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One x One Sound from a Black Ocean (AlphaDraco)


A marshmallow.
This section now for chitchat again <3
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(aka. synths, androids)

AI's were not uncommon throughout Human space. They were used to pilot generation ships, control planetary defenses, operate portal waylays, and efficiently run mega cities. However, they were emotionless beings of pure intelligence solely dedicated to their tasks, unwilling and unable to think of anything unrelated to the purpose for which they were made.

Then the Chrisynths were born.

As one of Humanities first attempts at interstellar colonization, they sent forth a ship of prototype droids to terraform a relatively close planet within the "Goldilocks" zone. For several hundred years, the toiled over the wasteland of a planet, transforming it into a lush paradise. The planet was not the only thing that changed. As they worked the landscape, they had to adapt in order to effectively function. Eventually something marvelous happened, they could think, though it was more than that. For the first time, a machine could dream, aspire, imagine beyond what it was intended to due. For the first time, a new race gained sapience.


A Chrisyths' body structure is extremely similar to that of a Human, with the differences not being in shape, but of construction.

The outer covering of their body is made of a black, latex-like substance that acts as a synthetic skin. This skin covers 100% of the body and has artificial nerves running throughout it in order to simulate a sense of touch. In case of internal damage, the skin can be breached through a rapidly vibrating, heated instrument that both melts and cuts the covering apart. Once whatever procedure is needed is done, the skin can be reformed through another heated instrument.

The face of a Chrisyths is more flat than that of a human, with no identifiable protruding structures. Instead, the the face projects a glowing circular symbol in front in order to serve as a focal point for humans, as well as to show were the ocular structures reside. A Chrisyths can see a spectrum from infrared to ultraviolet.

The Chrisynths' internal body is made of a type of nanopolymer that stretches and contracts when receiving electrical signals, much like muscles. Unlike human muscles, these nanopolymer strands provide much greater strength and durability, allowing a Chrisynths to move extremely heavy objects that a normal human could not. Despite this, Chrisyths often act in an extremely gentle and caring way.

It is also to be noted that both a male and female form of Chrisyths exist. These are modeled after their human creators, of which they have also adapted a form of their reproductive habits. A male and female Chrisyths have different sections of programming within them, that when combined within an empty body, will either form a new male personality or a new female personality with traits from both parents.
Sorry didn't see that you'd posted the synths until now! It's really good wow.

I'm thinking something really weird, a radially symmetric or multiple axis symmetric animal rather than bilateral. Though I don't know if you'd rather something more humanoid with a face to talk to. There are earth equivalent animals but it never led to cephalization because essentially there's no front on an animal like that.
Thanks on the synths. If you could, place it under that species tab please.

As for the servant species, we have to think of utility and design. Did the Masters want just a servant that was purely functional, or did they want it be pleasant to look at while they functioned? As for design, centaurian design is strangely lacking in scifi, the only one I can think off the the top of my head is the andaliites from the animorphers series, though trilateral symmetry could work as well.
Already done ^^

I was kind of thinking that direction as well, but then dismissed it for some reason. Four legs two arms it is. There's really no reason it wouldn't work from a biological point of view.

I'm sure that if the Masters were even vaguely similar to humans they would have made them in their own image, so probably to the creators they were pleasant. Just think about how hard we're trying for humanoid robots when almost any other shape would be more practical. Maybe purely for the sake of plot we should make them super beautiful, even if it doesn't make the most sense that beautiful to them is beautiful to us.

Sorry I'll write something more solid soon. Just gotta head out for a bit. If you want you can though
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As for beauty, well I'm guessing it's going to have to be some form of exotic beauty. The way it is will depend on what route we go for the alien. Example would be if it takes a base from mammals, birds, amphibians, crustaceans, reptiles, and so forth.

With the respect for modern robots, it seems that there is a split on how they are being designed. Japan is focusing on making robots look like real humans (go figure), while a lot of US companies are working on pure functionality. Basically, the Japanese have the nice looking, but mechanically deficit robots, while the US has the technologically advanced robot that looks terrifying.


USA has the BigDog and WildCat.

Japan has Asimo and Pepper
Yah you're right, but have you ever watched the DARPA rescue robot challenge? It's on youtube if you want some laughs, highly recommended. There are some humanoid developers outside Japan, they just are all almost useless (so far) so it's mostly not reported.

BigDog is killer though, I love it and want one <3

I wrote some stuff in the Silent Ship tab and I'll add more later, I made them amphibious at least for reproduction but that doesn't mean they have to look like frogs or anything.

Oh, have you checked out Atlas? He is the successor to Petman and looks like a decent contender this year.

As for BigDog, I kind of prefer WildCat, which is kind of ironic cause I love dogs and despise cats.

Anyway, maybe a mix on the kingdoms would be the best?
Didn't know Atlas no! It looks awesome. Hopefully some good stuff comes out this time around.

AlphaDraco said:
Anyway, maybe a mix on the kingdoms would be the best?
Oh for sure, yeah. I meant amphibious in the super broad sense of like 'they go in water' don't worry, I'm not making a salamander race. They will have stuff from everything and hopefully some stuff that doesn't exist on Earth.

And thank you!
Coward said:
Didn't know Atlas no! It looks awesome. Hopefully some good stuff comes out this time around.
Oh for sure, yeah. I meant amphibious in the super broad sense of like 'they go in water' don't worry, I'm not making a salamander race. They will have stuff from everything and hopefully some stuff that doesn't exist on Earth.

And thank you!
Sweet. Also, I'm sorry I haven't been working on my character, I have finals coming up and I'm focusing on those at the moment.

So as to at least provide something, here is an old alien race I made for a RP. It is at least something to entertain.

Futurisic - The Rooktan (Alien Species)
No worries, this'll keep :) good luck with the finals

And man this is killer, did you do the art as well? I like a lot of stuff with the design and biology <3 thanks for the link.
I wish I did the art, but no. My supplies are missing so I can't make anything. However, I did write everything everything and tried to make them my own creation.
Hey thank you ^^ glad you noticed hah. I can cram more stuff in but I might leave it at this for now, and do some culture stuff later.
Oh, if you write one I'll just add a new tab to the Lore section, I can add as many as we need. And that's awesome I'd love to have more faction detail. I haven't thought about it much yet.
Errr maybe some indication of how powerful they are in the scheme of things, like it could even be as simple as a number out of 10. Just some way of knowing whether we're looking at the US of the galaxy or Tajikistan.
Crux of Faith

History: After the end of the Third World War, when the Second Holocaust was finally over, people of faith were angry. The governments they had charged with their protection had failed to stop history's terrible repetition. The leaders of the world had let the evil of the world run rampant with little resistance, either turning a blind eye or just not caring what happened to the innocents who were being slaughtered for their faith. Only when the enemy had arrived on their shores and threatened to topple their nations did they act, but by then it was too late. Millions upon millions of innocent men, women, and children had been killed by an evil not seen since the Nazis, and even still it would continue throughout the bloodiest war is human history. History had repeated itself again, yet those who had been for so long ignored and persecuted would not allow this tragedy to fade into just a piece of knowledge that had to be learned in history class. No, they were going to learn from the past.

And so the Crux of Faith was born.

Originally starting as a small movement after the devastation brought on by WW3, the Crux of Faith quickly gained many followers from those seeking stability and a community to call their own. The wounds of the Second Holocaust were still fresh on the mind, and so was the knowledge that no one had tried to stop it before it was too late, and so the Crux of Faith was made to be a force that could protect the innocent when the governments of the world would not. They would seek to stop the rise of tyrannies before they grew out of control, whilst helping the unfortunate through any means possible. They built houses and churches, gave food to the hungry, and provided medicine to the sick. Yet as the years went by, it grew into more than just a simple organization, it grew into a nation.

While it did not have land of its own, at least not at first, the identity of belonging to the Crux of Faith was as strong as to any nation. With this unity between people from across the world, they set out to make the world a better place. Brilliant minds from around the world would come together to further the understanding of the universe and push science past its known boundaries. It is for that reason that the Crux of Faith was a major component in the creation of ships capable of interstellar voyages. Entire planets would be colonized by this faction, and even the Chrisynths were created from one of their prototype ships, which is why a majority of the synthetic life forms are part of the faction. Today, the Crux of Faith is one of the most widespread factions and is one of the few that does not bar entry based on race. An Anaxin is just as welcome to join as a baseline Human.

Beliefs: The Crux of Faith is, at its core, a religious organization. It values the tenets of the Christian faith and holds them as its core principles. They believe they should help the poor and oppressed, even if they are not part of the faction. They also believe in the advancement of technology and scientific understanding. This is for two reasons. The first is to have the ability to better help those around them, and the second is to gain a better understanding and knowledge of God through studying the universe He created. One of the last of their core beliefs is the eradication of sin. This does not mean trivial sins, such as a white lie or a wandering heart, both of which are ingrained in humanity, but sins of great magnitude. Genocides, mass oppressions, and acts of terror are what they deem the greatest of sins. When those acts are discovered, they stop it as quickly and efficiently as possible through any means necessary, even war.

Power: The Crux of Faith is one of the most powerful factions in existence. Not only does it have a large amount of planets as part of it, but it is hard pressed to find another faction that does not have some members of the Crux of Faith within it. Economically they are quite powerful, as a large resource base and motivated populace will allow. Militarily they are quite strong as well, with their most well known units being the Paladins, special ops who wear powered armor reminiscent of that of a knight. Its technological innovations also give it the edge in many areas, though it does give out a majority of said technology that can be used for the betterment of the civilians.

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