Soul Mate (Actual RP)

Hunter went back and forth thinking of something to do. Then he thought. 'I don't need to go to the swimming pool with her, I can do whatever I want without her!' So he set off to the swimming pool. Before he left he quickly changed into his swimming trunks. He used to be a professional swimmer but gave up because of his studies.

When he got to the swimming pool he threw off his flip-flops, set down his towel on a table and dolphin dove in. It was his trade mark dive. he swam about three laps then realized. It was really boring to just swim alone...

(Hey I don't mean to force you but I just made a new RP called Disney World. If you don't mind, could you join? It's in the realistic section)
(I'll check it out. :P ) "Ah butter buscuits.." Jaylynn mutters to herself after her ipod dies. "Well, I guess there's only one thing I could really do.." She stands up and puts her ipod in her pocket before walking back to her room. "Still no roomate? Weird." Jaylynn shrugs and grabs her swimming suit from her bag, walking to the bathroom to change. A few minutes later Jaylynn starts walking to the pool, seeing Hunter from afar and immediately rethinking her decision.
"Well, look who decided to go for a dip in the pool." Hunter said sarcastically. He scanned her from head to toe. She was cute. But he didn't want to be too involved with her. He got out of the pool and walked up to her so that they were inches away from each other. "Wanna come in?" He asked.
"Well why else would I be here?" Jaylynn raised an eyebrow, walking past Hunter and jumping into the pool.
Jaylynn moves her hair out of her face after coming up from the water. The water felt refreshing, especially since it was really hot outside.
"I'm not an athletic swimmer. I'd rather just relax." Jaylynn dived under the water, swimming along the bottom of the pool. "I don't swim that amazing, either."
(ooh and by the way have you been to disney world. Sorry i know it's a stupid question. because I want to recommend some good jobs at disney world for the RP. My job is playing sleeping beauty in the parades and my boy is playing sleeping beauty's prince in the parades. Elena Hayes )
Hunter was more of the exercise swimmer not the enjoy swimmer, but he decided to follow her. He dove under and saw her. Her hair was flowing behind her and she was pretty, well pretty, you know? Hunter was confused because he hadn't felt feelings like this for anyone since well, since his ex. 
(I'll help you! Do you want to work at a restaurant, a roller coaster, or in the parade as a character? ElenaHayes )
Jaylynn moved her hair away from her face again, reaching the edge of the pool and resting her arms on it. "Dang." She chuckled to herself, she had to admit, the island was gorgeous. Way prettier than Hawaii, although she's only seen pictures of Hawaii. 
(Eh, what are all the characters in the parade?)
Hunter followed Jaylynn and rested his arms beside her so that their elbows were touching. He'd never expected to be on an island like this expected to fall in love. "Why stop? You bored?" 
(you know what the parades are like right? In those parades there are characters from disney dancing and singing together. And when the cinderella float comes by cinderella and her prince are dancing together in the parade kind of like that. I picked sleeping beauty and her prince. You can pick any disney character you could think of.)
"No, I just want to take in the beauty of the island. Georgia is nothing compared to this.." Jaylynn sighed a bit. "I honestly wouldn't want to leave when this is over. But I guess once you find your true love, nothing really matters." She shrugged.

(I'll think about all of the disney characters. Hmm. *Thinking mode activated*)
Hunter thought about the last sentence that she had said. Whenever he started dating he always thought it was true love, but Jay (could i call u that?) was different. She didn't ask for money or his cellphone. "Hey, who do you think you're supposed to fall in love with? Truthfully..." He asked waiting for an answer..

(do u wanna be a princess? I'm a disney freak) 
(gotta go bye!)
"I don't know. I haven't really met anyone else here." Jaylynn shrugged again. "I just hope that this doesn't turn into heartbreak island."

(I'm thinking. xD Tootaloo.)
"I hope not..." I said. Then I got out of the pool without another word. He put the towel around his neck and slipped his feet in his flip-flops. Then he walked away. He then went to his room. He punched the tenth floor and opened his door. After wards he walked into the bathroom. He pulled off his trunks and had a warm shower. After drying his hair he pulled on a tank top, a hoody, and army shorts. He had nothing to do so he pulled of his hoody and laid on his bed falling asleep.
Well it's okay we're all really going around the campus talking to each other 
Alexis walked outside heading for the swimming pool looking for someone to talk to. When she couldn't find anyone she went back to her room and dropped herself on her bed. Then fell asleep. (Gonna have a nap!)
After a while of exploring the bedroom, she deliberated and decided she might as well go take a trip outside. As much as she was nervous to meet new people, she couldn't stay inside for the rest of her life. People would just think she was weirder.

Ruby eyes blinked once at the thought, her heart weighing down. Ah. Her eyes. She had nearly forgotten that she had red eyes.

She simply huffed a small sigh, opening the door and shutting it softly behind her, making her way back through the halls-which seemed to brighten her mood somewhat. It'd be quite hard to get over how magnificent the place seemed to be.

She made her way down the elevator and began to traipse about the rooms, finding each one and examining it, trying to remember the layout and being awed once more in the process-three pools, indoor, a mini pool, and a large pool, an exercise room, a spa room, a game room (which she found quite lovely), a living room, a dining room, and the lobby she had first entered.

She tried to get the layout just right as she walked through the halls, half hoping that someone would come to meet her, half hoping someone wouldn't.
Jake rode up to the place and sighed as he parked his vehicle in the parking lot.He got out and pulled out his bags and slung them over his shoulder.He breathe deeply then started to walk up to the building.He just remember he forgot something and ran back "Of course.How could i forget you guys"he said smiling as he pulled out his bow and arrows that where in a bag.He put in over his shoulder and the bow in his hand.He walked up to the place and walked in.He looked around and stayed quiet.He bumped in to one of the girls that where in the hallway."I-i..sorry"he said as he picked up the things he dropped and continued to walk around.He was kind of lost but then found his name on one of the doors.He turned the knob slowly and entered.He looked around and sat his things down on the top bed and sighed.He found a drawer and put his clothes in them.He sat his other things on a desk that was down near his bed.He really wanted to go and practice his archery skills but he also wanted to avoid everyone.He grabbed his bow and arrows with the sack they were in and went back out.He looked around and didn't see anyone.He sighed in relief and walked out to the back where the forest was.He calming took out an arrow and positioned it with the bow.He took a deep breath and let it go hitting the target perfectly.He smiled and went over and grabbed the bow that he shot his target with.He began shooting different things one by one and just enjoying himself.(I bumped into i think her name is Ruby?Btw)
Alexis walked throught the forest breathing in some fresh air and saw a boy. She went up to him. He was apparently practicing archery. She was pretty good but more with darts. He was pretty hot. Her heart beater faster when she got closer to him. 'Lex! Pull yourself together!' She hadn't felt this way with anyone before. Lex walked up to him and said, "H-hi! My name is Alexis but you can call me Lex.."
[ Ana. Haha, you were pretty close. Ruby is the color of her eyes. ]

After a while-with her thoughts having drifted away into an entirely different world, plus her sense of direction and notice having left along with it-she felt herself impact into something, and she stumbled back very slightly, spreading her arms out and regaining her footing before she straightened herself and glanced at whatever she rammed into.

Oh dear. It was a someone. A tall, green eyed, messy hair-did she mention tall?-guy. She felt her eyes widen and her cheeks turn a light pink, hearing his small apology and shaking her head quickly. "N-no, no, i-it's fine, I apologize." He bent down, and she realized that he had dropped some things.

Out of pure courtesy, he helped him with his things, handing them back to him and letting him go on his way. The second he was out of sight, she felt her shoulders loosen and her lungs release a sigh of resignation. Oh dear, great first impression, you idiot.

She simply sighed once more and continued on her way, embarrassed with herself.

But it was then when something caught her eye. It was a thin, long arrow on the ground, surely not from her. She had remembered him carrying what looked like a bow, and she certainly hasn't dropped it.

She bent down and picked it up before turning towards where he had gone and following after him, wanting to get him back his arrow. It would be very rude to just leave it there, after all. Perhaps she could make up for this stupid impression she had first made. She kept her jog until she reached outside, looking about with slight nervousness before she spotted a figure at the archery range nearby. Yeah, it was him-he had that same lean physique, and the same messy hair.

She walked slowly to him, wringing the arrow in her hands, reaching him, seeing that he was in conversation with someone else. Oh crap. She swallowed once, but tapped him on the arm to perhaps grab his attention. Once she was sure she did, she held out the arrow in her hands, saying, " dropped this."
"H-hi.Umm i'm Jake."he said as he rubbed the back of his neck.Someone tapped him on the back and he jumped and one of the arrows flew into the sky and landed somewhere but hedidn't see where.He turned around and it was the same girl from when he entered the building."U-um thank you"he said as he took the arrow back from her and put it back into his sack of them."W-well i should probably get back to practice.N-nice meeting you two"he said softly as he went into the woods and began to practice again.He sighed in relief that he got out of the conversation.He really wasn't the talking type and wanted to be out of the way as much as possible.
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Jaylynn leaves the pool after a while of swimming, immediately wrapping her towel around herself and walking to her room to take a shower. "Still no room mate.. This is looking pretty good so far." She chuckles to herself as she turns on the shower, turning up the music on her ipod dock. She took a warm, relaxing shower as the sweet sound of Avril Lavigne's voice filling the room. By default, Jaylynn started singing along. She got out of the shower, still singing and turned down the music while drying off and getting dressed in a pair of sweatpants with an oversized hoodie, one of her mom's old favorites.

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