been the same as swatting a fly. So she appreciated her willingness to not kill him even if her patience was being tried and it was out of respecting Shael’s wishes alone.

Shael would have bowed once more at hearing her ask her to guide him out.

Euthalia raised a fair point, but Shael was just having to hope that it wasn’t going to be the case, Axie seemed innocent to her well enough and she wanted to go with her gut on it.


Rafael stood up and nodded “Aye, Ma’am, I’ll help make sure he doesn’t do anything funny then.”

When all was said and done, Rafael followed Shael and the others.

Shael was however a bit surprised to see that Nikita was staying, but she supposed after she probably felt like what was almost getting kicked out by Euthalia, it wasn’t that unreasonable to want to stay by.

When it came back to the miners, and Shael and the others had left with her who were coming, eventually they’d heed Euthalia’s words.

The front gate was eventually released.

And eventually a tall Mushroom Miner came out.

Grelthar Deepcap

“Greetings, I am Grelthar Deepcap. Now that the most concerning out of place human is gone and those who are leaving to ensure they don’t cause any funny business are left, I feel comfortable presenting myself as your 'pet human' does not really concern me, she seems to be relatively passive."

“I am the overseer of this mining operation here, Euthalia Apricot, and as you have heard and seen many of those working here are very unhappy with how Myco Mossevali has been treating us. He refused to hear our requests, citing it was essential that we continued working to maintain a level of profitability which he deemed acceptable and that we should be grateful because our work was for the greater good of Mycothra, but we did not find that reasoning acceptable, and it was at that point in which he cast us aside while we protested in favor of the Widersian mining machine operators.”

“I heard that you’ve been sent on his behalf, I will hear out whatever this proposal ends up being but I can assure you for us to come to an agreement it needs to be a more reasonable one, as the alternative is waiting him out, as I doubt he can continue to work with these Widersians forever with out it attracting negative attention even here.”

Surprisingly enough it seemed Grelthar didn’t mind using common this time around.


Islwyn stayed near Eutuhalia and gave a little formal bow.

“Greetings Mister Deepcap, it’s as Euthalia said, we are With Myco Mossevali to help resolve the disagreements which have been ongoing here so that all parties involved are better off in the bigger picture, he has already assured us he is open to making concessions, which I believe leaves us in an excellent place for a discussion.” Islwyn smiled.


Keone on the other hand while staying on the other side of Euthalia stayed a bit back, but not before putting the end of her tail around Nikita some, as if to sort of semi snake hug her.

“You’ll be fine.” She’d say softly to Nikita, before refocusing and giving a bit of her own small bow.

The lizard Mercenaries stayed near Euthalia but stayed a good respectful distance away from the mushroom overseer.

Rafael followed not far behind Shael.

Shael looked to Axie Lotl

“It..would have been an nice way for you to help had Nikita come with us..but I believe she was too concerned about losing Euthalia, Islwyn and Keone to risk coming as much as she seemed to like the idea of talking to you further..”

Shael then looked to him and titled her head a bit with all of his comments about it being an empty void and there being no god.

“Of course there’s a god, the Spirit King is a divine among the living right here with us.” Shael asserted.

“Or, at the very least you’ll find many in this nation to believe that to be the case, his power is unimaginable, and he has cardinals for many aspects of nature below him, and sects of fae who follow some cardinal’s teachings closer than others, for example, I come from a part of the Shade of the Fae See who pay particular respect to the Moon Cardinal..and I will say that the Spirit King has his own overall teachings, we are called to help other Fae, and heed the Spirit King’s words, I would hardly consider that a life without purpose.” Shael confirmed.

“And other nations have their own divine beings which they believe in too, some more religious than others..to me the area you are describing sounds more like Widersia rather than the whole world, they as a nation most have fallen away from many of the Divine and practice humanism and the scientific method..having been there myself I’ve witnessed it first hand..although I will say if you find it to be reassuring at all, humans and fae live in Widersia together and work together in greater harmony than many nations I’ve seen, sharing their common identity.”

She then shook her head when he asked her the follow up question.

“Of course it’s not for no reason at all, I believe the most logical choice right now is to bring you to the nearest Settlement, which is the center of Mycothra itself..and I wanted to ask, do you need anything to eat or drink? I do not know how long it has been since you last had sustenance, and we can certainly find some in Mycothra even if it might be a bit less conventional for a human being probably..” She’d add.

As they traveled out of the mines, eventually Axie Lotl would see the series of fibrous bridges crossing parts of the abyss in the large illuminateed underground chasm like space with plenty of bioluminescent mushrooms.

In addition many of the buildings themselves seemed to be made up of tall mushroom material tower like structures, with ‘street’ lights of sizable shrooms themselves. Some of the buildings however were either partially or made up of stone which had been carved into.

There were more fae mulling about here and there on the streets and across the bridges, many of them also appearing to be mushroom people but there were some other types of Fae too, a bearded dwarf not all that far away, as well as what looked like a elf who was considerably less pale than Shael, wearing a dark green plant fibrous clothing with braided brunette hair and green eyes, who was leaning against one of the buildings, seemingly talking to the dwarf.

Shael then gestured,

“This is Mycothra, and no, don’t worry the entire Fae See isn’t underground, but there are some dwellings which go below the surface level like the very one you happened to appear in the mines of..but believe it or not this isn’t even as far down as settlements go, there’s a nation with people who live beneath the sea..and a Kingdom of Dwarves who live even farther down below the surface than Mycothra, in fact so far down that it takes a good amount of time to travel there..so I’ve heard at least.” Shael paused.

Rafael sort of just shrugged. "What she's saying is right. I'm from a Northern Kingdom, that's definitely above ground, there's a lot to see in this world, you just appeared in a rough spot."
Shael Looked a bit less happy however as she looked to Axie Lotl,

"Though I will say, it is unfortunate to hear that you have felt like an outcast before Axie Lotl, it isn't always easy being different.. but I can assure you that in my company I will do my utmost to treat you as my equal."
Euthalia Apricot


Heavily self-edited AI generated stuff.
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Nikita Karcen Karcen

Euthalia sighed. “Alright, you can stay, but you've got to let go of my leg. My sap stream's cutting off and making it feel numb. It's bad enough that I'll need to be eating from a glorified plant pot. I don't also want to barely have one leg able to grow roots at this rate.” She stated, as she gave Nikita another headpet, then tried to pry her loose. “You can go cling to Islwyn or Keone. You know I wouldn't abandon them.” She would add, as she feared she'd have given the pet Human too much of a scare just now.

Glad to see him finally leave, she didn't pay any more attention to Axie. If he fucked things up more, it was on Shael now.

Euthalia was equally glad when someone finally came out to talk to her face to face. “A pleasure to meet you, mister Deepcap. Now that the distractions are mostly gone... Allow me to introduce myself again. Euthalia Apricot, diplomat. Currently here by request of Shaamil the Great of the Faazi Merchant Guild.” She wanted to get a bit more of a proper and formal introduction out of the way.

She silently listened to all his request and talk. Hearing the other side out in full was an important way of showing them the right respect and to show you were here on equal terms. Sadly enough, Iswlyn screwed up. Her companions weren't perfect, but this one she figured she'd best rectify quickly. “What my companion means, is that Myco Mossevali is Shaamil's contact and that he wished for us to negotiate on his behalf. However, as our final employer isn't mister Mossevali, I can assure you that we shall try to be as impartial as possible.”

On the topic of impartiality... “That said, might I hear your demands? It would allow me to better judge the extend to which I would be able to get mister Mossevali to compromise comparative to what you're asking for.” She knew they already had some things they could give, but she didn't want to play all her cards just yet. With some luck, she could hear out the demands and counter-offer the stuff already promised to settle down upon. As she spoke, she would rely on [Convince] again.

Needlessly to say, she wasn't eager to admit the Widersians were already fired due to starting up trouble. She'd rather keep that fact away from them until after learning their demands, so that such demand wouldn't suddenly increase.

Convince – Persuasion E, Leadership E, Insight E – Character used their persuasion to make a convincing argument. - Grade E – 1 Post Cooldown

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