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Fandom Soul Feeder(Always Open/Needing)

LilyannaGaming said:
She smiled as he kept staring at her. She didn't seem offended, but she felt curious inside. "Strawberries?" She questioned standing up with him. "There is no need, it,s just a headache." She said putting her hand down and smiling. She sat back down and looked up to him. "It's fine really." She said.
Kaden raised an eyebrow. She most definitely didn't look fine. She looked the exact opposite. He wouldn't force her though. If she didn't want to go then she didn't want to go. He sat down when she did. "I like strawberries. "He said. "A lot. Well I like anything sweet." He tilted his head and asked, "Are you any good at combat?"
She kept her smile gentle, While listening, Glad he didn't insist on taking her to the infirmary. "Noce to know." She said as he talked about two of his likes. Then he asked her a question. Her smile faltered as she thought about the question 'Was she good at combat?' The memories over whelmed her and she sat back with a shapr hiss. Snapping back to reality, She jerked her head up and smiled. "Yes, I am indeed." She said, trying to end the subject. @WrathSama17
"Some reasons are more private than others." Suki shrugged. "But you know, I've always known I was different. I wasn't like the other kids. And I found out about weapons and Meistersinger, and I found out I was good at what I did." She smiled. "Why did you want to find a meister? And what kind of weapon are you?"

Vasilisa Leon

Vasilisa nodded and listened as Suki spoke before answering her question. "I don't know any different." Vasilisa shrugged as she went to sit on her bed, looking back at Suki. "We can or we could wait till classes. I'm sure we be together a lot and they would go over that sort of things but if you really want to we can." Vasilisa didn't care either way, not having anything better to do.
Shrugging, Suki smiled. "I can send out my soul wavelength and you can see how it matches with yours, and then we can work on a few exercises I know to match them better." She smiled and held out her palm. "You ready?"

Vasilisa hoped this would work, they were paired by the school so they at least thought they would be a good match. "Okay. Oh and I'm a double blade scythe, quiet the beaut if I say so myself." She giggled as they began.
Suki smiled and sent out a quiet pulse of her soul wavelength towards her partner, watching as it neared Vasilisa. She took a deep breath and hoped they at least matched a little, they seemed similar enough.


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