Soul Mate (Actual RP)

Ana seemed to startle him, watching the arrow fly into the air off into oblivion with widened eyes. Her gaze was trained on it for a moment before she looked back over at him, seeing that he was looking at her and letting her gaze calm back to it's original state.

She hadn't quite caught his name-she thought she had heard him say 'Jake'. Hm. She took note of that, thinking that if they would be seeing each other throughout the place often, she might as well take the chance to get their names right. He seemed a bit flustered, and she understood why-two people were trying to claim his attention at that moment in time.


She felt herself nod at his soft words, and she turned to begin a slow trek away, feeling slight accomplishment in retrieving his lost item for him. But she continued yet another aimless trail around the building, glancing about every so often to examine each area that she passed by, slowly-very slowly, yet surely-memorizing it's layout.

[ Gah, Ana could really use a bit of interaction right now. She needs to get out there and meet new people. x_x ]
Lex was disappointed to see that he was not in the mood for a conversation. She always thought that making the first move would lead to a good friendship or even a relationship.
Jaylynn looked back outside and decided to try and climb some trees in the woods for a while. On her way to a promising looking oak tree, she spotted someone else. "Ugh, why are other people in the woods?" She muttered to herself as she grabbed hold of the tree, climbing it and making a bunch of noise as different branches fell with the slightest touch. "Oh hell.." Jaylynn's eyes went wide as the branch she was holding onto snapped of. She screamed as she fell the 5-10 feet drop. 'Why Jaylynn.. Why did you pick that tree?' She thought to herself, knowing she'd alerted the other person she'd seen in the woods.
Lex was walking calmly in the woods when she suddenly heard a loud crashing sound. She ran over and was surprised to see Jay on the floor. She was holding on to a broken branch which really explained everything. "Hey, you okay?" Lex asked, helping her up. She had a few bloody scratches and it looked like it had been quite a fall "You shouldn't trust these trees. I tried hanging on one. It didn't end well..." Lex advised.
"Not the trees fault.Y-you need to learn how to need to know how a good tree look and how a bad tree looks and feels."Jake said from up in a high tree.He jumped down perfectly landing on his feet."This tree isn't a bad tree it's just that you picked a weak branch.See"he said as he showed them the weak wood from the part that broke off.He climbed up the tree and went onto another branch on the same tree and hung from one of the branches."See nothings wrong with the tree"he said faintly.
[ Could we maybe get one of the other charries to interact with Ana please? I'm feeling kind of lonely here. ._. ]
[ Here she comes. c: ]

After a while, Ana snapped from her deep train of thought when she felt a light breeze sweep across her. She blinked, glancing around to find that she was back outside, heading towards the trees. The thought that she had automatically led herself to the forest was really amusing to her-she seemed to really have a thing for outside places, it seemed. It was funny, but she continued her path into the trees, glancing about, trying to memorize the path she walked so that she wouldn't become lost in the forest's depths.

She continued to walk a solitary trail, being able to fairly hear voices somewhere nearby, yet unsure if she should head towards them. Movement was spotted far off through the trees, yet she was still unsure about going to acquaint herself. She had already embarrassed herself once-what if she did it again? The very thought made a knot twist in her gut, and she passed by the little meeting, unsure if she would be noticed-but doubting being noticed at all. She was one of those people most people seemed to avoid, to ignore

The thought depressed her slightly, but she continued on her slow trail.
Jake was hanging from the branch still.He saw Ana and waved then got back up sitting on the branch.He looked all around to find something to shoot."Look guys a deer"he said quietly.He grabbed his boy and arrow and set it up.Of course he wasn't going to kill it,it was just a target for him so he just took out one of the beginner arrows that didn't have a point on it and began to put them in position.He breath deeply with his gaze completely still and on point with the deer.He slid the the arrow back slowly and let it go.It hit the deer and the deer ran off very fast.He smiled and sighed in relief then went over to where it was and picked the bow up."Well umm...have a good sleep?"he said to the girl.He didn't know her name yet.
Ana's glance had momentarily flickered towards a branch when she detected movement up above.

You could say that she was startled-she gasped wake she found the previous guy-Jake, as she remembered him-hanging off of a branch above her without her even realizing. She put a hand on her heart to steady it, but saw that he had waved at her-making her cheeks tint into a light pink as she grinned timidly and waved back, watching him swing into a sitting position on the branch.

The following events with the deer and the arrow took place, and she watched with fascination at the cloven animal, glancing upwards at Jake, watching him focus his energy into his bow and hit a perfect shot onto the deer. It bolted the second te arrow made contact and bounced off, sprinting through the trees. The very sight of the animal bounding away made her slip in a small giggle under her breath. She always became giddy about everything and anything involving nature, and she quickly ceased the giggle, cutting it off suddenly, unsure if it had been detected.

She watched him land on his feet from the branch to retrieve his arrow, only keeping her glance brief before averting her gaze to the side. A moment of silence ensued before she heard him ask her something in that soft voice of his. Her gaze returned to him, and to be honest, she found his question a bit amusing.

Her lips stretched into a small, wry grin as she spoke in a quiet, casual, yet with the slightest hint of playful, tone of voice, "...As good as sleep could get, I guess." She kept her response simple, her gaze returning to the trees surrounding her. "...Yours?"
" i didn't go to sleep.."he said faintly as he put the arrow back into the sack and climbed back up to the top of the tree.He smiled when he saw the deer from way up in the tree still running.It eventually had to stop but it wasn't going to stop anytime soon.He sighed and relaxed in the tree.
Lex walked around looking for someone to talk to. She heard something behind her. It was a stray cat. It was striped and apparently, it was a kitten. It was so small. Lex picked it up and saw that it had hurt it's leg. Although she knew that cats and especially kittens hated bathing, she decided to give it a quick shower so she took it inside.
She watched him, silent for a moment, a flash of bewilderment crossing her features for but a half second. Hm. Well, he was certainly a bit of a strange one, alright. And as he made his way up the tree, she caught onto the vibe that he might have wanted to be alone.

She simply huffed, her heart sinking, and called up, "I guess I'll just go. Sorry for bothering you." And with those words, she turned and began to walk away, ruby eyes strained on the ground in front of he as she walked.

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