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Austin cantr hold himself back from chuckling lightly, despite the still horrendous pain in his body. "Oh, come now, Jade. I may be an asshole, but I wouldn't sleep with a girl if she couldn't say 'no'." Despite his previous humor on the subject, his voice was a bit tight and his face distraught. He didn't like that she thought he would be one to stoop so low as to rape a girl while she slept... Especially taking her virginity... Especially Jade!

He lets out a quiet sigh before leaning down and tucking his arm around the back of Jade's knees, his other resrti between her shoulder blades as he picks her up princess-style. "I promise I won't hurt you... Just this once." His first sentence, his promise, is made with such sincerity he hardlty sounds like himself. Though the second is spoken with a lightly teasing sarcasm, silently hoping to make the girl in his arms smile.
Jade lays her head against his chest, her eyes still closed as a very faint and soft smile crosses her lips. "T..thank you Ausie.." She said, her voice very soft at this point. Jade was actually smiling at..Austin..for once..instead of nearly crying and hiding from him. At this moment, she felt safe with him and kinda happy..but why?..
Austin smiles back, enjoying the warmth which comes from Jade... In a way, it almost makes the pain and unease he feels dull. He's not sure why, but the pain is clouding his mind to the point he doesnt really care, only relishes in the comfort. When he speaks again, his voice is soft. "Now go to sleep, Jade.. You need to sleep off the sick feeling. We'll be at my place I'm like fifteen minutes."
Have nods and curls up best she can in his arms. "Okay.." She said then slowly fell asleep in his arms. Her face looked like she was completely at peace as she chest rose and fell in even breaths. She looked happy and possibly..content? Normally she wouldn't have fallen asleep this fast, but something about his warmth and arms around her was just..perfection.
Austin chuckles lightly, gazing down at her peaceful sleeping face. "Stupid girl..." Despite the insulting words, Austin's voice is full of absolute adoration. However, the tone its self was lost even to him as he continues walking. Thankfully, his apartment was settled only a mile away from the huge building, so he didn't have too far to walk before he could settle into bed and hopefully ward off this wretched feeling.

After about another thirteen minutes, Austin approaches one of the higher class apartment buildings in the town. However, he walks straight past it to the one next door... A rather rundown looking place, broken windows and moss growing up the outer walls. It wasn't the sort of place one would expect a medical minor student to live in, but it was where Austin calls home.

He somehow manages to open the front door with Jade still in his arms, then goes up three flights of stairs and walks off at the third floor. The sixth door to the left is his; apartment 312. The boy frowns as he realizes that there's no possible way he could get his keys from his pocket, unlock the door, then open it to walk in, all with Jade in his arms.. That's why he groans in frustration before gently shaking her, "Hey, jade.. You gotta wake up..."
Jade softly stirs, but doesn't seem to wake as her hair was now plastered to her face and sweat seemed to consume her. She was certainly a lot sicker than before, perhaps the procedure had awoke more than they expected.
Austin frowns and shakes her a bit harder, "Jade. Wake up. Now." His voice is hard, much like a father scolding a child who broke the rules. "Wake up or you'll be in big trouble, missie."
Jade slowly wakes, her eyes instantly finding his and she wimpers softly. "A..Austin?" She said, her voice cracking as she became scared. She didn't remember their agreement at this moment, right now she remembered how he scared and bullied her.
Austin frowns at the obvious uncertainty and fear in Jade's eyes, and her voice. "Hey. Remember our agreement? I'm not gonna hurt you. I just need you to stand up for a minute so that I can unlock the door, alright?" His voice is soft, practically dripping with sincerity as he looks down into the slightly younger girl's eyes, a small smile then beginning on his face as he takes in her features, finding her vulnerability absolutely gorgeous. And while the pure beauty of her physical appearance as well as her personality are things he's always noticed, he'd never admit to her.
Jade visibly relaxes and slowly squirms out of his gasp. Once free she leaned heavily on the nearest wall, it was clear at this point she was quite sick and still exhausted from not getting any sleeo the night before. "H...hurry?" She suggested, wishing desperately he would.
Austin's smile turns sad as he smiles to her, then quickly digs his key out from his pocket and unlocks the door. The moment he's got it open, his key goes back into his pocket and he once more picks Jade up in a princess-carry. C'mon. Let's get you to bed." Once again his voice is soft, comforting as he kicks the door shut behind him and starts toward the bedroom, figuring that she would sleep in his bed while he took the couch.
Jade clings to his shirt, her head laying once more against his shirt. She may have been scared of him, but she was more worried about how bad the room was spinning. "D..don't leave me..please.." She plead.
Austin lets out a soft sigh at Jade's words, but nods in agreement anyway as he walks into his open bedroom and lays her down onto the bed. His room was rather plain, no posters on the wall or photos hanging. Just a King-size bed clad in midnight blue sheets , a mahogany bedside table, matching dresser, and a rather long L-shaped computer desk in the corner stocked with a desktop, DJ turntables, an amp, and several other pieces of equipment used in the production of music. In contrast, right next to the right side of the desk is a ceiling-high book shelf filled to the brim with medical journals.

After laying her down, he gives her one last small smile then turns down the blankets and covers her up, laying over the blankets on the opposite side of the bed. Despite the strength he'd worked hard to show the girl on the other side of the bed, the eighteen year old boy was in quite drastic pain of his own, only made worse by carrying Jade.

He lets out another sigh, this one of silent relief as he feels his body sink into the mattress, his eyes beginning to close almost instantly as the feeling of sickness from the ritual suddenly hits him full force. "Sleep well.. Jade."
Jade curls up tightly and her eyes fall closed instantly. His bed was amazing, and to be honest it was hard to stay awake any longer. "N..night Ausie." She whispered then fell asleep once more.
Austin smiles at the nickname, a fluttering erupting in his chest at the sound. It's that wonderful feeling that he falls asleep to, a smile on his face and his face positioned as he'd been looking at her while awake. Three little words tickle the tip of his tongue as he fades into unconsciousness, though he refuses to say them. What's the point? She hates me.
Only a few hours later Jade wakes up. At first she has no idea who she's wrapped around or who's room she's in then she remembers him. Austin. She was curled uo to Austin..her head laying on his chest, her leg wrapped around him and he was holding while he slept. W..what? Why are we..cuddling? He hates me.. Why am I even here? Why did he offer to take me here?..
Austin is still asleep, his hair plastered against his forehead from his fever breaking, his arms wrapped around Jade's waist as the smile still lingers across his expression. He makes a small noise of contentment during his sleep, his arms wrapping tighter around the small girl in his arms, though not enough to hurt.
Jade lets out a small gasp as she didn't expect him to hold her tighter. Jade steals a glace IP at him and what she's sees makes her heart twist with an unknown emotion. He looked happy and sick at the same time..maybe she should try to make it better..she did owe him. Very slowly, Jade to free herself so she can get a wet rag and place it on his forehead. He may have bullied her all her life, but she knew better than to leave a sick man alone and secretly inside, she cared about him. A lot.
Austin's brows furrow together, a small frown replacing the content smile as he groans, still asleep. "C'mere, Jade..." His words come out groggy, almost a wistful whisper as his arms remove from around her and feel the empty space next to him on the bed.
Jade frowns ever so slightly theb she leans in to his aa and whispers something that surprises her. "I'm still here..always will be.." Then before he could wrap her up in his arms again she got up and ran for the bathroom, one to get a rag, two to pee and fix her hair.
Jade's whispered words seem to awaken something in Austin, as he slowly begins to wake up. His eyes first close much tighter than before, then open to take in the view of his room. At first, he had completely forgotten that Jade was ever supposed to be there. This makes him simply sit up, another smile gracing his features, "God... Great dream." His words come as mumbles, though easily heard within the room. However, after a few moments reality comes back to him and his eyes widen in worry. Where is Jade?! "Jade!?" He jumps out of bed and runs into the hallway, "Jade, are you here!?"
Jade jumps out of her skin when she's hears him call for her. At first she was scared then she relaxed a bit, remembering his promise. "Y..yes. I'm just in the bathroom.." She said, her voice calmer than she expected. "Lay down again, I'm getting something to help your fever." She said, a small smile forming across her lips at the thought of him actually listening to her.
Austin sighs in relief when he hears Jade's voice, then begins walking toward the bathroom. He debates opening the door, but decides against it just in case she wasn't just getting something for his fever. "Hey... My fever's gone, ya know. I'm fine now." His brows then furrow all over again, worry encasing him about her condition. "But, what about you? How're you feeling?"
Jade sighs a bit and looks into the mirror, something she didn't do often. "I feel fine.." She said, and it was true, she did, but as she looked at herself in the mirror, she truly noticed how tired she was. Her eyes were deeply sunk in and her bags had bags. She looked horrible, which she was sure Austin would agree.
"Are you sure? You don't totally sound fine.." Austin wasn't totally sure why he was so adament about making sure Jade was alright, but it just seemed like something was wrong... She sounded so down on herself, and despite the fact he has always been one to put her down, he didn't like it..

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