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Fandom Soul Eater: F.A.T.E

Nadia Semyonov
New York City
September 26th

Listening to the response of Adrian over the comms, it seemed they had just gotten unlucky, or the other partner had simply not looked at who or what Adrian was. Either way that did leave Nadia with something to ponder, her hostility at least initially to his mobster tactics, was as he had threatened her and Dani. But what if it was not either of their powers, but rather the fact the other two were weapons? If it were the latter case, then Adrian very much was in danger. Either way, this deserved some review.

"Adrian, finish your meal or whatever have you and don't repeat this verbally, do not be there when his partner is back, I'll explain everything later. Get to this point." Fighting to get her phone up before giving up, she motions for Feng to mark a place a couple blocks away from here. No further communications or response was sent. Having time in her struggle to carry Dani, Nadia started to ponder who, or what had tipped the dirtbag Paladin off, and just why he was seemingly recording all of this, he was not some innocent party, that much was true.

Whenever Adrian finally arrived she would tell the story of what happened and her intentions for her own actions, then theorized, rather than he knowing of the fire powers she and Dani had it might have just been him being hostile to Dani and Aki as they were weapons, given the Chruch's thoughts on weapons, which led her to ask; "It's pretty clear he doesn't like weapons or the DWMA at the least, but his partner decided to eat with you, was there no hostility or an attempt by him to look at your soul?"

With that said she shrugged with her good left arm, having left Dani to prop up against a wall of some sort of vendor stand or another. "So, what are our thoughts or suggestions going forward? Even if not for the one we ran in, I would sooner shoot myself than work alongside that bastard, even if it were an option. The DWMA made a massive gamble and suicide operation and if the man wasn't lying they couldn't even be assed to say we are here. I will not play political games, but it seems some vague hope that we can poison the beast is all they had left. Not to mention by killing it we quash whatever plans the Church had here. I also had hoped to make use of Wes's abilities to synergize with other forces, but given how badly that went just now, I'm not prepared to try that card again."

Interactions: EmperorsChosen EmperorsChosen (Aki) Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul (Adrian/NPC's) Shotgunpenguin Shotgunpenguin (Wes)

Sara MiddletonCute Texas2 (2).jpg
September 27, 2067
Location: Village of the Mountain Gnomes, Liberec Region, Czech Republic
Interactions: Dante, Elly, Kisei, Zosar, Wren
Mentions: Gnomes
Pumpkid Pumpkid EmperorsChosen EmperorsChosen Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul The Regal Rper The Regal Rper Haze- Haze- RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun

As they went to give the gifts to the gnomes, Sara looked dumbfounded as the gnomes didn’t seem to have any need for them. Odd.

Though the comment ‘midget’ Dante mumbled wasn’t lost on her - neither was the irritation spiked from that simple word being uttered from just about everyone - but Sara was surprised that the gnomes picked up on it, and even participated in some healthy banter. That was good! What was even better was sensing the absolute glee Dante had in seeing how cute the gnomes were. That sweet awe just because they were tiny?

Sara knew just what kind of gift she’d get him.

Anyway, Wren didn’t seem like a happy camper, especially after being called out to do some mine work, of which Kisei happily threw Wren, Sara, Dante, and partially Zosar under the bus to do some mine work. But to work for such cute little people? Hell yeah, she was going to enjoy every bit of it!

Even Elly didn’t seem opposed, but her choice of words and the tone used had Sara sighing to suppress a snicker. Ah, weren’t they trying to reprimand them by giving them some manual labor?

Wren, on the other hand, tried to tease Dante and she sighed. First, Kisei brought up his last name, then called Dante Carrot-top, and then now Wren called him Carrot-top…

That was, until she noticed that she didn’t get the dog treatment, but gave it to Dante instead. She pouted. “Aww, going to do that to him, but not me? I see how it is.” She huffed, crossing her arms. She can just feel her ancestors rolling in their graves. But the mock irritation gave way to a smirk and her bubbly demeanor was restored. “Well, I certainly don’t mind working for these sweet people. I’ll be carrying as much as I can~. Pretty sure I can beat ya in the strength department, Wren.” She teased. She knew she couldn’t pick up as much as Zosar could though, that was wishful thinking. She did turn to Zosar with a smile. “And thanks for coming along.”

She made sure to walk beside Dante but a little ahead of him, subconsciously acting as his shield against Wren and Zosar or … was it the other way around? Either way, she made her way to the mines to work.


Noah WileyNeutral Noah.png
Date: September 26, 2067
Location: Steel Pier, Atlantic City, New Jersey
Interactions: Gauss, Arkayis, Chanterelle, Maria, Ark, Raphael
Mentions: N/A
Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul Peckinou Peckinou Meredith Meredith RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun The Regal Rper The Regal Rper

It seemed like they were all at odds with these magical things. Ark tried to create a wall of sand, Chant had created a… terrarium? Raphael was trying fruitlessly to see if he could save anyone and throwing fish at the albatrosses, and Maria was blasting the fish with her wind magic.


And yet, it looked like they didn’t even start at all. It was mildly infuriating, even now as new enemies came forth. Gauss’s insight as to elemental affinities and magic were great, but he’d rather take it from the source. These massive mudskippers didn’t seem like they were working against them, they were just annoying. The baboons(?), mer-monkies(?), whatever they were called, were a direct danger.

That was when Gauss called to kill them. He readied his electrical energy just in case. Chant had given them a good sort of plan, but it confused him slightly. So, where was he supposed to hit? The ground filled with spores? He would much prefer causing an explosion, but to need that of natural lightning?

Well, he could reach that level of power, but he wasn’t so sure if he could do it today.

Then again, Gauss and he could just resonate and they could create an exceptionally powerful bolt of lightning.

Maria was apparently needing to fix up a spell that could do what Chanterelle asked and he couldn’t help but admire the boldness of modifying a spell during combat. Chanterelle’s game terminology of ‘overgrowth’ had him imagining empowering nature with some kind of high-energy element to create not only an explosion, but also cause a chain reaction that would burst the area with even more of nature’s creations. This idea was shared with Gauss, but there was a hint of uncertainty, as if he was unsure if the latter was what she even meant at all. It would mean her job would get easier afterwards… at least, he thought so.

He spoke from his weapon form, making sure Chanterelle heard it too. “I’d much prefer makin’ an explosion, but whatever ya think is better, Gauss.” With that, he awaited what Gauss would do.


Raphael ValeriasChara3.jpg
Date: September 26, 2067
Location: Steel Pier, Atlantic City, New Jersey
Interactions: Chanterelle, Maria, Ark, Gauss, Arkayis, Noah
Mentions: N/A
Meredith Meredith RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun The Regal Rper The Regal Rper Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul Peckinou Peckinou

Raphael was busy focusing on that magic circle, but when he saw that there were some dead - and maimed body parts - he immediately felt revulsion. Sick.

Not sick in the stomach, but sick in his soul.

He… He tried to save them, but he was far too late. His magic circle failed due to his break from concentration, and a weird fish-monkey came charging at him. Thankfully, Maria had his back. He shook his head, trying to quell the rage from within about his inability to be a hero. He rushed forward, only to pause when he heard Chant ask Maria to still the air and Maria said she needed some time.

Instinctually - and as a thank you - he created his magic circle again, chains erupting up and out as he protected Maria from the fish, as well as protecting himself from the fish-monkies that came after him. He didn’t know what else he could do in this scenario, he honestly felt stuck, and seeing those dead and maimed bodies when he was expecting unconscious living ones…

Was this how Sara reacted during her help with the April Fools’ Festival? Wasn’t Noah there also? And Gauss and Arkayis?

He was partially glad Noah couldn’t see what he was doing, but he was sure Noah was going to see this at some point. He wasn’t sure if the others would get affected by this either. Still, Raphael had to push those thoughts away, instead focusing on protecting Maria until she finished that spell. Once she finished, he dissipated his magic circle and ran through the debris, hopping over them skillfully with his experience of parkouring through the dingy, dirty alleyways of Death City, arriving near Ark.

“Got an idea, bud. These fish things are coming from the water, yeah? Let’s make the air arid and hot, they’d be forced to leave lest they turn into a raisin or get cracked skin.” He awaited for Ark’s decision, using his chains to ensnare any fish-monkies that came their way and throw them back.


Dante Holiday
Location: Village of the Mountain Gnomes-Liberec Region, Czech Republic
Interactions: Kisei Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul & Wren Haze- Haze- / Mentions: Heimdall RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun Zosar The Regal Rper The Regal Rper Sara Merciless Medic Merciless Medic Elly EmperorsChosen EmperorsChosen

Heimdall’s comeback towards Dante was unamusing. He’s heard a better insult than what the adorable man gave him. He was certain Gnomes probably do the same and bump into cabinets or shelves. It was an adorable attempt to say the least. Dante merely crosses his arms and scoffs. What really riled Dante up was Kisei’s nickname for him:


One thought came to mind,

’This mother fucker sold me out!’

After Sara vouched that Kisei was different. Someone who could change his mind about Hoshi. Was he actually going to give him a chance? Maybe, but now that went out the window. There was no chance in hell he could trust Kisei anymore. Dante locked in on his mischievous grin. He was enjoying throwing the others under the bus too while he got to sit around on his ass as ”punishment”. Carrot-err-Dante’s blood boils to the core. Jaw clenched, teeth gritting, as his eyes set to kill this bloody ninja. There was even a growl reverberating from his chest. ”You no good-achoo!” Goosebumps crawl all over his skin as another sneeze comes into play. Then another sneeze, and another, and another. What was going on with him? Were his allergies acting up? He didn't feel sick. Maybe someone was talking about him?

He wiggles his nose for extra measure in case there is another sneeze. Nope. His eyes shift to Zosar’s mug and Wren grunting at him for some unknown reason. He glances back at them for a moment before shrugging them off. Why did he suddenly feel like everyone in the group has a vendetta against him? It was uncomfortable. He didn't do anything…yet.

Either way, every member volunteered into labor. Yes, including Dante. He wanted to learn more about the tiny Gnome people. How did they live? What was their origin? Why are they small and cute? Could he perhaps steal one? So many unanswered questions. He hoped they would respond with answers.

His train of thought was derailed by the brash werewolf. The idiot that cannot pronounce a word had the audacity to also call him Carrot-Top? He had half a mind to call her mutt but decided against it and used something else. ”Sure thing, sauerkraut.” He smirked, proudly of his response. Two can play at this game. Dante’s half smile drops into a thin line of bemusement at the mention of his parents. He wasn't touchy about the subject, but he definitely repressed those words. It reminded him he had no one. Rather than snap at Wren for attempting to treat him like a dog, he shut down and followed quietly to the mines without saying a single word.



Adrian Hackney

"The Maiden"

Species Human
Partner None
Rank Fate Agent

Location North of FK International Airport, New York City, NY
Mission Colossal Combat
Status Neutral


"Now that you mention it, he did bring up my soul. He said it looked like I was heartbroken? I think he was misinterpreting my wavelength... I had to uh, tell'm I'm pretty sure none of my immediate family is dead and that my girlfriend was just a few blocks away. He's got a pretty thick accent so I may have missed something. He also said something about sweet tea a few times," Adrian explained over the comms, though even with the barrier of radio transmissions, the confusion that came from him was pretty obvious.

Adrian arrived at the unoccupied street the group was at, though he did not arrive alone.

Along with him was a masked man that looked like he was right out of the Ninja Gaiden franchise. If that wasn't confusing enough, he was carrying a few metal cases alongside Adrian, though these were made of the type of thin aluminum construction that one might expect cutlery in, not weapons. With a brief glance of Soul Perception, the man would have appeared human. However, there was a certain almost too-perfect quality of his soul that was reminiscent of Red Fang, though of this group, only Nadia might have the potential to pick up on that. Oddly enough, this quirk was better seen than heard, making this a situation where Wes' audible perception was less useful. Either way, the new suited figure appeared fairly out of place, all things considered.

"So, uh..." Adrian said, stammering. He looked over to the new guy, then back at Nadia. He wasn't sure how she would take a surprise like this and Adrian was oblivious to the potential identity issue at hand.

"Let me introduce my friend here. He goes by Blue Steel and he offered to help me carry this stuff," Adrian explained, gesturing to the cases with a quick nod. "Simon insisted I take some food rations to you. He said was 'real sorry' about his partner. Actually, he said something about the sun coming up just to hear him crow and that we should probably pray for him," Adrian added, still very clearly quite confused by his interaction with Simon. Which made sense, Adrian was from New York and raised in the DWMA. He didn't exactly have experience with southern gentlemen.

The Missing of the Giant Mountains
Investigative Mission
Date: 09/27/67
Location: Village of the Mountain Gnomes - Liberec Region - Czech Republic


(OOC notes; the following scenes will be compressed and a summary towards moving to the next objective, unfortunately it's not a viable place to hang about for a bit in light of the other missions.)

With something of an amused huff, Heimdall was somewhat pleased by how quickly the others wished to get to work, though he was a bit disappointed in the fact none of them seemed keen on asking questions among the ones the Mountain Gnome had cause to speak with. The others minus the broody looking fellow seemed a bit eager to get to work, for sake of brevity he would use his magics and horn once more to call one of the other Gnomes that had been there to meet the visitors,

"Trygve! Over here!"

"Eh?!" Speaking up in turn a curious sight that was unlike any other Gnome seen so far came trotting along, lacking a beard or even hair, the fellow did not even on a pointed hat, but he had the unmistakable aura of the rest, had the nose and the ears as well. He just seemed extremely old. He even had liver spots and his eyes were barely open, with a candle connected to a platform and band atop his head pausing to look at the humans, the pair exchange words in their unknown language, but the bald one seemed a bit dismissive of the group, or maybe the work expected of them. Gazing at four he was to take, Trygve speaks up, also in English, though it had some sort of accent attached to it and was not nearly as good as that of Heimdall;

"I am Trygve, Son of the Earth, keeper of the stone. I cannot have you all in our mines but for so long, we go work now." Motioning for them to follow, he seemed decently fast for his age and the pickaxe he kept on his back with other supplies did not seem to slow him down at all, in his own way, he was strong. As the group carried along the paths to the mountains, the old Gnome seemed keen to answer their questions and upon arriving in the area they were meant to be, he pointed to crates, sacks and trollies. "You move, we talk. Hah? Take you into the mines proper? You would only get in the way; mining is hard work."

Detailing the history of the Gnomes their society and culture, he did not answer every question, but enough, he even let them seen the immediate ore line, where plenty of Gnomes went off with hand tools and took minecarts or otherwise busied themselves, singing as they went about their tasks.

"We Gnomes are Spirits of Nature given form. We Mountain Gnomes are borne of the stone, of this mountain and of the Green, we are of this world, though of the Fae as you say. That is why we did not go with the Great King. We protect the treasures of this mountain and its purity. Men and Mage has tried to take this area, to pollute the earth to call upon the ley line that lies beneath and we have fought them and moved through the earth, but we gnomes are cleverer than most and our greed has allowed us understanding with man. We mine these hills and trade it for things and riches of your world, we keep our mother pure and manage the resources of this area, as limited as it may be, as our brothers the Forest Gnomes do as well nearby.

There are no females among our kind, nor do we have those desires that make up the base of man. Hmm? I wouldn't say that makes us akin to Golems, but it does mean we unique ways of being "born" and of death. We all are brothers born of stone. Though we have to, ah, return to recharge... What's that mean? Too bad for you I won't answer that! Gahhahaha! Be thankful we Gnomes do not seek conflict unless it comes to us. Now work your backs as you do your jaws, I've only got little over half an hour to make use of you, Heimdall is being too generous. And not all that exists in these mountains have reason to co-exist. And no, I can't say any of us would willingly leave this land, it is not our home, it is our family, and we all are brothers. Why don't I have a beard? Just wasn't lucky, plus I've lived the longest of us all that still are here."

With the conversation carried on, the four would be tasked with doing as the Gnomes had said, true to their word, moving ore, gemstones and crystals, though showing they did not just trust them, the bags, crates and trollies were checked upon arrival. While elsewhere, Heimdall was seemingly intent to stringing things along, telling much the same story to Elly he would even put out a game that was pretty much dice, though of an ancient type and of the sorts that were akin to that of the Vikings. Admitting later on that he was just buying time till some of the other agreement was met, the Mountain Gnome seen no reason to beat around the bush.

"Put simply, your trade was worth little to us as it happened before. Once an item becomes more plentiful its value becomes less. As to the Witch, eh, looked like a human, black hair. Almond eyes like your partner there. Reminds me of the Huns... But ah, yes, my end of the deal. We don't get involved with what you Children of Man do to one another, we aren't no heroes, and our duties and purpose are clear. Our scouts patrolled and went to the other side of the mountain, when we came upon the road, or they did rather, the road sees very little traffic, its mostly used to ship our ore out to German and Czech factories, or gems to Jewlers and crystals to Magic shop producers, And a number of, what's the word, the trucks with the backs for carrying things, close like a box? I only know the Czech and German words for it, but a convoy of two moved down the road and our men became all the more curious followed the tracks, there we encountered a mansion with a third truck being loaded, with something of the least value to a Gnome. Humans.

They were all dazed and we were pretty sure the ones who weren't were blood suckers, I figure it was 10 pm by your clocks. I was a bit curious and dispatched men in the following days, we only found yet more signs of disappearances, then we decided to best leave it be. As I said, what you men do in your quarrels is best left to your own. There was nothing to be gained in that deal, only trouble and death to our doorstep. Your men still owe me thirty minutes. Once they are done you are free to leave, go join them if you wish or we can continue rolling the dice. Care for a wager or two? As to where the spot was, 6 kilometers to the east on the other side of our mountain. There is a trail that will take you there, or you can just follow the road, it wraps around the mountain on this side, so it will be more like twelve kilometers. A fresh road then comes out, but it may be hard for you to see, just keep your eyes peeled for even the slightest trace of tire tracks. Your others obviously failed, though the Witch took a different path altogether."

With this information relayed, Elly while not wanting to be rude or to betray her internal emotions agreed to the game, but no sooner than the deal with the Gnomes was concluded the team would race off towards the drab mansion. Taking the road around the mansion, the tracking skills of the Hoshi and two werewolves would pay dividends as they found the trail, coming upon;

The Missing of the Giant Mountains
Investigative Mission
Time: (11:37) Date: 09/27/67
Location: The derelict Mansion - Liberec Region - Czech Republic

Off in the distance a dismissal mansion awaited the group, looking as if it came out of the 1800's, which it likely did, a crude iron fence wrapped around the property and gardens of mazes and roses awaited the group, an oppressive atmosphere enveloped it, and it was clear even from this distance someone WAS watching, be it conceit or not seeing a point in making themselves known, no immediate action was carried out, as the Manor laid before them, easily inside of Elly's reach, but not the soul perception of the rest.

Worryingly, or surprisingly, as if to evade her detection till it was too late, a small girl suddenly appeared. A Witch. How did she suppress herself so long, or had she simply teleported? Soon thereafter and much less surprising a bloodsucker was right behind her, with the soul signatures of at least two more lingered in the mansion, plus the souls of monsters, at least two, though very shakenly another blood sucker soul seemed to be near, before vanishing from sight.

Curiously neither attacked, if anything the girl seemed amused, dressed in black lolita style clothing and carrying a stuffed rabbit, death iconography decorated her hairband as she hummed a pleasant-sounding tune. She was rather young, but had a large mana pool at her disposal, if she were friend or foe or what her connection was here, that remained to be seen.

"Oh My, what lovely doggy people. Can I pet you?" She said in British accented English aimed at Sara and Wren. Her guardian or whatever they were stayed with a hand, a mechanical one at that, resting upon the hilt of a sword. This one gave off an air of danger in how she carried herself. Dressed in black and red, she had a number of mechanical enhancements, clearly having been wounded, likely a mercenary. One with a serious backer, likely not the Baroness, whose soul Elly could detect within the manor.


"Hey, hey! Are you here to play?! Can I read your future? Pretty Lady." She said of Elly, her eyes boring in.
"Madam, you should not speak to this riffraff, I can smell long passed blood on all of them. Please move away."

Interactions/Mentions: EmperorsChosen EmperorsChosen (Elly) Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul (Kisei) Merciless Medic Merciless Medic (Sara) Pumpkid Pumpkid (Dante) The Regal Rper The Regal Rper (Zosar) Haze- Haze- (Wren)[/scroll]
Last edited:


Daniella Ethalyn - JFK International Airport, New York
Dani's heart raced. Rather than calm down after the priests had left, the worry that Adrian also ran into the assholes made her even more anxious. He was pretty defensive, but if they could blitz him—Well, the Demon Sword didn't want to think about worst-case scenarios. Especially since that would just lead to her own aggravation.

However, to her pleasant surprise, he responded through the communicator, and what he said gave her pause. "...the fuck did he say...?" Dani asked with a hint of irritation and surprise.

They were having lunch. This piece of shit walked up to them and picked a fight, and there was another pack that were having lunch with Adrian. Dani wasn't mad at the difference in treatment. She much preferred that he was treated well than ran into a situation like they did. She was more shocked and confused than anything. Perhaps they were brainwashing him. For all she knew, they could do that. It seemed cultish enough to fit.

Nadia asked some valid questions, though it didn't seem they had answers, nor did they have the time or capacity to go looking for them. As Nadia left her against a wall, Dani slowly slid down it, the tinge of rejection still lingering on her like a bad hangover. Though, she noticeably perked up as she saw Adrian approach, before her face narrowed into a scowl as she saw his companion.

Dani growled out as she propped herself back up to her feet using the same wall she was sat against. "Those other assholes mentioned cameras... Bet these guys have'em too. More PR bullshit. Pick a fight with us to make us look bad then come over and offer us food to make yourselves look benevolent—if it ain't fucking laced..." She spat out, still bitter from the whole ordeal. Though, it was hard to say whether the earlier display of power, rejection, or simply Dani trying to restrain herself kept her wavelength and emotions from flaring—too much.

The only thing she could give them props for is that they didn't seem to mistreat Adrian, but given their past experiences, Dani sooner chalked that up to it suiting them more rather than them not being dicks.

Scoffing a bit at that, she paused briefly, if only to switch from vitriol to addressing Nadia's question. "Fuck if I know... We got my—thing, plus yours. It could give us the power boost to do some damage. Maybe treat it like a vaccine, aim for some place with a blood vessel, have the thing's—not nervous... vascular system?—transport the venom through itself while it melts... I dunno," She let out a huff. Fighting something this big really was unwieldy.

Pushing off the wall, she moved towards Adrian and tugged him by his hand a bit. "...They really didn't mess with you or anythin'...?" She asked in a quieter tone, still somewhat worried despite him seemingly being okay.

RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul Shotgunpenguin Shotgunpenguin
Wes Kraven - Headshot.jpg
Wes Kraven
Streets of New York, New York
September 26th
Mentions: RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun EmperorsChosen EmperorsChosen Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul

“Would it really be such a bad thing to just let them deal with it?” Wes suggested, sitting on the ground with his back against the base of an abandoned bodega. Packets of chips, newspapers, and little trinkets perched above his head as he considered seeing if they had one of those stickers he could slap on his case back home. He already had one from New York, but it was starting to fade and rub away, so it wouldn't have hurt to grab a replacement while he was here. “End of the day, so long as the kaiju dies, does it really matter who kills it?”

At least, that was how he felt about it. The whole ‘politics’ thing never made much sense to him when it came to responding to disasters and situations. A whole bunch of posturing and trying to shove the actions of your people above everyone else's, all the while the people who need help are forgotten while everyone argues about who gets to help the most. So why did it matter who killed what, or who would take credit for doing the most, if they solved the problem first then they could take all of the time in the world to spin it in their favor.

Plus, if the church dealt with the kaiju, that just meant their mission was over without him having to actually do anything. Then it was just a plane trip back to Death City, a quick walk from the runway back to his apartment, and a single key turn before he could collapse onto his couch and get back to his shows.

When Adrian arrived at the meeting point, he had apparently picked up a new friend, although thankfully they didn’t look like they belonged to the church. His outfit was radically different from the full suits of armor and clerical robes the blue haired man and the knights wore. Additionally, his soul lacked the spiteful or slightly holy tone that was present in the others.

He wasn’t sure if he had met up with Adrian before or after his little brunch with the church, but in the long run it really didn’t matter that much. What did matter were the cases he and Adrian were carrying, since they apparently had food supplies gifted from the church.

Which meant that they either already had the supplies prepared, and had enough extra to give away without much thought; or that this was another political move of some kind. Maybe catch them on camera ditching the supplies instead of lugging them around and passing them out to any survivors they came across.

Either way, he wouldn’t be eating anything from the cases. Ever since the wine incident in Hawaii, Wes had been a lot more careful about eating or drinking things that people offered him. Adrian might have had a fine and dandy time with his paladin, but after the verbal and literal physical assault by the blue haired man, he wasn’t about to accept anything from the church.

“No thanks.” Wes reached a hand into his sweatshirt pocket, pulling out a meal bar and gripping the edge of the foil between his teeth, pulling it away and tearing the top open. Spitting the torn scrap to the side, he took a bite of his bar, speaking in-between his chewing. “I’m good.”

And as far as praying for the blue haired man, he doubted that he’d accept prayers from himself or the rest of the group. Wes paused, cocking his head to the side slightly, and grabbing his snack in-between his teeth. ‘Actually, it’d probably piss him off if he found out.’

With a small shrug of his shoulders, he put his hands together and offered a simple, unenthusiastic prayer for the man. If he really was a man of god, maybe his lord could help him with… whatever was going on inside of his head.

Taking another bite from his snack, he chewed on a piece of the chocolate tinged bar before asking out loud. “So now what?” Giving a head nod in the opposite direction Adrian had came from, he continued. “Head for the Kaiju and bring along the church’s stuff? Or do we want to just leave it here.”
Nadia Semyonov
New York City
September 26th

Listening to all Adrian had to say, Nadia forced her smile at introduction of the new person, letting her soul perception sweep over him, something wasn't right there, it reminded her of the Mercenary in LA, he likely was hiding something. That was reason enough to be on guard around him, yet she couldn't afford to be hostile in the here and now. This whole situation was as garbage as the last. She could only do what struck her as correct to do and still physically able thanks to that asshole in the robes. She would not allow him to get off so easy.

Still, it did tie her hands in this regard. "Hmm, Blue Steel is it? I assume you are a Mercenary? You hardly look the part of the choir. So, what brings you here?" Then her attention shifted to the containers that both brought. "I assume you checked the contents of all of them Adrian? What is in them? Also..." Nadia switched her full attention onto Wes, her smiling face carried an air of danger, if not her customary arrogance, though the later seemed to fade from her face, "...you say that as if we all are on the same side. We are not. Who kills it carries meaning in the next couple of years, if we laze about and do nothing, the DWMA may even be sanctioned or forced to share its trade secrets. Or the Church will gain yet more power. We are just pieces on the board.

And while it is sensible of you to bring your own food, but we have a duty to do. If I were to do as you wished I am sure something unpleasant would await us in the near future, provided we were not ordered to stand our ground. Though even wounded, I have no intention of leaving. Still, this Simon sounds as if he's an American Southerner, only they talk that way and carry on about iced sweet tea. As to if we carry all of this, that depends on what it is and if it's untainted."

Interactions: EmperorsChosen EmperorsChosen (Aki/Dani) Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul (Adrian/NPC's) Shotgunpenguin Shotgunpenguin (Wes)


Blue Steel

Species Bloodsucker (Concealed)
Partner N/A
Rank Three-Star

Location North of JFK Airport, NYC, New York
Mission Colossal Combat
Status Focused


The man with the facemask proved to be a hard read both physically and spiritually. His eyes were quick to scan the group, but aside from that, he was quite statuesque. A problem exacerbated by the fact half his face was covered by a mask. Still, it was hard to find someone even in his garb daunting when he was carrying containers full of what was allegedly humanitarian food.

Luckily, his voice was not as distorted by the mask as his face.

"It is my code name, yes," he responded, flatly answering the question, "and, I suppose mercenary is the best term for what I do."

Before he continued speaking, he walked over to one of the benches nearby on the street to sit down the three large cases he was carrying. While they weren't necessarily heavy, they were cumbersome and, at least to him, didn't feel appropriate to continue holding onto for social convention. Each case was roughly three feet long, a foot in width, and something like eight inches tall. Three stacked on top of each other covered most of his chest even when he carried them at waist high and were nearly to the chin of Adrian doing the same. On either side of the handle were two latches that could be flipped open to reveal the contents.

Which... were rather lackluster. Several 12oz water bottles short enough to fit within the case, then what appeared to be stacks of hard tack and assorted nuts.

"I understand your concerns of the food. However, it is doubtful that it is tainted. The church has hundreds if not thousands of these in addition to caches of medical supplies. They have used their early arrival to the scene to distribute them. I would suggest offering it to any victims or civilians you encounter if you do not want it yourself. Given the sheer amount they provided, that was likely their intention," he explained, his tone mostly neutral aside from a brief shift to an almost accusatory tone in how the church was using their time. Still, it was hard to find a fault here as there was nothing inherently wrong if they actually distributing food to victims.

"That all said, I have no means to test it," he admitted.

"I digress from the food," he went on, quickly shifting topics.

"I believe you have encountered members of my team recently. Reports spoke of a foul-mouthed Russian with Ice Blood in her veins and a Demon Weapon with a Murderous Soul. They claimed you did not abstain with working with them for any reason," he explained, more so describing Nadia and Dani. Also, revealing he was associated with Red Fang and the others. It all connected. The picture might have even became more clear here that Bloodsuckers, such as himself, were acting with stealth given the church was present. In a way, that made them all tentative allies, mercenary or otherwise.

In truth, a situation Nadia and Dani were in not that along.

"I will admit, I am curious as to any agents the DWMA is sending at this time. Both the church and the first line of offense from the DWMA failed to halt the creature, though they did at least steer it away from the airport. Efforts are now with artillery from the U.S. Military and the ranged specialists at the DWMA to herd it to the water, but it has been a stalemate. They have been trying alternative methods more recently... bringing in mercenaries and Witches. My band is preparing a ploy, but only after the first line of Witches have had their turn in attempt," he explained, not only updating them on the situation, but further painting the picture of failure present. It was now a multi-prong assault with these alternative methods being mentioned.

"Forgive the implication, but you don't seem particularly strong. It's reasonable to believe you are one of the secret weapons of the DWMA, then. Of which I am curious, but benignly so," he admitted. He was neutral the whole time, but there didn't seem much more to him than curiosity. It made sense. If people far more powerful and actual weapons had failed, what was special about them?

It was a fair question. Especially given Nadia and Dani knew what was special about their merry little undead band.


Ark | Atlanta | Rings: 0/1

It might have been morbid to Raph if he had noticed it at all. Just like on Dall Island, Ark did not react much to the dead, in the same way he had been stone silent and shown little outward emotion at viewing Rand, and said little when they had visited him.

The appearance of anura-apefish leaping into the fray had a much stronger, readable reaction, than the complicated concoction of emotions that swirled at the appearance of the dead innocents.

Ark was quick to react to the ones that were gunning for them, unlike his stalled reaction observing them leap into the storm. These creatures clearly had the physical strength to bust through obstacles he could create just by looking at them so instead of just making an obstruction, he shifted his construct to a downpour that fell into a near swarm behind him that surged forward, aiming for the ones targeting him as Raph defended himself with his chains.

The surge of sand struck like a coiled snake, if snakes could spew sand at a high pressure rate. Like being hit with the full force of a hydro pump from a Blastoise, the marbles of sand he sent out with an outstretched hand in his target’s direction struck like a charging empowered mutant bull and then that forceful pressure moved forward in carrying the beast as well as the one Raph had defended against a distance away that sent them bawling to the ground if not also suffering from the damage of being hit from thousands of marble compacted sand at mid range with sudden force.

Gathering that same sand trail back around him with shifts in movement, Ark turned his attention to Raph as he spoke, already weighing on what to do.

The suggestion his companion made was…not bad, he could give it a try, at least on these assailants. Trying it on a wide scale as Raph was suggesting was not something he would be capable of doing. Not without converting a large chunk of the beach into a field of volcanic slag, and that alone would require their assistance.

What he could do instead, with a hand pointed at the apefish and the other hand clenching, Ark split the piles of sand into two divisions, sending one towards the creatures he had just knocked back, he enclosed the beasts in a circle of rapidly moving sand. As he did this, his grimoire glowed. The sand rose into a column, gathering more from the beach itself to increase in size to become a whirling mini cyclone that enclosed the creatures he was focused on, and as the whirling cyclone of stand whipped up, the spell from his grimoire to generate heat made the temperature within the wall of sand increase as the sand itself grew hotter.

If it worked, perhaps he could do the same in cooking these creatures, or at least cooking some. of them since it would need to rely on these beasts being trapped within the cyclone first.

Mentions: Merciless Medic Merciless Medic

Interactions: RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun Shotgunpenguin Shotgunpenguin ]
Peckinou Peckinou Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul Meredith Meredith
Feng Long - Aki Kiyoko - Nadia Semyonov - Daniella Ethalyn
New York City
September 26th

With all that was happening Feng largely kept to herself, taking notice of the new arriving fellow, and the luggage he and Adrian carried between one another, she defaulted in letting Nadia deal with it all, cocking her head at what Wes said, she said a simple;

“Hey now… We can’t just laze around, people are dying out there.”

At further mention of the containers, Feng decides to just open them herself.

Aki watched as the mercenary appeared with Adrian, humming with interest at the man’s outfit. It was interesting, to say the least, though the Demon Gun was more caught up in the fact it looked cool. Her attention was quickly captured when they mentioned they brought food, though the residual nausea made her hesitant.

“I think everyone’s overthinkin’... What I said before, I didn’t mean we had to race with them. The guy in the dress even said they were going around providing support. If they could do anything to the Kaiju, they would have…” Aki pointed out. “Either we can do something to it or no one can. Otherwise why would they have sent us? Still…” The girl trailed off as she looked up at the creature in the distance. “I’m not sure what I can do. I’ve never shot something that big. Even if I put my all into it, I wonder if it’d even feel it… Maybe its eye?”

Looking through the contents of the crate, Feng shook her head. “The water and nuts might be useful, but the hard…biscuits? Bread? Well, thats useless, and if this is what you were eating for breakfast with that man, I pity you. I would just portion out what we need and store the rest or offer it to civilians… And Aki, I don’t think we were brought here to help with that, I’m not sure why we are here, rather than a 3 star team.”

Aki merely shrugged at that. “Three-stars don’t have the fire tail thing,” She stated simply. Likely, they were just there for support, or at least that’s what she believed.

Feng’s eyes narrowed at that, that was likely meant to be a secret, well too late now.

Nadia Semyonov
New York City
September 26th

With all the previous things being said and done, Nadia exhaled and likely did something a bit surprising, she did not dispute what the Mercenary had to say in regard to herself. And of all of this, she however would show no weakness, but yet again her leaders had failed her, as far as she seen it at least. And Aki's mouth, and likely what the other members of his team had to say, and there were also the other issues he had brought up, more so in working with them over the Church. Starting in the reverse order she spoke, finally moving over to frown at the contents of the boxes.

"I do not know why that surprises your people. I am told how the Chruch is good people, or the moral choice, or some other absurd Chush’ sobach’ya! How am I to work with people who openly want to replace us, how they do not consider witches and weapons to be humans, or how by their definition I am not human. It is akin to an alliance my country made long ago, and surprise, as soon as the mutual need was out of the way they stabbed us in the back before we could them."

Holding her hands out to the side, she shrugged. "I am constantly given reactions of shock or disbelief that I would work with mercenaries of corrupt businessmen, before I would my ideological enemies and it is getting very thin. They may have the better PR but it only shows two things, one Democratic popularity is a game of fools and liars and two, most people are fucking idiots. I do not know what world some people live in, but it is devoid of common sense. If I must work alongside them I will, but I rather just operate towards some common goal from differing lines, I've no need to be friends with them, but I'm not against us making use of one another."

Moving on to the next issue she sighed. "There was no plan, I was told to improvise upon landing and tasked with fighting off the monster. I don't even know where the other teams were, and if the asshole that surrounded us with his bible study group is correct, the DWMA saw fit to ask nor tell anyone of our arrival. For all intents and purposes, this is an act of politics, desperation and expendable assets."

Then finally, the last point to be delt with. "I am not strong enough to defeat it in an open fight. Truthfully, I doubt anyone currently alive or in their current state can alone. I am not the strongest, nor have I ever claimed to be. There are plenty within the DWMA who are stronger, I only aim to work up and match them, till one day others ask if they are strong as I.

As the blue haired said, my partner and I have picked up some special features that go beyond strength. Our general aim is to get close to the monster, hopefully it has major blood vessels we can reach and see if we can poison it. Moving it into water will be a problem for my current team. Otherwise, I am still learning what is about here and if there is any sort of plan or co-operation whatsoever."

Then there was the matter of the crates. "We will not be weighed down with meaningless items in the form of these cases, take what we need and leave the rest, or carry it and find people who need it. If we are here for days, then clearly mistakes were made."

Interactions: EmperorsChosen EmperorsChosen (Aki/Dani) Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul (Adrian/NPC's) Shotgunpenguin Shotgunpenguin (Wes)


Eloise Keegan - Zelezny Brod, Czech Republic
As they rushed toward their next location, Elly ushered them as fast as they could go whilst not wasting too much energy, going too fast to detect threats, or flaring their wavelength much. As the manor entered her range of Soul Perception, Elly slowed their advance, scanning it as best she could. She had the gnawing feeling that they were being watched, however despite that unnerving feeling, she couldn't pick up what it was or where it lay. However, she could detect signatures within the manor, one of which was the familiar signature of the baroness.

It seemed their sponsor was correct in his presumption. Though, it was odd of her to come here and be so careless with her attacks. She was supposed to be particularly wily, which made her actions all too suspect.

However, it was then that another signature appeared, immediately and within close proximity. Elly halted immediately, cocking her arm back a bit, though whether that was in preparation to grab Kisei or signal for the rest to pause was debatable. Elly stared at the girl as if she were an enigma, which she was by any margin. Soul Suppression or not, she should've seen it coming. Even those weapons that were with Ao she was able to see once they got within proximity.

Elly could not discern any hostile intent from the girl, though she wasn't sure how much she could trust that. Nonetheless, she feigned a polite smile before strolling a bit toward the "doggies".

"Ahaha... These doggies don't much like to be pet—Well, one at least," She said, placing hand briefly on Wren's shoulder as well as Dante's. 'See if you can smell anyone else. There was someone else, but they vanished. Dante, tell Sara.'

Speaking internally in the same way she had to Dante on the train, she would have whispered to Sara, but Elly could tell that the adult woman was a bloodsucker, and their hearing may pick up on it. Removing her hands from the two, she approached the girl again before crouching down to be at eye level with her.
"You read futures of strange women in the forest with a bodyguard in tow? That seems rather dangerous, doesn't it?"

RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul The Regal Rper The Regal Rper Haze- Haze- Pumpkid Pumpkid




Species Death Golem
Partner Eloise Keegan
Rank Two-Star

Location The derelict Mansion, Liberec Region, Czech Republic
Mission The Missing of the Giant Mountains
Status Hyper-focused


Kisei did not waste time contemplating if it was appropriate to transform nor did he question the methods by which figures would just suddenly appear. As a Hoshi, he knew plenty of ways to at least briefly make a soul effectively disappear. Only under intense scrutiny, such as Elly or someone of similar skill intently scanning the area, would these methods fail. The other options were either feats of speeds, displacement, or some murky magic. It was doubtful anyone here could just bend space to their will and while there were forms of magic that avoided perception, they often had patterns to them.

In general, the methods Kisei knew of only worked once or became infinitely less effective the more they were seen. In either case, these girls were idiots for giving up the element of surprise.

He did not ask permission nor give instruction when he transformed. Instead, he took the form of his dual sickles and inserted himself into each hand of his partner.

Then and only then did he begin communication. This was the advantage of a weapon. He could speak to the others via their comms in a way Elly could not without it being overheard.

"Transform and be on guard. Assume combat at all times - from any angle," Kisei instructed, flatly dolling out commands to his fellow weapons. It did not cease.

'Elly, fixate on those two soul signatures. Now that they've revealed them, they can't just hide them again. But, assume they could also be decoys. Point is, whether it's magic or bloodsucker bullshit, we need to make it tougher to happen again,' Kisei said, providing instructions to his partner. Team leader or not, Kisei had no qualms making sure Elly utilized her skills to their maximum efficacy. He had far more experience in the field and could communicate with the others far easier. Besides that, it wasn't exactly rocket science to piece together that they ought to be tracking those souls.

"Sara, Dante, I suggest you focus on countering any magic thrown at us. With Dante in hand, you'll be more resistant to nearly any magical effect, Sara. It will be nothing like wielding Suzu or Eva," Kisei told them, reminding them of the natural advantage they had even if they were not cleaving spells in twain.

"Elly and I should focus on the undead targets. Which means Zosar and Wren, you need should be ready to assist either Sara or Elly when the need arises. You are still are hardest hitter," he told them, rounding out the instructions to create an actual composition for the team.

At the presence of an undead soul, the blade of either sickle Kisei had began to glow. It was bright, almost irradiated green. Not quite a lime as it was too vibrant, but close enough to the citrus color. It did little for Elly, but it was something quite vile to those undead around. His blades were the bane of those souls meant for the afterlife, clinging to corpses. His blades were the scissors that cut the threads holding the dead in place. His blades were meant to cull those that fought it so fervently. It made the Bloodsuckers his natural prey. That was the nauseating feeling any undead felt in the presence of his cold steel.

GM Note: I am aware Kisei and Elly are giving different orders in slightly different ways. This is something you will have to adapt to. Kisei had no way of knowing what Elly told any Demon Weapon. He used instead used their earbuds. There is no right answer here, just a situation to play out. ;)


Zosar | Czech Republic

The trip to the mines would certainly be an experience Zosar would be telling Adrian and Dani about. Adrian in particular he would imagine, might have a bit of a laugh at Zosar informing the latter of the strange song the Gnomes had been humming- to which he may have asked for a bit of a translation given the language was nothing he knew or personally understood from his general understanding of linguistics. As physically tiring as it might have been for Wren, Sara or Dante, Zosar did actually keep to his word and do as much as he would have been allowed, and with his surplus wavelength to his advantage most tasks that might have been difficult for one of the others or difficult for two were not much of a problem once he released the gates.

Making himself useful here wasn't so much out of any sense of chivalry, because that ideology concept was dumb anyway in his mind, but out of the fact he knew if they were too tired here from half an hour of hard labor- then they would be a bit strained when they got to their location. Not to mention, if he ever was around here again, he would have some friends to visit too.

Overall when their time was up, Zosar was simply pleased to have had the experience. Any actual annoyance he had with Kisei, was gone.

And with the return to the trail he quickly returned his attention to their primary objective.

Again the necessary details to truly understand Baroness’ history was not something they had. Based off surroundings alone, while he didn't have the reach Elly had, he had enough outside field experience to see quite plainly that the Baroness and whoever these two were linked to, had some sort of dealings going on. Whatever that means.

The Baroness did have a history of connections even if those connections never amounted to any source or credible evidence.

What really bothered him though was the person observing them from afar. That did not seem normal, in fact none of this did and the most obvious was how they were being openly observed. The silhouette watching them was like the shadow that stood in an open field, illuminated by moonlight. The French window pane of the morning provided just enough glare that discerning the form or figure was difficult.

He didn't like this. Even more, was the sudden appearance of the girl- Witch.

This couldn't be some sort of odd ploy, If this was a trick, it was a poor one and it was likely they knew that but in his experience of overconfident enemies- they usually were blatantly clear about it. The lack of attack made this all the more clearer and the fact he could not sense any immediate malicious intent, aside from the…attractive looking Mecha bloodsucker, was a clear sign that one of two had no immediate plans to attack.

Something wasn't right here.

This all felt too much like a trap. They had the advantage of course and he knew that, Sara with anti magic Dante though a novice would be a huge help in this fight, as Kisei said, the undead were not going to be a problem with Kisei and Elly, and heavy hitters could deal with him-- if the female bloodsucker in front of them wasn't an idiot- and with how she watches all of them, he could assume she wasn't- it was pretty clear who had the upper hand here if a fight did break out.

His eyes roamed the area and then fell back to the interaction Elly was having with the girl. Elly hadn't reacted in any way that said he needed to keep his attention on their back. Sara and Wren's combined hearing advantages would pick up any movement also, or at least Sara would first and Wren would second.

Kisei's instructions for Weapons to change wasn't something he heard but Zosar already had his hand subtly signaling Wren to change and get in his hand.

He didn't respond to what Kisei said over comms, no point to it.While the guard kept her thinly veiled airs out, Zosar decided for the moment to watch how this played out.

Deciding to keep his eyes more focused on the surroundings than worrying about the bloodsucker and witch, once Wren did change, if he even had the time, he kept her down. Non aggressive, relaxed even..

Even as he kept his eyes moving, he still felt odd about this.

It didn't help that there was a nagging part of his mind that wanted to take another look at the cyberpunk swords woman. Oogling however had its own time and place.

A thought that wouldn't have made it to Wren when Link was established, but certainly given his present alert and slightly distracted state, made it clear to her that Zosar was trying to stay focused.

Mentions: RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun EmperorsChosen EmperorsChosen Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul Merciless Medic Merciless Medic Pumpkid Pumpkid Haze- Haze-

Interactions: n/a

Železný Brod; Czech Republic

It was a tragedy.

One of their werewolves had caught an earworm down there. That, or one of the gnomes had transplanted their brains into her skull.

Wren hadn’t stopped whistling and humming the stone keeper’s tune since the moment she set foot out of the mines, even muttering the lyrics in the same cadence and clinking a claw on the metal zipper of her backpack; as if she could still hear the rhythmic clank and swing of pickaxes against ore.

What she had expected to be an annoyingly long, awful experience, turned into the most pleasant half-hour of her life. Listening to that old man, Tryvge, speak in his choppy english was akin to sitting down in the park and lending an ear to the random geriatric that took a place in your bench. It was…calming. Relaxing, in some way she couldn’t wrap her head around.

As eccentric as the mountain gnomes were, they were just townsfolk with simple lives— honest work. Hundreds of siblings picking up after each other. Wren envied that togetherness in a sense.

She almost wanted to offer herself as sacrifice and allow the gnomes to borrow her a couple hours longer to wrap up the job at the mines. See if they hung up the pickaxes, took off their pointy little hats, and strolled over to a miniature tavern for some drinks. Wondering if she could squeeze her giant self in there and start a bar fight with them.

Sadly, work is first.

And she was spacing out while at the clock — “Hm?” — Wren lurched mid-step, froze, ears flicking around and tail swatting in one long arc. She straightened up with a scowl and a wrinkled nose when the foul smell caught up to her.

The catchy tune of the gnomes had completely stopped, her pupils narrowed to a slit at the sight of the two in front of them. One, the girl, had a tangy scent she could only pin as ‘expensive’. Pretentious. The only other person she knew had that exact same tang of avant garde in her smell, was their local socialite. Maria.

A witch then?

With the other one— her bodyguard? — it wasn’t even a smell. It was the stench of something rotten, left out in the sun — WE will have to kindly refuse, madam. Sorry.” — Wren gave the witch a tight grin at the prospect of being ‘pet’ by her, leaning in to prop an elbow on Sara’s shoulder. Her head slightly lolled to the side in acknowledgement when Elly stablished the link.

The amiable, PR expression she was donning started melting off the moment she paused to sniff out even more things rotting somewhere inside the mansion. She dropped it entirely when Kisei transformed. Shoulders slumped, looking off to the side, the wereweapon sighed— reaching out her hand to Zosar’s as light enveloped her.

The reason for her apparent reluctance, and less than ceremonial transformation, became abundantly clear the moment resonance started and the chainsaw roared its first revolution in Zosar’s hand. It came in a flash, a chilling sensation raking up their spine until it splayed cold fingers in the back of their necks. A howling, cold wind. Madness hung heavy in the air that seeped into their lungs, for a fleeting second.

The chainblade rattled loose for a bit, before simmering down to slow spins. Her calm seal was still an active thing she had to pull her focus into, still had to visualize an empty blackness and the scented candles from the Hoshi estate before her soul split from her mind. The kickstart was a headache at first.

“I’m not quite sure yet, but I think there’s atleast…three more? Somewhere around us, hiding inside the mansion— not a clue, honestly.” — Wren spoke up through the comms, mostly at Elly. The seal, still, making her sound extra disinterested and bored — “I’m not 100% on that. Sara’s nose might give a more accurate answer.”

After a while of focused silence, glaring holes into the bodyguard’s hands, looking for movement— after a quick once-over— Wren sighed, realization stretching across their link. She didn’t have to read Zosar’s mind to know what was going on up there at this point, she could just take a guess at what got his neurons flaring.

50/50 on whether or not it was accurate — ‘Just get it outta yer’ system already…’ — She told Zosar, not necessarily clarifying on what exactly she was talking about.

'That makes it sound weird actually...Keep it in your...Don't get it ou...—Y'know what I mean.'

RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun The Regal Rper The Regal Rper Merciless Medic Merciless Medic Pumpkid Pumpkid Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul
Last edited:
Wes Kraven - Headshot.jpg
Wes Kraven
Streets of New York, New York
September 26th

Mentions: RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun EmperorsChosen EmperorsChosen Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul

Wes listened as the masked mercenary introduced himself, before bringing up the question of why their group was sent in the first place. Honestly, Wes couldn’t fault the man for asking, especially considering that the combined efforts from the church, the academy, and the U.S. military had amounted to them just containing the creature to the water.

Sure, if everyone present was at a three star level he would say that they maybe had a chance. But at least in Wes’s case, he knew for a fact that he wasn’t anywhere near that level as he was now. He couldn’t even do anything when that blue haired priest had moved, and he was around the strength of a three star when he was getting an amp from his followers.

“Hey, hey. I’m not saying we just sit back and do nothing.” Wes held his hands up defensively, more to ward off the deadly glare than to refute Feng’s words. He wasn’t just going to laze around and do nothing, but he also wasn’t feeling too confident taking on a building sized monster that, by all accounts, has been shrugging off their attacks like they were flies all day. “Just that, end of the day, so long as the Kaiju is dead our mission is done. So why not let the church soften it up?”

Even after Nadia’s explanation of the political games being played by their respective organization, Wes still thought it wasn’t a big deal who killed the beast at the end of the day. Sure, he could understand the optics of one side being able to claim their superiority over the other during the crisis, but so what?

If the church killed the kaiju, just pivot and highlight that the DWMA’s agents were providing aid and seeking to evacuate civilians while the church engaged the beast. And, if their group did somehow manage to take it down instead, parade that fact around while also acknowledging the church’s efforts with helping with relief efforts. So long as they didn’t try and act like spiteful children who needed to always be in the spotlight, they could come out of this with at least some good will.

And speaking of, the man Adrian introduced as Blue Steel had dropped the cases he was carrying, opening them to reveal water, nuts, and what looked like stale bread, or maybe some sort of biscuit. Not exactly what he’d be chomping at the bit to make a meal out of, but then again he had the luxury of bringing his own food. He doubted most of the people who were forced to evacuate would have thought to bring the contents of their fridge with them.

Sighing, he sat up from the ground and walked over to the open case, grabbing two of the waters and stuffing them into the inside pockets of his sweatshirt. Three packets of nuts soon followed, as well as one of the slabs of hard-tack, although he doubted that anyone would be happy to receive it. It was as hard as a rock, and it probably would taste just as good as one.

Still, if they weren’t going to be engaging with the kaiju directly, the least he could do was undertake the arduous task of lugging around what was essentially a trail snack at best, just in case they did find anyone who didn’t already evacuate. Zipping up his hoodie to prevent the supplies from falling out, he turned to the group.

“Worst case scenario, we could just focus on trying to rescue anyone who couldn’t evac.”
That was, if there was anyone still left in the evacuation zone. The priest had mentioned something about some people taking advantage of the chaos to go on a crime spree. Sure, they didn’t have the numbers that the church probably had, but if they were just dealing with run of the mill criminals he doubted that they’d be much trouble.

Dante Holiday
Location: The derelict Mansion - Liberec Region - Czech Republic

: Sara Merciless Medic Merciless Medic / Mentions: Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun Haze- Haze- The Regal Rper The Regal Rper EmperorsChosen EmperorsChosen

Throughout the duration of working in the mines, Dante stayed unusually quiet. He listened to the sounds of pickaxes and Trygve shared information about his people and their way of life. It was interesting how small creatures can live their simple lives. One thought crossed his mind. Was it hard for them to deal with the outside knowing there are larger enemies that could easily take them down? Perhaps their magic is what keeps them alive and keeping to a routine. Still, it was quite a welcoming learning experience, enough to cheer him up.

Being productive helped him forget why he shut down in the first place. He did his part to help and obediently followed orders. If anyone noticed, they probably were either relieved or shocked. It was a side of Dante that could be if he were cooperative and capable in missions. He played nice for the moment, more invested in the Gnomes.

Once it was over and done with, Dante couldn't help but want to stay even for a little while. Alas, he had a job to do and that led the group to some eerie mansion full of mazes and everything you would find that shouts:


Dante has definitely seen this before. This is something straight out of a horror movie. He knows damn well no one should go near the mansion or fear the consequences, but this wasn't a movie and the reality of his job requires him to deal with danger so really he had no choice in the matter. ”We're all gonna die here.” He concluded with a straight face. Nothing or no one will convince him otherwise. If they didn't get out of the area soon something creepy is going to-

”Oh My, what lovely doggy people. Can I pet you?”

Too Late. There it was, a child appeared out of nowhere. How adorable. They wanted to touch the werewolves. Too bad they won't let themselves. He would gladly do so if only to play along. Children, one of Dante’s weaknesses. If the kid was a witch of some sort and an enemy he wouldn't be able to fight her. It goes against his morals. Sure desperate times call for desperate measures but he isn't going to risk his principle. It would eat him up. She wasn't alone. There was a bloodsucker with her. She seemed protective of the little one. Honestly he would be too. He takes a step back only for Elly to step in and form a link between him and Wren. A message for him to relay to Sara. Ugh! He wished for her to stop touching him.

Nope! He now had to volunteer to touch his partner. Dante scrunches his nose at this. He slowly pokes Sara against her cheek to form a link. 'This is gross, but um…the demon lady wants you to scout the area and see if you can find any big baddies or suspicious activity. Apparently she sensed a soul but it vanished. So hop to it doggie.' Dante pulls out his hand sanitizer and cleans his hands even if it was his index finger.

Suddenly, everyone transformed after Kisei informed the group of their objective. This did not make any sense. Who was he supposed to listen to? Elly gave different instructions while Kisei was being too cautious. Nothing has happened and he was certain these people meant no harm...yet. If anything, they were theat. Should they make any sudden movements, it might cause trouble for the child and the bloodsucker to react.

As always, Dante refused to listen to Kisei and waited for something to happen.

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Shoreline south of the Steel Pier, Atlantic City, New Jersey
Trio Post into GM Post


1224 | September 26th, 2067

As the chaos of the battlefield continued to grow, so did the frustration of Gauss. Frustration so palpable that it bled into Noah and Arkayis, dim as his connection with the latter may have been. The realization hit him that in terms of a top-down battlefield commander, he was put in an exceptionally poor position. The fact of the matter was, the majority of this current team were those that utilized magic. Various different forms of magic, at that. He might have been a well-learned man, but he was not such a genius that he had an absurd wealth of knowledge on so many vast subjects.

How could he command a group with abilities he knew so little about?

Chanterelle was a Witch that controlled plants and mushrooms with a toxic biology, but none of that made sense. Plants and fungi were two wildly separate biological life forms. In truth, mushrooms were closer to animals than plants. Yet, from his discussions with her, her theme was decay? Her elements were nature and healing, but the opposite of normal healing. The fuck did that even mean? He recalled how poorly he understood it the first time he heard it, but now on the battlefield, it was infuriating.

Raphael used chains. That was a whole different nutshell Gauss had to wrap his head around. It essentially meant the man used the laws of physics and leverage for the majority of his spells. Except it came with a twist, he had this vague ability to suppress anything he captured–to varying degrees. He seemed like the type of agent to be either absurdly useful or completely useless with no in between.

Maria could fucking fly, make and control dolls, use various spells on command, and seemed to command the wind as if it came natural. Her only limitation just seemed to be that she didn’t have more hands to work with.

Ark blurred the line between Witch and Sorcerer with Demon Tools and augmenting certain spells from his grimoire. He controlled the earth, could spit fire, sense people around him, had some weird Gem Gauss couldn’t even figure out.

The short end of it all was that each of these fuckers were different. Some of them had diversity, some of them were specialized, some of them were learned, some of them used their intuition. What the absolute fuck was a man like Gauss supposed to do in terms of leading them.

Worse, what the fuck was Gauss supposed to do in terms of interacting with them on the battlefield. Chanterelle said her spores essentially would conduct electricity. She called it natural lightning, but it didn’t matter; it was nothing but an intense flow of electrons one way or another. Perhaps if it were lightning magic, it would be different, but fundamentally, if Chant could help conduct the electricity of Noah, that would allow her to guide it instead of him which would allow them to focus more on output of raw power.

That could be useful. But, then, was it truly the best use of resources? Did Chant have a trick up her arsenal that could alone do more than just helping out Noah?

Beyond that, setting her plant constructs on fire seemed downright stupid in the current context. It had merit, but not at the moment.

There was no clear correct answer here even if there was some type of leaning toward the burst of lightning. Gauss was trying to formulate the best course of action and before he could, new enemies impregnated the battlefield. The mudskippers were weird but benign, but the weird ass monkey fish were a problem for everything. Unlike the others, Gauss could see the influx of spiritual energy pouring in. Waves and waves of magical creatures were still coming and Gauss couldn’t make heads or tails of it.

Four magic users and not a fucking one of them utilized water–what bullshit was this.

The saving grace was that the group also seemed fairly self-reliant. Gauss didn’t need to micromanage them. At least not yet. He questioned the decision to put him in control of this team at all, but perhaps he was only there to make sure they had a social barrier. Perhaps he was less their leader and more their face.

In truth, they would only be useless if he allowed them to be. Gauss could be frustrated and productive simultaneously. He began pouring his wavelength into Noah to resonate, but did not quite yet begin spinning the Demon Weapon. Instead, he took a brief moment to withdraw a thick, metallic rectangle that ran up the side of his back; part of the new equipment he was receiving from Thaltek. When activated, blue lines of mana ran through it and it unfolded, generating its own magnetic field with the use of runes. It was simply a magnetized disc, but in the hands of Gauss, it was a means of transportation not unlike the broom Maria used.

Though, it was slower and less agile.

Still, Gauss could use it well enough to begin floating up and over the battlefield, only then beginning to spin Noah at his finger’s tip. Meanwhile, he held out Arkayis in the direction of the ocean, specifically near the barrier Ark had created.

’Noah, we will give Chanterelle her lightning,’ Gauss told him, ’and, Arkayis, you shall pour your rage into the ocean. You and I will not resonate, but I can’t imagine you would want to allow a few mages to outdo you in what you do best: burn.”

With his internal instructions given, Gauss then directed his simple verbal response back to Chanterelle: ”Give our lightning a path to fry those fuckers and we shall give you a current worth doing so.”

Arkayis was dead quiet, as his motivation was dead low right now and the words of Gauss trying to appeal to his sense of pride wasn’t exactly effective as that wasn’t exactly a motivating factor for him. His flames weren’t as powerful as they typically were, their usual blue color now looked orange and it seemed clear that his flames weren’t as strong as they used to be but they were still somewhat effective at the very least.

Noah hummed, establishing that resonance and crackling with electricity as he began to spin. ‘On it.’ He could feel Gauss’s frustrations, but there wasn’t much he could do. He loathed using his healing wavelength to ease tensions and make someone less upset because - sometimes being upset helped process information better or helped get over the current situation. Still, it could be helpful, so he added: ‘If you need a shot of my wavelength, let me know.’

’I’d rather not come to rely on it,’ Gauss replied, his tone coming across somewhat cold due to his blunted answer. In all reality, he simply meant that he didn’t want to use a crutch for self-control. He had a history with plenty of illicit substances and saw the damage that reliance could result in. He had no qualms with recreational use, but coming to rely on anything that altered his mental state just seemed like a bad idea.

It’s not as if the trio had gotten coked up before each mission despite the obvious benefits that had.

What followed was a fairly perfect execution of the plan. Gauss hovered in the air on his magnetic diskus holding each of his partners out to one side. It required some amount of focus, but it wasn’t terribly draining. Arkayis, for better or worse, wasn’t shooting his hottest of flames. Upset though he may be, the weaker fire was easier to control and required far less stamina for both himself and Gauss. In fact, Arkayis could effectively control it independently.

The water was in fact beginning to steam through the combined efforts of Arkayis, Raphael, and Ark.

Meanwhile, Gauss and Noah had become so in tune that shooting a simple bolt of lightning via resonance was an easy task. In the six months since they failed to do so in the tournament–ironically featuring Maria and Chanterelle as opponents–Gauss had come far enough that mountaintop achievements were now the norm. The same could be said for Noah. Using Resonance to create lightning so reliably was something thus far unique to his partnership with Gauss.

Noah spun and spun as he always would until enough raw power in the form of flowing electrons had been generated that it could be released as an independent bolt of raw electricity. Noah could guide it spiritually, but that would defeat the point. Chanterelle was to direct it with her spores how she saw fit. If she could in fact conduct it like a network of wires, then Gauss and Noah could effectively keep pouring power into what might end up a lightning cage–or whatever else Chanterelle could come up with.

The following moments...

There existed an animal instinct. A moment when the body for some reason knew something was wrong, but their conscious, logical mind could not explain what it was that was wrong. In the wild, this might be a predator in the lurk. Between the five senses, it would feel like a sixth, but in truth it was simply good intuition piecing together the stimulus that the waking mind was not alert to. That was the best description of the primal sensations that would come to Chanterelle after she found that she could, in fact, use her spores to guide the lightning that Noah had so generously provided.

Something was wrong.

"Priority Alert: All Agents within the Atlantic County area, please redirect to the boardwalk and shoreline near the Steel Pier. The area is being attacked by various creatures of aquatic origins for unknown reasons. Prioritize the preservation of life. Protecting property, assessing the creatures, and eliminating the threats are all secondary. Listen for further updates."

It was impossible to miss the alert. It compounded the feeling of impending doom or danger that Chanterelle felt. As the primal urge hit her, she became more acutely aware of her surroundings. Specifically, the creatures. The Albatrosses had all but left, either in part due to also feeling the danger or just the difficulty of dealing with Maria. The flying fish were nothing. A force of undirected chaos. The mudskippers were just forces of hunger. But, the odd monkeys... they were different. They felt connected. Something about them that her instincts couldn't explain in a rationale way made it feel like something within them was a part of her magic. Unfortunately, she was too far away from any one of them to act on it.

Worse was that in the water, still dozens of feet from the actual tides on the shore, was something drawing nearer and nearer that flared up her mana as if an alley cat turned a corner to see a junkyard dog. Something that would turn hair into bristle as it stood on end.

This feeling stopped being exclusive to her. Magic was in fact afoot. Each of the other sorcerers could sense and perceive mana, even that of a magical creature. What they felt now was something incoming that was terrifying force. It was nowhere near the power of the white spider queen they met on Dall Island, but it was still leagues beyond the intelligent white spiders they found and of course their own pets.

It began to make all too much sense, actually. The water was steaming, yet the monkey-fish still swarmed out of it enraged. Their fur was singed, some with burns that showed no concern for them. Some even had no issues running through the flames of Arkayis directly. It seemed at first that they were fighting en masse as a true troop of baboons might have, but that situation had changed. No creature was so aggressive that it would run like this to assured death. Maria could carve through them aplenty and in fact did, but they had no fear. It should have been there, but it seemed they lacked the capacity. The shores only grew more and more filled with the bodies of decimated monkey-fish. The mudskippers simply stopped appearing on shore, themselves unlike the monkey-fish unwilling to be killed for the sake of a meal. The flying fish were finally trying to retreat to the ocean, but now the water had been superheated and they had to contend with the flock of monkey-fish impeded them. The swarm had dissolved into several lesser clouds all trying to escape to a cooler portion of the ocean.

On top of all of this, a new, rank odor came in from the waves. Made worse by the air that was stilled.

This was the status quo of the battlefield for some time. It was not a large task for the group to kill their foes relatively safely. None could reach Maria or Gauss. Maria could have used a dozen spells in her arsenal to chop them down or had her dolls do it for her. She was spoiled for choice. Lest Ark wanted to forfeit their combined efforts to keep the water superheated, he was more so held in place. Raphael could help in a handful of ways or simply try to keep Chanterelle safe, but Chanterelle hardly needed help. She would find herself commanding the lightning generated by Noah through her spores with ease, giving her a level of not just battlefield control but outright lethality to virtually everything around her.

It wasn't until the monkey fish grew larger and larger in number of waves that true concern might spike. What they lacked in vitality or speed, they now made up for in number by far. Reason being, the newest waves of them appeared half rotted. As if they were, in fact, already dead. The other set of them must have been the healthier ones as this set in their raw number were water-logged and decrepit. The fire was dangerous to them, sure, but it would have to burn through the all the water that filled their bloated bodies. The electricity that was so dangerous before now did far less. It could burn and singe them, but it did not cause them to stop or yield.

New threats were encroaching in the water and old threats had already drastically changed. Tactics that kept their foes at bay just moments ago were no longer sufficient. The plan needed to change.

GM Note: I am implying a passage of time here. This is again a situation where each character will have the opportunity to respond to both the environmental threats and the dynamics setup by their teammates. You may use a simple approach or a complicated one, but for the casters, this is a chance to paint the battlefield as a massacre before we get into the more linear combat.​

RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun Merciless Medic Merciless Medic Meredith Meredith The Regal Rper The Regal Rper Peckinou Peckinou



Blue Steel

Species Bloodsucker (Concealed)
Partner N/A
Rank Three-Star

Location North of JFK Airport, NYC, New York
Mission Colossal Combat
Status Focused


"I am not necessarily surprised, but it is somewhat rare," he replied, remaining calm after the exposition provided by Nadia.

"The DWMA conditions most of its agents - especially those that join as children - to believe that most mercenaries are either those that could not make it as agents of the DWMA or that we value money over ethics," he went on to explain, "but, there are countless gray areas in between. The DWMA would have the world believe that it accepts all members of all races, but racism is still rampant. The DWMA would have you believe that anyone that opposes them are villains to mankind when it may factually be a more reasonable disagreement of ideology."

He sneered, or half-sneered given his face was mostly covered by a mask. Either way, his eyes revealed the bit of spite in them. "In that way, the DWMA and the church aren't that different from my perspective," he admitted.

"We should not linger on such thoughts," he then added.

"No force has made any real headway in damaging the creature. Last report I received, the most that had been done was with artillery breaking off a spine from the back of the creature," he told them, "meaning whatever flaming tail thing it is you have, I wager the DWMA is just another gimmick the DWMA is testing."

"If you have a goal of poisoning it via its blood, you may be interested in joining the attempt of my group. I am sure it is no secret we are a band of Bloodsuckers, but if that is not objectionable, then you are more than welcome to come. Our goal isn't exactly to work on relationships with the DWMA or church, but mostly to show people we aren't all the demons we're made out to be. That, and the reward is good," he offered, presenting at least one option regarding Nadia and Dani.

"I also know of where a group of DWMA Agents are. I believe some are even in the same program as you. If you would prefer, I can give you their direction," he said, providing a completely different offer. "Or, if you would like to split your party, I can escort you to and fro. I would not suggest wandering in small numbers," he told them.


Sara MiddletonTexas scratching head.jpg
Date: September 27, 2067
Location: Village of the Mountain Gnomes > Derelict Mansion, Liberec Region, Czech Republic
Interactions: Dante, Elly, Kisei, Zosar, Wren
Mentions: N/A
Pumpkid Pumpkid EmperorsChosen EmperorsChosen Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul The Regal Rper The Regal Rper Haze- Haze- RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun

The Gnomes were cute, and she learned quite quickly through the words of Trygve that Gnomes were indeed Fae. He hadn’t heard much of what a Fae was, so she was going to have to do some research once they got back. Hearing about their people made her realize just how similar they were to the honest-working people of her werewolf clan. Working wasn’t too hard either. A good pace she set for herself - which was rather a bit much given her slightly greater than average physical ability - and she was able to get a good warm-up workout in before they had to do another hurried hike through the woods.

Once they got there, her nose and ears looking for anything, a little girl appeared, with a mecha-Bloodsucker appearing behind her soon after. She caught the scent of a few Bloodsuckers in the area, but her ears barely caught on to anything else nearby.

When the girl asked, Sara chuckled heartwarmingly. Aww, she was just so cute…

“Maybe later when I’m not in the middle of work.” She said amicably, a stark contrast to the voices of Elly and Wren. She could tell the girl was quite young and didn’t know social cues or likely wasn’t taught much in the way of social etiquette. Then again, she had heard that young mages were kept away from some aspects of society, so it made sense.

What didn’t make sense was why they were all here near the mansion. Was this their home?

The Bloodsucker could smell they had killed people before, and Sara furrowed her brow in confusion.

She felt a poke on her cheek, Dante relaying her the message Elly wanted to tell her, and then she heard Kisei on the comms. She sighed.

She agreed with Dante on this one, her exasperated sigh was a key sign she was having to choose between two people. As much as she respected Kisei, she was going to for what Elly did, her gaze casted at Wren and Kisei due to them transforming. Well, if things weren’t going to escalate, it now was going to escalate.

Kisei’s other ideas were put on hold until there was an actual threat. She instead focused on her hearing and her nose, softly breathing in deeply at random intervals as if trying to get enough air to breathe. Her eyes were set on the Bloodsucker behind the Witch, gaze curious. But due to Elly talking to the Witch and given the hostile and protective nature of the Bloodsucker, any word she could say could prove an issue and could escalate a situation unintentionally.

So, she stayed silent, but readied herself just in case. Her body stood just slightly in front of Dante’s, a prime position to get him into his weapon form and go on the offensive if something indeed does escalate. But she didn’t pass any aggression towards the girl, unlike Zosar, Wren, and Kisei.


Raphael ValeriasChara3.jpg
Date: September 26, 2067
Location: Steel Pier, Atlantic City, New Jersey
Interactions: Ark, Maria, Chanterelle, Gauss, Arkayis, Noah
Mentions: N/A
The Regal Rper The Regal Rper RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun Meredith Meredith Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul Peckinou Peckinou

Raphael smiled as Ark made a whirling pit of sand to keep them from moving, only to warm not only the swirling sand, but the sand also bounced back this heat, effectively making a furnace and warming up the sand underneath and therefore the water.

With the added help of Raphael slamming down his Magic Circle of now glowing hot chains to grab at the apefish and warm up the water - steam rising as water boiled - things got hot.

Unfortunately, things never moved so smoothly for long.

Something made Raphael’s hairs on the back of his neck bristle, the presence of a magical entity getting closer. Then, apefish appeared, but they already looked dead.

Flashbacks to Los Angeles and the empowerment hit him hard, and he had to do what he did before. He heard the warning, they knew they should preserve life, but something in him itched. To preserve life, destroy the threat.

Was it his own rationale’s words or that of his Pull?

It didn’t matter, he needed to create a wall. The dead were now slow and sluggish, but they probably still had the sheer strength of these ape-fish and there were more of them. The rank smell had him curling his nose.

The flames didn’t stop the apefish. He called on comms as he crouched and put his fingers on the ground, a Magic Circle appearing in front of him, not exactly sure what he was saying or what meaning it held, but he hoped it went through. “Ark, cover me. Guys, these are undead ape-fish. Whatever magical monster is in the water is reanimating them. While they are likely slower and sluggish, they are probably much stronger. It’d be best if we could obliterate them to dust to prevent reanimations. I’ll hold them to give us more time.” Magic Circles chained to create a nice wall of chained circles - just like he did in Los Angeles.

Chains sprouted from each circle, quickly grabbing and suppressing the apefish. Even if the apefish were to die (again), the chains would still be wrapped around them, intent on creating a wall of dead apefish to keep these things from getting through. If they climbed up the wall and jumped, Maria could blast them away with her wind if she wanted to.

The Missing of the Giant Mountains
Investigative Mission
Date: 09/27/67
Location: The Derelict Mansion - Liberec Region - Czech Republic

With a duo arming themselves and Kisei forcing himself into Elly's hands, whatever sort of parlay the girl had intended, it was well and truly over as the bloodsucker moved between the pair, speaking quickly. "Do it! Now!" She had been against this idea from the start, but the lady had wanted to attempt a new future, as she had termed it. There was no telling what the young witch intended or wanted, but she had a job to do, and that was delaying them just long enough... Fortunately, one pair of them didn't take up the order, had that weapon issued it? It was all so strange, there was no verbal communication, but the current actions were different than the Meister and likely leader expressed. Either she was a liar, or she had no control.

The Witch didn't seem keen to argue the finer points of the matter, or to do or say anything at all, a look of disappointment was all that flashed across her face, as well as a hint of fear or worry in her soul, that likely only Elly would pick up on, and Sara's ability to smell emotions would pick it up as well. Raising her right hand quickly a portal of blue light flashed and enveloped the two as the bodyguard drew her sword, buying precious seconds as a blue light flashed on the 2nd floor out of the front facing window. It seemed that Kisei's instincts were not too far off, teleportation had been used and likely one with rules or limits governing its use. What ever be the case, the pair were instantly gone, returned to the Manor, too far for any but Elly, it seemed minus the Witch, the trio of Bloodsuckers were gathering on the ground level, plus the two monster souls. The third, or rather forth presence that was so difficult to pin down was suddenly gone from their senses in the local area.

For now, it seemed the Enemy was content to wait within the manor, this enemy either had great confidence, or something more was planned. Either way the witch remained up top and the three, possibly four bloodsuckers waited on the main floor with the two unknown monsters alongside them. Were they really that overconfident, or was some unknown timer ticking down now? A call for reinforcements? Either way, time was ticking, and the situation was left to Elly, barring her partner taking control of the situation again.

Interactions/Mentions: EmperorsChosen EmperorsChosen (Elly) Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul (Kisei) Merciless Medic Merciless Medic (Sara) Pumpkid Pumpkid (Dante) The Regal Rper The Regal Rper (Zosar) Haze- Haze- (Wren)[/scroll]
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Maria Mayer - Atlantic City - New Jersey

Pondering the new orders and information, Maria found the skies largely cleared for herself, but that the enemy still kept coming and something did not seem right. She could feel what they all could, well, the Meister and his weapons aside. Magic was moving them, not any will or instinct of their own. And, while she may have taken to wind magic well, more so the control of her dolls, she did have finite reserves, and flying was yet another strain and expenditure upon them. A battle of attrition is one they would lose and it seemed Raph understood this as well.

"I Concur." She said over comms, hearing what Raph had to say, before adding in a sharp, "However, whatever or whoever is causing this beneath the waves, we have no means of stopping, none of us on the team have an aquatic influence, I am the closest in sphere of elements, while two of our number are directly weak or counter to it. As to disintegrating the enemy, I am not sure we have the ability to do that on this scale at all."

Not much liking that, she would make her way towards the pier before offering up a few more token words. "If we can drive the creature from the depths to the surface, I, or any of us likely, can kill it. I may have a couple backups, but for now I shall work with Raph and Ark to push these things back as best as we can, till you have orders for us." She said of Gauss in all likelihood. Taking a hovering position, she seemed partly inclined to landing and fighting from the ground as she sent Alicia to bash her dual blades into a row of the undead monsters.

Interactions: Merciless Medic Merciless Medic (Raph-Noah) Meredith Meredith (Chanterelle) Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul (Gauss) Peckinou Peckinou (Arkayis) The Regal Rper The Regal Rper (Ark)

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