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One x One Sound from a Black Ocean (AlphaDraco)

Aw thanks, well I put it up there now :) probably not as interesting as your one.
Oh, cool :)

Well we can start whenever you want, just trying to think of a good starting point. If you want you can make the first post if you have a good idea
Coward said:
Oh, cool :)
Well we can start whenever you want, just trying to think of a good starting point. If you want you can make the first post if you have a good idea
Since my character is a farmer and yours is a biologist, your character could be coming to collect a new species of pest that has been harming to crop.
Sure, makes sense. Though we'll have to find a way to get from there to the actual plot, unless you want to play Space Farm Simulator 2015 ;) But I'm sure something will come up, I'll write something now.
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Hey, how long should the colony have been set up? Also, what form of animal life should be prevalent on the planet? I was thinking similar to mammals in structures, but are more reptilian in appearance. IE: imagine a chipmunk covered in scales instead of fur.
Lets just go a random 24 years, how does that sound? Animal life sounds fine, I guess it can really be anything derived from Earth genetic material so we can go nuts. It didn't 100% evolve here, because it hasn't had time, so it's essentially a bunch of GM animals that are now highly adapted for the climate etc. With this climate you would expect to see a bunch of things taking advantage of the constant standing water everywhere, so there might be a lot of semi-aquatic animals like you seen in the Amazon. But yeah scaly chipmunks is cute!
Quick question, by best pest, do you mean the least bad for the crops, the most destructive, or just the most advanced? Trying to gauge how insane your character may be.
Yeah I was just about to edit that, sorry, I meant 'most interesting.' Sori loves anything that's interesting, regardless of how bad or good it is. She's only slightly insane ;)
That's good to know. I was afraid this was about to turn into a horror movie. I mean, we have all the pieces.

Stormy night.

Farm far away from civilization.

Spider monster in a yellow poncho.
So, how is this going to go down? Will the ship get shot down and the aliens will begin to take over parts of the planet, or are they going to let the people onto their ship and then crap goes down?
Ooh, either works for me, so whichever is more fun to you. I was originally thinking they'd make it up there but that doesn't really give an excuse for your guy coming along, so maybe Sori just doesn't get onto the ship and it gets shot down.
Sounds good. I'm imagining the ship makes it up to the silent ship, a port begins to open. Everyone thinks it is an entrance and their letting them in, but suddenly a light flows from within and shoots down the shuttle. The the invasion begins. What do you think?
Cool! Ok, I'll reply now. It's just like 5am here so kinda groggy. Fielding's World isn't actually well armed I think, so maybe they should actually lose... it'll be interesting.
Sorry for the pause in postings, but I am studying for finals right now. I'll be able to post again Wednesday. Sorry again!
Please don't worry! The last thing I want is for you to flunk your finals :P Good luck with everything

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