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Fandom Soul Mates (Soul Eater) OPEN


Fluffy Fan Girl
Soul Eater is always interesting and I'm eager to start a role play with someone. But let's get somethings out right away, shall we?

  • If I were to do this RP, my RP partner would be playing as Soul and I would be playing as my OC. I am willing to play as a character in the show for whoever chooses to be my partner. But keep in mind that you have to play as Soul for me.
  • Romance is a huge theme in my role plays, so that will be happening in this one as well. If you don't like it, then you don't have to play.
  • I cannot play as more than two characters for long periods of time. So I can't be the entire cast while you just play as your OC and one other character. Plus, I wouldn't be able to do everyone a justice.
  • This is based shortly after the release of the madness, just to give you an idea.

Rule Time!!!

  1. No god-modding. At least not without my say so and without knowing how my character will respond.
  2. ABSOLUTELY NO CHAT SPEAK. N0N3 0F 7HI5 57UFF 3I7H3R. Hurts to read. (Sorry Homestuck fans.) I also ask for no script writing. I want full sentences and correct punctuation. Unless it can't be helped, no one-liners either.
  3. On a similar note, keep it in third person. First person gets really confusing.
  4. No sex on here. No moving the RP. I got scolded for that. So no.
i don't thing two paragraphs are my thing but i can try to do 3 sentences and sorry for anything that may be miss spelled and can we start this in the morning it almost time for me to head to bed sorry
Shadowfallen9570 said:
i don't thing two paragraphs are my thing but i can try to do 3 sentences and sorry for anything that may be miss spelled and can we start this in the morning it almost time for me to head to bed sorry
Just do your best. And I'll wait.
Shadowfallen9570 said:
i should be on in the morning so you wont have to wait long i'm normally always on
I'll be busy most of the day. But you should hear from me either late tomorrow or early the next day.

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