Soul Eater - RP [Inactive]

He peered at her schedule and looked at it for around 30 seconds. He looked confused, but a smile entered his face. "Erm, no I am quite sorry. However, I guess we could help each other out. I have that class well." He switched his attention from the schedule to Star's eyes, and gave her a willing smile.
As soon as the bell rang Kuro got up packed his books and got ready to leave the class, his bag was a bit of a challenge with someone like his stature, but he could manage, he stopped at the door, where Takashi and Star were standing and asked, "Do you know where we go now, I didn't get a timetable.", he learned his lesson about being late on the first day... Don't be late.
She smiled, "How about you just come to our next class?" She was relieved she wouldn't be alone in her next class, "Hm, this building is so big... I wouldn't even know where to begin looking.."
Takashi exited the door with his hand on his chin. "Hm, since my sense of directions are less than stellar, we shall use luck!" Takashi began spinning with his pointer finger sticking out, and randomly stopped. "That way it is," he said with a confident tone.
While following swiftly behind Star and Takashi, Kuro remarked "Wow, it wouldn't be hard to believe that this is where Granny Kailen was taught!", but then he asked the question that he assumed everyone had on their mind at some point, "Speaking of which, have either of you got partners yet?"
She sadly shook her head, "Nope, I have zero experience. No one would want me." She giggled a bit and walked in the direction Takashi had pointed
Takashi began to stumble a bit from dizziness but quickly regained balance. He walked over to Star and smiled at her. "You needn't worry about that, we all need partners. Well I think we all do," Takashi looked over to Kuro with a questioning look. "If you need one we could always give it a shot, the weapon doesn't matter as much as the person does." Takashi rubbed the back of his head, and chuckled a bit.
"True, my biggest fear is nobody will want to pair with such an inexperienced weapon. It doesn't help that I barely know anybody here much at all." She sighed but soon replaced her frown with a smile.
Seeing Takashi stumble Kuro reached out and offered him a hand worryingly adding in a "H-hey, you alright?" upon hearing what Star said Kuro replied, "No-one could be mad at you for being inexperienced, they better not, 'cause they were new once too!"
"I guess luck wasn't on my side, shall I spin around again?" Takashi look at them both with an easy look, as if nothing bad could happen from being late.
"It's worth a try." She then whispered to herself, "Being new sucks..." She worried they would never find the proper classroom .
"Alright, lets give this another go." Takashi spun around for a little longer this time, however this time he stopped pointing straight at a school map. "Oh... looks like I found a map," his voice was spaced out and sounded dumbfounded.
While Takashi spun around, Kuro grimaced and thought to himself, we are going to die lost and hungry in these hallways. Forgetting that he then asked, "Wouldn't there be a map for students at this school?", but upon Takashi finding the map he added, "Oh good, you found one!" thumbing up Takashi.
Takashi looked at the map, observing it closely. "Um, we are on the opposite side of the school. It'll take us 10 minutes at least." Takashi paused for a moment, looking a little down. "We're totally going to be late."
She sarcastically pouted, "So... Much.... Walking..." She put a smile on her face, "we might as well get to it then, shall we?"
Upon hearing Takashi's words Kuro muttered quietly "We are so dead" before breaking out into a dash, the rules probably say something about not running in the halls, but screw the rules Kuro was late!
Takashi paused for a moment, a sleek smile entered his face. "Why walk, when we could run with pure passion! Yes we could make it on time then!" Takashi began boasting and screaming and he even raised his fist up, trying to rally up their spirits.
She stood wide-eyed and pouted, "R-Run? All that way..." She giggled, "I would rather be late. You go on ahead ." she began walking in the same direction which Kuro had ran in
Hearing Stars words back in the distance he stopped and pulled back strongly saying "If you're gonna walk then I am too, it's not fair that you're the only one late, right, friends don't leave friends behind soldier!" giggling at the end of his sentence.
Takashi paused a moment, but then quickly jogged over to Star and Kuro. "Alright, I'll walk with you guys." Takashi chuckled a bit, and tried to keep up with his friends.
She smiled , "Thanks guys, heh." She walked by their side down the long empty halls of the academy. "So... Where are you guys from anyways?"
Kuro answered Stars question proudly with "A little village just outside Death City, but I recently moved to my cousins house here in Death City, what about you Star?" Kuro asked curiously.
She casually choked out, "U-Uh... " She didn't want to answer but also didn't want to lie. "W-Well.. Just all over really, without any parents it's pretty easy to freely travel around."

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