Soul Eater - RP [Inactive]

"Ah yes my home town, a pleasant village in Belgium. I am quite homesick some days." As Star mentioned she had no parents Takashi paused a moment and his tone switched to one of sorrow. "I am sorry to hear that, maybe when we graduate you can live with me!" Takashi began to chuckle a little and put his hand on her shoulder gently and removed it.
Upon seeing that Star was upset Kuro said worryingly, "S-sorry, I didn't mean to upset you, sorry Star", Kuro felt almost disappointed in himself for being so insensitive.
"It's fine. The topic isn't that hard to speak about anymore. My parents didn't want me and I didn't want them, it's not a big deal. "She smiled and chuckled at Takashi's offer. She sarcastically joked to him, "I'll consider it."
Ruka had left her previous class and was now on her way to the next one. Her face was one of worry, as her weapon went off somewhere on her own again. Minami was always challenging authority and rules, it was surprising they even let her stay in the school. She was walking slowly behind a small group of students, not wanting to be rude by passing them quickly in the hall. She never minded being late, but it would just be awkward if she had to walk in with them... She kept silent, her pigtails swooshing side to side as she walked
Kayden watched the new kids wander off together, considering for a moment following them to make sure they didn't get lost but then... they'd learn the academy better if they had the chance to get lost and then re-find their way. She wished them luck before heading off to her next class, ready to push her mind into focusing. She had got it in her mind that she would show Takashi up... if he really was a 'Master Meister' then she would be better than that if she was more accomplished and successful than him. It had been awhile since anyone had sparked a sense of competition and Kayden was going to use it for all it was worth.
Levi walked out of the classroom, and glanced at the retreating figures of the fresh meat of the academy. Who were going in the opposite direction. It was tempting to go after them and rub it in that they were completely lost, but he'd resist the temptation. It was nice that they disliked him so far, but he shouldn't troll them so much on their first day. He might as well go to his next class, in the right direction. Or he could take a detour and find a kitten to smuggle into his jacket. He already had a parakeet in there, why not a kitten? The second option was sorely tempting. Levi decided to go to class though, and he turned to follow Kayden to class.
Ruka then got aggravated at how slow the new people were walking to class...

Geez, youd think they were 80.... She thought as she maneuvered her way around them, walking faster. This way she didn't have to have people thinking she was with them. However, Ruka was still worried about Minami, and maybe later on she would go and search for her; probably only to find her in the nurses office, asleep.
After class Minami kind of wandered off to who knows where. She was walking when she suddenly she stopped.

"I was supposed to check the board with Ruka after class! Shoot!" Minami ran back to find Ruka. She looked all around, yet couldn't find her.

"Ugg, maybe she remembered and I can just meet her at the board... Hopefully." Minami walked to the board, hoping her meister would be there.
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Ruka decided to coincidentally stop by the board to check and see if Minami was there by any chance. She walked swiftly over to the board and she saw Minami going there as well.

"There you are Mi-na-mi." She said, sounding out the syllables. She then looked up at the board for any interesting missions.

"See any you like?" She asked.
"Oh, there you are Ruka."Minami said as she looked over at her meister after she called her name. Minami shook her head at Ruka's question.

"I just got here, so no. Let's take a look." She looked back at the board. Minami wanted to find the perfect mission for them both.
Kayden's hands were in her pockets, her walk confident but unhurried. She kept her gaze moving, not wanting to appear as if she was staring at her feet but also not really wanting to meet other's gazes. It was like... if you met their gaze they either had a stare down with you or they felt intimidated and glanced away. It was strange that, even having been at this school so long, she still didn't feel a connection with any of her classmates. Shaking her head she headed into the classroom, taking her usual seat at the front.
// OOC: Going to attempt to get this going again;//

She continued walking down the long narrow halls of the DWMA . she felt relieved she now had a general idea of where her next class was. Star had also been a bit nervous about being late to class on her first day. It was indeed not a great first impression. She had always been about perfecting first impressions since they did have a great output on how well liked you would be. While walking she then continued worrying about finding a Meister. She grew impatient easily and knew this decision would kill her. She truly needed to create a bond with one of the other students before it drove her crazy.
(Just mentioning now that I think I'm going to drop this rp... For me it just seems like theres too much of a "Main character complex" Going on. Plus the only person who bothered to speak to me was my own weapon. Sorry and I don't mean anything bad.~)
(Hate to say this, but it true and vis versa for BEX and I. Don't mean nothing bad, just saying...)
the 1st day of school here at DWMA and the only thing i can think i seeing death for the 1st time ever it felt like i could actually speak to someone though that someone being death did kinda give me chills i walked into the school on time but there was so many people i just kept trying to avoid them and find my way to my class but instead i get lost not sure where i am i just keep walking scared but alone that oddly confute him after walking for what seemed to be forever zero decided to just site in the hall and catch my breath after the bell rang signifying that 1st period was over i got up and walked again only getting more lost
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