Soul Eater: Red Death's Story [Inactive]

Red Death

Red Death submitted a new role play:

Soul Eater: Red Death's Story - The history of Red Death, daughter of Lord Death and Kidd's sis, with her weapon and partner, Shadow

The story of Red Death, daughter of Lord Death and Death the Kidd's sister, along with her weapon and partner, Shadow. Red Death is a meister at the DWMA with her weapon, Shadow. Shadow is a Neko (half Panther, half human) that has many different weapon forms. This story goes along with all the characters of the original series, Soul Eater.
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(Red Death, 5 years ago)

I picked myself up and started running again, my shoulder burning from the pain. I was running away from home. I was tired of it. I was tired of my brother, Death the Kidd, and his symmetry problems, of Spirit being Spirit, and of my father, Lord Death, for not giving enough attention to me.

"You still her Shadow?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm here but the question is where are we going?" asked Shadow.

"We're going to pay a visit to the Shadow assassins," I said.

"Is this what you really want?" he asked.

"Yes, this is it."

As we got closer to the door, I ran straight for it and then, I was no longer there. I was in the Shadow World.

"Shouldn't we go after her?" Kidd asked father.

"No, let her go. She chose her path, we can't do anything about it," Lord Death answered.

"Why did she leave so suddenly?" asked Spirit.

"I don't know, but if anyone asks, tell them nothing," said Lord Death.

Lord Death did know why Red Death left and he let her go where she wanted to go. He didn't want to make her feel like a caged animal.
(current day)

*Maka woke up and started to cook breakfast for her and soul. She cracked open 2 eggs as she seen Blair walk in and ask " whats for breakfast". Maka looked at her and sighed and cracked open an extra egg. she started to fry some bacon and put toast in the oven. She watched as Blair sat then she seen soul walk out of his room*

"morning soul" *said Maka*

*soul sniffed up a little bit* " Bacon, eggs, and toast. A good breakfast, cooked by my favourite meister, to start off a wonderful day"

*soul sat to the table as Maka put the food out on the table and began to eat*
*Maka went to the door looking at the envelope*

"Soul come here" Maka said

*Soul walked over to maka*

"What is it?" he questioned

" its a letter from lord death"

*Blair then peeked over Soul's shoulder as Maka opened it*
To Maka and Soul:

We're having two new students come to the DWMA today and I would like have you and Soul give them a tour around the school. Please come see me for more details about the new students and if you have any questions.


Lord Death
"Maka we should get going, Lord Death asked a favour of us so we should get to doing it as soon as possible" soul stated

" I just hope Spirit isn't there when we arrive" she moaned

Maka and soul walked to the academy and went to the long hallway towards Lord Death's room. the walked down the hall way and eventually got to the room made of nothing but a platform, a mirror, and endless rows of crossed as far as the eye can see

"Lord Death we are here about the letter" Maka said
Her father had called her to death city, she walked to her dad's house.

"OY!" she yelled, putting her bag down "papa sono a casa!" (papa i'm home)

Stein came out and replied "Good to see you Alli."
*Lord Death to Maka and Soul* "ah! I'm glad you came. Today, we have a meister and weapon coming to school today, and I need you, Maka and Soul to show them the DWMA. The meisters name is Red Death and her partner is Shadow. they haven't arrived yet but they should be here soon. You'll probably meet them at the entrance. Also, please make sure Black Star and Soul don't fight the new students this time Maka."
Her father enrolled her in school!!!! That wasn't good, meaning she'd have to socialize.

"Dad-" She started.

"Allison, you need education" was his response. "I'll be one of your teachers"

"great Papa!" she said with a fake smile, she took the pack of smokes from her father. "Mine now." she lit one and walked to the roof looking at the DWMA. "It's beautiful and the symmetry is amazing!"
Maka looked at Lord Death

"don't worry sir" Maka said

Soul smiled a little

"I'll try to keep my cool" he said as they both walked off

Maka and Soul walked to the front gates of the academy to meet a redhead girl and a black haired boy

"Hello, I'm Maka and this is Soul, You must be Red and Shadow, Lord Death has asked us to show you around" she said

"They look strong" Soul said

"MAKA CHOP" she announced as she chopped Soul over the head and watched him fall to the ground
Wonder if Dad called Lord Death to tell him I'd be enrolled tomorrow? She thought to herself still smoking on the roof, to be quite honest she didn't like to be here, she loved her Papa very very much but being dissected wasn't her hobby. But Momma sent her away, so she went with Papa.

"Papa? Where's Paoo?" She asked looking for her Iguana "I swear to god papa if you dissected him I will kill you!"

"Don't worry Alli Paoo's fine." he brought out Paoo. "Time for dinner" he smiled
*Lord Death to Maka, memory * "I almost forgot... we will have two other new students coming tomorrow as well, but I already have someone giving them the tour so, I'll have you two worry about you students you're touring."

*At the entrance*

The redhead was a little shy, "hello"

Though the black haired kid was not " Hi! This is my partner, and it's nice to meet you but why did you knock out Soul?"

All of a sudden, a blue haired kid jumped down announcing " Yahoo! I'm Black Star and I'm going to kick your butt!"
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"So you're going up to the DWMA after lunch. You're going to be shown around," He ate quickly but pleasantly.

"By who Papa?" She smiled "If it's spirit im going to kill him you know" She put her dishes in the sink and headed out. "Bai Bai Papa!" she got up to the front of the DWMA. "Wonder who-"

"You must be Allison." A boy smiled. "I am Death the Kidd, Lord Death's son and gr-"

"Grim reaper" she sighed "Yes I know can you show me around?" They started their tour.
Maka looked down at Soul how was on the ground in a daze

" Lord Death asked me to make sure he didn't get into a fight with you guys and he seemed like he was itching for a fight just now so... yeah" Maka said

Soul looked up

"That's not what I was getting at Maka"

"Well any ways lets get this tour started" Maka stated

Maka and Soul showed them around the building starting with the class rooms, the gym, bathrooms, and other important stuff until finally they ended up by the hall to Lord Death's office

"Do you want to go in? It would be a good idea to see Lord Death on your first day here" Maka said

Maka heard someone walking behind her

"Hey Maka" said Spirit

Oh course of all people it had to be her idiot father. Spirit looked at the new student.

"Red is that you?" Spirit questioned
I looked up, it was Spirit. "um.... Sorry but I'm not good with remembering names or faces, who are you again?" It was a lie. I knew who he was, but I didn't want to make anything suspicious.

"Come on Red" Shadow said "Lord Death wants to see us. I'm sorry but we'll have to talk some other time, thank you" he pulled me towards the door.

"Thanks" I whispered

"You're welcome" he whispered back.
The child was OBSESSED with symmetry. Please shut the hell up! She wanted to yell but she stood there and held her cool as she got into the death room.

"Finally!" she smiled looking at the other people in the room, she spotted a girl with red hair, "Red?" she couldn't believe her eyes.
I turned around " Hey Allison, looks like you were right, I'm going to the same school you're going to." I smiled

Shadow was confused " You know her?"

I smiled " I met her at the mall, and we soon became friends in a matter of minutes."

Shadow smiled " Looks like we're both going in together then."
Maka looked over to Kidd

" Hey Kidd, your showing students around aswell?" Maka stated

Kid replied with a nod

" This is Red and Shadow, what's their names?" she asked pointing to the Students behind Kidd
She hugged Red. Gods she hadn't seen her in a while.

"I guess so!" She laughed looking at lord death "Hello Lord Death Sir! I suppose Stein told you about me?"

"Thats allison Stein" Kidd said "her weapons are Chase and Jason Hoaxx"
I used my secret abilities " Don't tell anyone yet, I'll be the one to reveal it, Allison" Only Allison and Shadow could hear my thoughts
Kidd replies to Maka

" that was Allison and her partners Chase and Jason"

" Well two sets of new students in one day, isn't that splendid" soul replied sarcastically

"MAKA CHOP" Maka hit soul overr the head yet again for his sarcasm
She smiled at the girl who hit just hit the other boy. "I like you you hit people for no reason" she smiled transforming Chase and Jason into twin pistols. "i tend to dissect" she smiled with stitches across her face.
Kidd looks at Maka

"seems that I have to go" Kidd said

" Come to my place for supper after, bring Patty and Liz with you too. I've already invited BlackStar and Tsubaki" said Maka

She looks at Allison

"You guys can come too aswell if you want" she said
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