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Amia was walking home from school she began thinking about her perfect dream boy she closed her eyes "i wished i could meet the perfect boy" she stated out loud then heard a large slam her eyes shut open looking at the body at her feet a large pool of blood was around but just in a blink the wound and blood was gone she looked at his face seeing this was her "dream boy" and he just fell from the sky and is somehow breathing.
Amia gasped and dropped her books in surprise, how was this possible! "Are you alright!" She asked in concern as she kneeled next to him. Her dream boy had finally come, but he sure had a strange way of revealing himself.
he leaned up "hello" he stated looking at Amia "could you answer some questions for me" he asked cupping her chin and leaning towards her
Amia blushed when he leaned in towards her. "S-sure" She stuttered. This boy was certainly straight forward, but he was everything she had been dreaming about. Is this possible? Was this really happening to her? or was it one of her strange fantasies again. One thing was for sure, none of her fantasies ever felt this real.
"first of where are we right now" he asked "if you answer my questions you'll be rewarded" he stated smiling
Amia's blush darkened as her thoughts ran wild. She snapped back to reality and quickly pulled away from him and stood up, dusting off her dress. "N-no need for a r-reward....." She said stuttering as she looked down to her shoes. "A-and we're i-in Rosten, C-candy capitol....." She stuttered with a sweet tone.
"alright now,may i get your name" he asked standing up "why are you b-blushing" he asked in a rather shy tone and blushing okay so a girl from another world got me to shut up by blush...that's a first he thought and he tried to pull himself together but he couldn't he stood there frozen
Amia looked up and noticed him freeze in place. "M-my name is Amia, Amia Cyr." She said "A-and i-if anything I-its your f-fault!" She stated in answer to his asking her why she was blushing. She was not about to tell a stranger what actually went through her mind. "May I know y-your name?" She asked out of politeness.
"Samuel- Samuel Thompson" he stated and smiled "thank you for answering my questions" he realized he had no where to go "can i stay at your place" he asked
Amia nodded, still in a slight shock. "I live down the street from the candy shop." She said as she began walking towards that direction. "So, where did you come from?" She asked as casually as she could.
"there's no name for it and now that i try to remember it's a giant blur" he stated "what's your favorite food" he asked what the heck was that he thought
Amia laughed "Well, I can't name any specific thing but anything sweet sure makes me happy." She said with a smile. "Oh, we're here." She said as she unlocked the door to a small but beautiful two story house. "I live alone since my parents decided to move to France. They let me stay here by myself because I didn't want to leave, I mean who would want to leave the candy capitol of the world" She said with a light tone as she walked in and put her books down near the door.
"wow" he stated looking around her house "pretty big for one person" he stated and noticed a sketch in her books "you draw" he asked
Amia blushed and hurriedly closed the book, before he could see any more of her drawings. As odd as it sounds they were of her dream boy and well, it looked just like Samuel. "Y-yeah but they're not very good." She said with a smile.
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"oh come on your over exaggerating it's probably really good but alright it's your house not mine" he stated "so do you have an extra bed room or am i sleeping on the couch" he asked
"Well the only other room besides mine is my parents old bedroom so you can sleep there." She said with a smile Or you could sleep with me..... She added to herself as she began to walk up the stairs. "Come on I'll show you."
Amia stopped in front of her parents room and opened the door when she heard him ask to see her room to. "S-sure but why would you want to....oh, never mind." She said. She left the door to her parents room open before leading him to her rather large bedroom.
"did your parents give you the master bed room" he asked then thought of something "do you have a boyfriend" he asked
Amia walked into her room and sat on the bed. She was about to answer his first question when she heard him ask "Do you have a boyfriend" She blushed and hid her face with her hands. "Why would you ask that!" She exclaimed as she threw one of her pillows at him.
Sam felt miserable thinking that he hurt her mentally "i just wanted to know sorry if i was intruding into your life" he stated kneeling beside the bed "i'll just go to bed good night Amia" he stated kissing her exposed cheek "that was you reward" he finished as he left
Amias thoughts raced before she got up and went after him "Wait!" She grabbed his hand and he turned to face her. She hesitated for a second and then spoke. "No, I don't have a boyfriend....yet." She said before leaning up and pressing her lips against his.
he melted into the kiss then once the kiss broke he stood with a deep blush he smiled and held out his hand he had a tattoo on the inside of his hand "use your finger and draw the symbol on my hand it should react if it works" he stated

"it may sound weird but you might be happy by the outcome" he stated
Amia gave him a slightly confused look but followed his directions. She placed one hand under his to keep it steady then traced the digital looking pattern. She waited and nothing happened. She frowned "What was supposed to happen?"

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