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Fandom Soul Feeder(Always Open/Needing)




As you know, in Death City, Nevada, USA, is a prestigious school called Death Weapon Meister Academy(DWMA). The school gets its name from the students it teaches. Death Weapons are normal humans that can transform into weapons. And, well, Meisters are normal humans who basically have talent of wielding a weapon. That must sound easy for you. Go around fighting witches all day. Not too hard, yeah? You tell me. Step into their shoes for this semester. Maybe you'll change your mind.​
Kai headed up his dorm building's stairs, a slip of paper clenched in his hand. What was up with coed dorms? Well... He couldn't complain. His roommate was some Anne-Marie chick. Or maybe he had it backwards. The boy swung open his door, looking around.

Kestrel stopped at the office. With little directions, she went to Building B. Her roommate, Kent something or other, may or may not have already gotten there before her. He would be her Meister.

The girl headed up the stairs, pausing before opening the door to her room.

Hedvig sat in her coed room. She had arrived early, however, she didn't want to unpack until she met her roommate, Sage Raven. She didn't want to come off as bossy or anything by already deciding whi would have which bed. The little girl wondered what Sage would be like. It would be weird to share room with a dude, however, he would also be her meister. She hoped that he was good, and that she was good enough for him. While she waited for her roommate to arrive, the short female read a book.
Kent looked around the room, he wanted to arrive early so that he could greet his roommate. Kestrel Jay was her name... hopefully. Kent was pulled out of his thoughts when the the door opened and a red haired girl walked in, "you must be Kestrel. I'm Kent, it's nice to meet you," he said to her while holding out his hand, and a smile on his face. Being as friendly as ever...

Kestrel smiled a bit and replied, taking his hand, "That's my name. But feel free to call me Kes if you prefer that. It's great to meet you as well." She pulled her hand away glancing around the dorm room. "We have one day until school begins, and since you're the only person I know, why not join me at the pool?"

Sage hurried up the stairs. He stopped at the dorm room door and paused before opening the door with his key. He found a rather short girl reading a book and grunted a greeting before lying down in the bed opposite of hers, exhausted.

Kaden yawned as he entered his dorm. Since he didn't have a miester, he'd be in the dorm alone. He didn't mind. The boy didn't like people much. He was greatful to have a room to himself. Kaden looked around his room. It was nice and comfortable. He tossed his duffle bags on the black couch and plopped down beside them. Time to do some unpacking.
Kent paused for a second, he wasn't expecting to be asked to go swimming, but the relationship of a Meister and their weapon are crucial. "Sure, I'll gladly go," he replied to her while putting his hand to his side. Hopefully he packed a pair of swim trunks or he'll be I'm trouble.

-H-... Hello, she mumbed back to Sage. When he lied down upon his bed, Hedvig stood up and started to unpack her things. She tried to take as little space as possible. While putting her shirts in the wardrobe, she thought about her meister. He seemed tired, however that was all she could guess about him right now. She hoped that she would be able to get along with him.

-Um... How are you?she asked, concerned for his well being.

Alaska entered the room and saw her roommate, Kaden already there. Sighing, She plopped her three bags down on a bed and looked to him as she flopped down, clearly exhausted. Not really knowing what to say, she closed her eyes and counted. '1....2......3.............' @WrathSama17
Kaden turned his attention on the girl. He watched her walk across there dorm and toss her bags on her bed then flop down on the bed, her fiery red hair seeming to dance with the motion. The boy could tell she was exhausted.

Kaden was hoping to have the dorm to himself. If he had a roommate then that meant he had a partner. The boy growled low in his throat. He didn't want or need a partner. He felt like a partner would only slow him down. Kaden knew he could become a Death scythe on his own but if it was Death-sama's wish for him to be paired up then so be it. He realized that he was still staring at her, and she'd probably thought that growl was meant for her. She'd probably get scared and keep her distance. It would be for the best anyway.

"how's life?" She asked laughing as she heard his growl. Sitting up groagily, she sighed as she clutched her head. Her plain red dress she had worn here made her stick out as red as a flame. Looking to the boy, She had managed a smile. Even as her head had ben pounding, She stood up. "My name is Alaska, Even though I am the complete oppsite of cold." She said extending her free hand. @WrathSama17
Kaden gave the girl a puzzled look. Maybe he wasn't giving off enough of that "go away or I'll gut you" vibe. That had to be it. He noted that she clutched her head. Exhaustion must be getting to her. If he'd cared, he'd take her to the Infirmary himself but he didn't care. In fact, he was annoyed. Did she even care to know the answer to the question she asked.

Kaden was thinking of telling her to mind her business when she smiled at him. That caught him off guard. It reminded him of her...A image of a woman's face invaded his mind. The upper have of her face was hidden in shadows. Her pale cheeks framed by fiery red hair. Her pink lips pulled back in a smile. The image lasted only a second before he snapped back to reality.

Now the girl, Alaska was in front of him, her hand held out towards him. He glared at her, before opening his mouth to say something rude but before he could, 'Her' face popped into his head again. With a sigh, Kaden shook her hand and said, "Kaden." He said, looking her in the eyes.

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Anne was in the middle of unpacking her things, aka throwing them on her new bed in her room when the door slammed open. She dropped the clothing in her hands in surprise, the sound startling her. Whipping her head around, she let out a sigh at the male student.
He must be Kai, my Meister. Hopping up from her kneeling position on the floor, she flattened down the uniform skirt she had to wear and stuck her hand out with a cheerful grin. "Heyo! You must be Kai. I'm Anne-Marie, but you can call me Anne or Marie. Doesn't matter. It's nice to meet you!"

Mentioned: Kai @ThePumpkinQueen
Vasilisa Leon

Vasilisa patted the skirt of her uniform as she looked at herself in the mirror. Her roommate hadn't arrived yet and the suspense was killing her but that's what she got for coming two hours early before she was supposed to, the last and only time Vasilisa would ever be early to anything. After fixing her hair and was happy with her appearance Vasilisa opened the door to her room to let some air in. In reality, she just didn't like closed doors. She went back to unpacking, something she should have done with her two hours but had seemed to fill her time with useless things and was just now starting.
WrathSama17 said:
Kaden gave the girl a puzzled look. Maybe he wasn't giving off enough of that "go away or I'll gut you" vibe. That had to be it. He noted that she clutched her head. Exhaustion must be getting to her. If he'd cared, he'd take her to the Infirmary himself but he didn't care. In fact, he was annoyed. Did she even care to know the answer to the question she asked.
Kaden was thinking of telling her to mind her business when she smiled at him. That caught him off guard. It reminded him of her...A image of a woman's face invaded his mind. The upper have of her face was hidden in shadows. Her pale cheeks framed by fiery red hair. Her pink lips pulled back in a smile. The image lasted only a second before he snapped back to reality.

Now the girl, Alaska was in front of him, her hand held out towards him. He glared at her, before opening his mouth to say something rude but before he could, 'Her' face popped into his head again. With a sigh, Kaden shook her hand and said, "Kaden." He said, looking her in the eyes.

(Sorry for the delay, The Notification slipped by me and I just checked in to see...)

Alaska smiled, allowing her hand to drop. "Oui. Kaden....Is a unique name." She said while gently shaking his hand, and pulling away. She sat back down on the bed she claimed and grabbed one of her bags, to move it over as she held Kaden's gaze as she hummed to her self a bit and She smiled.

"You seemed to have had hesitated before answering. Why is that?" She asked while going through her bag. (Also sorry for the short post, I am short on ideas)
Suki walked down the hallway, looking for her room and new partner, lugging her backpack and suitcase with her. Her headphones were on and playing Fallen Angel by Black Veil Brides. She walked down the hallway, and came across an open door. Glancing at the number, she placed her headphones around her neck, the song blaring loud enough you could still hear it. "Uh, hey. This is the right room, correct? Room 636?" She glanced around, seeing a girl already inside, presumably her new partner.

Vasilisa Leon

Vasilisa's head poked out of her bag as she looked to see who had spoken to her. Her lips going into a huge smile as she realized who she was.
"Yeah! You must be Suki right? The meister? I'm Vasilisa Leon." She spoke, offering her hand to shake. "Hopefully we'll do good together." Hopefully. Vasilisa thought. She didn't want this to be all for nothing and while Suki looked like a nice girl it wouldn't matter when it came to handling her. She didn't feel like getting stuck with someone who wasn't going to take this seriously. Not again.

Suki laughed, placing her stuff down on the floor, glancing at the entrance to her room, the living room she was in, the entrance to the kitchen and the entrance to the room Vasilisa was in. And of course the bathroom and closet. "Nice dorm. And yeah, I'm Suki. It's great to meet you." She grinned, before moving her stuff to her new room. "So when should we start matching up our wavelengths? I'm cool to start anytime."

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LilyannaGaming said:
(Sorry for the delay, The Notification slipped by me and I just checked in to see...)
Alaska smiled, allowing her hand to drop. "Oui. Kaden....Is a unique name." She said while gently shaking his hand, and pulling away. She sat back down on the bed she claimed and grabbed one of her bags, to move it over as she held Kaden's gaze as she hummed to her self a bit and She smiled.

"You seemed to have had hesitated before answering. Why is that?" She asked while going through her bag. (Also sorry for the short post, I am short on ideas)
(I'll try to give you more to work with.)

"So is Alaska." He said, during the shake. Her hand was soft and warm. He hasn't had physical contact with someone outside the battlefield in a while. It felt weird to him. Kaden hated being touched but he didn't mind it so much now. It was probably because Alsaka reminded him so much of 'her'.

The boy watched her curiously as she went back to her bed. She held his gaze. She was a peculiar one. He her hair reminded him of a burning flame...or strawberries. He like strawberries. When she asked him why he hesitated earlier, he simply said, "I don't like people. I was going to tell you to piss off but decided against it."
"Not really, I'm named after a state. It"s not that unique." She said while looking at him. She tried to think clearly in her head, which pounded greatly. After a few seconds, her hand flew up to cradle it on one side. She sighed and looked through her bag with the other. She sighed again as she picked up a empty bottle.

She cocked her head as he stared at her hair. "What are you thinking?" She asked as she rubbed her head. She listen to what he had to say. "Intresting." She said as she looked at him returning the curious look.
LilyannaGaming said:
"Not really, I'm named after a state. It"s not that unique." She said while looking at him. She tried to think clearly in her head, which pounded greatly. After a few seconds, her hand flew up to cradle it on one side. She sighed and looked through her bag with the other. She sighed again as she picked up a empty bottle.
She cocked her head as he stared at her hair. "What are you thinking?" She asked as she rubbed her head. She listen to what he had to say. "Intresting." She said as she looked at him returning the curious look.
Kaden couldn't help but notice her movements. Whatever was wrong with her must be getting worse. He continued to stare, not caring if she found it weird. Now he was beginning to worry. Which was unlike him. "Your hair makes me want strawberries" he answered. Kaden really wanted strawberries right Now. The boy then stood up and spoke again. "Come on. I'm taking you to the infirmary."
She smiled as he kept staring at her. She didn't seem offended, but she felt curious inside. "Strawberries?" She questioned standing up with him. "There is no need, it,s just a headache." She said putting her hand down and smiling. She sat back down and looked up to him. "It's fine really." She said.

Vasilisa Leon

Vasilisa looked up and shrugged.
"If you really want to get it out of the way." Vasilisa honestly didn't care, if they weren't a match great and if they were even better. All she cared about was was if she could fight. She cleared the thing from her floor before looking up Suki. "What made you wanna be a meister anyways?" She was actually quiet curious it knew most meisters like to keep to themselves and rarely opened up to others, and some never even told their weapons.


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