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Fandom Soul Eater: F.A.T.E

Feng Long
New York City - Between Bergen Basin and I-678
September 26th

With the combination of information, the position she found herself in and the futility of her current armaments, Feng snorted, flipping Aki in her hand to where she held upside down, but alongside her right arm, turning her into a makeshift tonfa as she reached out to her surroundings, be it soul perception, enhanced senses, or just the smallest understanding of Chi. She could feel where the dogs were as she lowered her stance. For the first dog that went for the shield, Feng did something surprising if not a bit insane as the two lunged for her shield. As the weapon went on about being useful and the nature of the enemy, she found herself at a disadvantage. Dropping her magitech pistol, she was already planning her next course of action.

"Heh." How did that meme go? Call an Ambulance, Call an Ambulance, but not for me! Feng was far better at the kind of fighting she was getting into right now than the improvised and fixed nature of fighting she could do with her partners. She was stronger with them than without, but it was a combo that limited her actions and movements, it forced her from the run and gun, wrecking room, that she had experience in being. As the dogs rushed in she slid Wes in his gong form, further up her arm with a quick uplift, dropping into a crouch she hooked her left hand with a grabbing hold to move it behind the jaw and along the face of the first dog, akin to how one would snap a neck and just shoved and swung it towards the other at its side to bowl them over, or at least to send them into a stagger. Before she even finished however, Feng kicked herself off the ground into a handstand, just in time to catch one of the beasts in the human chin, with the back of her left heel. Flipping her handstand she quickly performed a tornado kick on yet another, before rolling forward to the previously staggered pair as she pistol whipped the closest across the head with Aki before making a run for it, jumping up the side of a car to avoid yet another lunge from the beasts as she stepped up, ran across the side of one car at an angle, leapt from it to the next and closed the distance to the forklift.

With a bit of effort, parkour to a degree and snap kicks or further pistol whips, jaw twists and a number of punches designed to produce distance, she made sporadic use of Wes and Aki as bludgeoning weapons, she might not be able to flat out kill more than the couple that her enhanced body buried a good enough chunk of the handgun into their heads, or what few her jaw twist and pull did more than redirect, but broke the necks of, but she could reach her objective.

Feng's movements proved to be too much for the mutants even if her speed did not. "You better be something good!" She shouted to the man in Red, her open lefthand reached just enough to grab at him. She had no idea what it would be like regulating three weapons, unless Wes or Aki decided to jump off here, or how this weapon knew so much about her, but it was something to ponder. Also, if the Meister wasn't using him, did that mean he wasn't his original weapon? Then who, or where was the actual meister?

Interactions: EmperorsChosen EmperorsChosen (Aki/Dani) Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul (NPC's) Shotgunpenguin Shotgunpenguin (Wes)

Sara & DanteBeautiful Texas.jpg1723239610789.png
Date: September 27, 2067
Location: Derelict Mansion, Liberec Region, Czech Republic
Collab with Pumpkid Pumpkid
Interactions: Zosar, Wren, Elly, Kisei
Mentions: N/A
The Regal Rper The Regal Rper Haze- Haze- EmperorsChosen EmperorsChosen Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun

For the time being, everyone was in accordance including Dante. He held the charm of his necklace in hand and noticed Sara from the corner of his eye in awe. Those sparkling eyes, and vigorous wagging tail was not a good sign for the amber-haired male. It meant he did something approving which isn't the problem, but an annoyance considering his partner tends to be overjoyed by the smallest things. At least she perked up even if it was not intentional.

Mint eyes dropped to her hand, extended not just because it was a job, but a second chance to make things right. Sara was evidently too generous, desperate to make things work for a chance to grow with a weapon. How lonely that must be. Trying your best while friends succeed. In that moment, Dante envisioned the girl standing still in the same spot, waiting to reach her comrades. Sara was no doubt the type to appease others and ignore her needs unless otherwise. Dante saw himself in the same boat standing beside her. He wanted to progress too.

Unconsciously, he reached his hand, but hesitated. Something in the back of his head nudged him to just do it. He groaned and transformed instead. In his space, his back was turned, still harboring a bit of guilt and self-hate. To Sara, he was heavy with how weak the link is unintentionally.

As Sara grasped him, she nearly stumbled. She can sense that bridge, it was so weak. It wasn’t hard to tell what was going with him though because she could just smell it. Sour. Lots of it. He was sour with himself.

Making sure she was in a better stance, she readied for take off. Meanwhile, she spoke to him, or tried to non-verbally. Her energy reached for him but stopped just short of him, not wanting to hurt him or make him reject her as they were already so very weakly joined. So, she spoke to him quietly. “Dante… Kinda heavy…” Her voice did hold some strain.

The spark from his partner and attempt to contact, broke Dante out of his thoughts. “Oh, sorry.” He said softly. His tone was apologetic as he tried to keep focus, and correct himself.

The bridge strengthened only marginally, but it was enough to carry him with ease and haul ass as she followed the group towards the kitchen. She held him behind her back, his sharp edges facing the ground. With the condition of their bridge, she could now telepathize with him which she did whilst enacting their plan.

‘Hey, it’ll be okay. Yeah, definitely not a great start, but most of us never really had great starts either. Just focus a bit more and this mission will be over soon. After this, I’m getting you a drink.’ There was the echo of a soft chuckle emanating from her connection, lighthearted despite what had just happened and the weight of her emotions behind such a chuckle.

Dante kept quiet, back against Sara if she were there and head hung low. That wasn't the point for him. It irritated him that Kisei would force Sara to talk and it was because he was trying to be nice. That dude has zero care for privacy. It pissed him off. Who cares if he was trying to encourage him? At the end of the day, he was a prick. Sara got a taste of why he didn't care for Kisei. The fact that they both dealt with similar hands.

It was disgusting. He didn't want to be compared to that man. The audacity! Whatever, he knows where he stands amongst the group. He was just a weapon and it felt like Kisei was essentially telling him that. What he felt and how he acted revolves around teamwork. What he does causes issues for Sara. It sounds more like an excuse for the guy to torture her. That's unfair. He knew nothing is all Dante could think to believe. Just a stuck up person.

There is so much running around in his head he cannot hold a grip on reality. He would run between his thoughts and real life.

Sara continued to prod with her thoughts, not wanting him to stay stuck in this dark cycle. ‘As much as I want you to process all of this, this dark cycle you’re in can cause issues in our connection. I know it’s hard, but we have a mission to do. Let’s just think about cutting these bad guys apart, okay? We can hash this out afterwards, if that’s alright.’ The poor thing was trying her hardest to semi-comfort him and semi-convince him to shelve it for later. ‘I’m not too enthused with the way he spoke to you, by the way. Too harsh. Next mission, we won’t have to worry about him.’ She couldn’t make any promises, and her tone was tentative, as if she wasn’t sure herself. But she wanted to at least give him some sort of hope that they won’t be in this team forever.

Again, Dante kept quiet. He parted his lips to speak but nothing came out. What Wren said had him hold his tongue. He wasn't trying to hurt anyone, he just had issues of his own. Having someone in your ear after years of being a lone wolf is hard to adjust to. He growled low, feeling frustrated. What was he supposed to do?

Sara was silent. She was stuck, for the first time in a long time. The only other person to be this stubbornly quiet was Noah. Again, she thought back to how she tried to get through that and she remembered pestering him, which only made him lash out in anger. She didn’t want to do that. It was a mistake.

So, she let Dante be silent, this silence permeating their bond - both frustrated but at the same things - helped keep it stable for now. Even if it wasn’t perfect, it was what she needed as they burst through the kitchen windows. She swung the halberd’s staff under one of the duo’s feet, knocking them over and using the other end of the halberd to slam them into a wall - keeping the promise of roughing them up without killing them - before rushing forward and towards the chimeric beasts. She was focused, her words echoing back to Dante.

‘Dante, please. I need you. I know it’s hard, but let’s focus on one thing at a time. Help me.’

The other half of her soul - the human half - reached out for him, but waited tentatively. She wanted to make sure he was going to be okay and she wanted to give him space, but there wasn’t a good time to do so right now.

Sara asking for help and claiming she needs him was like a trigger for Dante. In all of his years, that's all he ever wanted to hear. That he was required. Someone was reaching back out to him and he didn't notice. He was too soft for his own good to let this girl down. Looking back to Sara’s burdens, Dante was quick to respond. He bit his lip and drew blood. “Fine, you want help? I'll give you help.” He grumbled and reached back out to her to strengthen the connection.

In his mind, he made a vow not to cause her harm, or let her down. If anyone needs him, he will force himself to assist them no matter how dangerous. As long as they were safe and as long as they needed him, that was enough.

The connection was strengthening but it was a far cry from being able to resonate. Still, it was getting somewhere and Sara can finally lift him as if he were a feather. Now, she felt ready to tackle whatever was in her path. The Jingshi with its long claws was the greater threat, the chimeric creatures mainly deadly nuisances in comparison. She smashed the staff end into the ground to pole vault her up, taking Dante with her as she did so to swing down upon the Jingshi she vaulted over as she descended behind the enemy group.

It wasn’t to get a hit in, but it was to distract and help the others in flanking. If she were on the other side, they’d put more focus on her. She stood defensively, Dante held in front of her with a concentrated expression on her face.

She spoke within their soul space, a giddy tone to her voice. ‘Yes, so close. What’s your goal right now? Just getting rid of this weirdo?’

The question had Dante snap back to reality. All of his ambition short-lived as he pondered. He really had no idea what his goal was but the answer was obvious enough that he did want to clear the mission, go home and unwind. He was over the day. There was something on his mind but as a safe bet he went along with Sara's plan. Maybe then he will feel differently. He gawked at the chimera. An ugly creature for his taste. Though if it were fluffier and friendlier, maybe he will have some empathy for it, but that's not the case. “Sure. It seems like the most obvious answer.” He shrugged. Dante had to get himself in the game, but so far he was only halfway there.

Sara can feel the bond’s strength, but it was rather marginal. He was vibing, going with the flow, but it wasn’t a strong want for this outcome. She hummed, and decided to just take it for now. She had to focus on the Jingshi and the beasts, her legs bent as she got ready to dodge any strike coming her way.

Last edited:


Eloise Keegan - Zelezny Brod, Czech Republic
As the two seemed to reconcile and hold vigor renewed, Elly clasped her hands together with apparent glee. "Excellent~!" She said, chipper as ever before Kisei returned to them. Speaking on the beasts, what he said made sense. At the very least, they had a ballpark to figure what to expect, though the best option was seemingly to outmaneuver the creatures, just as they did Royal Pain. Likely, it would a far simpler tasks given the lesser intelligence of animal chimeras.

With the assault underway, Elly was pleased that the two vampires became overwhelmed according to plan. Elly had been watching their souls all the while, just in case there was any deceit planned. However, they received their believable defeat, yet this obviously raised the alarm. That much was expected by Elly. There was little point in stealth with the heightened senses of the Bloodsuckers and likely beasts as well. Additionally, they were on a timer. A blitzkrieg was the best option for success here.

Now onto the beasts. There were two, one with mammalian features and the other with amphibious or reptilian. Not much information was received on them, however, they needed to eliminate at least one urgently, less the other Bloodsucker's join the fight immediately and turn it into a three versus four. Then again, their arrogance may prevent them, but Elly wasn't willing to take that chance. She took the amplification provided by Kisei, pushing everything into speed as she burst through the doorway. Taking the two sickles connected by a chain, she rushed the reptilian before leaping over it. Jutting her body over the creature's height almost akin to a gymnast's vaulting, Elly spun and tossed one sickle out before snapping back the chain using the other grip, effectively whipping the chimera's back and cutting a piece of flesh. This wasn't so much to kill the creature, but rather draw it and the other's attention while Sara preoccupied the Bloodsuckers momentarily.

"Cut it up," Elly gave the order to Zosar and Wren, knowing that any potentially hardened scales would be able to be sawed through by Wren's teeth.

Kicking off the pelvis of the reptilian, Elly turned her attention to the other and charged right for it as the thrown sickle returned to her hand. Elly presumed that despite the intimidation of three animal heads, that it made the creature rather unwieldy. Imagine all three trying to nip and snap at the same target. So, when she drew close, she ducked and slid under the significantly larger beast, swiping one of the blades across one of its legs while the other slashed at its stomach.

The Bloodsuckers were the largest threats by comparison, so Elly didn't want to leave Sara and Dante alone for too long. Better to draw the ire of the animals and give Zosar and Wren big openings to kill or cripple the beasts, or at least one, as soon as possible so that she could race off to help Sara with the two more prominent threats.

RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul Merciless Medic Merciless Medic Haze- Haze- Pumpkid Pumpkid The Regal Rper The Regal Rper

Zosar & Wren | Czechia, Mansion, Duo Trouble

There were few things in this life that made her jump.

Right as she was about to fake-gag and spit middle-schooler claims of Sara and Dante sitting in a tree (k-i-s-s-i-n-g), Wren felt the blood drain from her face in real time like a wash of cold once she saw Hoshi's expression. She reeled back on instinct, as if a turtle trying to crawl back into its shell, wolf ears and tail popping out of existence— expecting a very possible tail yank. There was something horrific about seeing Kisei’s face break into something other than a stern or relaxed look, in some inward, primal way she couldn’t compute.
Wren Moretti, at core, was a woman dependent on the sense of control of self-assurance, counted on it the same as she counted on the stench of petrichor being there after rain. She watched him approach, watching the sudden change in his eyes, a deer caught in headlights.
The unpredictability of whatever thoughts came and went behind the warmth in those eyes had her panicked like a pup freezing at the bang of fireworks in the sky. That, and the fact that the fucker could flash behind her whenever he wanted (yes, she was still petty about the tail yank).

That same blood that cleared down into her chest came back up to her ears when she felt the tap on her forehead. Everything went quiet as the link was established.

I'm proud of you.​

“What?” Unlike Zosar’s reply, Wren’s came the instant Kisei broke the link, her tense face dropping entirely. She sheepishly glared at him like he’d just stabbed her in the gut, completely lost. Something hot simmering at her chest, head fuzzy with a haze of emotion. There wasn’t much of a response from her after that, she stood there “Huh.” Arms crossed, a stupidly big grin on her flushed face.

As Zosar had discovered the first time they met, it really only took one good compliment to lift the spirits of someone who’d never received any at all— Wren in particular. It meant much more coming from Kisei, a mentor, whom she’d never expected uttering such a thing at her in the first place.

“What’s he feelin’ sick or somethin’? Fuck’s wrong with this guy?” Wren snorted out a chuckle, jabbing an elbow into Zosar’s side. Unwilling to put her partial transformations back up, knowing she’d be wagging her tail like an idiot.

Her partner said nothing in reply, he merely smiled at her remark silently.

“I mean, if we could cut through one of Eros’ chimeras like butter,” She jumped into the conversation, awfully confident all of a sudden, propping an arm on Zosar’s shoulders and leaning into him “These one’s shouldn’t be any issue.”.

Not exactly accurate, but he didn't verbalize that.

“That Jiang— whatever the fuck’s—” She gave up on tangling her tongue trying to pronounce it, it was Sauerkraut all over again “probably gonna be our biggest issue.”
“Meh,” Wren shrugged, a flash of light enveloping her as she inserted herself in Zosar’s hands, the chainsaw roaring to life the instant it made contact “I’ll give it my 200% so long as I’m not the one payin’ for the food afterwards— like last time.”

There was a dangerous urge to poke fun at her again. The second they made contact, she might have felt it in the psychic chuckle that went through the link between them once she was in his hands again.

Instead he sighed audibly. She did look adorable when she was trying not to show it.

Give it 200% and I’ll cook you something on top.

There wasn’t an immediate response to that, only the whistling sound of spiritual energy rattling on the chainblade dying down, low, like the shrill treble of steam screeching out of a burst pipe. Until the blades fully stopped whirring.

The link— the bridge between Zosar’s raging storm and Wren’s endless gluttony within their shared soul space— straightened, tensed. Became as solid as ever. It was akin to a spiritual handshake; whatever weight the chainblade pushed down on Zosar’s hand became practically nonexistent [color= #d9381e]‘I’ll throw in an extra 50% just for that. Don’t expect it to happen again though— it’s a limited time offer.’[/color]

All the response did was put him slightly at ease as they collectively moved forward.

She cackled at the prospect itself, letting the irritation be clear along their link, without hanging much on it at all, knowing that she couldn’t even function past a measly 50% without having any hiccups, not since last time. It felt bitter to put up her calm mind seal-- or the bare bones of what approached one and feel the output slip out of her hands, all the progress they’d made in so little time— she was still making her peace with the idea.


Funny to think about.

That indignation piquing at the bridge, whatever bits of it remained for the moment, were fleeting. Even as she sat cross-legged on the dark, candle-lit void of her dampened soul room, Wren showed no signs of being bothered by it at all. What she was bothered by, still, was that sour stench of half-contained emotion coming off of the halberd wielding werewolf as they went through the kitchen. Like the smell of burnt toast picking up at her nostrils, Wren couldn’t help but make a face at it.

[color= #d9381e]‘You think she’s mad at me?’[/color] She asked, sheepishly, toneless, as if making small talk while her eyes searched for the Jiangshi, already revving up the chainsaw. Wren knew now wasn’t the time or place for it, but she just couldn’t shake off the feeling that she’d spoken without taking any feelings into consideration, too rashly. Which, coming from someone that had little to no qualms about speaking rashly, that inner concern spoke volumes.

It ate away at her, even after Kisei’s words.

No.’ It was the finality in how the link didn't shake even a little at that single word. ‘I doubt she is,’ he felt like he had a good read on Sara to be the judge of that at the very least. Presumptuous as it was, Zosar felt he had a decent enough read on most people to be able to guess their mindsets. ‘Girl is very much like a big cat, even if she do be a werewolf', was his round about way of saying it as they entered the mansion with Sara ahead of them.

Even as combat initiated, Zosar casually continued his final bit of statement before he went in. ‘She’s very defensive of her charges. I imagine the same applies to you.

It was the last thing he said before combat truly started. Sara swing out, taking down one vampire of the expected two they would be playing the game with out of this lot. While Sara took the one, and Elly blitzed and struck, Zosar was already moving just as Elly spoke to him and Wren.

In a sweeping single hand strike he sent Wren's whirling blade right into the head of the first beast. Struck immediately with what was just going to be a pure shallow slash with the speed of Wren's glancing blades towards the second, then drew himself back with his attention mainly on the creatures.

Collabers: Haze- Haze-

Mentions: RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun EmperorsChosen EmperorsChosen Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul Pumpkid Pumpkid Merciless Medic Merciless Medic

Interactions: Creatures

Nadia Semyonov - Daniella Ethalyn
New York City - North of JFK International - NYC
September 26th

What In The Fuck was going on? Nadia found herself thinking, this was far too many witches to be just some rogues, they had to be organized. Or one hell of a cult was operating. Just who were these witches? The scale of the magic was something else altogether, though it seems they had two purposes being here, one was to destroy the cargo, two was to destroy them.

‘This is a shitshow,’ Dani remarked, eyeing the witches with murderous intent through the sheen of the blade. ‘Bitches think they’re out of range…’ She further grumbled. They didn’t rely on it too much but Nadia and her had practiced on improving their complex resonance. They could do what the Bloodsuckers were doing and attempt to leap from rubble or buildings to reach them, but complex resonance was easier and more effective. Plus there were still witches on the ground.

’Dani, do you have any idea what is going on here? Minus the obvious?’

‘Why would I know witch shit?’ Dani remarked back. ‘I can tell that the shit on their capes is Wiccan Council, but that’s about it.’
‘Wiccan Council?’ How did Dani know more than she did? Opening up with her words and any communications gear, she spoke across it; “Any ideas on who this is and why they want us dead?”

“Adrian, help out with the sharks and the hands, I got the vines, maybe a flier after. Me and Dani might set them on fire… The vines, I’m not sure if I can do a flame projectile with her tail flames. Any of you mercs want to tell me what this is about? Friends of yours?” Now the question was, what to do? If they were with the council would her calling out defuse this situation? Or were they playing politics of their own? Either way the immediate threat remained with the attackers, and in just how Nadia could resolve this, considering they were trying to kill her as well. This mission had been sanctioned and now they were disrupting if not destroying it.

‘Witches probably won’t expect us to have range,’ Dani mused with a huff. ‘First thing’s first though…’ She trailed off with a growl, manifesting the effects of her scorpion tail just enough to spread fire along the length of the blade. The fire sputtered to life with a hiss, eager to burn the transgressors. Slashing out at and burning the vines, Nadia cleaved a path, she knew there would be but so little time to react, to carry out a new action, and what Dani had to say did trouble her a bit. If it were true, then there was some politics here and she would be killing allies, well, not so allied now. At least a little tact would need to be carried out this time around, what good it would do them.

At least, when and if she had to kill them all, there would be a good mark on her interrogation. Picking up a Car, Nadia hurled it towards the earthen hands, that were shielding the Trio as she pulled out her badge but kept her wavelength and resonance up. "STOP THIS MADNESS AT ONCE! I AM WITH THE DWMA! YOU ARE WITH THE COUNCIL, YES? WE ARE ON A SANCTIONED MISSION!" Ready to move at a moments notice, Nadia glared, she did not expect a reply or a stopping in the fighting. But she had to try. If it failed, well, things would progress from there.

Interactions: EmperorsChosen EmperorsChosen (Dani) Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul (Adrian/NPC's)




Species Death Golem
Partner Eloise Keegan
Rank Two-Star

Location The derelict Mansion, Liberec Region, Czech Republic
Mission The Missing of the Giant Mountains
Status Excitement

In many ways, this was a situation where Kisei was set to excel. As a former Monster Hunter, he had no qualms fighting large beasts. These chimeric creatures only brought back memories of hunting down exotic, aggressive beasts for little more than the right to claim they killed it. There did exist some irony in that sentiment. A Hoshi, from a clan of killers of men, taking such pride in hunting beasts. Yet, a death was a death and the method of hunting was often the same. Stalking, learning habits and behavior, finding vulnerabilities, and devising the best way to exploit them - all while minimizing your own risk.

Man or beast was oft felled the same.

Despite that, Kisei had a greater interest in the Jiangshi. It was an oddity. A Bloodsucker, it seemed, yet the Jiangshi of China were often mere zombies. Lower-level ones at that. Often animated solely for the sake of traversing long distances, it was rare they ever became a problem. When they did, it was most often due to some idiot removing their seal. This did not contradict its existence, however. The Jiangshi of folklore was a man-eater with the goal of absorbing the ki of its victim through said process. The Hoshi knew of various means that Bloodsuckers consumed blood other than their namesake. Whether this one did so via bloodletting or cannibalism wasn't clear, and ideally, the group wouldn't find out.

Alternate means of consumption often meant alternate abilities. That is what had his interest.

Beyond all that, what a perfect mission this was to test his new Death Scythe abilities. The DWMA didn't have a lot of means to test out his wavelength. It seemed to counteract some Undead, but it was not the traditional Anti-Undead Wavelength. It could disrupt their abilities, but he did no real additional damage to them, it seemed. His greatest feat, of course, was absorbing their magic, preventing more undead from rising. If that was the only thing he could do, his ability would have such an unfortunately limited niche.

Elly wanted to cut down the beasts firsts. Kisei would have been happy concealing their presence to get a jump on the Jiangshi. How unfortunate it truly was that he had to set an example and fall in line.

Maturity, he felt, was not a good look on him.

Instead, Kisei focused intently on regulating the wavelength coursing through Elly, but that actually became a concern of his. It made sense to try and conserve energy, but the Jiangshi was clearly self-resonating. Undead often had greater physical prowess than the living regardless and that one self-resonating only compounded that. The duo would need to actively and fully resonate to surpass its self-resonance, or at least match it. That much, the Hoshi was sure of.

'A few notes, love,' Kisei said, providing some insight into their shared soul space.

'The front two legs of the three-headed behemoth will likely be the best targets. It is front-heavy and damage to those will most impede its movement. Similarly, if you damage the tail of the other creature, you are likely to heavily impact its agility. That should setup a kill for the others with minimal risk,' Kisei suggested, throwing in what he picked up from his observations of the creatures. Big, ugly brutes not built for even weight distribution or agility. That which was unnatural often lacked the elegance of nature. If anything, he could at least be grateful that Eros made him in the image of humanity.

'Secondly, we should probably Resonate. Now. Our opponent didn't wait, so our delay is only to our detriment, he explained, pointing out the simple truth of the matter. A self-resonating adversary, Demon Weapon or otherwise, had an unquestionable gap in power. Allow such a gap to exist for too long and it would be your death. Of course, chances were that their resonance would put them in a league above their target, but time was of the essence and Kisei didn't care for a fair fight. If anything, he just wanted to blitz the fucker and test out his new abilities.

Satisfaction came from survival, at least to him. He didn't need a quote-unquote good fight.


North of JFK Airport, New York City, New York
GM Post

en route to Eastern front

Nadia would soon have her concerns confirmed. Her declaration of being DWMA meant nothing in this skirmish. Other factors would soon become more apparent realities as well.

Adrian, for his many uses and loyal adherence to her commands, was simply not well-suited to fight the earthsharks. No matter how fast or strong, the earthsharks fell into a category of enemy that the Iron Maiden simply did the worst against: amorphous. They felt no pain, couldn't be distracted by his mouth, weren't immediately killed or destroyed upon being impaled, and even his notable martial arts prowess simply had little effect in the moment. The earthsharks could do little to him due to the omnidirectional nature of his defenses, but that only held true for as long as his stamina remained. He could fight for a while, but Nadia knew all too well that even the best warriors in the greatest conditions would eventually tire.

That was the strength of their other companion, Feng. Should she use her wavelength, a battle of attrition was almost-always in her favor... except for that tiny little problem of going mad.

A thought not meant for the current situation.

The plants conjured by the other Witches stood no chance. Should Nadia feel like it, even the largest, thickest vines would be cleaved through. Not only that, slashed through near-effortlessly with the cuts then radiating out to burn the flora further. This was in stark contrast to her throwing a vehicle. Lifting and hurling a car, through impressive, had some problems. The contents of the car shifted, the frame didn't appreciate the weird stress, and while Nadia was in fact strong enough to do it, her strength was not so overwhelming that she could do so before the car began to collapse on itself. Granted, there was some fun to be had. It wasn't like she got to throw a vehicle often. Not only that, it was a task she likely wasn't capable of doing prior to her training with Starwulf, so all in all, it proved that the program did lend her at least some growth.

Her act of throwing a vehicle had a side effect she hadn't considered. While the car impact of the car on the earthen dome did very little, the car itself possessed a Magitech battery. The impact caused that crystal to destabilize, resulting in a burst of mana in the surrounding area. That itself didn't destroy the earthen dome, but it did make it begin to crumble. The explosion and mana surge so heavily disrupted the flow of mana in the area that it broke the concentration of the Witch casting it and subsequently made spells harder to cast, at least in the nearby area. This was a double-edged problem as Crimson now had issues using his blood magic to assault the hands, but Blue Steel was now cleaving right through the dome like a hot knife through butter.

With the brief down time, Crimson elected to back off and finally provide what little insight he could to Nadia.

'They look like the envoys sent by the Wiccan Council,' he explained, 'but, they're obviously not in good faith the DWMA orders. I confirmed we're still on for our mission.'

An explosion off to the group Red Fang was fighting. The metallic barrier he was firing collapsed outwardly, and violently. Not enough to create a shockwave, but enough to spew molten metal across the battlefield, including onto the leg of Red Fang, causing him to curse obscenities - though true to his gruff nature, he didn't shout in pain. Now the broken streets were alight with fire, metal of all sorts burning red hot and creating various areas that emanated enough heat to make the air distort. These Witches were also capable of synchronized magic, it seemed.

'They're not talking,' Crimson added, though his speech was now broken up as he tried to rush over to help Red Fang. The first step was to pry the burning metal from his leg, but that tore muscle and skin with it. 'Witches always talk, he went on, doing his best to help Red Fang, but at the moment he was now using shields constructed of blood to block fireballs from the Witches. 'I can count on one hand the Witches I've met that were this reserved; twelve of them suddenly showing and attacking for no reason is bullshit,' he explained, exasperated, trying to give what little input he could between the blasts from the Witches.

Between Bergen Basin and I-678...

Korne was everything promised and more. His form was that of a traditional katana. No absurd traits about him, at least, not at first glance. A blade length of twenty nine inches, which perhaps was slightly long for Feng, but hardly unwieldly. The cotton texture of his tsuka-ito pressed into her palm and covered one of his only unique traits; a white samegawa of ray skin, or so one would assume. A regular habaki, an unornate tsuba, a cap made of some black wood. Even his hamon was painfully regular. Few Demon Weapons had such a profoundly realistic weapon form.

Thing was, Korne wasn't just a Demon Weapon. He was a Death Scythe and he possessed a Unique Wavelength. Arguably, the best feasible wavelength for this situation: the oscillating wavelength. He could enhance his cutting edge without giving these demon dogs anything to consume. Unfortunately, he wouldn't be able to put on display his full skillset; if Feng were to use her wavelength in a meaningful way and he were to regulate it, it would only give these dogs more to consume. Feng would just have to dream, for now, of what a proper, three-star Death Scythe could do for her.

What Korne was able to do despite the current limitations involved both Wes and Aki. He could extend his wavelength to both of them and thus give both of them oscillating properties. That meant little for Aki, but had a profound impact on Wes. To the gong, it was as if anything he could do was not only easier and more consistent, but that he could dial things up to eleven. Not that he immediately had to, especially given the threat, but the impact of a Death Scythe was not one to be underestimated.

It left one to wonder why Samuel Smith elected not to use Korne, especially in this scenario.

Then again, Feng was now able to see his perfect iaido form. Even this close, she couldn't read his movements. He seemed to yo-yo from his current position to slash through multiple dogs, providing her cover to adjust to Korne.

Not that it would require much adjustment. The dogs were in fact being thinned out and Feng could use Korne to her heart's delight. With him, she could cut through any of the dogs from any angle or position as if their flesh wasn't even in the way. Only the most mild of resistance would be felt in her hand. It did come with a weird, vibratory sensation, as a much more mild hair trimmer, but that was hardly enough to disrupt her grip. Korne, like most katana, was designed in such a way he could be wielded one- or two-handed without much issue, so how she proceeded with the slaughter of these dogs was up to her.

Not that she could be entirely reckless. The beasts were still fast, still strong, still intelligent. She just now had a more reliable means to combat them.

RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun Shotgunpenguin Shotgunpenguin EmperorsChosen EmperorsChosen


Chanterelle Dubios, Raphael Valerias, & Noah Wiley

A Chance Encounter

Chanterelle let the spores gathered from her hands dissipate in the air around her. They interacted with the poison poorly–it wasn’t that it was unaffected, but that the effect they had was ineffective in this circumstance. It was a job better suited to Maria, really.

More importantly, the apefish in front of her demanded her full attention. She’d backed up substantially from her place at the forefront of the beach while watching out for the trio. She was still further out than the rest of the group and had managed, thus far, to stop them from approaching more closely. For now, Chanterelle was pursued by only a handful of the apefish. As the fighting on the beach waned, more of them were available to the cause–though most seemed more interested in the many dead and dying creatures on the beach. She was unsure how long this would last.

Spells continued to fly through the air. Salted barbs, waves of water, both closely followed her. Some of her barriers stood tall, others decayed into the ground as sandcastles melting into the tide. It was difficult to maintain control of her creations once they were in place–so in many cases, she didn’t. Instead, she weaved through a maze of her own creation: walls of mycelium, brambles, and rot thickening in layers on the ground. She could feel the mana pulsing through her palms, vibrating to its own heartbeat.

Noting the pair joining her, a more permanent barrier grew in front of her. This one–a wall of layered mycelium encased in birch bark–had a measure of structural integrity that made it difficult for Chanterelle (and, she hoped, for the apefish) to modify it after casting. Even this did not stop the process of decay that her creations suffered. She could hear the bark crackling under the force of rot–and, equally, splitting under the force of the slashes bearing against it. The apefish knew better than to throw needles at a wall.

“Keep moving with me, and stay behind the barriers.” Chanterelle’s voice was calm, but she spoke quickly. “We’re done taking potshots–they’ll come to us.” Her eyes met Raphael’s; she offered him a conspiratorial grin. “When they break the line, bring them to ground. We offer death, or fall back.”

“And… Noah.” The witch looked him over appraisingly, searching for signs of fatigue or physical damage, but she had no way of measuring strain put upon his soul. He looked tired; she was sure they all did. “Follow close, but defend us if necessary–let’s not strain your soul.”

This was pragmatic, though it might have sounded condescending. Witches were often both. Chanterelle didn’t ask for affirmation, but she did wait for it.

Noah was starting to get overwhelmed with what was going on in front of him, his eyes wide as he tried to take in the visual information and what it all meant, but he was also suffering from fatigue, evident on his expression. Without a meister to wield him, he felt like a fish out of water, and these damn apefish seemed a bit more accustomed to being out of water than he was not being in someone’s hand. He nodded towards Chanterelle, giving a grimacing smile. “Well, the most I can do’s keep ya two from bein’ affected by the Pull ‘n’ helpin’ with lightnin’ discharges.”

Raphael took in a deep breath and nodded. “Not sure how much juice I got left, but I’ll do my best. If you need me to bring them down though, even if it is brief because they’re rusting my chains, I need to be in one spot. Noah’s the only one who can move reliably.”

It wasn’t much, but it was something.

If Raphael needed to stand still, Chanterelle would need to find a place to put him, and that would require ceding ground so as to not be overwhelmed. She didn’t have time to consider this. The barrier in front of them made a horrible noise, creaking and moaning not from the slashing water (which had stopped, curiously enough, once the barrier’s bark had been cracked), but through the manipulation of its body. Its mycelium core began to curl back towards their group: this was the power that had before contested her in the control of her creations.

Her hand rose, guiding the rapid growth of birch bark to reinforce the barrier. It knit over the wall’s broken surface, forming into a new solid position leaning over the group. She was under no illusions about its durability. Turning, another pair of barriers rose behind them, the space between them defined by the width of the wall in front.

She gestured to the pair to move back, but their enemies would not be so patient. The scratching of claws sinking deeply into sand at speed–gouging into the wet earth and flinging it behind–was upon them. Chanterelle had kept this apefish at a distance, but they had still been in a chase, the pursued-and-pursuer. Most of their numbers were not as determined–at least, not yet.

Rounding the corner, the creature’s reeking scent hit them in its full capacity. It lurched forward–not like it was made of flesh and bone, but sacks of meat, maybe, just organic material hanging off of a swollen frame–its claws dragging thick marks in the sand. There was a speed to it, but it was clumsy out of the water. The layers of shaggy yellowed material hanging from its body had begun to tighten around its joints. A jagged spear of salt was clutched in its hand, but it made no move to cast. No–this time, the approach was much more direct.

The apefish lunged, spear extended, toward its target. Chanterelle dove toward the barriers behind the group, but she was not quite as quick. The grating sound of ripping nylon tore through the air. There was no cry of pain. The witch hit the ground, and didn’t stop moving, pulling herself across the sand and finally to her knees and feet. The creature followed close behind: even with the threat of new combatants, it could see a chance at its most troublesome prey.

Noah and Raphael watched with anxiety-riddled trepidation as the apefish got too close and hit Chant with its spear. Noah already knew his lightning wasn’t going to be of any use against the apefish, so he stood back, not wanting to become a casualty. Raphael lengthened his chain, created a hook at the end, and flung it, wrapping around the apefish’s salt spear to pull on it while the hook embedded into its forearm. The spear was yanked from its hand, sticking up out of the sand behind it. The creature turned instinctively, grasping for the spear, but Raphael was faster.

Over the next few seconds, the chain lengthened again as it creeped up the apefish’s arm, wrapping around the arm and shoulder as it struggled to rip it off. With an open grimoire, he found some solid ground to the side - rock - and set the anchor point there, the chain snapping to the anchor point and breaking off from Raphael’s demon tool, effectively putting the apefish on a leash away from Chanterelle. Although Raphael’s chains had corroded quickly in the water–quickly succumbing to the salt–this apefish did not seem able to produce the same effect. The links immediately touching it began to slowly decay, sure, but this was nothing in comparison to the rapid disintegration of his chains in the water.

Chanterelle’s barriers were not so lucky. The apefish in the water had resumed their onslaught, waves of water beating at their fortifications. The witch had continued to backstep; Raphael’s motions provided her a moment to construct another barrier like the first, singular and centered behind the others. There was pain, but it paled in comparison to the strain of the situation.

With the apefish tethered, the answer was simple. Raph’s chains pulled horribly at its limb; while it resisted popping off, the arm visibly bulged in its socket, and the creature twisted in its bonds as if attempting to hasten that painful freedom.

There–rooted–straining, the apefish was finally vulnerable. She moved forward toward the creature again. A murmured spell, and the same sort of sharp-pointed sagebrush shot from the ground through its body; though the apefish slumped, it did not die.

Chanterelle stopped behind the creature. It would have been taller than her, but its twisting, struggling body had sunk to what might have been its knees. Her fingers grasped at a chunk of the fungus at the apex of its shoulder; it came off in a solid chunk with a sound somewhat like wet velcro. Almost automatically, she shoved it into the empty hip pocket of her waders.

This hand moved to the holster at her hip. She pulled her knife–every FATE agent carried one, but she’d never had the occasion to use hers–eyes appraising the blade. She watched below it as her brush-shoots bended; the creature attempted to manipulate them, but, embedded, they tore at its flesh. It would not stay there for long. Something in her demeanor was wrong: her face was not filled with fear, or rage, or mania, but perhaps nothing at all.

Her other hand gripped the apefish’s shoulder, forcing it down further into the brush. It pushed back against her, but with Raphael’s pulling, it was already inclined toward the ground. Her knee bore down on its back. She could feel the fungus under it denting and deforming, but this seemed to pain the creature no more than the rest of its predicament. She wedged the knife’s blade into the hard seamed crevice between the creature’s head and neck. Her other slipped from its shoulder, palm striking against the back of the blade to drive it in. Once, twice, three, four times. Finally, a sickening snap.

The apefish continued to writhe, but she knew it to be dead. It was somehow more difficult to pull the blade out than it had been to bash it in. Leveraging against the body, she yanked with her full might, stumbling back with the knife in hand. Wiping it repeatedly–it wasn’t truly blood, but perhaps something more denigrated, and the blade was already flecked with rust–she shoved the knife back in its sheath before finally looking back up at the pair in front of her. Her voice was remarkably calm.

“Exactly… like that.”

With that, she stepped back from the corpse, urging the pair into the second layer of their fortifications. At least two other apefish were close behind, but the harassment from those still in the water seemed like it would be more difficult to deal with–and they seemed to have a fairly limited range. They had to move.

Raphael severed his connection to the decaying chain and got rid of the anchor point, taking the stunned Noah with him as they hurried into the second bout of fortifications. Noah, on the other hand, just watched Chanterelle stab that thing–and while it wasn’t a human, he had a sudden visceral thought that maybe she’s done this way too many times before. No disgust was on her face, not even concern or whatever she would honestly have. Devoid of any thought was what it looked like, killing without batting an eye.

Noah shook his head, ripping himself from the reverie as his hand went to his own knife. Sure, he had one, but he never thought of using it and honestly the fungus creatures were disgusting to him. He didn’t think he could get close without his body having a visceral reaction to touching the damn thing, like someone’s hand brushing against a spider web and freaking out. He took this strange safe moment to breathe.

Meanwhile, Raphael was smirking. The display of that dispatchment showed him that they could die, and it seemed like they weren’t coming back to life if they were away from the water. Or as he thought. He grew more chains, growing them out until it could comfortably snag the other two apefish. He whipped it out with that same hook, embedding the hook this time in one of their shoulders. The chain immediately wrapped around the two, tying one leg and one arm from each together before snapping to the ground with another anchor point.

He gave them more time, but now he was getting tired. “How much more do we have? They seem to weaken if they’re not in the sea. We should pull back a bit more and let them die just trying to get us.”

Approaching the two apefish Raphael detained in tandem was more difficult. While they had joined the pursuit a few minutes before, their movements were fluid in comparison to the apefish they had so easily killed–perhaps a reflection of their bodies still gleaming with dampness from the water. They did not employ the same tactics as the apefish in the water: no elemental scythes or salten spears flew from their hands. Instead, the same flora Chanterelle had left strewn about the ground began to move: it shot forth towards Raphael, torn out of the ground from the roots themselves.

Raphael watched the roots fly out of the ground like some eldritchian abomination. With wide eyes, he dove out of the way, rolling over the sand very clumsily. He did manage to avoid it, but he got sand everywhere. It was a bad day to be fashionable. He scrambled backwards, hurriedly getting to his feet as he continued to keep his distance.

Maintaining this position was becoming incredibly draining. Mending barriers, constructing a pair of new ones for a retreat, it was clear to Chanterelle that keeping this going was untenable. Mana burned through her body; she had again been goaded into contesting the influence of the apefish’s natural fungal magic. In the moment of distraction (or was it action?) Raphael’s dodge afforded her, she made a snap decision, moving forward again with the knife.

She was no natural combatant. As demonstrated in her fight with Gauss, Chanterelle was less refined and more animalistic, not generally a creature of practiced combat. Generally speaking, witches had little interest in physical prowess. This was a different type of situation–one in which her magic was pressed to its limit.

A thick layer of mycelium–not unlike that of the apefish, really–burgeoned through her skin, swelling underneath her jacket. This would not insulate her from any true type of spear, but did shield her from the thorns the apefish flung at her from the brambles she had sown at their feet. These writhed away from the apefish as if by instinct, and seemed particularly vulnerable to their influence. She swung the blade repeatedly at arms length, slashing through layers of the fungus on their fronts, becoming locked in a pattern of movement in a precarious dance around the second creature’s swings. The first was still interested in Raphael. This was a small mercy–being able to enforce distance with the help of Raphael’s chains enabled her to contest them physically at all. Still, this was hardly enough damage to bring them down.

Raphael knew there wasn’t much left he could do. He wanted to save what little mana he had for anything later; he didn’t want to stay on the beach anymore. As he was looking around quickly to make sure Ark and Maria were done bringing in survivors and their allies, he noticed Noah - knife in hand - crouch walking around the two apefish. He was flanking the one Chanterelle was busy with. Partially transforming a part of his forearm into that of a tonfa-like stick weapon, he jammed the apefish’s side with it and shocked it, sending down his knife at the back of his head.

Unfortunately - due to his meager strength - it only served to piss off the apefish. One of its free arms flailed back towards Noah, sending him flying away. He had to drop his knife as it began to corrode at speed, grunting as he felt his lungs sting. His breath was harder to catch. Chanterelle capitalized on this distraction with a flourish of flora, bursting violently through the apefish as Noah broke its concentration on her. She glanced toward Noah, but then, looking past him, past the edges of the barrier, her flushed face paled. Another half-dozen warriors were storming the beach–and this time, they were taking no detours.

Waves of water washed over the beach, ripping at the barriers and keeping the approaching apefish woefully wet. These cascades piled into the barriers and pushed through the gaps in their construction; they pulled at the group’s feet and dislodged much of the groundcover that Chanterelle had produced. Worse, the dying apefish still in Raphael’s grasp began again to stir–and she could only assume the one they had left behind was doing the same. The first barrier cracked under the pressure of the water dredging at its base, crumbling into waterlogged chunks of mycelium.

This only intensified the ebb and flow of the water sweeping across the beach. Chanterelle’s trance was broken with the sinking of her feet into the beach sand. Swearing, the witch broke for Noah, pulling him up by the shoulder and moving to support him if she needed to. Back!

Noah felt oddly dizzy - not because of Chanterelle’s freakish biology - but because of being flung back. He scrambled up to his feet with Chanterelle’s help and ran. Raphael turned just as quickly, running with the two and covering for them, even though there wasn’t much he could do. He spoke over comms, assessing their surroundings and whatever was on their tail. “Ceding ground at speed, they’re destroying our barriers.” With one glance towards Noah, he could see blood oozing from his shoulder. He couldn’t tell if he was punctured or sliced but it didn’t seem like a horrid gash–although was definitely badly bleeding. . It seemed Noah was unaware of his predicament, likely due to adrenaline coursing through his veins numbing the pain and lessening his awareness of his injury. It likely got cut from a spine from the apefish’s arm. “Noah got his shoulder cut and we’re feeling like raisins.”

There was a sour taste in the witch’s mouth as she ran alongside Noah back toward the retaining wall, but she said nothing, eyes searching ahead for the rest of the group. Hopefully they’d bought just enough time.

Location: Atlantic City Beach, NJ
Collaborator(s): Merciless Medic Merciless Medic

Wes Kraven - Headshot.jpg

Wes Kraven
New York - Bergin Basin/I-678
September 26th
Mentions: EmperorsChosen EmperorsChosen RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul

As Feng fired at the approaching creatures, the man wielding the overpowering soul spoke up. There was an audible tone of annoyance in both his tone and his soul signature, as if their arrival was a distraction more than anything else. He briefly explained that the beasts could consume their wavelength if it got near their mouths, although he refused or outright didn’t care to elaborate on his statement.

Quickly after he said his piece however, the sword on his belt shifted into a human form, before pulling out his phone and fiddling with it. Despite the current situation, he seemed almost bored even as Samuel kept the hounds at bay. Which raised the question, if this guy was Samuels weapon, why wasn’t Samuel using him? Wes didn’t, or rather couldn’t, hear another signature from the weapon Samuel was holding, which meant that he was fighting against the beasts with just a normal sword.

There was the slightest twinge of irritation at the weapon’s words, although it was quickly tamped down. As the dark skinned weapon stepped away from Samuel, Wes could finally hear his soul signature now that it wasn’t being engulfed by the master's strong soul. It sounded jittery, like someone was constantly dropping little objects on a hi-hat cymbal, causing it to constantly be making noise.

The foul beasts, not content to simply wait for their conversation to be over, continued their approach towards the trio, with two splitting off to try and circle around while the first lunged towards them. The fact that these beasts were not only capable of self-enhancement, but also intelligent enough to use pack tactics, Wes had to wonder where these things came from. Of course, that thought would have to wait until after they dealt with the beasts in front of them.

Even in his weapon form, he could feel the creature's hot, fetid breath wash over the outside of the gong as it lunged towards him. It reeked of decay and blood, as if whatever this creature subsisted on was a diet of rotten meat and dirty water. Wes mentally cringed at the impending slobber that’d be coating his form, which while not doing any physical damage, the scent would probably stick with him even after he shifted out of his weapon form.

That was, until Feng suddenly hiked him further up her arm and dropped her handgun, before moving with all of the grace of a martial artist. With twists, turns, and moves that looked like they were straight out of a martial arts movie, Feng fought her way towards the duo, occasionally using him and Aki as bludgeoning weapons to beat back the beasts. They eventually came to a stop just shy of Samuel and Korne, with the latter transforming into his weapon form once again, shooting into her unoccupied hand.

As soon as Feng’s hand made contact with the weapon, Wes could hear his wavelength all the more clearer. Somehow, despite this being the first time he had heard the weapon's soul signature, it felt familiar in a way. As if he had heard something so similar to it somewhere before.

And then, as Korne extended his own wavelength through him and Aki, he felt a familiar sensation course through him, one that made his heart hitch and his wavelength spike. An oscillating wavelength, the same wavelength that Annika had. Korne of course had no way of knowing that his previous partner also possessed an oscillating wavelength, although Feng and Aki might have an inkling due to their previous mission together.

Regardless, it was a sensation that Wes was all too familiar with. Both in a literal sense as his gong form gently vibrated against Feng’s arm, and in a technical sense as well. His training and time with Annika made sure of that, even if she wasn’t around anymore. Despite the erratic nature of the wavelength pumping through him, Wes found that he could hear everything so much clearer now. Everything felt so natural, so easy in this moment, that he almost wanted to thank the death scythe. He held back, of course, but he still thought about it. But as he thought about the newfound energy he was feeling, he was reminded of what Samuel had said.

Somehow, these hound creatures would just be able to chomp down on anything he enhanced. While that obviously applied to the projectiles Aki shot, would they even be able to bite something without form, like sound? If so, then even with his newfound energy from the oscillation running through him, they were still back to where they started. It was like having a suped up sports car, but the only road you could drive it on was filled with speed-bumps and potholes.

‘Wait, why am I complaining?’ The thought slammed into him, briefly knocking him out of his mental complaints. Wes could just leave everything to Korne, let him take over and let Feng and him take care of the beasts. He wouldn’t even have to do anything, hell he could even just unwind from around Feng’s arm and remove himself from the equation entirely. And yet, despite how easy it would have been to do so, there was a small part of him that protested.

When would he ever get the chance to experience this feeling again? There was still no telling if or when Annika would recover enough to return to the program. If he fought like this, even if it wasn’t really her, it would be like she was still there with him. For the first time in a long while, Wes found himself wanting to put in some effort. Not going all out, especially considering that every time he did so with Annika would end up with him sprawled out on the floor in a pile of tired limbs, but more so than one would expect from the lazy weapon.

‘Hey, Feng.’ He asked in their shared soul-space, pausing for a moment before continuing. ‘You think these things can chomp on sound?’
The Missing of the Giant Mountains
Investigative Mission
Date: 09/27/67
Location: The Derelict Mansion - Liberec Region - Czech Republic

With the attack underway, the Chimeric beasts seemed to be lesser threats for the group as Kisei had predicted, and as equally predicted, they did in fact have elemental affinities, or at least the three headed beast did as Elly dashed in. As the pairs of follow up Meisters and Weapons made their own entry and seemingly defeated the bodyguards with no incidents to themselves, the enemy would quickly go into motion as the three headed chimera spat out torrents of Lightning, Fire and Ice from its three mouths. One unique to each head, the coordination left something to be desired as the waves swept across the floor in three separate directions. Elly's own attacks in turn found their marks, but the unnatural animal was already jumping away, so while one of its legs were indeed grazed, the wound not finding deep purchase.

On the other side of things, the momentarily the beast that looked akin to lizard and Fish was recovering from the kick delivered upon itself, turned and with a fury roared, a very reptilian sound, akin to a Kaiju or Dinosaur film. This however turned into a nasty snarl as the chain blade bit into flesh. However, most curiously it seemed as if the creature was a dense mass of muscle and its skin akin to thick leathery hide seemed to cause a muddy gunk with a mixture of blood to flow from the wound as the white eyed beast turned at once. Swiping out with its tail with considerably genetically enhanced force, the guard dog/fish/lizard(?) had its sights set upon the duo.

Meanwhile, back at Sara and Dante's side of things, the Jiangshi cackled at the coming blow. And spoke, "Did you forget? I am not alone... But you are." Whatever truth of the matter was, in that of the talisman, the red eyes and clothing, signs that maybe only Kisei could resolve, this was no Zombie, slashing out with one set of claws to bash the patch of the weapon from himself, Brother Lee while hopping in his movements and on the tips of his toes, fought with a martial prowess akin to Feng and other masters of Southern Shaolin Kung Fu. With one hand behind his back and the other opened towards them, his haunting laugh and the stench of decay would be ever present for Sara, as he made a "Come here" motion with his one front facing hand. "Ohoheho. Come little Doggy, come and die or fall to your knees and my Master shall grant you true life."

But that would be the least of her problems as bloody spears exploded from behind and around his flanks as a very shaky Baroness in medieval style armor joined the fray, a number of vials, Gems and Totems were strong about her person. Given the current situation she had no choice but to fight, yet her fear would be easily sensed, if not smelled by Sara. The Baroness was a Commander, not a Fighter. But between his self-resonance and the unleashed first wave of Vampiric Magics, Sara was at a disadvantage.

Interactions/Mentions: EmperorsChosen EmperorsChosen (Elly) Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul (Kisei) Merciless Medic Merciless Medic (Sara) Pumpkid Pumpkid (Dante) The Regal Rper The Regal Rper (Zosar) Haze- Haze- (Wren)[/scroll]
Last edited:
Feng Long
New York City - Between Bergen Basin and I-678
September 26th

While she now had a third weapon in the form of Korne, it was a bit much considering he was a two-handed sword, and a Japanese one at that. Feng was a Martial Artist, that was true, but there was a big difference between a Dadao and a Katana. Fortunately, the general shape of it and having sparred against Japanese based martial artists in the DWMA, she had something of an idea on how to use him. Though it was disjointing to have three voices and presences inside of her mind, but one thing at a time. This was a powerful Sword in its own right, which begged the question of why Smith was using another sword and not this one... Was it also a weapon? What about the person he was guarding? Reaching out with soul suppression it was not soon thereafter that Smith was off, at a rate of movement and... It wasn't worth the effort to process it, could wait till once the battle was done. Either way, he would have been more suited to Korne... More questions for later. Though it seemed from her dip into soul perception, that he was using a normal blade... Well, she was sure it was made out of some sort of special material at least.

It was unfortunate that she herself did not know how to use chain resonance, but then again, wavelengths were all but useless here. 'Aki, going to put you in my sash, your form will still be pressed to me there, so can still stay in your weapon form, or watch my back. Course you could go join the other one on the forklift.'

'Korne, eh, ray skin huh? Pricey and well-made sword I see. Anything about you I should know, other than that oscillation effect?'
Setting Aki into her side sash, Feng waited for any further replies as she swung the Katana one handed with a few practice swings.


Then there was Wes. She felt a bit bad about just using him as a shield, considering he was a sound-based weapon, something she had not ever used nor had a fighting style around. Though watching Smith with his Iaido. His speed was so much greater than the enemy's that he could more or less stun them. It also seemed now that she got a better look, a witch was being defended on the forklift... Where were the rest?

Ugh this is all beyond me... Fight and kill things first, leave command related things to the Russian. If these thoughts were picked up in the joint soul space was another matter all together, yet this one would be heard for sure. 'Uh Wes, can you get on my back? I can keep you on my arm, but either way, I'll make use of your sound to disorient a few of them, kill them while we got however many seconds they'll be dazed, or at least, something happens.' Regardless of if Wes changed position or not, Feng would give a signal once a few of the "dogs" were gathered around her, requesting a shrill high pitch tune. If they were like dogs, then this should affect them, if they were not, then she would progress to a louder and concussive tone, opening her mouth and breathing out for that bit of interaction.

With Korne in hand and his special features, Feng figured she could take out at least three or four of the beasts. A katana was not her first choice, but she had used multiple bladed weapons, demon or not, over the years. First as the distraction rang out, Feng went for a drawing slash, aiming for the center of mass of the first dog to jump at her, carving into it from below. On the second she flipped the blade in her hands and brought it down upon a second, going into the neck and cutting deep, if not all the way into and out of the neck. Sidestepping to position herself along a third, she drove the blade into a neck from above, pulling the sword free, Feng would then sweep Korne from the side, cutting off the two front legs of a recovering "dog" and they slashing upwards and into the spine.

Four of the demon beasts were now dead. Not bad for ten seconds. She just wished she could put more of herself into the strikes. These cuts were a bit jagged or strikes performed in brutality, not the fine work of a Japanese swordsman cutting tatami rolls. But that brutal nature was all that was needed.

Interactions: EmperorsChosen EmperorsChosen (Aki/Dani) Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul (NPC's) Shotgunpenguin Shotgunpenguin (Wes)

Nadia Semyonov - Daniella Ethalyn
New York City - North of JFK International - NYC
September 26th
“Tck” A click of the tongue was Nadia’s response to all of this as she processed the various failures and opportunities that unveiled themselves. She was very impressed with the Car, with her resonance in top gear she had only intended the small car to be a distraction or to break them enough to talk, not make an IED.

Too much of this didn’t smell right. Crimson had the right of it, there was no such thing as a Witch that wasn’t a bit taunting, smart assed, or a bit crazy. Even Maria would taunt her enemies from what she gathered at their story time sessions about the recent missions.

Reaching out with her soul perception, Nadia would see if there was anything off, if anything like the situation with Eros was playing out. ”Adrian. How do I make best use of you here? The sharks are just attrition. And we have enemies all around, if not outclassing us a bit. Whatever it is, do it for now, we’ll make a plan later.”

Shifting her attention to Dani she sighs. ’We need to burn them it seems. Lets cleave through the plants and set them alight’

“So… what? They’re controlled? Or they really want us dead?” Dani grumbled in question. He was right, much as she would rather not think about it. What would cause them to be so quiet? “...Ugh… yeah, yeah. I’ll keep the stove on…” Dani had never stopped the immolation of the blade.

’I don’t know. We shall find out as we purge them. However, it is all a bit odd. They are either well disciplined, looking down on us heavily, or are being controlled… Or are not who they seem. I’ll drop you out of fire form, or ask you to do so soon.’

”...Nah. If they were looking down on us they’d be letting us know…” Dani murmured in response. It was beyond odd, but Dani didn’t know enough to decipher the why. Being controlled in some manner popped into her head, but thinking on it, was that even possible with the numbers and statuses of them? ”But they fucked with us first, and I doubt a group of Wiccan envoys got mind controlled. So, as far as I’m concerned, fuck’em.”

”As I said, if they are who they seem, they took the first steps. Use your Venom as well, I want those hands gone.” With those words said, Nadia knew she only had a few seconds to respond, Dani’s endurance but was so long as she dived in to the weakened earthen barrier that was already weakened, diving the flaming sword through all that would dare stop her she finally plunges the sword with a double set of swipes, followed up with a cleaving thrust, and finally withdrawing the blade, Nadia extends her left hand and unleashes Soul Force Icy upon the barrier. If all went to plan the already damaged and burning shell would collapse, and the witches not soon after via her hand. Adrian she would trust to back the pair of them up. ’Kill the flame for now, can’t have you passing out from that just yet.’

"Making an opening, if it works take them out."
She said of the Bloodsuckers in general via whatever comms they had at present.

Interactions: EmperorsChosen EmperorsChosen (Dani) Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul (Adrian/NPC's)

Steel Pier, Atlantic City Beach, New Jersey
GM Post

The efforts of Noah, Raphael, and Chanterelle were more than enough to buy time for Maria, Ark, Gauss, and Arkayis. In fact, if anything, their extended skirmish gave birth to more risks than perhaps necessary. The sum of events was still positive. Gauss managed to save a total of four agents that were adjacent to them, though five others were already lost in their own combat. Maria and Ark played their roles perfectly, the cloud of fungal contagion cleared and an lift of sorts created for them made of compacted sand. This system helped specifically with the now-hurt Noah.

Reinforcements arrived. Perhaps not the type that was expected, but they did prove useful. It was several platoons of the MIBVI Response Force alongside an armed military. While it wasn't in the slightest as powerful as the one currently in New York, it certainly wasn't a lackluster deployment. The military budget for the country was absurd, after all. All DWMA teams were instructed to back off and the famous VIRF (shorthand for Virus Response Force) firewall was implemented. A long line of what looked like napalm was poured onto the sand, ignited, then supplemented with magitech flamethrowers to create a literal wall of flame that was then sealed. Armed forces would then mow down anything that tried to pass.

At first glance, especially to the Mages that had just fought these creatures - perhaps Ark in particular as he used some fire-based magics - might find this defense paltry. How could a simple wall of flame and large caliber rounds be sufficient against these creatures? The answer was simple. The weakness found by Chanterelle and some others up and down the beach: the apefish and all their cousins grew exponentially weaker once they exited the water. In fact, many of them did breach into the city in areas that weren't defended only to die soon after as no magic could animate them. In fact, as time went on, this led to many of the agents involved describing the entire event as a "self-limiting" problem. There was a lot of frustration at the apparent futility of the situation. Even Three-Star duos had difficulties making in or out of the swarms that remained on the beach when they tried to retrieve bodies.

Eventually, all retrieval efforts were forbidden once fatigued agents required rescue - and even then, those were all three-star agents. What followed in the next several hours was grotesque and disheartening. Virtually corpses, apefish and human alike, were drug back to the ocean. For the organic material that could not be so easily retrieved, it was consumed by a growth of green-blue mycelium that encroached on the beach and broken down almost any material it touched into a tan-brown liquid that had a horrendous, vomit-inducing wreak. This type of foul fungal growth was understood by, but beyond even Chanterelle. There were so many traits of the fungi present that it hardly seemed Earthly. It had to adapted in deep, dark trenches of the ocean like many other strange, terrifying abominations.

Those involved were asked for a debrief and given some select bits of information as well. For example, invisible spores filled the air and weakened just about anyone without some means of resistance to them. Chanterelle was immediately immune, Ark was able to burn away most spores so his infection was minimal, Maria flew so far above them that she had little exposure if any, and Gauss was protected by the flames of Arkayis. What this explained was how suddenly Noah without Gauss and Raphael without a means to protect himself from airborne spores became so drastically weak. Their stamina had been sapped without reason.

Luckily, like virtually all of the other spores, this effect died off with time. It would leave them with a nasty, productive cough for a while, but that was a small price to pay.

The only area where the skirmish persisted was the actual entryway to the Steel Pier which was was good ways North up the beach from the battle the team had been on. With superior numbers and better tactics, those defenders were able to fend off the assault. That was a victory for the day given the largest amount of the dead were there, caused during the initial attack. At some point, the creatures seemed to decide it wasn't worth the investment, returned to the water, and allowed that aforementioned green-blue mold to consume the remains. The belief was that all of this death and destruction was not wanton, but that these was a living decomposer that consumed the leftover waste of the kaiju.

It proved pointless trying to halt the growth of the mold, so at best some more health or fresh agents tried to retrieve the corpses they could, but there was only so much that could be done up the length of such a large beach.

In the end, this was a lull. Noah was able to retrieve medical assistance, Gauss and Arkayis stuck with him in the tent. Noah was in far better shape than some others in the triage tents. He received stitches, then a number assigned to his phone that would be called when they could further heal his wound via magic. DWMA command had issued those involved in the fight take rest instead of immediately attempting to clear debris or search. This was for several reasons; first, just being that fatigue lowered efficacy; and, secondly, they wanted to observe if there would be further problems with the fungal infections. There weren't. In fact, Chanterelle proved capable of helping a large majority of agents be rid of any lingering problems. Some were afflicted by mold that was eating their flesh, others just needed it pulled from their lungs. As it turned out, once they were away from the ocean, her Witch nature and affinity for fungi made her perfect for this situation.

Raphael required more rest than most due to his affliction, which itself was mostly cured by Chanterelle, though that didn't diminish the drain on him. Ark found himself the only member of the group that continued helping with rescue despite being told to rest. He used his ability to move the earth to help create holes in the firewall for agents to retrieve corpses for some time, though he didn't do so directly. His efforts were overlooked solely because of the low risk and high convenience.

Gauss, as promised, led Maria to the shop he had rented for her. It had none of the specialty equipment she might have liked, but it did have plenty of expensive resources for her to use. Woods and other assorted materials well-suited to be imbued with mana. Power tools both large and small that could make it relatively easy to mass produce some parts. Not one, but three lathes, so at least she could make her creations suitably shaped instead of bulky blocks of timber. She had until the morning to build and sleep. It wouldn't be her normal standard, but it would definitively be better than nothing.

That same notion remained true for the remainder of the group. Official DWMA orders didn't have then back in the field until the following day. By that time, it was understood that they would be remaining for quite some time to clean-up. KN9 had already been defeated the day before and clean-up in New York was already underway. This reverted the current orders for the team to their original goal: clear out the destruction, assess any abnormalities, and save who was possible. It was pretty-well accepted that by this time, that last objective was quite unlikely. Still, there was plenty to do. The Steel Pier was quite large. A literal amusement park atop a pier that had been further expanded over time.


A good third of it near the ocean had been collapsed, fallen into the salty waters. That is in part what made defending it the day before so difficult. Agents had to effectively defend from three sides that were surrounded by water with one of them submerged. The saving grace was that the military assisted via aerial means, willing to bomb the nearby ocean and deal pre-emptive damage to the ape fish and fungal foes during the fight. The problem was that anything made of wood was easily decomposed, making only concrete and steel safe. It took the active effort of many Witches in various means to fight off the all-consuming mold, but they did. In the end, what was left was a half-destroyed amusement park, scorched from fire, half-rotted in some areas, and destabilized in numerous places. The 'true' goal of the Agents was to at least safely clear a path for civilian wreckage consultants to make their way through.

Even now, the owners were to receive financial aid for the rebuild and were considering even greater expansions. American Capitalism at its finest; finding a way to benefit from tragedy. Everything could be an investment.

0832 | September 27th, 2067

Gauss and his company, the patched up and healed Noah and Arkayis after being lauded as a hero of day helping to save other agents, stood on the dark-stained boardwalk, itself mostly remaining intact due to the firewall preventing the mold from advancing to eat it. Behind him was the large brick walls of the Steel Pier on the beach before it extended out onto a literal pier above the water. A few other groups were amassing as well, some being Fate, some just lower-star groups. Not many mages, it seemed, which must have been the value of his group. In either case, he was waiting with his partners.

In all honesty, the Meister was still tired. He had somewhat unraveled himself the evening earlier checking in all of his peers. Chanterelle was likely spent from all of her efforts extracting the fungal infections out of other Agents. Ark was much the same way, only stopping when the mold finally retreated. Raphael didn't have much of a choice given his exhaustion. Maria, perhaps riding off of her Pull, was entrenched in her doll work. He tried to check on everyone while also keeping up with Noah. He wanted everyone on the team to be in their best shape for the morrow. Unfortunately, reigning in the bunch was not so easy. He tried a final time to convince Maria to sleep early some time before the midnight hour before himself turning it.

He didn't know if his efforts were fruitful for anyone, but it was tiring to try.

He sighed, drained, and not exactly driven to just be tearing their way through what amounted to a floating, rusted scrap heap. Still, it was better than what felt like wanton destruction the day before.

"Let's just hope for an honest day of work, my dudes..." Gauss said, trying to make some type of livelihood happen in the dead, somewhat putrid air of the morning.

"It can't be any fucking worse than it was yesterday," he added, not considering the condemnation of those words.

RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun Meredith Meredith Merciless Medic Merciless Medic Peckinou Peckinou The Regal Rper The Regal Rper


Paladins | JFK Airport, NY

The next shark breaking ground in its beeline path towards Adrian was hit with a projectile that struck it in the dorsal fin, creating a crack straight through that very fin that traveled along the creatures back and chipped off fragments, followed a second after by several more rounds. Each one that landed striking with immediate force great enough to create a web of cracks along the solid earth surface of the constructs. Each one shattering the ground where the shark slid under and slipped away forcing it to pop out and be struck again by another round.

This sudden barrage of fire came from a new group of individuals in two different directions. The gunfire was not in fact aimed at anyone immediately within the DWMA or Red Fang's group but instead these armed combatants focused their assault on the casters attacking the convoy line. The source of this spiritual surge, gunmen and women
all wearing some sort of silver like combat gear- a cross displayed on visible parts, were led by a small number of shielders who swept aside the molten detrus with their shields and took the frontal position as the gunners arranged in a line, just to open immediate fire on the terrakinetic mobile creatures of stone sliding through the earth. The volley of fire did quick work to the shark that had been blitzing for Adrian while he had been trying his best against these ruthless unfeeling monstrosities.

What changed everything were the two souls to enter the field with spiritual power that not only completely eclipsed the gunners, but one of the two had a presence so strong it matched that of a Three Star. These two new individuals did not just show up in the field, they came like hurled spears.

The first one was male and he only became visible as his procedure forward was momentarily halted as he intercepted not one but two of the sharks, large ones, both simply swerving and tanking hits to mindlessly reach the gunners and the stationary shieldmen slightly in front of them.

While this black haired Asian swordsman struck at the sharks attacking their allies to give them time to distance themselves, the second stopped abruptly.

And when she did, the dark haired woman paused, halberd drawn, as for a moment she surveyed her surroundings. Then upon making some kind of decision she took a leading step towards the massive golem hands the witches had constructed, and was once again on the move. Earthsharks that moved in her direction were dispatched in a blur of barely perceptible movement with her arm flicking forward and then chopping down a shark into fragments that fell apart in front of her. By the time the next shark came up to follow she had spun casually and in another flash of light from the blade and her movement the shark crumbled before the stronger of the duo shot towards the forming golem and witches Crimson had been dealing with clear purpose.

At the same time as she moved in for the assault, so did her younger male counterpart. The young man looked to probably be around the same age as Nadia or Dani if not slightly younger looking but his speed and the movements he made with his katana were precise, quick slashes that finished off the last shark. With a few short words to the Knights he immediately went in the direction of Blue Steel. As he passed by magical plants that had managed to grow enough he immediately cut through them. Never once slowing his rapid approach, tilI he was within range of the dome Steel had been working on and with a downward diagonal slash that was followed by a horizontal, he immediately struck out with his weapon in a move to take advantage of the Dome's weakness.

Mentions: RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun EmperorsChosen EmperorsChosen Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul

Interactions: Witches
Maria Mayer - Atlantic City - New Jersey

In the passing moments, the young sorceress was pleased to see her unfinished spell doing enough, that with the help of Ark, they were able to push the gas cloud away, and it seemed that reinforcements had finally arrived. Key of which were conventional forces, while some would doubt their effectiveness, Maria would not and did not. In fact, it was the reverse. A wide broad front, an enemy in depth, with massive numbers? That was perfect targets for airstrikes and artillery. While the DWMA Meister and Weapon pairs, coupled with witches were stronger, if not far stronger than any single soldier, human weaponry was nothing to scoff at and if given the time to gather forces en mass, even the Maba could and would go down in the face of saturation of force.

Mankind has killed far more of its own, in eye watering numbers that no witch could hope to match, ever... Well, unless the MIBVI outbreak was caused by them, then billions of deaths could be attributed to them, likely several Them's. Either way she did find it amusing that her own recommendation proved right, what few beasts escaped the torrents of flame and HMG fire died, or rather stayed dead when having gone beyond the water just enough. Maybe a bit heartless of her, Maria would use the 7 hours to pass to rest and carry out basic repairs to Alicia, it did no good to watch the grim situation unfold. Bodies of the dead were dragged into the sea, onto the beaches, mold breaking them down and, in all likelihood, joining the "sunfish" that had been the source of their troubles.

Not even three stars seemed able to overpower this legion of fungus and undead, to the point that all further rescue attempts were called off and aerial bombardment and efforts of witches seemingly shoved them all back to the briny depths the Doll Maker soon found herself in a workshop, with a tight timeline and tools that she had mixed opinions on, but she had to admit to a degree her craft could benefit from mechanization. It did still irk her however.

Settling for an MRE she was able to get from the reaction forces, Maria shut herself up in the workshop and hurriedly went about her tasks. Not happy in full of the limited ability to fine tune and decorate her creations was another point of contention as she took the time to search the ruins for suitable materials to make clothing to at least somewhat make them something she cared to use.

Fortunately, Gauss did not disturb her often, leaving her to gripe and curse and shooing him off that night. There was simply no way to finish her work and sleep before 12 am. What was really problematic was making weapons for what she had made, then infusing a couple of the creations with spell circles, while she recovered her mana. Finally sleeping closer to 1am, she would awaken and present her efforts.

With the Repaired Alicia finished, three more creations joined the miniature squad, two spell encased small dolls that had silver strands connecting to a 2nd Human sized doll, and there were two more small dolls in armor with melee weapons in the form of two short swords, that had the same wiring connected to Alicia. There was even signs that she had thought of something else, something much larger but abandoned the work after initially designing it, with 'inferior martials' scrawled upon some scattered notes.

A bit groggily she was munching on components of a breakfast themed MRE as she narrowed her eyes and motioned with one finger, a silver strand coming from her rings to Alicia, causing the doll to lightly karate chops the leader on top of his head, unless he avoided the blow.

"Thats how bad things happen. Though I am ready to fight now, and even devised a new control system to test, I am not convinced we've seen the last of our troubles. I do hope you are right however, Gauss. I have much more I wish to improve upon with these. One of my Witch Realm reviewers seen fit to insult me and my craft, questioning my position and future. I must take issue and to outperform that assessment."

Interactions: Merciless Medic Merciless Medic (Raph-Noah) Meredith Meredith (Chanterelle) Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul (Gauss) Peckinou Peckinou (Arkayis) The Regal Rper The Regal Rper (Ark)


Aki Kiyoko - North of JFK International Airport

'Ooooh! ...Wait--Ugh...' Aki went from interested excited at the information provided by Sam, as if learning interesting facts at the zoo, before the realization of just how annoying they were. Especially for her. She was a gun Demon Weapon, which meant that she didn't use ammunition, she created it with wavelength, which these things ate.

She groaned within their shared soul space, less concerned and more so pouting that she couldn't be of much use. '...I guess you can punch'em with me,' Aki mused with less excitement in her voice. The Death Scythe's comments only seemed to pour salt into the wounds, though it wasn't as if Aki could contest it.

Aki perked up slightly as Fend adjusted, using her rather efficiently as a melee weapon, regaining some pride of at least being usable as a blunt object. She remained surprisingly calm, even as the foul breath hit the metal of her body and the face of the creatures growing more grotesque the closer they grew. Then again, she didn't seem to react much with gore, so it perhaps wasn't all that surprising.

As the Death Scythe joined their little club, Aki felt a jolt circulate through her as the weapon extended his wavelength through them. It was a different feeling, even from when she had been wielded very briefly by Johan. Aki had never felt the wavelength of another Death Scythe, after all, and it was quite a pick-me-up.

However, it didn't last for long given that she was delegated to storage. In a way, this was even worse, almost like taking in caffeine just to sit on the couch. '<Yes...>' Aki acknowledged in Japanese. 'Why are these annoying things even here, anyway... We were supposed to be fighting the giant monster...' She murmured in addition, halfway between a legitimate question and a complaint.

RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun Shotgunpenguin Shotgunpenguin Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul

North of JFK Airport, New York City, New York
GM Post

en route to Eastern front

The moments following the insurgence of Paladins and attack from Nadia were of beautiful chaos.

The earthen dome, created by hands of stone and dirt, hardened by magic and willpower, ultimately stood no chance. It was weakened by the pulse of the magitech battery, it was further weakened by the hot and cold onslaught from Nadia, and eventually the strikes of both Blue Steel and the new Paladin. To say it crumbled would be an underestimate. It never a stood a chance. But then, it didn't have to. Once the hands had fallen apart, what was left was a massive hole in the ground. That group had repositioned.

Meanwhile, the other group proved relentless against Red Fang and Crimson. To counter the barrier of blood that was in place, one Witch decided to simply freeze it over. This, in fact, would prove highly effective. Much like Nadia, this group was keen on the efficacy of switching between hot and cold. It left little time for Crimson to help heal the burns on Red Fang and worse, deprived him of some of the blood he was using for his monstrous blood magic. The saving grace for the duo being that other members of Fox Hunt, particularly those that were once attempting to attack the flying Witches, could now redirect themselves. The foremost useful being one of the individuals in a dark, almost armor-like suit. He could have easily been written off as one of the "cybernetic ninjas" up until the moment his suit shifted from a dark grey to a brilliant gold, sparking out electricity that coursed through two tonfa he carried. With those, he was able to consistently deflect the ice shards being hurled in the direction of Crimson.

Another set of weird powers popped up in an individual with a placid, blue helmet and an ethereal hand that reached out to drag the two out of combat. Neither Nadia or Adrian had time to truly perceive what the fuck was going on in with them, just confirm that Fox Hunt had a wide array of wild abilities.

Whatever Mister Prey was doing to the Witches within the cloud he created was apparently working as one fell to the ground, seemingly dead.

A Bishop, the rank given to a Priest of significant skill but still outside of combat, came across the mic of the Paladins. "The Witches are confirmed members of the Wiccan Council Envoy. Over half of the opponents are confirmed Undead, likely Bloodsuckers. Orders from the Fathers are to eliminate the undead any one that engages you, try to reason with the Witches, and if impossible, try to capture at least three. Simon and Brennan are en route," he told them, providing immediate orders that would change the flow of battle.

From their limited perspective, a group of renegade Bloodsuckers was attacking a Wiccan envoy. The Paladins at present lacked sufficient Soul Perception to pick up on the undead and other nuances on the battlefield, especially with this much magic and wavelength also in the air. All they had to trust was the report from their Bishop.

Between Bergen Basin and I-678...

Korne didn't even have time to answer Feng.

She slaughtered four of the dogs, with her as a distraction, Samuel was able to cut down another three in one go and prepare for the next set. There was no need.

A tenor whistling sound cut through the air. Unnatural, not made by a mouth, and strong. Wes could easily pick out most of these traits, but the fact the tune of the whistle remained in a range of at best one of two hertz variation meant it had to be from an actual whistle or some type of sonic projection.

It caused an immediate reaction within the remaining dogs. They perked up, turned to the Southwest, and ran even faster than they attacked. It was possible to still hit them, but it turned out that there were far more than expected. Some were hiding their wavelengths so well that neither Feng nor Wes could sense them. Soul Suppression. Because if they could use amplification, why not Suppression? Dozens of dogs formed a herd as they fled the loading area in unison.

Magic sparked in the air.

Even without sharpened senses, Feng could pick up on the most basic presence of magic - especially if it was quite strong. While was occurring wasn't particularly powerful, it was incredibly unnatural and that disturbance alone was enough to trigger her sense of flow around her. This was incredibly unnatural, even for the standards of magic.

The corpse of each dead dog, even if bisected, seemed to have glowing, green lines stretch across it until they were completely covered. Afterwards, their corpses began to break down, not decay, but corrode as if dipped in acid. The stench was putrid, the sight vile. It was something even Chanterelle might find off-putting. Their blood, it seemed, turned to acid as it darkened over an odd shade of violet and began to etch into the concrete below them, eating off the paint of the metal containers around them, filling the air, too, with various chemical odors. The bodies broke down quickly, even the bone.

"Someone didn't want us dissecting them..." Samuel commented, still holding his sword, though now looking down at the deteriorating bodies with a clear face of disgust. Though, it was unclear if it was from the vile nature of their breakdown or the crude method of magical disposal.

Korne didn't say much in response. Not yet, at least. Instead, what echoed through his soul and into that of Feng, Aki, and Wes was a sense of disappointment. He made no efforts to hide it, though he could. He finally found someone that could, even if briefly, wield him half-decently, and the battle came to an end only seconds later. The emotions following his disappointment could best be described is a type of pouty sulking.

Finally, once the air had settled and most of the dogs were becoming quieter off in the distance, Samuel took a look over at Feng, wielding his weapon and two others. The look of disgust wasn't present, but he certainly wasn't amused. "Explain yourself," he commanded.

RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun Shotgunpenguin Shotgunpenguin EmperorsChosen EmperorsChosen

Feng Long
New York City - Between Bergen Basin and I-678
September 26th

She was just getting into the literal swing of things when the mutts backed off, abominations they were aside, it was impressive that they seemingly knew soul suppression, as well as amplification. Just what in the hell were these things? She was one hundred percent sure that those containers held those things. And now it seemed some sort of magic was at work, erasing all evidence that anything had happened at all. No, more likely than not, some shithead was crawling around in the back, some agenda was at play here and she didn't much like it.

No, not one bit. "I think they are gone if any of you want out of your weapon forms, but uh, keep close, just in case yeah? Magic, but something is...off?" Feng wasn't too sure what it was she sensed, but it wasn't the first time she confronted someone with some magical powers. Though in those days it was more akin to a sorcerer than any real powerful witches... But that didn't make sense, the dogs were trying to kill the witch on top of the forklift. Things to tell Nadia later on to see if she made sense of it. There were other, more important things to deal with now.

Samuel Smith chief of all. Er, of all, at all? She didn't know. "Aww no thanks for the help? I don't doubt you could have handled it all, but I don't even know what the sixteen hells that was, a lot of things have stunk or gone wrong... But ah, well, I'm part of reinforcements, DWMA, FATE Program if that matters any. They sent us with the hope my team leader, and her partner can poison the Kaiju and kill it that way. She sent us to find who was in charge of the local DWMA forces as to cooperate in our efforts, so, yeah, I'm just the messenger and acting as a middleman. Now, would you mind telling me what all this is? And I was told there were several witches here... And I can't decide if an American Boxer is spreading a werewolf curse by biting dogs is happening here or not."

Without any sign of fear, she faced the still armed Meister and crossed her arms, waiting to see what would happen next. Letting her partners decide if they wanted to stay as they were or to drop out of form.

Interactions: EmperorsChosen EmperorsChosen (Aki/Dani) Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul (NPC's) Shotgunpenguin Shotgunpenguin (Wes)
Last edited:


Eloise Keegan - Zelezny Brod, Czech Republic
'Do it,' Elly replied quickly on the topic of resonance, already sending her wavelength out for him to match. The tail being a weak-point made sense. If it wasn't for attacking, it was for balance in most creatures. Though at the very least, she did cut into the front leg of the three-headed beast, though it wasn't as deep of a cut as she'd have liked. The first beast didn't go down with the strike from the chainsaw

Like Kisei, Elly didn't care for a fair fight. She didn't want to be the honorable one, she wanted to be the one that walked away. It was for that reason that she wanted to remove the creatures as quickly as possible. Once the beasts were gone, it was six on two. As for why she didn't opt for the assassination route, Elly presumed the Bloodsuckers' senses would be a problem for that.

As she felt the boosted wavelength return to her, Elly spun on her heel, bursting off with a significant boon of speed. Urging Kisei to shift into the full scythe, as Elly drew upon the reptilian, he brought down the blade of one end of the scythe, twisting her body to hack at it as if reaping a harvest. Passing by it as the blade sunk into the flesh, she seemingly wanted to take Kisei up on his first piece of advice given that the creatures were obviously not going to be felled so quickly. The three-headed beast was naturally uncoordinated and, now, so was the reptilian.

"Use their incoordination against them and aim for the trio's front legs. I'm going to have to help Sara and Dante," Elly parted with orders as she flew past. Kicking off the creatures back again, Elly cracked the wall of the foyer as she landed on it and continued her dash over the other beast and straight for the second level on the opposite side of where Sara was. However, her target was not the Jiangshi, but the Baroness. If she was going to use magics to cover the other vampire's flanks, then that just made her a larger target. As she stepped foot onto the second level, this became more evident as she circled around the Bloodsuckers' flanks before charging that the Baroness's back.

RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul The Regal Rper The Regal Rper Haze- Haze- Pumpkid Pumpkid

Železný Brod; Czech Republic

‘Her charges, huh…?’ — She mused, chewing on her metaphysical nails while gazing off into the abyss in her soul room, pumping wavelength into Zosar’s limbs all the while — ‘I like the sound of that.’ Still left her ruminating whether or not she’d done anything wrong, but it was still what she wanted to hear. She wasn’t Ms. Attachment Issues (not just yet), but she had gotten quite fond of Sara even in the admittedly short time they’d known each other. She was one of her few loose connections with her almost nonexistent werewolf roots, a good friend too. Wren didn’t want to lose that.

She threw herself back onto the cold floor of her soul room, the candlefire dimming as she started to focus more on the two chimeras outside, diverting their shared wavelength into Zosar’s legs just in case that elemental vomit from the three-headed one managed to spread out that far.

The teeth whirred, the chainsaw landed square on the scalier chimera’s side, but it was still shallow. She glared with a raised brow at the black blood bubbling solid beneath the gaping wound, and the play of twitching muscle still holding on just beyond it. She could taste the sick, metal tang of black blood jammed between the teeth of the chainsaw like it were stuck to her own gums, but no extra flavors beyond that.

She groaned, springing up from the ground and staring off at the void with a stern look, arms crossed. It was annoying —Like a stick of butter…frozen solid.’ She sighed, calling back to that ‘like a knife through butter’ comment she’d made prior. Spoken too soon, apparently — ‘Least it aint acid blood again...’

“Yeah, be with you guys in a sec.” — She replied to Elly over the comms in Zosar’s place, saved him the breath

‘We’ll have to put some extra oomph if we wanna cut all the way through.’ The chainblade’s engine died down, a low rumble now, that they weren’t striking at all. She kept her eyes trained on the three-headed chimera while the scaly one focused Zosar, upper lip drawing back to an idiot-faced, shameless sneer once the idea crept up to her head.

‘Y’know what I’m thinkin’, don’tcha?’ — In turn, to Zosar’s head as well. She grinned, shooting a glance over her shoulder at no one in particular. The handle was warming with her spiritual energy on Zosar’s hand already, engine purring, metal teeth waiting to sparkle with the volatility of his. She was leading this time, extending out a hand for Zosar to follow— a mute request for trust.

The first time they’d done it, it was under the boost of chain resonance and the Hoshi pulling most of the weight in the regulation department. It’d been a thing in the spur of the moment, never replicated again due to her sensitivity to madness becoming extra sensitive after their incident with the golems.

In some inward, pretentious way she just wanted to know if she still had it in her, show off a bit. Logically, of course, her partner wouldn’t take that as a half-decent excuse — ‘We should deal with these two quick before they get more annoying than what they already are, join up with Elly and Sara to match numbers with the bloodsuckers.’

‘Shouldn’t come back t’ bite us in the ass too much if it’s only for a few seconds. ‘Sides, I’ve been getting pretty good at this energy management thing, y’know? Dare I say, I’m somewhat of a pro.’
That last part wasn’t so much to convince him of going the extra mile to shorten the battle as it was to make light of the situation. In her usual fashion. Once again, the worst thing fate had decided to grant unto her was the power of being a voice in someone’s head.

‘Not yet though,’The engine cooled down, shutting off completely — ‘I’ll send it all right when a hit lands.’

‘Energy management.’
She reiterated.

Maybe she really was a pro.

RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun The Regal Rper The Regal Rper Merciless Medic Merciless Medic Pumpkid Pumpkid Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul
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Paladins | JFK Airport, NY

The update on the details was the only thing needed to shift both Paladins in their course of action from thinking of the Witches as rogues that needed to be exterminated.

The female Paladin turned her attention immediately from the now empty spot where the witches had vanished underground, to returning to the side of her ally that had previously been in the location of Red Fang and Crimson as the two were pulled out by allies.

Clearly some sort of variance in abilities were on display, which also meant approaching this issue with caution.

Various gunners that had previously been assisting with the magical nonsense, now turned their weapons on Nadia’s group as well as the rest of Fox Hunt. Without hesitation, opened fire, specifically aiming for the bloodsuckers. Their aim, disperse the enemy into smaller divisions that could be picked off as a whole or nail the bloodsuckers with their kinetic firing Magitech weapons and keep them from getting a chance to properly focus on using that blood magic their kin were so well known for.

These trigger happy knights were not only shooting at their newly perceived enemy in the Fox Hunt, but their superiors- the two with spiritual presence that exceeded anyone of theirs made their own moves respectively the second this barrage of fire died when the chargers for their weapons seemed to hit it's max.

The female armored Paladin was first. She closed in on Crimson’s closest ally in a startlingly burst of speed, but her attack was a slashing arc across then her double-sided halberd led with a sharp agile thrusting stab towards the Helmet man with the strange projection abilities. The force behind the move combined with the speed was one smooth action that led into the next . Her spiritual energy flaring as she increased her own output to swiftly deal with the ones with the more unique features.

The swordsman came in steps after this sweeping slash from the female, his attack went straight for Red Fang. Like a shadow he followed near instantly in a burst of speed, swinging his blade straight up in a diagonal slashing move. Feet shifting with the movement to move away, adjust his move into a parry or to follow suit if it landed.

Mentions: RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun EmperorsChosen EmperorsChosen Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul

Interactions: Fox Hunt

Ark | Atlanta | Rings: 0/1

He hadn't been this spent in awhile. At Gauss’ remark Ark’s lips flapped aimlessly as he approached. It was a low ‘flpptptptptpt’ sound, that came from a form of more agreement than anything in the sentiment of his words. He found mild amusement in Maria’s reaction though. Improvement, at least before he would have expected her to take a more literal comment to that remark.

Yesterday had been a complete wreck, literally, and he had reveled in it. There hadn't been time for a sense of mild embarrassment given the situation, and perhaps that was a sign he had gotten better in his own head.

Now though,as he joined the two, he found himself less wracked by anxiety by his own actions in the throws of the Pull. Only being that in this case, he hadn't harmed anyone and the fact being the situation had impacted all the mages on the team or mostly all.

What really drew Ark up in thought was what sort of mages, because he had a hard time believing it was only one, could create such strange fungal monstrosities, even worse, what would it do with the bodies of the dead?

A deep breath of disgusting air was inhaled and Ark exhaled it out, glad to be alive, glad at least yesterday was yesterday and not continuing into today- and not the least but excited about what might come later.

As Zosar might say, ‘Let's hope Lady Luck wasn't listening when Gauss had said what he said just now.’ Though he would be lying if he didn't think there would have been satisfaction achieved in killing the ones responsible for that disgusting thing which had created such an abomination.

Mentions: Merciless Medic Merciless Medic

Interactions: RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun
Peckinou Peckinou Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul Meredith Meredith

Zosar | Czech Republic

‘Y’know what I’m thinkin’, don’tcha?’

He could practically see her endearing Cheshire smile in the tone of her voice alone. He could feel it through her without even needing to be asked.

The attack he made didn't cut, not as deep or as cleanly as he had wanted. And he knew what she was suggesting, the tingling in his hand said it.

In his head though it was less about trust, and more about if they could handle it. The first time, Kisei had helped, guided, they didn't have that here. Resonance wasn't just a one person thing, it was a tango. And like any dance routine that required good choreography, you had to practice.

They had done none of that. At most they had the time they spent with Kisei evaluating their different routes to Calm Mind, but that wasn't enough. Two weeks, wasn't enough.

Admittedly nothing about their pairing and the speed they worked at was really normal. He was still somewhat getting used to it. It was hard to just shake off years of always adjusting for others in just a short time frame. Wren kept up well, far better than even he had believed Fia said she would, hell she could lead even like she was offering too now, together they could cut loose with each other; sure with another partner, she could do the same stuff with time but there was an undeniable benefit his vast reserves provided that other Meisters lacked without training, and she let him finally cut loose in ways not a soul ever had been able to compare without suffering burn out-- even if he couldn't go all the way like he used to and had to adjust to the changes.

In the heat of the moment though could they gamble it?

The technique they had performed that day had only been done in the spur of the moment. Wasn't practiced, hadn't been since, and he knew how hard it was to repeat Resonance Techniques like that. First time Weapon Amplification Resonance wasn't so easily performed a second time.

The doubt on using it, or even needing it, was palpable to her, and Wren’s line of communication on her own skills couldn't be ignored without also insulting her in the process. She was getting better.

The move he made on the the reptile was countered by its tail and Zosar parried it as he made his reply.

We'll give it a try, I agree we should finish these guys off quickly. You've got my green light to do it when I attack. We'll move quickly, cut through this one then I'll immediately shift to the three headed beast.’

The block from the sweeping tail sent him sliding from the force of the hit, the beast was made of muscle and it showed in that hit. A direct strike from that wouldn't do him in but it would hurt, and even if these two beasts weren't coordinating attacks all he had to do was fumble to give either an opening to follow.

A thought had Wren spinning blades as she moved in on the reptilian.

With Baroness out on the field though and the Jiangshi on the approach against Sara, Zosar put in the speed while Wren guided the wavelength through his body as he executed a slashing feint that turned into a overhead downwards slash. It was as he made that front and brought his other hand on Wren’s handle, he issued the ready to her.


Soul Resonance!

Struck like a match, went further into a inferno. Zosar couldn't quite recall the exact moment that had led to that push, he hadn't really been paying that much attention in the heat of the fight- now that he was, all he could think about was killing this thing and moving on to killing the other one. It was primal, vicious- and it spoke to a part of him the Enlighteners had cultivated. As he moved in on the attack he fed Wren an extra dosage, more than what Rev Up would need, and simply let her take it and do as she pleased as he knew she could. He didn't think about how dumb a risky attempt this was or if it was a good idea, all he wanted was this thing dead and it's three headed friend to, that's all that mattered.

Mentions: RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun EmperorsChosen EmperorsChosen Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul Merciless Medic Merciless Medic Pumpkid Pumpkid

Interactions: Haze- Haze-

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Sara & Dante1724834958825.png1724834946297.png
Date: September 27, 2067
Location: Derelict Mansion, Liberec Region, Czech Republic
Interactions: Zosar, Wren, Elly, Kisei, Jianghsi, Baroness
Collab with Pumpkid Pumpkid
Mentions: N/A
The Regal Rper The Regal Rper Haze- Haze- EmperorsChosen EmperorsChosen Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun

This was likely a bad idea, but it at least gave the others time to deal with the chimeras. The Jianghsi’s stench was nearly overwhelming, and she nearly retched. Sara didn’t want to fight a person who was good at defensive fighting, so she would just refuse to fight back if she had to and play defensively herself. She just had to hold her own here and help Dante with establishing a resonance.

‘Okay, I know it’s been a while since you’ve resonated, but that’s okay. The gist is, we need to have the same goal we’re working towards and feel strongly in getting it comple-’

The stench of old magical blood permeated the area - along with fear - as Sara stared wide-eyed at the woman before them, who came from a bloody display of manifesting spears from the floor, her words in their soul space cutting off from her surprise.

Was that the Baroness…???

Fear struck her insides like a cold lance. Her tail curled, but she had to will it to keep it from curling between her legs.

She spoke in the soul space, her voice trembling. ‘D-Dante, what goal do you feel strongly for?!’

She had to keep herself from losing her sanity, her grip on Dante increasing as she felt stunned into standing still.

The Jianghsi, an unimpressive enemy in Dante’s opinion. There was nothing horrifying about them. He was just a lunatic ready for a fight. He had to scoff at the weirdo taunting them. They can easily take the Jianghsi down. Slowly, Dante was reverting to his old self only for Sara to start guiding him on a way for both of them to resonate. He rolled his eyes. It’s not like he hadn’t done it before, it’s just been awhile. Had he been honest, Sara’s instructions were a great refresher. He did indeed forget how to work with a partner. It’s still a strange feeling being carried, but he had to put that thought aside or else they’ll both die.

Then came The Baroness and their surprise assault of spears along with Sara’s quivering wavelength. That alarmed Dante enough to reach out to them, but stopped midway recalling what happened earlier. He was the problem of her discomfort. The way her collar beeped nearly caused her to be sent home. Everyone was suddenly against him because he tried to do good. What if it happens again, and he fails? Dante retracted his hand then hung his head. His fringes shroud over his eyes even while Sara stutters, desperately asking him what goal he wanted. He was practically abandoning her in a dire situation. Rejecting? No. He selfishly hung on to the small wavelength, unable to make up his damn mind.

He kept quiet. How pathetic and awful of him to do that to his partner after promising he would never do that to anyone, yet Kisei, Wren and Zosar’s words ran through his head. He was repeating his mistakes, unable to see the reason behind it is his selfishness.

Suddenly, she felt that connection diminish slightly. No, diminished wasn’t the right word. Distant? She began to panic despite her attempts to look confident on the outside, her tail now definitely curling between her legs despite the gritted teeth and fierce gaze as she stared down the two in front of her. It really felt like she was on her own again, the weapon in her hands becoming nothing more than useless dead weight. ‘D-Dante…?’ Her voice echoed through the soul space, a pitiful whimpering sound like that of an upset dog. ‘Dante, please don’t do this, I need you right now…!’ She cried for him in their soul space, desperate for his connection. All the while, she had to protect herself, using her lithe body and Dante’s weapon form as a shield to dodge and block attacks.

If he did nothing still, she didn’t know if Dante would be her partner anymore and that thought alone made tears prick the corners of her eyes despite the fierce expression she was holding.

He could hear her whisper. Pleading for him to reach out and do something. What ran through his head are the early events echoing like a hammer banging his head for him to get it together. That’s all they were asking of him even for a moment or until the mission was over. It’s not hard. He can do it and prove to everyone his worth, his place on the team. How was he not going to sabotage the group if he can’t snap out of it? Wren even asked a question of whether or not they can protect Sara. This was a partnership, and he was letting her down. Is that what he wanted to do? Let go? Didn’t he have a promise to keep to the little girl? His principle. That was his objective, and his goal. He found it, but what’s the use now? He was letting go, slowly letting her slip through his fingers.

Max’s voice rang in the back of his head reprimanding him to get himself together. This was not who he was. ‘What am I doing?’ He thought to himself finally pulling out of his self-pity. Sara needed assistance quickly. He can’t afford to have someone else’s blood on his hands. Dante reaches back to her in a fit of panic. ‘I’m sorry!’ He panted. ‘I’m sorry. You’re not alone.’ Dante claps his hands, placing them over his chest as if holding onto hers closely. ‘I’m not ready to let you go, yet. I still want to grow with you.’ He confessed hoping it wasn’t too late to save their connection.

Finally, that connection strengthened after an alarming diminishing of its strength. Relief smashed into her like a wave, and her voice came out stronger now as she spoke again due to their renewed strength in their connection. She can feel Dante scrambling, and honestly it was pretty cute. But they needed to get serious. ‘Good, thank you. So, that goal? What is it? And hurry, our conversation in the soul space can only go so fast in relation to the real world.’ Even if their conversation in the soul space was much faster than real life, they didn’t have much time to wait. That Jianghsi and the Baroness were upon them. She can hear fighting down the corridor, and a set of footprints getting closer.

At least they weren’t alone.

‘Don’t rush me.’ He groaned, trying his hardest to find a way to feel strongly about their goal. Oh, yes. Now he remembered what it was. ‘You want to know what it is? I want to save that little girl from these two right in front of us. I want to set her free. No child should be threatened.’ There was one other thing he wanted: ‘To keep you safe, and get you out of here alive with a partner intact.’

Sara was touched, really. If she were the Grinch, she swore her heart would grow three times its size. She wanted to save that girl too, and get out of this intact and keep Dante as a partner. Their goals having aligned, their connection finally strengthened just enough for them to amplify each others’ wavelengths. It wasn’t great, but it was a step in the right direction and they became a functioning meister and weapon pair to an extent.

‘Thank you, Dante. I feel much better now.’ Her voice was warm, confident, and it reflected in her posture.

In reality, it was only several seconds, of which Sara was busy making sure she wouldn’t get hurt. After the confirmation, her footing became more focused, she blinked away her forming tears, and her wavelength trickled through the connection. ‘All I ask is that you give me some of your wavelength, and then I can amplify it so I can really make your anti-magic wavelength strong.’

‘You got it.’ Dante gave her what she needed, finally finding his footing enough to want to give his all in the fight against the Jianghsi and Baroness. Whatever lied in store, he’ll have to keep focused and follow his meister's instructions. He was a weapon now. That meant protecting her at all costs.

The footsteps got closer, and she watched a blur glide through the corridor and go for the Baroness. Knowing who that was, she pumped the amplified energy back to Dante to help strengthen his anti-magic wavelength and charged for the Jianghsi, hoping to distract him long enough for Elly to do what she needed to. She figured that the Jianghsi would just bat her attack away or block it, which was why her swing was heading towards the side where a sudden change in momentum would send her attack flying towards the Baroness instead, like a game of dangerous ping-pong. Even if he went to dodge the attack, she’d just spin right around to attack the Baroness due to her momentum.

Now, if he grabbed it, she’d just have to kick him away.

The Missing of the Giant Mountains
Investigative Mission
Date: 09/27/67
Location: The Derelict Mansion - Liberec Region - Czech Republic

With the joint efforts of the team, the aquatic and reptilian beast fell before whatever features it had could be displayed, curiously, its blood seemed acidic and a gunky substance pooled out of the open wounds. Though of no real importance to the weapons, provided they were cleaned thereafter, this chimera was no longer a problem. Provided the Meisters didn't just walk into the acidic blood pool and black tar. The three headed beast however seemed to know what was happening, turning to growl at Zosar and Wren, before unleashing a vortex torrent of ice, thunder and flame. For now, Elly was not the concern of the beast, though with the enhanced abilities provided by their resonance, it was unlikely they chimera could even touch the pair.

Elsewhere and curiously, the Jiangshi's eyes or an eye, seemed to track Elly in passing, not wanting to break off from the enemy before himself, it was unknown what emotion would play out across is face, if any at all as he continued to hop on his feet, "Ehehoho." The undead laugh triggered once more, as it became quickly known just what sort of weapon he was, and why he had no Meister, or even attempted to engage them. He wasn't a defensive fighter, he was baiting her in as long chains flailed from his arms, connected to the three claws, aiming to entrap and slice apart the Werewolf Meister with one claw and its jagged chain, the Jiangshi assassin used the other arm to stab into the roof, wrenching himself as he swung back and forth, as if baiting or making ready for a follow up attack as the chain on the other arm started to spin.

"If you are of use to the Master, then do not die. I will kill these two then take care of the blue blur."

For her part the Baroness could do little but raise up a wave of blood to shield herself as she stretched out with her paranormal senses and hypnotic domination, aiming to catch the Meister in her own gaze, turning and using her blood magic to stretch out with tendrils of blood, her one command behind those eyes was a simple command, even if partially successful she would survive long enough for that executioner bastard to take out the rest...

Or so she hoped, these were stronger than the last ones... The command was rather simple, though she did not know how effective it would be, to enthrall or muddle one so strong; "STOP!" The Baroness screaming in command as the slits of her pupils narrowed in mid turn, aiming to meet the gaze of the other.

Interactions/Mentions: EmperorsChosen EmperorsChosen (Elly) Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul (Kisei) Merciless Medic Merciless Medic (Sara) Pumpkid Pumpkid (Dante) The Regal Rper The Regal Rper (Zosar) Haze- Haze- (Wren)
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