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Fandom Soul Eater RP


YoU Don'T KnOW Me!! ~ Beerbra Drunckleman
Character Sign-Up Sheet:

(Feel free to add BBCodes and make it look as Fancy as you want!!!~)

(( *=Optional ))





Student or Teacher:

Meister or Weapon:

Race/Species: (List below)

Weapon/(s): (This only apply's if you're a Meister, this is currently Un-decided so currently please leave it blank and edit once partners are decided.)

Appearance: (Preferably Anime)


Soul Resonance: (Soul Resonance (魂の共鳴, Tamashī no Kyōmei) is a special technique used by Meisters and Weapons, in which they synchronise their Soul Wavelengths. By doing so, they can release highly powerful techniques and, more often than not, change the tide of a battle.)

Powers: (Applies to Witch's and Shinigami ONLY. Please only one per character and don't make it too OP.)

[CS End.]

((Species List)):





-Death Scythe
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Name: Midnight~ ^^

*Nickname: none

Age: Unknown

Gender: Female

Student or Teacher: Student

Meister or Weapon: Meister

Race/Species: Neko/Meister

Weapon/(s): <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/Scythe.jpg.78f9c10863d677a0a974e93c7db8f638.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="109353" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/Scythe.jpg.78f9c10863d677a0a974e93c7db8f638.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c82d50f6d_WolfMidnight.jpg.4b56b93902c2f27bfd2a5a965c76e9d8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="109354" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c82d50f6d_WolfMidnight.jpg.4b56b93902c2f27bfd2a5a965c76e9d8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

*Backstory/Bio: She was abandoned by her parents at the age of 8, And was found by Neil's parents and was like a little sister to him. As she aged she found an intrest in hunting kieshen's and she was already a bit of a geek when it came to weapon's, and so when she heard about the DWMA she thought about signing up for it.

Soul Resonsanse:



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Student or Teacher:student

Meister or Weapon: Weapon

Race/Species: Weapon

Weapon/(s): (This only apply's if you're a Meister, this is currently Un-decided so currently please leave it blank and edit once partners are decided.)

Appearance: (Preferably Anime):<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c83023a81_C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_SavedImages_images.jpg.250ca31d2d23ef4aa2770125494b1ff6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="109450" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c83023a81_C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_SavedImages_images.jpg.250ca31d2d23ef4aa2770125494b1ff6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>




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SomaFel said:



Student or Teacher:student

Meister or Weapon: Weapon

Race/Species: Weapon

Weapon/(s): (This only apply's if you're a Meister, this is currently Un-decided so currently please leave it blank and edit once partners are decided.)

Appearance: (Preferably Anime):View attachment 244107

Accepted ^^
Name: Jensen

Age: 16

Gender: Male




Weapon: Dual katanas

Appearance: A brown trench coat, messy dark purple hair, green eyes, eye patch, 5'50''

Soul Resonsanse: Blade dance. Jensen and his weapons synchronize their movements to a unpredictable stance that seems like dancing.
[QUOTE="Diran the Thief]Name: Jensen
Age: 16

Gender: Male




Weapon: Dual katanas

Appearance: A brown trench coat, messy dark purple hair, green eyes, eye patch, 5'50''

Soul Resonsanse: Blade dance. Jensen and his weapons synchronize their movements to a unpredictable stance that seems like dancing.

Accepted ^^
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Name: Johnathon Caddy

Nickname: "JJ"

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Student or Teacher: Student

Meister or Weapon: Weapon


Race/Species: Weapon

Backstory/Bio: Not very much is known other then that JJ did not actually know he was a weapon until someone grabbed him to use as a human shield as a young child. His body reacted from instinct, transforming into his weapon form. After that, he had been caught and sold illegally until found by DWMA authorities. It has only been around a year since JJ was saved by the DWMA, but he still prefers to not speak to strangers, and as a result from being forced to run with criminals can be paranoid.

Soul Resonance: Although this technique can be increasingly difficult, it can be used well once learned. Once you synchronize both partner's breathing, the meister can start spinning JJ while in weapon form. With each spin the size and weight of JJ will double, making it harder to spin. This increasing difficulty makes it harder for the meister to synchronize breathing with JJ, eventually causing electric-like shock of soul energy to hit both partners once this synchronization is broken. Once it is broken, JJ will also return to normal size, requiring the process to be started over from scratch. This technique was discovered by JJ when someone tried to spin him in weapon form before he had joined the DWMA, but they quickly abandoned him due to the difficulty of the technique. JJ calls it "Soul Rotate", as when people try to do it with him, he states 'It feels as though our souls are rotating faster and faster, getting closer with each spin.'
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Silvey said:


Name: Johnathon Caddy

Nickname: "JJ"

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Student or Teacher: Student

Meister or Weapon: Weapon


Race/Species: Weapon

Backstory/Bio: Not very much is known other then that JJ did not actually know he was a weapon until someone grabbed him to use as a human shield as a young child. His body reacted from instinct, transforming into his weapon form. After that, he had been caught and sold illegally until found by DWMA authorities. It has only been around a year since JJ was saved by the DWMA, but he still prefers to not speak to strangers, and as a result from being forced to run with criminals can be paranoid.

Soul Resonance: Although this technique can be increasingly difficult, it can be used well once learned. Once you synchronize both partner's breathing, the meister can start spinning JJ while in weapon form. With each spin the size and weight of JJ will double, making it harder to spin. This increasing difficulty makes it harder for the meister to synchronize breathing with JJ, eventually causing electric-like shock of soul energy to hit both partners once this synchronization is broken. Once it is broken, JJ will also return to normal size, requiring the process to be started over from scratch. This technique was discovered by JJ when someone tried to spin him in weapon form before he had joined the DWMA, but they quickly abandoned him due to the difficulty of the technique. JJ calls it "Soul Rotate", as when people try to do it with him, he states 'It feels as though our souls are rotating faster and faster, getting closer with each spin.'

Accepted ^^
Name: Niel Cyther

*Nickname: Cythy

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Student or Teacher: Student

Meister or Weapon: weapon (This is Midnights weapon/ big brother figure)

Race/Species: Weapon

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/db5d59d51a9a723934af53560e757ad7.jpg.f556ebd1d73b11d3fba3a4376ce2928b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="109742" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/db5d59d51a9a723934af53560e757ad7.jpg.f556ebd1d73b11d3fba3a4376ce2928b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

*Backstory/Bio: (to e reviled)



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SpicyLickiTounge said:

Name: Wyatt Virgo

*Nickname: Wy Guy, Captian Spazoid


Gender: Male

Miester or Weapon?: Miester

Race/Species: Human/Miester


A Brown-skinned purple-eyed 5'2 boy with a crew cut that usually wears a T-shirt with the words justice written all in black capitals, nice dark blue jeans, timberland boots, a white wristband, and is always seen wearing his lucky blue cape.


When he was little in a small village, he was deeply fascinated with comic books. The comics about heros with cool powers, courageous hearts, and tons of friends always were always his favorite, and this influenced him greatly to be kind to others. But one day, when he was up late reading a comic, he heard a scream. Running to his window, his eyes widened as he watched a little girl trip to the ground running, causing the kishin to quickly pounce on her and tear her apart. Due to his age and stature, he had to watch in shock as the girls screams turned silent as the kishin sloppily devoured her soul, yet he didn't do anything, because if he tried to call for help, the kishin would've heard him. This is what inspired him to become a hero, so things like this could never happen again. After information leaking out of his meister heritage, he persisted to train in that certain field, but his father wouldn'y allow it, seeing his dream as nothing more than a phase. So, in secret, his mother gave him books on being a proper meister until he was fifteen, andd with money his mother secretly gave him to avoid his dad's strict wrath, he immediantly took a train to death city to become the world's best miester, not only for the sake of protecting others, but to meet new people and gain new friends.

Due to his large ambitions, pure heart, and rather sort of childish definition of a hero, he's dedicated himself to training whatever chance he has. Despite this though, he's clumsy, and is slightly below average when it comes to combat, but with a cool weapon and decent training, he'll DEFINETLY get better soon. He is good hearted, but people can eaisily take advantage of him because of that. He's also known to be loud and makes people feel awkward when he identifies his attacks with cheesy hero names, as well as recite lines from comic books/manga and give daily speeches on justice once a day. Surprisingly, he has incredible aim, and thanks to his almost endless determination, is able to take on hits like a bull on steroids. He'll protect his weapon/friends no matter what the cost, and believes people can change. And when someone is in trouble, he'll spring up and help almost instantly, whether they actually want it or not. He talks to everyone with respect and views enimies at goofy anime villans rather than actual threats, but when his friends become seriously injured...well, you'll figure out.

Accepted ^^
"I realized..it was only just a dream"

Name: Stephanie Albarn

Nickname: Steph

Age: 28

Gender: Female

Student or Teacher: Fill-in teacher

Meister or Weapon: Weapon

Race/Species: Death Scythe


[ignore the weapons in the picture]

[scythe form]

Backstory/Bio: She was raised the sister of Spirit Albarn, as a weapon herself. She attended the academy at a young age, when she first learned about the death scythes. Through the years, she and her previous meister worked hard, but the task seemed too much for the poor girl that handled her. Seeing her brother succeed with his future wife made her happy for him, but also made her feel like a failure. Unfortunately, her meister was killed on an assignment one day, leaving her with no partner. She was assigned to Franken Stein, like her brother once had been, and she grew hope. Stein was an amazing meister. And, with his help, she finally succeeded in her mission to become a death scythe. Now, she is one of Shinigami-Sama's personal weapons, one of the 9 death scythes,all thanks to him, and the constant support she had from her brother. The two were very close. She was there with him almost constantly, from the very beginning, and she will be until the day she dies. This is surprising because she is the total opposite of her brother. She is always calm and collected, more introverted and professional. However, they have the same heart and good intentions.

Soul Resonance: With her partner or meister, Stephanie's soul resonance effect is to expand the field of their souls, and cause a rather large explosion to act on their opponent, causing much damage and possibly death.

Extra: it is incredibly hard for her to resonate with anyone. Only three people have ever gotten close to resonating with her, and all but one have nearly failed-Stein. He was the one who resonated with her the easiest. Lord Death came next. The two were seemingly made to be partners. Not that she dislikes being a Death scythe. It's just very hard for her at times.
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[QUOTE="Brianna Ackerman]Name: Stephanie Albarn
Nickname: Steph

Age: 28

Gender: Female

Student or Teacher: Fill-in teacher

Meister or Weapon: Weapon

Race/Species: Death Scythe


[ignore the weapons in the picture]

[scythe form]

Backstory/Bio: She was raised the sister of Spirit Albarn, as a weapon herself. She attended the academy at a young age, when she first learned about the death scythes. Through the years, she and her previous meister worked hard, but the task seemed too much for the poor girl that handled her. Seeing her brother succeed with his future wife made her happy for him, but also made her feel like a failure. Unfortunately, her meister was killed on an assignment one day, leaving her with no partner. She was assigned to Franken Stein, like her brother once had been, and she grew hope. Stein was an amazing meister. And, with his help, she finally succeeded in her mission to become a death scythe. Now, she is one of Shinigami-Sama's personal weapons, all thanks to him, and the constant support she had from her brother. The two were very close. She was there with him almost constantly, from the very beginning, and she will be until the day she dies. This is surprising because she is the total opposite of her brother. She is always calm and collected, more introverted and professional. However, they have the same heart and good intentions.

Soul Resonance: With her partner or meister, Marielle's soul resonance effect is to expand the field of their souls, and cause a rather large explosion to act on their opponent, causing much damage and possibly death.

Accepted ^^
Name: Kai Takeshi

*Nickname: K

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Student or Teacher: Student

Meister or Weapon: Meister

Race/Species: Meister



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/04b43be3c8bd2df1409699904cd017ad.jpg.fa2544758a6bc9f4739f7570702d5685.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="115743" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/04b43be3c8bd2df1409699904cd017ad.jpg.fa2544758a6bc9f4739f7570702d5685.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

*Backstory/Bio: Was a very lost Child growing up in this world, Kai was always on the streets messing with other kids who where walking home from school taking their money and all sorts of bad things. The reason Kai did such things was simply because he understood they had a family to go too when he didn't which irritated him. He was only 12 wondering the streets of New York and was taken in by an old man who went by the nick name "John". John took care of Kai till he turned 15 which then had gotten a letter to join DWMA. Leaving the old man Kai made a promise him to return back home with a "friend".


Name: Ren Kurosaki

*Nickname: Renny

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Student or Teacher: Student

Meister or Weapon: Weapon (Will be Kai's partner)

Race/Species: Weapon


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/KAI.jpg.f3360c3cd7a16f4d20cdd18e5278b537.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="115744" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/KAI.jpg.f3360c3cd7a16f4d20cdd18e5278b537.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Weapon Appearance:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/upload_2016-4-1_20-57-27.png.69cc1cb555ac46569d26ba7de9266f33.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="115745" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/upload_2016-4-1_20-57-27.png.69cc1cb555ac46569d26ba7de9266f33.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Soul Resonance: Not an easy soul resonance to master as Ren is hard headed. But if mastered Ren's first butcher knife sword looking state turns into a slim katana which allows the user to move a lot faster then they where with the giant sword form. In this soul resonance the user has two choices to either use the blade in the fight or to release a high immense energy created by ren and his partners soul wavelength. This technique is called Moon cutter (The technique is shaped as a moon crescent, but can change in many forms) . If the Meister is able to master this technique they are able to use it even without Soul resonance which has the ability to damage the soul wavelength.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/upload_2016-4-1_20-58-30.png.5e6d74390eb8b1a63198a11d81b9e916.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="115747" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/upload_2016-4-1_20-58-30.png.5e6d74390eb8b1a63198a11d81b9e916.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Moon Cutter:

Base Form: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/upload_2016-4-1_21-3-18.png.4e12b489517dd97a7cc538024b1a7e24.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="115748" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/upload_2016-4-1_21-3-18.png.4e12b489517dd97a7cc538024b1a7e24.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Soul Resonance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/upload_2016-4-1_21-4-56.png.3736747357192b9b5b48b4eb2c403b14.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="115749" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/upload_2016-4-1_21-4-56.png.3736747357192b9b5b48b4eb2c403b14.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

*Backstory/Bio: Mostly the same as Kai, but Ren wasn't much of a trouble maker. Instead his family was poor and lived in the suburbs of many cities. (They moved a lot). Ren was taken in my John which soon was invited by DWMA to join along side with Kai he had made the promise to bring home a "Girlfriend".



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Kai123 said:
Name: Kai Takeshi
*Nickname: K

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Student or Teacher: Student

Meister or Weapon: Meister

Race/Species: Meister



View attachment 257800

*Backstory/Bio: Was a very lost Child growing up in this world, Kai was always on the streets messing with other kids who where walking home from school taking their money and all sorts of bad things. The reason Kai did such things was simply because he understood they had a family to go too when he didn't which irritated him. He was only 12 wondering the streets of New York and was taken in by an old man who went by the nick name "John". John took care of Kai till he turned 15 which then had gotten a letter to join DWMA. Leaving the old man Kai made a promise him to return back home with a "friend".


Name: Ren Kurosaki

*Nickname: Renny

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Student or Teacher: Student

Meister or Weapon: Weapon (Will be Kai's partner)

Race/Species: Weapon


View attachment 257801

Weapon Appearance:

View attachment 257802

Soul Resonance: Not an easy soul resonance to master as Ren is hard headed. But if mastered Ren's first butcher knife sword looking state turns into a slim katana which allows the user to move a lot faster then they where with the giant sword form. In this soul resonance the user has two choices to either use the blade in the fight or to release a high immense energy created by ren and his partners soul wavelength. This technique is called Moon cutter (The technique is shaped as a moon crescent, but can change in many forms) . If the Meister is able to master this technique they are able to use it even without Soul resonance which has the ability to damage the soul wavelength.

View attachment 257805

Moon Cutter:

Base Form: View attachment 257807

Soul Resonance: View attachment 257808

*Backstory/Bio: Mostly the same as Kai, but Ren wasn't much of a trouble maker. Instead his family was poor and lived in the suburbs of many cities. (They moved a lot). Ren was taken in my John which soon was invited by DWMA to join along side with Kai he had made the promise to bring home a "Girlfriend".
Both Accepted ^^

  • Character Completion

    Name: Hiro Takeshi

    *Nickname: N/a

    Age: 100(looks 17)

    Gender: male

    Student or Teacher: N/a

    Meister or Weapon: Meister

    Race/Species: Shinigami

    Weapon/(s): Nemurerumori


    *Backstory/Bio: One of Kai's relatives who had died many years ago but comes back to end his very cousins life. For all the sins Kazu has committed Hiro must cleanse his cousin.



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Name: Reaper Gage

*Nickname: N/A

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Student or Teacher: Student

Meister or Weapon: Weapon

Race/Species: Weapon

Weapon/(s): (This only apply's if you're a Meister, this is currently Un-decided so currently please leave it blank and edit once partners are decided.)


Weapon Appearance:

Soul Appearance:




Soul Resonance:

With a meister, Reaper is able to use the first of "The Great Traditional Techniques of the Scythe-Meister", Witch-Hunt. This changes the size and shape of Reaper's Scythe blade, depending on who is performing Soul Resonance with him. This attack has the ability to easily kill/injure those who're susceptible to its special criteria.

Kai123 said:

  • Character Completion

    Name: Hiro Takeshi

    *Nickname: N/a

    Age: 100(looks 17)

    Gender: male

    Student or Teacher: N/a

    Meister or Weapon: Meister

    Race/Species: Shinigami

    Weapon/(s): Nemurerumori


    *Backstory/Bio: One of Kai's relatives who had died many years ago but comes back to end his very cousins life. For all the sins Kazu has committed Hiro must cleanse his cousin.

Accepted ^^

Weapon Appearance:

Soul Appearance:




Soul Resonance:

With a meister, Reaper is able to use the first of "The Great Traditional Techniques of the Scythe-Meister", Witch-Hunt. This changes the size and shape of Reaper's Scythe blade, depending on who is performing Soul Resonance with him. This attack has the ability to easily kill/injure those who're susceptible to its special criteria.

Accepted ^^
Name: Natalie Kiza

*Nickname: Nat, Nya

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Student or Teacher: Student

Meister or Weapon: Weapon

Race/Species: ???????????????????????Weapon



*Backstory/Bio: WIP

Soul Resonance: When using soul resonance her and her meister seem to glow and multiple tiny orbs float around them. The orbs seem to get bigger and bigger until they are launched at the enemy. Usually this move hits things other than the target because her and her meister can't seem to focus all the orbs on the target. She calls the move Ball Park.

Name: Katrina Lilac

*Nickname: Lila



Student or Teacher:

Meister or Weapon: Meister

Race/Species: Witch/Meister

Weapon/(s): (This only apply's if you're a Meister, this is currently Un-decided so currently please leave it blank and edit once partners are decided.)

(The one on the left.)

*Backstory/Bio: WIP

Soul Resonance: She flips her weapon a few times with a mumbled incantation. A glow can be seen from both

Powers: She seems to be able to control anyone she wants but it can be broken by a extremely strong memory.

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