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Fandom Soul Eater: F.A.T.E


Sara MiddletonAnd some Dante

Date: October 31, 2067
Location: Death Colosseum, Death City, Nevada
Interactions: Dante, Adrian
Mentions: Gauss, Noah, Arkayis, Elly, Kisei, Zosar, Wren, Gav, Feng, Wes, Aki, Dromas
Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul Pumpkid Pumpkid

Aaaand here we go...

Honestly, she should have expected this. With her hold still on Dante's sleeve, it looked like she was holding back a dog on a leash from biting someone. She was more afraid of her mu-, weapon partner from getting kicked hard in the face.

Or, well, the equivalent to getting kicked in the balls, really. Maybe much worse.

She didn't want to have Dante lose whatever step he thinks he has on Adrian, but she also didn't want Dante to make a fool of himself in front of all these people watching. Quickly, she used her connection with him to talk to him.

'This guy is really good at close combat and he beat me in a cage match several months ago. He's not to be trifled with. He's just an AW, so please, transform. There are a lot of people watching us right now, and this is a free-for-all, the battles have already started.'

Maybe he'll listen?

But no, he doesn't.

Instead, he stared at Adrian for another moment before attempting a lunge, his resolve to fight Adrian mano e mano growing when she told him Adrian's an AW. She didn't let go of his sleeve, which meant Dante didn't even move when he tried to lunge. She kept an eye on Adrian as she spoke to Dante, pulling back on his sleeve as a split-second reaction to his lunge to keep him from getting too close. 'He plays unfair, his weapon form is an iron maiden which is why he can't be anything other than an AW, and he has cuffs to pull you in. You're too tall to transform inside the iron maiden, so please, fucking transform.'

Finally, in a slightly smooth movement thanks to relatively faster soul space communications from when Dante tried to lunge to Dante's decision being made (unfortunately, for him), she pulls him back as he transforms and goes in her hands, the halberd held in both hands as she felt her confidence rise. She felt his frustration, but gave a sigh as she jumped back to give herself some room against Adrian. 'Good, thank you. If you end up getting disqualified because you got tagged out, I'd have to do this alone.'

Hopefully, that would instill that Dante would be better off staying in Sara's hand.

Twirling the halberd in her hand, she rested her halberd against her back with one hand, the blades pointing towards the ground, eyes determined.



Adrian Hackney

"The Maiden"

Species Human
Partner None
Rank Fate Agent

Location Death City, Death Colosseum
Mission FATE Bracket, Deathfest Tournament
Status Focused



It was somewhat ironic. Despite Sara being the werewolf, Adrian was the one with a toothy grin. It was true he came into this fight with some semblance of strategy, but at core, he couldn't help but get excited over a good fight. Before he even exerted himself, his heart was sending blood into his veins harder and faster than it did before most missions. It didn't just pump, it beat, and as it did, it shot through his body carrying copious adrenaline to every cell it could reach. Nothing that idiot weapon of hers had dampened this for him. Not in the slightest.

No... the laughing suns rays bouncing off the white stone tile of the arena only made him more excited. Even if some of it was blocked by the floating arena, it set the stage. The sound of metal clanging around him, shouts and grunts from all directions, souls flaring in a hundred different skirmishes. Every moment of this fight would be seen by tens if not thousands of people and all that meant to Adrian is he would get to see highlight reels later. It was a battle he could relive.

He had to make it a good one.

His soul flared. Set ablaze not only through skill, but excitement. Despite all his eccentricities, Adrian had a fairly regular soul. Light blue, human, a stable hitodama. It wasn't until it flared like now that his wavelength came out. A vile thing, rapid and veiny, one that not only matched his excitement, but was almost raspy. Like a dying man gasping for breath. It couldn't be called weak, just bleak. Abysmal. A reflection of the pain it could enhance, if touched. Dante was unfamiliar with it, but Sara wasn't.

A soul is a mercurial thing. It can change over time. It is, after all, a mere reflection of the person it belongs to. Sara, perhaps by scent, perhaps by her intuition, she could sense that slight change. A soul that had softened. One that became less coarse. One that had let another one in. She knew what the soul of a lone wolf looked like, and Adrian was no longer that. While she might have been staring down a beast terrifying spikes, there was at least the hint that Dani had changed something within him. He wasn't the same boy she met in Lot C all those months ago.

In the moment, that fact didn't matter.

With her bestial instincts, Sara had intuition for far more than minor shifts in the soul of an acquaintance. Aside from the program, she mostly knew him from Zosar, in truth. Right now, what she saw in both his eyes, that toothy grin, and the excitement coursing through him... was a predator. That's exactly what he was. He sought out her. He hunted her down. And, instead of striking when she was easy prey, he even waited for her weapon to transform. His pride convinced him she would be too easy of prey without Dante, and Dante wasn't even registering as a meal. Only together, it seemed, could they satiate this hunger for battle.

Given the short time and the intensity of the moment, she probably couldn't appreciate why it was that he was so excited to fight. There was a reason for it. Despite what Nadia might have thought best, he was still more often than not assigned to teams with her and Dani. There hadn't been another blow up like the one in New York nor had his Madness returned, but his harsh words still left a poor impression on an already cold woman. Whatever the reason, it meant he was almost always outclassed. Only rarely was his wavelength of great use and any time combat might challenge him, Nadia could more easily overpower it.

In short, it was rare he got the chance for a half-decent fight. Sara being in front of him might as well have been a three course meal served to him on a silver platter after being starved of a good fight for so long. Now he got to stand outside of the shadow of the colossus.

Adrian burst forward in a dash of impressive speed. As established in their last round, Sara might have had the advantage in agility and acrobatics, but Adrian was faster on foot and in close range. He intended to use that to his advantage. More so, he didn't intend on letting her have that halberd as any type of advantage in range. He intended to get in close, get in fast, and stay on her. There was no tricky move, no feint, no attempt to throw her off her edge. Not like he had done previously. This was his raw speed lunging forward, in fact even shortening his extended spikes to just about four inches, with the intent of getting his hands literally on her as close as possible.

If she was going to hold Dante behind her back in the beginning of the fight, his target was going to be the shoulder of the arm she held him with. He launched his hand in a quick grabbing motion, though such would be both a grab and a stab due to his spike if it landed, but nonetheless it started the fight out with Sara on the defense. Worse, she could see he had improved since their last fight while she had to adapt to another new weapon. If Dante didn't start her off on the backfoot, that last fact sure did.



Eloise Keegan - Death Coliseum, Death City
'I agree. I was more suggesting we try to get the drop on him,' Elly clarified, though it still wasn't an optimal plan. While they were arguably the best suited to a sneak attack, they would still be relying on the other assailants keeping the trio's attention. It was one of the circumstances Elly's soul unfortunately became a problem. Like Stein had pointed out, she wasn't all that suited to suppression given the reliance on her soul's natural properties.

However, Kisei's suggestion did bring a smile to her face.
'That's not very fair... I love it,' She chimed back.

Feng's opponent appeared to be an annoying one as well, so a perfect opportunity to get in her good graces. She was sure no one particularly wanted to deal with Gauss, either. However, that also meant she had to make sure that Feng stayed in the fight. One annoying opponent was enough, but Gav also seemed to be heading in that direction.

'Why stop at one?' Elly hummed with a mischievous grin, her eyes clearly following the duo before taking off after them as they moved in Feng's direction.

Elly was worried Gav was intending to jump Feng, but as she drew closer, it seemed more like he was aiming for their opponent as well, making this much easier. The others could use their muscle, but Elly was more than okay with playing like a rat. Diplomacy, and then pick people off. The rest could be mad if they wanted, but from the looks of it, there were more than a few of the same mind. Gav himself and a couple others hesitated, and she certainly saw Zosar and Wren playing the waiting game.

"Oh, Gavril~" Elly's voice sounded as she started to close the distance on him, still prepared in case he decided to strike first and ask questions later. "Care for a proposition?" She asked, pausing only briefly for him to process she wasn't attacking. "A battle royale is all well and good, but given there are certain people the rest of us can't do anything about, I think we should get them out first, no? The quartet is one of the few here that can actually hit the cackling rich boy over there, after all," She added, making her insinuation of helping Feng's team to then target Gauss's fairly clear.


Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul The Regal Rper The Regal Rper


Gav | Death Festival/ Tournament

He didn't really need to think that much on the decision here, not that he trusted Elly and Kisei to have his back fully through most of the battle royale. Gav knew Kisei, and if Elly was using the battle royale to get assistance picking people off he could see the double cross plainly. Granted it wasn’t like Melissa and him wouldn't dissolve their agreement when it came time. He knew Melissa well enough to read her. He didn't know Elly at all beyond what Noah shared about her.

So, clearly he wasn't about to put too much weight on that one theory Noah had when he'd asked about Elly- there'd be just too much to question about DWMA as a whole if they were permitting actual serial killers or psychos into the program anyway.

Austin however did weigh in here that removing Gauss would make things easier, shifting Gav’s mind to the main point. Utility Meisters were a pain in the ass, those like Feng with her assembly of partners with a Unique wavelength would be a bit tough to fight when they couldn't use Resonance techniques. Gauss just happened to have an arsenal of stuff that made him even more trouble by comparison. No doubt he had kept that in mind joining this so likely had tricks, given he had already gotten a hit on one of the people going after him and was easily holding his own against the others. They could deal with Kisei and Elly. He'd keep an eye out for any subterfuge while Gav focused on the fighting.

Truce.” He nodded. Though his guard didn't entirely drop, nor did he get any closer to either Elly or Kisei. Austin's blade was gold in color. The whole weapon was in fact gold, maybe it was a coating like some actual weapons had for aesthetic appearances, maybe it wasn't, but it clearly looked gold. A similar colored chain connected to another blade, each sat in the grip of Gav’s hands and glinted slightly off the raining sunlight. “What can you tell me about his abilities? I know about his weapon partners already and their elements but what details do you have about him aside from his metal manipulation. Range, limits? ” He cut it there, giving her a chance to inform him, he didn't really talk to Kisei or Elly but he did talk to Noah.

Gav knew Elly had been on the same team with Gauss before, he knew Kisei was a mentor and generally what that tended to lead to for mentor agents participating in FATE and getting paired up with someone given he had been assisting people in the program who were presently in the same boat but had opted out of the bracket. What he was gauging here was how much info they were going to provide him if they wanted this truce to work. Right now he was testing them to see if they would give him good information to work with or if they would feed him bits.

Still though he waited patiently.

All they could see at the moment was just him being cautious, but it was a battle royale, so that was just generally expected. Especially when some people seemed to be playing it smart and watching the fight on the sidelines for the remnants to pick off or people to timely attack like Melissa had taken advantage of.

Mentions: n/a

Interactions: Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul EmperorsChosen EmperorsChosen

LOCATION—Death Colosseum, Death City, Nevada
DATE—10/31/20267 | Monday

Truce? Absurd. Things could never be that easy.

Right as Gavril thought it wise to ask about abilities - as if Elly or Kisei would know any more than himself - a new opponent entered the arena. Or, more accurately, the attacks from a new opponent.

Veritable Hellfire in the form of hundreds of spiritual projectiles rained down on Elly and Gavril, though they were very clearly more focused on the latter. Elly was simply in the splash zone. The background noise that was the constant battles around them hid the initial volley well enough. It was no mystery what was going on; these were rounds created from some type of gun-type Demon Weapon. The sheer volume of them, however, was enough to make Aki envious. Or, excited; it was always hard to tell with her.

"Oh Gaaaaaaaav," wailed a voice from the origin of the bullet storm, "you weren't going to go this whole tournament without saying hello, were you?" Accusatory, teetering on teasing, but a voice Gavril knew all too well. One he could immediately identify.

His crazy ex, Roderick, and apparently his new Demon Weapon. A duo that met over their shared disdain of Midori, ironically, after the Paean Program. More irony being that he apparently couldn't recognize Kisei in his knew weapon forms. Part of his therapy and return to the program was satisfying a court ordered restraining order then willingly keeping his distance from Gavril afterward. The Deathfest tournament appeared to be an exception to that rule. That, or Roderick just didn't care.

Figuring out the nuances of the situation certainly was hard when he didn't let up on the trigger of his literal fucking Gatling gun for a weapon. At the very least, Gavril knew what Roderick was mostly capable of. A ranged weapons specialist with an anti-magic wavelength. Other mysteries, like if the man was still a deranged, hyperfixated stalker and just what his Demon Weapon was capable of aside from bullet spray were left entirely in the air.


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