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Fantasy Soul Summoner Saga


Senior Member
Mr. Crown watched all the students in his class closely but only two of them actually peaked his interest. The first boys name was Justin Madic and the other's name was Jericho Arroyo. They were fundamentally different in each and every way besides two things. They were both in his homeroom class and more importantly, they both were Soul Summoners. But neither of them were the slightest bit aware that he knew that.

Suddenly the end of school bell rang causing the teacher to cringe. He hated the sound of that annoying bell so much that it was coming to the point were he was considering using his divine gifts to destroy it completely.

As the children began to rush out of the the classroom door Mr. Crown stopped two of them.

"Mr. Justin Madic! Mr. Jericho Arroyo! I would like to see both of you after class today. Meet me in the gymnasium in, lets say? Ten minutes? I'll see you there."

Mr. Crown stated as if it was more of an order, than an actual request.

A little over seven minutes later it was reported to the principle of the school that every single bell had been crushed beyond recognition. It was assumed to be vandalism.

Mr. Crown had a highly satisfied smirk on his face as he walked into the large empty Gymnasium were he hoped his two students would be waiting.

The Egyptian God Set, Greek God Hades, and Norse God Loki all hold a grudge against the human race, but have never been able to successfully get their revenge. At least not alone they haven’t. These three have recently created a pact to destroy the world together. But in order not to draw the attention, or the wrath of the other gods, they have to find a way to do it without being involved directly.

Suddenly a cell phone app hits the market. A game called “Soul Summoner” and somehow, only those between the ages of 13 and 16 are allowed to download it. Next thing you know, chaos ensues around the world as invisible forces of nature begin to wreak havoc within the city streets we live on. The government, the military, the news, the adults have no idea what is going on. But the kids do. Only those with the app have the ability to see the creatures, and only those with the app can control the creatures.

Greek God Zues, Norse God Odin, and Egyptian God Ra have become aware of this. They have decided to choose “Champions of the Kings” to fight in their behalf and save the world before the “Chosen of the Fallen” destroy the world.


A large robust city bustling with technology.

Summoner Rules.

1.You can only summon one soul at a time because of your current power level.

2. No rare or legendary souls allowed. Not now at least.

3.Souls that are switched out during battles are called "Sacrifices" they will not be allowed to reenter that battle. This is different than being defeated.

3. Souls that are defeated in battle must regenerate fully before they can be summoned again. (I would say between 8 and 12 posts for the average soul).

4.Souls have different advantages and disadvantages based on class as follows:

Warriors defeat Beasts defeat Mechs defeat Cursed defeat Magical defeat Warriors. This adds a +1 rank if your class has an advantage. Meaning a common will become an uncommonfor that fight, uncommon becomes a rare, ect.

5. Summoner battles last 2-3 rounds. The first to win two rounds is the Victor.

6.The Victor of a summoner battle has two choices they can choose from. As a reward, they can add a brand new soul of their choosing to their roster or as a punishment, they can erase the entire summoning app completely from the defeated summoners phone.

These rules will be updated as time passes.
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Justin sighed as he walked to the gymnasium he was told to go to there by the home room teacher but he didn't know why. Mr crown was always a odd ball if you ask me.

As he walked into the gym he saw Mr. Crown was already there "Look Mr. Crown I didn't do what you think I did.
Mr. Crown eyed the boy with an annoyed stared.

"I don't remember accusing you of anything, Justin. Do you?" He said sarcastically

"Have a seat. I will address the reason for our being here when everyone arrives."
"Mr. Crown sighed. "I could always find some reason to give you detention if your really that interested. I hear the school bells were vandalized recently. Maybe I can pin that on you?" He said smug joking at his own handiwork.

"Your not here because of something that you've done Mr. Madic. But what your capable of doing. Let me ask you this. Has anyone approached you recently trying to convince you to join some sort of a secret group. Be a soldier in their underground army?" Mr. Crown said trying to be vague.

If Justin had already joined up with the "Chosen" things were gonna get complicated. Mr. Crown hated complicated.
"Please no" he muttered

"Mr. crown one thing you know about me is I don't listen to what other students say so maybe." He says to him
Mr. Crown smiled. "Yes you right. Your not one to just easily fall into the crowd are you Justin?"
Adwen stopped at the school gate and put her phone away, she didn't want the teachers to confiscate it. She had got a new phone for her birthday present last week and no way she was going to have it taken away from her. Adwen entered the school building and walked down the hall way. She knew that she was slightly late for class, well, it is her first day at this school after all.
Olivia ran down the hallway. She couldn't believe she had overslept. She stopped outside of the gym to look over her schedule. Not only was she late but now she was lost. It isn't my fault. It's my first day after all.
Justin sighs as he was waiting for the people to come. "Why am I the first on, I'm the bad boy type not the 'BEST STUDENT ALIVE' type."
Just as she was about to move on Olivia heard a voice from inside of the gym. "Excuse me." She said as she opened the door. "I'm a new student and I seem to be lost could you help me?" She said holding out her schedule.
He studied the chick for a second "Nice body you got there. But if you want to know about classes ask mr crown over there" he points to mr crown.
Olivia looked the boy up and down "You too." She said before turning to Mr. Crown. "Um would you mind telling me how to get to my class?" She asked once again holding out her schedule. She side glanced at the boy and winked.
For once a girl liked my bad boy style she's defiantly my type. Last time I said that I got a firm slap in the face. He winks back at her still checking her out.
She turned her attention to the boy seeing as the teacher was doing something probably important. "I'm Olivia." She said holding out her hand to the boy.
"I go by the name of Justin" he smirks at the girl and shakes her hand gently but firmly. "You also have a good rear view" he continued smirking at her.
Olivia laughs at that. "So I'm told." She says releasing her grip and grinning at him. "So Justin any particular reason you and the teach are standing around in the gym?"
He chuckled alittle. "I was told to wait for a few people here..." He says to her. "I wouldn't have been here If it wasn't for him. Also I wouldn't be spying on that sexy body if I didn't come here." He says to her
"Huh well I guess going to class is out of the question now." She crumples up her schedule. "I didn't want to go anyway and now I've found someone more entertaining than some old teacher."
(Its actually after school right now. But "let it roll!" I say.)

Mr. Crown rolled his eyes as the two students boldly flirted right in front of him. Teenagers these days had no respect.

"No need to worry about your mediocre classes. Your exactly where fate and destiny need you to be. Ms. Olivia." Mr. Crown said.

With that Mr. Crown waved his hand in the air and a seven purple glowing circles appeared on the ground. Skinny hairy beasts with horns, human upper bodies, and goats legs appeared up out of the circles. They stood there panting hard and growling viciously at the two students.

"These beasts are called Satyr's. Don't hesitate to defend yourselves." Mr. Crown said to the students then he spoke to the beasts. "Take their cell phones from them and bring them to me."

Without hesitation the Satyrs converged in attack.

(Just an FYI. As summoners you are only strong enough to summon one soul at a time. Check the OOC tab to see a description of any and all enemy souls.)
Adwen opened the gym door a little and watched the beast, that the teacher called it Satyr. She smiled, knowing that she weren't the only summoner, she didn't think she was anyway. Adwen was excited to see what the two of them were going to do.
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Sora began walking around the school, he was entirely new here...set to start tomorrow. But, as he found his way to the gym. He saw a girl sneaking a peak inside curious he went up to the girl and poked her on the shoulder to see how she would react.
Adwen let out a little yelp in surprised when she felt someone poking her. She turned around and saw a boy, possibly around her age, and who poked her stand next to her. "You scared me!" Adwen said then opened the door a little wider, "hey, look, something fun's about to happen." She smiled, "those two, against that creature."
Mr. Crowns senses picked up on something as he suddenly felt the presence of another summoner, wait? If felt like their were two summoners there. He could feel their aura's resonating from outside the door.

"The two of you!" He said pointing to two of the Satyrs. "Their is more enemies outside those doors." he said pointing to the gymnasium doors. "Bring them to me as well." Mr. Crown said folding his arms and waiting. The two Satyrs huffed as if to say "Ok" then sprinting quickly ran to apprehend the two students.

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