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Fantasy Soul Mates

~Monday, August 26~

Rosaleen groaned as her alarm clock went off. Today was the first day of school.

She rolled out of bed, running a hand through her thick mess of red hair as she walked to her bathroom and showered. When she got out she fixed her hair, leaving it natural so it flowed down her shoulders. She tossed on some white shorts and a loose light green tank top. She put some white sandals on and grabbed her bookbag. It was almost 8, and school started at 8:15.

@ThunderDire @MADoranges @Fireheart @AquaSly @lonecoyote @Mediocritys Muse @The Master @blood wolf @tsukikokimiko @StoryTellerofTales

I groaned as the hot water ran down my back. I was taking a shower after going for a run this morning. I was done with high school and I had to get ready for my first day in college. I still didn't know what I wanted to study but at least I was going to college. I turned off the water and got out to dry off. After drying off I put my contacts in and got ready for school.
Thomas was walking slowly through a small park. Well, he was floating actually, hovering a few inches off the ground. Thomas looked rather transparent as he glided around the empty park. He had been enjoying himself for the better part of two days. Thomas had no track of time though, not really needing it. He would spend time at places without many people to avoid the knowledge of death. Thomas went back to looking like a regular human after another moment. He smiled very lightly at the beautiful morning as he made his way to a bench. Thomas sat down and sighed in satisfaction, his smile going away. "I wonder what I will do today...." He spoke softly to himself.
I sighed as i sat in my car football practice was horrible. I stretched then started the car then started the drive to school. When i for to school i parked then walked in while looking at my schedule. i saw some guys from football And walked Over to them. As i walked over i saw a bunch of girls stake at me.
Jax groaned as he rolled over in bed, hitting his nightstand repeatedly before it landed on his alarm clock. He rolled back over and opened his eyes slowly, sleep still overtaking his body.

"Monday....." he groaned out and threw his covers off of him.

"I hate Mondays." he said in that raspy morning voice guys had. He rolled out of bed and walked to the shower, taking a quick one before drying off and throwing on a pair of khaki's and a dark gray button down. He ran a hand through his hair before spraying on a bit of cologne and glancing at his clock. 7:45 a.m.

"Levy's probably waiting for me." he sighed and grabbed his backpack and went out the door.

Levy woke up early today, seeing that it was the first day of school and she was ready for it. Her long black hair was half up, half down, a red bow adorning where hair where her ponytail was. She decided to go with a pair of black lace shorts, a white tank top with a peace sign in the middle, and a pair of flip flops. She hid her ears, an ability she gained since she wanted to go to human school. She kept some of her fox attributes such as accurate hearing, the marks on her cheeks, and a keen sense of smell.

"All done!" she cheered happily and grabbed her backpack, throwing it over her shoulder and heading out the door to wait for her long time best friend Jax. She walked to the bus stop, their usual place to meet, beating him there by ten minutes. While she waited she played I Spy, challenging anyone who would play her. Around 7:55 he came, apologizing for being late. She dismissed it and claimed it was ok. They started to walk to school, the whole time playing, Would You Rather?
Rosaleen soon made it to school, some of her friends meeting her at the entrance and gathering around her. She had plenty of friends, not all of them being in her grade. She talked with a few people, sharing a couple funny stories from over the summer, and eventually found herself still talking outside a classroom, waiting for the bell to ring.
Jax and Levy walked approached the school together, both of them smiling and laughing.

"We'll have to go back and do that again." Jax said with a grin to Levy who only smiled and nodded.

"Of course. Maybe this weekend." Levy replied and looked to see a crowd of girls looking at them with smiles plastered on their faces. She looked at Jax who noticed them too.

"Watch this." Jax winked at Levy who only shook her head. Jax adjusted his backpack on his shoulder before jogging over to the girls, squeals coming from them as they began to hyperventilate. Jax stood in front of them talking about who knows what. Levy watched and rolled her eyes, seeing her own friends and waving them down. She stood at the entrance of the school with them, telling them about her summer and remembering memories they all made together. Soon after they began walking into the school, Jax came jogging over to them.

"Those girls think I'm hot." he said with a wink to the group. Levy sighed and flicked Jax's nose.

"Hey!" Jax rubbed his nose and glared at her.

"You're such a flirt." Levy said and looked at her friends who agreed. As they walked and talked about Jax and how at least all the females in the school knew him by name, they heard 'Hey Jax!' every time they passed a girl. They began to sound like those birds from Finding Nemo.
ivan walked past the group of people ,hopping that he could get somewhere peacefull

Walking down the sidewalk, Una's blossom white colored hair sailed softly. Books and pencils in hand. Agitation beaming from her. This morning was nothing like she imaged, ha, truly everything was going wrong. First off, her sandle broke, so now she was wearing some old busted up sneakers that she barrowed from her neighbor, accompanied by a pair of shorts, tank top, and jacket. Second, she wanted to wake up at 6, but her alarm apparently was broken and it was now 7:30. However worst of all, while slightly daydreaming, she accidently tripped causing her class schedule to land in a puddle, now completely unreadable. What is the cause of it all: A classic Monday morning. Monday's like many, we're not her thing. Actually mornings were not her thing, if anything, she enjoyed resting to her hearts content but college began today. Nearing the school, she made her way to the front doors, passing by a group of girls with a small smile and hello.

Even though she was agitated, she attempted to not allow it to show...even if it did already. Walking into the building, her blue eyes searched for registration, spotting it only a moment later. Letting out a sigh in relief, the clock over her read 7:45
"just enough time to get a new one.." Getting in line, she waited surprisingly patiently till her turn.

14 minutes later-

Finally getting her new schedule, Una walked back outside, deciding that since she didn't really know anyone, or where anything was, might as well enjoy the weather. Standing under a tree, the shade felt cool and refreshing on her skin and with a slight bend down she gently set her books down in the grass and sat down, her back leaning against the tree. The breeze felt good, as Rays of sunlight broke through the thick branches and leaves above. Reaching to her side, she grabbed her new schedule and began to look it over.



Eddie laughed as she played with a few of the kids in the park, as she had done since she could remember. The game today was hide and seek, and currently she was one of the people who should be hiding. Since she was a ghost after all, she often just went invisible before they came to her area and waited for them to leave or just stay at the spot that was designated the safe zone. However, she decided to stay visible. As she ran a little ways away with her long legs and silent steps, she crossed the little line that designated the kids area and stopped. Good for her, bad for the kids, simply because they couldn't leave the kiddie area.

Chuckling into her hand, she sat down on the nearest bench. Since she hadn't been paying attention, she didn't notice the man that was already sitting there. Not until the damage was done and she was on his lap, luckily she didn't weigh much and the only real downside about being in contact with her was the cold air she sent out. Instead of jumping up and apologizing like a normal person, she simply looked over her shoulder unfazed and said, "Come here often handsome?"

@The Master
I was wondering around the school to get used to it and find all my classes. As I'm walking couple of girls come and try to talk to me. I casually say im taken then walk away on all 15 of them and continued walking. Even though its fun being star quarterback its also a pain. Aftee every game its your fault for the mistakes and eveeyone wants ti be your friend just to be popular. I hated that users were just dumb latching on to others for popularity. I continued walking until i found my first period class.
ThunderDire said:
Walking down the sidewalk, Una's blossom white colored hair sailed softly. Books and pencils in hand. Agitation beaming from her. This morning was nothing like she imaged, ha, truly everything was going wrong. First off, her sandle broke, so now she was wearing some old busted up sneakers that she barrowed from her neighbor, accompanied by a pair of shorts, tank top, and jacket. Second, she wanted to wake up at 6, but her alarm apparently was broken and it was now 7:30. However worst of all, while slightly daydreaming, she accidently tripped causing her class schedule to land in a puddle, now completely unreadable. What is the cause of it all: A classic Monday morning. Monday's like many, we're not her thing. Actually mornings were not her thing, if anything, she enjoyed resting to her hearts content but college began today. Nearing the school, she made her way to the front doors, passing by a group of girls with a small smile and hello.

Even though she was agitated, she attempted to not allow it to show...even if it did already. Walking into the building, her blue eyes searched for registration, spotting it only a moment later. Letting out a sigh in relief, the clock over her read 7:45
"just enough time to get a new one.." Getting in line, she waited surprisingly patiently till her turn.

14 minutes later-

Finally getting her new schedule, Una walked back outside, deciding that since she didn't really know anyone, or where anything was, might as well enjoy the weather. Standing under a tree, the shade felt cool and refreshing on her skin and with a slight bend down she gently set her books down in the grass and sat down, her back leaning against the tree. The breeze felt good, as Rays of sunlight broke through the thick branches and leaves above. Reaching to her side, she grabbed her new schedule and began to look it over.

ivan, noticing una enjoy the shade of the tree that they both were under, decided to introduce himself "um hi, lovely day today right?"
Thomas blinked as the woman sat down on his lap. When they made contact his eyes widened a little. It wasn't because she was cold, he was a ghost too so he couldn't really feel that part, but because he could feel when she was going to die. Thomas calmed himself down but raised an eyebrow when she asked the question she did. For some reason Thomas wrapped his arms around her, embracing her "All the time beautiful...." His voice was smooth and VERY VERY attractive when he spoke. Thomas was having an internal freak out for what he was doing. He had no reason to do something like this to a total stranger, let alone another ghost. It felt right though so he just decided to go with it. "What's your name?" Thomas asked her before moving his right hand up to caress her face softly.

As the first bell rang Rosa walked into her first class. Her crowd of friends left since they had classes elsewhere.

When walking into the classroom she grumbled, sliding into a seat near the back. Science class. Not her favorite, by any means.

She put her stuff in the desk, leaving a pencil on the desk. She stared toward the front, watching a plump female, the teacher, scuttling around and grabbing random stuff like paper and such. Rosaleen didn't pay much attention. The redhead sighed, leaning back in her chair and waiting for the class to begin.
"To be....or not to be, now that is the question."

Rachel felted irritated as she closed her book harshly slapping the person next to her. The girl yelped in pain as Rachel said strictly,"Addie if you keep on dozing off like that, you'll ruin the whole play for us."

The girl nodded only to glare at her when she wasn't looking.

Checking the time Rachel spoke in a much gentler tone,"Practice is over for now, the bell is going to ring soon."

Everyone started to pack up as Rachel picked up her backpack and leaved the building. At first she was quickly walking, when suddenly she started running to her first class. Rachel sat down taking out what she needed.
Levy kept walking down the hallways, deciding to ask her friends who they would date and who they wouldn't. She popped her head up, her fox instincts telling her it was almost time for class. She looked at her friends with a smile. She really didn't want to leave them but she also didn't want to be late for class.

"Gotta go, bell's about to ring!" she told all of her friends and waved to them as she jogged to her first period. She already memorized her schedule, it was as easy as learning her name. Her first class was a science class.

"Here it is!" she said with a bright smile, finally finding it down the hall. She went inside the classroom and looked around for an empty seat, finally finding one in the back of the classroom. She sat down and crossed her legs, looking out the window.

Jax watched as Levy left, deciding it was time for him to get to class as well. This year was Jax's last year in highschool so he was bound and determined to make the most out of it. When he found his way to homeroom, a wide grin appeared on his face. There was a crowd of people around some desks in the middle of the room and they all began to cheer when he came in. They all patted him on the back, telling him how much they missed him and so on.
Rosa was just messing with a bracelet around her wrist, though looked up when a girl sat next to her. "Hi," The red head said with a smile, turning more to face her. The teacher left the classroom, probably to get some papers, before the second bell rang so Rosaleen decided to talk to someone so she wouldn't get bored. This girl looked friendly enough. @lonecoyote
Levy's trance was broken when she heard the voice of another girl. She turned to the girl and smiled at her.

"Hi!" she responded and turned to face her fully. Levy loved meeting new people and with her happy mood all the time in tact, she made friends rather easily.

"My name's Levy Lox." she introduced herself and grabbed a long strand of black hair and began to braid it.
"I'm Rosaleen, or Rosa for short." She smiled happily. Making friends had always been pretty easy for her as well.

"What class do you have after this?" She asked curiously.
Levy smiled back at the girl, looking at her curiously. If she had a tail, it would be swaying back and forth slowly. She put a finger on her lip and tilted her head to the side a bit.

"I think I have history next." she looked at Rosaleen.

"What about you?"
She took out a piece of paper, skimming over it for a moment. "Art. And then math, and so on." She said. "Boring!" Rosa added, rolling her eyes. She slid the paper back with her other stuff. The teacher still wasn't back. "I wonder if this class will ever start," She chuckled.

Eddie quickly grew uncomfortable from how he reacted so smoothly to her sarcasm. Though, what really bothered her was how much she enjoyed it. As his arms snaked around her waist, she kept looking him straight in the eye, her mouth opening to speak when-

"EDDIE! Where did you go?" A kids voice called out a few feet away, bringing her back to reality. If they figured out she was on some dude's lap, what message would that send. That thought alone put her into a tiny little panic attack, and when she panics, she phases through things. Yet, she didn't this time, which confused her. "I gotta go. It was nice talking to you." She replies while sliding out of his arms and off of his lap just in time for the little child to see her and come over to her. "You're it Eddie." The child laugh while grabbing onto the older girl's hand dragging her off back toward where the other kids. However, she did look over to her shoulder back to Thomas with a small grin and a wave.​

@The Master
Levy giggles a bit and suddenly remembers.

"My best friend's gonna be in art! I think you'll like him." she smiles brightly. Levy was all for people meeting Jax since she's known him for years and loving the fact that she could expand their friend circle.

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