Soul Eater - RP [Inactive]

"F-Friemds sounds nice for a change!" Since she had been homeschooled all her life she was never able to keep friends for too long. The new feeling had been nice. A big part of her now knew she would enjoy attending the DWMA.
"Depends on your definition of 'friend'." Kayden replied, debating on whether to keep 'Master Miester' as his nickname or not. He sure was a smooth talker, but then he'd need to be. All his wild claims could get him some serious enemies otherwise. Recognizing Levi Kayden shook her head. Late again... she wondered if he had ever been early a day in his life. "But I don't see why we can't be friends." Kayden acquiesced at Star's words.
Levi glanced up at the girl who just talked to him, and processed the question that she just asked him. He opened his mouth and replied, "I am Leviathan, but you can call me Levi. Actually you can't, because I barely know you. You have to call me Leviathan. Is there anything else that you want?" He accentuated his last statement with a sardonic sneer at the female adolescent.
"Yeah we're friends I guess...?" Takashi didn't need to ask that, anyone that meets Kuro is a friend to him... that how it always is... He noticed a new face, but he heard the way he talked to Star, "You shouldn't talk to people like that, it's not very nice. Mr, um, Levi."
"Then friends it is! Quite charmed I am, quite." Takashi gave off a gleeful smile, but it soon diminished as Levi came in rudely. "My dearest Leviathan. Do you have no respect for the opposite gender. A flower must not be introduced by such fire." Takashi stared into Levi's eyes, trying to convey his point across.
Kayden held in a snicker. The Levi DWMA knew and loved.... he had definitely done a good job on first impressions. He's hoping the others would give him the second chance she wasn't sure he deserved. She hunted for her pencil again and got set up for class to start. She wondered if she'd get the chance to partner with a weapon again... she really wanted to find her partner- seeing all the other partners made her fairly jealous. Still, there was something to be said about not having a partner since most of them seemed so different she wasn't sure how they managed to get along at all.

"He just doesn't have your Silver Tongue, Takashi." Kayden said, again in a bright- attempting to be non-offensive, way.
Levi snickered under his breath as he watched the girl leave. Then he realized another student talking to him. Seriously? They wouldn't stop coming, wouldn't they?

He affixed the midget with an unnerving stare, and replied with scorn, "Being nice isn't apart of my personality. It's not very nice to call someone by their nickname if you don't know them either, didn't you know, shorty? Though the 'Mr' part is a nice touch."

Levi glanced at the scarecrow that had just interjected. His lips curled at the ends, and he replied while chuckling, "If she isn't happy with someone being rude to her, I have no doubt that your 'flower' is going to be ripped to shreds. I have no respect for someone who appears as weak as her. I might change my opinion if she turns out more than just a pathetic piece of vegetation."
She nearly lunged at the boy, "Who the heck are you calling weak? I survived half my life on the street dealing with scum such as yourself!"
"SHORTY?" Kuro could not believe the nerve of Levi... but, class started, and he was feeling sleepy, so he whispered to Star "Don't let him get to you, some people are just ice cold." and put his head down on the desk, falling asleep.
Levi laughed and leaned back in his chair. "Looks like the flower has some thorns!" He had always loved riling people up like that. It had always helped to soothe his nerves around other people, and then he wouldn't need to socialize with them anymore. It had always felt awkward socializing with other humans, and making sure they hated him usually meant they stayed far away from him. Class began to start, so he began doodling pictures of penguins on his desk, adding to the assortment of pictures of animals on it.
She sighed trying to calm herself down, "Yeah, you're right..." She returned to her original seat, every now and then glaring back at the boy. How could one person be filled with so much cruelty and hate? She never imagined she would meet another person so similar to her parents before they left her for dead. She quietly doodled, hoping it would relax her nerves. She was still quite worked up but knew the stress was bad for her health.
Takashi switched his attention to the front, he never liked to participate in a heated argument. He took out his pencil from his front pocket and began to write poetry. Something he would always do to soothe and relax his soul, but also to build up passion!
She patiently waited for class to end. She hoped the boy known as Levi wouldn't be in any other of her classes . She still worried about finding a proper Meister. It sounded difficult to find a person she would be able to get along with on such a level.
Kayden wasn't bothered by Leviathan thanks to already knowing his antics. She tended to just not interact with him when she could avoid it. Interested in what brought 3 new students, was on the other hand, at the forefront of her mind. She doodled in the margins of her notebook while writing down important information every now and then. She was ready for this class to be over, already.
(OOC: Alas, I must departure to my short slumber. All right, I am having to much fun with word play. I will try to get on tomorrow 6 hours before the current time, whatever that might be for you. Good night! :) .)
The loud booming voice of the teacher awoke Kuro from his pleasant slumber. He wondered if the class was over, but apparently not to Kuro's dismay. He wondered to himself if there was anyone who didn't know what a meister and weapon were meant to do, and if there were any point of this class at all. It had reminded him that he had no weapon yet, but he kept his chin up, because he knew he would find one eventually, bored with the class Kuro sat and whistled to himself, quiet enough that the teacher couldn't hear.

Little Ruka had been sitting at the back of the class with her weapon and partner Minami. She was doodling Minami in weapon form on her paper, longing to just go out and use the double ended axe that she knows and loves... The swing of such a weapon felt wonderful in the 15 year olds hands, maybe because she was young and reckless. Ruka twired a strand of her long pigtailed-hair in the other hand as she drew.

"This is boring Minami..." She said to the short haired girl sitting next to her. She often relied on her weapon as more of a companion, that also entertains her and helps with her work.
Minami was leaned over the desk with her elbow resting on it. Her head sat in her hand as she sighed.

"Well what should we do the-" Minami stopped herself as she saw what Ruka was drawing.

Are you drawing me?" Minami asked her meister, with a confused expression on her face. She never really expected anyone to be drawing her, s she found it kind of odd.
Ruka sat silent a moment, shading in the picture some.

"Yes..." She replied as she continued sketching some.

"To be completely honest I want to use you at the moment.." She said, tapping the pencil on her chin, wishing she could take a Kishin soul. Ruka really enjoyed her position as a Meister...
"Well maybe we can check to see of there are any new missions on the board after class." Minami suggested. She then sat back and put her feet up on the desk. She put her hands behind we head and closed her eyes. She really wanted to go on a mission as well.
During Kuro's whistling, his tune changed to something familiar, the tune of a song his grandmother Kalien used to sing to him, until... Kuro couldn't finish that thought, it brought back bad memories. But it struck his curiosity, he didn't really know much about his grandmother, and maybe someone at the DWMA could tell him about it... But who? He decided to ask Kayden after class if she knew, or knew someone who might know about his grandmother.
She heard a loud bell and quickly stood from her seat to move onto her next class. A large part of her hoped the friends she met would also be in her other classes. She really didn't know anybody else and was usually too shy to meet new people.
As the bell rang Takashi sprung up like a spring, the break until next class would give him some time to maybe bond with a potential weapon partner. He awaited the friends he had previously made, even though some seemed sceptical of him, he was rather used to that though. He stood near the front door, kneeling on the wall, smiling brightly.
She walked past Takashi and stopped. She nervously asked him, "Do you know where this classroom is?" She showed him her schedule hoping he would have an idea.

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