Soul Society Instantly Changes! BLEACH RP

Darkness Blade and Reiko Shingan

[With a flash two men appeared within the court yard. These men booth used the well known move the flash step. To the right was a shinigami who didnt dress the part, he looked more like a member of the steath force. He wore black armor on booth the chest and his arms. Infact the man wore entirely black, black pants and black boots were on the shingami. But that was underneath, over top was a black drench coat and a black mask on his face with a black hat on top. On his back was two kodachi swords which were short katanas. This shinigami was known as Darkness Blade, he stood right by the shingami Reiko Shingan. ]

[Reiko stood by Darkness blade as they appeared together. This shingami had red hair and red eyes, he wore a entirely white kimono but the upper body kimono was a sleeveless haori. This haori was unzipped showing Reiko's abdominal muscles. On his feet he wore sandals like everyone else. On the mans back he had a zanpaktuo that was a ochi sword. The ochi sword was the blade commonly used by the samurai, it was the pre katana. Although this sword was not only longer but had a longer curved than the katana. Reiko stood with his arms crossed as his reiatsu began to increase waiting on Jing. The man was very impatient as he awaited jing with his reiatsu only growing until jing were to meet him. "I belive you sumouned me old friend"]
Jing turned looking at the shinigami that he called for. There were Ashley barsett, and Reiko Shingan. But there was one more that Jing didnt know personally. Although he heard stories of him throughout soul society, he was a talented swords man who fougth with talent and stealth. Jing smiled with his hands in his pockets as he stepped downwards with one foot, causing the ground infront of him cracking. This crack would spread forwards rissing infront of reiko. This was a warning to stop raising one's reiatsu. "The reason i called you here is simple, ashley im promoting you to fourth division captain. Reiko old friend im promoting you to fifth division captain. And Darkness blade although i havent called you here today for this reason. Im promoting you to Temporary sixth divison captain. But its up to you to show me you deserve this rank."
Soul Society Attacked!!!

It was a beautiful day within soul society, the sky was blue almost all damage had been taken care of and captains were being chosen. Although not every division had a captain, but each member of soul society was being observed for possible promotions to get soul society back on its feet. All was starting to look good until something dark had come. High in the sky was something sinister, a giant rift of darkness began to form. This darkness was a rift from another dimension, this dimension was huec mundo. This rift began getting bigger and bigger opening from a ten feet circumfrence to fifty feet. Hollows fell from the rift in the dimension falling into soul society, but these werent any hollows they were infected hollows. No one knew who had created the infected hollows or who was leading them, but one thing was well known. The hollows must die.

Grim Kazimoto

The eleventh division captain was picking a fight in the court yard with another shinigami, he raised his fist knocking back a eight foot tall shinigami with a grin. The man laughed pointing his finger at the shinigami
"Hey dont go picking fights you cant back up!" Said grim. The shingami grabbed a bottle of sake gulping it down before throwing it at the shingami who he knocked down. "Pick this disgrace up" Grim turned picking up his zanpaktuo and placing it on his back as he stood up with his subordinates picking up the man and taking him to the medics. Grim began to walk away going to seek a rematch with the ninth division captain when bam. A hollow had hit the surface of soul society just a few feet from Grim. The hollow roared as grim turned to see the beast. "How good entertainment" said grim as he ran forwards drawing his zanpaktuo and cutting the hollow in half. More began dropping like wild fire while grim raced cutting them in two one by one. The man was truly kenpachi's successor.

Jing, Zieru Spirit

Sitting in the court yard jing smiled speaking with Zieru Spirit, they were having a brief conversation over tea. But that was soon interupted as the two looked into the sky seeing the a opening in soul society. At the same time booth shinigami stood up looking at the sky, but then as they saw the hollows begin to drop they booth flash stepped towards the area. But as Jing and Zieru appeared the dimension had become wide and Menos Grande had begun to peer from the darkness. Jing turned to Zieru "Do you have any ideas." Zieru scratched his chin looking at the dimension. "A seal... but we might want to find out our assailant first?" said Zieru. Jing turned looking at the area the hollows were landing in as he sighed. "Alright you get the seal started, ill keep a perimeter to keep these hollows from spreading around soul society. Inform Captain Grim on the plan, he will invade with a select few." Once Jing spoke he flash stepped moving back as he drew his zanpaktuo.

With his zanpaktuo draw jing spoke
"pound them in to dust". Then the release command to Jings zanpaktuo was spoken, His blade crumbled into pieces falling into the ground. Once the pieces of his zanpaktuo entered the ground he gained control of the earth below his feet. He waved his hand with the grounds below hurtling upwards, with a surge of reiatsu the grounds began to shift. A giant wall formed within a two hundred foot perimeter of the hollow infection, the walls towered high in the sky and were made with densed minerals that could prevent most hollow and the menos from spreading in soul society. But that wouldnt be the case if arrancar were to come. Jing stood on top of the wall watching the hollows below as he created multiple giant stone arms from the ground that would fall down and squish hollows.

Zieru flash stepped behind grim as he slayed the hollows one by one. From behind grim a menos targeted grim, it fired a cero. The blast ripped down at grim with great force but zieru moved drawing his zanpaktuo. The blue bladed zanpaktuo blocked the blast with sparks flying to zieru's right and left side. Grim snickered looking at zieru
"Get lost this is my fight" said Grim. Zieru thrusted his sword into the ground as the skies above rolled black. The skies roared as the sky lit up, then a bolt of lighting came crashing down at the menos. Shear force took the beast down as it collapsed upon buildings of soul society. "Grim Jing wants you and a few others to invade this dimension, we need to find out who is sending these hollows" zieru said as he flash stepped backwards begging the preparation to the seal.
As Riyoshi was getting acquainted with the other shinigami of his division, he heard an eerie sound. Looking up, he seen a large tear in the sky and hollows pouring down from it. Looking over at his vice captain, he spoke firmly.

“I need you to get everyone prepared for battle. Get the ones that aren’t up to the task of direct battle to head over to the fourth division. Have them as the first defense to the healers.” Riyoshi ordered as he grabbed a hold of his zanpakutou.

Looking up at the giant tear in the sky, Riyoshi felt a pressure all too familiar to him. It was the Captain commander, and he was already leading the battle against the onslaught. Leaping from his location, he vanished from the 3rd division barracks and high into the sky. Appearing in the sky, Riyoshi seen Jing’s power from a distance. Riyoshi was shocked to be able to feel that much power coming from a single person, and just as he looked away from the captain’s location, and back to the tear, he was met with a giant hand. The giant hollow slammed Riyoshi into the ground of the 3rd division squad barracks, it removed his hand to witness Riyoshi not there. Riyoshi stood next to the beast’s head and with blade high in the air, Riyoshi spoke out.

“You mindless beast, you dare attack soul society! I will end.....” Riyoshi yelled out as he was interrupted by another attack.

He was blind sided by another hollow. This time, the hollow batted him from behind and sent him flying. Flipping over, Riyoshi came to a sliding halt in the air, and with blood dripping from his left arm, he looked upon the two giant beasts. Tossing his blade into the air, Riyoshi placed his right hand upon his left shoulder and relocated it. Catching the blade, Riyoshi gripped the hilt with both hands and he took a deep breath.

“Dissolve, RYUJIN!” Riyoshi yelled as his blade split into two and grew in size.

Holding his blades, he flash stepped from his spot and appeared in front of the first hollow. Slashing his right blade, he cut the hollow in half horizontally across the mask. The mask cracked and shattered and the hollow dissolved. The second hollow stood tall and roared as the first hollow dissipated from sight. It charged a cero and fired it upon Riyoshi. Riyoshi let the blade go from his left hand and held his hand up towards the oncoming cero.

That cero is pointless. Use that skill! Ryujin yelled in Riyoshi’s mind.

I got it. I will need a little more power. Will you lend me some? Riyoshi asked in thought.

“Bakudo 81, Danku.” Riyoshi said as a barrier formed between himself and the cero.
Darkness Blade

In the sky Riyoshi was battling a hollow that could fire the attack known as Cero. A red beam of great reiatsu fired at riyoshi but just as quickly as it was fired the captain shinigami created a barrier to shield himself. But that hollow wasnt the only trouble. Just as quickly as the hollows poured out from the darkness a greater evil stepped fourth. A arrancar stepped out of the void of darkness, it was a male about 7 feet tall. Spikey jet black hair and green eyes, a hollow mask covered his upper head forming up to the bridge of his nose, although there were two holes for the eyes. He wore a white arrancar uniform with a haori on his upper chest. A black scarf was wrapped around his neck while his blade rested at his side. Stepping from the darkness he appeared behind the hollow who fired the cero destroying it with almost no effort. He looked down with disgust at the shinigami as he made a fist. Then with a swing he sent he fist downwards with his energy rissing. This was another familiar hollow attack, Bala also known as Hollow bullet.
"I am Zesh i will be your killer shinigami....bala" The red sphere came down at Ryioshi with great force.

Then with a burst of speed appeared yet another shinigami. A shinigami of a captain level although he didnt wear the right attire, this man was known as Darkness Blade. A shinigami of great skill and few words. He was said to be a perfect fit for the stealth squad although he didnt like to work in a group of stealth fighters he preffered to be alone. Darkness blade was dressed in entirely black, he wore black combat armor upon his chest and arms. Black pants and boots on his legs and lower body. A black drench coat over the black clothing and a black mask upon the face with a black hat ontop of that. Within the second he appeared he drew his duel kodachi zanpaktuo and blocked the strike that was sent at Riyoshi. Sparks flew from his zanpaktuo that struck the bala as Darkness Blades eyes were keen to the arrancar. Once he was ready to strike the arrancar another came. This arrancar was dressed in the same white uniform. He had Blonde hair and part of a hollow mask on his lower jaw. The arrancar laughed looking at Darkness blade with his arms crossed. Then with a sudden movement the arrancar used the move called sonido. With a sudden burst of speed he came striking down at Darkness Blade. His fist was raised upwards punching Darkness in the face knocking him out of the sky and crashing down into soul society below. Just inches from the ground Darkness Blade catched himself as he stood floating from the ground. He looked up at the arrancar as he pointed he spoke in a calm fashion. "Reveal yourself Six Blades" The shinigami spoke the release command activating his shikai. Then Six copies of Darkness Blade were forged, each holding a different style zanpaktuo. One copy had a broad sword in its hand, another had a Claymore, another had a long sword, another had a katana, another had a sabre and the final one had a rapier. Now seven Darkness Blades held there zanpaktuo's with there reiatsu's flaring up. Energy covered there bodies as they swung there swords all in different locations sending seven waves of reaitsu rissing up at the blonde arrancar. The blast hit upwards creating a large explosion in the sky.
Grim Kazimoto

The captain shinigami diverted his attention from the menos as he looked in the sky seeing another shinigami captain and two arrancars. Grim pressed off his feet launching himself into the sky with his zanpaktuo drawn, down below he saw another shinigami captain with a unique ability. A power to duplicate yourself and change ones zanpaktuo. It was very strange for grim to see, but there was no doubt why this man was captain. Grim spoke loud and clear to the other captains while keeping his eyes on the arrancars. "Darkness Blade and Riyoshi, we got orders to invade this dimension and take down the leader. Are you with me" Said grim holding his zanpaktuo tightly with booth hands. Then from above the arrancar that darkness blade hit with the seven reaitsu waves emmerged. It had revealed its zapaktuo calling out its power, the arrancar had transformed with the hollow mask spreading across the body. Four large wings peered from its back while talons and claws grew from its finger nails. A large spiked tail formed with smoke brewing from its nostrils. The arrancar looked like a dragon staring down Darkness Blade. Grim clutched his zanpaktuo knowing he would have to break through the two arrancars before they could make it into the dimension.

But just as Grim stood yet another arrancar had made its way through the darkness, its reaitsu was filled with great power. Grim looked up to see this arrancar had a fairly large zanpaktuo that was drawn and held up to his shoulder. The zanpaktuo was a large broad sword about six feet long. This arrancar had long red hair and a portion of a hollow mask on the left side of his face. He had the same white uniform as the other arrancar except he didnt have any upper body clothing. The man looked down at the shinigami and laughed as sweat trickled down Grim's face. The man liked a fight but he had specific orders to get the man behind what was happening. But just as Grim thought theyd have to fight there way through, four shinigami landed.

Noi Shimizu

The first was Noi Shimizu, a female shinigami of the 7th division, she was temporarily leading the division until a captain was found. Noi stood before the blonde haired arrancar, she had a black kimono and a white captain haori on her back. This woman had a fairly large breasts and had a green sash around her waist. She had blonde hair and blue eyes, but worst of all she had a terrible green thumb. She looked at the hollow who called himself zesh "Tchh.. wretched hollow" She said as she drew her zanpaktuo, its scabbard was gleaming black. The hilt was green with a blade guard in the shape of a leaf. Drawling the sword Noi looked at the hollow while she stood upon a building with a purple aura of reiatsu pouring from her body. "Thrive on my enemy" In a gust of spiritual pressure the ground shifted with large green thorn vines ripping up from the ground below. As the vines moved upwards a red petal would form. This petal would look small at first then grow, with multiple pedals. Then suddenly the pedal would open revealing a large clawed face aimed to devour the arrancar.

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Enoki Kazuya

This man stood facing the newlly arived arrancar with the giant sword. Enoki was a strong warrior with a noble cause, he was said to be one of the strongest of the tenth division before soul society changed. Enoki was the temporary tenth division capatain. He stood with his blue eyes staring at the arrancars. He wore a black kimono and a captains jacket. He had blue hair with white highlights and a scar on his face from the right cheeck to the left side cutting across his nose. Enoki's zanpaktuo was already within its shikai state. He had a pair of gauntlets on each hand, on these gauntlets were five blades. Each blades size was equivelant to a katana's length. He looked at the arrancar with his hands gripped into fists. "Tell me your name arrancar before i paint the walls with your blood."

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Hakujin Jin

Hakujin appeared in the sky hovering above the transformed dragon looking arrancar. His eyes were cold and almost heartless looking as he gazed upon the transformed monster. A captain haori with a hood fluttered in the wind behind him as a black wolf with a silver chain appeared right behind him. Bandages covered booth of the mans arms appearing as if the shinigami had been wounded, but its was merely a plow. Hakujin was far skilled in duel weapons infact he liked having many weapons which was why he was the Temporary eighth division captain. Just like Enoki Hakujin had his zanpaktuo within its shikai. He held two doubled bladed swords with a black hilt. The blades gleamed brightly as he pointed it towards the transformed hollow "Lets get this over with"

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Tsuriba Satto

The temporary captain of the 13nth division stood upon the wall that blocked the hollows from escaping further into soul society. This captain was different than most, he had the body of a dog like animal comparible to anubis. He stood on two legs with a white captains robe and a black kimono under neath. On the man's right side was his zanpaktuo placed in its scabbard.This shinigami was known as Tsuriba, he watched over the dimension rift waiting to see if another arrancar would step forwards and if so he would fight that arrancar. With the arrival of these temporary captains came many squads of shinigami taking out the common hollows and working together to take out the menos.

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Darkness blade looked upwards in disbelief that the arrancar still stood. The man didnt think that such a warrior could withstand seven simultaneous attacks. But this warrior had changed not only his pressence but its power by releasing his zanpaktuo. Another reiatsu pressence of a hollow stepped through once more with the dark gaze of Darkness Blade turning to see yet another arrancar. This one had a much stronger reiatsu than the last. But just as quickly as it stood someone else stood infront of Darkness Blade, it was Grim Kazimoto. Grim was one of the first captains promoted by Jing, the Captain commander of soul society. With but a single nod Darkness Blade agreed to Grims terms preparing to sneak behind the arrancars when four reiatsu's suddenly came, each with great reiatsu. At that moment Darkness blade and his six copies ran into the darkness dimension.
As Riyoshi brought his blades up to defend against the oncoming attack, it was blocked by a figure clad in black. Looking past the figure, he seen a number of arrancar appear from the tear between deminsions. Gripping both blades tightly, he thought to himself.

i need to recalibrate our power and start to use your ability, but not in front of these people. Riyoshi thought to Ryuujin.

i am ready to demolish these mindless beasts whenever you are. There is also a technique you can use with out using my ability. Ryuuhin replied as hhe started to feed Riyoshi spiritual pressure.

Collecting reiatsu from Ryuujin, Riyoshi's spiritual pressure grew to new hieghts. Looking over at the newest shinigami to join the fray, Riyoshi nodded and the proceeded to speak.

"I will join you on one condition." Riyoshi replied to Grim.
Darq Paradox

The young captain sat looking at the sun hanging high above soul society. Her wounds were just begging to heal, and she had started making progress leading her division. The shinigami were just starting to look up to her when an attack was placed on soul society. A hollow invasion thought darq as she stood up, she wrapped her upper body and her arms in bandages. Then upon her arms she placed the seal to hide her power once again like the fight with Jing n Grim. Darq placed on her shinigami uniform with a purple sash and scarf. She gripped her zanpaktuo Dark Light before heading out the barracks. She stood upon the roof pressing off her toes within her sandals and releasing her reiatsu as she moved towards the battle. Already she felt a great energy begging to rise along with many captains. A sudden explosion formed seeing Menos begging to move out of the wall Jing created. Witihin a second Darq drew her zanpaktuo slashing the menos in half. A flaming explosion fired from it as Darq stood guarding the massive hole with booth hands firm upon the hilt of her sword and her hair falling in her face.

"Cmon Hollows i dare you!"
Grim Kazimoto

The shinigami captain grim looked seeing Darkness blade nod and head into the darkness dimension. Quickly the man and his copies moved as four temporary captain shinigami came to aid soul society. He looked back at the few with interest, he hadnt yet seen these shinigami in action and was a little curios about there reputation. The man looked back seeing darq guarding a breach in the wall, he looked away with a smirk upon his lips knowing he would most likely bug darq into telling him about these four temporary captains. Grim looked back at riyoshi as he placed his zanpaktuo within his scabbard. "And what is that?" replied girm to Riyoshi.

Noi Shimizu

The clawed face plant rose into the sky with open fangs ready to devour its prey. But as the plant face moved towards its prey the arrancar suddenly changed as it drew its zanpaktuo. With a explosion of reiatsu the arrancar changed. Booth of the arrancar Zesh his arms were incased in gauntlets. These guantlets covered each entire arm, one was in the design of a white angel and the other was a black demon. Skeleton wings were upon his back and a large spine tail was behind him. With great speed Zesh evaded the attack and moved downwards with his tail thrashing Noi backwards into soul society below. Her body smashed into the ground below with her eyes looking at him with a fierce gaze. With each step zesh became faster striking noi attack after attack. Noi's blood trickled against the ground as she placed her zanpaktuo in booth hands attempting to block each strike. With each attack her clothes were ripped again and again, her body was surely taking a beating.

Then from above zesh stood with his demon gauntlet placed down at noi. A black sphere of reiatsu formed firing down at noi as she used her zanpaktuo to block the strike. A huge explosion formed around noi as zesh floated above laughing. Noi stood up from the blast breathing heavily as blood trickled from her arms and her forehead. But then Zesh began to dash at noi again to finish her off when he slipped off his feet falling onto the ground. The arrancar's eyes became blurry as he stumbled towards noi. "What the hell" said zesh as he tried to pick himself off the ground. Noi rose her zanpaktuo at Zesh with her reiatsu on the rise once more. "You finally feel it dont you. My plants are stronger than you thought. My first strike released a pollun in the air that creates paralysis." Noi swung her zanpaktuo down as the clawed mouth plant struck down devouring zesh.

Enoki Kazuya

The arrancar with the giant sword looked at Enoki as he slowly lifted his sword from his shoulder. With a crimson flare the hollow''s reiatsu began to rise and expand. The shear force of his reiatsu began to vibrate throughout soul society. The ground shook with a tremor like force that could be felt throughout soul society. "My names Vingsun.... and im afraid youll die shinigami." Pressing off his feet Vingsun launched forwards thrusting his mighty large broadsword at Enoki. The shinigami placed booth hands over his head with his ten blades blocking the strike. Sparks flew as Enoki's blue aura reiatsu rose. Soon crimson and blue aura's flashed and swirled together as winds forged under the force of the two zanpaktuo's. From above the skies began to change, with a black cloud forming above there heads. With booth hands Vingsun thrusted his blade upwards pushing back Enoki. The blue haired shinigami launched himself forwards at the arrancar with a furry of slashes. Vingsun blocked each strike then sent his blade hurtling at Enoki sending him out of the sky and crashing down into soul society. The man caught himself before landing. Once hitting the ground he would bent his feet and press upon the ground launching himself back up at Vingsun like a frog. With booth hands crossed he would slash his blades once more although this time blue aura of reiatsu formed. With his blades slashing out, ten waves of reaitsu fired out at Vingsun causing a massive explosion around him. A few seconds went by with silence until vingsun began to laugh. He stood with a few burn marks and his blade rested on his shoulder once more. Enoki looked up at him with a wide smirk forming upon his face. "It seems your stronger than i thought"
Looking around at the newest captain's appearance, his smile grew as he decided that serieitei was now under control. Glancing back at Grim, Riyoshi spoke up.

"Anything you witness in Hueco Mundo, stays between us. I would not like any of the other Captain's to find out my ability." Riyoshi replied as his zanpakuto reverted back into it's sealed state.

As his dual shikai returned the it’s sealed state, he placed it into it’s sheath and looked up to the garganta. Taking in deep breaths, Riyoshi seen one of the captain’s leap past the arrancars and enter the other dimension. Taking in a few deep breaths, Riyoshi started to walk towards the garganta.

“Ok Grim. Let’s go and complete this mission.” Riyoshi replied as he flash stepped into the garganta.
Grim Kazimoto

Grim accepted Riyoshi's request then turned his gaze upon the break in the dimension. He felt the spiritual pressence of one of the arrancars vanish smiling. With his zanpaktuo sealed in its scabbard grim pressed off the ground leaping into the sky and into hueco Mundo. White sands covered the area with a bright moon hanging above hueco mundo. Once Grim stepped into the dimension he felt a thick spiritual disturbance unlike anything Grim had ever felt before. A reiatsu so terrible he couldnt believe that a hollow could posses so much power. With grim stepping into hueco mundo a army of booth hollows and menos moved towards grim tring to escape through the rift of darkness. Floating in the air above hueco muno was yet another arrancar although this one appeared to be an espada. He had a marking upon his back, the marking said number six. He had a white unifrom just like the other arrancar grim saw although this one had a haori sleeveless jacket that was unzipped showing the espada's abdominal muscles. The man had short spikey blue hair and a hollow mask over part of his right jaw. This man was an espada who was thought to be dead, it was grimmjow jaegerjaque. When ichigo and his friends invaded soul society grimmjow was said to have died although he survived. He lived to grow stronger and fight another day. And now yet again he was picking fights with shinigami.

Grim kazimoto drew his zanpaktuo holding it tightly as he looked at the espada who stood before him. The Espada had booth hands in his pockets as he looked at grim with a blank face. "Ive been expecting you shinigami.... Youll be the first of my prey." Said the espada as he pointed his index finger at grim. A red hellish sphere of reiatsu expanded until it exploded firing at grim. The red burst stream fired at the captain shinigami as he placed his blade forwards. "Burn the Wind" said grim as he activated his shikai. The blade shape and appearance changed , his hhilt was wrapped in a gold fabric. The blade guard in the shape of a cross and the blade itself turned from silver to gold. The cero pressed against grim's zanpaktuo as the heat and energy was absorbed into the blade. Grim stood with his reiatsu rissing although he could tell this wasnt the leader of hueco mundo. The real reiatsu was further into this place, it was beyond the army of hollows tring to invade soul society. But the shinigami had to cut off these invading hollows before they could move forwards. "Hey Darkness Blade, can you keep these hollows at bay?" asked grim. "Riyoshi, how are your combat skills. Ever fight a espada?"

Hakujin Jin

The transformed dragon like hollow launched itself at jin with great speed. The speed of the monster was almost to fast for jin's eyes to keep up. Its raised its claws for jin's neck with brute force. Luckily the man was quite skilled, he blocked the strike with his duel double blade zanpaktuo's. In but an instant the man leaped above the hollow slashing at it with booth blades. The hollows tail whipped forwards blocking the strike that jin sent at the monster. Once the hollow blocked the blade it turned its mouth at jin with a red sphere glowing in its mouth. The sphere quickly fired at jin for it was a cero blast. Jin took the full force of the attack getting blasted out of the sky and propelling towards soul societies ground. With a single flap of its wings the hollow moved down to finish off Jin but unfortunately for the hollow jin was not only fast but extordinarilly fast. Pressing off his feet with reiatsu jin moved out of the path of the hollow. He threw one of his zanpaktuo's at the hollow as it spun with great speed like a throwing star. In almost an instant the blade was tossed at the hollow and ripped threw its right arm. Jin stood holding his right blade observing blood falling down the hollows right side.

The hollow spread its wings in anger as red spheres formed on its back. They began bubbling out rapidly with a great feeling of reiatsu behind them. On the back the red bubbles began forming and cracking as small versions of the hollow appeared from each bubble. In total there was 185 bubbles, each that created a miniature dragon like hollow. Although there was more than meets the eyes, each of these miniatures were explosive. In a second all the miniatures launched at jin with great speed. The shinigami moved to reclaim his second zanpaktuo with the miniatures scattering in direction. With but half a second to spare jin grasped the blade throwing it like a ninja star once more. He threw it in the path of many miniatures creating a chain of explosions of about half the creatures. But just as Jin thought he had escaped and was going to counter the miniatures completely surrounded him. A giant explosion occured before the hollow as a giant cloud of red fire and smoke was created. The creature laughed as suddenly jin's reiatsu scattered in every direction. But as the monster searched for jin, it felt pain throughout its entire body. Then it fell into pieces as it fell crashing into soul society. Its eyes looked up as its head rolled seeing jin stand were it once did. This was the power of Hakujin and his legendary speed, this shinigami had taken flash step to the next level. A ability he called god step. A move that sent the users reiatsu in all directions while moving at such high speeds he could fool a persons eye. But this speed didnt make long distance single steps. But it also made short super bursts of speed, one of which jin used to cut the arrancar into pieces. Although there were limitations to this move, once a shinigami used this move it would drain most of there reiatsu and energy, that would usually result in a day of bed rest. Hakujin grabbed booth of his duel blades as he retreated into soul society with his wolf as his body began feeling the recoil of his attack.
A hollow invasion raced forwards to the marching drum as the heels cracked against the moon light sand. Hollows followed by menos aimed forwards to the rip in the dimension to enter soul society while three shinigami stepped forwards. Entering this dangerous place defeat the enemy that attacked such a sacred place. But as quickly as the captains entered, an enemy came to defeat them. This time a espada had come, but this wasnt any espada. This was one that was said to be defeated by Ichigo during the hueco mundo invasion. It was rumored the man was deadly strong but Darkness Blade didnt have time to defeat such an enemy. There was many hollows still moving forwards to destroy soul society so Darkness Blade had to keep the hollows from entering. He spread out his duplicates making a formation to stop the hollows. Racing forwards he began cutting down the hollows as they marched forwards at the shinigami. Menos fired cero blasts as darkness blade as the man evaded and launched upwards cutting through the menos with all but ease. Darkness blade slashed his way through hollows leaving a mess of corpses as he slaid the beast one by one. But as the hollows moved forwards they began to attack together as the menos began to fire they ceros on one mark. With great force one of the duplicates was hit, sending him crashing into the sands. Hollows moved towards him attacking him as he was down. The duplicate exploded in a cloud of smoke as the blade remained in the sands. Now 5 duplicates remained with the real darkness blade. Darkness blade continued his attack trying to avoid combined strikes and tring to give soul society as much time as possible to regroup.
Darq looked up in the sky after the three captains left to invade hueco mundo. Standing at the breeched wall the woman noticed that hollows stopped falling from the ripped dimension. Three arrancars had appeared in soul society and now two of them were defeated. But that still left many hollows and many menos still in the area. Despite the rift in the dimension darq knew she could help eliminate the remainder of the hollows then possibly invade hueco mundo as well. Running forwards she drew her zanpaktuo "Shine on thy Darkness" The womans reiatsu increased as he blades shikai was activated. The blade was as white as snow while the hilt was wrapped in a black fabric. With booth hands on the Dark Light she swung her sword with might slashing it across each hollow she met. Leaping into the sky she landed upon a menos grande's face. Darq ran across slashing down at its face as she leaped to the next one. Once landing on the next menos she repeated her attack as the previous menos collapsed behind her. More shinigamis yelled in a battle cry as the hollows finally began to dwindle and die. One after the next these hollows died while a battle raged in the skies between a captain and a very strong arrancar. Darq looked stood looking up at the dimension still seeing no other hollows as she looked at zieru in the distance. He was still developing the seal to put away this dimension, now would have been a perfect time if it wasnt for three of soul societies captains being in hueco mundo. Darq looked in the sky as the hollows were taken out, she waited to make her move.
Stepping through the gate, Riyoshi did not stay in the air for long and landed upon the ground. Taking in a few deep breaths, Riyoshi looked around at the desolate wasteland that is Hueco Mundo.

This will be a great place to unleash your true power. Riyoshi thought.

Just as he finished his thought, he felt a power far greater then he had expected. Looking up towards the pressure, he seen a figure clad in white.

"Who the hell do you think you are attacking soul society!" Riyoshi yelled out as he somewhat ignored Grim's question.

Stop there Riyoshi. Do not get yourself killed without letting me free. Ryujin replied as he flew around the inner world.

I got this. There is no way i can die against an arrancar. Riyoshi replied in thought.

Just as he finished his thought, the question from Grim finally sunk in and he realized that they were not up against any ordinary arrancar, but an espada none the less. Looking over at Grim, he smiled a little as he spoke up.

"I am not sure. There is only one way to find out." Riyoshi called out as he placed his hand upon his Zanpkautou.

As his hand made contact with the zanpakutou, his reiatsu vanished from the surrounding area. If you had never been around him, you would think that this man had no reiatsu at all. Focusing upon his blade, he kept a sharp eye on his surroundings, and continued to condense his reiatsu. A black glow started to form around the zanpakutou. It was reiatsu, but nothing like Ichigo's getsuuga. It had a clearish tint and circled around the blade in a clock wise direction. Taking in a deep breath, Riyoshi spoke up to his team mates.

"I need you guys to get out of the direct line of fire, unless you want to get hit." Riyoshi called out as he twisted his upper body slightly and placed the tip of the blade upon the sand.

As the tip of the blade hit the sand, it seemed to melt the sand and slightly push it away from the blade.
Grim Kazimoto

"Ill leave this one to you then Riyoshi" said grim as he began to run deeper into hueco mundo. The mans sandals pushed against the sands as he made his way towards the thick reiatsu ahead. Grim knew sooner or later theyre would be a back up team entering soul society since Darkness Blade was covering the gateway to soul society. With his blade firm grim cut down all hollows that crossed his path, his zanpaktuo glowed with a crimson glow from the heat he absorbed from Grimmjow's attack. But as grim approached this strong reiatsu a large explosion of reiatsu formed infront of him. Flames ripped up twenty feet from the sandy surface of hueco mundo. Grim stepped backwards from the explosion as he held his zanpaktuo infront of his body. The flames withered into his blade as its began to glow red once more. "Step forwards and reveal yourself" said Grim. Without a pause a man stepped forwards,this was yet another espada. This espada had the number one on his chest, he had short black hair and a hollow mask that covered his mouth. this mask looked similar to that of a hospital mask. On the mans chest was a marking, the number was 1. He had a small black crow upon his shoulder standing about fifteen feet from grim.

"So you made it this far into hueco mundo huh reaper. Well i guess ill tell you my name before you die..... its jarikan allcatama. "

He opened the palm of his hand as hundreds of black crows were sent from the palm of jarikans hand at grim. Grim kazimoto released some of his reiatsu as his blade went from glowing with heat to be incased in fire. He thrusted his sword towards Jarikan casting a wall of flames at the crows. But as these crows were hit by the flames, they all exploded. But flames were not ignited by the explosion. Large amounts of smoke formed from each crow, each having a amount close to a large smoke bomb. Grim stood with large amounts of smoke sweeping across the area, but something was wrong. He couldnt feel Jarikan's pressence. Soon the espada had drawn his sword and struck his blade at Grim. A large gash went across his back as the man clenched his jaw. Grim had endured far to much pain in the past to let this effect him. But as quickly as Jarikan struck grim, he had faded away within the smoke. "Alright espada... you want a fight you got it... But its not me Grim Kazimoto who is going to die... ITS YOU JARIKAN!" Grims reiatsu flared up with winds pushing away from his body. Heat began to radiate from grim as the cloud of smoke was pushed away from his body, then above grim there was still remnents of flames still lingering in the area that grim could control due to his zanpaktuo's ability. The flames turned into a hand moving towards jarikan with great force. Flames exploded upon contact of jarikan as he stood unflinching. A small crack appeared on his neck as he smiled, this crack was known as hierro. A steel like skin created by ones reiatsu, usually used to block a zanpaktuo but this espada altered it to block flames as well.


The espada looked down at riyoshi seeing his attack begin to build up. Grimmjow kept his left hand in his pocket with a smile looking down feeling the reiatsu from the captain shinigami. As his reiatsu built so did grimmjow's, waves of wind spiraled around him growing stronger and stronger. A blue aura covered him as his eyes glared at the shinigami. A evil smirk as he looked down at Riyoshi with his reiatsu begging to settle. "Dont forget my name shinigami and you better pray you dont hear it again! Grimmjow Jaegerjaque, because the next time you hear my name, youll be a dead man... i promise" Grimmjow's reiatsu settled around his body as he pressed out from the skies moving down at riyoshi with great speed. He hit the ground just feet before riyoshi as the sands and ground crumbled creating a large wave of debris to be sent at him. Then moving quickly through the possibly blinded shinigami, grimmjow would charge at him with rieatsu around his fist attempting to punch him in the face with enough force to send him knocking backwards.

Enoki Kazuya

Enoki launched back upwards at the arrancar as he slashed at him again and again, with the hollow seemingly not making much effort. He grinned blocking and avoiding the slashes of the shinigami when he dissapeared turning his back to enoki. There the shinigami saw a marking upon his back, it was number two. Then Enoki knew he was not only dealing with a arrancar but an espada class. Just as enoki raced up to attack enoki vingsun appeared before him. Vingsun used the move known as sonido. Appearing with a sound of static vingsun swung his sword at enoki, slashing through his blind spot and ripping his enormous blade across enokis chest. Blood splattered as enoki fell backwards, but that wasnt all Vingsun raised his left hand at Enoki as he rested his zanpaktuo upon his shoulder with the completed swing. A great amount of reiatsu was formed within the palm of vingsuns palm, it glowed with a blue aura and trembled with power. "Royal Hollow Flash" escaped Vingsun's lips as his power exploded ripping forwards at Enoki. This attack was the espada class cero, it was much more powerful than a cero and far more dangerous. Infact a espada was forbidden on using this technique within hueco mundo because of its raw power. With a large explosion enoki was sent into the ground under the shear force of the attack. Minutes went by beofre enoki could stand up to Vingsun, his upper body clothes were burned to ashes while his body was scortched. Blood fell from the man as he looked up at the espada breathing heavily. Enoki underestimated his opponent, and that led to his downfall. Enoki slowly moved upwards standing before vingsun once more, but at that same moment another stepped forwards. Tsuriba Satto appeared behind vingsun with his arms crossed. "Well work together to take out the espada." spoke tsuriba.

"What pathetic warriors... cant fight me by yourself... what a shame."

Jing mizumori

From below he rebuild the walls that were damaged as the hollow forces began to vanish just leaving corpse lying around soul society. The large stone hand was crushing the many remnents of hollows under its mighty force. Turning his green hues at the espada jing glanced, it had such power compared to the two arrancars that were defeated. Although jing could get involved he though it was best not to, for the enemy was still undecided and jing didnt know if he would have to step in to defeat a greater evil. Jing turned to Zieru "How much more time do you need" asked jing.

"Just about twenty minutes"
Soul soul society was engaged in a terrible battle, hollows were being destroyed one by one under the force of the soul reapers. But as this terrible battle raged on darq knew the true horrors were occuring in hueco mundo. Looking around she saw that things were nearly finished in soul society except for the arrancar causing havoc. So without hesitation she jumped into the garganta entering the lair of the hollow. It was much more beautiful than darq thought, white sands and a bright moon. It seemed peaceful except for the terrible reiatsu of hollows everywhere. Once entering she saw Darkness blade battling a army of hollows, but further she felt many strong reiatsu's. One was riyoshi fighting what seemed to be a espada class power. Further ahead was grim battling a even stronger reiatsu. And further beyond that was the terrible reiatsu she felt the minute she entered hueco mundo.

Darq drew held her blade dark light with a tough grip. She ran aiding Darkness blade briefly as she took down all the hollows in her path. She passed Riyoshi and the espada known as grimmjow until she met Grim. She saw grim use flames to his advantage blowing up the espada who stood before him, but the man still stood with nothing but a scratch. The female shingami stopped next to grim looking at the espada before her, she saw the marking 1. "Grim go ahead, this guy can withstand flames. This isnt your kind of fight, you take down the one ahead.. Ill take care of espada numero uno." Holding her zanpaktuo within one hand she pulled off the bandages from her arms. These bandages were no just bandages but seals, darq removed them as her reiatsu grew. Suddenly the ground began to shake under the force of her power with the seals removed. A purple aura of reiatsu glowed around her body with her left hand slidding upon the hilt of her zanpaktuo. "I am Darq Parodox captain of the ninth division, state your name espada"
Grim Kazimoto

The captain clutches his zanpaktuo seeing the espada unscathed from his attack. But as quickly as grim sent an explosion at jarikan, another captain of soul society cam fourth. This captain girm knew well from the battle they had when they were booth promoted to captains. Grim was the type of person who didnt like being pulled out of a fight once going against a strong opponent but this situation was different. Grim was stubborn , if his opponent was immune to grims attacks he would try again and again to defeat his enemy. It was in Grims blood to never give up and fight the strongest enemies because he would never go down giving up. Grim would go down in th glory of a battle if he was going to fall in battle at all. But grim accepted darq's offer for one reason. He was given the chance to fight the leader of hueco mundo and quickly advanced to find the one with the large reiatsu.

But once grim arrived he looked at his opponent with doubt. There stood a man with not only a hollow reiatsu but shinigami reiatsu as well. But there was even more, something terrible and sinister within him. Something that could surely bring madness to soul society. Without a pause Grim held his blade in its shikai state at the man standing before him. He had black long hair and red eyes, he wore a black kimono with a black haori that was sleeveless. Upon booth arms were black dragon tattoes spiraling around each arm. "So you are the one behind all this?" said Grim. The man shrugged his shoulder with a smile as he turned his back to grim. With rage Grim slammed his zanpaktuo against the ground with his reiatsu on the rise. The man stopped in his tracks as he to began to release spiritual pressure from his body. Once the man did so he smirked while grim's eyes widened. Grim was suprised how much power one man could posses but soon that look turned into a smirk. A anticipation came over grim to fight one of the strongest opponents he had ever faced. Grim raced towards this man with incredible reiatsu and slashed at his back with his sword glowing smoldering hot, hot enough to burn threw his opponent.

The mans sword was pulled from its scabbard and placed behind his back to block the strike from grim. Waves of spiraling wind formed around his zanpaktuo blocking grim's attack. With a thrust of his ellbow the man pushed grim back as he spun around on his heel facing Grim. "So you shinigami actually made it here. I commend you on your efforts. But unfortunately i cant let you get in my way." Grim reiatsu began to peak as he pointed his zanpaktuo at the man with incredible reiatsu. "Then that makes two of us! My name is Grim Kazimoto and this ends here! BANKAI!" A large red aura of reiatsu formed around grim in the shape of flames rising twenty feet in the air. Once grim activated his bankai flaming wings peered on the back of grim and his zanpaktuo was incased in flames. Within his bankai the flames grim possessed were severe, severe enough to reduce almost anything to ash.

The man stood holding his zanpaktuo with a grin upon his face seeing the smoldering fire of grim kazimoto. "Grim kazimoto eh....this should be interesting....My name is Dark Haru.... Now Grind them to Pieces!" Dark spoke the release command to his zanpaktuo. His blade changed in a flash, turning his normal looking katana into a fine sword. Dark's zanpaktuo was known as Grinding Fang, the hilt was blood red and the blade guard was gold in the design of three dragons with crimson eyes spiraling the blade. The blade itself was black with a jagged edge that could cut through steel. Grim launched forwards slashing his flaming zanpaktuo at Dark. The man stood with his black jagged blade sparking from the tension of grims blade. "Interesting.... but please tell me this isnt the extent to your power?"

Jarikan Allcatama

the espada looked at this new shinigami with interest as yet another crow moved onto the other shoulder of jarikan. He observed the beautiful female shinigami that was calling him out. Jarkian rarely liked fighting women but in certain occasions he found himself unable to avoid situations like this. The espada placed his hands in his pockets as he slid his feet apart taking a deep breath. One inhaled he exhaled with crows comming out of his mouth with a similar amount to the last attack he used against grim. Although this time the crows were mixed, half were explosive and half were filled with smoke. But jarikan set up the crows to surely blow up Darq into pieces.
"Sorry beautiful i dont like getting my hands dirty with blood of a woman."

Darq smiled placing her zapaktuo above her head, she grasped the end of the fabric of the zanpaktuo spinning it above her head. She formed momentum from the spinning blade moving quicker and quicker. Light aura began to surround the blade with darq's reiatsu on the rise. Then the crows began to move towards darq at all angles, but the woman didnt panic. She stood with a calm mind and heart, she used a serene state of mind. A mind free from clouded thoughts. As the blade spinned she released reiatsu from her blade spinning outwards in all directions. Waves tore into the blade crows causing massive explosions all around her. Flashes of booth red, and gray filled the area with her feet firm upon the ground she stood on. Soon she was incased in smoke and ash, Darq stopped spinning her blade as she grasped the hilt of her sword and relased a gust of spiritual pressure from her body. The gust of spiritual pressure pushed away the smoke from the woman clearing the air. Soon she saw Jarikan once more with the two crows on his shoulders.

She bent her knees slightly while reiatsu formed around the bottoms of her feet. Her feet began to glow until she pushed forwards launching herself at jarikan, she moved with great speed and force. She launched herself forwards with great speed and momentum, she moved like a speeding bullet. not only was she fast but unlike a flash step which doesnt have momentum behind it, her speed was pure velocity. Above jarikan about eight feet darq rose her sword above her head with booth hands upon the hilt darq yelled
"Dragon Hammer Flash!!!!" Dragon hammer flash was a attack of the ultra sonic sword style, in this attack the striker had to attack from a higher position than ones opponent, usually initiated by a powerful jump. One uses momentum of the fall to strengthen a two handed sword swing that brings the blade down on the opponents head or shoulder. In this case Darq aimed for his right shoulder with the crow in attempt to blow up the crow. But that wasnt all, she would drag the blade threw the crow and sink her blade into his shoulder as well.
Enoki Kazuya, Tsuriba Satto and Jing Miumori

The blue haired shinigami ran forwards with his zanpaktuo claws aimed to gash vingsun's throat. With but the espada's bare hands he blocked the attack with his eyes glaring at enoki. Around the espada's body, he used the arrancar steel like skin. By condensing enough reiatsu the man covered his entire body with condensed steel like skin. The mans look at enoki was practically like spitting on the man as the mans hand began to glow red. This was what appeared to be a bala, hollow bullet. But this was Vingsun's special style bala, vingsun's rieatsu had an elemental property. His reiatsu had a lightning element, although he had not used it until now. The bala exploded from the palm of his hand as it struck enoki knocking him out of the sky. The man began to fall down once more as enoki looked up. His body became numb and paralyzed as he fell, but while looking up he saw vingsun vanish. He moved with the speed of a sonido, with a static like noise Vingsun appeared above enoki striking his mighty sword down at him. Blood fell from enoki with a large gash in his chest. Enoki screamed in pain then fell into soul society with smoke rissing from the impact. Vingsun laughed looking back up seeing tsuriba the dog like shinigami in the sky.

"One down many to go"

Vingsun used the sonido once more appearing before tsuriba striking his sword at him. Tsuriba blocked the strike drawing his zanpaktuo feeling the force of the espada's sword. He looked at the man weilding his blade but with one hand. This espada was truly strong, someone stronger than a captain level. Tsuriba knew he couldnt hope to defeat Vingsun in the state he was in, he had to skip his shikai and proceed to eliminate the espada as quickly as possible. The captain yelled in a loud bold tone "Bankai!" The shinigami's reiatsu rose as his blade changed along with his clothing. The mans clothes were covered with a coating of diamonds that glowed brightly . His blade also changed shape, into that of a odachi blade with a coating of diamonds. Tsuriba stepped backwards with the flash stepped then moved again above vingsun. His reiatsu completely was pulled into his blade, creating a large aura around his zanpaktuo. With tsuriba's blade, the more reiatsu put into his attack, the larger his sword becomes. In the sky tsuriba held his massive sword which was 75 feet long, and filled with great reiatsu. With all the power tsuriba had he struck down his sword at vingsun.

But unfortunately vingsun used the sonido evading the strike tsuriba used. Avoiding the attack the espada move behind the shinigami with his blade hammering down at tsuriba's shoulder. Because of the massive size of tsuriba's sword he could not use the blade to defend himself in time. Vingsun's sword dug into the shinigami's shoulder sending him falling down to soul society. His zanpaktuo fell reverting to its previous state as two captains fell from the sky the espada laughed. The espada was truly strong, he was one to not take lightly. Vingsun pointed his index finger downwards as a red sphere fired down at tsuriba and Enoki. Then in a flash of light yet another captain stepped fourth. He back handed the cero blast deflecting it back at vingsun. With the sonido vingsun evaded looking at the man with a smirk. "Your stronger than the others... Who are you shinigami?"

"I am Jing Mizumori, I am the last person you will ever see"

Jarikan Allcatama

The man was startled at the speed Darq possesed, by using reiatsu only on her feet she could move at such speeds. It was really interesting for a woman thought jarikan. The crow on his shoulder was struck turning into a black fog of smoke. This smoke was not ordinary at all, it was a toxin that if breathed in could become fatal. Once it enters ones blood stream, this fog could create not only paraylasis but could shut down ones organs. After the blade cut through the crow it would briefly sink into jarikans shoulder. He would lift his right knee up while grasping darq's blade as he sent his knee crushing into darq's stomache. If this blow was to hit jarikan would send darq back a few feet, then he would use the sonido appearing above her with his right hand open. On each tip of his finger and thumb red spheres would form. These sphere's were all cero blasts, the five ceros would fire down upon darq with terrible power. Each of these cero's was not of ordinary power. They each contained about half the power of a royal hollow flash, these cero's could tear a vice captain in half if they couldnt block the strike properly.
Darq closed her mouth the moment the black crow exploded into a blackish fog. She watched as her powers sunk into the shoulder of the espada, but quickly felt pain from the force of the espada striking her. Pushed backwards darq's feet slid through the sands of hueco mundo. Her eyes remained vigilant on Jarikan as she held her zanpaktuo within her right hand. But the woman did not loose distraction for even a brief moment, she kept track of the feeling of the espada's reiatsu as she felt him move above her. Her gazed moved upwards as she felt a building of reiatsu above her, she could feel the pressure wasnt that of a normal cero. This was much stronger with more quantity. Darq bent her knees and pushed off the ground backing up just as the blast was fired at her. Debris exploded form the ground infront of the woman as she evaded the attack. Looking into the sky Darq grinned at the espada before her. She flipped her zanpaktuo stabbing it into the ground removing her upper captains jacket and haori. Once she took it off the clothes they slammed into the ground with great force. These clothes were weighted, each piece of clothing weighing one ton. She now only had a bit of clothes on her upper body, they were bandages wrapped around her upper chest.

"Now lets see who really is stronger..."

Darq pushed off the ground as she grasped her zanpaktuo with her right hand. She darted into the sky after jarikan with her body in a stance. Her stance was that of a battojutsu, which darq excelled in. Battojutsu was a technique in engaging the sword. But as her great speed brought her closer to jarikan she instantly vanished. She mixed her own great speed with the speed of the flash step. Appearing behind Jarikan Darq pointed her left hand in a open palm at the espada. A blue sphere formed with reiatsu glowing. "Hado number four. Pale Lightning" Said darq as the blue sphere erupted into a blast of lighting moving at jarikan with close range. But just as she fired the hado spell darq used the flash step once more. Now appearing infront of him she moved with her right hand on the Dark Light and her left hand grasping the scabbard to the blade. Darq swung her zanpaktuo first aiming for the neck of the man but then followed up the strike with her scabbard aiming for his skull.

Darq used a attack known as Twin Dragon Flash, a attack she learned from a old friend. It was seemingly a simple battojutsu strike but the twin dragon flash is the first of the ultra sonic sword style two step battojutsu moves. After the first strike with darq's blade the user wields the empty scabbard along the same path as a blunt weapon. After the sword strike lands, the scabbard delivers a pulverizing blow capable of crushing bone and shattering wood, but if the sword strike misses the scabbard acts as powerful insurance, preventing its opponent from delivering a crushing blow. Although darq did not forget about her hado spell, she was prepared to redirect the pale lighting if jarikan evaded the attack and it came her way.
As Riyoshi finished focusing his reiatsu upon one point, Grimmjow came crashing down in front of him. Riyoshi smiled to how dumb he could have been. Taking i a breath, he spoke words that would alter the battle.

"Hado 58, swelling storm!" Riyoshi yelled out as he placed his left palm facing the dust cloud.

Aiming his palm at the cloud of sand and debris, a tornado formed and stripped away all the sand and debris and revealed the arrancar. Riyoshi smiled and at the last second, twisted on his feet and flash stepped back 30 feet. Placing both of his hands upon his zanpautou, Riyoshi took in a breath and focused upo the arrancar's location.

"Dissolving dragon fang!" Riyoshi called out as he slashed his blade out horizontally towards Grimmjow.

As he slashed his blade, a large, clearish black wave of reiatsu shot towards Grimmjow.

"And you arrancar, I will not lose to you. I refuse to lose to a mindless beast like you, for i am Riyoshi Nihoma, Captain of the third division." Riyoshi called out his reiatsu attack was dissolving the sand on the way to grimmjow's location.
Jing Mizumori

Once Jing spoke to the arrancar he said "Im the last person you will ever see" Jing used the flash step, he appeared right infront of vingsu with his left hand upon the espada's right arm. He pushed down on his forearm which held its zanpaktuo leaning on his shoudler. Surely the man rested the blade on his shoulder out of arrogance, and now this man would pay for the arrogance. Within Jing's right hand rieatsu rose with massive force, gold rieatsu aura formed around the right hand of the man. Spiraling around with as the man struck vingsun in the stomach with his right hand. Jing used what was known as an alterted hado spell. This spell was hado number sixty three, the thunder roar sear. It was an explosive power that fired a giant blast of lightning it target although jing condensed this attack into a hand to hand attack. Once the fist makes contact the blast would explode from jing's hand causing not only a massive impact upon its target but a blast ripping out once contact was established. With one hit Jing sent Vingsun out of the skies of soul society, it sent him down into the grounds below and ripping into the ground further back.

Vingsun sunk his blade into the earth below pulling himself upwards with blood trickling down his lip with a evil grin on his face. His rieatsu exploded pushing outwards demolishing buildings near him in his quake. Sparks began to flicker around him as his reiatsu expanded and implade everything that stood before it, if a single leaf fell within his range. Vingsun's rieatsu would thrash it into a thousand pieces. With his right foot forwards the espada rose into the sky with his zanpaktuo pointed straight for jing's heart. The captain commander turned looking at the espada as a black sphere of reiatsu formed in the palm of his hand. Once Vingsun was close he would throw the box upwards and place the palm of his hand before the espada's attack. Vingsun's zanpaktuo would shatter the hierro armor around jings hand and draw blood. Around booth Jing and Vingsun the black box would expand in a second then vanish in a instant. This was a kido spell, farewell box. A Kido that was made for a barrier that could be placed around a object then could be transported wherever the caster wishes. Jing moved himself and Vingsun deep below soul society in a underground chamber.

Jing stepped backwards with his sandals slidding on the ground of the cave like chamber. The espada pulled back his blade looking around the new location the shingami had brought him to with a curious look "Why did you bring me to such a place, i was hoping to injure more of your comrades during out battle." Jing waved his hand controlling the earth below his feet. For jing had already activated his shikai although he had no blade within this form. His shikai dissolves into the earth and grands him the ability to weild and manipulate the earth under his feet. With but a mere wave of his hand jing moved the earth under his feet. Spikes exploded from the ground below up at vingsun. The espada swung his sword cutting them down as the ceiling had spikes moving down as well. Vingsun leaped to the side evading the spikes while a giant stone hand formed smacking the espada to the side. The man hit the ground with a angry look while the stone hand began to move back at the espada. Vingsun pointed the tip of his blade at the stone hand with a red sphere forming then firing at the stone hand. It was a cero blast that tore straight through the stone hand, sending it in pieces. But immediately after the first blast another one was fired, this one was a royal hollow flash, equivelant to the one fired at enoki earlier except this one had the lightning element behind it.

Rissing forwards towards jing the blast moved with speed while jing didnt have time to evade it. Jing rose his right hand forwards using a kido spell, this kido was known as kido number thirty nine. It summouns a shield of condensed rieatsu to block opponent attack's although the royal hollow flash was far to powerful to block with such a kido. The shield broke striking Jing's left hand as sparks scattered from his hand. His left hand was partially paralyzed while vingsun darted forwards once more to strike Jing down with a blood thirsty grin on his face. With a wave of Jing's hand hundreds of thin spikes peered upwards all around vingsun's radius. Reiatsu began to form in his right and left hand, it felt paralyzed but he could still use his hand. Jing used two hado spells, one Adamartine Blast which was a altered version of hado thirty one red fire cannon. Although this hado's size was enormous, it caused massive fire and explosion. The second hado was hado fifty eight, swelling storm. It would fire a widening tornado like blast at its target. First the Adamartine blast would hit down surrounding Vingsun and the spikes, next the swelling storm would hit. The storm would spiral around the spiked area mixing with the flames and increasing there power. Wind fueled the flames causing them to grow much larger, but just as the grew, jing waved his hand once more. He caused the spikes to part from the ground making many spikes float within the storm around vingsun. Now not only could vingsun be burned, but he would most likely be pierced with many spikes.

Grim Kazimoto

Grim stepped backwards as Dark matched the power of his bankai with only his shikai. With his feet slidding against the hueco munco sands he looked before his enemy. The mans crimson hair swayed in the wind as he held his zanpaktuo with his right hand. Then with his left he placed his right hand over his face, the ground pulsated with great energy. Particles began floating infront of Grim forming a white mask on his face. This mask looked like a hollow skull, that would cover grim's entire face. This captain shinigami was what was known as a vizard. He had hollow like capabilities that could greatly increase his power. Once the mask completely covered his face the pulse became more upbeat sending out multiple waves ever few seconds. Dark looked at the man with interest seeing this hollowification on his face. With but only a moment grim placed booth hands on his zanpaktuo as he darted forwards at Dark. "My mask... its the beserker!"

Moving forwards with great speed the shingami struck his sword down at dark with larger flames around his blade. These flames spiraled as the clashed down at his enemy. Dark placed his zanpaktuo infront of the attack grim sent down with a evil looking glare in his eyes. He blocked the strike as a darkness like reiatsu emmerged form within dark. This reiatsu was terrible, it was the dark cold feeling grim felt earlier. But he could not feel the full sensation of its bitterness. Darkness pushed out matching the power of grim's flames. Dark's red eye stared into grims newly yellow eyes due to the hollowification as he pushed grim backwards. With open flaming wings grim pointed his zanpaktuo at Dark, flamming feathers shot at Dark. They exploded on contact engulfing the man in a blaze of fire. Within a moment after the explosion a gust of black wind pushed out from dark. This wind was the same dark reiatsu that grim felt, but it was growing stronger. "Your not going to escape here alive shinigami" Dark said stepping forwards in a shimmer of a second. This man used a unknown speed to appear to the right of grim holding his blade in striking range. This speed was not that of a flash step or sonido, it appeared to be a combination of the two. With bone crushing force Dark struck Grim with the grinding fang with the words "Darkness Tendrill" Escaping his lips. Darkness in ten waves fired out from his zanpaktuo, these waves would first fire forwards then gradually rip upwards sending there targets into the sky. Then sen them crashing down if they were caught off guard form the strike. Grim was hit directly form the blast of darkness as he folded his wings infront of his body to block the attack. But the man was still hit by the force, as he entered the sky. Smoke pressed off his body as his wings spread open once more, he breathed heavily looking down at his opponent in disbelief of his strength.


The espada turned his body as he drew his zanpaktuo to block the hado spell that came his way. Lighting clashed from the blade then dispersed, but yet another attack was sent his way. The blade of darq swung at him as his wrist flickered blocking the strike in his path. Unexpectedly a second strike with the use of her scabbard hit jarikan in the eye as the crow on the right shoulder exploded into a cloud of smoke. The Espada shouted in pain moving away from the shinigami "You *****" he said with his hand clutching the zanpaktuo. Once the smoke cleared Jarikan stood with an eye missing with blood dripping down his face. But this didnt last long, Jarikan had an ability in which most espada have. It was ultra fast regeneration, although not every part of jarikan could be healed. He couldnt regenerate vital organs or a area that had to much damage inflicted on it. Within a second Jarkian's eye was restored.

"Watch shinigami i will devour you like i do them...."

The espada waved his hand forming a garganta into the living world. He turned taking a deep breath and using another technique. Gonzui he used, this technique is a supplementary technique used by arrancars to devour as many souls as possible within a large radius to significantly increase there size, power, force and reiatsu. Many souls moved from the living world into jarikan's mouth as he devoured them. Jarkian grew double his size as he stared at the shinigami. He stepped forwards with the sands crumbling before his mighty heels as he thrusted his blade down at Darq. He had enough force in his arm to cut her in half and creating amssive crater in the sands.


The espada moved his right arm infront of his face as the winds pushed forwads. He kept his arm up keeping the sands and debris that the wind lifted form getting into his eyes. With his right arm infront of his face his left hand opened. Grimmjow felt the spiritual pressence of riyoshi expand and build as he clenched his left fist with a red aura forming. "Yea shinigami.. All i hear is blah blah BLAH." Grimmjow struck the ground infront of him with a bala, this hit disrupted the swelling storm that riyoshi just used. But as the storm swayed away he saw a clearish black wave of reiatsu moving towards him. With his right hand Grimmjow drew his blade, he drew it just intime to block the front strike of the blade. Although he could not block it entirely. The wave hit part of grimmjows left arm as the attack slid to the left off of grimmjows sword. The espada looked at his body seeing a scar on his left arm. The espada roared in anger pushing forwards at riyoshi with great speed, he slammed his sword down at him with his right hand yelling "You Bastard" Then with his left he aimed the palm of his hand at riyoshi's stomach. A red spehere formed and fired "Cero".
Seeing that grimmjow survived the first attack made him smile but at the same time, revealed that he was not going to beat him with just sealed zanpakutou. Riyoshi soon focused back upon the task at hand.

He is stronger then i thought. Riyoshi thought to himself.

Do not relax until he is dead. We need to step this up a notch and show him what we can do. Ryujin replied in thought.

Just as the sword was about to hit to hit him, Riyoshi swung his sword down and hit grimmjow's blade towards the ground. Raising his left foot, he placed it firmly upon the blade and held it in the sand. Picking his blade up slightly to counter the next attack, Riyoshi took in a quick breath. As the cero hit him, the sand behind him exploded. As the cero dispersed from around Riyoshi, He still stood in front of Grimmjow. His legs were wobbly a little and his clothing covering his chest and head were no longer there.

"Is that all you have, hollow." Riyoshi said as he placed both hands upon his zanpakutou.

Lifting his blade high above his head, Riyohi called out to the heavens.

"BANKAI!" Riyoshi yelled as his reiatsu exploded with great force outwards.

Grimmjow smiled looking at the shinigami as he stood firm with his feet upon the ground. Winds slightly pushed away from his body while the man clutched his zanpaktuo. The man smiled holding his zanpaktuo with one hand as he slid his feet apart. Grimmjow slid his left hand across the sharp edge of his zanpaktuo while watching Riyoshi. The blue eyes gazed watching the shinigami's transformation with interest as blood trickled down from grimmjows left hand. "Grind Pantera!" The sword glowed with grimmjows left hand up to it while raking it along with the blade with a swift motion while speaking the command name. Grimmjow released a turrent of spiritual power that causes tremendous gusts of wind in the vicinity. Grimmjows appearance changed into something far different , looking like a predator. His teeth became jagged and sharp, his hands became into black claws while his feet became black clawed paws similar to that of a cat along with a slender whip like tail thats longer than his hole body. His hair becomes very long and flowing, and the markings around his eyes enlarge and extend to the tips of his ears, which become swept back and cat-like. He loses his distinctive jaw mask, which is replaced by a sort of a headgear upon his brow covering his forehead. His clothing changes to become a form-fitting white segmented armor, similar to his original Adjuchas-Hollow form. He has blades protruding from his forearms and his calves. Once Grimmjow transformed he darted for riyoshi with his right hand claws ripping towards the mans zanpaktuo while the left hand waited to strike his stomach when there was an opening.

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